void snippet_library::load() throw (std::string)
    catajson snippetRaw("data/raw/snippets.json");

    	throw (std::string)"Could not read data/raw/snippets.json";

    catajson snippetList = snippetRaw.get("snippets");
    for( snippetList.set_begin(); snippetList.has_curr(); snippetList.next() )
        const catajson curr = snippetList.curr();
        // required fields
        const std::string category = curr.get("category").as_string();
        const std::string text = curr.get("text").as_string();
        const int hash = djb2_hash( (const unsigned char*)text.c_str() );

        snippets.insert( std::pair<int, std::string>(hash, text) );
        categories.insert( std::pair<std::string, int>(category, hash) );
        throw (std::string)"There was an error reading data/raw/snippets.json";
void Item_factory::set_material_from_json(Item_tag new_id, catajson mat_list){
    //If the value isn't found, just return a group of null materials
    std::string material_list[2] = {"null", "null"};

    if (mat_list.is_array())
        if (mat_list.has(2))
            debugmsg("Too many materials provided for item %s", new_id.c_str());
        material_list[0] = mat_list.get(0).as_string();
        material_list[1] = mat_list.get(1).as_string();
        material_list[0] = mat_list.as_string();

    itype* temp = find_template(new_id);
    temp->m1 = material_list[0];
    temp->m2 = material_list[1];