Exemple #1
// <TAG attr1="value1" attr2='value2' attr3=value3 >
// </TAG>
// or
// <TAG />
//        ^- return pointer
// Name   : Load
// Desc   : load xml plain text
// Param  : pszXml - plain xml text
//          pi = parser information
// Return : advanced string pointer  (error return NULL)
// Coder    Date                      Desc
// bro      2002-10-29
char* XNode::Load( const char* pszXml, PARSEINFO *pi /*= &piDefault*/ )

	char* xml = (char*)pszXml;

	// <
	xml = strchr( xml, chXMLTagOpen );
	if( xml == NULL )
		return NULL;

	// </
	if( xml[1] == chXMLTagPre )
		return xml;

	/* <!-- */
	if( !strncmp(xml+1, "!--", 3) )
		xml += 4;

		/* Find the close tag. */
		char *pEnd = strstr( xml, "-->" );
		if( pEnd == NULL )
			if( !pi->error_occur ) 
				pi->error_occur = true;
				pi->error_pointer = xml;
				pi->error_code = PIE_ALONE_NOT_CLOSED;
				pi->error_string = "Unterminated comment";

			return NULL;

		// Skip -->.
		xml = pEnd + 3;

		return Load( xml, pi );

	// XML Node Tag Name Open
	char* pTagEnd = strpbrk( xml, " \t\r\n/>" );
	SetString( xml, pTagEnd, &m_sName );

	xml = pTagEnd;
	// Generate XML Attributte List
	xml = LoadAttributes( xml, pi );
	if( xml == NULL )
		return NULL;

	// alone tag <TAG ... /> or <?TAG ... ?> or <!-- ... --> 
	// current pointer:   ^               ^              ^

	if( *xml == chXMLTagPre || *xml == chXMLQuestion || *xml == chXMLDash )

		// skip over 2nd dash
		if( *xml == chXMLDash )

		if( *xml == chXMLTagClose )
			// well-formed tag

			// UGLY: We want to ignore all XML meta tags.  So, since the Node we 
			// just loaded is a meta tag, then Load ourself again using the rest 
			// of the file until we reach a non-meta tag.
			if( !m_sName.empty() && (m_sName[0] == chXMLQuestion || m_sName[0] == chXMLExclamation) )
				xml = Load( xml, pi );

			return xml;
			// error: <TAG ... / >
			if( !pi->error_occur ) 
				pi->error_occur = true;
				pi->error_pointer = xml;
				pi->error_code = PIE_ALONE_NOT_CLOSED;
				pi->error_string = ("Element must be closed.");
			// not wel-formed tag
			return NULL;
	// open/close tag <TAG ..> ... </TAG>
	//                        ^- current pointer
		// text value╟║ ╬Ью╦╦│EЁж╣╣╥огя╢ы.
		//if( this->m_sValue.empty() || this->m_sValue == ("") )
		if( XIsEmptyString( m_sValue ) )
			// Text Value 
			char* pEnd = tcsechr( ++xml, chXMLTagOpen, chXMLEscape );
			if( pEnd == NULL ) 
				if( !pi->error_occur ) 
					pi->error_occur = true;
					pi->error_pointer = xml;
					pi->error_code = PIE_NOT_CLOSED;
					pi->error_string = ssprintf( "%s must be closed with </%s>", m_sName.c_str(), m_sName.c_str() );
				// error cos not exist CloseTag </TAG>
				return NULL;
			bool trim = pi->trim_value;
			char escape = pi->escape_value;
			//SetString( xml, pEnd, &m_sValue, trim, chXMLEscape );
			SetString( xml, pEnd, &m_sValue, trim, escape );

			xml = pEnd;
			// TEXTVALUE reference
			if( pi->entity_value && pi->entitys )
				m_sValue = pi->entitys->Ref2Entity(m_sValue);

		// generate child nodes
		while( xml && *xml )
			XNode *node = new XNode;
			xml = node->Load( xml,pi );
			if( !node->m_sName.empty() )
				DEBUG_ASSERT( node->m_sName.size() );
				m_childs.insert( pair<CString,XNode*>(node->m_sName, node) );
				delete node;

			// open/close tag <TAG ..> ... </TAG>
			//                             ^- current pointer
			// CloseTag case
			if( xml && *xml && *(xml+1) && *xml == chXMLTagOpen && *(xml+1) == chXMLTagPre )
				// </Close>
				xml+=2; // C
				xml = tcsskip( xml );
				if( xml == NULL )
					return NULL;

				CString closename;
				char* pEnd = strpbrk( xml, " >" );
				if( pEnd == NULL ) 
					if( !pi->error_occur ) 
						pi->error_occur = true;
						pi->error_pointer = xml;
						pi->error_code = PIE_NOT_CLOSED;
						pi->error_string = ssprintf( "it must be closed with </%s>", m_sName.c_str() );
					// error
					return NULL;
				SetString( xml, pEnd, &closename );
				if( closename == this->m_sName )
					// wel-formed open/close
					xml = pEnd+1;
					// return '>' or ' ' after pointer
					return xml;
					xml = pEnd+1;
					// not welformed open/close
					if( !pi->error_occur ) 
						pi->error_occur = true;
						pi->error_pointer = xml;
						pi->error_code = PIE_NOT_NESTED;
						pi->error_string = ssprintf( "'<%s> ... </%s>' is not well-formed.", m_sName.c_str(), closename.c_str() );

					return NULL;
			else	// Alone child Tag Loaded
					// else гь╬ъго╢ба│E╦╩╬ф╬ъго╢ба│Eюг╫и╟ё╢ы.
				//if( xml && this->m_sValue.empty() && *xml !=chXMLTagOpen )
				if( xml && XIsEmptyString( m_sValue ) && *xml !=chXMLTagOpen )
					// Text Value 
					char* pEnd = tcsechr( xml, chXMLTagOpen, chXMLEscape );
					if( pEnd == NULL ) 
						// error cos not exist CloseTag </TAG>
						if( !pi->error_occur )  
							pi->error_occur = true;
							pi->error_pointer = xml;
							pi->error_code = PIE_NOT_CLOSED;
							pi->error_string = ssprintf( "it must be closed with </%s>", m_sName.c_str() );
						return NULL;
					bool trim = pi->trim_value;
					char escape = pi->escape_value;
					//SetString( xml, pEnd, &m_sValue, trim, chXMLEscape );
					SetString( xml, pEnd, &m_sValue, trim, escape );

					xml = pEnd;
					if( pi->entity_value && pi->entitys )
						m_sValue = pi->entitys->Ref2Entity(m_sValue);

	return xml;
Exemple #2
// <TAG attr1="value1" attr2='value2' attr3=value3 >
// </TAG>
// or
// <TAG />
//        ^- return pointer
// Name   : Load
// Desc   : load xml plain text
// Param  : pszXml - plain xml text
//          pi = parser information
// Return : advanced string pointer  (error return NULL)
// Coder    Date                      Desc
// bro      2002-10-29
char* XNode::Load( const char* pszXml, PARSEINFO *pi /*= &piDefault*/ )
	// Close it

	char* xml = (char*)pszXml;

	xml = strchr( xml, chXMLTagOpen );
	if( xml == NULL )
		return NULL;

	// Close Tag
	if( *(xml+1) == chXMLTagPre ) // </Close
		return xml;

	// XML Node Tag Name Open
	char* pTagEnd = strpbrk( xml, " />" );
	SetString( xml, pTagEnd, &name );
	xml = pTagEnd;
	// Generate XML Attributte List
	xml = LoadAttributes( xml, pi );
	if( xml == NULL )
		return NULL;

	// alone tag <TAG ... /> or <?TAG ... ?>
	if( *xml == chXMLTagPre || *xml == chXMLTagQuestion )
		if( *xml == chXMLTagClose )
			// wel-formed tag

			// UGLY: We want to ignore all XML meta tags.  So, since the Node we 
			// just loaded is a meta tag, then Load ourself again using the rest 
			// of the file until we reach a non-meta tag.
			if( !name.empty() && name[0] == chXMLTagQuestion )
				xml = Load( xml, pi );

			return xml;
			// error: <TAG ... / >
			if( !pi->erorr_occur ) 
				pi->erorr_occur = true;
				pi->error_pointer = xml;
				pi->error_code = PIE_ALONE_NOT_CLOSED;
				pi->error_string = ("Element must be closed.");
			// not wel-formed tag
			return NULL;
	// open/close tag <TAG ..> ... </TAG>
	//                        ^- current pointer
		// text value╟║ ╬Ью╦╦│EЁж╣╣╥огя╢ы.
		//if( this->value.empty() || this->value == ("") )
		if( XIsEmptyString( value ) )
			// Text Value 
			char* pEnd = tcsechr( ++xml, chXMLTagOpen, chXMLEscape );
			if( pEnd == NULL ) 
				if( !pi->erorr_occur ) 
					pi->erorr_occur = true;
					pi->error_pointer = xml;
					pi->error_code = PIE_NOT_CLOSED;
					pi->error_string = ssprintf( "%s must be closed with </%s>", name.c_str(), name.c_str() );
				// error cos not exist CloseTag </TAG>
				return NULL;
			bool trim = pi->trim_value;
			char escape = pi->escape_value;
			//SetString( xml, pEnd, &value, trim, chXMLEscape );
			SetString( xml, pEnd, &value, trim, escape );

			xml = pEnd;
			// TEXTVALUE reference
			if( pi->entity_value && pi->entitys )
				value = pi->entitys->Ref2Entity(value);

		// generate child nodes
		while( xml && *xml )
			XNode *node = new XNode;
			node->parent = this;
			xml = node->Load( xml,pi );
			if( !node->name.empty() )
				childs.push_back( node );
				delete node;

			// open/close tag <TAG ..> ... </TAG>
			//                             ^- current pointer
			// CloseTag case
			if( xml && *xml && *(xml+1) && *xml == chXMLTagOpen && *(xml+1) == chXMLTagPre )
				// </Close>
				xml+=2; // C
				xml = tcsskip( xml );
				if( xml == NULL )
					return NULL;

				CString closename;
				char* pEnd = strpbrk( xml, " >" );
				if( pEnd == NULL ) 
					if( !pi->erorr_occur ) 
						pi->erorr_occur = true;
						pi->error_pointer = xml;
						pi->error_code = PIE_NOT_CLOSED;
						pi->error_string = ssprintf( "it must be closed with </%s>", name.c_str() );
					// error
					return NULL;
				SetString( xml, pEnd, &closename );
				if( closename == this->name )
					// wel-formed open/close
					xml = pEnd+1;
					// return '>' or ' ' after pointer
					return xml;
					xml = pEnd+1;
					// not welformed open/close
					if( !pi->erorr_occur ) 
						pi->erorr_occur = true;
						pi->error_pointer = xml;
						pi->error_code = PIE_NOT_NESTED;
						pi->error_string = ssprintf( "'<%s> ... </%s>' is not well-formed.", name.c_str(), closename.c_str() );

					return NULL;
			else	// Alone child Tag Loaded
					// else гь╬ъго╢ба│E╦╩╬ф╬ъго╢ба│Eюг╫и╟ё╢ы.
				//if( xml && this->value.empty() && *xml !=chXMLTagOpen )
				if( xml && XIsEmptyString( value ) && *xml !=chXMLTagOpen )
					// Text Value 
					char* pEnd = tcsechr( xml, chXMLTagOpen, chXMLEscape );
					if( pEnd == NULL ) 
						// error cos not exist CloseTag </TAG>
						if( !pi->erorr_occur )  
							pi->erorr_occur = true;
							pi->error_pointer = xml;
							pi->error_code = PIE_NOT_CLOSED;
							pi->error_string = ssprintf( "it must be closed with </%s>", name.c_str() );
						return NULL;
					bool trim = pi->trim_value;
					char escape = pi->escape_value;
					//SetString( xml, pEnd, &value, trim, chXMLEscape );
					SetString( xml, pEnd, &value, trim, escape );

					xml = pEnd;
					if( pi->entity_value && pi->entitys )
						value = pi->entitys->Ref2Entity(value);

	return xml;