// data is a pointer to a struct being serialized and typeInfo describes // the struct. res is a result as a stream of bytes static void SerializeType(byte *data, TypeSerializeInfo *typeInfo, Vec<byte>& msg) { msg.Reset(); // reserve space for the size of the message, which we only know // after serializeing the data. We're making an assumption here // that serialized data will be smaller than 65k // note: we can easily relax that by using uint32 for len uint16 *msgLenPtr = (uint16*)msg.AppendBlanks(2); uint16 msgId = (uint16)typeInfo->msgId; int msgLen = SerNum16((byte*)&msgId, msg); for (MemberSerializeInfo *member = typeInfo->members; !member->IsSentinel(); ++ member) { switch (member->type) { case MemberSerializeInfo::UInt16: msgLen += SerNum16(data + member->offset, msg); break; case MemberSerializeInfo::Int32: case MemberSerializeInfo::UInt32: msgLen += SerNum32(data + member->offset, msg); break; case MemberSerializeInfo::Int64: case MemberSerializeInfo::UInt64: msgLen += SerNum32(data + member->offset, msg); break; } } *msgLenPtr = (uint16)msgLen; }
int Pdfsync::SourceToDoc(const WCHAR* srcfilename, UINT line, UINT col, UINT* page, Vec<RectI>& rects) { if (IsIndexDiscarded()) if (RebuildIndex() != PDFSYNCERR_SUCCESS) return PDFSYNCERR_SYNCFILE_CANNOT_BE_OPENED; Vec<size_t> found_records; UINT ret = SourceToRecord(srcfilename, line, col, found_records); if (ret != PDFSYNCERR_SUCCESS || found_records.size() == 0) return ret; rects.Reset(); // records have been found for the desired source position: // we now find the page and positions in the PDF corresponding to these found records UINT firstPage = UINT_MAX; for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { if (!found_records.Contains(points.at(i).record)) continue; if (firstPage != UINT_MAX && firstPage != points.at(i).page) continue; firstPage = *page = points.at(i).page; RectD rc(SYNC_TO_PDF_COORDINATE(points.at(i).x), SYNC_TO_PDF_COORDINATE(points.at(i).y), MARK_SIZE, MARK_SIZE); // PdfSync coordinates are y-inversed RectD mbox = engine->PageMediabox(firstPage); rc.y = mbox.dy - (rc.y + rc.dy); rects.Push(rc.Round()); } if (rects.size() > 0) return PDFSYNCERR_SUCCESS; // the record does not correspond to any point in the PDF: this is possible... return PDFSYNCERR_NOSYNCPOINT_FOR_LINERECORD; }
void DjVuEngineImpl::UpdateUserAnnotations(Vec<PageAnnotation> *list) { ScopedCritSec scope(&gDjVuContext.lock); if (list) userAnnots = *list; else userAnnots.Reset(); }
static void VecTest() { Vec<int> ints; assert(ints.Count() == 0); ints.Append(1); ints.Push(2); ints.InsertAt(0, -1); assert(ints.Count() == 3); assert(ints.At(0) == -1 && ints.At(1) == 1 && ints.At(2) == 2); assert(ints.At(0) == -1 && ints.Last() == 2); int last = ints.Pop(); assert(last == 2); assert(ints.Count() == 2); ints.Push(3); ints.RemoveAt(0); assert(ints.Count() == 2); assert(ints.At(0) == 1 && ints.At(1) == 3); ints.Reset(); assert(ints.Count() == 0); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { ints.Push(i); } assert(ints.Count() == 1000 && ints.At(500) == 500); ints.Remove(500); assert(ints.Count() == 999 && ints.At(500) == 501); last = ints.Pop(); assert(last == 999); ints.Append(last); assert(ints.AtPtr(501) == &ints.At(501)); { Vec<int> ints2(ints); assert(ints2.Count() == 999); assert(ints.LendData() != ints2.LendData()); ints.Remove(600); assert(ints.Count() < ints2.Count()); ints2 = ints; assert(ints2.Count() == 998); } { char buf[2] = {'a', '\0'}; str::Str<char> v(0); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { v.Append(buf, 1); buf[0] = buf[0] + 1; } char *s = v.LendData(); assert(str::Eq("abcdefg", s)); assert(7 == v.Count()); v.Set("helo"); assert(4 == v.Count()); assert(str::Eq("helo", v.LendData())); } { str::Str<char> v(128); v.Append("boo", 3); assert(str::Eq("boo", v.LendData())); assert(v.Count() == 3); v.Append("fop"); assert(str::Eq("boofop", v.LendData())); assert(v.Count() == 6); v.RemoveAt(2, 3); assert(v.Count() == 3); assert(str::Eq("bop", v.LendData())); v.Append('a'); assert(v.Count() == 4); assert(str::Eq("bopa", v.LendData())); char *s = v.StealData(); assert(str::Eq("bopa", s)); free(s); assert(v.Count() == 0); } { str::Str<char> v(0); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { assert(v.Count() == i * 6); v.Append("lambd", 5); if (i % 2 == 0) v.Append('a'); else v.Push('a'); } for (int i=1; i<=16; i++) { v.RemoveAt((16 - i) * 6, 6); assert(v.Count() == (32 - i) * 6); } v.RemoveAt(0, 6 * 15); assert(v.Count() == 6); char *s = v.LendData(); assert(str::Eq(s, "lambda")); s = v.StealData(); assert(str::Eq(s, "lambda")); free(s); assert(v.Count() == 0); v.Append("lambda"); assert(str::Eq(v.LendData(), "lambda")); char c = v.Pop(); assert(c == 'a'); assert(str::Eq(v.LendData(), "lambd")); } VecTestAppendFmt(); { Vec<PointI *> v; srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { v.Append(new PointI(i, i)); size_t pos = rand() % v.Count(); v.InsertAt(pos, new PointI(i, i)); } assert(v.Count() == 128 * 2); size_t idx = 0; for (PointI **p = v.IterStart(); p; p = v.IterNext()) { assert(idx == v.IterIdx()); ++idx; } while (v.Count() > 64) { size_t pos = rand() % v.Count(); PointI *f = v.At(pos); v.Remove(f); delete f; } DeleteVecMembers(v); } { Vec<int> v; v.Append(2); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) v.Append(4); v.At(250) = 5; v.Reverse(); assert(v.Count() == 501 && v.At(0) == 4 && v.At(249) == v.At(251) && v.At(250) == 5 && v.At(500) == 2); v.Remove(4); v.Reverse(); assert(v.Count() == 500 && v.At(0) == 2 && v.At(249) == v.At(251) && v.At(250) == 5 && v.At(499) == 4); } }
/* Draws the about screen and remembers some state for hyperlinking. It transcribes the design I did in graphics software - hopeless to understand without seeing the design. */ static void DrawAbout(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, RectI rect, Vec<StaticLinkInfo>& linkInfo) { HPEN penBorder = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, ABOUT_LINE_OUTER_SIZE, WIN_COL_BLACK); HPEN penDivideLine = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, ABOUT_LINE_SEP_SIZE, WIN_COL_BLACK); HPEN penLinkLine = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, ABOUT_LINE_SEP_SIZE, COL_BLUE_LINK); ScopedFont fontLeftTxt(GetSimpleFont(hdc, LEFT_TXT_FONT, LEFT_TXT_FONT_SIZE)); ScopedFont fontRightTxt(GetSimpleFont(hdc, RIGHT_TXT_FONT, RIGHT_TXT_FONT_SIZE)); HGDIOBJ origFont = SelectObject(hdc, fontLeftTxt); /* Just to remember the orig font */ ClientRect rc(hwnd); RECT rTmp = rc.ToRECT(); ScopedGdiObj<HBRUSH> brushAboutBg(CreateSolidBrush(GetAboutBgColor())); FillRect(hdc, &rTmp, brushAboutBg); /* render title */ RectI titleRect(rect.TL(), CalcSumatraVersionSize(hdc)); ScopedGdiObj<HBRUSH> bgBrush(CreateSolidBrush(GetLogoBgColor())); SelectObject(hdc, bgBrush); SelectObject(hdc, penBorder); #ifndef ABOUT_USE_LESS_COLORS Rectangle(hdc, rect.x, rect.y + ABOUT_LINE_OUTER_SIZE, rect.x + rect.dx, rect.y + titleRect.dy + ABOUT_LINE_OUTER_SIZE); #else RectI titleBgBand(0, rect.y, rc.dx, titleRect.dy); RECT rcLogoBg = titleBgBand.ToRECT(); FillRect(hdc, &rcLogoBg, bgBrush); PaintLine(hdc, RectI(0, rect.y, rc.dx, 0)); PaintLine(hdc, RectI(0, rect.y + titleRect.dy, rc.dx, 0)); #endif titleRect.Offset((rect.dx - titleRect.dx) / 2, 0); DrawSumatraVersion(hdc, titleRect); /* render attribution box */ SetTextColor(hdc, ABOUT_BORDER_COL); SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); #ifndef ABOUT_USE_LESS_COLORS Rectangle(hdc, rect.x, rect.y + titleRect.dy, rect.x + rect.dx, rect.y + rect.dy); #endif /* render text on the left*/ SelectObject(hdc, fontLeftTxt); for (AboutLayoutInfoEl *el = gAboutLayoutInfo; el->leftTxt; el++) { TextOut(hdc, el->leftPos.x, el->leftPos.y, el->leftTxt, (int)str::Len(el->leftTxt)); } /* render text on the right */ SelectObject(hdc, fontRightTxt); SelectObject(hdc, penLinkLine); linkInfo.Reset(); for (AboutLayoutInfoEl *el = gAboutLayoutInfo; el->leftTxt; el++) { bool hasUrl = HasPermission(Perm_DiskAccess) && el->url; SetTextColor(hdc, hasUrl ? COL_BLUE_LINK : ABOUT_BORDER_COL); TextOut(hdc, el->rightPos.x, el->rightPos.y, el->rightTxt, (int)str::Len(el->rightTxt)); if (hasUrl) { int underlineY = el->rightPos.y + el->rightPos.dy - 3; PaintLine(hdc, RectI(el->rightPos.x, underlineY, el->rightPos.dx, 0)); linkInfo.Append(StaticLinkInfo(el->rightPos, el->url, el->url)); } } SelectObject(hdc, penDivideLine); RectI divideLine(gAboutLayoutInfo[0].rightPos.x - ABOUT_LEFT_RIGHT_SPACE_DX, rect.y + titleRect.dy + 4, 0, rect.y + rect.dy - 4 - gAboutLayoutInfo[0].rightPos.y); PaintLine(hdc, divideLine); SelectObject(hdc, origFont); DeleteObject(penBorder); DeleteObject(penDivideLine); DeleteObject(penLinkLine); }
int SyncTex::SourceToDoc(const WCHAR* srcfilename, UINT line, UINT col, UINT *page, Vec<RectI> &rects) { if (IsIndexDiscarded()) if (RebuildIndex() != PDFSYNCERR_SUCCESS) return PDFSYNCERR_SYNCFILE_CANNOT_BE_OPENED; assert(this->scanner); ScopedMem<WCHAR> srcfilepath; // convert the source file to an absolute path if (PathIsRelative(srcfilename)) srcfilepath.Set(PrependDir(srcfilename)); else srcfilepath.Set(str::Dup(srcfilename)); if (!srcfilepath) return PDFSYNCERR_OUTOFMEMORY; bool isUtf8 = true; char *mb_srcfilepath = str::conv::ToUtf8(srcfilepath); TryAgainAnsi: if (!mb_srcfilepath) return PDFSYNCERR_OUTOFMEMORY; int ret = synctex_display_query(this->scanner, mb_srcfilepath, line, col); free(mb_srcfilepath); // recent SyncTeX versions encode in UTF-8 instead of ANSI if (isUtf8 && -1 == ret) { isUtf8 = false; mb_srcfilepath = str::conv::ToAnsi(srcfilepath); goto TryAgainAnsi; } if (-1 == ret) return PDFSYNCERR_UNKNOWN_SOURCEFILE; if (0 == ret) return PDFSYNCERR_NOSYNCPOINT_FOR_LINERECORD; synctex_node_t node; int firstpage = -1; rects.Reset(); while ((node = synctex_next_result(this->scanner)) != NULL) { if (firstpage == -1) { firstpage = synctex_node_page(node); if (firstpage <= 0 || firstpage > engine->PageCount()) continue; *page = (UINT)firstpage; } if (synctex_node_page(node) != firstpage) continue; RectD rc; rc.x = synctex_node_box_visible_h(node); rc.y = synctex_node_box_visible_v(node) - synctex_node_box_visible_height(node); rc.dx = synctex_node_box_visible_width(node), rc.dy = synctex_node_box_visible_height(node) + synctex_node_box_visible_depth(node); rects.Push(rc.Round()); } if (firstpage <= 0) return PDFSYNCERR_NOSYNCPOINT_FOR_LINERECORD; return PDFSYNCERR_SUCCESS; }
// see http://itexmac.sourceforge.net/pdfsync.html for the specification int Pdfsync::RebuildIndex() { size_t len; ScopedMem<char> data(file::ReadAll(syncfilepath, &len)); if (!data) return PDFSYNCERR_SYNCFILE_CANNOT_BE_OPENED; // convert the file data into a list of zero-terminated strings str::TransChars(data, "\r\n", "\0\0"); // parse preamble (jobname and version marker) char *line = data; char *dataEnd = data + len; // replace star by spaces (TeX uses stars instead of spaces in filenames) str::TransChars(line, "*/", " \\"); ScopedMem<WCHAR> jobName(str::conv::FromAnsi(line)); jobName.Set(str::Join(jobName, L".tex")); jobName.Set(PrependDir(jobName)); line = Advance0Line(line, dataEnd); UINT versionNumber = 0; if (!line || !str::Parse(line, "version %u", &versionNumber) || versionNumber != 1) return PDFSYNCERR_SYNCFILE_CANNOT_BE_OPENED; // reset synchronizer database srcfiles.Reset(); lines.Reset(); points.Reset(); fileIndex.Reset(); sheetIndex.Reset(); Vec<size_t> filestack; UINT page = 1; sheetIndex.Append(0); // add the initial tex file to the source file stack filestack.Push(srcfiles.Count()); srcfiles.Append(jobName.StealData()); PdfsyncFileIndex findex = { 0 }; fileIndex.Append(findex); PdfsyncLine psline; PdfsyncPoint pspoint; // parse data UINT maxPageNo = engine->PageCount(); while ((line = Advance0Line(line, dataEnd)) != NULL) { if (!line) break; switch (*line) { case 'l': psline.file = filestack.Last(); if (str::Parse(line, "l %u %u %u", &psline.record, &psline.line, &psline.column)) lines.Append(psline); else if (str::Parse(line, "l %u %u", &psline.record, &psline.line)) { psline.column = 0; lines.Append(psline); } // else dbg("Bad 'l' line in the pdfsync file"); break; case 's': if (str::Parse(line, "s %u", &page)) sheetIndex.Append(points.Count()); // else dbg("Bad 's' line in the pdfsync file"); // if (0 == page || page > maxPageNo) // dbg("'s' line with invalid page number in the pdfsync file"); break; case 'p': pspoint.page = page; if (0 == page || page > maxPageNo) /* ignore point for invalid page number */; else if (str::Parse(line, "p %u %u %u", &pspoint.record, &pspoint.x, &pspoint.y)) points.Append(pspoint); else if (str::Parse(line, "p* %u %u %u", &pspoint.record, &pspoint.x, &pspoint.y)) points.Append(pspoint); // else dbg("Bad 'p' line in the pdfsync file"); break; case '(': { ScopedMem<WCHAR> filename(str::conv::FromAnsi(line + 1)); // if the filename contains quotes then remove them // TODO: this should never happen!? if (filename[0] == '"' && filename[str::Len(filename) - 1] == '"') filename.Set(str::DupN(filename + 1, str::Len(filename) - 2)); // undecorate the filepath: replace * by space and / by \ str::TransChars(filename, L"*/", L" \\"); // if the file name extension is not specified then add the suffix '.tex' if (str::IsEmpty(path::GetExt(filename))) filename.Set(str::Join(filename, L".tex")); // ensure that the path is absolute if (PathIsRelative(filename)) filename.Set(PrependDir(filename)); filestack.Push(srcfiles.Count()); srcfiles.Append(filename.StealData()); findex.start = findex.end = lines.Count(); fileIndex.Append(findex); } break; case ')': if (filestack.Count() > 1) fileIndex.At(filestack.Pop()).end = lines.Count(); // else dbg("Unbalanced ')' line in the pdfsync file"); break; default: // dbg("Ignoring invalid pdfsync line starting with '%c'", *line); break; } } fileIndex.At(0).end = lines.Count(); assert(filestack.Count() == 1); return Synchronizer::RebuildIndex(); }