Exemple #1
	void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector<Anope::string> &params) override

		MemoServ::MemoInfo *mi;
		ChanServ::Channel *ci = NULL;
		Anope::string numstr = params[0], chan;

		if (!numstr.empty() && numstr[0] == '#')
			chan = numstr;
			numstr = params.size() > 1 ? params[1] : "";

			ci = ChanServ::Find(chan);
			if (!ci)
				source.Reply(_("Channel \002{0}\002 isn't registered."), chan);

			if (!source.AccessFor(ci).HasPriv("MEMO"))
				source.Reply(_("Access denied. You do not have privilege \002{0}\002 on \002{1}\002."), "MEMO", ci->GetName());

			mi = ci->GetMemos();
			mi = source.nc->GetMemos();

		if (numstr.empty() || (!numstr.equals_ci("LAST") && !numstr.equals_ci("NEW") && !numstr.is_number_only()))
			this->OnSyntaxError(source, numstr);

		if (!mi)

		auto memos = mi->GetMemos();

		if (memos.empty())
			if (!chan.empty())
				source.Reply(_("\002{0}\002 has no memos."), chan);
				source.Reply(_("You have no memos."));

		int i, end;

		if (numstr.equals_ci("NEW"))
			int readcount = 0;
			for (i = 0, end = memos.size(); i < end; ++i)
				if (mi->GetMemo(i)->GetUnread())
					DoRead(source, mi, ci, i);
			if (!readcount)
				if (!chan.empty())
					source.Reply(_("\002{0}\002 has no new memos."), chan);
					source.Reply(_("You have no new memos."));
		else if (numstr.equals_ci("LAST"))
			for (i = 0, end = memos.size() - 1; i < end; ++i);
			DoRead(source, mi, ci, i);
		else /* number[s] */
			NumberList(numstr, false,
				[&](unsigned int number)
					if (!number || number > memos.size())

					DoRead(source, mi, ci, number - 1);
Exemple #2
void Anope::Init(int ac, char **av)
	/* Set file creation mask and group ID. */
#if defined(DEFUMASK) && HAVE_UMASK

	/* Parse command line arguments */
	ParseCommandLineArguments(ac, av);

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("version", 'v'))
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Anope-" << Anope::Version() << " -- " << Anope::VersionBuildString();
		throw CoreException();

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("help", 'h'))
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Anope-" << Anope::Version() << " -- " << Anope::VersionBuildString();
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Anope IRC Services (http://www.anope.org)";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Usage ./" << Anope::ServicesBin << " [options] ...";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "-c, --config=filename.conf";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "    --confdir=conf file direcory";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "    --dbdir=database directory";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "-d, --debug[=level]";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "-h, --help";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "    --localedir=locale directory";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "    --logdir=logs directory";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "    --modulesdir=modules directory";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "-e, --noexpire";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "-n, --nofork";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "    --nothird";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "    --protocoldebug";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "-r, --readonly";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "-s, --support";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "-v, --version";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Further support is available from http://www.anope.org";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Or visit us on IRC at irc.anope.org #anope";
		throw CoreException();

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("nofork", 'n'))
		Anope::NoFork = true;

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("support", 's'))
		Anope::NoFork = Anope::NoThird = true;

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("readonly", 'r'))
		Anope::ReadOnly = true;

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("nothird"))
		Anope::NoThird = true;

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("noexpire", 'e'))
		Anope::NoExpire = true;

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("protocoldebug"))
		Anope::ProtocolDebug = true;

	Anope::string arg;
	if (GetCommandLineArgument("debug", 'd', arg))
		if (!arg.empty())
			int level = arg.is_number_only() ? convertTo<int>(arg) : -1;
			if (level > 0)
				Anope::Debug = level;
				throw CoreException("Invalid option given to --debug");

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("config", 'c', arg))
		if (arg.empty())
			throw CoreException("The --config option requires a file name");
		ServicesConf = Configuration::File(arg, false);

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("confdir", 0, arg))
		if (arg.empty())
			throw CoreException("The --confdir option requires a path");
		Anope::ConfigDir = arg;

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("dbdir", 0, arg))
		if (arg.empty())
			throw CoreException("The --dbdir option requires a path");
		Anope::DataDir = arg;

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("localedir", 0, arg))
		if (arg.empty())
			throw CoreException("The --localedir option requires a path");
		Anope::LocaleDir = arg;

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("modulesdir", 0, arg))
		if (arg.empty())
			throw CoreException("The --modulesdir option requires a path");
		Anope::ModuleDir = arg;

	if (GetCommandLineArgument("logdir", 0, arg))
		if (arg.empty())
			throw CoreException("The --logdir option requires a path");
		Anope::LogDir = arg;

	/* Chdir to Services data directory. */
	if (chdir(Anope::ServicesDir.c_str()) < 0)
		throw CoreException("Unable to chdir to " + Anope::ServicesDir + ": " + Anope::LastError());

	Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Anope " << Anope::Version() << ", " << Anope::VersionBuildString();

#ifdef _WIN32
	if (!SupportedWindowsVersion())
		throw CoreException(GetWindowsVersion() + " is not a supported version of Windows");
	/* If we're root, issue a warning now */
	if (!getuid() && !getgid())
		/* If we are configured to setuid later, don't issue a warning */
		Configuration::Block *options = Config->GetBlock("options");
		if (options->Get<Anope::string>("user").empty())
			std::cerr << "WARNING: You are currently running Anope as the root superuser. Anope does not" << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "         require root privileges to run, and it is discouraged that you run Anope" << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "         as the root superuser." << std::endl;

#ifdef _WIN32
	Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Using configuration file " << Anope::ConfigDir << "\\" << ServicesConf.GetName();
	Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Using configuration file " << Anope::ConfigDir << "/" << ServicesConf.GetName();

	/* Fork to background */
	if (!Anope::NoFork)
		/* Install these before fork() - it is possible for the child to
		 * connect and kill() the parent before it is able to install the
		 * handler.
		struct sigaction sa, old_sigusr2, old_sigchld;

		sa.sa_flags = 0;
		sa.sa_handler = parent_signal_handler;

		sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sa, &old_sigusr2);
		sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, &old_sigchld);

		int i = fork();
		if (i > 0)
			sigset_t mask;


		else if (i == -1)
			Log() << "Error, unable to fork: " << Anope::LastError();
			Anope::NoFork = true;

		/* Child doesn't need these */
		sigaction(SIGUSR2, &old_sigusr2, NULL);
		sigaction(SIGCHLD, &old_sigchld, NULL);


	/* Initialize the socket engine. Note that some engines can not survive a fork(), so this must be here. */


	new BotInfoType();
	new XLineType(nullptr);
	new OperBlockType();

	/* Read configuration file; exit if there are problems. */
		Config = new Configuration::Conf();
	catch (const ConfigException &ex)
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << ex.GetReason();
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "*** Support resources: Read through the anope.conf self-contained";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "*** documentation. Read the documentation files found in the 'docs'";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "*** folder. Visit our portal located at http://www.anope.org/. Join";
		Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "*** our support channel on /server irc.anope.org channel #anope.";
		throw CoreException("Configuration file failed to validate");

	/* Create me */
	Configuration::Block *block = Config->GetBlock("serverinfo");
	Me = new Server(NULL, block->Get<Anope::string>("name"), 0, block->Get<Anope::string>("description"), block->Get<Anope::string>("id"));
	for (std::pair<Anope::string, User *> p : UserListByNick)
		User *u = p.second;
		if (u->type != UserType::BOT)

		ServiceBot *bi = anope_dynamic_static_cast<ServiceBot *>(u);
		bi->server = Me;

	/* Announce ourselves to the logfile. */
	Log() << "Anope " << Anope::Version() << " starting up" << (Anope::Debug || Anope::ReadOnly ? " (options:" : "") << (Anope::Debug ? " debug" : "") << (Anope::ReadOnly ? " readonly" : "") << (Anope::Debug || Anope::ReadOnly ? ")" : "");


	/* Initialize multi-language support */

	/* Initialize random number generator */
	block = Config->GetBlock("options");
	srand(block->Get<unsigned>("seed") ^ time(NULL));


	/* load modules */
	Log() << "Loading modules...";
	for (int i = 0; i < Config->CountBlock("module"); ++i)
		ModuleManager::LoadModule(Config->GetBlock("module", i)->Get<Anope::string>("name"), NULL);

#ifndef _WIN32
	/* We won't background later, so we should setuid now */
	if (Anope::NoFork)

	Module *protocol = ModuleManager::FindFirstOf(PROTOCOL);
	if (protocol == NULL)
		throw CoreException("You must load a protocol module!");

	/* Write our PID to the PID file. */

	Log() << "Using IRCd protocol " << protocol->name;

	/* Auto assign sid if applicable */
	if (IRCD->RequiresID)
		Anope::string sid = IRCD->SID_Retrieve();
		if (Me->GetSID() == Me->GetName())
		for (std::pair<Anope::string, User *> p : UserListByNick)
			User *u = p.second;
			if (u->type != UserType::BOT)

			ServiceBot *bi = anope_dynamic_static_cast<ServiceBot *>(u);

	/* Load up databases */
	Log() << "Loading databases...";
	EventReturn MOD_RESULT = EventManager::Get()->Dispatch(&Event::LoadDatabase::OnLoadDatabase);;
	Log() << "Databases loaded";

	for (channel_map::const_iterator it = ChannelList.begin(), it_end = ChannelList.end(); it != it_end; ++it)