bool idRenderModelBSP29NonMap::Load( idList<byte>& buffer, idSkinTranslation* skinTranslation ) {
	type = MOD_BRUSH29_NON_MAP;
	tr.currentModel = this;

	bsp29_dheader_t* header = ( bsp29_dheader_t* )buffer.Ptr();

	int version = LittleLong( header->version );
	if ( version != BSP29_VERSION ) {
		common->FatalError( "Mod_LoadBrush29Model: %s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)", name, version, BSP29_VERSION );

	// swap all the lumps
	byte* mod_base = ( byte* )header;

	for ( int i = 0; i < ( int )sizeof ( bsp29_dheader_t ) / 4; i++ ) {
		( ( int* )header )[ i ] = LittleLong( ( ( int* )header )[ i ] );

	// load into heap
	idBsp29LoadHelper loader( name, mod_base );
	loader.LoadVertexes( &header->lumps[ BSP29LUMP_VERTEXES ] );
	loader.LoadEdges( &header->lumps[ BSP29LUMP_EDGES ] );
	loader.LoadSurfedges( &header->lumps[ BSP29LUMP_SURFEDGES ] );
	loader.LoadPlanes( &header->lumps[ BSP29LUMP_PLANES ] );
	loader.LoadLighting( &header->lumps[ BSP29LUMP_LIGHTING ] );
	loader.LoadTextures( &header->lumps[ BSP29LUMP_TEXTURES ] );
	loader.LoadTexinfo( &header->lumps[ BSP29LUMP_TEXINFO ] );
	loader.LoadFaces( &header->lumps[ BSP29LUMP_FACES ] );
	delete[] loader.planes;
	brush29nm_lightdata = loader.lightdata;
	brush29nm_numtextures = loader.numtextures;
	brush29nm_textures = loader.textures;
	brush29nm_numtexinfo = loader.numtexinfo;
	brush29nm_texinfo = loader.texinfo;
	brush29nm_textureInfos = loader.textureInfos;
	brush29nm_numsurfaces = loader.numsurfaces;
	brush29nm_surfaces = loader.surfaces;
	if ( GGameType & GAME_Hexen2 ) {
		loader.LoadSubmodelsH2( &header->lumps[ BSP29LUMP_MODELS ] );
	} else {
		loader.LoadSubmodelsQ1( &header->lumps[ BSP29LUMP_MODELS ] );

	q1_numframes = 2;		// regular and alternate animation

	// set up the submodels
	mbrush29_submodel_t* bm = loader.submodels;

	brush29nm_firstmodelsurface = bm->firstface;
	brush29nm_nummodelsurfaces = bm->numfaces;

	VectorCopy( bm->maxs, q1_maxs );
	VectorCopy( bm->mins, q1_mins );

	q1_radius = RadiusFromBounds( q1_mins, q1_maxs );
	delete[] loader.submodels;
	return true;
Exemple #2
void QClipMapNonMap::LoadMap( const char* name, const idList<quint8>& Buffer ) {
	this->Name = name;

	// call the apropriate loader
	switch ( LittleLong( *( unsigned* )Buffer.Ptr() ) ) {
		LoadAliasModelNew( Buffer.Ptr() );

		LoadAliasModel( Buffer.Ptr() );

		LoadSpriteModel( Buffer.Ptr() );

		ModelMins[ 0 ] = ModelMins[ 1 ] = ModelMins[ 2 ] = -16;
		ModelMaxs[ 0 ] = ModelMaxs[ 1 ] = ModelMaxs[ 2 ] = 16;
Exemple #3
bool idRenderModelMD3::Load( idList<byte>& buffer, idSkinTranslation* skinTranslation ) {
    q3_numLods = 0;

    // load the files
    int numLoaded = 0;

    int lod = MD3_MAX_LODS - 1;
    for (; lod >= 0; lod-- ) {
        char filename[ 1024 ];

        String::Cpy( filename, name );

        void* buf;
        if ( lod == 0 ) {
            buf = buffer.Ptr();
        } else {
            char namebuf[ 80 ];

            if ( String::RChr( filename, '.' ) ) {
                *String::RChr( filename, '.' ) = 0;
            sprintf( namebuf, "_%d.md3", lod );
            String::Cat( filename, sizeof ( filename ), namebuf );

            FS_ReadFile( filename, ( void** )&buf );
            if ( !buf ) {

        int ident = LittleLong( *( unsigned* )buf );
        if ( ident != MD3_IDENT ) {
            common->Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "R_LoadMd3: unknown fileid for %s\n", filename );
            return false;

        bool loaded = R_LoadMd3Lod( this, lod, buf, filename );

        if ( lod != 0 ) {
            FS_FreeFile( buf );

        if ( !loaded ) {
            if ( lod == 0 ) {
                return false;
            } else {
        } else {
            // if we have a valid model and are biased
            // so that we won't see any higher detail ones,
            // stop loading them
//			if ( lod <= r_lodbias->integer ) {
//				break;
//			}

    if ( !numLoaded ) {
        return false;

    // duplicate into higher lod spots that weren't
    // loaded, in case the user changes r_lodbias on the fly
    for ( lod--; lod >= 0; lod-- ) {
        q3_md3[ lod ] = q3_md3[ lod + 1 ];

    return true;
Exemple #4
bool idRenderModelMD4::Load( idList<byte>& buffer, idSkinTranslation* skinTranslation ) {
	md4Header_t* pinmodel = ( md4Header_t* )buffer.Ptr();

	int version = LittleLong( pinmodel->version );
	if ( version != MD4_VERSION ) {
		common->Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "R_LoadMD4: %s has wrong version (%i should be %i)\n",
			name, version, MD4_VERSION );
		return false;

	type = MOD_MD4;
	int size = LittleLong( pinmodel->ofsEnd );
	q3_dataSize += size;
	md4Header_t* md4 = q3_md4 = ( md4Header_t* )Mem_Alloc( size );

	Com_Memcpy( md4, buffer.Ptr(), LittleLong( pinmodel->ofsEnd ) );

	LL( md4->ident );
	LL( md4->version );
	LL( md4->numFrames );
	LL( md4->numBones );
	LL( md4->numLODs );
	LL( md4->ofsFrames );
	LL( md4->ofsLODs );
	LL( md4->ofsEnd );

	if ( md4->numFrames < 1 ) {
		common->Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "R_LoadMD4: %s has no frames\n", name );
		return false;

	// we don't need to swap tags in the renderer, they aren't used

	// swap all the frames
	int frameSize = ( qintptr )( &( ( md4Frame_t* )0 )->bones[ md4->numBones ] );
	for ( int i = 0; i < md4->numFrames; i++ ) {
		md4Frame_t* frame = ( md4Frame_t* )( ( byte* )md4 + md4->ofsFrames + i * frameSize );
		frame->radius = LittleFloat( frame->radius );
		for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
			frame->bounds[ 0 ][ j ] = LittleFloat( frame->bounds[ 0 ][ j ] );
			frame->bounds[ 1 ][ j ] = LittleFloat( frame->bounds[ 1 ][ j ] );
			frame->localOrigin[ j ] = LittleFloat( frame->localOrigin[ j ] );
		for ( int j = 0; j < md4->numBones * ( int )sizeof ( md4Bone_t ) / 4; j++ ) {
			( ( float* )frame->bones )[ j ] = LittleFloat( ( ( float* )frame->bones )[ j ] );

	// swap all the LOD's
	q3_md4Lods = new mmd4Lod_t[ md4->numLODs ];
	md4LOD_t* lod = ( md4LOD_t* )( ( byte* )md4 + md4->ofsLODs );
	for ( int lodindex = 0; lodindex < md4->numLODs; lodindex++ ) {
		// swap all the surfaces
		q3_md4Lods[ lodindex ].numSurfaces = lod->numSurfaces;
		q3_md4Lods[ lodindex ].surfaces = new idSurfaceMD4[ lod->numSurfaces ];
		md4Surface_t* surf = ( md4Surface_t* )( ( byte* )lod + lod->ofsSurfaces );
		for ( int i = 0; i < lod->numSurfaces; i++ ) {
			q3_md4Lods[ lodindex ].surfaces[ i ].SetMd4Data( surf );
			LL( surf->ident );
			LL( surf->numTriangles );
			LL( surf->ofsTriangles );
			LL( surf->numVerts );
			LL( surf->ofsVerts );
			LL( surf->ofsEnd );

			if ( surf->numVerts > SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES ) {
				common->Error( "R_LoadMD3: %s has more than %i verts on a surface (%i)",
					name, SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES, surf->numVerts );
			if ( surf->numTriangles * 3 > SHADER_MAX_INDEXES ) {
				common->Error( "R_LoadMD3: %s has more than %i triangles on a surface (%i)",
					name, SHADER_MAX_INDEXES / 3, surf->numTriangles );

			// lowercase the surface name so skin compares are faster
			String::ToLower( surf->name );

			// register the shaders
			shader_t* sh = R_FindShader( surf->shader, LIGHTMAP_NONE, true );
			if ( sh->defaultShader ) {
				surf->shaderIndex = 0;
			} else {
				surf->shaderIndex = sh->index;

			// swap all the triangles
			md4Triangle_t* tri = ( md4Triangle_t* )( ( byte* )surf + surf->ofsTriangles );
			for ( int j = 0; j < surf->numTriangles; j++, tri++ ) {
				LL( tri->indexes[ 0 ] );
				LL( tri->indexes[ 1 ] );
				LL( tri->indexes[ 2 ] );

			// swap all the vertexes
			// FIXME
			// This makes TFC's skeletons work.  Shouldn't be necessary anymore, but left
			// in for reference.
			//v = (md4Vertex_t *) ( (byte *)surf + surf->ofsVerts + 12);
			md4Vertex_t* v = ( md4Vertex_t* )( ( byte* )surf + surf->ofsVerts );
			for ( int j = 0; j < surf->numVerts; j++ ) {
				v->normal[ 0 ] = LittleFloat( v->normal[ 0 ] );
				v->normal[ 1 ] = LittleFloat( v->normal[ 1 ] );
				v->normal[ 2 ] = LittleFloat( v->normal[ 2 ] );

				v->texCoords[ 0 ] = LittleFloat( v->texCoords[ 0 ] );
				v->texCoords[ 1 ] = LittleFloat( v->texCoords[ 1 ] );

				v->numWeights = LittleLong( v->numWeights );

				for ( int k = 0; k < v->numWeights; k++ ) {
					v->weights[ k ].boneIndex = LittleLong( v->weights[ k ].boneIndex );
					v->weights[ k ].boneWeight = LittleFloat( v->weights[ k ].boneWeight );
					v->weights[ k ].offset[ 0 ] = LittleFloat( v->weights[ k ].offset[ 0 ] );
					v->weights[ k ].offset[ 1 ] = LittleFloat( v->weights[ k ].offset[ 1 ] );
					v->weights[ k ].offset[ 2 ] = LittleFloat( v->weights[ k ].offset[ 2 ] );
				// FIXME
				// This makes TFC's skeletons work.  Shouldn't be necessary anymore, but left
				// in for reference.
				//v = (md4Vertex_t *)( ( byte * )&v->weights[v->numWeights] + 12 );
				v = ( md4Vertex_t* )( ( byte* )&v->weights[ v->numWeights ] );

			// find the next surface
			surf = ( md4Surface_t* )( ( byte* )surf + surf->ofsEnd );

		// find the next LOD
		lod = ( md4LOD_t* )( ( byte* )lod + lod->ofsEnd );

	return true;
Exemple #5
bool idRenderModelMDL::Load( idList<byte>& buffer, idSkinTranslation* skinTranslation ) {
	mdl_t* pinmodel = ( mdl_t* )buffer.Ptr();

	int version = LittleLong( pinmodel->version );
	if ( version != MESH1_VERSION ) {
		common->FatalError( "%s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)",
			name, version, MESH1_VERSION );

	// allocate space for a working header, plus all the data except the frames,
	// skin and group info
	mdl_pheader = new idSurfaceMDL;

	q1_flags = LittleLong( pinmodel->flags );

	// endian-adjust and copy the data, starting with the alias model header
	mdl_pheader->header.boundingradius = LittleFloat( pinmodel->boundingradius );
	mdl_pheader->header.numskins = LittleLong( pinmodel->numskins );
	mdl_pheader->header.skinwidth = LittleLong( pinmodel->skinwidth );
	mdl_pheader->header.skinheight = LittleLong( pinmodel->skinheight );

	if ( mdl_pheader->header.skinheight > MAX_LBM_HEIGHT ) {
		common->FatalError( "model %s has a skin taller than %d", name, MAX_LBM_HEIGHT );

	mdl_pheader->header.numverts = LittleLong( pinmodel->numverts );

	if ( mdl_pheader->header.numverts <= 0 ) {
		common->FatalError( "model %s has no vertices", name );

	if ( mdl_pheader->header.numverts > MAXALIASVERTS ) {
		common->FatalError( "model %s has too many vertices", name );

	mdl_pheader->header.numtris = LittleLong( pinmodel->numtris );

	if ( mdl_pheader->header.numtris <= 0 ) {
		common->FatalError( "model %s has no mdl_triangles", name );

	mdl_pheader->header.numframes = LittleLong( pinmodel->numframes );
	mdl_pheader->header.frames = new mmesh1framedesc_t[ mdl_pheader->header.numframes ];
	int numframes = mdl_pheader->header.numframes;
	if ( numframes < 1 ) {
		common->FatalError( "Mod_LoadMdlModel: Invalid # of frames: %d\n", numframes );

	mdl_pheader->header.size = LittleFloat( pinmodel->size ) * ALIAS_BASE_SIZE_RATIO;
	q1_synctype = ( synctype_t )LittleLong( pinmodel->synctype );
	q1_numframes = mdl_pheader->header.numframes;

	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
		mdl_pheader->header.scale[ i ] = LittleFloat( pinmodel->scale[ i ] );
		mdl_pheader->header.scale_origin[ i ] = LittleFloat( pinmodel->scale_origin[ i ] );
		mdl_pheader->header.eyeposition[ i ] = LittleFloat( pinmodel->eyeposition[ i ] );

	// load the skins
	dmdl_skintype_t* pskintype = ( dmdl_skintype_t* )&pinmodel[ 1 ];
	pskintype = ( dmdl_skintype_t* )Mod_LoadAllSkins( mdl_pheader->header.numskins, pskintype, q1_flags, skinTranslation );

	// load base s and t vertices
	dmdl_stvert_t* pinstverts = ( dmdl_stvert_t* )pskintype;
	for ( int i = 0; i < mdl_pheader->header.numverts; i++ ) {
		mdl_stverts[ i ].onseam = LittleLong( pinstverts[ i ].onseam );
		mdl_stverts[ i ].s = LittleLong( pinstverts[ i ].s );
		mdl_stverts[ i ].t = LittleLong( pinstverts[ i ].t );

	// load triangle lists
	dmdl_triangle_t* pintriangles = ( dmdl_triangle_t* )&pinstverts[ mdl_pheader->header.numverts ];

	for ( int i = 0; i < mdl_pheader->header.numtris; i++ ) {
		mdl_triangles[ i ].facesfront = LittleLong( pintriangles[ i ].facesfront );

		for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
			mdl_triangles[ i ].vertindex[ j ] = LittleLong( pintriangles[ i ].vertindex[ j ] );
			mdl_triangles[ i ].stindex[ j ]   = mdl_triangles[ i ].vertindex[ j ];

	// load the frames
	mdl_posenum = 0;
	dmdl_frametype_t* pframetype = ( dmdl_frametype_t* )&pintriangles[ mdl_pheader->header.numtris ];

	mdl_mins[ 0 ] = mdl_mins[ 1 ] = mdl_mins[ 2 ] = 32768;
	mdl_maxs[ 0 ] = mdl_maxs[ 1 ] = mdl_maxs[ 2 ] = -32768;

	for ( int i = 0; i < numframes; i++ ) {
		mdl_frametype_t frametype = ( mdl_frametype_t )LittleLong( pframetype->type );
		if ( frametype == ALIAS_SINGLE ) {
			pframetype = ( dmdl_frametype_t* )Mod_LoadAliasFrame( pframetype + 1, &mdl_pheader->header.frames[ i ] );
		} else {
			pframetype = ( dmdl_frametype_t* )Mod_LoadAliasGroup( pframetype + 1, &mdl_pheader->header.frames[ i ] );

	mdl_pheader->header.numposes = mdl_posenum;

	type = MOD_MESH1;

	// FIXME: do this right
	if ( GGameType & GAME_Hexen2 ) {
		q1_mins[ 0 ] = mdl_mins[ 0 ] - 10;
		q1_mins[ 1 ] = mdl_mins[ 1 ] - 10;
		q1_mins[ 2 ] = mdl_mins[ 2 ] - 10;
		q1_maxs[ 0 ] = mdl_maxs[ 0 ] + 10;
		q1_maxs[ 1 ] = mdl_maxs[ 1 ] + 10;
		q1_maxs[ 2 ] = mdl_maxs[ 2 ] + 10;
	} else {
		q1_mins[ 0 ] = q1_mins[ 1 ] = q1_mins[ 2 ] = -16;
		q1_maxs[ 0 ] = q1_maxs[ 1 ] = q1_maxs[ 2 ] = 16;

	// build the draw lists
	GL_MakeAliasModelDisplayLists( this, mdl_pheader );

	q1_mdl = mdl_pheader;
	return true;