Exemple #1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	StartTracking
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//!	Called before tracking. The new control value is calculated so that the
//! slider thumb ends up centered on the mouse. This takes into account all
//! of the inset and size values, and also considers the background image
//! and thumb orientation compared to the slider orientation.
OSStatus TMeterControl::StartTracking(TCarbonEvent& inEvent, HIPoint& from)
    float pos;
    SInt32 mini, maxi;
    TRect bounds = Bounds();
    TRect thumbBounds = ScaledThumbBounds();
    SliderOrientation boundsOrientation = OrientationForRect(bounds);
    mini = GetMinimum();
    maxi = GetMaximum();
    mTotalDetentMoved = 0;
    // compute a thumb bounds oriented the same as the slider
    TRect orientedThumbBounds = thumbBounds;
    if (boundsOrientation != mImageOrientation)
        float temp = orientedThumbBounds.Width();
    float distance;
    if (boundsOrientation == TSliderControl::kHorizontalOrientation)
        distance = orientedThumbBounds.Width();
        pos = (from.x - bounds.Width()/2.0 - mTopInset + orientedThumbBounds.Width()/2.0) / distance;
        distance = orientedThumbBounds.Height();
        pos = 1.f - (from.y - bounds.Height()/2.0 - mTopInset + orientedThumbBounds.Height()/2.0) / distance;
    SInt32 curVal = GetValue();
    SInt32 val = SInt32(rint(mini+pos*(maxi-mini+1)));
    if ( val > maxi) val = maxi;
    if ( val < mini) val = mini;
    if (val != curVal) {
        SetValue ( val );
    return noErr;
void BrowserExtensionSymbian::createNewWindow(const ResourceRequest& request,
                                          const WindowArgs& winArgs,
                                          Frame** partResult)
    ASSERT(!winArgs.dialog || request.frameName.isEmpty());

    if (partResult)
        *partResult = NULL;

    const KURL& url = request.url();

    const String* frameName = request.frameName.isEmpty() ? NULL : &(request.frameName);
    if (frameName) {
        // FIXME: Can't we just use m_frame->findFrame?
        if (CWebCoreFrameBridge* frameBridge = m_frame->bridge()->FindFrameNamed(frameName->des()) )
            if (!url.isEmpty())
                String argsReferrer = request.referrer();
                String referrer;
                if (!argsReferrer.isEmpty())
                    referrer = argsReferrer;
                    referrer = frameBridge->Referrer();
                frameBridge->Callback().LoadURL( url.des(), referrer.des(), request.reload, ETrue, request.frameName, EEventNull );


            if (partResult)
                *partResult = frameBridge->impl();


    CWebCorePageBridge *pageBridge;
    if (winArgs.dialog)
        pageBridge = m_frame->bridge()->Callback().createModalDialogWithURL( url.des() );
        pageBridge = m_frame->bridge()->Callback().createWindowWithURL( url.des(), request.frameName, ETrue );
    if (!pageBridge)

    CWebCoreFrameBridge *frameBridge = pageBridge->mainFrame();
    if ( frameBridge->impl() )

    if (partResult)
        *partResult = frameBridge->impl();

    frameBridge->Callback().setToolbarsVisible( winArgs.toolBarVisible || winArgs.locationBarVisible );
    frameBridge->Callback().setStatusbarVisible( winArgs.statusBarVisible );
    frameBridge->Callback().setScrollbarsVisible( winArgs.scrollbarsVisible );
    frameBridge->Callback().setWindowIsResizable( winArgs.resizable );

    TRect windowRect = pageBridge->impl()->windowRect().rect();
    if (winArgs.xSet)
      windowRect.iTl.iX = winArgs.x;
    if (winArgs.ySet)
      windowRect.iTl.iY = winArgs.y;

    // 'width' and 'height' specify the dimensions of the WebView, but we can only resize the window,
    // so we compute a WebView delta and apply it to the window.
    TRect webViewRect = pageBridge->callback().outerView()->rect();
    if (winArgs.widthSet)
      windowRect.SetWidth( windowRect.Width() + winArgs.width - webViewRect.Width() );
    if (winArgs.heightSet)
      windowRect.SetHeight( windowRect.Height() + winArgs.height - webViewRect.Height() );


EXPORT_C TBool CEikScrollBarFrame::TileL(TEikScrollBarModel* aHModel, TEikScrollBarModel* aVModel,
			  TRect& aClientRect, TRect& aInclusiveRect, const TEikScrollBarFrameLayout& aLayout)
	TRect tempRect(aClientRect);
	if(aClientRect.Height() < 0 )
	    aClientRect.iTl.iY = aClientRect.iBr.iY;
	    aClientRect.iBr.iY = tempRect.iTl.iY;
	if(aClientRect.Width() < 0 )
        aClientRect.iTl.iX = aClientRect.iBr.iX;
        aClientRect.iBr.iX = tempRect.iTl.iX;
	tempRect = aInclusiveRect;
	if(aInclusiveRect.Height() < 0 )
        aInclusiveRect.iTl.iY = aInclusiveRect.iBr.iY;
        aInclusiveRect.iBr.iY = tempRect.iTl.iY;
    if(aInclusiveRect.Width() < 0 )
        aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX = aInclusiveRect.iBr.iX;
        aInclusiveRect.iBr.iX = tempRect.iTl.iX;
    if (iExtension && iExtension->iH.iVisibility!=EOff)
        if(aClientRect.Height() < ScrollBarBreadth( CEikScrollBar::EHorizontal) )
            aClientRect.SetHeight( ScrollBarBreadth(CEikScrollBar::EHorizontal) );
        if(aInclusiveRect.Height() < ScrollBarBreadth( CEikScrollBar::EHorizontal) )
            aInclusiveRect.SetHeight( ScrollBarBreadth(CEikScrollBar::EHorizontal) );
    TBool sizeChanged = EFalse;

	if (iV.iVisibility!=EOff)
		iV.iModel = *aVModel;
	MakeSBarVisible(iV, iScrollBarFrameFlags&EDisplayVScrollBar);

    if (iExtension && iExtension->iH.iBar)
        if (iExtension->iH.iVisibility!=EOff)
	        iExtension->iH.iModel = *aHModel;   
        MakeSBarVisible(iExtension->iH, iScrollBarFrameFlags&EDisplayHScrollBar);

    // Vertical Double span scollbar
    if (iV.iBar && TypeOfVScrollBar() == EDoubleSpan && iV.iExternalScrollBarAttached==EFalse )
        TInt scrollBarWidth = ScrollBarBreadth(CEikScrollBar::EVertical); // is 0 if SB not visible !
        TInt horizontalScrollBarWidth = 0;
        if (iExtension && iExtension->iH.iVisibility!=EOff)
            horizontalScrollBarWidth = ScrollBarBreadth(CEikScrollBar::EHorizontal);
        CAknDoubleSpanScrollBar* scrollbar = static_cast <CAknDoubleSpanScrollBar*> (iV.iBar);
        if (scrollbar->FixedLayoutRect().Size() == TSize(0,0))
            TMargins checkedClientMargin(aLayout.iClientMargin);
            TMargins checkedInclusiveMargin(aLayout.iInclusiveMargin);
            checkedClientMargin.iTop = Max(0,checkedClientMargin.iTop);
            checkedClientMargin.iBottom = Max(0,checkedClientMargin.iBottom);
            checkedClientMargin.iRight = Max(0,checkedClientMargin.iRight);
            checkedClientMargin.iLeft = Max(0,checkedClientMargin.iLeft);

            checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop = Max(0,checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop);
            checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom = Max(0,checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom);
            checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight = Max(0,checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight);
            checkedInclusiveMargin.iLeft = Max(0,checkedInclusiveMargin.iLeft);

            TInt width  = 0;                
            TInt xPos   = 0;
            TInt yPos   = 0;
            TInt height = 0;
            if (!AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
                if (aLayout.iTilingMode == TEikScrollBarFrameLayout::EInclusiveRectConstant)
                    width = scrollBarWidth + checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight;                
                    xPos = aInclusiveRect.iBr.iX - width;
                    yPos = aInclusiveRect.iTl.iY + checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop;
                    height = aInclusiveRect.Size().iHeight - (checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop + checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom) - horizontalScrollBarWidth;
                    if ((aClientRect.iBr.iX + width > aInclusiveRect.iBr.iX) || (aInclusiveRect.iBr.iX - width > aClientRect.iBr.iX))
                        aClientRect.iBr.iX = aInclusiveRect.iBr.iX - width;
                        sizeChanged = ETrue;
                    width = scrollBarWidth + checkedClientMargin.iRight;                
                    xPos = aClientRect.iBr.iX + checkedClientMargin.iRight;
                    yPos = aInclusiveRect.iTl.iY + checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop;
                    height = aInclusiveRect.Size().iHeight - (checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop + checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom) - horizontalScrollBarWidth;

                    if ((aClientRect.iBr.iX + width + checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight > aInclusiveRect.iBr.iX) || 
                        (aInclusiveRect.iBr.iX - (width + checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight) > aClientRect.iBr.iX))
                        aInclusiveRect.iBr.iX = aClientRect.iBr.iX + width + checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight;
                        sizeChanged = ETrue;
                // Mirrored Left & Right
                if (aLayout.iTilingMode == TEikScrollBarFrameLayout::EInclusiveRectConstant)
                    width = scrollBarWidth + checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight;                
                    xPos = aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX + checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight;
                    yPos = aInclusiveRect.iTl.iY + checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop;
                    height = aInclusiveRect.Size().iHeight - (checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop + checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom) - horizontalScrollBarWidth;
                    if ((aClientRect.iTl.iX - width < aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX) || (aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX + width > aClientRect.iTl.iX))
                        aClientRect.iTl.iX = aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX + width;
                        xPos = aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX + checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight;
                        sizeChanged = ETrue;
                    width = scrollBarWidth + checkedClientMargin.iRight;                
                    xPos = aClientRect.iTl.iX - checkedClientMargin.iRight;
                    yPos = aInclusiveRect.iTl.iY + checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop;
                    height = aInclusiveRect.Size().iHeight - (checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop + checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom) - horizontalScrollBarWidth;

                    if ((aClientRect.iTl.iX - width - checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight > aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX) || 
                        (aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX - (width + checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight) < aClientRect.iTl.iX))
                        aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX = aClientRect.iTl.iX - width - checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight;
                        xPos = aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX + checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight;
                        sizeChanged = ETrue;

            TRect newRect = TRect(TPoint(xPos, yPos), TSize(width, height ));
            if (iV.iBar->IsVisible() && (newRect != TRect(iV.iBar->Position(), iV.iBar->Size())))


    // Horizontal Double span scollbar
    if (iExtension && 
        iExtension->iH.iBar && 
        TypeOfHScrollBar() == EDoubleSpan && 
        iExtension->iH.iExternalScrollBarAttached==EFalse )
        TInt scrollBarWidth = ScrollBarBreadth(CEikScrollBar::EHorizontal); // is 0 if SB not visible !
        TInt verticalScrollBarWidth = 0;
        if (iV.iVisibility!=EOff)
            verticalScrollBarWidth = ScrollBarBreadth(CEikScrollBar::EVertical);
        CAknDoubleSpanScrollBar* scrollbar = static_cast <CAknDoubleSpanScrollBar*> (iExtension->iH.iBar);
        if (scrollbar->FixedLayoutRect().Size() == TSize(0,0))
            TMargins checkedClientMargin(aLayout.iClientMargin);
            TMargins checkedInclusiveMargin(aLayout.iInclusiveMargin);
            checkedClientMargin.iTop = Max(0,checkedClientMargin.iTop);
            checkedClientMargin.iBottom = Max(0,checkedClientMargin.iBottom);
            checkedClientMargin.iRight = Max(0,checkedClientMargin.iRight);
            checkedClientMargin.iLeft = Max(0,checkedClientMargin.iLeft);

            checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop = Max(0,checkedInclusiveMargin.iTop);
            checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom = Max(0,checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom);
            checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight = Max(0,checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight);
            checkedInclusiveMargin.iLeft = Max(0,checkedInclusiveMargin.iLeft);

            TInt width  = 0;                
            TInt xPos   = 0;
            TInt yPos   = 0;
            TInt height = 0;
            if (aLayout.iTilingMode == TEikScrollBarFrameLayout::EInclusiveRectConstant)
                width = scrollBarWidth + checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom; // width as vertical direction (height).               
                xPos = aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX + checkedInclusiveMargin.iLeft;
                if (AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
                    xPos += verticalScrollBarWidth;
                yPos = aInclusiveRect.iBr.iY - checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom - width;
                height = aInclusiveRect.Size().iWidth - (checkedInclusiveMargin.iLeft + checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight) - verticalScrollBarWidth; // height as horizontal (width).
                if ((aClientRect.iBr.iY + width > aInclusiveRect.iBr.iY) || (aInclusiveRect.iBr.iY - width > aClientRect.iBr.iY))
                    aClientRect.iBr.iY = aInclusiveRect.iBr.iY - width;
                    sizeChanged = ETrue;
                width = scrollBarWidth + checkedClientMargin.iBottom; // width as vertical direction (height).               
                xPos = aInclusiveRect.iTl.iX + checkedInclusiveMargin.iLeft;
                if (AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
                    xPos += verticalScrollBarWidth;
                yPos = aClientRect.iBr.iY + checkedClientMargin.iBottom;
                height = aInclusiveRect.Size().iWidth - (checkedInclusiveMargin.iLeft + checkedInclusiveMargin.iRight) - verticalScrollBarWidth; // height as horizontal (width).
                if ((aClientRect.iBr.iY + width + checkedClientMargin.iBottom > aInclusiveRect.iBr.iY) || 
                    (aInclusiveRect.iBr.iY - (width + checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom) > aClientRect.iBr.iY))
                    aInclusiveRect.iBr.iY = aClientRect.iBr.iY + width + checkedInclusiveMargin.iBottom;
                    sizeChanged = ETrue;

            TRect newRect = TRect(TPoint(xPos, yPos), TSize(height, width ));  // height & width swapped 
            if (iExtension->iH.iBar->IsVisible() && (newRect != TRect(iV.iBar->Position(), iV.iBar->Size())))

    return sizeChanged;
Exemple #4
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	StillTracking
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//!	Called during mouse tracking. Works basically the same as the \c
//! StartTracking() member function, except that thus function also
//! calculates the amount of control value change based on how much the
//! mouse position has changed since the last call to \c StillTracking().
//! This delta value is used for the control and option key modifiers,
//! for higher precision slider control.
OSStatus TMeterControl::StillTracking(TCarbonEvent&inEvent, HIPoint& from)
    HIPoint mouse,delta;
    float d, pos;
    SInt32 mini, maxi;
    UInt32 modifiers;
    TRect bounds = Bounds();
    TRect thumbBounds = ScaledThumbBounds();
    SliderOrientation boundsOrientation = OrientationForRect(bounds);
    mini = GetMinimum();
    maxi = GetMaximum();
    inEvent.GetParameter<HIPoint>( kEventParamWindowMouseLocation, typeHIPoint, &mouse );
    delta.x = mouse.x - from.x;
    delta.y = mouse.y - from.y;
    inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamKeyModifiers, &modifiers );
    // compute a thumb bounds oriented the same as the slider
    TRect orientedThumbBounds = thumbBounds;
    if (boundsOrientation != mImageOrientation)
        float temp = orientedThumbBounds.Width();
    float distance;
    if (boundsOrientation == TSliderControl::kHorizontalOrientation)
        distance = orientedThumbBounds.Width();
        pos = (mouse.x - bounds.Width()/2.0 - mTopInset + orientedThumbBounds.Width()/2.0) / distance;
        d = delta.x / distance;
        distance = orientedThumbBounds.Height();
        pos = 1.f - (mouse.y - bounds.Height()/2.0 - mTopInset + orientedThumbBounds.Height()/2.0) / distance;
        d = -delta.y / distance;
    SInt32 curVal = GetValue();
    if (mUseDetent && (curVal == mDetentValue || abs(curVal - mDetentValue) <= mDetentRange))
        if (boundsOrientation == TSliderControl::kHorizontalOrientation)
            mTotalDetentMoved += delta.x;
            mTotalDetentMoved += delta.y;
        if (fabsf(mTotalDetentMoved) < 15.0)
            if (curVal != mDetentValue)
            from = mouse;
            return noErr;
    mTotalDetentMoved = 0;
    SInt32 val;
    if ((modifiers == controlKey || modifiers == optionKey))
        // value depends on how much the mouse moved
        SInt32 ratio = 1;
        if (modifiers & controlKey)
            ratio = 50;
        else if (modifiers & optionKey)
            ratio = 10;
        val = SInt32(rint(curVal + d * (1 + maxi - mini) / ratio));
        // value is directly proportional to position
        val = SInt32(rint(mini + pos * (1 + maxi - mini)));
    if ( val > maxi) val = maxi;
    if ( val < mini) val = mini;
    if (val != curVal) {
        SetValue ( val );
        from = mouse;
    return noErr;
Exemple #5
//! The fun part of the control
//!	XXX need to test with vertically oriented images
void TMeterControl::CompatibleDraw(RgnHandle inLimitRgn, CGContextRef inContext, bool inCompositing)
#pragma unused(inLimitRgn)
    TRect bounds = Bounds();
    CGContextRef context = inContext;
    SliderOrientation boundsOrientation = OrientationForRect(bounds);
    TRect backBounds = RectForCGImage(mBackImage);
    float scaleY = ScaleY();
    // draw slider thumb
    if (mThumbImage)
        TRect thumbBounds = ScaledThumbBounds();
        // compute a thumb bounds oriented the same as the slider
        TRect orientedThumbBounds = thumbBounds;
        if (boundsOrientation != mImageOrientation)
            float temp = orientedThumbBounds.Width();
        // the thumb image is assumed to be of the same orientation as the
        // background image
        float slideDistance;
        if (boundsOrientation == TSliderControl::kVerticalOrientation)
            slideDistance = orientedThumbBounds.Height();
            slideDistance = orientedThumbBounds.Width();
        slideDistance -= (mTopInset + mBottomInset) * scaleY;
        float position = (float(GetValue() - GetMinimum()) / float(GetMaximum() - GetMinimum())) * slideDistance;
        orientedThumbBounds.SetAroundCenter(bounds.CenterX(), bounds.CenterY(),
                                            orientedThumbBounds.Width(), orientedThumbBounds.Height());
#if 0
        float xOffset, yOffset;
        if (boundsOrientation == TSliderControl::kVerticalOrientation)
            xOffset = bounds.CenterX() + mXInset - orientedThumbBounds.Width()/2.0;
            yOffset = bounds.MinY() + mTopInset + (bounds.Height() + slideDistance) / 2.0;
            xOffset = bounds.MinX() + mTopInset + (bounds.Width() + slideDistance) / 2.0;
            yOffset = bounds.CenterY() + mXInset - - orientedThumbBounds.Height()/2.0;;
        float xOffset, yOffset;
        if (boundsOrientation == TSliderControl::kVerticalOrientation)
            xOffset = bounds.CenterX() + mXInset - orientedThumbBounds.Width()/2.0;
            yOffset = bounds.CenterY() + mTopInset - slideDistance / 2.0;
            yOffset = bounds.CenterY() + mXInset - orientedThumbBounds.Height()/2.0;;
            xOffset = bounds.CenterX() + mTopInset - slideDistance / 2.0;
        CGContextTranslateCTM(context, xOffset, yOffset);
        if (boundsOrientation == TSliderControl::kHorizontalOrientation) {
        } else {
            orientedThumbBounds.MoveBy(0, orientedThumbBounds.Height()-position);
        CGContextClipToRect(context, orientedThumbBounds);
        if (mImageOrientation != boundsOrientation)
            CGContextRotateCTM(context, DegreesToRadians(90.0));
        HIViewDrawCGImage(context, &thumbBounds, mThumbImage);