// Utility function that returns the complete path for a selection.
getSelectionName(const Selection& selection, CelestiaCore* appCore)
    Universe *universe = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
    switch (selection.getType())
        case Selection::Type_Body:
            return getBodyName(universe, selection.body());
        case Selection::Type_Star:
            return universe->getStarCatalog()->getStarName(*selection.star());
        case Selection::Type_DeepSky:
            return universe->getDSOCatalog()->getDSOName(selection.deepsky());
        case Selection::Type_Location:
            std::string name = selection.location()->getName();
            Body* parentBody = selection.location()->getParentBody();
            if (parentBody != NULL)
                name = getBodyName(universe, parentBody) + ":" + name;
            return name;
            return "";
Exemple #2
void CelestiaAppWindow::slotAddBookmark()
    // Set the default bookmark title to the name of the current selection
    Selection sel = m_appCore->getSimulation()->getSelection();
    QString defaultTitle;

    if (sel.body() != NULL)
        defaultTitle = QString::fromUtf8(sel.body()->getName(true).c_str());
    else if (sel.star() != NULL)
        Universe* universe = m_appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
        defaultTitle = QString::fromUtf8(ReplaceGreekLetterAbbr(universe->getStarCatalog()->getStarName(*sel.star(), true)).c_str());
    else if (sel.deepsky() != NULL)
        Universe* universe = m_appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
        defaultTitle = QString::fromUtf8(ReplaceGreekLetterAbbr(universe->getDSOCatalog()->getDSOName(sel.deepsky(), true)).c_str());
    else if (sel.location() != NULL)
        defaultTitle = sel.location()->getName().c_str();
    if (defaultTitle.isEmpty())
        defaultTitle = _("New bookmark");

    CelestiaState appState;
    // Capture the current frame buffer to use as a bookmark icon.
    QImage grabbedImage = glWidget->grabFrameBuffer();
    int width = grabbedImage.width();
    int height = grabbedImage.height();

    // Crop the image to a square.
    QImage iconImage;
    if (width > height)
        iconImage = grabbedImage.copy((width - height) / 2, 0, height, height);
        iconImage = grabbedImage.copy(0, (height - width) / 2, width, width);

    AddBookmarkDialog dialog(m_bookmarkManager, defaultTitle, appState, iconImage);

void DeepSkyBrowser::slotMarkSelected()
    QItemSelectionModel* sm = treeView->selectionModel();

    bool labelMarker = labelMarkerBox->checkState() == Qt::Checked;
    bool convertOK = false;
    QVariant markerData = markerSymbolBox->itemData(markerSymbolBox->currentIndex());
    MarkerRepresentation::Symbol markerSymbol = (MarkerRepresentation::Symbol) markerData.toInt(&convertOK);
    QVariant markerSize = markerSizeBox->itemData(markerSizeBox->currentIndex());
    float size = (float) markerSize.toInt(&convertOK);
    QColor markerColor = colorSwatch->color();
    Color color((float) markerColor.redF(),
                (float) markerColor.greenF(),
                (float) markerColor.blueF());
    Universe* universe = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
    string label;

    int nRows = dsoModel->rowCount(QModelIndex());
    for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++)
        if (sm->isRowSelected(row, QModelIndex()))
            DeepSkyObject* dso = dsoModel->itemAtRow((unsigned int) row);
            if (dso != NULL)
                if (convertOK)
                    if (labelMarker)
                        label = universe->getDSOCatalog()->getDSOName(dso, true);
                        label = ReplaceGreekLetterAbbr(label);

                                         MarkerRepresentation(markerSymbol, size, color, label),
                    universe->unmarkObject(Selection(dso), 1);
        } // isRowSelected
    } // for
void SolarSystemBrowser::slotMarkSelected()
#if 0
    QItemSelectionModel* sm = treeView->selectionModel();
    QModelIndexList rows = sm->selectedRows();

    bool labelMarker = labelMarkerBox->checkState() == Qt::Checked;
    bool convertOK = false;
    QVariant markerData = markerSymbolBox->itemData(markerSymbolBox->currentIndex());
    Marker::Symbol markerSymbol = (Marker::Symbol) markerData.toInt(&convertOK);
    QColor markerColor = colorSwatch->color();
    Color color((float) markerColor.redF(),
                (float) markerColor.greenF(),
                (float) markerColor.blueF());
    Universe* universe = appCore->getSimulation()->getUniverse();
    string label;

    for (QModelIndexList::const_iterator iter = rows.begin();
         iter != rows.end(); iter++)
        Selection sel = solarSystemModel->objectAtIndex(*iter);
        if (!sel.empty())
            if (convertOK)
#if 0
                if (labelMarker)
                    label = universe->getDSOCatalog()->getDSOName(dso);
                    label = ReplaceGreekLetterAbbr(label);

                universe->markObject(sel, 10.0f,
                                     markerSymbol, 1, label);
                universe->unmarkObject(sel, 1);
// Override QAbstractTableModel::data()
QVariant DSOTableModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
    int row = index.row();
    if (row < 0 || row >= (int) dsos.size())
        // Out of range
        return QVariant();

    const DeepSkyObject* dso = dsos[row];

    if (role != Qt::DisplayRole)
        return QVariant();

    switch (index.column())
    case NameColumn:
            string dsoNameString = ReplaceGreekLetterAbbr(universe->getDSOCatalog()->getDSOName(dso, true));
            return QVariant(QString::fromUtf8(dsoNameString.c_str()));
    case DistanceColumn:
            return QString("%L1").arg((observerPos - dso->getPosition()).norm(), 0, 'g', 4);
    case AppMagColumn:
            double distance = (observerPos - dso->getPosition()).norm();
            return QString("%1").arg(astro::absToAppMag((double) dso->getAbsoluteMagnitude(), distance), 0, 'f', 2);
    case TypeColumn:
        return QString(dso->getType());
        return QVariant();
void DSOTableModel::populate(const UniversalCoord& _observerPos,
                             DSOFilterPredicate& filterPred,
                             DSOPredicate::Criterion criterion,
                             unsigned int nDSOs)
    const DSODatabase& dsodb = *universe->getDSOCatalog();
    observerPos = _observerPos.offsetFromKm(UniversalCoord::Zero()) * astro::kilometersToLightYears(1.0);
    typedef multiset<DeepSkyObject*, DSOPredicate> DSOSet;
    DSOPredicate pred(criterion, observerPos);

    // Apply the filter
    vector<DeepSkyObject*> filteredDSOs;
    unsigned int totalDSOs = dsodb.size();
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < totalDSOs; i++)
        DeepSkyObject* dso = dsodb.getDSO(i);
        if (!filterPred(dso))

    // Don't try and show more DSOs than remain after the filter
    if (filteredDSOs.size() < nDSOs)
        nDSOs = filteredDSOs.size();

    // Clear out the results of the previous populate() call
    if (dsos.size() != 0)

    if (filteredDSOs.empty())

    DSOSet firstDSOs(pred);

    // We'll need at least nDSOs in the set, so first fill
    // up the list indiscriminately.
    for (i = 0; i < nDSOs; i++)

    // From here on, only add a dso to the set if it's
    // A better match than the worst matching dso already
    // in the set.
    const DeepSkyObject* lastDSO = *--firstDSOs.end();
    for (; i < filteredDSOs.size(); i++)
        DeepSkyObject* dso = filteredDSOs[i];
        if (pred(dso, lastDSO))
            lastDSO = *--firstDSOs.end();

    // Move the best matching DSOs into the vector
    for (DSOSet::const_iterator iter = firstDSOs.begin();
         iter != firstDSOs.end(); iter++)

    beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, dsos.size());