Exemple #1
// Complexity: O(nr lg(nr) + nr^2), where n = locs.size(), r = radius.
// The nr^2 term is bounded by the size of the board.
void get_tiles_radius(const gamemap& map, const std::vector<map_location>& locs,
                      size_t radius, std::set<map_location>& result,
                      bool with_border)
	// Make sure the provided locations are included.
	// This would be needed in case some of the provided locations are off-map.
	// It also allows simpler processing if the radius is zero.
	// For efficiency, do this first since locs is potentially unsorted.
	result.insert(locs.begin(), locs.end());

	if ( radius != 0  &&  !locs.empty() )
		const int border = with_border ? map.border_size() : 0;
		column_ranges collected_tiles;

		// Collect the hexes within the desired disks into collected_tiles.
		// This maps each x-value to a set of ranges of y-values that
		// are covered by the disks around each element of locs.
		// (So the data size at this point is proportional to the number
		// of x-values involved, which is O(nr). The lg(nr) factor comes
		// from the data being sorted.)
		get_column_ranges(collected_tiles, locs, radius, -border, map.w() + border);

		// Now that all the tiles have been collected, add them to result.
		// (There are O(nr^2) hexes to add.) By collecting before adding, each
		// hex will be processed only once, even when disks overlap. This is
		// how we can get good performance if there is significant overlap, and
		// how the work required can be bound by the size of the board.
		ranges_to_tiles(result, collected_tiles, -border, map.h() + border);
Exemple #2
void gamemap::overlay(const gamemap& m, const config& rules_cfg, int xpos, int ypos, bool border)
	const config::const_child_itors &rules = rules_cfg.child_range("rule");
	int actual_border = (m.border_size() == border_size()) && border ? border_size() : 0;

	const int xstart = std::max<int>(-actual_border, -xpos - actual_border);
	const int ystart = std::max<int>(-actual_border, -ypos - actual_border - ((xpos & 1) ? 1 : 0));
	const int xend = std::min<int>(m.w() + actual_border, w() + actual_border - xpos);
	const int yend = std::min<int>(m.h() + actual_border, h() + actual_border - ypos);
	for(int x1 = xstart; x1 < xend; ++x1) {
		for(int y1 = ystart; y1 < yend; ++y1) {
			const int x2 = x1 + xpos;
			const int y2 = y1 + ypos +
				((xpos & 1) && (x1 & 1) ? 1 : 0);

			const t_translation::t_terrain t = m[x1][y1 + m.border_size_];
			const t_translation::t_terrain current = (*this)[x2][y2 + border_size_];

			if(t == t_translation::FOGGED || t == t_translation::VOID_TERRAIN) {

			// See if there is a matching rule
			config::const_child_iterator rule = rules.first;
			for( ; rule != rules.second; ++rule)
				static const std::string src_key = "old", dst_key = "new";
				const config &cfg = *rule;
				const t_translation::t_list& src = t_translation::read_list(cfg[src_key]);

				if(!src.empty() && t_translation::terrain_matches(current, src) == false) {

				const t_translation::t_list& dst = t_translation::read_list(cfg[dst_key]);

				if(!dst.empty() && t_translation::terrain_matches(t, dst) == false) {


			if (rule != rules.second)
				const config &cfg = *rule;
				const t_translation::t_list& terrain = t_translation::read_list(cfg["terrain"]);

				terrain_type_data::tmerge_mode mode = terrain_type_data::BOTH;
				if (cfg["layer"] == "base") {
					mode = terrain_type_data::BASE;
				else if (cfg["layer"] == "overlay") {
					mode = terrain_type_data::OVERLAY;

				t_translation::t_terrain new_terrain = t;
				if(!terrain.empty()) {
					new_terrain = terrain[0];

				if (!cfg["use_old"].to_bool()) {
					set_terrain(map_location(x2, y2), new_terrain, mode, cfg["replace_if_failed"].to_bool());

			} else {

	for(const map_location* pos = m.startingPositions_;
			pos != m.startingPositions_ + sizeof(m.startingPositions_)/sizeof(*m.startingPositions_);
			++pos) {

		if(pos->valid()) {
			startingPositions_[pos - m.startingPositions_] = *pos;