Exemple #1
bool trap::detect_trap(const player &p, int x, int y) const
    // Some decisions are based around:
    // * Starting, and thus average perception, is 8.
    // * Buried landmines, the silent killer, has a visibility of 10.
    // * There will always be a distance malus of 1 unless you're on top of the trap.
    // * ...and an average character should at least have a minor chance of
    //   noticing a buried landmine if standing right next to it.
    // Effective Perception...
    return (p.per_cur - p.encumb(bp_eyes)) +
           // ...small bonus from stimulants...
           (p.stim > 10 ? rng(1, 2) : 0) +
           // ...bonus from trap skill...
           (const_cast<player &>(p).skillLevel("traps") * 2) +
           // ...luck, might be good, might be bad...
           rng(-4, 4) -
           // ...malus if we are tired...
           (p.has_disease("lack_sleep") ? rng(1, 5) : 0) -
           // ...malus farther we are from trap...
           rl_dist(p.posx, p.posy, x, y) +
           // Police are trained to notice Something Wrong.
           (p.has_trait("PROF_POLICE") ? 1 : 0) +
           (p.has_trait("PROF_PD_DET") ? 2 : 0) >
           // ...must all be greater than the trap visibility.
Exemple #2
void map::drawsq(WINDOW* w, player &u, int x, int y, bool invert,
                 bool show_items)
    if (!inbounds(x, y))
        return;	// Out of bounds
    int k = x + SEEX - u.posx;
    int j = y + SEEY - u.posy;
    nc_color tercol;
    char sym = terlist[ter(x, y)].sym;
    bool hi = false;
    if (u.has_disease(DI_BOOMERED))
        tercol = c_magenta;
    else if ((u.is_wearing(itm_goggles_nv) && u.has_active_item(itm_UPS_on)) ||
        tercol = c_ltgreen;
        tercol = terlist[ter(x, y)].color;
    if (move_cost(x, y) == 0 && has_flag(swimmable, x, y) && !u.underwater)
        show_items = false;	// Can only see underwater items if WE are underwater
// If there's a trap here, and we have sufficient perception, draw that instead
    if (tr_at(x, y) != tr_null &&
            u.per_cur - u.encumb(bp_eyes) >= (*traps)[tr_at(x, y)]->visibility) {
        tercol = (*traps)[tr_at(x, y)]->color;
        if ((*traps)[tr_at(x, y)]->sym == '%') {
            switch(rng(1, 5)) {
            case 1:
                sym = '*';
            case 2:
                sym = '0';
            case 3:
                sym = '8';
            case 4:
                sym = '&';
            case 5:
                sym = '+';
        } else
            sym = (*traps)[tr_at(x, y)]->sym;
// If there's a field here, draw that instead (unless its symbol is %)
    if (field_at(x, y).type != fd_null) {
        tercol = fieldlist[field_at(x, y).type].color[field_at(x, y).density - 1];
        if (fieldlist[field_at(x, y).type].sym == '*') {
            switch (rng(1, 5)) {
            case 1:
                sym = '*';
            case 2:
                sym = '0';
            case 3:
                sym = '8';
            case 4:
                sym = '&';
            case 5:
                sym = '+';
        } else if (fieldlist[field_at(x, y).type].sym != '%')
            sym = fieldlist[field_at(x, y).type].sym;
// If there's items here, draw those instead
    if (show_items && i_at(x, y).size() > 0 && field_at(x, y).is_null()) {
        if ((terlist[ter(x, y)].sym != '.'))
            hi = true;
        else {
            tercol = i_at(x, y)[i_at(x, y).size() - 1].color();
            if (i_at(x, y).size() > 1)
                invert = !invert;
            sym = i_at(x, y)[i_at(x, y).size() - 1].symbol();
    if (invert)
        mvwputch_inv(w, j, k, tercol, sym);
    else if (hi)
        mvwputch_hi (w, j, k, tercol, sym);
        mvwputch    (w, j, k, tercol, sym);