static bool GetData(Anope::string &content, Anope::string &tag, Anope::string &data) { if (content.empty()) return false; Anope::string prev, cur; bool istag; do { prev = cur; cur.clear(); int len = 0; istag = false; if (content[0] == '<') { len = content.find_first_of('>'); istag = true; } else if (content[0] != '>') { len = content.find_first_of('<'); } if (len) { if (istag) { cur = content.substr(1, len - 1); content.erase(0, len + 1); while (!content.empty() && content[0] == ' ') content.erase(content.begin()); } else { cur = content.substr(0,len); content.erase(0, len); } } } while (istag && !content.empty()); tag = Unescape(prev); data = Unescape(cur); return !istag && !data.empty(); }
bool IRCDProto::IsChannelValid(const Anope::string &chan) { if (chan.empty() || chan[0] != '#' || chan.length() > Config->GetBlock("networkinfo")->Get<unsigned>("chanlen")) return false; if (chan.find_first_of(" ,") != Anope::string::npos) return false; return true; }
bool IRCDProto::IsHostValid(const Anope::string &host) { if (host.empty() || host.length() > Config->GetBlock("networkinfo")->Get<unsigned>("hostlen")) return false; const Anope::string &vhostdisablebe = Config->GetBlock("networkinfo")->Get<Anope::string>("disallow_start_or_end"), vhostchars = Config->GetBlock("networkinfo")->Get<Anope::string>("vhost_chars"); if (vhostdisablebe.find_first_of(host[0]) != Anope::string::npos) return false; else if (vhostdisablebe.find_first_of(host[host.length() - 1]) != Anope::string::npos) return false; int dots = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < host.length(); ++i) { if (host[i] == '.') ++dots; if (vhostchars.find_first_of(host[i]) == Anope::string::npos) return false; } return dots > 0 || Config->GetBlock("networkinfo")->Get<bool>("allow_undotted_vhosts"); }
/** * Check if the given string is some sort of wildcard * @param str String to check * @return 1 for wildcard, 0 for anything else */ bool str_is_wildcard(const Anope::string &str) { return str.find_first_of("*?") != Anope::string::npos; }
/** Main process routine * @param buffer A raw line from the uplink to do things with */ void process(const Anope::string &buffer) { /* If debugging, log the buffer */ Log(LOG_RAWIO) << "Received: " << buffer; /* Strip all extra spaces */ Anope::string buf = buffer; buf = buf.replace_all_cs(" ", " "); if (buf.empty()) return; Anope::string source; if (buf[0] == ':') { size_t space = buf.find_first_of(" "); if (space == Anope::string::npos) return; source = buf.substr(1, space - 1); buf = buf.substr(space + 1); if (source.empty() || buf.empty()) return; } spacesepstream buf_sep(buf); Anope::string buf_token; Anope::string command = buf; if (buf_sep.GetToken(buf_token)) command = buf_token; std::vector<Anope::string> params; while (buf_sep.GetToken(buf_token)) { if (buf_token[0] == ':') { if (!buf_sep.StreamEnd()) params.push_back(buf_token.substr(1) + " " + buf_sep.GetRemaining()); else params.push_back(buf_token.substr(1)); break; } else params.push_back(buf_token); } if (protocoldebug) { Log() << "Source : " << (source.empty() ? "No source" : source); Log() << "Command: " << command; if (params.empty()) Log() << "No params"; else for (unsigned i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) Log() << "params " << i << ": " << params[i]; } std::vector<Message *> messages = Anope::FindMessage(command); if (!messages.empty()) { bool retVal = true; for (std::vector<Message *>::iterator it = messages.begin(), it_end = messages.end(); retVal == true && it != it_end; ++it) { Message *m = *it; if (m->func) retVal = m->func(source, params); } } else Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "unknown message from server (" << buffer << ")"; }