void* check_wait_queue(void* args) { Worker *worker = (Worker*) args; TaskQueue_Item *qi; while (ON) { while (wqueue.size() > 0) { //for(TaskQueue::iterator it = wqueue.begin(); it != wqueue.end(); ++it) { int size = wqueue.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //qi = *it; qi = wqueue[i]; if (qi != NULL) { int status = worker->check_if_task_is_ready(qi->task_id); //cout << "task = " << qi->task_id << " status = " << status << endl; if (status == 0) { //cout << "task = " << qi->task_id << " status = " << status << endl; int ret = worker->move_task_to_ready_queue(&qi); pthread_mutex_lock(&w_lock); wqueue[i] = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&w_lock); } /*if(status < 0) { cout << "negative numwait" << endl; }*/ } } pthread_mutex_lock(&w_lock); TaskQueue::iterator last = remove_if(wqueue.begin(), wqueue.end(), check); wqueue.erase(last, wqueue.end()); pthread_mutex_unlock(&w_lock); sleep(1); } } }
// pack the jobs into multiple packages - 2000 jobs per package // and insert it into the ready queue of server that requested to steal tasks //int Worker::migrateTasks(int num_tasks, ZHTClient &clientRet, int index){ void* migrateTasks(void *args) { Worker *worker = (Worker*) args; int index; while (ON) { //while(migrateq.size() > 0) { while (migratev.any()) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mq_lock); if (migratev.any()) { //int *index = (int*)args; //index = migrateq.front(); index = migratev.pop(); //migrateq.pop(); //cout << "1 worker = " << worker->selfIndex << " to index = " << index << " size = " << rqueue.size() << endl; } else { //cout << "migratev count = " << migratev.count() << endl; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mq_lock); continue; } if (index < 0 || index >= worker->num_nodes) { //cout << "bad index: worker = " << worker->selfIndex << " to index = " << index << endl; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mq_lock); continue; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mq_lock); //cout << "2 worker = " << worker->selfIndex << " to index = " << index << " size = " << rqueue.size() << endl; pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); int32_t num_tasks = rqueue.size() / 2; if (num_tasks < 1) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock); continue;; } try { //cout << "going to send " << num_tasks << " tasks" << endl; mqueue.assign(rqueue.end() - num_tasks, rqueue.end()); rqueue.erase(rqueue.end() - num_tasks, rqueue.end()); //cout << "rqueue size = " << rqueue.size() << " mqueue size = " << mqueue.size() << endl; } catch (...) { cout << "migrateTasks: cannot allocate memory while copying tasks to migrate queue" << endl; pthread_exit(NULL); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); map<uint32_t, NodeList> update_map = worker->get_map(mqueue); int update_ret = worker->zht_update(update_map, "nodehistory", index); /*if(index == worker->selfIndex) { cout << "ALERT: MIGRATING TO ITSELF" << endl; }*/ int num_packages = 0; long total_submitted = 0; num_tasks = mqueue.size(); while (total_submitted != num_tasks) { Package package; string alltasks; package.set_virtualpath(worker->ip); package.set_operation(22); num_packages++; int num_tasks_this_package = max_tasks_per_package; int num_tasks_left = num_tasks - total_submitted; if (num_tasks_left < max_tasks_per_package) { num_tasks_this_package = num_tasks_left; } for (int j = 0; j < num_tasks_this_package; j++) { //TaskQueue_item* qi = migrate_queue->remove_element(); if (mqueue.size() < 1) { if (j > 0) { total_submitted = total_submitted + j; package.set_realfullpath(alltasks); string str = package.SerializeAsString(); pthread_mutex_lock(&msg_lock); int32_t ret = worker->svrclient.svrtosvr(str, str.length(), index); pthread_mutex_unlock(&msg_lock); } //pthread_mutex_unlock (&m_lock); //return total_submitted; //pthread_exit(NULL); total_submitted = num_tasks; break; } try { alltasks.append(mqueue.front()->task_id); alltasks.append("\'\""); // Task ID /*stringstream num_moves_ss; num_moves_ss << (mqueue.front()->num_moves + 1); alltasks.append(num_moves_ss.str()); alltasks.append("\'\""); // Number of moves*/ if (LOGGING) { migrate_fp << " taskid = " << mqueue.front()->task_id; //migrate_fp << " num moves = " << (mqueue.front()->num_moves + 1); } delete mqueue.front(); mqueue.pop_front(); } catch (...) { cout << "migrateTasks: Exception occurred while processing mqueue" << endl; } } if (total_submitted == num_tasks) { break; } total_submitted = total_submitted + num_tasks_this_package; package.set_realfullpath(alltasks); string str = package.SerializeAsString(); //cout << "r1: " << total_submitted << " tasks" << endl; pthread_mutex_lock(&msg_lock); int32_t ret = worker->svrclient.svrtosvr(str, str.length(), index); //cout << "r1 sent" << endl; pthread_mutex_unlock(&msg_lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock); //cout << "matrix_server: No. of tasks sent = " << total_submitted << endl; } } }