Viewer *NotifyManager::onNotifyAdd(const QJsonObject &value) { m_clearButton->setVisible(true); Viewer* viewer = new Viewer(value, this); viewer->setFixedHeight(80); viewer->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); viewer->adjustSize(); m_viewerList.insert(viewer, value); connect(viewer, &Viewer::requestClose, this, &NotifyManager::onNotifyRemove); update(); return viewer; }
void NotifyManager::onNotifyRemove(const QString &id) { // main key is time; Viewer *viewer = qobject_cast<Viewer*>(sender()); Q_ASSERT(viewer); m_connectLayout->removeWidget(viewer); m_viewerList.remove(viewer); m_dbus->RemoveRecord(id); viewer->deleteLater(); update(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: \n\ttxtview <file.txt>\n"); return 1; } Viewer viewer = Viewer(); MyRenderer *xyzRenderer = new MyRenderer(); viewer.set_renderer(xyzRenderer); viewer.init(); char *xyz_file = argv[1]; xyzRenderer->load(xyz_file); viewer.start(); return 0; }
void OverlaysComp::SelectClipboard (Clipboard* cb, Editor* ed) { Selection* s = ed->GetSelection(); s->Clear(); Viewer* viewer; Iterator i; for (int j = 0; (viewer = ed->GetViewer(j)) != nil; ++j) { for (cb->First(i); !cb->Done(i); cb->Next(i)) { GraphicView* views = viewer->GetGraphicView(); GraphicView* view = views->GetGraphicView(cb->GetComp(i)); if (view != nil) s->Append(view); } } ((OverlaySelection*)s)->Reserve(); }
void reshape( int w, int h ){ glViewport( 0, 0, w, h ); glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective( 45.0, GLdouble(w)/GLdouble(h), 1.0, 10000.0 ); View.lookAt( 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ); //eye, target, up }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { QApplication application(argc, argv); Viewer viewer; #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 application.setMainWidget(&viewer); #else viewer.setWindowTitle("drawLight"); #endif; return application.exec(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv){ // Read command lines arguments. QApplication application(argc,argv); // Instantiate the viewer. Viewer viewer; #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 // Set the viewer as the application main widget. //application.setMainWidget(&viewer); #else viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer"); #endif // Make the viewer window visible on screen.; // Run main loop. return application.exec(); }
void MainThread::work() { setMaxHeartbeatInterval( 1.0 ); // get 1 image // and check it's description for the particular image configuration getImage(); //set up the viewer according to the configuration Viewer viewer = Viewer( imageData_->description->width, imageData_->description->height, imageData_->description->format, context_ ); while ( !isStopping() ) { try { // this blocks until a new image arrives and then // copies into a member variable getImage(); // pass the image to the viewer viewer.display( imageData_ ); //pushing too fast will cause the gui to not respond, sleep to prevent that // TODO: dodgy hack... needs to be fixed // The GUI diplay should be independent of incoming data. If the GUI dies, // then this code should be in the Viewer. IceUtil::ThreadControl::sleep(IceUtil::Time::milliSeconds(5)); } catch ( ... ) { orcaice::catchMainLoopExceptions( health() ); // Re-create the viewer, unless we are stopping if ( !isStopping() ) { // TODO: make opencv window handle exception safe so we can create // another viewer here. At the moment, if an exception is thrown, // the viewer will not self destruct. // createViewer(); } } } // end of while }
void mepp_component_Boolean_Operations_plugin::Union() { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); // active viewer if (mw->activeMdiChild() != 0) { Viewer* viewer = (Viewer *)mw->activeMdiChild(); Viewer* viewerU = NULL; if (viewer->getScenePtr()->get_nb_polyhedrons() == 2) { ScenePtr S = viewer->getScenePtr(); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr_in1 = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(0); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr_in2 = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(1); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr_out; emit(mw->get_actionNewEmpty()->trigger()); for (int i=0; i<lwindow.size(); i++) // all viewers { viewerU = (Viewer *)qobject_cast<QWidget *>(lwindow[i]->widget()); if (viewerU->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron()->empty()) { polyhedron_ptr_out = viewerU->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(); } } Boolean_Operations_ComponentPtr component_ptr = findOrCreateComponentForViewer<Boolean_Operations_ComponentPtr, Boolean_Operations_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr_in1); component_ptr->Boolean_Union(polyhedron_ptr_in1, polyhedron_ptr_in2, polyhedron_ptr_out); component_ptr->cpt_U++; polyhedron_ptr_out->compute_bounding_box(); polyhedron_ptr_out->compute_normals(); polyhedron_ptr_out->compute_type(); (void)polyhedron_ptr_out->calc_nb_components(); (void)polyhedron_ptr_out->calc_nb_boundaries(); viewerU->showAllScene(); viewerU->getScenePtr()->setcurrentFile(tr("Union %1 from vid %2").arg(component_ptr->cpt_U).arg((qlonglong)viewer, 0, 16)); viewerU->setDynTitle(); } } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Read command lines arguments. QApplication application(argc,argv); // Instantiate the viewer. Viewer viewer; //for Windows application.setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseDesktopOpenGL); viewer.setWindowTitle("Intersection points of randomly generated circles."); // Make the viewer window visible on screen.; // Run main loop. return application.exec(); }
void Editor::save(const bool all) { int index = all ? 0 : files->currentIndex(); if (index < 0) return; do { Coder *coder = qobject_cast<Coder *>(tabs->widget(index)); if (coder != nullptr) coder->save(); else { Viewer *viewer = qobject_cast<Viewer *>(tabs->widget(index)); if (viewer != nullptr) viewer->save(); } index++; } while (all && (index < files->count())); }
void mepp_component_Various_Processing_plugin::LaplacianSmoothing() { // active viewer if (mw->activeMdiChild() != 0) { Viewer* viewer = (Viewer *)mw->activeMdiChild(); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(); Various_Processing_ComponentPtr component_ptr = findOrCreateComponentForViewer<Various_Processing_ComponentPtr, Various_Processing_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr); SettingsDialog_Various_Processing_Smoothing dial; if (dial.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); /*char deformFactorChar[256]; strcpy(deformFactorChar, dial.m_textCtrlDeformFactor->GetValue().ToAscii());*/ double deformFactor = dial.DeformFactor->value(); /*char IteraNumChar[256]; strcpy(IteraNumChar, dial.m_textCtrlIteraNum->GetValue().ToAscii());*/ int iteraNum = dial.IteraNum->value(); bool preserveBoundaries = dial.PreserveBoundaries->isChecked(); //wxBusyInfo busy(_T("Laplacian smoothing...")); //m_frame->set_status_message(_T("Laplacian smoothing...")); mw->statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Laplacian smoothing...")); //double start = clock(); component_ptr->LaplacianSmoothing(polyhedron_ptr,deformFactor,iteraNum,preserveBoundaries); /*float duration = (float)((clock()-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); m_frame->update_mesh_properties(); m_frame->Refresh(); wxString msg; msg.Printf(_T("Laplacian smoothing...done (%g s)"), duration); m_frame->set_status_message(msg);*/ mw->statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Laplacian smoothing...done")); viewer->recreateListsAndUpdateGL(); } } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); }
void mepp_component_Partition_plugin::step5() { if (mw->activeMdiChild() != 0) { Viewer* viewer = (Viewer *)mw->activeMdiChild(); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(); Partition_ComponentPtr component_ptr = findOrCreateComponentForViewer<Partition_ComponentPtr, Partition_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr); QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); component_ptr->faceLabelToColorMap(); viewer->recreateListsAndUpdateGL(); mw->statusBar()->showMessage(tr("face label to color map...done")); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { // create viewer Viewer viewer = Viewer(); // defined a user space renderer Renderer* renderer = new TextDrawer(); // set user space renderer viewer.set_renderer(renderer); // start the viewer viewer.init(); viewer.start(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { QApplication application(argc,argv); Viewer viewer; #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 // Set the viewer as the application main widget. application.setMainWidget(&viewer); #else viewer.setWindowTitle("select"); #endif; return application.exec(); }
/** * Quit if viewer was closed. */ void check_quit() { #ifdef USE_GUI if (viewer.exit_requested()) { cout << endl << "Aborted by user..." << endl; exit(0); } #endif }
/** * Everything starts here. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { tic("all"); process_arguments(argc, argv); cout << intro; if (!prop.quiet) { cout << "Reading " << fname; if (parse_num_lines > 0) { cout << " (only " << parse_num_lines << " lines)"; } cout << endl; } // parse all data and get into suitable format for incremental processing Loader loader_(fname, parse_num_lines, prop.verbose); loader = &loader_; if (!prop.quiet) { loader_.print_stats(); cout << endl; } if (!prop.quiet) { if (batch_processing) { cout << "Performing SAM (batch processing)\n"; } else { cout << "Performing iSAM with parameters:\n"; cout << " Draw/send every " << mod_draw << " steps\n"; cout << " Update every " << prop.mod_update << " steps\n"; cout << " Solve every " << prop.mod_solve << " steps\n"; cout << " Batch every " << prop.mod_batch << " steps\n"; } cout << endl; } #ifdef USE_GUI if (use_gui) { cout << "3D viewer:\n"; cout << " Exit: Esc or \"q\"\n"; cout << " Reset view: \"r\"\n"; cout << " Toggle background color \"c\"\n"; cout << " Rotate: left mouse button\n"; cout << " Translate: middle mouse button or CTRL+left mouse button\n"; cout << " Scale: right mouse button or SHIFT+left mouse button or mouse wheel\n"; cout << endl; // process will be run in separate thread viewer.init(process); } else { process(NULL); } #else // no threads needed, simply run process process(NULL); #endif return 0; }
void mepp_component_CGAL_Example_plugin::step5() { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); // active viewer if (mw->activeMdiChild() != 0) { Viewer* viewer = (Viewer *)mw->activeMdiChild(); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(); CGAL_Example_ComponentPtr component_ptr = findOrCreateComponentForViewer<CGAL_Example_ComponentPtr, CGAL_Example_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr); Vec pw(2, 0, 0); viewer->frame(viewer->getScenePtr()->get_current_polyhedron())->setPosition(pw); // position in world coordinate system //Vec pl(2, 0, 0); viewer->frame(viewer->getScenePtr()->get_current_polyhedron())->setTranslation(pl); // local frame translation Quaternion qw(0, 0, 0, 1); // identity quaternion (i.e., no rotation) viewer->frame(viewer->getScenePtr()->get_current_polyhedron())->setOrientation(qw); // rotation in world coordinate system /*Quaternion ql(0, 0, 0, 1); // identity quaternion (i.e., no rotation) viewer->frame(viewer->getScenePtr()->get_current_polyhedron())->setRotation(ql); // local frame rotation*/ viewer->updateGL(); } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if (argc < 2) return usage(argc, argv); std::string in_path = argv[1]; long target_num_faces = -1; std::string out_path; if (argc >= 3) { target_num_faces = std::atoi(argv[2]); if (argc >= 4) out_path = argv[3]; } Mesh mesh; if (!mesh.load(in_path)) return -1; DGP_CONSOLE << "Read mesh '" << mesh.getName() << "' with " << mesh.numVertices() << " vertices, " << mesh.numEdges() << " edges and " << mesh.numFaces() << " faces from " << in_path; if (target_num_faces >= 0 && mesh.numFaces() > target_num_faces) { mesh.decimateQuadricEdgeCollapse(target_num_faces); mesh.updateBounds(); } if (!out_path.empty()) { if (! return -1; DGP_CONSOLE << "Saved mesh to " << out_path; } Viewer viewer; viewer.setObject(&mesh); viewer.launch(argc, argv); return 0; }
void mepp_component_Compression_Valence_plugin::OnMouseWheel(QWheelEvent *event) { if (mw->activeMdiChild() != 0) { Viewer* viewer = (Viewer *)mw->activeMdiChild(); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(); if (doesExistComponentForViewer<Compression_Valence_ComponentPtr, Compression_Valence_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr)) // important !!! { int rot = event->delta(); if (rot<0) OnMouseLeftUp(NULL); // todo: NULL else OnMouseRightUp(NULL); // todo: NULL } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { QApplication application(argc,argv); // Set the default OpenGL format with stereo capabilities. // An alternative is to pass this parameter to the QGLWidget constructor. QGLFormat format; format.setStereo(true); QGLFormat::setDefaultFormat(format); Viewer viewer; viewer.setWindowTitle("stereoViewer");; return application.exec(); }
void mepp_component_CGAL_Example_plugin::step4() { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); // active viewer if (mw->activeMdiChild() != 0) { Viewer* viewer = (Viewer *)mw->activeMdiChild(); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(); CGAL_Example_ComponentPtr component_ptr = findOrCreateComponentForViewer<CGAL_Example_ComponentPtr, CGAL_Example_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr); component_ptr->set_init(3); viewer->updateGL(); } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); }
void mepp_component_CGAL_Example_plugin::OnMouseWheel(QWheelEvent *event) { if (mw->activeMdiChild() != 0) { Viewer* viewer = (Viewer *)mw->activeMdiChild(); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(); if (doesExistComponentForViewer<CGAL_Example_ComponentPtr, CGAL_Example_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr)) // important !!! { int rot = event->delta(); if (rot<0) mw->statusBar()->showMessage(tr("mepp_component_CGAL_Example_plugin: OnMouseWheel Up"), 1000); else mw->statusBar()->showMessage(tr("mepp_component_CGAL_Example_plugin: OnMouseWheel Down"), 1000); } } }
void mepp_component_Boolean_Operations_plugin::Subdiviser() { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); // active viewer if (mw->activeMdiChild() != 0) { Viewer* viewer = (Viewer *)mw->activeMdiChild(); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(); Boolean_Operations_ComponentPtr component_ptr = findOrCreateComponentForViewer<Boolean_Operations_ComponentPtr, Boolean_Operations_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr); component_ptr->SubdiviserPolyedre(polyhedron_ptr); viewer->recreateListsAndUpdateGL(); } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { if( argc != 2 ) { cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " in.obj" << endl; return 1; } Viewer viewer; argv[1] ); viewer.mesh.init(); DirectionField field; field.generate( viewer.mesh, viewer.angle ); viewer.init(); return 0; }
void Correspondence::draw(Viewer &viewer, double radius) { // draw the edge plane viewer.drawEdgePlaneDetails(p,Vec3d(0,0,0),Quaternion(),radius,2,6); // color by camera ID // draw the 3D line if (l == NULL) return; viewer.drawLine(l->_a->getPosition(),l->_b->getPosition(),PINK,6); // color by camera ID // for debug info, draw the projection line in yellow double lambda; Vec3d m = intersectRayPlane(l->_a->getPosition(),p._normal,p._s,p._normal,lambda); viewer.drawLine(l->_a->getPosition(),m,YELLOW,3); m = intersectRayPlane(l->_b->getPosition(),p._normal,p._s,p._normal,lambda); viewer.drawLine(l->_b->getPosition(),m,YELLOW,3); double distance = p.distance(l); }
void CBDS::parseViewerData(const QVariantList &data) { Viewer def("def"); QList<Viewer*> list; bool ownerset = false; for (auto i = data.constBegin(); i != data.constEnd(); ++i) { QVariantMap o = (*i).toMap(); Viewer *v = new Viewer(o.value("name").toString(), o.value("tipped", def.getTipped()).toInt(), o.value("fanclub", def.isFanclubmember()).toBool(), o.value("mod", def.isModerator()).toBool(), o.value("hastokens", def.hasTokens()).toBool(), o.value("gender", def.getGender()).toString().at(0).toLatin1()); if (o.value("roomowner", false).toBool()) { if (!ownerset) { v->setRoomOwner(true); setRoomOwner(v->getName()); ownerset = true; } else emit error(QString("Can't have more than 1 room owner. Owner: \"%1\" second: \"%2\"").arg(m_roomowner, v->getName())); } list << v; } if (!ownerset && !list.isEmpty()) { list.first()->setRoomOwner(true); setRoomOwner(list.first()->getName()); emit error("No Viewer is set as the room owner. Automatically set \"" + list.first()->getName() + "\" as the owner."); } m_viewers.populate(list); for (auto i = list.constBegin(); i != list.constEnd(); ++i) { if ((*i)->parent()) connectViewer((*i)); else { emit error("Can't add \"" + (*i)->getName() + "\". Name already exists or is reserved."); (*i)->deleteLater(); } } }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { if( argc < 3 || argc > 4 ) { cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " mesh.obj image.tga [result.obj]" << endl; return 1; } if( argc == 4 ) // batch mode { // load mesh Mesh mesh; argv[1] ); // load image Image image; argv[2] ); // apply transformation const double scale = 5.; mesh.setCurvatureChange( image, scale ); mesh.updateDeformation(); // write result mesh.write( argv[3] ); } else // interactive mode { Viewer viewer; // load mesh argv[1] ); // load image argv[2] ); // start viewer viewer.init(); } return 0; }
void folding(Vector source, Vector destination) { // Origami.listVertex(); // printf("\n"); // source.print(); View.world2window( source, Cursor3D.x, Cursor3D.y, Cursor3D.z ); Line line = View.cursorLine( Cursor3D.x, Cursor3D.y ); // line.print(); source = Origami.pickVertex( line ); glutWarpPointer( Cursor3D.x, Cursor3D.y ); // destination.print(); // printf("\n"); Origami.moveVertex( destination, View.eyePosition(), false); View.world2window( destination, Cursor3D.x, Cursor3D.y, Cursor3D.z ); Origami.releaseVertex(); }
void mepp_component_CGAL_Example_plugin::pre_draw_all_scene() { // active viewer //if (mw->activeMdiChild() != 0) { Viewer* viewer = (Viewer *)mw->activeMdiChild(); PolyhedronPtr polyhedron_ptr = viewer->getScenePtr()->get_polyhedron(); if (doesExistComponentForViewer<CGAL_Example_ComponentPtr, CGAL_Example_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr)) // important !!! { CGAL_Example_ComponentPtr component_ptr = findOrCreateComponentForViewer<CGAL_Example_ComponentPtr, CGAL_Example_Component>(viewer, polyhedron_ptr); if (component_ptr->get_init() == 3) { glPushMatrix(); // here your code glPopMatrix(); } } } }