Exemple #1

  Get the twist matrix corresponding to the transformation between the
  camera frame and the end effector frame. The end effector frame is located on
  the tilt axis.

  \param cVe : Twist transformation between camera and end effector frame to
  expess a velocity skew from end effector frame in camera frame.

vpBiclops::get_cVe(vpVelocityTwistMatrix &cVe)
  vpHomogeneousMatrix cMe ;
  get_cMe(cMe) ;

  cVe.buildFrom(cMe) ;
Exemple #2

  Get the twist matrix corresponding to the transformation between the
  camera frame and the end effector frame. The end effector frame is located on
  the tilt axis.

  \param cVe : Twist transformation between camera and end effector frame to
  expess a velocity skew from end effector frame in camera frame.

vpPtu46::get_cVe(vpVelocityTwistMatrix &cVe) const
  vpHomogeneousMatrix cMe ;
  get_cMe(cMe) ;

  cVe.buildFrom(cMe) ;
Exemple #3

  Get the twist transformation from camera frame to end-effector
  frame.  This transformation allows to compute a velocity expressed
  in the end-effector frame into the camera frame.

  \param cVe : Twist transformation.

vpAfma4::get_cVe(vpVelocityTwistMatrix &cVe) const
    vpHomogeneousMatrix cMe ;
    get_cMe(cMe) ;

    cVe.buildFrom(cMe) ;

Exemple #4

  Get the twist transformation from camera frame to the reference
  frame.  This transformation allows to compute a velocity expressed
  in the reference frame into the camera frame.

  \param q : Articular position of the four joints: q[0] corresponds to
  the first rotation (joint 1 with value \f$q_1\f$) of the turret
  around the vertical axis, while q[1] corresponds to the vertical
  translation (joint 2 with value \f$q_2\f$), while q[2] and q[3]
  correspond to the pan and tilt of the camera (respectively joint 4
  and 5 with values \f$q_4\f$ and \f$q_5\f$). Rotations q[0], q[2] and
  q[3] are expressed in radians. The translation q[1] is expressed in

  \param cVf : Twist transformation.

vpAfma4::get_cVf(const vpColVector & q, vpVelocityTwistMatrix &cVf) const
    vpHomogeneousMatrix fMc, cMf ;
    get_fMc(q, fMc) ;
    cMf = fMc.inverse();

    cVf.buildFrom(cMf) ;


  Get the twist matrix corresponding to the transformation between the
  camera frame and the end effector frame. The end effector frame is located on
  the tilt axis.

  \param cVe : Twist transformation between camera and end effector frame to
  expess a velocity skew from end effector frame in camera frame.

vpBiclops::get_cVe(vpVelocityTwistMatrix &cVe)
  cVe.buildFrom(cMe_) ;