bool LinearAlgebra::isLinearIndependent(const Eigen::Vector3d& a, const Eigen::Vector3d& b) {
	bool result = false;
	int rank;

	/* TODO: test if the vectors a and b are linear independent.
	   Return true if they are independent, false if they are dependent.*/
	Eigen::MatrixXd A(2,3);
	A << 	a.x(), a.y(), a.z(),
			b.x(), b.y(), b.z();
	Eigen::FullPivLU<Eigen::MatrixXd> luA(A);
	rank = luA.rank();

	if (rank == 2)
		result = true;
		result = false;

	return result;
//! Compute gravitational acceleration due to J2.
Eigen::Vector3d computeGravitationalAccelerationDueToJ2(
        const Eigen::Vector3d& positionOfBodySubjectToAcceleration,
        const double gravitationalParameterOfBodyExertingAcceleration,
        const double equatorialRadiusOfBodyExertingAcceleration,
        const double j2CoefficientOfGravityField,
        const Eigen::Vector3d& positionOfBodyExertingAcceleration )
    // Set constant values reused for optimal computation of acceleration components.
    const double distanceBetweenBodies = ( positionOfBodySubjectToAcceleration
                                           - positionOfBodyExertingAcceleration ).norm( );

    const double preMultiplier = -gravitationalParameterOfBodyExertingAcceleration
            / std::pow( distanceBetweenBodies, 4.0 ) * 1.5 * j2CoefficientOfGravityField
            * equatorialRadiusOfBodyExertingAcceleration
            * equatorialRadiusOfBodyExertingAcceleration;

    const double scaledZCoordinate = ( positionOfBodySubjectToAcceleration.z( )
                                       - positionOfBodyExertingAcceleration.z( ) )
            / distanceBetweenBodies;

    const double scaledZCoordinateSquared = scaledZCoordinate * scaledZCoordinate;

    const double factorForXAndYDirections = ( 1.0 - 5.0 * scaledZCoordinateSquared )
            / distanceBetweenBodies;

    // Compute components of acceleration due to J2-effect.
    Eigen::Vector3d gravitationalAccelerationDueToJ2 = Eigen::Vector3d::Constant( preMultiplier );

    gravitationalAccelerationDueToJ2( basic_astrodynamics::xCartesianPositionIndex )
            *= ( positionOfBodySubjectToAcceleration.x( )
                 - positionOfBodyExertingAcceleration.x( ) ) * factorForXAndYDirections;

    gravitationalAccelerationDueToJ2( basic_astrodynamics::yCartesianPositionIndex )
            *= ( positionOfBodySubjectToAcceleration.y( )
                 - positionOfBodyExertingAcceleration.y( ) ) * factorForXAndYDirections;

    gravitationalAccelerationDueToJ2( basic_astrodynamics::zCartesianPositionIndex )
            *= ( 3.0 - 5.0 * scaledZCoordinateSquared ) * scaledZCoordinate;

    return gravitationalAccelerationDueToJ2;
Exemple #3
void draw()
    for (EdgeCIter e = mesh.edges.begin(); e != mesh.edges.end(); e++) {
        int s = 3;
        Eigen::Vector3d v = e->he->vertex->position;
        Eigen::Vector3d u = e->he->flip->vertex->position - v;
        double dl = e->length() / (double)s;
        double c = 0.0;
        double c2 = 0.0;
        if (curvature == 0) {
            c = e->he->vertex->gaussCurvature;
            c2 = e->he->flip->vertex->gaussCurvature;
        } else if (curvature == 1) {
            c = e->he->vertex->meanCurvature;
            c2 = e->he->flip->vertex->meanCurvature;
        } else {
            c = normalCurvatures[e->he->vertex->index];
            c2 = normalCurvatures[e->he->flip->vertex->index];
        double dc = (c2 - c) / (double)s;
        for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
            if (c < 0) glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, fabs(c), 0.6);
            else glColor4f(c, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6);
            glVertex3d(v.x(), v.y(), v.z());
            c += dc;
            if (c < 0) glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, fabs(c), 0.6);
            else glColor4f(c, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6);
            v += u * dl;
            glVertex3d(v.x(), v.y(), v.z());
Exemple #4
void Viewer::read()
    for( unsigned int i = 0; !m_offset && i < readers.size(); ++i )
        if( readers[i]->empty() ) { continue; }
        Eigen::Vector3d p = readers[i]->somePoint();
        m_offset = std::fabs( p.x() ) > 1000 || std::fabs( p.y() ) > 1000 || std::fabs( p.z() ) > 1000 ? p : Eigen::Vector3d( 0, 0, 0 );
        std::cerr << "view-points: reader no. " << i << " scene offset (" << m_offset->transpose() << "); scene radius: " << scene_radius() << std::endl;
    if( !m_offset ) { return; }
    bool need_update = false;
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < readers.size(); ++i )
        if( readers[i]->update( *m_offset ) > 0 ) { need_update = true; };
    m_shutdown = true;
    bool ready_to_look = true;
    for( unsigned int i = 0; m_shutdown && i < readers.size(); ++i )
        m_shutdown = m_shutdown && readers[i]->isShutdown();
        ready_to_look = ready_to_look && ( readers[i]->isShutdown() || ( readers.size() > 1 && readers[i]->isStdIn() ) );
    if( !m_cameraReader && m_cameraposition )
        setCameraPosition( *m_cameraposition, *m_cameraorientation );
    else if( m_cameraReader )
        Eigen::Vector3d position = m_cameraReader->position();
        Eigen::Vector3d orientation = m_cameraReader->orientation();
        if( !m_cameraposition || !m_cameraposition->isApprox( position ) || !m_cameraorientation->isApprox( orientation ) )
            m_cameraposition = position;
            m_cameraorientation = orientation;
            setCameraPosition( position, orientation );
    else if( readers[0]->m_extents && readers[0]->m_num_points > 0 && ( m_shutdown || ready_to_look || readers[0]->m_num_points >= readers[0]->size / 10 ) )
        QVector3D min( readers[0]->m_extents->min().x(), readers[0]->m_extents->min().y(), readers[0]->m_extents->min().z() );
        QVector3D max( readers[0]->m_extents->max().x(), readers[0]->m_extents->max().y(), readers[0]->m_extents->max().z() );
        updateView( min, max );
        if( !m_cameraFixed && !m_lookAt )
            m_lookAt = true;
    if( need_update ) { update(); }
    if( m_shutdown && m_exit_on_end_of_input ) { shutdown(); }
//! Calculate the Cartesian position from geodetic coordinates.
Eigen::Vector3d convertGeodeticToCartesianCoordinates( const Eigen::Vector3d geodeticCoordinates,
                                                       const double equatorialRadius,
                                                       const double flattening )
    // Pre-compute values for efficiency.
    const double sineLatitude = std::sin( geodeticCoordinates.y( ) );
    const double centerOffset = equatorialRadius /
            std::sqrt( 1.0 - flattening * ( 2.0 - flattening ) * sineLatitude * sineLatitude );

    // Calculate Cartesian coordinates, Montenbruck and Gill (2000), Eq. (5.82).
    Eigen::Vector3d cartesianCoordinates = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero( );
    cartesianCoordinates.x( ) =
            ( centerOffset + geodeticCoordinates.x( ) ) *
            std::cos( geodeticCoordinates.y( ) ) * std::cos( geodeticCoordinates.z( ) );
    cartesianCoordinates.y( ) = cartesianCoordinates.x( ) * std::tan( geodeticCoordinates.z( ) );
    cartesianCoordinates.z( ) = ( ( 1.0 - flattening ) * ( 1.0 - flattening ) * centerOffset +
                                  geodeticCoordinates.x( ) ) * sineLatitude;

    // Return Cartesian coordinates.
    return cartesianCoordinates;
Eigen::Vector4d Face::plane() const
    Eigen::Vector3d a = he->vertex->position;

    Eigen::Vector3d n = normal();

    Eigen::Vector4d p;
    p << n.x(), n.y(), n.z(),;

    return p;
Exemple #7
Hole HoleFinderPrivate::reduceHoles(const QVector<Hole *> &holeVec)
  // Average the positions, weighted by volume
  Eigen::Vector3d center (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  double denom = 0.0;
  foreach (Hole *hole, holeVec) {
    const double volume = hole->volume();
    center += hole->center * volume;
    denom += volume;
  center /= denom;

  // Wrap center into the unit cell
  if ((center.x() = fmod(center.x(), 1.0)) < 0) ++center.x();
  if ((center.y() = fmod(center.y(), 1.0)) < 0) ++center.y();
  if ((center.z() = fmod(center.z(), 1.0)) < 0) ++center.z();

  return Hole(center, 0.0); // radius is set during resizeHoles();
void OrientationCell::rotateSurf(Eigen::Matrix3d& rotation, Eigen::Vector3d& center, PlanCloud& planCloud)
	rotate(rotation, planCloud.T());
	rotate(rotation, planCloud.B());
	rotate(rotation, planCloud.N());
	*(planCloud.frame()) << planCloud.T(), planCloud.B(), planCloud.N();

	Eigen::Vector3d OgOi(planCloud.origin()->x() - center.x(),
						 planCloud.origin()->y() - center.y(),
						 planCloud.origin()->z() - center.z());
	OgOi = rotation*OgOi;
	*(planCloud.origin()) << OgOi.x(), OgOi.y(), OgOi.z();
Exemple #9
 inline bool GradientIsEffectiveFlat(const Eigen::Vector3d& gradient) const
     // A gradient is at a local maxima if the absolute value of all components (x,y,z) are less than 1/2 SDF resolution
     double half_resolution = GetResolution() * 0.5;
     if (fabs(gradient.x()) <= half_resolution && fabs(gradient.y()) <= half_resolution && fabs(gradient.z()) <= half_resolution)
         return true;
         return false;
bool addConeToCollisionModel(const std::string &armName, double length, double radius)
    ros::NodeHandle nh("~") ;

    ros::ServiceClient get_planning_scene_client =

    arm_navigation_msgs::GetPlanningScene::Request planning_scene_req;
    arm_navigation_msgs::GetPlanningScene::Response planning_scene_res;

    arm_navigation_msgs::AttachedCollisionObject att_object;
    att_object.link_name = armName + "_gripper"; = "attached_cone";
    att_object.object.operation.operation = arm_navigation_msgs::CollisionObjectOperation::ADD;

    att_object.object.header.frame_id = "base_link";
    att_object.object.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

    Eigen::Vector3d p = robot_helpers::getPose(armName).inverse().translation() ;

    arm_navigation_msgs::Shape object;

    shapes::Mesh mesh ;
    makeSolidCone(mesh, radius, length, 10, 20) ;

    if(!planning_environment::constructObjectMsg(&mesh, object)) {
      ROS_WARN_STREAM("Object construction fails");

    geometry_msgs::Pose pose;
    pose.position.x = p.x();
    pose.position.y = p.y();
    pose.position.z = p.z() ;
    pose.orientation.x = 0;
    pose.orientation.y = 0;
    pose.orientation.z = 0;
    pose.orientation.w = 1;



    if(!, planning_scene_res)) return false;

    return true ;
Exemple #11
void OdeMesh::fillArrays(const aiScene* scene, const Eigen::Vector3d& scale)

  // Cound the total numbers of vertices and indices.
  auto mNumVertices = 0u;
  auto mNumIndices = 0u;
  for (auto i = 0u; i < scene->mNumMeshes; ++i)
    const auto mesh = scene->mMeshes[i];

    mNumVertices += mesh->mNumVertices;
    mNumIndices += mesh->mNumFaces;
  mNumVertices *= 3u;
  mNumIndices *= 3u;
  // The number of indices of each face is always 3 because we use the assimp
  // option `aiProcess_Triangulate` when loading meshes.


  auto vertexIndex = 0u;
  auto indexIndex = 0u;
  for (auto i = 0u; i < scene->mNumMeshes; ++i)
    const auto mesh = scene->mMeshes[i];

    for (auto j = 0u; j < mesh->mNumVertices; ++j)
      mVertices[vertexIndex] = mesh->mVertices[j].x * scale.x();
      mNormals[vertexIndex++] = mesh->mNormals[j].x;

      mVertices[vertexIndex] = mesh->mVertices[j].y * scale.y();
      mNormals[vertexIndex++] = mesh->mNormals[j].y;

      mVertices[vertexIndex] = mesh->mVertices[j].z * scale.z();
      mNormals[vertexIndex++] = mesh->mNormals[j].z;

    for (auto j = 0u; j < mesh->mNumFaces; ++j)
      mIndices[indexIndex++] = mesh->mFaces[j].mIndices[0];
      mIndices[indexIndex++] = mesh->mFaces[j].mIndices[1];
      mIndices[indexIndex++] = mesh->mFaces[j].mIndices[2];
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	Eigen::Matrix3d m;
	m<<3, 1, 2, 
           1, 3, 7,
	   2, 7, 4;

	Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> solver( m );
	for( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i ) {
		const double ev = solver.eigenvalues()( i,0 ).real(); //固有値
		const Eigen::Vector3d v =  solver.eigenvectors().col(i).real(); //固有ベクトル
		std::cerr<<i<<" : "<<ev<<" ( "<<v.x()<<", "<<v.y()<<", "<<v.z()<<")"<<std::endl;
	return 0;
Exemple #13
static void subject_publish_callback(const ViconDriver::Subject &subject)

  static std::map<std::string, ros::Publisher> vicon_publishers;
  std::map<std::string, ros::Publisher>::iterator it;

  it = vicon_publishers.find(;
  if(it == vicon_publishers.end())
    ros::Publisher pub = nh->advertise<vicon::Subject>(, 10);
    it = vicon_publishers.insert(std::make_pair(, pub)).first;

    Eigen::Affine3d current_pose = Eigen::Affine3d::Identity();
    current_pose = current_pose * calib_pose[];
    const Eigen::Vector3d position(current_pose.translation());
    const Eigen::Quaterniond rotation(current_pose.rotation());

    vicon::Subject subject_ros;
    subject_ros.header.seq = subject.frame_number;
    subject_ros.header.stamp = ros::Time(subject.time_usec / 1e6);
    subject_ros.header.frame_id = "/vicon"; =;
    subject_ros.occluded = subject.occluded;
    subject_ros.position.x = position.x();
    subject_ros.position.y = position.y();
    subject_ros.position.z = position.z();
    subject_ros.orientation.x = rotation.x();
    subject_ros.orientation.y = rotation.y();
    subject_ros.orientation.z = rotation.z();
    subject_ros.orientation.w = rotation.w();
    for(size_t i = 0; i < subject_ros.markers.size(); i++)
      subject_ros.markers[i].name = subject.markers[i].name;
      subject_ros.markers[i].subject_name = subject.markers[i].subject_name;
      subject_ros.markers[i].position.x = subject.markers[i].translation[0];
      subject_ros.markers[i].position.y = subject.markers[i].translation[1];
      subject_ros.markers[i].position.z = subject.markers[i].translation[2];
      subject_ros.markers[i].occluded = subject.markers[i].occluded;
vector<cv::Point2f> FeatureTracker::undistortedPoints()
    vector<cv::Point2f> un_pts;
    //cv::undistortPoints(cur_pts, un_pts, K, cv::Mat());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cur_pts.size(); i++)
        Eigen::Vector2d a(cur_pts[i].x, cur_pts[i].y);
        Eigen::Vector3d b;
        m_camera->liftProjective(a, b);
        un_pts.push_back(cv::Point2f(b.x() / b.z(), b.y() / b.z()));

    return un_pts;
Exemple #15
  inline void BasisSet::pointD5(BasisSet *set, const Eigen::Vector3d &delta,
                                const double &dr2, int basis,
                                Eigen::MatrixXd &out)
    // D type orbitals have six components and each component has a different
    // independent MO weighting. Many things can be cached to save time though
    double d0 = 0.0, d1p = 0.0, d1n = 0.0, d2p = 0.0, d2n = 0.0;

    // Now iterate through the D type GTOs and sum their contributions
    unsigned int cIndex = set->m_cIndices[basis];
    for (unsigned int i = set->m_gtoIndices[basis];
         i < set->m_gtoIndices[basis+1]; ++i) {
      // Calculate the common factor
      double tmpGTO = exp(-set->m_gtoA[i] * dr2);
      d0  += set->m_gtoCN[cIndex++] * tmpGTO;
      d1p += set->m_gtoCN[cIndex++] * tmpGTO;
      d1n += set->m_gtoCN[cIndex++] * tmpGTO;
      d2p += set->m_gtoCN[cIndex++] * tmpGTO;
      d2n += set->m_gtoCN[cIndex++] * tmpGTO;

    // Calculate the prefactors
    double xx = delta.x() * delta.x();
    double yy = delta.y() * delta.y();
    double zz = delta.z() * delta.z();
    double xy = delta.x() * delta.y();
    double xz = delta.x() * delta.z();
    double yz = delta.y() * delta.z();

    // Save values to the matrix
    int baseIndex = set->m_moIndices[basis];
    out.coeffRef(baseIndex  , 0) = (zz - dr2) * d0;
    out.coeffRef(baseIndex+1, 0) = xz * d1p;
    out.coeffRef(baseIndex+2, 0) = yz * d1n;
    out.coeffRef(baseIndex+3, 0) = (xx - yy) * d2p;
    out.coeffRef(baseIndex+4, 0) = xy * d2n;
bool VectorVisualization::visualize(const grid_map::GridMap& map)
  if (!isActive()) return true;

  for (const auto& type : types_) {
    if (!map.exists(type)) {
          "VectorVisualization::visualize: No grid map layer with name '" << type << "' found.");
      return false;

  // Set marker info.
  marker_.header.frame_id = map.getFrameId();

  // Clear points.

  for (grid_map::GridMapIterator iterator(map); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator)
    if (!map.isValid(*iterator, positionLayer_) || !map.isValid(*iterator, types_)) continue;
    geometry_msgs::Vector3 vector;
    vector.x =[0], *iterator); // FIXME(cfo): segfaults when types is not set
    vector.y =[1], *iterator);
    vector.z =[2], *iterator);

    Eigen::Vector3d position;
    map.getPosition3(positionLayer_, *iterator, position);
    geometry_msgs::Point startPoint;
    startPoint.x = position.x();
    startPoint.y = position.y();
    startPoint.z = position.z();

    geometry_msgs::Point endPoint;
    endPoint.x = startPoint.x + scale_ * vector.x;
    endPoint.y = startPoint.y + scale_ * vector.y;
    endPoint.z = startPoint.z + scale_ * vector.z;

    marker_.colors.push_back(color_); // Each vertex needs a color.

  return true;
Exemple #17
bool Reader::updatePoint( const Eigen::Vector3d& offset )
    if( !m_point ) { return false; } // is it safe to do it without locking the mutex?
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_mutex );
    if( !updated_ ) { return false; }
    m_translation = QVector3D( m_point->x(), m_point->y(), m_point->z() );
    m_offset = QVector3D( offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z() );
    if( m_orientation )
        const Eigen::Quaterniond& q = snark::rotation_matrix( *m_orientation ).quaternion();
        m_quaternion = QQuaternion( q.w(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z() );
    updated_ = false;
    return true;
void collision_detection::StaticDistanceField::determineCollisionPoints(
      const bodies::Body& body,
      double resolution,
      EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d& points)
  bodies::BoundingSphere sphere;
  double xval_s = std::floor(( - sphere.radius - resolution) / resolution) * resolution;
  double yval_s = std::floor(( - sphere.radius - resolution) / resolution) * resolution;
  double zval_s = std::floor(( - sphere.radius - resolution) / resolution) * resolution;
  double xval_e = + sphere.radius + resolution;
  double yval_e = + sphere.radius + resolution;
  double zval_e = + sphere.radius + resolution;
  Eigen::Vector3d pt;
  for(pt.x() = xval_s; pt.x() <= xval_e; pt.x() += resolution) {
    for(pt.y() = yval_s; pt.y() <= yval_e; pt.y() += resolution) {
      for(pt.z() = zval_s; pt.z() <= zval_e; pt.z() += resolution) {
        if(body.containsPoint(pt)) {
void collision_detection::StaticDistanceField::getCellGradient(
      int cell_id,
      Eigen::Vector3d& gradient) const
    if (cell_id + this->stride2_ + this->stride1_ + 1 >= num_cells_total_ ||
      cell_id - this->stride2_ - this->stride1_ - 1 < 0)
    gradient = Eigen::Vector3d(1,0,0);

  gradient.x() = (getCell(cell_id + stride1_).distance_ - getCell(cell_id - stride1_).distance_) * inv_twice_resolution_;
  gradient.y() = (getCell(cell_id + stride2_).distance_ - getCell(cell_id - stride2_).distance_) * inv_twice_resolution_;
  gradient.z() = (getCell(cell_id +        1).distance_ - getCell(cell_id -        1).distance_) * inv_twice_resolution_;
	void vision_position_estimate(uint64_t usec,
			Eigen::Vector3d &position,
			Eigen::Vector3d &rpy)
		mavlink::common::msg::VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE vp{};

		vp.usec = usec;

		// [[[cog:
		// for f in "xyz":
		//     cog.outl("vp.%s = position.%s();" % (f, f))
		// for a, b in zip("xyz", ('roll', 'pitch', 'yaw')):
		//     cog.outl("vp.%s = rpy.%s();" % (b, a))
		// ]]]
		vp.x = position.x();
		vp.y = position.y();
		vp.z = position.z();
		vp.roll = rpy.x();
		vp.pitch = rpy.y();
		vp.yaw = rpy.z();
		// [[[end]]] (checksum: 2048daf411780847e77f08fe5a0b9dd3)

Exemple #21
void distance_field::findInternalPointsConvex(
      const bodies::Body& body,
      double resolution,
      EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d& points)
  bodies::BoundingSphere sphere;
  double xval_s = std::floor(( - sphere.radius - resolution) / resolution) * resolution;
  double yval_s = std::floor(( - sphere.radius - resolution) / resolution) * resolution;
  double zval_s = std::floor(( - sphere.radius - resolution) / resolution) * resolution;
  double xval_e = + sphere.radius + resolution;
  double yval_e = + sphere.radius + resolution;
  double zval_e = + sphere.radius + resolution;
  Eigen::Vector3d pt;
  for(pt.x() = xval_s; pt.x() <= xval_e; pt.x() += resolution) {
    for(pt.y() = yval_s; pt.y() <= yval_e; pt.y() += resolution) {
      for(pt.z() = zval_s; pt.z() <= zval_e; pt.z() += resolution) {
        if(body.containsPoint(pt)) {
Eigen::Vector2d KinematicUtil::calculate_kinematic_robot_angle(const KRobot& robot, int sup) {
    JointIds supId = (sup == SupportLeg::left? JointIds::LFootEndpoint: JointIds::RFootEndpoint);
    Eigen::Affine3d suppport_transform = robot[supId].get_chain_matrix_inverse();
    Eigen::Vector3d angle = suppport_transform.linear().col(2);//.normalized();
    if(angle == Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) {
        return Eigen::Vector2d::Zero();
    //TODO I think I still need some normalisation here, but for now this should be sufficient. I only expect a rotation on one axis,
    // so the normalization should not be crucial required.
    double x_part = Vector2d{angle.y(), angle.z()}.normalized().x();
    double y_part = Vector2d{angle.x(), angle.z()}.normalized().x();
    // I don't know how to fix the scaling for the second angle on the x-axis, but it's not so important, I'll leave this as TODO
    // TODO fix the scaling, so that we can handle both axes correctly and simultaneously
    return angle.z() < 0.0 ? Eigen::Vector2d{-asin(x_part), pi - asin(y_part)}
                         : Eigen::Vector2d{-asin(x_part), asin(y_part)};
Exemple #23
 point( const snark::las::point< 1 >& p, const Eigen::Vector3d& factor, const Eigen::Vector3d& offset )
     : coordinates( Eigen::Vector3d( factor.x() * p.coordinates.x()
                                   , factor.y() * p.coordinates.y()
                                   , factor.z() * p.coordinates.z() ) + offset )
     , intensity( p.intensity() )
     , return_number( p.returns().number )
     , number_of_returns( p.returns().size )
     , scan_direction( p.returns().scan_direction )
     , edge_of_flight_line( p.returns().edge_of_flight_line )
     , classification( p.classification() )
     , scan_angle( p.scan_angle() )
     , user_data( p.user_data() )
     , point_source_id( p.point_source_id() )
     , gps_time( p.gps_time() )
Exemple #24
  Eigen::Vector3d pose3Dto2D (geometry_msgs::Point const & translation,
			      geometry_msgs::Quaternion const & orientation)
    // Can somebody please explain to me why Eigen has chosen to store
    // the parameters in (x,y,z,w) order, but provide a ctor in
    // (w,x,y,z) order? What have they been smoking?
    Eigen::Quaternion<double> const rot (orientation.w,
    Eigen::Vector3d ux;
    ux << 1.0, 0.0, 0.0;
    ux = rot._transformVector (ux);
    Eigen::Vector3d pose (translation.x, translation.y, atan2 (ux.y(), ux.x()));
    return pose;
    void feedbackMaster()
        // WEIRD MAPPING!!!
        phantom_omni::OmniFeedback force_feedback;

//        geometry_msgs::Twist twist_msg_resulting_force;
//        twist_msg_resulting_force.linear.x= resulting_force.y();
//        twist_msg_resulting_force.linear.y=resulting_force.x();
//        twist_msg_resulting_force.linear.z=resulting_force.z();

//       repulsive_force_out.publish(twist_msg_resulting_force);

	void vision_speed_estimate(uint64_t usec, Eigen::Vector3d &v)
		mavlink::common::msg::VISION_SPEED_ESTIMATE vs{};

		vs.usec = usec;

		// [[[cog:
		// for f in "xyz":
		//     cog.outl("vs.%s = v.%s();" % (f, f))
		// ]]]
		vs.x = v.x();
		vs.y = v.y();
		vs.z = v.z();
		// [[[end]]] (checksum: aee3cc9a73a2e736b7bc6c83ea93abdb)

Exemple #27
TEST (PCL, WarpPointRigid6DDouble)
  WarpPointRigid6D<PointXYZ, PointXYZ, double> warp;
  Eigen::Quaterniond q (0.4455, 0.9217, 0.3382, 0.3656);
  q.normalize ();
  Eigen::Vector3d t (0.82550, 0.11697, 0.44864);

  Eigen::VectorXd p (6);
  p[0] = t.x (); p[1] = t.y (); p[2] = t.z (); p[3] = q.x (); p[4] = q.y (); p[5] = q.z ();
  warp.setParam (p);

  PointXYZ pin (1, 2, 3), pout;
  warp.warpPoint (pin, pout);
  EXPECT_NEAR (pout.x, 4.15963, 1e-5);
  EXPECT_NEAR (pout.y, -1.51363, 1e-5);
  EXPECT_NEAR (pout.z, 0.922648, 1e-5);
bool planArmToPose(const string &armName, const Eigen::Vector3d &pos, const Eigen::Quaterniond &q, trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &traj, arm_navigation_msgs::SimplePoseConstraint *poseConstraint)
    clopema_arm_navigation::ClopemaMotionPlan mp;
    mp.request.motion_plan_req.group_name = armName + "_arm" ;
    mp.request.motion_plan_req.allowed_planning_time = ros::Duration(5.0);

    if ( !getRobotState(mp.request.motion_plan_req.start_state) ) return false ;

    arm_navigation_msgs::SimplePoseConstraint desired_pose;

    desired_pose.header.frame_id = "base_link";
    desired_pose.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
    desired_pose.link_name = armName + "_ee";
    desired_pose.pose.position.x = pos.x() ;
    desired_pose.pose.position.y = pos.y() ;
    desired_pose.pose.position.z = pos.z() ;

    desired_pose.pose.orientation.x = q.x() ;
    desired_pose.pose.orientation.y = q.y() ;
    desired_pose.pose.orientation.z = q.z() ;
    desired_pose.pose.orientation.w = q.w() ;

    if ( poseConstraint )
        desired_pose.absolute_position_tolerance = poseConstraint->absolute_position_tolerance ;
        desired_pose.absolute_roll_tolerance = poseConstraint->absolute_roll_tolerance ;
        desired_pose.absolute_pitch_tolerance = poseConstraint->absolute_pitch_tolerance ;
        desired_pose.absolute_yaw_tolerance = poseConstraint->absolute_yaw_tolerance ;
        desired_pose.absolute_position_tolerance.x = desired_pose.absolute_position_tolerance.y = desired_pose.absolute_position_tolerance.z = 0.02;
        desired_pose.absolute_roll_tolerance = desired_pose.absolute_pitch_tolerance = desired_pose.absolute_yaw_tolerance = 0.04;

    poseToClopemaMotionPlan(mp, desired_pose);

    if (!plan(mp)) return false;

    traj = mp.response.joint_trajectory ;

    if ( traj.points.size() > 2 ) return true ;

    return false;
bool VectorVisualization::visualize(const grid_map::GridMap& map)
  if (markerPublisher_.getNumSubscribers () < 1) return true;

  // Set marker info.
  marker_.header.frame_id = map.getFrameId();

  // Clear points.

  for (grid_map_lib::GridMapIterator iterator(map); !iterator.isPassedEnd(); ++iterator)
    if (!map.isValid(*iterator) || !map.isValid(*iterator, types_)) continue;

    geometry_msgs::Vector3 vector;
    vector.x =[0], *iterator);
    vector.y =[1], *iterator);
    vector.z =[2], *iterator);

    Eigen::Vector3d position;
    map.getPosition3d(positionType_, *iterator, position);
    geometry_msgs::Point startPoint;
    startPoint.x = position.x();
    startPoint.y = position.y();
    startPoint.z = position.z();

    geometry_msgs::Point endPoint;
    endPoint.x = startPoint.x + scale_ * vector.x;
    endPoint.y = startPoint.y + scale_ * vector.y;
    endPoint.z = startPoint.z + scale_ * vector.z;

    marker_.colors.push_back(color_); // Each vertex needs a color.

  return true;
void Task::createPointcloudFromMLS(PCLPointCloudPtr pointcloud, envire::MultiLevelSurfaceGrid* mls_grid)
    float vertical_distance = (mls_grid->getScaleX() + mls_grid->getScaleY()) * 0.5;
    if(vertical_distance <= 0.0)
        vertical_distance = 0.1;
    // create pointcloud from mls
    for(size_t x=0;x<mls_grid->getCellSizeX();x++)
        for(size_t y=0;y<mls_grid->getCellSizeY();y++)
            for( envire::MLSGrid::iterator cit = mls_grid->beginCell(x,y); cit != mls_grid->endCell(); cit++ )
                envire::MLSGrid::SurfacePatch p( *cit );
                Eigen::Vector3d cellPosWorld = mls_grid->fromGrid(x, y, mls_grid->getEnvironment()->getRootNode());
                pcl::PointXYZ point;
                point.x = cellPosWorld.x();
                point.y = cellPosWorld.y();
                point.z = cellPosWorld.z();
                    point.z = cellPosWorld.z() + p.mean;
                else if(p.isVertical())
                    float min_z = (float)p.getMinZ(0);
                    float max_z = (float)p.getMaxZ(0);
                    for(float z = min_z; z <= max_z; z += vertical_distance)
                        point.z = cellPosWorld.z() + z;