EXPORT_C void CBubbleCtrl::Popup(const TRect& aRect) { SetRect(aRect); if(iFreeze) { iShowing = ETrue; SetHidenFlag(EFalse); return; } if(!iShowing || aRect != Rect() || iNeedRedraw) { iShowing = ETrue; TRect rect = Rect(); SetRect(aRect); SetHidenFlag(EFalse); BringToTop(); //redraw the control under bubble control if(aRect != rect) RootControl()->ReDrawRect(rect); Draw(); rect.BoundingRect(aRect); UpdateAreaImmed(rect,ETrue); iNeedRedraw = EFalse; } }
void CHuiRasterizedTextMesh::ExpandRectWithShadow(TRect& aRect) const { if ( iVisual && iLines.Count() ) { CHuiDropShadow* shadowHandler = iVisual->DropShadowHandler(); if ( shadowHandler && shadowHandler->IsShadowVisible() && iLines[0].iTexture ) { const TInt requestedBlurredSize = HUI_ROUND_FLOAT_TO_INT( 2*shadowHandler->iRadius.Now() ); THuiTextureHandle shadow; // take the first line as an example TBool haveShadowTexture = iLines[0].iTexture->GetShadowTexture( shadow,requestedBlurredSize ); if ( haveShadowTexture ) { const TRect shadowRect = shadowHandler->ShadowDrawingTRect( aRect.iTl, aRect.Size(), shadow.Size(), *iVisual ); aRect.BoundingRect( shadowRect ); } } } }
inline const TRect BoundingRect(TRect aFirst, const TRect& aSecond) { aFirst.BoundingRect(aSecond); return aFirst; }