static void RegisterAssimpModelParsers(C3DModelLoader::ParserMap& parsers, CAssParser* assParser) { std::string extension; std::string extensions; Assimp::Importer importer; // get a ";" separated list of format extensions ("*.3ds;*.lwo;*.mesh.xml;...") importer.GetExtensionList(extensions); // do not ignore the last extension extensions += ";"; LOG("[%s] supported Assimp model formats: %s", __FUNCTION__, extensions.c_str()); size_t i = 0; size_t j = 0; // split the list, strip off the "*." extension prefixes while ((j = extensions.find(";", i)) != std::string::npos) { extension = extensions.substr(i, j - i); extension = extension.substr(extension.find("*.") + 2); StringToLowerInPlace(extension); if (parsers.find(extension) == parsers.end()) { parsers[extension] = assParser; } i = j + 1; } }
static void RegisterAssimpModelFormats(C3DModelLoader::FormatMap& formats) { std::string extension; std::string extensions; Assimp::Importer importer; // get a ";" separated list of format extensions ("*.3ds;*.lwo;*.mesh.xml;...") importer.GetExtensionList(extensions); // do not ignore the last extension extensions += ";"; LOG("[%s] supported Assimp model formats: %s", __FUNCTION__, extensions.c_str()); size_t curIdx = 0; size_t nxtIdx = 0; // split the list, strip off the "*." extension prefixes while ((nxtIdx = extensions.find(";", curIdx)) != std::string::npos) { extension = extensions.substr(curIdx, nxtIdx - curIdx); extension = extension.substr(extension.find("*.") + 2); extension = StringToLower(extension); if (formats.find(extension) == formats.end()) { formats[extension] = MODELTYPE_ASS; } curIdx = nxtIdx + 1; } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get a list of all file extensions supported by ASSIMP void aiGetExtensionList(aiString* szOut) { ai_assert(NULL != szOut); ASSIMP_BEGIN_EXCEPTION_REGION(); // FIXME: no need to create a temporary Importer instance just for that .. Assimp::Importer tmp; tmp.GetExtensionList(*szOut); ASSIMP_END_EXCEPTION_REGION(void); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get a list of all file extensions supported by ASSIMP void aiGetExtensionList(aiString* szOut) { ai_assert(NULL != szOut); ASSIMP_BEGIN_EXCEPTION_REGION(); #ifdef AI_C_THREADSAFE boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(gMutex); #endif if (!gActiveImports.empty()) { (*(gActiveImports.begin())).second->GetExtensionList(*szOut); return; } // fixme: no need to create a temporary Importer instance just for that .. Assimp::Importer tmp; tmp.GetExtensionList(*szOut); ASSIMP_END_EXCEPTION_REGION(void); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get a list of all file extensions supported by ASSIMP void aiGetExtensionList(aiString* szOut) { ai_assert(NULL != szOut); // lock the mutex #if (defined AI_C_THREADSAFE) boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(gMutex); #endif if (!gActiveImports.empty()) { (*(gActiveImports.begin())).second->GetExtensionList(*szOut); return; } // need to create a temporary Importer instance. // TODO: Find a better solution ... Assimp::Importer* pcTemp = new Assimp::Importer(); pcTemp->GetExtensionList(*szOut); delete pcTemp; }
void HKWindow::addSourceModelsTriggered() { Assimp::Importer importer; std::string extensions_assimp = ""; importer.GetExtensionList(extensions_assimp); QStringList extensions= QString(extensions_assimp.c_str()).split(";"); extensions.removeOne("*"); // Build Extensions String for Open Dialog QString extensions_str = "All supported formats ("; foreach(QString extension, extensions) extensions_str += extension + " "; extensions_str += ");;"; // Specific filters foreach(QString extension, extensions) { size_t index = importer.GetImporterIndex(extension.toStdString().c_str()); if (index != -1) { const aiImporterDesc *description = importer.GetImporterInfo(index); extensions_str += QString("%1 (%2);;").arg(description->mName).arg(extension); } }
int main (int argc, char *argv[], char **env_var_ptr) { int i=0; int mtlIndex=0; char out_filename[256]; char mdl_filename[256]; bool skinned=false; bool all=false; uint32_t hash=0; Hash_key simplek("SIMPLE"); hash=simplek; printf("SIMPLE %u\n",hash); char *filename=argv[argc-1]; strcpy(out_filename,filename); for (i=1; i< argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-h")) { printHelp(argc,argv); exit(1); } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-t")) { Hash_key key(argv[i+1]); hash=key; } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-d")) { printAll=true; } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-s")) { skinned=true; } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-a")) { all=true; } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-i")) { mtlIndex=atoi(argv[i+1]); } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-o")) { strcpy(out_filename,argv[i+1]); } // printf("\narg%d=%s", i, argv[i]); } // Extract base char *pExt = strrchr(out_filename, '.'); if (pExt != NULL) strcpy(pExt, ".pkg"); else strcat(out_filename, ".pkg"); Assimp::Importer importer; //const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile(filename,NULL); // aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals | // | aiProcess_SortByPType const aiScene* scene = importer.ReadFile(filename, aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials | aiProcess_Triangulate | aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals ); if (scene==NULL) { std::string tmp; printf("Not able to read file error:%s\n",importer.GetErrorString()); importer.GetExtensionList(tmp); printf("Supported extensions %s \n",tmp.c_str()); exit(-1); } printf ("Found %d meshes\n",scene->mNumMeshes); printf ("Found %d materials\n",scene->mNumMaterials); printf ("Found %d animations\n",scene->mNumAnimations); std::vector<unsigned short int> indexTotal; std::vector<Vertex_t> vrtxTotal; if (scene->HasMeshes()) { // Each mesh is extracted to a mdl file. for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < scene->mNumMeshes; ++ii) { std::vector<unsigned short int> indexes; t_mesh tmp; tmp.indexes.clear(); tmp.vrtx.clear(); tmp.material=0; processMesh(scene->mMeshes[ii],tmp.vrtx,tmp.indexes,tmp.material,skinned); m_meshes.push_back(tmp); int offset=vrtxTotal.size(); for(int q=0;q<tmp.vrtx.size();q++) { vrtxTotal.push_back(tmp.vrtx[q]); } for(int q=0;q<tmp.indexes.size();q++) { indexTotal.push_back(offset+tmp.indexes[q]); int qk=offset+tmp.indexes[q]; printf("index %d ",offset+tmp.indexes[q]); printf("(%f,%f,%f)\n",vrtxTotal[qk].pos[0],vrtxTotal[qk].pos[1],vrtxTotal[qk].pos[2]); } //printf("Mesh %d Has %d vertices and material %d\n",ii,scene->mMeshes[ii]->mNumVertices,tmp.material); aiMesh *mesh=scene->mMeshes[ii]; char Buff[512]; sprintf(Buff,"%d-%s.mdl",ii,mesh->mName.C_Str()); std::string filename; if(mesh->mMaterialIndex >= 0) { aiMaterial* material = scene->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex]; filename = textureFilename(material,aiTextureType_DIFFUSE); } Hash_key key(filename.c_str()); hash=key; writeToMdlFile(Buff,tmp.vrtx,tmp.indexes,skinned,hash); mdlFiles.push_back(std::string(Buff)); if(mesh->mMaterialIndex >= 0) { aiMaterial* material = scene->mMaterials[mesh->mMaterialIndex]; //textureFilename = //vector<Texture> diffuseMaps = this->loadMaterialTextures(material, // aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, "texture_diffuse"); //textures_loaded.insert(textures_loaded.end(), diffuseMaps.begin(), diffuseMaps.end()); //vector<Texture> specularMaps = this->loadMaterialTextures(material, // aiTextureType_SPECULAR, "texture_specular"); //textures_loaded.insert(textures_loaded.end(), specularMaps.begin(), specularMaps.end()); } //scene->mMaterials[material]->GetTexture() //if (ii==extractMeshnum ) //{ // char Buff[512]; // sprintf(Buff,"%d-%s",ii,out_filename); // writeToMdlFile(Buff,tmp.vrtx,tmp.indexes,skinned,hash); //} } mergeToPkg(out_filename); //writeToMdlFile(out_filename,vrtxTotal,indexTotal,skinned,hash); #if 0 // This extracts all meshes to a single file :-P if (scene->HasMeshes()) { for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < scene->mNumMeshes; ++ii) { std::vector<unsigned short int> indexes; t_mesh tmp; tmp.indexes.clear(); tmp.vrtx.clear(); tmp.material=0; processMesh(scene->mMeshes[ii],tmp.vrtx,tmp.indexes,tmp.material,skinned); m_meshes.push_back(tmp); int offset=vrtxTotal.size(); for(int q=0;q<tmp.vrtx.size();q++) { vrtxTotal.push_back(tmp.vrtx[q]); } for(int q=0;q<tmp.indexes.size();q++) { indexTotal.push_back(offset+tmp.indexes[q]); int qk=offset+tmp.indexes[q]; printf("index %d ",offset+tmp.indexes[q]); printf("(%f,%f,%f)\n",vrtxTotal[qk].pos[0],vrtxTotal[qk].pos[1],vrtxTotal[qk].pos[2]); } printf("Mesh %d Has %d vertices and material %d\n",ii,scene->mMeshes[ii]->mNumVertices,tmp.material); //scene->mMaterials[material]->GetTexture() if (ii==extractMeshnum ) { char Buff[512]; sprintf(Buff,"%d-%s",ii,out_filename); writeToMdlFile(Buff,tmp.vrtx,tmp.indexes,skinned,hash); } } writeToMdlFile(out_filename,vrtxTotal,indexTotal,skinned,hash); } // All meshes are cached, extract nodes if (scene->mRootNode != NULL) { Node *rootNode = new Node; processNode(scene, scene->mRootNode, 0, *rootNode); allUsedMeshes.clear(); allUsedIndexes.clear(); mergeAllNodes(rootNode,scene); writeToMdlFile(out_filename,allUsedMeshes,allUsedIndexes,skinned,hash); //m_rootNode.reset(rootNode); } else { printf("Error loading model, No ROOT node"); exit(-1); } #endif } else { printf("Error: No meshes found"); return false; } for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < scene->mNumMaterials; ++ii) { //printf("Material %d has %d textures\n",ii,scene->mMaterials[ii]->GetTextureCount()); //QSharedPointer<MaterialInfo> mater = processMaterial(scene->mMaterials[ii]); //m_materials.push_back(mater); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Application entry point int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc <= 1) { printf("assimp: No command specified. Use \'assimp help\' for a detailed command list\n"); return 0; } // assimp version // Display version information if (! strcmp(argv[1], "version")) { const unsigned int flags = aiGetCompileFlags(); printf(AICMD_MSG_ABOUT, aiGetVersionMajor(), aiGetVersionMinor(), (flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_DEBUG ? "-debug " : ""), (flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_NOBOOST ? "-noboost " : ""), (flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_SHARED ? "-shared " : ""), (flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_SINGLETHREADED ? "-st " : ""), (flags & ASSIMP_CFLAGS_STLPORT ? "-stlport " : ""), aiGetVersionRevision()); return 0; } // assimp help // Display some basic help (--help and -h work as well // because people could try them intuitively) if (!strcmp(argv[1], "help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h")) { printf("%s",AICMD_MSG_HELP); return 0; } // assimp cmpdump // Compare two mini model dumps (regression suite) if (! strcmp(argv[1], "cmpdump")) { return Assimp_CompareDump (&argv[2],argc-2); } // construct global importer and exporter instances Assimp::Importer imp; imp.SetPropertyBool("GLOB_MEASURE_TIME",true); globalImporter = &imp; #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_EXPORT // Assimp::Exporter exp; globalExporter = &exp; #endif // assimp listext // List all file extensions supported by Assimp if (! strcmp(argv[1], "listext")) { aiString s; imp.GetExtensionList(s); printf("%s\n",; return 0; } #ifndef ASSIMP_BUILD_NO_EXPORT // assimp listexport // List all export file formats supported by Assimp (not the file extensions, just the format identifiers!) if (! strcmp(argv[1], "listexport")) { aiString s; for(size_t i = 0, end = exp.GetExportFormatCount(); i < end; ++i) { const aiExportFormatDesc* const e = exp.GetExportFormatDescription(i); s.Append( e->id ); if (i!=end-1) { s.Append("\n"); } } printf("%s\n",; return 0; } // assimp exportinfo // stat an export format if (! strcmp(argv[1], "exportinfo")) { aiString s; if (argc<3) { printf("Expected file format id\n"); return -11; } for(size_t i = 0, end = exp.GetExportFormatCount(); i < end; ++i) { const aiExportFormatDesc* const e = exp.GetExportFormatDescription(i); if (!strcmp(e->id,argv[2])) { printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n",e->id,e->fileExtension,e->description); return 0; } } printf("Unknown file format id: \'%s\'\n",argv[2]); return -12; } // assimp export // Export a model to a file if (! strcmp(argv[1], "export")) { return Assimp_Export (&argv[2],argc-2); } #endif // assimp knowext // Check whether a particular file extension is known by us, return 0 on success if (! strcmp(argv[1], "knowext")) { if (argc<3) { printf("Expected file extension"); return -10; } const bool b = imp.IsExtensionSupported(argv[2]); printf("File extension \'%s\' is %sknown\n",argv[2],(b?"":"not ")); return b?0:-1; } // assimp info // Print basic model statistics if (! strcmp(argv[1], "info")) { return Assimp_Info ((const char**)&argv[2],argc-2); } // assimp dump // Dump a model to a file if (! strcmp(argv[1], "dump")) { return Assimp_Dump (&argv[2],argc-2); } // assimp extract // Extract an embedded texture from a file if (! strcmp(argv[1], "extract")) { return Assimp_Extract (&argv[2],argc-2); } // assimp testbatchload // Used by /test/other/ to load a list of files // using the same importer instance to check for incompatible // importers. if (! strcmp(argv[1], "testbatchload")) { return Assimp_TestBatchLoad (&argv[2],argc-2); } printf("Unrecognized command. Use \'assimp help\' for a detailed command list\n"); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { //Initializes console Position HWND hWnd = GetConsoleWindow(); MoveWindow(hWnd, 1350, 0, 500, 1000, TRUE); std::cout << "GameArtsEngine" << std::endl; //Initializes SDL and gets everything set up SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow("GameArtsEngine", 40, 40, windowWidth, windowHeight, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL); SDL_GLContext glcontext = SDL_GL_CreateContext(window); //Initializes our Glew glewInit(); //Initializes our Engine iGAEngine->initGL(windowWidth, windowHeight); aiString list; Assimp::Importer imp; imp.GetExtensionList(list); std::cout << list.C_Str() << std::endl; /**************************************ALL THE ONE TIME SCENE SETUP GOES HERE*******************************************/ //Creates a basic Light for our scene --> will eventually be moved to the Engine itself mainLight = new Light(LIGHT_POINT); mainLight->setDiffuse(2, 2, 2, 1); mainLight->setExponent(10); mainLight->setPosition(-5,25,5); //Load Textures defaultTexture = iGAEngine->loadTexture("Assets/Textures/ModelgridTexture.jpg"); //Load Models->Primitives ------------------------ENABLE IF YOU NEED PRIMITIVES--------------------------------- teapodModel = new meshLoader("Assets/Models/Primitives/teapod.dae"); cylinderModel = new meshLoader("Assets/Models/Primitives/cylinder.dae"); sphereModel = new meshLoader("Assets/Models/Primitives/sphere.dae"); cubeModel = new meshLoader("Assets/Models/Primitives/cube.dae"); //Load Models->GameModels //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SHADERSETUP-------------------------------------------- if (GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader && GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader){ cout << endl << "SHADER LOG: -------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN" << endl; // Simple Normal Shader without SpecMap normalShader = new Shader("normal.vert", "normal.frag"); normalShader->useShader(); normalShader->setAttribute1i("diffuseMap0", 0); normalShader->setAttribute1i("normalMap1", 1); normalShader->setAttribute1f("SpecularPower", 2.0f); normalShader->setAttribute4f("Specular", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0); normalShader->setAttribute4f("Ambient", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0); normalShader->setAttribute4f("Diffuse", 1, 1, 1, 1.0); normalShader->setAttribute3f("fvLightPosition", 50.3f, 18.9f, 27.2f); // Normal Shader with SpecMap normalSpecShader = new Shader("normalSpec.vert", "normalSpec.frag"); normalSpecShader->useShader(); normalSpecShader->setAttribute1i("diffuseMap0", 0); normalSpecShader->setAttribute1i("normalMap1", 1); normalSpecShader->setAttribute1i("specularMap2", 2); normalSpecShader->setAttribute1f("SpecularPower", 2.0f); normalSpecShader->setAttribute4f("Specular", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0); normalSpecShader->setAttribute4f("Ambient", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0); normalSpecShader->setAttribute4f("Diffuse", 1, 1, 1, 1.0); normalSpecShader->setAttribute3f("fvLightPosition", 50.3f, 18.9f, 27.2f); // Simple LambertShader with DiffuseMap diffuseShader = new Shader("lambertDiffuse.vert", "lambertDiffuse.frag"); diffuseShader->useShader(); diffuseShader->setAttribute4f("Ambient", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0); diffuseShader->setAttribute4f("Diffuse", 1, 1, 1, 1.0); diffuseShader->setAttribute3f("fvLightPosition", 50.3f, 18.9f, 27.2f); lambertShader_static = new Shader("lambert_static.vert", "lambert_static.frag"); lambertShader_static->useShader(); lambertShader_static->setAttribute4f("Ambient", 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0); lambertShader_static->setAttribute4f("Diffuse", 1, 1, 1, 1.0); lambertShader_static->setAttribute3f("fvLightPosition", 50.3f, 18.9f, 27.2f); cout << endl << "SHADER LOG: ---------------------------------------------------------- END" << endl; } else{ cout << endl << "GLSL not supported" << endl; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SHADERSETUP-------------------------------------------- /**************************************ALL THE ONE TIME SCENE SETUP GOES HERE*******************************************/ // Main Engine Loop bool isRunning = true; SDL_Event event; while (isRunning ) { //Gets states of the Mouse and stroes them in the struct SDL_GetMouseState(&mouseState.x, &mouseState.y); mouseState.LeftButtonDown = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL) & SDL_BUTTON(1); mouseState.MiddleButtonDown = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL) & SDL_BUTTON(2); mouseState.RightButtonDown = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL) & SDL_BUTTON(3); drawMainScene(window); // calls stuff that needs to update every frame //Event loop while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)){ if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) isRunning = false; } if (viewportNavigation()) isRunning = false; } delete teapodModel; delete lambertShader_static; delete diffuseShader; delete normalShader; delete normalSpecShader; GAEngine::Unitialize(); SDL_Quit(); return 1; }