void movePlayer(char A, short d)
	if (A == 'H') //H for horizontal
		short newY = player_1.getPlayerPosY() + d;
		if (maze[player_1.getPlayerPosX()][newY] == 1)
			cout << "Sorry, wall! \n";
			player_1.setPlayerPosY(player_1.getPlayerPosY() + d);

	if (A == 'V') //V for vertical
		short newX = player_1.getPlayerPosX() + d;
		if (maze[newX][player_1.getPlayerPosY()] == 1)
			cout << "Sorry, wall! \n";
			player_1.setPlayerPosX(player_1.getPlayerPosX() + d);

void checkCatch()

	if ((player_1.getPlayerPosX() == aRabbit[0]->getRabbitPosX()) && (player_1.getPlayerPosY() == aRabbit[0]->getRabbitPosY()))
		cout << "\nRabbit Caught!!!\n";

int main()



	cout << "Player position: ";
	cout << player_1.getPlayerPosX();
	cout << ",";
	cout << player_1.getPlayerPosY();
	cout << ";\n";

	rabbitAI(); //move the rabbits


	//draw the maze walls / player / rabbits

	for (int h = 0; h < 23; h++) //draw row
		for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) //draw colum
			if (h == player_1.getPlayerPosX() && i == player_1.getPlayerPosY()) // put the player down
				if (aRabbit[0]->getisCaught())
					cout << "R"; //with rabbit
					cout << "X"; //with no rabbit

			else if (h == aRabbit[0]->getRabbitPosX() && i == aRabbit[0]->getRabbitPosY()) //draw 1st rabbit
				cout << "O";

			else if (h == aRabbit[1]->getRabbitPosX() && i == aRabbit[1]->getRabbitPosY()) //draw 2nd rabbit
				cout << "o";
			else if (maze[h][i] == true) //put # where the wall is
				cout << "#";

			else //put space where the tunnel is
				cout << " ";

		cout << "\n";

		cin >> cKeypressed;

		cout << "\n\n";

		if (aRabbit[0]->getisCaught())
			PlayerDirection = 1;

		if (cKeypressed == playerDirections[PlayerDirection][0]) { movePlayer('H', -1); }
		if (cKeypressed == playerDirections[PlayerDirection][1]) { movePlayer('H', +1); }

		if (cKeypressed == playerDirections[PlayerDirection][2]) { movePlayer('V', -1); }
		if (cKeypressed == playerDirections[PlayerDirection][3]) { movePlayer('V', +1); }


} while(cKeypressed != 'e' || cKeypressed != 'E');

return 0;

void rabbitAI()


	for (short r = 0; r != Rabbitcount; r++) //do it for all the rabbits

		if (!aRabbit[r]->getisCaught())


			//does the rabbit move, or not

			bool isMoving = false;
			bool moved = false;
			short i = RollDice(RabbitMoveChance);

			if (i == RabbitMoveChance)

				isMoving = true;
				cout << " \n rabbit moving! \n";

				do //this bit makes sure that the rabbit always moves to a valid position (=does not want to go against the wall)
					//get the direction ( 1==up, 2==down, 3==left, 4==right)
					i = RollDice(4);

					if (i == 1)
						short newX = aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosX() - 1; //get the "future location"
						if (maze[newX][aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosY()] == 0) //not that's hitting the wall
							aRabbit[r]->setRabbitPosX(aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosX() - 1);  //move the object there
							moved = true; //exit the loop

					if (i == 2)
						short newX = aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosX() + 1;
						if (maze[newX][aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosY()] == 0)
							aRabbit[r]->setRabbitPosX(aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosX() + 1);
							moved = true;

					if (i == 3)
						short newY = aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosY() - 1;
						if (maze[aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosX()][newY] == 0)
							aRabbit[r]->setRabbitPosY(aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosY() - 1);
							moved = true;

					if (i == 4)
						short newY = aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosY() + 1;
						if (maze[aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosX()][newY] == 0)
							aRabbit[r]->setRabbitPosY(aRabbit[r]->getRabbitPosY() + 1);
							moved = true;

				} while (moved != true);



		else //if rabbit is caught

