Exemple #1
//TODO: Optimize this ..
void Sprite::init(TiXmlElement * pElement)
    if(pElement->ValueStr() != "sprite")

    TiXmlAttribute * pAtt = pElement->FirstAttribute();
    setFPS( pAtt->IntValue() );

    TiXmlElement * pChild = pElement->FirstChildElement();
    while(pChild != NULL)
        if(pChild->ValueStr() != "surface")

        std::string fileName = pChild->GetText();
        SDL_SurfacePtr pSurface = load_image(fileName);
        float zoom = 1.0f;
        float rot = 0.0f;
        float alpha = 1.0;

        TiXmlAttribute * pAttrib = pChild->FirstAttribute();
        if(pAttrib != NULL)
            SDL_Rect rect = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
            while(pAttrib != NULL)
                //std::cout << pAttrib->Name() << std::endl;
                if(pAttrib->Name() == std::string("x"))
                    rect.x = pAttrib->IntValue();
                else if(pAttrib->Name() == std::string("y"))
                    rect.y = pAttrib->IntValue();
                else if(pAttrib->Name() == std::string("w"))
                    rect.w = pAttrib->IntValue();
                else if(pAttrib->Name() == std::string("h"))
                    rect.h = pAttrib->IntValue();
                else if(pAttrib->Name() == std::string("rot"))
                    rot = pAttrib->DoubleValue();
                else if(pAttrib->Name() == std::string("zoom"))
                    zoom = pAttrib->DoubleValue();
                else if(pAttrib->Name() == std::string("alpha"))
                    alpha = pAttrib->DoubleValue();

                pAttrib = pAttrib->Next();
            if( rect.x != -1 && rect.y != -1 && rect.w != -1 && rect.h != -1)
                pSurface = getSurface( pSurface.get(), rect );
            if( zoom != 1.0 || rot != 0.0f )
                pSurface = rotozoomSurface( pSurface.get(), rot, zoom, 1); //1 is for smoothing
            if( alpha != 1.0 )
                int a = 255*alpha;
                SDL_SetAlpha( pSurface.get(), SDL_SRCALPHA|SDL_RLEACCEL, a);

        m_Sprites.push_back( new SDL_SurfacePtr(pSurface) );
        pChild = pChild->NextSiblingElement();
Exemple #2
void CCuboid::SetFromXMLElement(TiXmlElement* pElem)
	double l[3] = {0, 0, 0};
	double d[3] = {0, 0, 1};
	double x[3] = {1, 0, 0};

	for(TiXmlAttribute* a = pElem->FirstAttribute(); a; a = a->Next())
		std::string name(a->Name());
		if(name == "lx")	 {l[0] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "ly"){l[1] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "lz"){l[2] = a->DoubleValue();}

		else if(name == "dx"){d[0] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "dy"){d[1] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "dz"){d[2] = a->DoubleValue();}

		else if(name == "xx"){x[0] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "xy"){x[1] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "xz"){x[2] = a->DoubleValue();}

		else if(name == "wx"){m_x = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "wy"){m_y = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "wz"){m_z = a->DoubleValue();}

	m_pos = gp_Ax2(make_point(l), make_vector(d), make_vector(x));

Exemple #3
// static member function
HeeksObj* HLine::ReadFromXMLElement(TiXmlElement* pElem)
	gp_Pnt p0(0, 0, 0), p1(0, 0, 0);
	HeeksColor c;

	// get the attributes
	for(TiXmlAttribute* a = pElem->FirstAttribute(); a; a = a->Next())
		std::string name(a->Name());
		if(name == "col"){c = HeeksColor((long)(a->IntValue()));}
		else if(name == "sx"){p0.SetX(a->DoubleValue());}
		else if(name == "sy"){p0.SetY(a->DoubleValue());}
		else if(name == "sz"){p0.SetZ(a->DoubleValue());}
		else if(name == "ex"){p1.SetX(a->DoubleValue());}
		else if(name == "ey"){p1.SetY(a->DoubleValue());}
		else if(name == "ez"){p1.SetZ(a->DoubleValue());}

	HLine* new_object = new HLine(p0, p1, &c);

		//This is a new style line, with children points
		delete new_object->A;
		delete new_object->B;
		new_object->A = (HPoint*)new_object->GetFirstChild();
		new_object->B = (HPoint*)new_object->GetNextChild();
		new_object->A->m_draw_unselected = false;
		new_object->B->m_draw_unselected = false;

	// The OpenCascade libraries throw an exception when one tries to
	// create a gp_Lin() object using a vector that doesn't point
	// anywhere.  If this is a zero-length line then we're in
	// trouble.  Don't bother with it.
	if (new_object->A == NULL || new_object->B == NULL || ((new_object->A->m_p.X() == new_object->B->m_p.X()) &&
		(new_object->A->m_p.Y() == new_object->B->m_p.Y()) &&
		(new_object->A->m_p.Z() == new_object->B->m_p.Z())))
		delete new_object;

	return new_object;
Exemple #4
void CCylinder::SetFromXMLElement(TiXmlElement* pElem)
	// get the attributes
	double l[3] = {0, 0, 0};
	double d[3] = {0, 0, 1};
	double x[3] = {1, 0, 0};

	for(TiXmlAttribute* a = pElem->FirstAttribute(); a; a = a->Next())
		std::string name(a->Name());
		if(name == "lx")	 {l[0] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "ly"){l[1] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "lz"){l[2] = a->DoubleValue();}

		else if(name == "dx"){d[0] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "dy"){d[1] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "dz"){d[2] = a->DoubleValue();}

		else if(name == "xx"){x[0] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "xy"){x[1] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "xz"){x[2] = a->DoubleValue();}

		else if(name == "r"){m_radius = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "h"){m_height = a->DoubleValue();}

	m_pos = gp_Ax2(make_point(l), make_vector(d), make_vector(x));

Exemple #5
HeeksObj* HPoint::ReadFromXMLElement(TiXmlElement* pElem)
	gp_Pnt p;
	HeeksColor c;

	// get the attributes
	for(TiXmlAttribute* a = pElem->FirstAttribute(); a; a = a->Next())
		std::string name(a->Name());
		if(name == "col"){c = HeeksColor((long)(a->IntValue()));}
		else if(name == "x"){p.SetX(a->DoubleValue());}
		else if(name == "y"){p.SetY(a->DoubleValue());}
		else if(name == "z"){p.SetZ(a->DoubleValue());}

	HPoint* new_object = new HPoint(p, &c);

	return new_object;
Exemple #6
// static member function
HeeksObj* HImage::ReadFromXMLElement(TiXmlElement* pElem)
	wxString filepath;

	double x[4][3];

	// get the attributes
	for(TiXmlAttribute* a = pElem->FirstAttribute(); a; a = a->Next())
		std::string name(a->Name());
		if(name == "filepath"){filepath.assign(Ctt(a->Value()));}
		else if(name == "x00"){x[0][0] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "x01"){x[0][1] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "x02"){x[0][2] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "x10"){x[1][0] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "x11"){x[1][1] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "x12"){x[1][2] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "x20"){x[2][0] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "x21"){x[2][1] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "x22"){x[2][2] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "x30"){x[3][0] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "x31"){x[3][1] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "x32"){x[3][2] = a->DoubleValue();}

	HImage *new_object = new HImage(filepath.c_str());
	memcpy(new_object->m_x[0], x[0], 12*sizeof(double));
	new_object->m_rectangle_intialized = true;

	return new_object;
Globals::Globals(TiXmlElement *root)
    cout << "Populating sigmoid table...";
    for (int a=0; a<6001; a++)
        signedSigmoidTable[a] = ((1 / (1+exp(-((a-3000)/1000.0)))) - 0.5)*2.0;
        unsignedSigmoidTable[a] = 1 / (1+exp(-((a-3000)/1000.0)));
    cout << "done!\n";

    TiXmlAttribute *firstAttribute = root->FirstAttribute();

    while (firstAttribute)
        if (iequals(firstAttribute->Name(),"NodeCounter"))
            nodeCounter = firstAttribute->IntValue();
        else if (iequals(firstAttribute->Name(),"LinkCounter"))
            linkCounter = firstAttribute->IntValue();
        else if (iequals(firstAttribute->Name(),"SpeciesCounter"))
            speciesCounter = firstAttribute->IntValue();
            addParameter( firstAttribute->Name() , firstAttribute->DoubleValue());

        firstAttribute = firstAttribute->Next();

    if (nodeCounter==-1 || linkCounter==-1 || speciesCounter==-1)


HeeksObj* Constraint::ReadFromXMLElement(TiXmlElement* pElem)
	const char* type=0;
	EnumConstraintType etype=(EnumConstraintType)0;
	const char* angle=0;
	EnumAbsoluteAngle eangle=(EnumAbsoluteAngle)0;
	double length=0;
	int obj1_id=0;
	int obj2_id=0;
	int obj1_type=0;
	int obj2_type=0;
	ConstrainedObject* obj1=0;
	ConstrainedObject* obj2=0;
	// get the attributes
	for(TiXmlAttribute* a = pElem->FirstAttribute(); a; a = a->Next())
		std::string name(a->Name());
		if(name == "type"){type = a->Value();}
		else if(name == "angle"){angle = a->Value();}
		else if(name == "length"){length = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "obj1_id"){obj1_id = a->IntValue();}
		else if(name == "obj1_type"){obj1_type = a->IntValue();}
		else if(name == "obj2_id"){obj2_id = a->IntValue();}
		else if(name == "obj2_type"){obj2_type = a->IntValue();}

	//Ugh, we need to convert the strings back into types
	for(unsigned i=0; i < sizeof(ConstraintTypes); i++)
			etype = (EnumConstraintType)i;

	for(unsigned i=0; i < sizeof(AbsoluteAngle); i++)
			eangle = (EnumAbsoluteAngle)i;

	//Ok.. There is a problem here.. Further up stream there a conditions where the xml has been written out for obj1_id, obj2_id != 0 for objects that don't exist
	//This is a huge pain, since the error is being introduced on the file save, and doesn't show up, until you load the file.
	// Sometimes you get a segmentation fault right at load... Or when you're really lucky it shows up when solvesketch kicks in and you have no clue whats going on.
    // At this point,until these critters get irridicated CheckforValidConstraint basically tries to see if the constraint makes sense
    // I hope to install this at both ends when constraints are being written out or read in my attempt to identify, isolate and irradicate these most annoying
    // critters

    bool blockConstraint =false;
    blockConstraint =  checkForInvalidConstraint(type,etype,angle,eangle,length,obj1_id,obj2_id,obj1_type,obj2_type);
    if (blockConstraint)
      return NULL;

	//Get real pointers to the objects
	obj1 = (ConstrainedObject*)wxGetApp().GetIDObject(obj1_type,obj1_id);
	obj2 = (ConstrainedObject*)wxGetApp().GetIDObject(obj2_type,obj2_id);

	Constraint *c = new Constraint(etype,eangle,length,obj1,obj2);

	unsigned int len;
	char *str = new char[512];
	char *cstr = str;

	printf("Searched for: 0x%X:0x%X, 0x%X:0x%X\n", obj1_type, obj1_id, obj2_type, obj2_id);
		cstr = str+len;
		cstr = cstr+len;

	//Don't let the xml reader try to insert us in the tree
	return NULL;
Exemple #9
void CAdaptiveParams::ReadFromXMLElement(TiXmlElement* pElem)
	// get the attributes
	for(TiXmlAttribute* a = pElem->FirstAttribute(); a; a = a->Next())
		std::string name(a->Name());
		if(name == "leadoffdz"){m_leadoffdz = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "leadofflen"){m_leadofflen = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "leadoffrad"){m_leadoffrad = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "retractzheight"){m_retractzheight = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "leadoffsamplestep"){m_leadoffsamplestep = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "toolcornerrad"){m_toolcornerrad = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "toolflatrad"){m_toolflatrad = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "samplestep"){m_samplestep = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "stepdown"){m_stepdown = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "clearcuspheight"){m_clearcuspheight = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "triangleweaveres"){m_triangleweaveres = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "flatradweaveres"){m_flatradweaveres = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "dchangright"){m_dchangright = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "dchangrightoncontour"){m_dchangrightoncontour = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "dchangleft"){m_dchangleft = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "dchangefreespace"){m_dchangefreespace = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "sidecutdisplch"){m_sidecutdisplch = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "fcut"){m_fcut = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "fretract"){m_fretract = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "thintol"){m_thintol = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "startpoint_x"){m_startpoint_x = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "startpoint_y"){m_startpoint_y = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "startvel_x"){m_startvel_x = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "startvel_y"){m_startvel_y = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "minz"){m_minz = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "boundaryclear"){m_boundaryclear = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "boundary_x0"){m_boundary_x0 = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "boundary_x1"){m_boundary_x1 = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "boundary_y0"){m_boundary_y0 = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "boundary_y1"){m_boundary_y1 = a->DoubleValue();}
Exemple #10
// static
HeeksObj* HDimension::ReadFromXMLElement(TiXmlElement* pElem)
	double m[16];
	wxString text;
	HeeksColor c;
	double p0[3] = {0, 0, 0};
	double p1[3] = {0, 0, 0};
	double p2[3] = {0, 0, 0};
	double scale=1;

	DimensionMode mode = TwoPointsDimensionMode;
	DimensionUnits units = DimensionUnitsGlobal;

	// get the attributes
	for(TiXmlAttribute* a = pElem->FirstAttribute(); a; a = a->Next())
		std::string name(a->Name());
		if(name == "col"){c = HeeksColor((long)(a->IntValue()));}
		else if(name == "m0"){m[0] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "m1"){m[1] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "m2"){m[2] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "m3"){m[3] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "m4"){m[4] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "m5"){m[5] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "m6"){m[6] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "m7"){m[7] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "m8"){m[8] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "m9"){m[9] = a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "ma"){m[10]= a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "mb"){m[11]= a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "scale"){scale= a->DoubleValue();}
		else if(name == "mode"){mode = (DimensionMode)(a->IntValue());}
		else if(name == "units"){
			const char* str = a->Value();
			case 'm':
				units = DimensionUnitsMM;
			case 'i':
				units = DimensionUnitsInches;

	HDimension* new_object = new HDimension(make_matrix(m), make_point(p0), make_point(p1), make_point(p2), mode, units, &c);
	new_object->m_scale = scale;

		//This is a new style line, with children points
		delete new_object->A;
		delete new_object->B;
		delete new_object->m_p2;
		new_object->A = (HPoint*)new_object->GetFirstChild();
		new_object->B = (HPoint*)new_object->GetNextChild();
		new_object->m_p2 = (HPoint*)new_object->GetNextChild();
		new_object->A->m_draw_unselected = false;
		new_object->B->m_draw_unselected = false;
		new_object->m_p2->m_draw_unselected = false;

	return new_object;
void MeshCompiler::CompileFace( TiXmlElement* Face )
	uint NumVertsInFace = 0;
	uint TempIndices[4];
	Vector TempPositions[4];

	for( TiXmlElement* Vert = Face->FirstChildElement( "vert" ); Vert; Vert = Vert->NextSiblingElement( "vert" ) )
		// Push back cached indices to handle 4-sided faces
		if( NumVertsInFace == 3 )
			m_Indices.PushBack( TempIndices[0] );
			m_Indices.PushBack( TempIndices[2] );

		m_TempPos = Vector( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f );
		m_TempUV = Vector2( 0.f, 0.f );
		m_TempNorm = Vector( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f );
		m_TempBoneIndex = SBoneData();
		m_TempBoneWeight = SBoneWeights();

		TiXmlElement* Pos = Vert->FirstChildElement( "pos" );
		if( Pos )
			TiXmlAttribute* PosAttr = Pos->FirstAttribute();
			m_TempPos.x = (float)PosAttr->DoubleValue();
			PosAttr = PosAttr->Next();
			m_TempPos.y = (float)PosAttr->DoubleValue();
			PosAttr = PosAttr->Next();
			m_TempPos.z = (float)PosAttr->DoubleValue();

		TempPositions[ NumVertsInFace ] = m_TempPos;

		TiXmlElement* UVEl = Vert->FirstChildElement( "uv" );
		if( UVEl )
			m_Header.m_HasUVs = true;
			TiXmlAttribute* UVAttr = UVEl->FirstAttribute();
			m_TempUV.x = (float)UVAttr->DoubleValue();
			UVAttr = UVAttr->Next();
			m_TempUV.y = (float)UVAttr->DoubleValue();

			// Blender uses OpenGL-style (bottom-to-top) texture coordinates;
			// For now, at least, always convert to Direct3D-style.
			m_TempUV.y = 1.0f - m_TempUV.y;

		TiXmlElement* Norm = Vert->FirstChildElement( "norm" );
		if( Norm )
			m_Header.m_HasNormals = true;
			TiXmlAttribute* NormAttr = Norm->FirstAttribute();
			m_TempNorm.x = (float)NormAttr->DoubleValue();
			NormAttr = NormAttr->Next();
			m_TempNorm.y = (float)NormAttr->DoubleValue();
			NormAttr = NormAttr->Next();
			m_TempNorm.z = (float)NormAttr->DoubleValue();

		int bIdx = 0;
		for( TiXmlElement* Bone = Vert->FirstChildElement( "bone" ); Bone; Bone = Bone->NextSiblingElement( "bone" ) )
			TiXmlAttribute* BoneAttr = Bone->FirstAttribute();
			m_TempBoneIndex.m_Data[ bIdx ] = GetIndexForBone( HashedString( BoneAttr->Value() ) );
			BoneAttr = BoneAttr->Next();
			m_TempBoneWeight.m_Data[ bIdx ] = static_cast<float>( BoneAttr->DoubleValue() );

		uint32 Index = GetIndexForTempVertex();
		if( Index == 65536 && !m_Header.m_LongIndices )
			PRINTF( "Warning: Exceeded 65536 indices.\n" );
			PRINTF( "\tUse -l to compile with long indices.\n" );
		m_Indices.PushBack( Index );

		// Cache indices to handle 4-side faces
		TempIndices[ NumVertsInFace++ ] = Index;

	if( NumVertsInFace == 4 )
		m_RawTris.PushBack( Triangle( TempPositions[0], TempPositions[1], TempPositions[2] ) );
		m_RawTris.PushBack( Triangle( TempPositions[0], TempPositions[2], TempPositions[3] ) );
		m_RawTris.PushBack( Triangle( TempPositions[0], TempPositions[1], TempPositions[2] ) );