Exemple #1
void PlayerAI::InitFromDisk()
	IniFile ini;
	ini.ReadFile( AI_PATH );

	for( int i=0; i<NUM_SKILL_LEVELS; i++ )
		CString sKey = ssprintf("Skill%d", i);
		XNode* pNode = ini.GetChild(sKey);
		if( pNode == NULL )
			RageException::Throw( "AI.ini: '%s' doesn't exist.", sKey.c_str() );

		TapScoreDistribution& dist = g_Distributions[i];
		dist.fPercent[TNS_NONE] = 0;
		pNode->GetAttrValue( "MissWeight", dist.fPercent[TNS_MISS] );
		pNode->GetAttrValue( "BooWeight", dist.fPercent[TNS_BOO] );
		pNode->GetAttrValue( "GoodWeight", dist.fPercent[TNS_GOOD] );
		pNode->GetAttrValue( "GreatWeight", dist.fPercent[TNS_GREAT] );
		pNode->GetAttrValue( "PerfectWeight", dist.fPercent[TNS_PERFECT] );
		pNode->GetAttrValue( "MarvelousWeight", dist.fPercent[TNS_MARVELOUS] );
		float fSum = 0;
		for( int j=0; j<NUM_TAP_NOTE_SCORES; j++ )
			fSum += dist.fPercent[j];
		for( int j=0; j<NUM_TAP_NOTE_SCORES; j++ )
			dist.fPercent[j] /= fSum;
   PropertySet::XMLLoad(XNode *pBackupNode)
      XNode *pPropertiesNode = pBackupNode->GetChild(_T("Properties"));
      if (!pPropertiesNode)
         return true;

      for (int i = 0; i < pPropertiesNode->GetChildCount(); i++)
         XNode *pPropertyNode = pPropertiesNode->GetChild(i);
         String sName = pPropertyNode->name;
         String sStringValue = pPropertyNode->GetAttrValue(_T("StringValue"));
         int iLongValue = _ttoi(pPropertyNode->GetAttrValue(_T("LongValue")));

         std::shared_ptr<Property> pProperty = GetProperty_(sName);
         if (pProperty)

      return true;
Exemple #3
void Transition::Load( CString sBGAniDir )
	if( IsADirectory(sBGAniDir) && sBGAniDir.Right(1) != "/" )
		sBGAniDir += "/";


	m_sprTransition.Load( sBGAniDir );
	m_sprTransition->PlayCommand( "On" );
	this->AddChild( m_sprTransition );
	m_fLengthSeconds = m_sprTransition->GetTweenTimeLeft();

	m_State = waiting;

	// load sound from file specified by ini, or use the first sound in the directory
	if( IsADirectory(sBGAniDir) )
		IniFile ini;
		ini.ReadFile( sBGAniDir+"/BGAnimation.ini" );

		CString sSoundFileName;
		if( ini.GetValue("BGAnimation","Sound", sSoundFileName) )
			FixSlashesInPlace( sSoundFileName );
			CString sPath = sBGAniDir+sSoundFileName;
			CollapsePath( sPath );
			m_sound.Load( sPath );
			m_sound.Load( sBGAniDir );
	else if( GetExtension(sBGAniDir).CompareNoCase("xml") == 0 )
		CString sSoundFile;
		XNode xml;
		xml.LoadFromFile( sBGAniDir );
		if( xml.GetAttrValue( "Sound", sSoundFile ) )
			m_sound.Load( Dirname(sBGAniDir) + sSoundFile );
Exemple #4
Actor *ActorUtil::LoadFromNode( const XNode* _pNode, Actor *pParentActor )
	ASSERT( _pNode != NULL );

	XNode node = *_pNode;

	// Remove this in favor of using conditionals in Lua. -Chris
	// There are a number of themes out there that depend on this (including
	// sm-ssc default). Probably for the best to leave this in. -aj
		bool bCond;
		if( node.GetAttrValue("Condition", bCond) && !bCond )
			return NULL;

	RString sClass;
	bool bHasClass = node.GetAttrValue( "Class", sClass );
	if( !bHasClass )
		bHasClass = node.GetAttrValue( "Type", sClass );

	bool bLegacy = (node.GetAttr( "_LegacyXml" ) != NULL);
	if( !bHasClass && bLegacy )
		sClass = GetLegacyActorClass( &node );

	map<RString,CreateActorFn>::iterator iter = g_pmapRegistrees->find( sClass );
	if( iter == g_pmapRegistrees->end() )
		RString sFile;
		if (bLegacy && node.GetAttrValue("File", sFile) && sFile != "")
			RString sPath;
			// Handle absolute paths correctly
			if (sFile.Left(1) == "/")
				sPath = sFile;
				sPath = Dirname(GetSourcePath(&node)) + sFile;
			if (ResolvePath(sPath, GetWhere(&node)))
				Actor *pNewActor = MakeActor(sPath, pParentActor);
				if (pNewActor == NULL)
					return NULL;
				if (pParentActor)
				return pNewActor;

		// sClass is invalid
		RString sError = ssprintf( "%s: invalid Class \"%s\"",
			ActorUtil::GetWhere(&node).c_str(), sClass.c_str() );
		return new Actor;	// Return a dummy object so that we don't crash in AutoActor later.

	const CreateActorFn &pfn = iter->second;
	Actor *pRet = pfn();

	if( pParentActor )
		pRet->SetParent( pParentActor );

	pRet->LoadFromNode( &node );
	return pRet;
Exemple #5
void BackgroundImpl::Init()
	if( m_bInitted )
	m_bInitted = true;
	m_bDangerAllWasVisible = false;
	m_StaticBackgroundDef = BackgroundDef();

		m_StaticBackgroundDef.m_sColor1 = "#00000000";
		m_StaticBackgroundDef.m_sColor2 = "#00000000";

	// load transitions
		ASSERT( m_mapNameToTransition.empty() );
		vector<RString> vsPaths, vsNames;
		BackgroundUtil::GetBackgroundTransitions( "", vsPaths, vsNames );
		for( unsigned i=0; i<vsPaths.size(); i++ )
			const RString &sPath = vsPaths[i];
			const RString &sName = vsNames[i];

			XNode xml;
			XmlFileUtil::LoadFromFileShowErrors(xml, sPath);
			ASSERT( xml.GetName() == "BackgroundTransition" );
			BackgroundTransition &bgt = m_mapNameToTransition[sName];

			RString sCmdLeaves;
			bool bSuccess = xml.GetAttrValue( "LeavesCommand", sCmdLeaves );
			ASSERT( bSuccess );
			bgt.cmdLeaves = ActorUtil::ParseActorCommands( sCmdLeaves );

			RString sCmdRoot;
			bSuccess = xml.GetAttrValue( "RootCommand", sCmdRoot );
			ASSERT( bSuccess );
			bgt.cmdRoot = ActorUtil::ParseActorCommands( sCmdRoot );

	bool bOneOrMoreChars = false;
	bool bShowingBeginnerHelper = false;
	FOREACH_HumanPlayer( p )
		bOneOrMoreChars = true;
		// Disable dancing characters if Beginner Helper will be showing.
		if( PREFSMAN->m_bShowBeginnerHelper && BeginnerHelper::CanUse() && 
			GAMESTATE->m_pCurSteps[p] && GAMESTATE->m_pCurSteps[p]->GetDifficulty() == Difficulty_Beginner )
			bShowingBeginnerHelper = true;

	if( bOneOrMoreChars && !bShowingBeginnerHelper && SHOW_DANCING_CHARACTERS )
		m_pDancingCharacters = new DancingCharacters;

	RageColor c = GetBrightnessColor(0);

	m_quadBorderLeft.SetDiffuse( c );
	m_quadBorderTop.StretchTo( RectF(LEFT_EDGE,SCREEN_TOP,RIGHT_EDGE,TOP_EDGE) );
	m_quadBorderTop.SetDiffuse( c );
	m_quadBorderRight.SetDiffuse( c );
	m_quadBorderBottom.SetDiffuse( c );

	this->AddChild( &m_quadBorderLeft );
	this->AddChild( &m_quadBorderTop );
	this->AddChild( &m_quadBorderRight );
	this->AddChild( &m_quadBorderBottom );

	this->AddChild( &m_Brightness );