void LibraryParser::GetLinkDestAttributes(TiXmlNode* pParent) {
	TiXmlAttribute* Attribute = ( pParent->ToElement())->FirstAttribute() ;
	string Node;
	string Interface;
	while (Attribute ) {
		if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "node") {
			Node = Attribute->ValueStr() ;
		} else if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "interface") {
			Interface = Attribute->ValueStr() ;
		Attribute = Attribute->Next() ;
	mCurrentLink.SetDestinationInterface(Interface) ;
Exemple #2
		bool AgentInitializer::parseProperties( TiXmlElement * node, const std::string & sceneFldr) {
			//first let's decide if this is a velocity modifier
			if (node->ValueStr() == "VelModifier"){
				//this is, we need to find out if we can parse it
				BFSM::VelModifier *vel = BFSM::parseVelModifier( node, sceneFldr);
				if ( vel == 0x0 ) {
					return false;
				} else {
			} else if ( isRelevant( node->ValueStr() ) ) {
				// Extract the attributes of the tag
				TiXmlAttribute * attr;
				for ( attr = node->FirstAttribute(); attr; attr = attr->Next() ) {
					ParseResult result = setFromXMLAttribute( attr->Name(), attr->ValueStr() );
					if ( result == FAILURE ) {
						return false;
					} else if ( result == IGNORED ) {
						logger << Logger::WARN_MSG << "Encountered an unexpected per-agent attribute (" << attr->Name() << ") on line " << attr->Row() << ".";
				// Now look for advanced property specifications
				TiXmlElement* child;
				for( child = node->FirstChildElement(); child; child = child->NextSiblingElement()) {
					if ( ! parsePropertySpec( child ) ) {

						return false;
			// Irrelevant nodes are, by definition, successful.
			return true;
Exemple #3
bool Rule::LoadFromXml(TiXmlElement *node)
    TiXmlAttribute *attr = node->ToElement()->FirstAttribute();

    for (; attr; attr = attr->Next())
        if (string(attr->Name()) != "name" && string(attr->Name()) != "type")
            params.Add(attr->Name(), attr->ValueStr());

    TiXmlElement *cnode = node->FirstChildElement();

    for (; cnode; cnode = cnode->NextSiblingElement())
        if (cnode->ValueStr() == "calaos:condition")
            Condition *cond = RulesFactory::CreateCondition(cnode);
            if (cond)
        else if (cnode->ValueStr() == "calaos:action")
            Action *action = RulesFactory::CreateAction(cnode);
            if (action)

    return true;
Exemple #4
FeuThing::FeuThing(Feu *feu, TiXmlElement *ele, FeuThing *parent) {
    TiXmlAttribute *attr;
    TiXmlElement *kid;
    FeuThing *kidthing;
    std::string name,value;
    // Basic element(s)
    mFeu = feu;
    mType = ele->ValueStr();
    mName = "<unnamed>";
    // Walk Attribute list, importing as we go
    attr = ele->FirstAttribute();
    while (attr != NULL) {
        name = stringof(attr->Name());
        value = attr->ValueStr();
        info("   \"" + name + "\"  ==>  \"" + value + "\"\n");
        mAttributes[name] = value; // Store in our map
        if (name == "name") mName = value;

        attr = attr->Next();

    // Walk child list, descending as we go
    kid = ele->FirstChildElement();
    while (kid != NULL) {
        kidthing = Feu::convertElement(feu,kid,this);
        if (kidthing != NULL) adopt(kidthing);
        kid = kid->NextSiblingElement();
Exemple #5
void JXmlNode::ClearAllAttributes()
	if( m_pXmlElement ){
		for( TiXmlAttribute *attr = m_pXmlElement->FirstAttribute(); attr != NULL && attr != m_pXmlElement->LastAttribute(); attr = attr->Next() ){
void LibraryParser::GetBiLinkAttributes(TiXmlNode* pParent) {
	TiXmlAttribute* Attribute = ( pParent->ToElement())->FirstAttribute() ;
	string Name;
	string Type ;
	while (Attribute ) {
		if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "name") {
			Name = Attribute->ValueStr() ;
		}else if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "type") {
			Type = Attribute->ValueStr() ;
		Attribute = Attribute->Next() ;
	BiLink L ;
	L.SetName(Name );
	L.SetType( Type);
	mCurrentBiLink = L ;
void LibraryParser::GetInterfaceAttributes(TiXmlNode* pParent) {
	TiXmlAttribute* Attribute = ( pParent->ToElement())->FirstAttribute() ;
	string Name;
	string Type;
	int Count = 1;
	while (Attribute ) {
		if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "name") {
			Name = Attribute->ValueStr() ;
		} else if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "type") {
			Type = Attribute->ValueStr() ;
		} else if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "count") {
			Attribute->QueryIntValue(&Count) ;
		Attribute = Attribute->Next() ;
	//Add the interface to the current node
	mCurrentNode.Add(Name, Type, Count) ;
void LibraryParser::GetLibraryAttributes(TiXmlNode* pParent) {
	TiXmlAttribute* Attribute = ( pParent->ToElement())->FirstAttribute() ;
	string Name;
	while (Attribute ) {
		if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "name") {
			Name = Attribute->ValueStr() ;
		Attribute = Attribute->Next() ;
	mLib->SetName(Name ) ;
Exemple #9
void CGUIIncludes::ResolveParametersForNode(TiXmlElement *node, const Params& params)
  if (!node)
  std::string newValue;
  // run through this element's attributes, resolving any parameters
  TiXmlAttribute *attribute = node->FirstAttribute();
  while (attribute)
    ResolveParamsResult result = ResolveParameters(attribute->ValueStr(), newValue, params);
    if (result == SINGLE_UNDEFINED_PARAM_RESOLVED && strcmp(node->Value(), "param") == 0 &&
        strcmp(attribute->Name(), "value") == 0 && node->Parent() && strcmp(node->Parent()->Value(), "include") == 0)
      // special case: passing <param name="someName" value="$PARAM[undefinedParam]" /> to the nested include
      // this usually happens when trying to forward a missing parameter from the enclosing include to the nested include
      // problem: since 'undefinedParam' is not defined, it expands to <param name="someName" value="" /> and overrides any default value set with <param name="someName" default="someValue" /> in the nested include
      // to prevent this, we'll completely remove this parameter from the nested include call so that the default value can be correctly picked up later
    else if (result != NO_PARAMS_FOUND)
    attribute = attribute->Next();
  // run through this element's value and children, resolving any parameters
  TiXmlNode *child = node->FirstChild();
  if (child)
    if (child->Type() == TiXmlNode::TINYXML_TEXT)
      ResolveParamsResult result = ResolveParameters(child->ValueStr(), newValue, params);
      if (result == SINGLE_UNDEFINED_PARAM_RESOLVED && strcmp(node->Value(), "param") == 0 &&
          node->Parent() && strcmp(node->Parent()->Value(), "include") == 0)
        // special case: passing <param name="someName">$PARAM[undefinedParam]</param> to the nested include
        // we'll remove the offending param tag same as above
      else if (result != NO_PARAMS_FOUND)
    else if (child->Type() == TiXmlNode::TINYXML_ELEMENT)
        TiXmlElement *next = child->NextSiblingElement();   // save next as current child might be removed from the tree
        ResolveParametersForNode(static_cast<TiXmlElement *>(child), params);
        child = next;
      while (child);
Exemple #10
UnitDescription* LevelLoader::loadUnitDescription(TiXmlHandle &node)
    UnitDescription *unit = new UnitDescription();
    unit->imagePath = xmlUtil.getString(node, TAG_IMAGE);
    unit->locationID = xmlUtil.getInt(node, TAG_LOCATION);

    TiXmlAttribute *typeAttribute = node.ToElement()->FirstAttribute();
    unit->type = typeAttribute->ValueStr();
    unit->startAngle = xmlUtil.getFloat(node, TAG_ANGLE);
    unit->width = xmlUtil.getInt(node, TAG_WIDTH);
    unit->height = xmlUtil.getInt(node, TAG_HEIGHT);
    //cout << unit->startAngle << endl;
    // TODO: If no start angle exists, give a random angle.

    return unit;
Exemple #11
PickupDescription* LevelLoader::loadPickupDescription(TiXmlHandle &node)
    PickupDescription *pickupDesc = new PickupDescription();

    // Get the type attribute
    TiXmlAttribute *typeAttribute = node.ToElement()->FirstAttribute();
    pickupDesc->type = typeAttribute->ValueStr();

    // Get the remaining attributes
    pickupDesc->imagePath = xmlUtil.getString(node, TAG_IMAGE);
    pickupDesc->locationID = xmlUtil.getInt(node, TAG_LOCATION);
    pickupDesc->startAngle = xmlUtil.getFloat(node, TAG_START_ANGLE);
    pickupDesc->endAngle = xmlUtil.getFloat(node, TAG_END_ANGLE);
    pickupDesc->count = xmlUtil.getInt(node, TAG_COUNT);

    return pickupDesc;
Exemple #12
int MAMELoader::LoadRomGroupEntry(TiXmlElement *romgroupElmt, MAMEGameEntry *gameentry) {
  MAMERomGroupEntry romgroupentry;

  //First, get the "type" and "load_method" attributes.  If they don't exist, we return with an error.
  string load_method;
  if (romgroupElmt->QueryValueAttribute("type", &romgroupentry.type) != TIXML_SUCCESS)
    return 1;
  if (romgroupElmt->QueryValueAttribute("load_method", &load_method) != TIXML_SUCCESS)
    return 1;

  // Read the encryption type string, if it exists
  romgroupElmt->QueryValueAttribute("encryption", &romgroupentry.encryption);

  //Iterate through the attributes of the romgroup element, recording any user-defined values.
  for (TiXmlAttribute *attr = romgroupElmt->FirstAttribute(); attr; attr = attr->Next()) {
    // NameTStr() is returning an std::string because we have defined TIXML_USE_STL
    const string &attrName = attr->NameTStr();
    // Ignore the attribute if it is "type" or "load_method"; we already dealt with those, they are mandated.
    if (attrName.compare("type") && attrName.compare("load_method"))
      romgroupentry.attributes[attrName] = attr->ValueStr();

  if (load_method == "append")
    romgroupentry.loadmethod = LM_APPEND;
  else if (load_method == "append_swap16")
    romgroupentry.loadmethod = LM_APPEND_SWAP16;
  else if (load_method == "deinterlace")
    romgroupentry.loadmethod = LM_DEINTERLACE;
    return 1;

  // load rom entries
  for (TiXmlElement *romElmt = romgroupElmt->FirstChildElement(); romElmt != 0;
       romElmt = romElmt->NextSiblingElement()) {
    const string &elmtName = romElmt->ValueStr();
    if (elmtName != "rom")
      return 1;

  return 0;
Exemple #13
    float XmlUtils::getFloatAttribute(const TiXmlElement* element, const char* name, float def)
        TiXmlAttribute* attribute = element->GetAttribute(name);
        if (attribute == nullptr)
            return def;

        const std::string& string = attribute->ValueStr();
        try {
            size_t pos = 0;
            float value = std::stof(string, &pos);
            if (pos == string.length())
                return value;
        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
            B3D_LOGE(locationOf(element) << "Value of attribute \"" << name
                << "\" is not a valid floating-point number (" << e.what() << ").");
            throw ParseError();

         B3D_LOGE(locationOf(element) << "Value of attribute \"" << name << "\" is not a valid floating-point number.");
         throw ParseError();
Exemple #14
		bool AgentInitializer::parsePropertySpec( TiXmlElement * node ) {
			if ( node->ValueStr() == "Property" ) {
				const char * cName = node->Attribute( "name" );
				if ( cName == 0x0 ) {
					logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "AgentSet Property tag specified on line " << node->Row() << " without a \"name\" attribute.";
					return false;
				::std::string propName( cName );
				return processProperty( propName, node ) != FAILURE;
			} else if ( VERBOSE ) {
				logger << Logger::WARN_MSG << "Unexpected tag when looking for a property of an AgentSet parameter set: " << node->ValueStr() << "\n";
				TiXmlAttribute * attr;
				for ( attr = node->FirstAttribute(); attr; attr = attr->Next() ) {
					if ( setFromXMLAttribute( attr->Name(), attr->ValueStr() ) == FAILURE ) {
						return false;
			// Unexpected tags are ignored
			return true;
Exemple #15
void CGUIIncludes::ResolveExpressions(TiXmlElement *node)
  if (!node)

  TiXmlNode *child = node->FirstChild();
  if (child && child->Type() == TiXmlNode::TINYXML_TEXT && m_expressionNodes.count(node->ValueStr()))
    TiXmlAttribute *attribute = node->FirstAttribute();
    while (attribute)
      if (m_expressionAttributes.count(attribute->Name()))

      attribute = attribute->Next();
Exemple #16
    int XmlUtils::getIntAttribute(const TiXmlElement* element, const char* name)
        TiXmlAttribute* attribute = element->GetAttribute(name);
        if (attribute == nullptr) {
            B3D_LOGE(locationOf(element) << "Attribute \"" << name << "\" is missing in tag \""
                << element->ValueStr() << "\".");
            throw ParseError();

        const std::string& string = attribute->ValueStr();
        try {
            size_t pos = 0;
            int value = std::stoi(string, &pos);
            if (pos == string.length())
                return value;
        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
            B3D_LOGE(locationOf(element) << "Value of attribute \"" << name
                << "\" is not a valid integer (" << e.what() << ").");
            throw ParseError();

        B3D_LOGE(locationOf(element) << "Value of attribute \"" << name << "\" is not a valid integer.");
        throw ParseError();
Exemple #17
void CGUIIncludes::ResolveIncludesForNode(TiXmlElement *node)
  // we have a node, find any <include file="fileName">tagName</include> tags and replace
  // recursively with their real includes
  if (!node) return;

  // First add the defaults if this is for a control
  CStdString type;
  if (node->ValueStr() == "control")
    type = node->Attribute("type");
    map<CStdString, TiXmlElement>::const_iterator it = m_defaults.find(type);
    if (it != m_defaults.end())
      const TiXmlElement &element = (*it).second;
      const TiXmlElement *tag = element.FirstChildElement();
      while (tag)
        // we insert at the end of block
        tag = tag->NextSiblingElement();

  TiXmlElement *include = node->FirstChildElement("include");
  while (include && include->FirstChild())
    // have an include tag - grab it's tag name and replace it with the real tag contents
    const char *file = include->Attribute("file");
    if (file)
    { // we need to load this include from the alternative file
    const char *condition = include->Attribute("condition");
    if (condition)
    { // check this condition
      if (!g_infoManager.EvaluateBool(condition))
        include = include->NextSiblingElement("include");
    CStdString tagName = include->FirstChild()->Value();
    map<CStdString, TiXmlElement>::const_iterator it = m_includes.find(tagName);
    if (it != m_includes.end())
    { // found the tag(s) to include - let's replace it
      const TiXmlElement &element = (*it).second;
      const TiXmlElement *tag = element.FirstChildElement();
      while (tag)
        // we insert before the <include> element to keep the correct
        // order (we render in the order given in the xml file)
        node->InsertBeforeChild(include, *tag);
        tag = tag->NextSiblingElement();
      // remove the <include>tagName</include> element
      include = node->FirstChildElement("include");
    { // invalid include
      CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "Skin has invalid include: %s", tagName.c_str());
      include = include->NextSiblingElement("include");

  // run through this element's attributes, resolving any constants
  TiXmlAttribute *attribute = node->FirstAttribute();
  while (attribute)
  { // check the attribute against our set
    if (m_constantAttributes.count(attribute->NameStr()))
    attribute = attribute->Next();
  // also do the value
  if (node->FirstChild() && node->FirstChild()->Type() == TiXmlNode::TEXT && m_constantNodes.count(node->ValueStr()))
void HoOrionModelParser::ParseRouter(TiXmlNode* pParent) {
	double TmpDouble;
	int TmpInt;
	string Type;
	stringstream Energy;
	stringstream Area;
	int MaxIn = 0;
	int MaxOut = 0;
	TiXmlAttribute* Attribute = ( pParent->ToElement())->FirstAttribute() ;
	while (Attribute ) {
		if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "type") {
			Type = string(Attribute->Value() ) ;
		} else if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "maxin") {
			Attribute->QueryIntValue(&TmpInt) ;
			MaxIn = TmpInt ;
		} else if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "maxout") {
			Attribute->QueryIntValue(&TmpInt) ;
			MaxOut = TmpInt ;
		} else if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "maxbw") {
			Attribute->QueryDoubleValue(&TmpDouble) ;
			//mModel->RouterMaxBw = TmpDouble ;
		} else if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "energy") {
			Energy << Attribute->ValueStr() ;
		} else if (string(Attribute->Name() ) == "area") {
			Area << Attribute->ValueStr() ;
		} else {
			cout << "Unknown attribute "<< Attribute->Name() << " for wire"
					<< endl ;
		Attribute = Attribute->Next() ;

	mMaxIn = MaxIn ;
	mMaxOut = MaxOut ;

	if (Type == "r1ch32") {
		mArouter1ch32.resize(MaxIn + 1) ;
		mErouter1ch32.resize(MaxIn + 1) ;
		mErouterLeak1ch32.resize(MaxIn + 1) ;
		mArouter1ch32[0].resize(MaxOut + 1) ;
		mErouter1ch32[0].resize(MaxOut + 1) ;
		mErouterLeak1ch32[0].resize(MaxOut + 1) ;
		for (int i = 1; i <= MaxIn ; i++) {
			mArouter1ch32[i].resize(MaxOut + 1) ;
			mErouter1ch32[i].resize(MaxOut + 1) ;
			mErouterLeak1ch32[i].resize(MaxOut + 1) ;
			for (int j = 1; j <= MaxOut ; j++) {
				Area >> mArouter1ch32[i][j];
				mArouter1ch32[i][j] = mArouter1ch32[i][j]*1e-12;
				Energy >> mErouter1ch32[i][j];
				Energy >> mErouterLeak1ch32[i][j];

		//handle first rows nad first column
		for (int j = 0; j <= MaxOut ; j++) {
			mArouter1ch32[0][j] = 0;
			mErouter1ch32[0][j] = 0;
			mErouterLeak1ch32[0][j] = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i <= MaxIn ; i++) {
			mArouter1ch32[i][0] = 0;
			mErouter1ch32[i][0] = 0;
			mErouterLeak1ch32[i][0] = 0;

	} else if (Type == "r4ch32") {
Exemple #19
void CGUIIncludes::ResolveIncludesForNode(TiXmlElement *node, std::map<INFO::InfoPtr, bool>* xmlIncludeConditions /* = NULL */)
  // we have a node, find any <include file="fileName">tagName</include> tags and replace
  // recursively with their real includes
  if (!node) return;

  // First add the defaults if this is for a control
  std::string type;
  if (node->ValueStr() == "control")
    type = XMLUtils::GetAttribute(node, "type");
    std::map<std::string, TiXmlElement>::const_iterator it = m_defaults.find(type);
    if (it != m_defaults.end())
      // we don't insert <left> et. al. if <posx> or <posy> is specified
      bool hasPosX(node->FirstChild("posx") != NULL);
      bool hasPosY(node->FirstChild("posy") != NULL);

      const TiXmlElement &element = (*it).second;
      const TiXmlElement *tag = element.FirstChildElement();
      while (tag)
        std::string value = tag->ValueStr();
        bool skip(false);
        if (hasPosX && (value == "left" || value == "right" || value == "centerleft" || value == "centerright"))
          skip = true;
        if (hasPosY && (value == "top" || value == "bottom" || value == "centertop" || value == "centerbottom"))
          skip = true;
        // we insert at the end of block
        if (!skip)
        tag = tag->NextSiblingElement();

  TiXmlElement *include = node->FirstChildElement("include");
  while (include)
    // have an include tag - grab it's tag name and replace it with the real tag contents
    const char *file = include->Attribute("file");
    if (file)
    { // we need to load this include from the alternative file
    const char *condition = include->Attribute("condition");
    if (condition)
    { // check this condition
      INFO::InfoPtr conditionID = g_infoManager.Register(condition);
      bool value = conditionID->Get();

      if (xmlIncludeConditions)
        (*xmlIncludeConditions)[conditionID] = value;

      if (!value)
        include = include->NextSiblingElement("include");

    Params params;
    std::string tagName;
    // determine which form of include call we have
    const char *name = include->Attribute("content");
    if (name)
      // 1. <include name="MyControl" />
      // 2. <include name="MyControl">
      //      <param name="posx" value="225" />
      //      <param name="posy">150</param>
      //      ...
      //    </include>
      tagName = name;
      GetParameters(include, "value", params);
      const TiXmlNode *child = include->FirstChild();
      if (child && child->Type() == TiXmlNode::TINYXML_TEXT)
        // 3. <include>MyControl</include>          // old-style includes for backward compatibility
        tagName = child->ValueStr();

    std::map<std::string, std::pair<TiXmlElement, Params>>::const_iterator it = m_includes.find(tagName);
    if (it != m_includes.end())
    { // found the tag(s) to include - let's replace it
      const TiXmlElement *includeBody = &it->second.first;
      const Params& defaultParams = it->second.second;
      const TiXmlElement *tag = includeBody->FirstChildElement();
      // combine passed include parameters with their default values into a single list (no overwrites)
      params.insert(defaultParams.begin(), defaultParams.end());
      while (tag)
        // we insert before the <include> element to keep the correct
        // order (we render in the order given in the xml file)
        TiXmlElement *insertedTag = static_cast<TiXmlElement*>(node->InsertBeforeChild(include, *tag));
        // after insertion we resolve parameters even if parameter list is empty (to remove param references)
        ResolveParametersForNode(insertedTag, params);
        tag = tag->NextSiblingElement();
      // remove the include element itself
      include = node->FirstChildElement("include");
    { // invalid include
      CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "Skin has invalid include: %s", tagName.c_str());
      include = include->NextSiblingElement("include");

  // run through this element's attributes, resolving any constants
  TiXmlAttribute *attribute = node->FirstAttribute();
  while (attribute)
  { // check the attribute against our set
    if (m_constantAttributes.count(attribute->Name()))
    if (m_expressionAttributes.count(attribute->Name()))
    attribute = attribute->Next();
  // also do the value
  if (node->FirstChild() && node->FirstChild()->Type() == TiXmlNode::TINYXML_TEXT && m_constantNodes.count(node->ValueStr()))
  if (node->FirstChild() && node->FirstChild()->Type() == TiXmlNode::TINYXML_TEXT && m_expressionNodes.count(node->ValueStr()))
Exemple #20
Property::LoadProperties( string filename )
// Parameters checking
	OPENCITY_DEBUG( "Loading file: " << filename );
	assert( filename != "" );

// Load the XML metadata file
	TiXmlDocument xml;
	if (!xml.LoadFile(filename) || xml.Error()) {
		OPENCITY_FATAL( xml.ErrorDesc() );

// Get the root element
	TiXmlNode* pRoot = xml.RootElement();
	if (pRoot == NULL) {
		OPENCITY_FATAL( xml.ErrorDesc() );

// Initialize few work variables
	TiXmlNode* pNode = NULL;
	TiXmlElement* pElement = NULL;
	TiXmlAttribute* pAttribute = NULL;
	Property* pProperty = new Property();

// Select the "/object/property/cost" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_COST_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "build",	(int*)&pProperty->uiBuildCost );
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "destroy",	(int*)&pProperty->uiDestroyCost );
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "support",	(int*)&pProperty->uiSupportCost );
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "income",	(int*)&pProperty->uiIncome );

// RCI ========================================================================
// Select the "/object/property/r/need" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_NEED_R_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sResidence.mmNeed.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sResidence.mmNeed.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/r/provide" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_PROVIDE_R_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sResidence.mmProvide.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sResidence.mmProvide.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/c/need" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_NEED_C_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sCommerce.mmNeed.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sCommerce.mmNeed.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/c/provide" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_PROVIDE_C_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sCommerce.mmProvide.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sCommerce.mmProvide.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/i/need" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_NEED_I_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sIndustry.mmNeed.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sIndustry.mmNeed.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/i/provide" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_PROVIDE_I_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sIndustry.mmProvide.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sIndustry.mmProvide.iMax);

// WEG ========================================================================
// Select the "/object/property/w/need" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_NEED_W_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sWater.mmNeed.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sWater.mmNeed.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/w/provide" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_PROVIDE_W_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sWater.mmProvide.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sWater.mmProvide.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/e/need" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_NEED_E_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sElectricity.mmNeed.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sElectricity.mmNeed.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/e/provide" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_PROVIDE_E_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sElectricity.mmProvide.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sElectricity.mmProvide.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/g/need" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_NEED_G_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sGas.mmNeed.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sGas.mmNeed.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/e/provide" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_PROVIDE_G_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sGas.mmProvide.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sGas.mmProvide.iMax);

// TN  ========================================================================
// Select the "/object/property/t/need" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_NEED_T_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sTraffic.mmNeed.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sTraffic.mmNeed.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/t/provide" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_PROVIDE_T_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sTraffic.mmProvide.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sTraffic.mmProvide.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/nature/need" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_NEED_NATURE_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sNature.mmNeed.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sNature.mmNeed.iMax);

// Select the "/object/property/nature/provide" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_PROVIDE_NATURE_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "min",	(int*)&pProperty->sNature.mmProvide.iMin);
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "max",	(int*)&pProperty->sNature.mmProvide.iMax);

// ??? ========================================================================
// Select the "/object/property" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_PROPERTY_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <cost> node and fill the structure with the model cost properties
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "inhabitant",	(int*)&pProperty->uiInhabitant );
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "worker",		(int*)&pProperty->uiWorker );
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "radius",		(int*)&pProperty->uiRadius );

// Select the "/object/property/@type" attribute
	pAttribute = XAp_xpath_attribute(pRoot, OC_METADATA_STRUCTURE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
	assert( pAttribute != NULL );
	pProperty->eStructureType = _Str2Type(pAttribute->ValueStr());

// Select the "/object/property/direction/@value" attribute
	pAttribute = XAp_xpath_attribute(pRoot, OC_METADATA_DIRECTION_ATTRIBUTE);
	assert( pAttribute != NULL );
	pProperty->eDirection = _Str2Direction(pAttribute->ValueStr());

// Select the "/object/model" node
	pNode = XNp_xpath_node(pRoot, OC_METADATA_MODEL_NODE);
	assert( pNode != NULL );
// Get the <model> node and fill the structure with the model dimension
	pElement = pNode->ToElement();
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "width",	(int*)&pProperty->uiWidth );
	pElement->QueryIntAttribute( "length",	(int*)&pProperty->uiLength );
	pElement->QueryFloatAttribute( "height", &pProperty->fHeight );

// Debug
		endl <<
		"W/L/H: " <<
			pProperty->uiWidth << "/" << pProperty->uiLength << "/" << pProperty->fHeight << " | " <<
		"B/D/S/I: " <<
			pProperty->uiBuildCost << "/" << pProperty->uiDestroyCost << "/" << pProperty->uiSupportCost << "/" << pProperty->uiIncome << " | " <<
		"Dir: " <<
			pProperty->eDirection << " | " <<
		"Type: " <<
			pProperty->eStructureType << " | " <<
		"i/w/r: " <<
			pProperty->uiInhabitant << "/" << pProperty->uiWorker << "/" << pProperty->uiRadius << " | " <<
			endl <<
		"r/c/i: " <<
			pProperty->sResidence.mmNeed.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sResidence.mmNeed.iMax << " " <<
			pProperty->sResidence.mmProvide.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sResidence.mmProvide.iMax << " / " <<
			pProperty->sCommerce.mmNeed.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sCommerce.mmNeed.iMax << " " <<
			pProperty->sCommerce.mmProvide.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sCommerce.mmProvide.iMax << " / " <<
			pProperty->sIndustry.mmNeed.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sIndustry.mmNeed.iMax << " " <<
			pProperty->sIndustry.mmProvide.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sIndustry.mmProvide.iMax << " / " <<
			endl <<
		"w/e/g: " <<
			pProperty->sWater.mmNeed.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sWater.mmNeed.iMax << " " <<
			pProperty->sWater.mmProvide.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sWater.mmProvide.iMax << " / " <<
			pProperty->sElectricity.mmNeed.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sElectricity.mmNeed.iMax << " " <<
			pProperty->sElectricity.mmProvide.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sElectricity.mmProvide.iMax << " / " <<
			pProperty->sGas.mmNeed.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sGas.mmNeed.iMax << " " <<
			pProperty->sGas.mmProvide.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sGas.mmProvide.iMax << " / " <<
			endl <<
		"t/n: " <<
			pProperty->sTraffic.mmNeed.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sTraffic.mmNeed.iMax << " " <<
			pProperty->sTraffic.mmProvide.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sTraffic.mmProvide.iMax << " / " <<
			pProperty->sNature.mmNeed.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sNature.mmNeed.iMax << " " <<
			pProperty->sNature.mmProvide.iMin << "-" << pProperty->sNature.mmProvide.iMax

	return pProperty;
Exemple #21
 std::string XmlUtils::getStringAttribute(const TiXmlElement* element, const char* name, const std::string& def)
     TiXmlAttribute* attribute = element->GetAttribute(name);
     return (attribute ? attribute->ValueStr() : def);
Exemple #22
		bool SimXMLLoader::loadFromXML( const std::string & filename, AgentInitializer * agentInit, bool verbose ) {
			// COnfirms file is
			//	a) available for reading
			//	b) valid xml
			//	c) An "Experiment"
			if ( verbose ) logger << Logger::INFO_MSG << "Loading from xml: " << filename << ".";
			TiXmlDocument xml( filename );
			bool loadOkay = xml.LoadFile();

			if ( !loadOkay ) {	// load xml file
				logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "Could not load simulation configuration xml (" << filename << ") due to xml syntax errors.\n";
				logger << "\t" << xml.ErrorDesc();
				return false;

			TiXmlElement* experimentNode = xml.RootElement();	
			if( ! experimentNode ) {
				logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "Scene configuration (" << filename << ") does not contain a root element.";
				return false;

			if( experimentNode->ValueStr () != "Experiment" ) {
				logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "Scene configuration (" << filename << ")'s root element is not \"Experiment\".";
				return false;

			std::string absPath;
			os::path::absPath( filename, absPath );
			std::string junk;
			os::path::split( absPath, _sceneFldr, junk );
			logger << Logger::INFO_MSG << "Scene root: " << _sceneFldr << ".";		

			bool commonDone = false;	// common experiment parameters parsed
			bool targetDone = !_sim->hasExpTarget();	// target experiment parameters parsed
			bool spatialQueryDone = false;	// spatial query must be finished before obstacles and agents can be created

			// Tags I'm not ready to parse - only parse agent sets and obstacles AFTER experiment
			//	parameters
			std::list< TiXmlElement * > tagQueue;
			TiXmlElement* child;
			for( child = experimentNode->FirstChildElement(); child; child = child->NextSiblingElement()) {
				if ( child->ValueStr() == "Common" ) {
					// Currently the only "common" experiment parameter is the time step
					TiXmlAttribute * attr;
					for ( attr = child->FirstAttribute(); attr; attr = attr->Next() ) {
						try {
							if ( !_sim->setExpParam( attr->Name(), attr->ValueStr() ) ) {
								logger << Logger::WARN_MSG << "Unrecognized parameter in the global \"Common\" parameters (" << attr->Name() << ") on line " << child->Row() << "\n";
						} catch ( XMLParamException e ) {
							logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << e.what();
							return false;
					commonDone = true;
				} else if ( child->ValueStr() == "AgentProfile" ) {
					if ( !parseAgentProfile( child, agentInit ) ) {
						return false;
				} else if ( child->ValueStr() == "AgentGroup" ) {
					if ( ! ( commonDone || targetDone || spatialQueryDone ) ) {
						tagQueue.push_back( child );
					} else {
						if ( !parseAgentGroup( child, agentInit ) ) {
							return false;
				} else if ( child->ValueStr() == "ObstacleSet" ) {
					if ( ! ( commonDone || targetDone || spatialQueryDone) ) {
						tagQueue.push_back( child );
					} else {
						if ( ! parseObstacleSet( child ) ) {
							return false;
				} else if ( child->ValueStr() == "Elevation" ) {
					if ( _sim->hasElevation() ) {
						logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "More than one elevation has been specified.  Found redundant elevation specification on line " << child->Row() << ".";
						return false;
					Elevation * elevation = ElevationDB::getInstance( child, _sceneFldr );
					if ( elevation == 0x0 ) {
						logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "Unable to instantiate elevation specifcation on line " << child->Row() << ".";
						return false;
					} else {
						_sim->setElevationInstance( elevation );
					Menge::ELEVATION = elevation;
				} else if ( child->ValueStr() == "SpatialQuery" ) {
					if ( _sim->hasSpatialQuery() ) {
						logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "More than one spatial query implementation has been specified.  Found redundant spatial query specification on line " << child->Row() << ".";
						return false;
					SpatialQuery * spQuery = SpatialQueryDB::getInstance( child, _sceneFldr );
					if ( spQuery == 0x0 ) {
						logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "Unable to instantiate spatial query specifcation on line " << child->Row() << ".";
						return false;
					} else {
						_sim->setSpatialQuery( spQuery );
						spatialQueryDone = true;
				} else {	// target parameter 
					if ( !targetDone && _sim->isExpTarget( child->ValueStr() ) ) {
						// Parse the target
						TiXmlAttribute * attr;
						for ( attr = child->FirstAttribute(); attr; attr = attr->Next() ) {
							try {
								if ( ! _sim->setExpParam( attr->Name(), attr->ValueStr() ) ) {
									logger << Logger::WARN_MSG << "Unrecognized parameter in the global \"" << child->ValueStr() << "\" parameters (" << attr->Name() << ") on line " << child->Row() << "\n";
							} catch ( XMLParamException e ) {
								logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << e.what() << " (on line " << child->Row() << ")";
								return false;
						targetDone = true;
			if ( !targetDone || !commonDone || !spatialQueryDone) {
				logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "Missing required experiment parameters: \n";
				if ( !targetDone ) logger << "\tmodel simulation parameters ";
				if ( !commonDone ) logger << "\tcommon simulation parameters ";
				if ( !spatialQueryDone ) logger << "\tSpatial Query ";
				return false;
			// Now parse any of the tags that were skipped while waiting for experiment configuration
			std::list< TiXmlElement * >::iterator tagItr = tagQueue.begin();
			for ( ; tagItr != tagQueue.end(); ++tagItr ) {
				TiXmlElement * child = *tagItr;
				if ( child->ValueStr() == "AgentGroup" ) {
					if ( !parseAgentGroup( child, agentInit ) ) {
						return false;
				} else if ( child->ValueStr() == "ObstacleSet" ) {
					if ( ! parseObstacleSet( child ) ) {
							return false;
				} else {
					logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "XML contains an invalid tag: " << child->ValueStr() << " on line " << child->Row() << ".";
					return false;

			if ( _agtCount == 0 ) {
				// TODO: Change this test when agent sources are introduced
				//	in this case, it is possible to start with no agents and then add them
				//	w.r.t. time.
				logger << Logger::ERR_MSG << "No agents defined in simulation.";
				return false;

			// free up the profiles
			//	TODO: I'll need to save these when I have AgentSources.
			for ( HASH_MAP< std::string, AgentInitializer * >::iterator itr = _profiles.begin();
				itr != _profiles.end();
				++itr ) 
				delete itr->second;

			return _sim->initSpatialQuery();
Exemple #23
// Method:
//    Database::readXMLHelper(TiXmlNode* pParent, const unsigned int & pass)
// Used as a helper to recursively read in taxonomy of items from XML file.
// Arguments:
//    "pParent" Current node in taxonomy
//    "pass" the pass number: 1 is the first pass to count the number
//           of generalized items in the taxonomy; 2 is to read in the
//           taxonomy into memory (Tree G)
Database::readXMLHelper(TiXmlNode* pParent) {
    if ( !pParent ) return;
	TiXmlNode* pChild;

	int t = pParent->Type();

	switch (t) {    
        case TiXmlNode::TINYXML_ELEMENT:
            if (pParent->ValueStr() == "vertex") {
                TiXmlAttribute * pAttrib = pParent->ToElement()->FirstAttribute();
                while (pAttrib) {
                    if (pAttrib->NameTStr() == "value") {
                        TaxVertex * newTaxVertex = new TaxVertex(atoi(pAttrib->Value()));
                        if (pAttrib->ValueStr() == "-1") {
                            headerTable[atoi(pAttrib->Value())] = newTaxVertex;
                        //cout << pAttrib->Value() << endl;
                        headerTable[atoi(pAttrib->Value())] = newTaxVertex;
            else if (pParent->ValueStr() == "edge") {
                TiXmlAttribute * pAttrib = pParent->ToElement()->FirstAttribute();
                TaxVertex * To;
                TaxVertex * From;
                while (pAttrib) {
                    if (pAttrib->NameTStr() == "to" || pAttrib->NameTStr() == "from") {
                        map<int, TaxVertex *>::iterator mapIt;
                        mapIt = headerTable.find(atoi(pAttrib->Value()));
                        //cout << pAttrib->ValueStr() << endl;
                        if (mapIt != headerTable.end()) {
                            if (pAttrib->NameTStr() == "to") {
                                To = (*mapIt).second;
                            else {
                                From = (*mapIt).second;
	for ( pChild = pParent->FirstChild(); pChild != 0; pChild = pChild->NextSibling()) {