/** Loads, checks and passes back the values passed to the algorithm
 * @param whiteBeam1 :: A white beam vanadium spectrum that will be used to
 * check detector efficiency variations
 * @param whiteBeam2 :: The other white beam vanadium spectrum from the same
 * instrument to use for comparison
 * @param variation :: The maximum fractional variation above the median that is
 * allowed for god detectors
 * @param startWsIndex :: Index number of the first spectrum to use
 * @param endWsIndex :: Index number of the last spectrum to use
 * @throw invalid_argument if there is an incapatible property value and so the
 * algorithm can't continue
void DetectorEfficiencyVariation::retrieveProperties(
    API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &whiteBeam1,
    API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &whiteBeam2, double &variation, int &startWsIndex,
    int &endWsIndex) {
  whiteBeam1 = getProperty("WhiteBeamBase");
  whiteBeam2 = getProperty("WhiteBeamCompare");
  if (whiteBeam1->getInstrument()->getName() !=
      whiteBeam2->getInstrument()->getName()) {
    throw std::invalid_argument("The two input white beam vanadium workspaces "
                                "must be from the same instrument");
  int maxWsIndex = static_cast<int>(whiteBeam1->getNumberHistograms()) - 1;
  if (maxWsIndex !=
      static_cast<int>(whiteBeam2->getNumberHistograms()) -
          1) { // we would get a crash later on if this were not true
    throw std::invalid_argument("The input white beam vanadium workspaces must "
                                "be have the same number of histograms");

  variation = getProperty("Variation");

  startWsIndex = getProperty("StartWorkspaceIndex");
  if ((startWsIndex < 0) || (startWsIndex > maxWsIndex)) {
    g_log.warning("StartWorkspaceIndex out of range, changed to 0");
    startWsIndex = 0;
  endWsIndex = getProperty("EndWorkspaceIndex");
  if (endWsIndex == Mantid::EMPTY_INT())
    endWsIndex = maxWsIndex;
  if ((endWsIndex < 0) || (endWsIndex > maxWsIndex)) {
        "EndWorkspaceIndex out of range, changed to max Workspace number");
    endWsIndex = maxWsIndex;
  if ((endWsIndex < startWsIndex)) {
        "EndWorkspaceIndex can not be less than the StartWorkspaceIndex, "
        "changed to max Workspace number");
    endWsIndex = maxWsIndex;
/// Validate the some of the algorithm's input properties.
std::map<std::string, std::string> ReflectometrySumInQ::validateInputs() {
  std::map<std::string, std::string> issues;
  API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inWS;
  Indexing::SpectrumIndexSet indices;

  // validateInputs is called on the individual workspaces when the algorithm
  // is executed, it but may get called on a group from AlgorithmDialog. This
  // isn't handled in getWorkspaceAndIndices. We should fix this properly but
  // for now skip validation for groups to avoid an exception. See #22933
  try {
    std::tie(inWS, indices) =
  } catch (std::runtime_error &) {
    return issues;

  const auto &spectrumInfo = inWS->spectrumInfo();
  const double beamCentre = getProperty(Prop::BEAM_CENTRE);
  const size_t beamCentreIndex = static_cast<size_t>(beamCentre);
  bool beamCentreFound{false};
  for (const auto i : indices) {
    if (spectrumInfo.isMonitor(i)) {
      issues["InputWorkspaceIndexSet"] = "Index set cannot include monitors.";
    } else if ((i > 0 && spectrumInfo.isMonitor(i - 1)) ||
               (i < spectrumInfo.size() - 1 && spectrumInfo.isMonitor(i + 1))) {
      issues["InputWorkspaceIndexSet"] =
          "A neighbour to any detector in the index set cannot be a monitor";
    if (i == beamCentreIndex) {
      beamCentreFound = true;
  if (!beamCentreFound) {
    issues[Prop::BEAM_CENTRE] =
        "Beam centre is not included in InputWorkspaceIndexSet.";
  return issues;
Exemple #3
 * Convert DAS log to a vector of absolute time
 * @param  orderedtofs: tofs with abstimevec
void ProcessDasNexusLog::convertToAbsoluteTime(
    API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws, std::string logname,
    std::vector<Kernel::DateAndTime> &abstimevec,
    std::vector<double> &orderedtofs) {
  // 1. Get log
  Kernel::Property *log = ws->run().getProperty(logname);
  Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty<double> *tslog =
      dynamic_cast<Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty<double> *>(log);
  if (!tslog)
    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid time series log: it could not be cast "
                             "(interpreted) as a time series property");
  std::vector<Kernel::DateAndTime> times = tslog->timesAsVector();
  std::vector<double> values = tslog->valuesAsVector();

  // 2. Get converted
  size_t numsamepulses = 0;
  std::vector<double> tofs;
  Kernel::DateAndTime prevtime(0);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) {
    Kernel::DateAndTime tnow = times[i];
    if (tnow > prevtime) {
      // (a) Process previous logs
      std::sort(tofs.begin(), tofs.end());
      for (double tof : tofs) {
        Kernel::DateAndTime temptime =
            prevtime + static_cast<int64_t>(tof * 100);
      // (b) Clear
      // (c) Update time
      prevtime = tnow;
    } else {
    // (d) Push the current value
  } // ENDFOR
  // Clear the last
  if (!tofs.empty()) {
    // (a) Process previous logs: note value is in unit of 100 nano-second
    std::sort(tofs.begin(), tofs.end());
    for (double tof : tofs) {
      Kernel::DateAndTime temptime = prevtime + static_cast<int64_t>(tof * 100);
  } else {
    throw std::runtime_error("Impossible for this to happen!");
} // END Function
    std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > DetectorDiagnostic::makeInstrumentMap(API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr countsWS)
      std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > mymap;
      std::vector<size_t> single;

      for(size_t i=0;i < countsWS->getNumberHistograms();i++)
      return mymap;
Exemple #5
void ConvertEmptyToTof::setTofInWS(const std::vector<double> &tofAxis,
                                   API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS) {

  const size_t numberOfSpectra = m_inputWS->getNumberHistograms();

  g_log.debug() << "Setting the TOF X Axis for numberOfSpectra="
                << numberOfSpectra << '\n';

  auto axisPtr = Kernel::make_cow<HistogramData::HistogramX>(tofAxis);
  HistogramData::BinEdges edges(tofAxis);
  Progress prog(this, 0.0, 0.2, numberOfSpectra);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfSpectra; ++i) {
    // Replace bin edges with tof axis
    outputWS->setBinEdges(i, edges);

  } // end for i

  outputWS->getAxis(0)->unit() = UnitFactory::Instance().create("TOF");
/** Smoothing using Butterworth filter.
 *  @param n ::     The cutoff frequency control parameter.
 *               Cutoff frequency = my/n where my is the
 *               number of sample points in the data.
 *               As with the "Zeroing" case, the cutoff
 *               frequency is truncated to an integer value
 *               and set to 1 if the truncated value was zero.
 *  @param order :: The order of the Butterworth filter, 1, 2, etc.
 *               This must be a positive integer.
 *  @param unfilteredWS :: workspace for storing the unfiltered Fourier
 * transform of the input spectrum
 *  @param filteredWS :: workspace for storing the filtered spectrum
void FFTSmooth2::Butterworth(int n, int order,
                             API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &unfilteredWS,
                             API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &filteredWS) {
  int mx = static_cast<int>(unfilteredWS->readX(0).size());
  int my = static_cast<int>(unfilteredWS->readY(0).size());
  int ny = my / n;

  if (ny == 0)
    ny = 1;

  filteredWS =
      API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(unfilteredWS, 2, mx, my);

  const Mantid::MantidVec &Yr = unfilteredWS->readY(0);
  const Mantid::MantidVec &Yi = unfilteredWS->readY(1);
  const Mantid::MantidVec &X = unfilteredWS->readX(0);

  Mantid::MantidVec &yr = filteredWS->dataY(0);
  Mantid::MantidVec &yi = filteredWS->dataY(1);
  Mantid::MantidVec &xr = filteredWS->dataX(0);
  Mantid::MantidVec &xi = filteredWS->dataX(1);

  xr.assign(X.begin(), X.end());
  xi.assign(X.begin(), X.end());
  yr.assign(Yr.size(), 0);
  yi.assign(Yr.size(), 0);

  double cutoff = ny;

  for (int i = 0; i < my; i++) {
    double scale = 1.0 / (1.0 + pow(i / cutoff, 2 * order));
    yr[i] = scale * Yr[i];
    yi[i] = scale * Yi[i];
/** Smoothing by zeroing.
 *  @param n :: The order of truncation
 *  @param unfilteredWS :: workspace for storing the unfiltered Fourier
 * transform of the input spectrum
 *  @param filteredWS :: workspace for storing the filtered spectrum
void FFTSmooth2::zero(int n, API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &unfilteredWS,
                      API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &filteredWS) {
  int mx = static_cast<int>(unfilteredWS->readX(0).size());
  int my = static_cast<int>(unfilteredWS->readY(0).size());
  int ny = my / n;

  if (ny == 0)
    ny = 1;

  filteredWS =
      API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(unfilteredWS, 2, mx, my);

  const Mantid::MantidVec &Yr = unfilteredWS->readY(0);
  const Mantid::MantidVec &Yi = unfilteredWS->readY(1);
  const Mantid::MantidVec &X = unfilteredWS->readX(0);

  Mantid::MantidVec &yr = filteredWS->dataY(0);
  Mantid::MantidVec &yi = filteredWS->dataY(1);
  Mantid::MantidVec &xr = filteredWS->dataX(0);
  Mantid::MantidVec &xi = filteredWS->dataX(1);

  xr.assign(X.begin(), X.end());
  xi.assign(X.begin(), X.end());
  yr.assign(Yr.size(), 0);
  yi.assign(Yr.size(), 0);

  for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
    yr[i] = Yr[i];
    yi[i] = Yi[i];
 * This will ensure the spectrum numbers do not overlap by starting the second
 *on at the first + 1
 * @param ws1 The first workspace supplied to the algorithm.
 * @param ws2 The second workspace supplied to the algorithm.
 * @param output The workspace that is going to be returned by the algorithm.
void ConjoinWorkspaces::fixSpectrumNumbers(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws1,
                                           API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws2,
                                           API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr output) {
  bool needsFix(false);

  if (this->getProperty("CheckOverlapping")) {
    // If CheckOverlapping is required, then either skip fixing spectrum number
    // or get stopped by an exception
    if (!m_overlapChecked)
      checkForOverlap(ws1, ws2, true);
    needsFix = false;
  } else {
    // It will be determined later whether spectrum number needs to be fixed.
    needsFix = true;
  if (!needsFix)

  // is everything possibly ok?
  specid_t min;
  specid_t max;
  getMinMax(output, min, max);
  if (max - min >= static_cast<specid_t>(
                       output->getNumberHistograms())) // nothing to do then

  // information for remapping the spectra numbers
  specid_t ws1min;
  specid_t ws1max;
  getMinMax(ws1, ws1min, ws1max);

  // change the axis by adding the maximum existing spectrum number to the
  // current value
  for (size_t i = ws1->getNumberHistograms(); i < output->getNumberHistograms();
       i++) {
    specid_t origid;
    origid = output->getSpectrum(i)->getSpectrumNo();
    output->getSpectrum(i)->setSpectrumNo(origid + ws1max);
/** Checks and retrieves the requested spectrum out of the input workspace
 *  @param inputWorkspace The input workspace.
 *  @param spectra_num The spectra number.
 *  @returns A workspace containing the monitor spectrum only.
 *  @returns spectra number (WS ID) which is used to normalize by.
 *  @throw std::runtime_error If the properties are invalid
API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr NormaliseToMonitor::getInWSMonitorSpectrum(API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWorkspace,int &spectra_num)
 // this is the index of the spectra within the workspace and we need to indetnify it either from DetID or fron SpecID
 // size_t spectra_num(-1);
// try monitor spectrum. If it is specified, it overides everything
  int monitorSpec = getProperty("MonitorSpectrum");
      // Get hold of the monitor spectrum through detector ID
    int monitorID = getProperty("MonitorID");
    if (monitorID < 0) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Both MonitorSpectrum and MonitorID can not be negative");
    // set spectra of detector's ID of one selected monitor ID
    std::vector<detid_t> detID(1,monitorID);
    // got the index of correspondent spectras (should be only one). 
    std::vector<size_t>  indexList;
         throw std::runtime_error("Can not find spectra, coorespoinding to the requested monitor ID");
         throw std::runtime_error("More then one spectra coorespods to the requested monitor ID, which is unheard of");
    spectra_num = (int)indexList[0];
  }else{ // monitor spectrum is specified.
        spec2index_map specs;
        const SpectraAxis* axis = dynamic_cast<const SpectraAxis*>(inputWorkspace->getAxis(1));
        if ( ! axis)
            throw std::runtime_error("Cannot retrieve monitor spectrum - spectrum numbers not attached to workspace");
        if ( ! specs.count(monitorSpec) )
            throw std::runtime_error("Input workspace does not contain spectrum number given for MonitorSpectrum");
        spectra_num = (int)specs[monitorSpec];
  return this->extractMonitorSpectrum(inputWorkspace,spectra_num);
Exemple #10
/**  Load logs from Nexus file. Logs are expected to be in
*   /run/sample group of the file.
*   @param ws :: The workspace to load the logs to.
*   @param entry :: The Nexus entry
*   @param period :: The period of this workspace
void LoadMuonNexus2::loadLogs(API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws, NXEntry &entry,
                              int period) {
  // Avoid compiler warning

  std::string start_time = entry.getString("start_time");

  std::string sampleName = entry.getString("sample/name");
  NXMainClass runlogs = entry.openNXClass<NXMainClass>("sample");

  for (std::vector<NXClassInfo>::const_iterator it = runlogs.groups().begin();
       it != runlogs.groups().end(); ++it) {
    NXLog nxLog = runlogs.openNXLog(it->nxname);
    Kernel::Property *logv = nxLog.createTimeSeries(start_time);
    if (!logv)


  if (entry.containsDataSet("notes")) {

  std::string run_num = std::to_string(entry.getInt("run_number"));
  // The sample is left to delete the property
      new PropertyWithValue<std::string>("run_number", run_num));

/** Execute the algorithm.
void CalculateDIFC::exec() {

  DataObjects::OffsetsWorkspace_const_sptr offsetsWs =
  API::ITableWorkspace_const_sptr calibWs = getProperty("CalibrationWorkspace");
  API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWs = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWs = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

  if ((!bool(inputWs == outputWs)) ||
      (!bool(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SpecialWorkspace2D>(outputWs)))) {
    outputWs = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(
    outputWs->setTitle("DIFC workspace");

  // convert to actual type being used
  DataObjects::SpecialWorkspace2D_sptr outputSpecialWs =

  API::Progress progress(this, 0.0, 1.0, inputWs->getNumberHistograms());
  if (bool(calibWs)) {
    calculateFromTable(progress, *outputSpecialWs, *calibWs);
  } else {
    // this method handles calculating from instrument geometry as well
    const auto &detectorInfo = inputWs->detectorInfo();
    calculateFromOffset(progress, *outputSpecialWs, offsetsWs.get(),

  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWs);
Exemple #12
 * Here is the main logic to perform the transformation, to calculate the bin position in degree for each spectrum.
 * The first part of the method is to check if the pixel position is inside the ring defined as minRadio and maxRadio. 
 * To do this, it deducts the pixel position. This deduction follows the followin assumption: 
 *  - the spectrum_index == row number 
 *  - the position in the 'Y' direction is given by getAxis(1)[spectrum_index]
 *  - the position in the 'X' direction is the central point of the bin (dataX[column] + dataX[column+1])/2
 * Having the position of the pixel, as defined above, if the distance is outside the ring defined by minRadio, maxRadio, 
 * it defines the bin position as -1.
 * If the pixel is inside the ring, it calculates the angle of the pixel and calls fromAngleToBin to define the bin 
 * position. 
 * @param ws: pointer to the workspace
 * @param spectrum_index: index of the spectrum
 * @param bins_pos: bin positions (for each column inside the spectrum, the correspondent bin_pos)
void RingProfile::getBinForPixel(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws, 
                                 int spectrum_index, std::vector<int> & bins_pos ){
  if (bins_pos.size() != ws->dataY(spectrum_index).size())
    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid bin positions vector"); 
  API::NumericAxis *oldAxis2 = dynamic_cast<API::NumericAxis*>(ws->getAxis(1));
  // assumption y position is the ws->getAxis(1)(spectrum_index)

  // calculate ypos, the difference of y - centre and  the square of this difference
  double ypos = (*oldAxis2)(spectrum_index);
  double diffy = ypos-centre_y;
  double diffy_quad = pow(diffy, 2.0);

  // the reference to X bins (the limits for each pixel in the horizontal direction)
  auto xvec = ws->dataX(spectrum_index);

  // for each pixel inside this row
  for (size_t i = 0; i< xvec.size()-1; i++){

    double xpos = (xvec[i] + xvec[i+1])/2.0; // the x position is the centre of the bins boundaries
    double diffx = xpos - centre_x; 
    // calculate the distance => norm of pixel position - centre
    double distance = sqrt(pow(diffx, 2.0) + diffy_quad);
    // check if the distance is inside the ring
    if (distance < min_radius || distance > max_radius || distance == 0){
      bins_pos[i] = -1; 
    double angle = atan2(diffy, diffx);

    // call fromAngleToBin (radians)
    bins_pos[i] = fromAngleToBin(angle, false); 

Exemple #13
 * Get instrument property as double
 * @s - input property name
LoadHelper::getInstrumentProperty(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &workspace,
                                  std::string s) {
    std::vector<std::string> prop =
    if (prop.empty()) {
        g_log.debug("Property <" + s + "> doesn't exist!");
        return EMPTY_DBL();
    } else {
        g_log.debug() << "Property <" + s + "> = " << prop[0] << '\n';
        return boost::lexical_cast<double>(prop[0]);
Exemple #14
 V3D LoadHelper::getComponentPosition(API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws, const std::string &componentName)
     Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr instrument = ws->getInstrument();
     Geometry::IComponent_const_sptr component = instrument->getComponentByName(componentName);
     V3D pos = component->getPos();
     return pos;
   } catch (Mantid::Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError&)
     throw std::runtime_error("Error when trying to move the " + componentName + " : NotFoundError");
Exemple #15
/** Convert the workspace units according to a simple output = a * (input^b) relationship
 *  @param outputWS :: the output workspace
 *  @param factor :: the conversion factor a to apply
 *  @param power :: the Power b to apply to the conversion
void ConvertUnits::convertQuickly(API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS, const double& factor, const double& power)
  Progress prog(this,0.2,1.0,m_numberOfSpectra);
  int64_t numberOfSpectra_i = static_cast<int64_t>(m_numberOfSpectra); // cast to make openmp happy

  // See if the workspace has common bins - if so the X vector can be common
  // First a quick check using the validator
  CommonBinsValidator sameBins;
  bool commonBoundaries = false;
  if ( sameBins.isValid(outputWS) == "" )
    commonBoundaries =  WorkspaceHelpers::commonBoundaries(outputWS);
    // Only do the full check if the quick one passes
    if (commonBoundaries)
      // Calculate the new (common) X values
      MantidVec::iterator iter;
      for (iter = outputWS->dataX(0).begin(); iter != outputWS->dataX(0).end(); ++iter)
        *iter = factor * std::pow(*iter,power);

      MantidVecPtr xVals;
      xVals.access() = outputWS->dataX(0);

      for (int64_t j = 1; j < numberOfSpectra_i; ++j)
        prog.report("Convert to " + m_outputUnit->unitID());
      if (!m_inputEvents) // if in event mode the work is done
Exemple #16
 * The main method to calculate the ring profile for workspaces based on instruments. 
 * It will iterate over all the spectrum inside the workspace. 
 * For each spectrum, it will use the RingProfile::getBinForPixel method to identify 
 * where, in the output_bins, the sum of all the spectrum values should be placed in. 
 * @param inputWS: pointer to the input workspace
 * @param output_bins: the reference to the vector to be filled with the integration values
void RingProfile::processInstrumentRingProfile(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS, 
                                               std::vector<double> & output_bins){

  for (int i= 0; i< (int) inputWS->getNumberHistograms(); i++){
    m_progress->report("Computing ring bins positions for detectors"); 
    // for the detector based, the positions will be taken from the detector itself.
      Mantid::Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = inputWS->getDetector(i);
      // skip monitors  
      if (det->isMonitor()){
      // this part will be executed if the instrument is attached to the workspace
      // get the bin position
      int bin_n = getBinForPixel(det); 
      if (bin_n < 0) // -1 is the agreement for an invalid bin, or outside the ring being integrated

      g_log.debug() << "Bin for the index " << i << " = " << bin_n << " Pos = " << det->getPos() << std::endl; 

      // get the reference to the spectrum
      auto spectrum_pt = inputWS->getSpectrum(i); 
      const MantidVec & refY = spectrum_pt->dataY(); 
      // accumulate the values of this spectrum inside this bin
      for (size_t sp_ind = 0; sp_ind < inputWS->blocksize(); sp_ind ++)
        output_bins[bin_n] += refY[sp_ind];         

    }catch(Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError & ex){
      g_log.information() << "It found that detector for " << i << " is not valid. " << ex.what() << std::endl; 
Exemple #17
/** Performs the Debye-Bueche transformation: 1/sqrt(I) v Q^2
 *  The output is set to zero for negative input Y values
 *  @param ws The workspace to be transformed
void IQTransform::debyeBueche(API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws)
  MantidVec& X = ws->dataX(0);
  MantidVec& Y = ws->dataY(0);
  MantidVec& E = ws->dataE(0);
  for(size_t i = 0; i < Y.size(); ++i)
    if ( Y[i] > 0.0 )
      Y[i] = 1.0 / std::sqrt(Y[i]);
      E[i] *= std::pow(Y[i],3);
      Y[i] = 0.0;
      E[i] = 0.0;

Exemple #18
/** Extracts a single spectrum from a Workspace2D into a new workspaces. Uses CropWorkspace to do this.
 *  @param WS ::    The workspace containing the spectrum to extract
 *  @param index :: The workspace index of the spectrum to extract
 *  @return A Workspace2D containing the extracted spectrum
API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr CalculateTransmissionBeamSpreader::extractSpectrum(API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr WS, const size_t index)
  // Check that given spectra are monitors
  if ( !WS->getDetector(index)->isMonitor() )
    g_log.information("The Incident Beam Monitor UDET provided is not marked as a monitor");

  Algorithm_sptr childAlg = createSubAlgorithm("ExtractSingleSpectrum",0.0,0.4);
  childAlg->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("InputWorkspace", WS);
  childAlg->setProperty<int>("WorkspaceIndex", static_cast<int>(index));
  return childAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
Exemple #19
 * Perform a call to nxgetslab, via the NexusClasses wrapped methods for a given blocksize. This assumes that the
 * xbins have alread been cached
 * @param data :: The NXDataSet object of y values
 * @param errors :: The NXDataSet object of error values
 * @param blocksize :: The blocksize to use
 * @param nchannels :: The number of channels for the block
 * @param hist :: The workspace index to start reading into
 * @param local_workspace :: A pointer to the workspace
void LoadNexusProcessed::loadBlock(NXDataSetTyped<double> & data, NXDataSetTyped<double> & errors,
    int64_t blocksize, int64_t nchannels, int64_t &hist,
    API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr local_workspace)
  double *data_start = data();
  double *data_end = data_start + nchannels;
  double *err_start = errors();
  double *err_end = err_start + nchannels;
  int64_t final(hist + blocksize);
  while( hist < final )
    MantidVec& Y = local_workspace->dataY(hist);
    Y.assign(data_start, data_end);
    data_start += nchannels; data_end += nchannels;
    MantidVec& E = local_workspace->dataE(hist);
    E.assign(err_start, err_end);
    err_start += nchannels; err_end += nchannels;
    local_workspace->setX(hist, m_xbins);
/** Initialization method:
@param bkgWS    -- shared pointer to the workspace which contains background
@param sourceWS -- shared pointer to the workspace to remove background from
@param emode    -- energy conversion mode used during internal units conversion
(0 -- elastic, 1-direct, 2 indirect, as defined in Units conversion
@param pLog     -- pointer to the logger class which would report errors
@param nThreads -- number of threads to be used for background removal
@param inPlace  -- if the background removal occurs from the existing workspace
or target workspace has to be cloned.
void BackgroundHelper::initialize(const API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &bkgWS,
                                  const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr &sourceWS,
                                  int emode, Kernel::Logger *pLog, int nThreads,
                                  bool inPlace) {
  m_bgWs = bkgWS;
  m_wkWS = sourceWS;
  m_Emode = emode;
  m_pgLog = pLog;
  m_inPlace = inPlace;

  std::string bgUnits = bkgWS->getAxis(0)->unit()->unitID();
  if (bgUnits != "TOF")
    throw std::invalid_argument(" Background Workspace: " + bkgWS->getName() +
                                " should be in the units of TOF");

  if (!(bkgWS->getNumberHistograms() == 1 ||
        sourceWS->getNumberHistograms() == bkgWS->getNumberHistograms()))
    throw std::invalid_argument(" Background Workspace: " + bkgWS->getName() +
                                " should have the same number of spectra as "
                                "source workspace or be a single histogram "

  auto WSUnit = sourceWS->getAxis(0)->unit();
  if (!WSUnit)
    throw std::invalid_argument(" Source Workspace: " + sourceWS->getName() +
                                " should have units");

  Geometry::IComponent_const_sptr source =
  m_Sample = sourceWS->getInstrument()->getSample();
  if ((!source) || (!m_Sample))
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "Instrument on Source workspace:" + sourceWS->getName() +
        "is not sufficiently defined: failed to get source and/or sample");
  m_L1 = source->getDistance(*m_Sample);

  // just in case.
  // allocate the array of units converters to avoid units reallocation within a
  // loop
  m_WSUnit.assign(nThreads, NULL);
  for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) {
    m_WSUnit[i] = WSUnit->clone();

  m_singleValueBackground = false;
  if (bkgWS->getNumberHistograms() == 0)
    m_singleValueBackground = true;
  const MantidVec &dataX = bkgWS->dataX(0);
  const MantidVec &dataY = bkgWS->dataY(0);
  // const MantidVec& dataE = bkgWS->dataE(0);
  m_NBg = dataY[0];
  m_dtBg = dataX[1] - dataX[0];
  // m_ErrSq  = dataE[0]*dataE[0]; // needs further clarification

  m_Efix = this->getEi(sourceWS);
Exemple #21
/** Execute the algorithm.
void CreateEPP::exec() {
  API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS =
  const auto &spectrumInfo = inputWS->spectrumInfo();
  API::ITableWorkspace_sptr outputWS =
  const double sigma = getProperty(PropertyNames::SIGMA);
  const size_t spectraCount = spectrumInfo.size();
  const auto l1 = spectrumInfo.l1();
  const double EFixed = inputWS->run().getPropertyAsSingleValue("Ei");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < spectraCount; ++i) {
    const auto l2 = spectrumInfo.l2(i);
    const auto elasticTOF = Kernel::UnitConversion::run(
        "Energy", "TOF", EFixed, l1, l2, 0, Kernel::DeltaEMode::Direct, EFixed);
    outputWS->getRef<int>(ColumnNames::WS_INDEX, i) = static_cast<int>(i);
    outputWS->getRef<double>(ColumnNames::PEAK_CENTRE, i) = elasticTOF;
    outputWS->getRef<double>(ColumnNames::PEAK_CENTRE_ERR, i) = 0;
    outputWS->getRef<double>(ColumnNames::SIGMA, i) = sigma;
    outputWS->getRef<double>(ColumnNames::SIGMA_ERR, i) = 0;
    double height = 0;
    try {
      const auto elasticIndex = inputWS->binIndexOf(elasticTOF, i);
      height = inputWS->y(i)[elasticIndex];
    } catch (std::out_of_range &) {
      std::ostringstream sout;
      sout << "EPP out of TOF range for workspace index " << i
           << ". Peak height set to zero.";
      g_log.warning() << sout.str();
    outputWS->getRef<double>(ColumnNames::HEIGHT, i) = height;
    outputWS->getRef<double>(ColumnNames::CHI_SQUARED, i) = 1;
    outputWS->getRef<std::string>(ColumnNames::STATUS, i) = "success";
  setProperty(PropertyNames::OUTPUT_WORKSPACE, outputWS);
Exemple #22
/** Performs a transformation of the form: Q^A x I^B x Ln(Q^C x I^D x E) v Q^F x I^G x Ln(Q^H x I^I x J).
 *  Uses the 'GeneralFunctionConstants' property where A-J are the 10 (ordered) input constants.
 *  @param ws The workspace to be transformed
 *  @throw std::range_error if an attempt is made to take log of a negative number
void IQTransform::general(API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws)
  MantidVec& X = ws->dataX(0);
  MantidVec& Y = ws->dataY(0);
  MantidVec& E = ws->dataE(0);
  const std::vector<double> C = getProperty("GeneralFunctionConstants");
  // Check for the correct number of elements
  if ( C.size() != 10 )
    std::string mess("The General transformation requires 10 values to be provided.");
    throw std::invalid_argument(mess);

  for(size_t i = 0; i < Y.size(); ++i)
    double tmpX = std::pow(X[i],C[7]) * std::pow(Y[i],C[8]) * C[9];
    if ( tmpX <= 0.0 ) throw std::range_error("Attempt to take log of a zero or negative number.");
    tmpX = std::pow(X[i],C[5]) * std::pow(Y[i],C[6]) * std::log(tmpX);
    const double tmpY = std::pow(X[i],C[2]) * std::pow(Y[i],C[3]) * C[4];
    if ( tmpY <= 0.0 ) throw std::range_error("Attempt to take log of a zero or negative number.");
    const double newY = std::pow(X[i],C[0]) * std::pow(Y[i],C[1]) * std::log(tmpY);

    E[i] *= std::pow(X[i],C[0]) * ( C[1]*std::pow(Y[i],C[1]-1) * std::log(tmpY)
                    + (( std::pow(Y[i],C[1]) * std::pow(X[i],C[2]) * C[4] * C[3]*std::pow(Y[i],C[3]-1) )
                       / tmpY ) );
    X[i] = tmpX;
    Y[i] = newY;

  std::stringstream ylabel;
  ylabel << "Q^" << C[0] << " x I^" << C[1] << " x Ln( Q^" << C[2] << " x I^" << C[3] << " x " << C[4] << ")";
  std::stringstream xlabel;
  xlabel << "Q^" << C[5] << " x I^" << C[6] << " x Ln( Q^" << C[7] << " x I^" << C[8] << " x " << C[9] << ")";
/** Create output workspace
API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr GeneratePeaks::createOutputWorkspace() {
  // Reference workspace and output workspace
  API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS;

  m_newWSFromParent = true;
  if (!inputWS && binParameters.empty()) {
    // Error! Neither bin parameters or reference workspace is given.
    std::string errmsg(
        "Must define either InputWorkspace or BinningParameters.");
    throw std::invalid_argument(errmsg);
  } else if (inputWS) {
    // Generate Workspace2D from input workspace
    if (!binParameters.empty())
          << "Both binning parameters and input workspace are given. "
          << "Using input worksapce to generate output workspace!\n";

    outputWS = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
        inputWS, inputWS->getNumberHistograms(), inputWS->x(0).size(),

    // Only copy the X-values from spectra with peaks specified in the table
    // workspace.
    for (const auto &iws : m_spectraSet) {
      outputWS->setSharedX(iws, inputWS->sharedX(iws));

    m_newWSFromParent = true;
  } else {
    // Generate a one-spectrum Workspace2D from binning
    outputWS = createDataWorkspace(binParameters);
    m_newWSFromParent = false;

  return outputWS;
 * Construct an "empty" output workspace in virtual-lambda for summation in Q.
 * @param detectorWS [in] :: the input workspace
 * @param indices [in] :: the workspace indices of the foreground histograms
 * @param refAngles [in] :: the reference angles
 * @return :: a 1D workspace where y values are all zero
API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ReflectometrySumInQ::constructIvsLamWS(
    const API::MatrixWorkspace &detectorWS,
    const Indexing::SpectrumIndexSet &indices, const Angles &refAngles) {

  // Calculate the number of bins based on the min/max wavelength, using
  // the same bin width as the input workspace
  const auto &edges = detectorWS.binEdges(refAngles.referenceWSIndex);
  const double binWidth =
      (edges.back() - edges.front()) / static_cast<double>(edges.size());
  const auto wavelengthRange =
      findWavelengthMinMax(detectorWS, indices, refAngles);
  if (std::abs(wavelengthRange.max - wavelengthRange.min) < binWidth) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Given wavelength range too small.");
  const int numBins = static_cast<int>(
      std::ceil((wavelengthRange.max - wavelengthRange.min) / binWidth));
  // Construct the histogram with these X values. Y and E values are zero.
  const HistogramData::BinEdges bins(
      numBins + 1,
      HistogramData::LinearGenerator(wavelengthRange.min, binWidth));
  const HistogramData::Counts counts(numBins, 0.);
  const HistogramData::Histogram modelHistogram(std::move(bins),
  // Create the output workspace
  API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS =
      DataObjects::create<DataObjects::Workspace2D>(detectorWS, 1,

  // Set the detector IDs and specturm number from the twoThetaR detector.
  const auto &thetaSpec = detectorWS.getSpectrum(refAngles.referenceWSIndex);
  auto &outSpec = outputWS->getSpectrum(0);

  return outputWS;
 * Export time stamps looking erroreous
void ProcessDasNexusLog::exportErrorLog(
    API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws, std::vector<Kernel::DateAndTime> abstimevec,
    std::vector<Kernel::DateAndTime> pulsetimes,
    std::vector<double> orderedtofs, double dts) {
  std::string outputdir = getProperty("OutputDirectory");
  if (outputdir[outputdir.size() - 1] != '/')
    outputdir += "/";

  std::string ofilename = outputdir + "errordeltatime.txt";
  g_log.notice() << ofilename << std::endl;
  std::ofstream ofs;
  ofs.open(ofilename.c_str(), std::ios::out);

  size_t numbaddt = 0;
  Kernel::DateAndTime t0(ws->run().getProperty("run_start")->value());

  for (size_t i = 1; i < abstimevec.size(); i++) {
    double tempdts = static_cast<double>(abstimevec[i].totalNanoseconds() -
                                         abstimevec[i - 1].totalNanoseconds()) *
    double dev = (tempdts - dts) / dts;
    bool baddt = false;
    if (fabs(dev) > 0.5)
      baddt = true;

    if (baddt) {
      double deltapulsetimeSec1 =
          static_cast<double>(pulsetimes[i - 1].totalNanoseconds() -
                              t0.totalNanoseconds()) *
      double deltapulsetimeSec2 =
          static_cast<double>(pulsetimes[i].totalNanoseconds() -
                              t0.totalNanoseconds()) *
      int index1 = static_cast<int>(deltapulsetimeSec1 * 60);
      int index2 = static_cast<int>(deltapulsetimeSec2 * 60);

      ofs << "Error d(T) = " << tempdts << "   vs   Correct d(T) = " << dts
          << std::endl;
      ofs << index1 << "\t\t" << pulsetimes[i - 1].totalNanoseconds() << "\t\t"
          << orderedtofs[i - 1] << std::endl;
      ofs << index2 << "\t\t" << pulsetimes[i].totalNanoseconds() << "\t\t"
          << orderedtofs[i] << std::endl;

Exemple #26
/// Run ConvertUnits as a sub-algorithm to convert to dSpacing
MatrixWorkspace_sptr DiffractionFocussing::convertUnitsToDSpacing(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr& workspace)
  const std::string CONVERSION_UNIT = "dSpacing";

  Unit_const_sptr xUnit = workspace->getAxis(0)->unit();

  g_log.information() << "Converting units from "<< xUnit->label() << " to " << CONVERSION_UNIT<<".\n";

  API::IAlgorithm_sptr childAlg = createSubAlgorithm("ConvertUnits", 0.34, 0.66);
  childAlg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", workspace);

  return childAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
Exemple #27
    void LoadHelper::rotateComponent(API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws, const std::string &componentName,
        const Kernel::Quat & rot)


        Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr instrument = ws->getInstrument();
        Geometry::IComponent_const_sptr component = instrument->getComponentByName(componentName);

        //g_log.debug() << tube->getName() << " : t = " << theta << " ==> t = " << newTheta << "\n";
        Geometry::ParameterMap& pmap = ws->instrumentParameters();
        Geometry::ComponentHelper::rotateComponent(*component, pmap, rot,

      } catch (Mantid::Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError&)
        throw std::runtime_error("Error when trying to move the " + componentName + " : NotFoundError");
      } catch (std::runtime_error &)
        throw std::runtime_error("Error when trying to move the " + componentName + " : runtime_error");

/** Apply dead time correction to spectra in inputWs and create temporary workspace with corrected spectra
* @param inputWs :: [input] input workspace containing spectra to correct
* @param deadTimeTable :: [input] table containing dead times
* @param tempWs :: [output] workspace containing corrected spectra
void PhaseQuadMuon::deadTimeCorrection(API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWs, API::ITableWorkspace_sptr deadTimeTable, API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr& tempWs)

  // Apply correction only from t = m_tPulseOver
  // To do so, we first apply corrections to the whole spectrum (ApplyDeadTimeCorr
  // does not allow to select a range in the spectrum)
  // Then we recover counts from 0 to m_tPulseOver

  auto alg = this->createChildAlgorithm("ApplyDeadTimeCorr",-1,-1);
  alg->setProperty("DeadTimeTable", deadTimeTable);
  alg->setPropertyValue("InputWorkspace", inputWs->getName());
  alg->setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", inputWs->getName()+"_deadtime");
  bool sucDeadTime = alg->execute();
  if (!sucDeadTime)
    g_log.error() << "PhaseQuad: Unable to apply dead time corrections" << std::endl;
    throw std::runtime_error("PhaseQuad: Unable to apply dead time corrections");
  tempWs = alg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

  // Now recover counts from t=0 to m_tPulseOver
  // Errors are set to m_bigNumber
  for (int h=0; h<m_nHist; h++)
    auto specOld = inputWs->getSpectrum(h);
    auto specNew = tempWs->getSpectrum(h);

    for (int t=0; t<m_tPulseOver; t++)
      specNew->dataY()[t] = specOld->dataY()[t];
      specNew->dataE()[t] = m_bigNumber;

Exemple #29
void RadiusSum::setUpOutputWorkspace(std::vector<double> &values) {

  g_log.debug() << "Output calculated, setting up the output workspace"
                << std::endl;

  API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = API::WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
      inputWS, 1, values.size() + 1, values.size());

  g_log.debug() << "Set the data" << std::endl;
  MantidVec &refY = outputWS->dataY(0);
  std::copy(values.begin(), values.end(), refY.begin());

  g_log.debug() << "Set the bins limits" << std::endl;
  MantidVec &refX = outputWS->dataX(0);
  double bin_size = (max_radius - min_radius) / num_bins;

  for (int i = 0; i < (static_cast<int>(refX.size())) - 1; i++)
    refX[i] = min_radius + i * bin_size;
  refX[refX.size() - 1] = max_radius;

  // configure the axis:
  // for numeric images, the axis are the same as the input workspace, and are
  // copied in the creation.

  // for instrument related, the axis Y (1) continues to be the same.
  // it is necessary to change only the axis X. We have to change it to radius.
  if (inputWorkspaceHasInstrumentAssociated(inputWS)) {
    API::Axis *const horizontal = new API::NumericAxis(refX.size());
    auto labelX = UnitFactory::Instance().create("Label");
    horizontal->unit() = labelX;
    outputWS->replaceAxis(0, horizontal);

  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWS);
Exemple #30
    /** Executes the algorithm. Moving detectors of input workspace to positions indicated in table workspace
    *  @throw FileError Thrown if unable to get instrument from workspace, 
    *                   table workspace is incompatible with instrument
    void ApplyCalibration::exec()
      // Get pointers to the workspace, parameter map and table
      API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS = getProperty("Workspace");
      m_pmap = &(inputWS->instrumentParameters()); // Avoids a copy if you get the reference before the instrument

      API::ITableWorkspace_sptr PosTable = getProperty("PositionTable");
      Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr instrument = inputWS->getInstrument();
        throw std::runtime_error("Workspace to apply calibration to has no defined instrument");

      size_t numDetector = PosTable->rowCount();
      ColumnVector<int> detID = PosTable->getVector("Detector ID");
      ColumnVector<V3D> detPos = PosTable->getVector("Detector Position");
      // numDetector needs to be got as the number of rows in the table and the detID got from the (i)th row of table.
      for (size_t i = 0; i < numDetector; ++i)
        setDetectorPosition(instrument, detID[i], detPos[i], false );
      // Ensure pointer is only valid for execution
      m_pmap = NULL;