 * Function Merge_SubNets_Connected_By_CopperAreas(BOARD* aPcb)
 * Calls Merge_SubNets_Connected_By_CopperAreas( BOARD* aPcb, int aNetcode ) for each
 * netcode found in zone list
 * @param aPcb = the current board
void Merge_SubNets_Connected_By_CopperAreas( BOARD* aPcb )
    for( int index = 0; index < aPcb->GetAreaCount(); index++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = aPcb->GetArea( index );

        if ( ! zone->IsOnCopperLayer() )

        if ( zone->GetNetCode() <= 0 )

        Merge_SubNets_Connected_By_CopperAreas( aPcb, zone->GetNetCode() );
 * Function IsSame
 * test is 2 zones are equivalent:
 * 2 zones are equivalent if they have same parameters and same outlines
 * info relative to filling is not take in account
 * @param aZoneToCompare = zone to compare with "this"
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::IsSame( const ZONE_CONTAINER& aZoneToCompare )
    // compare basic parameters:
    if( GetLayer() != aZoneToCompare.GetLayer() )
        return false;

    if( GetNetCode() != aZoneToCompare.GetNetCode() )
        return false;

    if( GetPriority() != aZoneToCompare.GetPriority() )
        return false;

    // Compare zone specific parameters
    if( GetIsKeepout() != aZoneToCompare.GetIsKeepout() )
        return false;

    if( GetIsKeepout() )
        if(  GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() != aZoneToCompare.GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )
            return false;

        if(  GetDoNotAllowVias() != aZoneToCompare.GetDoNotAllowVias() )
            return false;

        if(  GetDoNotAllowTracks() != aZoneToCompare.GetDoNotAllowTracks() )
            return false;

    if( m_ArcToSegmentsCount != aZoneToCompare.GetArcSegmentCount() )
        return false;

    if( m_ZoneClearance != aZoneToCompare.m_ZoneClearance )
        return false;

    if( m_ZoneMinThickness != aZoneToCompare.GetMinThickness() )
        return false;

    if( m_FillMode != aZoneToCompare.GetFillMode() )
        return false;

    if( m_PadConnection != aZoneToCompare.m_PadConnection )
        return false;

    if( m_ThermalReliefGap != aZoneToCompare.m_ThermalReliefGap )
        return false;

    if( m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge != aZoneToCompare.m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge )
        return false;

    // Compare outlines
    wxASSERT( m_Poly );                                      // m_Poly == NULL Should never happen
    wxASSERT( aZoneToCompare.Outline() );

    if( Outline()->m_CornersList.GetList() !=
        aZoneToCompare.Outline()->m_CornersList.GetList() )    // Compare vector
        return false;

    return true;
 * Function SaveCopyOfZones
 * creates a copy of zones having a given netcode on a given layer,
 * and fill a pick list with pickers to handle these copies
 * the UndoRedo status is set to UR_CHANGED for all items in list
 * Later, UpdateCopyOfZonesList will change and update these pickers after a zone edition
 * @param aPickList = the pick list
 * @param aPcb = the Board
 * @param aNetCode = the reference netcode. if aNetCode < 0 all netcodes are used
 * @param aLayer = the layer of zones. if aLayer < 0, all layers are used
 * @return the count of saved copies
int SaveCopyOfZones( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST& aPickList, BOARD* aPcb, int aNetCode, LAYER_NUM aLayer )
    int copyCount = 0;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ; ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = aPcb->GetArea( ii );

        if( zone == NULL )      // End of list

        if( aNetCode >= 0 && aNetCode != zone->GetNetCode() )

        if( aLayer >= 0 && aLayer != zone->GetLayer() )

        ZONE_CONTAINER* zoneDup = new ZONE_CONTAINER( *zone );
        zoneDup->SetParent( aPcb );
        ITEM_PICKER picker( zone, UR_CHANGED );
        picker.SetLink( zoneDup );
        aPickList.PushItem( picker );

    return copyCount;
    // Should the copy be on the same net?
    SetNetCode( aZone.GetNetCode() );
    m_Poly = new CPolyLine( *aZone.m_Poly );

    // For corner moving, corner index to drag, or -1 if no selection
    m_CornerSelection = -1;
    m_IsFilled = aZone.m_IsFilled;
    m_ZoneClearance = aZone.m_ZoneClearance;     // clearance value
    m_ZoneMinThickness = aZone.m_ZoneMinThickness;
    m_FillMode = aZone.m_FillMode;               // Filling mode (segments/polygons)
    m_priority = aZone.m_priority;
    m_ArcToSegmentsCount = aZone.m_ArcToSegmentsCount;
    m_PadConnection = aZone.m_PadConnection;
    m_ThermalReliefGap = aZone.m_ThermalReliefGap;
    m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge = aZone.m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge;
    m_FilledPolysList.Append( aZone.m_FilledPolysList );
    m_FillSegmList = aZone.m_FillSegmList;      // vector <> copy

    m_isKeepout = aZone.m_isKeepout;
    m_doNotAllowCopperPour = aZone.m_doNotAllowCopperPour;
    m_doNotAllowVias = aZone.m_doNotAllowVias;
    m_doNotAllowTracks = aZone.m_doNotAllowTracks;

    m_cornerSmoothingType = aZone.m_cornerSmoothingType;
    m_cornerRadius = aZone.m_cornerRadius;

    SetLocalFlags( aZone.GetLocalFlags() );
int PCB_EDITOR_CONTROL::ZoneMerge( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
    const SELECTION& selection = m_toolMgr->GetTool<SELECTION_TOOL>()->GetSelection();
    BOARD* board = getModel<BOARD>();
    BOARD_COMMIT commit( m_frame );

    if( selection.Size() < 2 )
        return 0;

    int netcode = -1;

    ZONE_CONTAINER* firstZone = nullptr;
    std::vector<ZONE_CONTAINER*> toMerge, merged;

    for( auto item : selection )
        auto curr_area = dynamic_cast<ZONE_CONTAINER*>( item );

        if( !curr_area )

        if( !firstZone )
            firstZone = curr_area;

        netcode = curr_area->GetNetCode();

        if( firstZone->GetNetCode() != netcode )

        if( curr_area->GetPriority() != firstZone->GetPriority() )

        if( curr_area->GetIsKeepout() != firstZone->GetIsKeepout() )

        if( curr_area->GetLayer() != firstZone->GetLayer() )

        if( !board->TestAreaIntersection( curr_area, firstZone ) )

        toMerge.push_back( curr_area );

    m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionClear, true );

    if( mergeZones( commit, toMerge, merged ) )
        commit.Push( _( "Merge zones" ) );

        for( auto item : merged )
            m_toolMgr->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectItem, true, item );

    return 0;
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::duplicateZone( wxDC* aDC, ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone )
    ZONE_CONTAINER* newZone = new ZONE_CONTAINER( GetBoard() );
    newZone->Copy( aZone );
    ZONE_SETTINGS zoneSettings;
    zoneSettings << *aZone;

    bool success;

    if( aZone->GetIsKeepout() )
        success = InvokeKeepoutAreaEditor( this, &zoneSettings );
    else if( aZone->IsOnCopperLayer() )
        success = InvokeCopperZonesEditor( this, &zoneSettings );
        success = InvokeNonCopperZonesEditor( this, aZone, &zoneSettings );

    if( success )
        zoneSettings.ExportSetting( *newZone );

        SaveCopyOfZones( s_PickedList, GetBoard(), newZone->GetNetCode(), newZone->GetLayer() );
        GetBoard()->Add( newZone );

        ITEM_PICKER picker( newZone, UR_NEW );
        s_PickedList.PushItem( picker );

        GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL );       // This outline may be deleted when merging outlines

        // Combine zones if possible
        GetBoard()->OnAreaPolygonModified( &s_AuxiliaryList, newZone );

        // Redraw zones
        GetBoard()->RedrawAreasOutlines( m_canvas, aDC, GR_OR, newZone->GetLayer() );
        GetBoard()->RedrawFilledAreas( m_canvas, aDC, GR_OR, newZone->GetLayer() );

        if( GetBoard()->GetAreaIndex( newZone ) >= 0
           && GetBoard()->Test_Drc_Areas_Outlines_To_Areas_Outlines( newZone, true ) )
            DisplayError( this, _( "Duplicate Zone: The outline of the duplicated zone fails DRC check!" ) );

        UpdateCopyOfZonesList( s_PickedList, s_AuxiliaryList, GetBoard() );
        SaveCopyInUndoList( s_PickedList, UR_UNSPECIFIED );

        delete newZone;
void BOARD::DrawHighLight( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* am_canvas, wxDC* DC, int aNetCode )
    GR_DRAWMODE draw_mode;

    if( IsHighLightNetON() )
        draw_mode = GR_HIGHLIGHT | GR_OR;
        draw_mode = GR_AND | GR_HIGHLIGHT;

    // Redraw zones
    for( int ii = 0; ii < GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetArea( ii );

        if( zone->GetNetCode() == aNetCode )
            zone->Draw( am_canvas, DC, draw_mode );

    // Redraw any pads that have aNetCode
    for( MODULE* module = m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->PadsList(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
            if( pad->GetNetCode() == aNetCode )
                pad->Draw( am_canvas, DC, draw_mode );

    // Redraw track and vias that have aNetCode
    for( TRACK* seg = m_Track; seg; seg = seg->Next() )
        if( seg->GetNetCode() == aNetCode )
            seg->Draw( am_canvas, DC, draw_mode );
void ZONE_CONTAINER::buildFeatureHoleList( BOARD* aPcb, SHAPE_POLY_SET& aFeatures )
    int segsPerCircle;
    double correctionFactor;

    // Set the number of segments in arc approximations
    if( m_ArcToSegmentsCount == ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF  )

    /* calculates the coeff to compensate radius reduction of holes clearance
     * due to the segment approx.
     * For a circle the min radius is radius * cos( 2PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount / 2)
     * s_Correction is 1 /cos( PI/s_CircleToSegmentsCount  )
    correctionFactor = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / (double) segsPerCircle );


    int outline_half_thickness = m_ZoneMinThickness / 2;

    int zone_clearance = std::max( m_ZoneClearance, GetClearance() );
    zone_clearance += outline_half_thickness;

    /* store holes (i.e. tracks and pads areas as polygons outlines)
     * in a polygon list

    /* items ouside the zone bounding box are skipped
     * the bounding box is the zone bounding box + the biggest clearance found in Netclass list
    EDA_RECT item_boundingbox;
    EDA_RECT zone_boundingbox  = GetBoundingBox();
    int      biggest_clearance = aPcb->GetDesignSettings().GetBiggestClearanceValue();
    biggest_clearance = std::max( biggest_clearance, zone_clearance );
    zone_boundingbox.Inflate( biggest_clearance );

     * First : Add pads. Note: pads having the same net as zone are left in zone.
     * Thermal shapes will be created later if necessary
    int item_clearance;

    /* Use a dummy pad to calculate hole clerance when a pad is not on all copper layers
     * and this pad has a hole
     * This dummy pad has the size and shape of the hole
    * Therefore, this dummy pad is a circle or an oval.
     * A pad must have a parent because some functions expect a non null parent
     * to find the parent board, and some other data
    MODULE dummymodule( aPcb );    // Creates a dummy parent
    D_PAD dummypad( &dummymodule );

    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        D_PAD* nextpad;

        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = nextpad )
            nextpad = pad->Next();  // pad pointer can be modified by next code, so
                                    // calculate the next pad here

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )
                /* Test for pads that are on top or bottom only and have a hole.
                 * There are curious pads but they can be used for some components that are
                 * inside the board (in fact inside the hole. Some photo diodes and Leds are
                 * like this)
                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 && pad->GetDrillSize().y == 0 )

                // Use a dummy pad to calculate a hole shape that have the same dimension as
                // the pad hole
                dummypad.SetSize( pad->GetDrillSize() );
                dummypad.SetOrientation( pad->GetOrientation() );
                dummypad.SetShape( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG ?
                                   PAD_SHAPE_OVAL : PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE );
                dummypad.SetPosition( pad->GetPosition() );

                pad = &dummypad;

            // Note: netcode <=0 means not connected item
            if( ( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() ) || ( pad->GetNetCode() <= 0 ) )
                item_clearance   = pad->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( item_clearance );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                                               correctionFactor );


            // Pads are removed from zone if the setup is PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE
            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE )
                int gap = zone_clearance;
                int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
                gap = std::max( gap, thermalGap );
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( gap );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                                               correctionFactor );

    /* Add holes (i.e. tracks and vias areas as polygons outlines)
     * in cornerBufferPolysToSubstract
    for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
        if( !track->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

        if( track->GetNetCode() == GetNetCode()  && (GetNetCode() != 0) )

        item_clearance   = track->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;
        item_boundingbox = track->GetBoundingBox();

        if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
            int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
            track->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                                         correctionFactor );

    /* Add module edge items that are on copper layers
     * Pcbnew allows these items to be on copper layers in microwave applictions
     * This is a bad thing, but must be handled here, until a better way is found
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( BOARD_ITEM* item = module->GraphicalItems();  item;  item = item->Next() )
            if( !item->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) && !item->IsOnLayer( Edge_Cuts ) )

            if( item->Type() != PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )

            item_boundingbox = item->GetBoundingBox();

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    aFeatures, zone_clearance,
                    segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

    // Add graphic items (copper texts) and board edges
    for( BOARD_ITEM* item = aPcb->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
        if( item->GetLayer() != GetLayer() && item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )

        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                zone_clearance, segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

        case PCB_TEXT_T:
            ( (TEXTE_PCB*) item )->TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon(
                aFeatures, zone_clearance );


    // Add zones outlines having an higher priority and keepout
    for( int ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetBoard()->GetArea( ii );
        if( zone->GetLayer() != GetLayer() )

        if( !zone->GetIsKeepout() && zone->GetPriority() <= GetPriority() )

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() && ! zone->GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )

        // A highter priority zone or keepout area is found: remove this area
        item_boundingbox = zone->GetBoundingBox();
        if( !item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )

        // Add the zone outline area.
        // However if the zone has the same net as the current zone,
        // do not add any clearance.
        // the zone will be connected to the current zone, but filled areas
        // will use different parameters (clearance, thermal shapes )
        bool same_net = GetNetCode() == zone->GetNetCode();
        bool use_net_clearance = true;
        int min_clearance = zone_clearance;

        // Do not forget to make room to draw the thick outlines
        // of the hole created by the area of the zone to remove
        int holeclearance = zone->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;

        // The final clearance is obviously the max value of each zone clearance
        min_clearance = std::max( min_clearance, holeclearance );

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() || same_net )
            // Just take in account the fact the outline has a thickness, so
            // the actual area to substract is inflated to take in account this fact
            min_clearance = outline_half_thickness;
            use_net_clearance = false;

                    min_clearance, use_net_clearance );

   // Remove thermal symbols
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
            // Rejects non-standard pads with tht-only thermal reliefs
            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL
             && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD )

            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THERMAL
             && GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL )

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

            if( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() )
            item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
            int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
            item_boundingbox.Inflate( thermalGap, thermalGap );

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon( aFeatures,
                                               *pad, thermalGap,
                                               GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad ),
                                               correctionFactor, s_thermalRot );

Exemple #9
void ZONE_FILLER::buildZoneFeatureHoleList( const ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone,
        SHAPE_POLY_SET& aFeatures ) const
    int segsPerCircle;
    double correctionFactor;

    // Set the number of segments in arc approximations
    if( aZone->GetArcSegmentCount() == ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF  )

    /* calculates the coeff to compensate radius reduction of holes clearance
     * due to the segment approx.
     * For a circle the min radius is radius * cos( 2PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount / 2)
     * s_Correction is 1 /cos( PI/s_CircleToSegmentsCount  )
    correctionFactor = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / (double) segsPerCircle );


    int outline_half_thickness = aZone->GetMinThickness() / 2;

    // When removing holes, the holes must be expanded by outline_half_thickness
    // to take in account the thickness of the zone outlines
    int zone_clearance = aZone->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;

    // When holes are created by non copper items (edge cut items), use only
    // the m_ZoneClearance parameter (zone clearance with no netclass clearance)
    int zone_to_edgecut_clearance = aZone->GetZoneClearance() + outline_half_thickness;

    /* store holes (i.e. tracks and pads areas as polygons outlines)
     * in a polygon list

    /* items ouside the zone bounding box are skipped
     * the bounding box is the zone bounding box + the biggest clearance found in Netclass list
    EDA_RECT    item_boundingbox;
    EDA_RECT    zone_boundingbox = aZone->GetBoundingBox();
    int biggest_clearance = m_board->GetDesignSettings().GetBiggestClearanceValue();
    biggest_clearance = std::max( biggest_clearance, zone_clearance );
    zone_boundingbox.Inflate( biggest_clearance );

     * First : Add pads. Note: pads having the same net as zone are left in zone.
     * Thermal shapes will be created later if necessary

    /* Use a dummy pad to calculate hole clearance when a pad is not on all copper layers
     * and this pad has a hole
     * This dummy pad has the size and shape of the hole
     * Therefore, this dummy pad is a circle or an oval.
     * A pad must have a parent because some functions expect a non null parent
     * to find the parent board, and some other data
    MODULE  dummymodule( m_board );   // Creates a dummy parent
    D_PAD   dummypad( &dummymodule );

    for( MODULE* module = m_board->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        D_PAD* nextpad;

        for( D_PAD* pad = module->PadsList(); pad != NULL; pad = nextpad )
            nextpad = pad->Next();      // pad pointer can be modified by next code, so
                                        // calculate the next pad here

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( aZone->GetLayer() ) )
                /* Test for pads that are on top or bottom only and have a hole.
                 * There are curious pads but they can be used for some components that are
                 * inside the board (in fact inside the hole. Some photo diodes and Leds are
                 * like this)
                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 && pad->GetDrillSize().y == 0 )

                // Use a dummy pad to calculate a hole shape that have the same dimension as
                // the pad hole
                dummypad.SetSize( pad->GetDrillSize() );
                dummypad.SetOrientation( pad->GetOrientation() );
                dummypad.SetShape( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG ?
                        PAD_SHAPE_OVAL : PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE );
                dummypad.SetPosition( pad->GetPosition() );

                pad = &dummypad;

            // Note: netcode <=0 means not connected item
            if( ( pad->GetNetCode() != aZone->GetNetCode() ) || ( pad->GetNetCode() <= 0 ) )
                int item_clearance = pad->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( item_clearance );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );

                    // PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM can have a specific keepout, to avoid to break the shape
                    if( pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM
                        && pad->GetCustomShapeInZoneOpt() == CUST_PAD_SHAPE_IN_ZONE_CONVEXHULL )
                        // the pad shape in zone can be its convex hull or
                        // the shape itself
                        SHAPE_POLY_SET outline( pad->GetCustomShapeAsPolygon() );
                        outline.Inflate( KiROUND( clearance * correctionFactor ), segsPerCircle );
                        pad->CustomShapeAsPolygonToBoardPosition( &outline,
                                pad->GetPosition(), pad->GetOrientation() );

                        if( pad->GetCustomShapeInZoneOpt() == CUST_PAD_SHAPE_IN_ZONE_CONVEXHULL )
                            std::vector<wxPoint> convex_hull;
                            BuildConvexHull( convex_hull, outline );


                            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < convex_hull.size(); ++ii )
                                aFeatures.Append( convex_hull[ii] );
                            aFeatures.Append( outline );
                        pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                correctionFactor );


            // Pads are removed from zone if the setup is PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE
            // or if they have a custom shape, because a thermal relief will break
            // the shape
            if( aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE
                || pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM )
                int gap = zone_clearance;
                int thermalGap = aZone->GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
                gap = std::max( gap, thermalGap );
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( gap );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    // PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM has a specific keepout, to avoid to break the shape
                    // the pad shape in zone can be its convex hull or the shape itself
                    if( pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM
                        && pad->GetCustomShapeInZoneOpt() == CUST_PAD_SHAPE_IN_ZONE_CONVEXHULL )
                        // the pad shape in zone can be its convex hull or
                        // the shape itself
                        SHAPE_POLY_SET outline( pad->GetCustomShapeAsPolygon() );
                        outline.Inflate( KiROUND( gap * correctionFactor ), segsPerCircle );
                        pad->CustomShapeAsPolygonToBoardPosition( &outline,
                                pad->GetPosition(), pad->GetOrientation() );

                        std::vector<wxPoint> convex_hull;
                        BuildConvexHull( convex_hull, outline );


                        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < convex_hull.size(); ++ii )
                            aFeatures.Append( convex_hull[ii] );
                        pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                gap, segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

    /* Add holes (i.e. tracks and vias areas as polygons outlines)
     * in cornerBufferPolysToSubstract
    for( auto track : m_board->Tracks() )
        if( !track->IsOnLayer( aZone->GetLayer() ) )

        if( track->GetNetCode() == aZone->GetNetCode()  && ( aZone->GetNetCode() != 0) )

        int item_clearance = track->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;
        item_boundingbox = track->GetBoundingBox();

        if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
            int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
            track->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                    correctionFactor );

    /* Add module edge items that are on copper layers
     * Pcbnew allows these items to be on copper layers in microwave applictions
     * This is a bad thing, but must be handled here, until a better way is found
    for( auto module : m_board->Modules() )
        for( auto item : module->GraphicalItems() )
            if( !item->IsOnLayer( aZone->GetLayer() ) && !item->IsOnLayer( Edge_Cuts ) )

            if( item->Type() != PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )

            item_boundingbox = item->GetBoundingBox();

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                int zclearance = zone_clearance;

                if( item->IsOnLayer( Edge_Cuts ) )
                    // use only the m_ZoneClearance, not the clearance using
                    // the netclass value, because we do not have a copper item
                    zclearance = zone_to_edgecut_clearance;

                ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                        aFeatures, zclearance, segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

    // Add graphic items (copper texts) and board edges
    // Currently copper texts have no net, so only the zone_clearance
    // is used.
    for( auto item : m_board->Drawings() )
        if( item->GetLayer() != aZone->GetLayer() && item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )

        int zclearance = zone_clearance;

        if( item->GetLayer() == Edge_Cuts )
            // use only the m_ZoneClearance, not the clearance using
            // the netclass value, because we do not have a copper item
            zclearance = zone_to_edgecut_clearance;

        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    zclearance, segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

        case PCB_TEXT_T:
            ( (TEXTE_PCB*) item )->TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    aFeatures, zclearance );


    // Add zones outlines having an higher priority and keepout
    for( int ii = 0; ii < m_board->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = m_board->GetArea( ii );

        // If the zones share no common layers
        if( !aZone->CommonLayerExists( zone->GetLayerSet() ) )

        if( !zone->GetIsKeepout() && zone->GetPriority() <= aZone->GetPriority() )

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() && !zone->GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )

        // A highter priority zone or keepout area is found: remove this area
        item_boundingbox = zone->GetBoundingBox();

        if( !item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )

        // Add the zone outline area.
        // However if the zone has the same net as the current zone,
        // do not add any clearance.
        // the zone will be connected to the current zone, but filled areas
        // will use different parameters (clearance, thermal shapes )
        bool    same_net = aZone->GetNetCode() == zone->GetNetCode();
        bool    use_net_clearance = true;
        int     min_clearance = zone_clearance;

        // Do not forget to make room to draw the thick outlines
        // of the hole created by the area of the zone to remove
        int holeclearance = zone->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;

        // The final clearance is obviously the max value of each zone clearance
        min_clearance = std::max( min_clearance, holeclearance );

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() || same_net )
            // Just take in account the fact the outline has a thickness, so
            // the actual area to substract is inflated to take in account this fact
            min_clearance = outline_half_thickness;
            use_net_clearance = false;

                aFeatures, min_clearance, use_net_clearance );

    // Remove thermal symbols
    for( auto module : m_board->Modules() )
        for( auto pad : module->Pads() )
            // Rejects non-standard pads with tht-only thermal reliefs
            if( aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL
                && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD )

            if( aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THERMAL
                && aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL )

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( aZone->GetLayer() ) )

            if( pad->GetNetCode() != aZone->GetNetCode() )

            item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
            int thermalGap = aZone->GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
            item_boundingbox.Inflate( thermalGap, thermalGap );

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon( aFeatures,
                        *pad, thermalGap,
                        aZone->GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad ),
                        correctionFactor, s_thermalRot );
 * This function starts a new track segment.
 * If a new track segment is in progress, ends this current new segment,
 * and created a new one.
TRACK* PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Route( TRACK* aTrack, wxDC* aDC )
    TRACK*      TrackOnStartPoint = NULL;
    LAYER_MSK   layerMask = GetLayerMask( GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer );
    wxPoint     pos = GetCrossHairPosition();

    if( aTrack == NULL )  // Starting a new track segment
        m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor, Abort_Create_Track );

        // Prepare the undo command info
        s_ItemsListPicker.ClearListAndDeleteItems();  // Should not be necessary, but...


        // erase old highlight
        if( GetBoard()->IsHighLightNetON() )
            HighLight( aDC );

        g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( new TRACK( GetBoard() ) );
        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetFlags( IS_NEW );

        GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( 0 );

        // Search for a starting point of the new track, a track or pad
        LockPoint = GetBoard()->GetLockPoint( pos, layerMask );

        D_PAD* pad = NULL;
        if( LockPoint ) // An item (pad or track) is found
            if( LockPoint->Type() == PCB_PAD_T )
                pad = (D_PAD*) LockPoint;

                // A pad is found: put the starting point on pad center
                pos = pad->GetPosition();
                GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( pad->GetNetCode() );
            else // A track segment is found
                TrackOnStartPoint    = (TRACK*) LockPoint;
                GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( TrackOnStartPoint->GetNetCode() );
                GetBoard()->CreateLockPoint( pos, TrackOnStartPoint, &s_ItemsListPicker );
            // Not a starting point, but a filled zone area can exist. This is also a
            // good starting point.
            ZONE_CONTAINER* zone;
            zone = GetBoard()->HitTestForAnyFilledArea( pos,
                                                        GetScreen()-> m_Active_Layer,
                                                        GetScreen()-> m_Active_Layer,
                                                        -1 );

            if( zone )
                GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( zone->GetNetCode() );

        DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity() );

        BuildAirWiresTargetsList( LockPoint, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), true );

        DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity() );

        GetBoard()->DrawHighLight( m_canvas, aDC, GetBoard()->GetHighLightNetCode() );

        // Display info about track Net class, and init track and vias sizes:
        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetNetCode( GetBoard()->GetHighLightNetCode() );
        GetDesignSettings().SetCurrentNetClass( g_CurrentTrackSegment->GetNetClassName() );

        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetLayer( GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer );
        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetWidth( GetDesignSettings().GetCurrentTrackWidth() );

        if( GetDesignSettings().m_UseConnectedTrackWidth )
            if( TrackOnStartPoint && TrackOnStartPoint->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T )
                g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetWidth( TrackOnStartPoint->GetWidth());

        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetStart( pos );
        g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetEnd( pos );

        if( pad )
            g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_PadsConnected.push_back( pad );
            // Useful to display track length, if the pad has a die length:
            g_CurrentTrackSegment->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD, true );
            g_CurrentTrackSegment->start = pad;

        if( g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild )
            // Create 2nd segment
            g_CurrentTrackList.PushBack( (TRACK*)g_CurrentTrackSegment->Clone() );

            DBG( g_CurrentTrackList.VerifyListIntegrity(); );

            g_CurrentTrackSegment->start = g_FirstTrackSegment;
            g_FirstTrackSegment->end     = g_CurrentTrackSegment;

            g_FirstTrackSegment->SetState( BEGIN_ONPAD | END_ONPAD, false );
 * Function Test_Connection_To_Copper_Areas
 * init .m_ZoneSubnet parameter in tracks and pads according to the connections to areas found
 * @param aNetcode = netcode to analyse. if -1, analyse all nets
void BOARD::Test_Connections_To_Copper_Areas( int aNetcode )
    // list of pads and tracks candidates on this layer and on this net.
    // It is static to avoid multiple memory realloc.
    static std::vector <BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM*> candidates;

    // clear .m_ZoneSubnet parameter for pads
    for( MODULE* module = m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
            if( aNetcode < 0 || aNetcode == pad->GetNetCode() )
                pad->SetZoneSubNet( 0 );

    // clear .m_ZoneSubnet parameter for tracks and vias
    for( TRACK* track = m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
        if( aNetcode < 0 || aNetcode == track->GetNetCode() )
            track->SetZoneSubNet( 0 );

    // examine all zones, net by net:
    int subnet = 0;

    // Build zones candidates list
    std::vector<ZONE_CONTAINER*> zones_candidates;

    zones_candidates.reserve( GetAreaCount() );

    for( int index = 0; index < GetAreaCount(); index++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetArea( index );

        if( !zone->IsOnCopperLayer() )

        if( aNetcode >= 0 &&  aNetcode != zone->GetNetCode() )

        if( zone->GetFilledPolysList().GetCornersCount() == 0 )

        zones_candidates.push_back( zone );

    // sort them by netcode then vertices count.
    // For a given net, examine the smaller zones first slightly speed up calculation
    // (25% faster)
    // this is only noticeable with very large boards and depends on board zones topology
    // This is due to the fact some items are connected by small zones ares,
    // before examining large zones areas and these items are not tested after a connection is found
    sort( zones_candidates.begin(), zones_candidates.end(), sort_areas );

    int oldnetcode = -1;
    for( unsigned idx = 0; idx < zones_candidates.size(); idx++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = zones_candidates[idx];

        int netcode = zone->GetNetCode();

        // Build a list of candidates connected to the net:
        // At this point, layers are not considered, because areas on different layers can
        // be connected by a via or a pad.
        // (because zones are sorted by netcode, there is made only once per net)
        NETINFO_ITEM* net = FindNet( netcode );

        wxASSERT( net );
        if( net == NULL )

        if( oldnetcode != netcode )
            oldnetcode = netcode;

            // Build the list of pads candidates connected to the net:
            candidates.reserve( net->m_PadInNetList.size() );

            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < net->m_PadInNetList.size(); ii++ )
                candidates.push_back( net->m_PadInNetList[ii] );

            // Build the list of track candidates connected to the net:
            TRACK* track = m_Track.GetFirst()->GetStartNetCode( netcode );

            for( ; track; track = track->Next() )
                if( track->GetNetCode() != netcode )

                candidates.push_back( track );

        // test if a candidate is inside a filled area of this zone
        unsigned indexstart = 0, indexend;
        const CPOLYGONS_LIST& polysList = zone->GetFilledPolysList();

        for( indexend = 0; indexend < polysList.GetCornersCount(); indexend++ )
            // end of a filled sub-area found
            if( polysList.IsEndContour( indexend ) )
                EDA_RECT bbox = zone->CalculateSubAreaBoundaryBox( indexstart, indexend );

                for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < candidates.size(); ic++ )
                    // test if this area is connected to a board item:
                    BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* item = candidates[ic];

                    if( item->GetZoneSubNet() == subnet )   // Already merged

                   if( !item->IsOnLayer( zone->GetLayer() ) )

                    wxPoint pos1, pos2;

                    if( item->Type() == PCB_PAD_T )
                        // For pads we use the shape position instead of
                        // the pad position, because the zones are connected
                        // to the center of the shape, not the pad position
                        // (this is important for pads with thermal relief)
                        pos1 = pos2 = ( (D_PAD*) item )->ShapePos();
                    else if( item->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
                        const VIA *via = static_cast<const VIA*>( item );
                        pos1 = via->GetStart();
                        pos2 = pos1;
                    else if( item->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T )
                        const TRACK *trk = static_cast<const TRACK*>( item );
                        pos1 = trk->GetStart();
                        pos2 = trk->GetEnd();

                    bool connected = false;

                    if( bbox.Contains( pos1 ) )
                        if( TestPointInsidePolygon( polysList, indexstart,
                                                    indexend, pos1.x, pos1.y ) )
                            connected = true;
                    if( !connected && (pos1 != pos2 ) )
                        if( bbox.Contains( pos2 ) )
                            if( TestPointInsidePolygon( polysList,
                                                        indexstart, indexend,
                                                        pos2.x, pos2.y ) )
                                connected = true;

                    if( connected )
                        // Set ZoneSubnet to the current subnet value.
                        // If the previous subnet is not 0, merge all items with old subnet
                        // to the new one
                        int old_subnet = item->GetZoneSubNet();
                        item->SetZoneSubNet( subnet );

                        // Merge previous subnet with the current
                        if( (old_subnet > 0) && (old_subnet != subnet) )
                            for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < candidates.size(); jj++ )
                                BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* item_to_merge = candidates[jj];

                                if( old_subnet == item_to_merge->GetZoneSubNet() )
                                    item_to_merge->SetZoneSubNet( subnet );
                        }   // End if ( old_subnet > 0 )
                    }       // End if( connected )

                // End test candidates for the current filled area
                indexstart = indexend + 1;  // prepare test next area, starting at indexend+1
                                            // (if exists).  End read one area in
                                            // zone->m_FilledPolysList
        } // End read all segments in zone
    } // End read all zones candidates
 * Function Merge_SubNets_Connected_By_CopperAreas(BOARD* aPcb, int aNetcode)
 * Used after connections by tracks calculations
 * Merge subnets, in tracks ans pads when they are connected by a filled copper area
 * for pads, this is the .m_physical_connexion member which is tested and modified
 * for tracks, this is the .m_Subnet member which is tested and modified
 * these members are block numbers (or cluster numbers) for a given net,
 * calculated by Build_Pads_Info_Connections_By_Tracks()
 * The result is merging 2 blocks (or subnets)
 * @param aPcb = the current board
 * @param aNetcode = netcode to consider
void Merge_SubNets_Connected_By_CopperAreas( BOARD* aPcb, int aNetcode )
    // Ensure a zone with the given netcode exists: examine all zones:
    bool found = false;

    for( int index = 0; index < aPcb->GetAreaCount(); index++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = aPcb->GetArea( index );

        if( aNetcode == zone->GetNetCode() )
            found = true;

    if( !found )  // No zone with this netcode, therefore no connection by zone

    // list of pads and tracks candidates to test:
    // It is static to avoid multiple memory realloc.
    static std::vector <BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM*> Candidates;

    // Build the list of pads candidates connected to the net:
    NETINFO_ITEM* net = aPcb->FindNet( aNetcode );
    wxASSERT( net );
    Candidates.reserve( net->m_PadInNetList.size() );
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < net->m_PadInNetList.size(); ii++ )
        Candidates.push_back( net->m_PadInNetList[ii] );

    // Build the list of track candidates connected to the net:
    TRACK* track;
    track = aPcb->m_Track.GetFirst()->GetStartNetCode( aNetcode );
    for( ; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( track->GetNetCode() != aNetcode )
        Candidates.push_back( track );

    if( Candidates.size() == 0 )

    int next_subnet_free_number = 0;
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < Candidates.size(); ii++ )
        int subnet = Candidates[ii]->GetSubNet();
        next_subnet_free_number = std::max( next_subnet_free_number, subnet );

    next_subnet_free_number++;     // This is a subnet we can use with not connected items
                                   // by tracks, but connected by zone.

    // Sort by zone_subnet:
    sort( Candidates.begin(), Candidates.end(), CmpZoneSubnetValue );

    // Some items can be not connected, but they can be connected to a filled area:
    // give them a subnet common to these items connected only by the area,
    // and not already used.
    // a value like next_subnet_free_number+zone_subnet is right
    for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < Candidates.size(); jj++ )
        BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* item = Candidates[jj];
        if ( item->GetSubNet() == 0 && (item->GetZoneSubNet() > 0) )
            item->SetSubNet( next_subnet_free_number + item->GetZoneSubNet() );

    // Now, for each zone subnet, we search for 2 items with different subnets.
    // if found, the 2 subnet are merged in the whole candidate list.
    int old_subnet      = 0;
    int old_zone_subnet = 0;
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < Candidates.size(); ii++ )
        BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* item = Candidates[ii];
        int zone_subnet = item->GetZoneSubNet();

        if( zone_subnet == 0 )  // Not connected by a filled area, skip it

        int subnet = item->GetSubNet();

        if( zone_subnet != old_zone_subnet )  // a new zone subnet is found
            old_subnet = subnet;
            old_zone_subnet = zone_subnet;

        zone_subnet = old_zone_subnet;

        // 2 successive items already from the same cluster: nothing to do
        if( subnet == old_subnet )

        // Here we have 2 items connected by the same area have 2 differents subnets: merge subnets
        if( (subnet > old_subnet) || ( subnet <= 0) )
            EXCHG( subnet, old_subnet );

        for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < Candidates.size(); jj++ )
            BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM * item_to_merge = Candidates[jj];

            if( item_to_merge->GetSubNet() == old_subnet )
                item_to_merge->SetSubNet( subnet );

        old_subnet = subnet;
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::End_Zone( wxDC* DC )
    ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetBoard()->m_CurrentZoneContour;

    if( !zone )
        return true;

    // Validate the current outline:
    if( zone->GetNumCorners() <= 2 )   // An outline must have 3 corners or more
        Abort_Zone_Create_Outline( m_canvas, DC );
        return true;

    // Remove the last corner if is is at the same location as the prevoius corner

    // Validate the current edge:
    int icorner = zone->GetNumCorners() - 1;
    if( zone->IsOnCopperLayer() )
        if( g_Drc_On && m_drc->Drc( zone, icorner - 1 ) == BAD_DRC )  // we can't validate last edge
            return false;

        if( g_Drc_On && m_drc->Drc( zone, icorner ) == BAD_DRC )      // we can't validate the closing edge
            DisplayError( this,
                          _( "DRC error: closing this area creates a DRC error with an other area" ) );
            return false;


    zone->DrawWhileCreateOutline( m_canvas, DC, GR_XOR );

    m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );

    // Undraw old drawings, because they can have important changes
    LAYER_ID layer = zone->GetLayer();
    GetBoard()->RedrawAreasOutlines( m_canvas, DC, GR_XOR, layer );
    GetBoard()->RedrawFilledAreas( m_canvas, DC, GR_XOR, layer );

    // Save initial zones configuration, for undo/redo, before adding new zone
    SaveCopyOfZones(s_PickedList, GetBoard(), zone->GetNetCode(), zone->GetLayer() );

    // Put new zone in list
    if( !s_CurrentZone )
        zone->Outline()->CloseLastContour(); // Close the current corner list
        GetBoard()->Add( zone );

        // Add this zone in picked list, as new item
        ITEM_PICKER picker( zone, UR_NEW );
        s_PickedList.PushItem( picker );
    else    // Append this outline as a cutout to an existing zone
        for( int ii = 0; ii < zone->GetNumCorners(); ii++ )
            s_CurrentZone->AppendCorner( zone->GetCornerPosition( ii ) );

        s_CurrentZone->Outline()->CloseLastContour(); // Close the current corner list
        zone->RemoveAllContours();      // All corners are copied in s_CurrentZone. Free corner list.
        zone = s_CurrentZone;

    s_AddCutoutToCurrentZone = false;
    s_CurrentZone = NULL;
    GetBoard()->m_CurrentZoneContour = NULL;

    GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL );       // This outline can be deleted when merging outlines

    // Combine zones if possible :
    GetBoard()->OnAreaPolygonModified( &s_AuxiliaryList, zone );

    // Redraw the real edge zone :
    GetBoard()->RedrawAreasOutlines( m_canvas, DC, GR_OR, layer );
    GetBoard()->RedrawFilledAreas( m_canvas, DC, GR_OR, layer );

    int ii = GetBoard()->GetAreaIndex( zone );   // test if zone exists

    if( ii < 0 )
        zone = NULL;                        // was removed by combining zones

    int error_count = GetBoard()->Test_Drc_Areas_Outlines_To_Areas_Outlines( zone, true );

    if( error_count )
        DisplayError( this, _( "Area: DRC outline error" ) );

    UpdateCopyOfZonesList( s_PickedList, s_AuxiliaryList, GetBoard() );
    SaveCopyInUndoList(s_PickedList, UR_UNSPECIFIED);
    s_PickedList.ClearItemsList(); // s_ItemsListPicker is no more owner of picked items

    return true;
 * Function AddClearanceAreasPolygonsToPolysList
 * Supports a min thickness area constraint.
 * Add non copper areas polygons (pads and tracks with clearance)
 * to the filled copper area found
 * in BuildFilledPolysListData after calculating filled areas in a zone
 * Non filled copper areas are pads and track and their clearance areas
 * The filled copper area must be computed just before.
 * BuildFilledPolysListData() call this function just after creating the
 *  filled copper area polygon (without clearance areas)
 * to do that this function:
 * 1 - Creates the main outline (zone outline) using a correction to shrink the resulting area
 *     with m_ZoneMinThickness/2 value.
 *     The result is areas with a margin of m_ZoneMinThickness/2
 *     When drawing outline with segments having a thickness of m_ZoneMinThickness, the
 *      outlines will match exactly the initial outlines
 * 3 - Add all non filled areas (pads, tracks) in group B with a clearance of m_Clearance +
 *     m_ZoneMinThickness/2
 *     in a buffer
 *   - If Thermal shapes are wanted, add non filled area, in order to create these thermal shapes
 * 4 - calculates the polygon A - B
 * 5 - put resulting list of polygons (filled areas) in m_FilledPolysList
 *     This zone contains pads with the same net.
 * 6 - Remove insulated copper islands
 * 7 - If Thermal shapes are wanted, remove unconnected stubs in thermal shapes:
 *     creates a buffer of polygons corresponding to stubs to remove
 *     sub them to the filled areas.
 *     Remove new insulated copper islands
void ZONE_CONTAINER::AddClearanceAreasPolygonsToPolysList( BOARD* aPcb )
    // Set the number of segments in arc approximations
    if( m_ArcToSegmentsCount == ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF  )
        s_CircleToSegmentsCount = ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF;
        s_CircleToSegmentsCount = ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_LOW_DEF;

    /* calculates the coeff to compensate radius reduction of holes clearance
     * due to the segment approx.
     * For a circle the min radius is radius * cos( 2PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount / 2)
     * s_Correction is 1 /cos( PI/s_CircleToSegmentsCount  )
    s_Correction = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount );

    // This KI_POLYGON_SET is the area(s) to fill, with m_ZoneMinThickness/2
    KI_POLYGON_SET polyset_zone_solid_areas;
    int         margin = m_ZoneMinThickness / 2;

    /* First, creates the main polygon (i.e. the filled area using only one outline)
     * to reserve a m_ZoneMinThickness/2 margin around the outlines and holes
     * this margin is the room to redraw outlines with segments having a width set to
     * m_ZoneMinThickness
     * so m_ZoneMinThickness is the min thickness of the filled zones areas
     * the main polygon is stored in polyset_zone_solid_areas

    CopyPolygonsFromFilledPolysListToKiPolygonList( polyset_zone_solid_areas );
    polyset_zone_solid_areas -= margin;

    if( polyset_zone_solid_areas.size() == 0 )

    /* Calculates the clearance value that meet DRC requirements
     * from m_ZoneClearance and clearance from the corresponding netclass
     * We have a "local" clearance in zones because most of time
     * clearance between a zone and others items is bigger than the netclass clearance
     * this is more true for small clearance values
     * Note also the "local" clearance is used for clearance between non copper items
     *    or items like texts on copper layers
    int zone_clearance = std::max( m_ZoneClearance, GetClearance() );
    zone_clearance += margin;

    /* store holes (i.e. tracks and pads areas as polygons outlines)
     * in a polygon list

    /* items ouside the zone bounding box are skipped
     * the bounding box is the zone bounding box + the biggest clearance found in Netclass list
    EDA_RECT item_boundingbox;
    EDA_RECT zone_boundingbox  = GetBoundingBox();
    int      biggest_clearance = aPcb->GetDesignSettings().GetBiggestClearanceValue();
    biggest_clearance = std::max( biggest_clearance, zone_clearance );
    zone_boundingbox.Inflate( biggest_clearance );

     * First : Add pads. Note: pads having the same net as zone are left in zone.
     * Thermal shapes will be created later if necessary
    int item_clearance;

    // static to avoid unnecessary memory allocation when filling many zones.
    static CPOLYGONS_LIST cornerBufferPolysToSubstract;

    /* Use a dummy pad to calculate hole clerance when a pad is not on all copper layers
     * and this pad has a hole
     * This dummy pad has the size and shape of the hole
    * Therefore, this dummy pad is a circle or an oval.
     * A pad must have a parent because some functions expect a non null parent
     * to find the parent board, and some other data
    MODULE dummymodule( aPcb );    // Creates a dummy parent
    D_PAD dummypad( &dummymodule );

    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        D_PAD* nextpad;

        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = nextpad )
            nextpad = pad->Next();  // pad pointer can be modified by next code, so
                                    // calculate the next pad here

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )
                /* Test for pads that are on top or bottom only and have a hole.
                 * There are curious pads but they can be used for some components that are
                 * inside the board (in fact inside the hole. Some photo diodes and Leds are
                 * like this)
                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 && pad->GetDrillSize().y == 0 )

                // Use a dummy pad to calculate a hole shape that have the same dimension as
                // the pad hole
                dummypad.SetSize( pad->GetDrillSize() );
                dummypad.SetOrientation( pad->GetOrientation() );
                dummypad.SetShape( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_OBLONG ?
                                   PAD_OVAL : PAD_CIRCLE );
                dummypad.SetPosition( pad->GetPosition() );

                pad = &dummypad;

            // Note: netcode <=0 means not connected item
            if( ( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() ) || ( pad->GetNetCode() <= 0 ) )
                item_clearance   = pad->GetClearance() + margin;
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( item_clearance );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                                               s_Correction );


            if( ( GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_NOT_IN_ZONE )
                || ( pad->GetShape() == PAD_TRAPEZOID ) )

            // PAD_TRAPEZOID shapes are not in zones because they are used in microwave apps
            // and i think it is good that shapes are not changed by thermal pads or others
                int gap = zone_clearance;
                int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
                gap = std::max( gap, thermalGap );
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                                               s_Correction );

    /* Add holes (i.e. tracks and vias areas as polygons outlines)
     * in cornerBufferPolysToSubstract
    for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
        if( !track->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

        if( track->GetNetCode() == GetNetCode()  && (GetNetCode() != 0) )

        item_clearance   = track->GetClearance() + margin;
        item_boundingbox = track->GetBoundingBox();

        if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
            int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
            track->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                                         s_Correction );

    /* Add module edge items that are on copper layers
     * Pcbnew allows these items to be on copper layers in microwave applictions
     * This is a bad thing, but must be handled here, until a better way is found
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( BOARD_ITEM* item = module->GraphicalItems();  item;  item = item->Next() )
            if( !item->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) && !item->IsOnLayer( Edge_Cuts ) )

            if( item->Type() != PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )

            item_boundingbox = item->GetBoundingBox();

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    cornerBufferPolysToSubstract, zone_clearance,
                    s_CircleToSegmentsCount, s_Correction );

    // Add graphic items (copper texts) and board edges
    for( BOARD_ITEM* item = aPcb->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
        if( item->GetLayer() != GetLayer() && item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )

        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                zone_clearance, s_CircleToSegmentsCount, s_Correction );

        case PCB_TEXT_T:
            ( (TEXTE_PCB*) item )->TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon(
                cornerBufferPolysToSubstract, zone_clearance );


    // Add zones outlines having an higher priority and keepout
    for( int ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetBoard()->GetArea( ii );
        if( zone->GetLayer() != GetLayer() )

        if( !zone->GetIsKeepout() && zone->GetPriority() <= GetPriority() )

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() && ! zone->GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )

        // A highter priority zone or keepout area is found: remove its area
        item_boundingbox = zone->GetBoundingBox();
        if( !item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )

        // Add the zone outline area.
        // However if the zone has the same net as the current zone,
        // do not add clearance.
        // the zone will be connected to the current zone, but filled areas
        // will use different parameters (clearance, thermal shapes )
        bool addclearance = GetNetCode() != zone->GetNetCode();
        int clearance = zone_clearance;

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() )
            addclearance = true;
            clearance = m_ZoneMinThickness / 2;

                    clearance, addclearance );

   // Remove thermal symbols
    for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads(); pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
            // Rejects non-standard pads with tht-only thermal reliefs
            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) == THT_THERMAL
             && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_STANDARD )

            if( GetPadConnection( pad ) != THERMAL_PAD
             && GetPadConnection( pad ) != THT_THERMAL )

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )

            if( pad->GetNetCode() != GetNetCode() )
            item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
            int thermalGap = GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
            item_boundingbox.Inflate( thermalGap, thermalGap );

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract,
                                               *pad, thermalGap,
                                               GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad ),
                                               s_Correction, s_thermalRot );

    // cornerBufferPolysToSubstract contains polygons to substract.
    // polyset_zone_solid_areas contains the main filled area
    // Calculate now actual solid areas
    if( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.GetCornersCount() > 0 )
        KI_POLYGON_SET polyset_holes;
        cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.ExportTo( polyset_holes );
        // Remove holes from initial area.:
        polyset_zone_solid_areas -= polyset_holes;

    // put solid areas in m_FilledPolysList:
    CopyPolygonsFromKiPolygonListToFilledPolysList( polyset_zone_solid_areas );

    // Remove insulated islands:
    if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
        TestForCopperIslandAndRemoveInsulatedIslands( aPcb );

    // Now we remove all unused thermal stubs.

    // Test thermal stubs connections and add polygons to remove unconnected stubs.
    // (this is a refinement for thermal relief shapes)
    if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
        BuildUnconnectedThermalStubsPolygonList( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract, aPcb, this,
                                                 s_Correction, s_thermalRot );

    // remove copper areas corresponding to not connected stubs
    if( cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.GetCornersCount() )
        KI_POLYGON_SET polyset_holes;
        cornerBufferPolysToSubstract.ExportTo( polyset_holes );

        // Remove unconnected stubs
        polyset_zone_solid_areas -= polyset_holes;

        // put these areas in m_FilledPolysList
        CopyPolygonsFromKiPolygonListToFilledPolysList( polyset_zone_solid_areas );

        if( GetNetCode() > 0 )
            TestForCopperIslandAndRemoveInsulatedIslands( aPcb );
