double VectorType::angleBetweenVectors(VectorType secondVector)
	//cos(theta) = (u . v) / (|u|*|v|
	double theta = acos(dotProduct(secondVector)
		(vectorLength() * secondVector.vectorLength())

	return theta;
double Common::intersectFace(RayType inputRay, FaceType inputFace)
	//cout <<"Attempting a face intersection" << endl;
	//find the location of the intersection between a ray and a triangle face.
	//return the distance to the intersection.
	//return -1 if there is no intersection.

	//determine plane equation.
	//Let the vector e1 be defined along the edge from p0 to p1
	//Let the vector e2 be defined along the edge from p0 to p2
	//Let the vector n be defined by the cross product of e1 and e2
	//That's annoying, now these vector names are 1 based, and points are 0 based.  
	//WTF?  Consistency?  Nah.

	double denominator = (inputFace.A * inputRay.direction.x) + (inputFace.B * inputRay.direction.y) + (inputFace.C * inputRay.direction.z);
	//cout << "den:" << denominator << endl;
	double numerator = 0 - ((inputFace.A * inputRay.origin.x) + (inputFace.B * inputRay.origin.y) + (inputFace.C * inputRay.origin.z) + inputFace.D);
		//if the denominator is zero, the ray grazes the plane, never intersects.
		//cout << "Demonimator is 0." << endl;
		return -1;
		double t = numerator / denominator;
			//cout << "Intersect at t=0" << endl;
			//if t is 0, the ray intersects at the ray's origin.  That doesn't count.
			return -1;
		else if (t < 0)
			//cout << "Negative T" << endl;
			//object is behind the eye.  No intersection.
			return -1;
			//cout << "Plane intersection found.  Will determine if it is a triangle intersection." << endl;
			//We have to check if the intersection point is actually inside the triangle.
			//Calculate barycentric coordinates.
			// The area of an arbitrary triangle can also be
			//computed as half of the length of the cross
			//product of the vectors describing any two of
			//its sides:
			//wait, N is a normal vector.  Already have that.
			PointType intersectionPoint;
			//px = (x0 + t⋅xd)
			//py = (y0 + t⋅yd)
			//pz = (z0 + t⋅zd)
			intersectionPoint.x = inputRay.origin.x + t * inputRay.direction.x;
			intersectionPoint.y = inputRay.origin.y + t * inputRay.direction.y;
			intersectionPoint.z = inputRay.origin.z + t * inputRay.direction.z;

			VectorType n = inputFace.e1.crossProduct(inputFace.e2);//.normalize();
			double totalArea = n.vectorLength() / 2;
			VectorType centerV1 = vectorFromHereToPoint(intersectionPoint, inputFace.v1);
			VectorType centerV2 = vectorFromHereToPoint(intersectionPoint, inputFace.v2);
			VectorType centerV3 = vectorFromHereToPoint(intersectionPoint, inputFace.v3);

			double areaA = centerV1
			double areaB = centerV1
			double areaC = centerV2

			double alpha = areaA / totalArea;
			double beta = areaB / totalArea;
			double gamma = areaC / totalArea;

			//cout <<"sumArea:" << (areaA + areaB + areaC) << endl;
			//cout <<"sumGreek:" << (alpha + beta + gamma) << endl;
			//cout <<"totalArea:" << totalArea << endl;

			//I know that the point is outside the traingle if any of alpha,beta, or gamma 
			//is < 0 or > 1
			if(alpha > 1 || beta > 1 || gamma > 1 || alpha < 0 || beta < 0 || gamma < 0)
				//cout << "outside triangle" << endl;
				return -1;

			//if (alpha + beta + gamma == 1) {
			// point is in triangle
			if(thresholdEquals((alpha+ beta + gamma),1))
				//cout <<"Triangle intersection found." << endl;
				return t;

	//I don't think we should get here.  But if there's a problem, assume no intersect.
	return -1;