int front_task_to_string(char * buffer) { if (NULL == buffer) { return -1; } if (qu.empty()) { return -2; } TaskPtr p = qu.front(); if (p == NULL) { return -3; } int s = (int)p->ts; sprintf(buffer, "<Tasks>" "<task>" "<id>%d</id>" "<name>%s</name>" "<sid>%d</sid>" "<subdir>%s</subdir>" "<status>%s</status>" "</task>" "</Tasks>", p->id, p->name, p->sid, p->subdir, TaskStateText[s]); return 0; }
void AsyncDecodeWebAudio(const char* aContentType, uint8_t* aBuffer, uint32_t aLength, WebAudioDecodeJob& aDecodeJob) { Maybe<MediaContainerType> containerType = MakeMediaContainerType(aContentType); // Do not attempt to decode the media if we were not successful at sniffing // the container type. if (!*aContentType || strcmp(aContentType, APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) == 0 || !containerType) { nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> event = new ReportResultTask(aDecodeJob, &WebAudioDecodeJob::OnFailure, WebAudioDecodeJob::UnknownContent); JS_free(nullptr, aBuffer); aDecodeJob.mContext->Dispatch(event.forget()); return; } RefPtr<MediaDecodeTask> task = new MediaDecodeTask(*containerType, aBuffer, aLength, aDecodeJob); if (!task->CreateReader()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> event = new ReportResultTask(aDecodeJob, &WebAudioDecodeJob::OnFailure, WebAudioDecodeJob::UnknownError); aDecodeJob.mContext->Dispatch(event.forget()); } else { // If we did this without a temporary: // task->Reader()->OwnerThread()->Dispatch(task.forget()) // we might evaluate the task.forget() before calling Reader(). Enforce // a non-crashy order-of-operations. TaskQueue* taskQueue = task->Reader()->OwnerThread(); nsresult rv = taskQueue->Dispatch(task.forget()); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); Unused << rv; } }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { // Our progress counter. auto counter = pc::ProgressCounter::Create(); // Our tasks queue. TaskQueue tasks; // Produce the tasks. std::mt19937 rnd_device( (uint32_t)time( 0 ) ); for( int32_t task_id = 0; task_id < 680; ++task_id ) { auto goal = counter->ProduceGoal(); std::chrono::milliseconds interval{ 600 + rnd_device() % 1400 }; tasks.PushTask( { [goal, interval](){ std::this_thread::sleep_for( interval ); } } ); }; // Produce the workers. tasks.Lock(); size_t threads_count = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); while( threads_count-- > 0 ) { std::thread t( ThreadFunction, std::ref( tasks ) ); t.detach(); }; tasks.Unlock(); // Display the progress of tasks completion until the progress reaches 100% do { printf( "\rCurrent progress : %3.3f%%; Tasks remained : %zd;", 100.0f * counter->GetFinisedPercent(), tasks.GetCount() ); std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 500 ) ); } while( counter->GetRemainsPercent() > 0.0f ); };
int loadQueue(const char *pPath, TaskQueue &queue) { DIR *pDir = opendir(pPath); if (!pDir){ if (errno == ENOTDIR && access(pPath, F_OK) == 0) { char *pFile = new char[strlen(pPath) + 1]; strcpy(pFile, pPath); queue.pushBack(pFile); return 0; } return -1; } struct dirent *de = NULL; while ((de=readdir(pDir))!=NULL) { if (de->d_type != DT_REG && de->d_type != DT_LNK) { continue; } char *pFile = new char[strlen(pPath) + strlen(de->d_name) + 2]; snprintf(pFile, strlen(pPath) + strlen(de->d_name) + 2, "%s/%s", pPath, de->d_name); queue.pushBack(pFile); TNOTE("find file %s", pFile); } closedir(pDir); return 0; }
void IDBTransactionBackendImpl::taskTimerFired(Timer<IDBTransactionBackendImpl>*) { IDB_TRACE("IDBTransactionBackendImpl::taskTimerFired"); ASSERT(!isTaskQueueEmpty()); if (m_state == StartPending) { m_transaction.begin(); m_state = Running; } // The last reference to this object may be released while performing the // tasks. Take take a self reference to keep this object alive so that // the loop termination conditions can be checked. RefPtr<IDBTransactionBackendImpl> protect(this); TaskQueue* taskQueue = m_pendingPreemptiveEvents ? &m_preemptiveTaskQueue : &m_taskQueue; while (!taskQueue->isEmpty() && m_state != Finished) { ASSERT(m_state == Running); OwnPtr<Operation> task(taskQueue->takeFirst()); task->perform(this); // Event itself may change which queue should be processed next. taskQueue = m_pendingPreemptiveEvents ? &m_preemptiveTaskQueue : &m_taskQueue; } // If there are no pending tasks, we haven't already committed/aborted, // and the front-end requested a commit, it is now safe to do so. if (!hasPendingTasks() && m_state != Finished && m_commitPending) commit(); }
map<uint32_t, NodeList> Worker::get_map(TaskQueue &mqueue) { map<uint32_t, NodeList> update_map; /*Package package; package.set_operation(operation); if(operation == 25) { package.set_currnode(toid); }*/ uint32_t num_nodes = svrclient.memberList.size(); for (TaskQueue::iterator it = mqueue.begin(); it != mqueue.end(); ++it) { uint32_t serverid = myhash(((*it)->task_id).c_str(), num_nodes); string str((*it)->task_id); str.append("\'"); if (update_map.find(serverid) == update_map.end()) { str.append("\""); NodeList new_list; new_list.push_back(str); update_map.insert(make_pair(serverid, new_list)); } else { NodeList &exist_list = update_map[serverid]; string last_str(exist_list.back()); if ((last_str.size() + str.size()) > STRING_THRESHOLD) { str.append("\""); exist_list.push_back(str); } else { exist_list.pop_back(); str.append(last_str); exist_list.push_back(str); } } } return update_map; }
void AsyncDecodeWebAudio(const char* aContentType, uint8_t* aBuffer, uint32_t aLength, WebAudioDecodeJob& aDecodeJob) { // Do not attempt to decode the media if we were not successful at sniffing // the content type. if (!*aContentType || strcmp(aContentType, APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) == 0) { nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> event = new ReportResultTask(aDecodeJob, &WebAudioDecodeJob::OnFailure, WebAudioDecodeJob::UnknownContent); JS_free(nullptr, aBuffer); NS_DispatchToMainThread(event); return; } RefPtr<MediaDecodeTask> task = new MediaDecodeTask(aContentType, aBuffer, aLength, aDecodeJob); if (!task->CreateReader()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> event = new ReportResultTask(aDecodeJob, &WebAudioDecodeJob::OnFailure, WebAudioDecodeJob::UnknownError); NS_DispatchToMainThread(event); } else { // If we did this without a temporary: // task->Reader()->OwnerThread()->Dispatch(task.forget()) // we might evaluate the task.forget() before calling Reader(). Enforce // a non-crashy order-of-operations. TaskQueue* taskQueue = task->Reader()->OwnerThread(); taskQueue->Dispatch(task.forget()); } }
void TaskScheduler::updateFramesClass(TaskQueue& queue, Class* klass) { for(TaskQueue::iterator it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end(); it++) { Task* task = *it; task->getContext()->updateFramesClass(klass); } }
int32_t Worker::get_monitoring_info() { if (LOGGING) { log_fp << "rqueue = " << rqueue.size() << " mqueue = " << mqueue.size() << " wqueue = " << wqueue.size() << endl; } return task_comp_count; //(((rqueue.size() + mqueue.size() + wqueue.size()) * 10) + num_idle_cores); }
int main() { TaskQueue q;[]{ std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl; });[]{ std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl; }); q.poll_one();[]{ std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl; }); q.poll_all(); }
void ThreadFunction( TaskQueue& tasks ) { while( !tasks.IsEmpty() ) { { auto task = tasks.PullTask(); // Process this task. task(); }; }; };
int is_task_processing() { if (0 == qu.size()) { return 0; } if (TS_RUNNING == qu.front()->ts) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }
void HTMLConstructionSite::executeQueuedTasks() { const size_t size = m_taskQueue.size(); if (!size) return; // Copy the task queue into a local variable in case executeTask // re-enters the parser. TaskQueue queue; queue.swap(m_taskQueue); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) executeTask(queue[i]); // We might be detached now. }
int main() { TaskQueue<FibonacciTask> fibonacciTasks; for (int i = 42; i >= 39; --i) { fibonacciTasks.add([i](size_t threadId) { runFibonacci(i, threadId); }); } ThreadPool<FibonacciTask> threadPool(4, fibonacciTasks); for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { for (int i = 35; i > 20; --i) { fibonacciTasks.add([i](size_t threadId) { runFibonacci(i, threadId); }); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); } return 0; }
int is_no_task() { if (0 == qu.size()) { return 1; } return 0; }
void run() { tot = 0; TaskQueue<V> d; int x = 0; for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) { if( i % 30 == 0 ) d.invoke(); x += i; writelock lk; V v; v.val = i; d.defer(v); } d.invoke(); assert( x == tot ); }
INLINE void ActivateOneOutputTask(TaskQueue& queue, int task, int* tasknum) { if (DEC_ATOMIC(&fTaskList[task]) == 0) { *tasknum = task; } else { *tasknum = queue.PopHead(); } }
int Worker::move_task_to_ready_queue(TaskQueue_Item **qi) { //pthread_mutex_lock(&w_lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); rqueue.push_back(*qi); //wqueue.erase(*qi); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); //pthread_mutex_unlock(&w_lock); }
void HTMLConstructionSite::executeQueuedTasks() { // This has no affect on pendingText, and we may have pendingText // remaining after executing all other queued tasks. const size_t size = m_taskQueue.size(); if (!size) return; // Copy the task queue into a local variable in case executeTask // re-enters the parser. TaskQueue queue; queue.swap(m_taskQueue); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) executeTask(queue[i]); // We might be detached now. }
void fun1(void* data) { TaskQueue* queue = static_cast<TaskQueue*>(data); cout<< " thread "<< std::this_thread::get_id()<<" run" << endl; std::chrono::milliseconds dura( 5); cout.flush(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Task* task = new DemonTask(); queue->PushBack(task); //std::this_thread::sleep_for(dura); } cout<<"f1:queue size" << queue->size()<<endl;; cout.flush(); Task* task = queue->PopFront(); task->Action(); //task->Release(); cout<<"f1:queue size" << queue->size()<<endl;; cout.flush(); }
void operator()() { while(true){ TaskInfoPtr info = TaskInfoPtr(); task_queue.pop(info); if (info) ExecuteTask(info); } }
INLINE void ActivateOutputTask(TaskQueue& queue, int task, int* tasknum) { if (DEC_ATOMIC(&fTaskList[task]) == 0) { if (*tasknum == WORK_STEALING_INDEX) { *tasknum = task; } else { queue.PushHead(task); } } }
int main() { boost::thread_group worker_threads; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREAD_NUM; i++) worker_threads.create_thread(Execute(boost::str(boost::format("%d") %(i+1)))); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) task_queue.push(TaskInfoPtr(new TaskInfo(i))); worker_threads.join_all(); return 0; }
void IDBTransactionBackendImpl::taskTimerFired(Timer<IDBTransactionBackendImpl>*) { IDB_TRACE("IDBTransactionBackendImpl::taskTimerFired"); ASSERT(!m_taskQueue.isEmpty()); if (m_state == StartPending) { m_transaction->begin(); m_state = Running; } TaskQueue queue; queue.swap(m_taskQueue); while (!queue.isEmpty() && m_state != Finished) { ASSERT(m_state == Running); OwnPtr<ScriptExecutionContext::Task> task(queue.first().release()); queue.removeFirst(); m_pendingEvents++; task->performTask(0); } }
inline void ThreadPool::Priority(Task* t) { if (queue.Priority(t)) { TaskThread* thread = new TaskThread(queue); thread->Start(); thread->SetStop(); stopThreads.push_back(thread); histThread++; } }
inline void ThreadPool::Add(Task* t) { assert(t != NULL); queue.Push(t); if (queue.Size() > GetIdleThreadCount()) // may be need add new thread { int need1 = maxThread - GetThreadCount(); int need2 = queue.Size() - GetIdleThreadCount(); int count = (need1 > need2) ? need2 : need1; AddThread(count); } else // may be need delete idle timeout thread { while (RemoveOneIdleTimeoutThread()) { } } RemoveStopedThreads(); }
void IDBTransactionBackendImpl::taskTimerFired(Timer<IDBTransactionBackendImpl>*) { IDB_TRACE("IDBTransactionBackendImpl::taskTimerFired"); ASSERT(!isTaskQueueEmpty()); if (m_state == StartPending) { m_transaction->begin(); m_state = Running; } TaskQueue* taskQueue = m_pendingPreemptiveEvents ? &m_preemptiveTaskQueue : &m_taskQueue; while (!taskQueue->isEmpty() && m_state != Finished) { ASSERT(m_state == Running); OwnPtr<ScriptExecutionContext::Task> task(taskQueue->takeFirst()); m_pendingEvents++; task->performTask(0); // Event itself may change which queue should be processed next. taskQueue = m_pendingPreemptiveEvents ? &m_preemptiveTaskQueue : &m_taskQueue; } }
/* * read_tasks_from_file : reads the table information from a text file. * Parameters: * - file_name : the file containing the table definitions * - count_only : indicates if the file contains information to count the records * from the source DB or to actually trasmit the data * - tasks : output parameter that will contain a task for each table definition loaded * from the file - resume : indicates if the file contains information to resume copying data from last PK * - max_count : limit copied rows count to max_count * * Remarks : Each table is defined in a single line with the next format for count_only = true and resume = false * <src_schema>\t<src_table>\n * * and in the next format for a count_only = false or resume = true * <src_schema>\t<src_table>\t<tgt_schema>\t<tgt_table>\t<source_pk_columns>\t<target_pk_columns>\t<select_expression> */ bool read_tasks_from_file(const std::string file_name, bool count_only, TaskQueue& tasks, std::set<std::string> &trigger_schemas, bool resume, long long int max_count) { std::ifstream ifs ( , std::ifstream::in ); unsigned int field_count = count_only && !resume ? 2 : 7; bool error = false; printf("Loading table information from file %s\n",; while (!error && ifs.good()) { TableParam param; std::string line; getline(ifs, line); if (line.length()) { log_info("--table %s\n",; std::vector<std::string> fields = base::split(line, "\t", field_count); if (fields.size() == field_count) { param.source_schema = fields[0]; param.source_table = fields[1]; if (!(count_only && !resume)) { param.target_schema = fields[2]; param.target_table = fields[3]; if(std::strcmp(fields[4].c_str(), "-") != 0) param.source_pk_columns = base::split(fields[4], ",", -1); if(std::strcmp(fields[5].c_str(), "-") != 0) param.target_pk_columns = base::split(fields[5], ",", -1); param.select_expression = fields[6]; trigger_schemas.insert(param.target_schema); } param.copy_spec.resume = resume; param.copy_spec.max_count = max_count; param.copy_spec.type = CopyAll; tasks.add_task(param); } else error = true; } } ifs.close(); return !error; }
int add_to_queue(TaskPtr t) { if (is_task_already_exist(t)) { LOG_STRING("Task %d duplicated!!", t->id); return -1; } qu.push(t); tasklist.push_back(t); return 0; }
void* check_wait_queue(void* args) { Worker *worker = (Worker*) args; TaskQueue_Item *qi; while (ON) { while (wqueue.size() > 0) { //for(TaskQueue::iterator it = wqueue.begin(); it != wqueue.end(); ++it) { int size = wqueue.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //qi = *it; qi = wqueue[i]; if (qi != NULL) { int status = worker->check_if_task_is_ready(qi->task_id); //cout << "task = " << qi->task_id << " status = " << status << endl; if (status == 0) { //cout << "task = " << qi->task_id << " status = " << status << endl; int ret = worker->move_task_to_ready_queue(&qi); pthread_mutex_lock(&w_lock); wqueue[i] = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&w_lock); } /*if(status < 0) { cout << "negative numwait" << endl; }*/ } } pthread_mutex_lock(&w_lock); TaskQueue::iterator last = remove_if(wqueue.begin(), wqueue.end(), check); wqueue.erase(last, wqueue.end()); pthread_mutex_unlock(&w_lock); sleep(1); } } }