Exemple #1
void config_save_settings(running_machine &machine)
	config_type *type;

	/* loop over all registrants and call their init function */
	for (type = typelist; type; type = type->next)
		type->save(CONFIG_TYPE_INIT, NULL);

	/* save the defaults file */
	emu_file file(machine.options().cfg_directory(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS);
	file_error filerr = file.open("default.cfg");
	if (filerr == FILERR_NONE)
		config_save_xml(machine, file, CONFIG_TYPE_DEFAULT);

	/* finally, save the game-specific file */
	filerr = file.open(machine.basename(), ".cfg");
	if (filerr == FILERR_NONE)
		config_save_xml(machine, file, CONFIG_TYPE_GAME);

	/* loop over all registrants and call their final function */
	for (type = typelist; type; type = type->next)
		type->save(CONFIG_TYPE_FINAL, NULL);