void ArrowModel::onPointUpdated(void) { GraphicModel::points.clear(); double x1, y1; GyPoint pt; if(!bNullArrow) { // Adding label position Glib::RefPtr<Goocanvas::Item> item = parentWindow->m_Canvas->get_item(label); if(item) { Goocanvas::Bounds bi = item->get_bounds(); bi = item->get_bounds(); pt.x = bi.get_x1(); pt.y = bi.get_y1(); } else pt.x = pt.y = -1; } GraphicModel::points.push_back(pt); Goocanvas::Points pts = this->property_points().get_value(); for(int i=0; i<pts.get_num_points(); i++) { pts.get_coordinate(i, x1, y1); pt.x = x1; pt.y = y1; GraphicModel::points.push_back(pt); } }
bool MidpointModel::onItemMotionNotifyEvent(const Glib::RefPtr<Goocanvas::Item>& item, GdkEventMotion* event) { if(item && _dragging && item == _dragging) { parentWindow->setModified(); double new_x = event->x ; double new_y = event->y ; item->translate(new_x - _drag_x, new_y - _drag_y); if(event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) { int index = arrow->getIndex(point_x, point_y); if(index) { Gdk::Point current_point, base_point; int dist; current_point = getContactPoint(); // adjusting to the previous point base_point = arrow->getPoint(index-1); dist = current_point.get_y() - base_point.get_y(); if(abs(dist) <= AUTOSNIPE_MARGINE) item->translate(0, -dist); dist = current_point.get_x() - base_point.get_x(); if(abs(dist) <= AUTOSNIPE_MARGINE) item->translate(-dist, 0); // adjusting to the next point base_point = arrow->getPoint(index+1); dist = current_point.get_y() - base_point.get_y(); if(abs(dist) <= AUTOSNIPE_MARGINE) item->translate(0, -dist); dist = current_point.get_x() - base_point.get_x(); if(abs(dist) <= AUTOSNIPE_MARGINE) item->translate(-dist, 0); } } Goocanvas::Bounds bi = item->get_bounds(); bi = item->get_bounds(); if(bi.get_x1() < 0) item->translate(-bi.get_x1(), 0); if(bi.get_y1() < 0) item->translate(0, -bi.get_y1()); snapToGrid(); // updating arrows coordination updateCoordiantes(); } return true; }
void ArrowModel::setLabelPosition(double x, double y) { if(!bNullArrow) { Glib::RefPtr<Goocanvas::Item> item = parentWindow->m_Canvas->get_item(label); if(item) { Goocanvas::Bounds bi = item->get_bounds(); bi = item->get_bounds(); item->translate(x-bi.get_x1(), y-bi.get_y1()); } onPointUpdated(); } }
void ApplicationModel::updateBounds(void) { for(int i=0; i<this->get_n_children(); i++) { Glib::RefPtr<Goocanvas::Item> item = parentWindow->m_Canvas->get_item(this->get_child(i)); if(item) { Goocanvas::Bounds bd = item->get_bounds(); bounds.set_x1( (bounds.get_x1() < bd.get_x1()) ? bounds.get_x1(): bd.get_x1() ); bounds.set_x2( (bounds.get_x2() > bd.get_x2()) ? bounds.get_x2(): bd.get_x2() ); bounds.set_y1( (bounds.get_y1() < bd.get_y1()) ? bounds.get_y1(): bd.get_y1() ); bounds.set_y2( (bounds.get_y2() > bd.get_y2()) ? bounds.get_y2(): bd.get_y2() ); } } width = MAX(MIN_WIDTH + text_w, bounds.get_x2()-bounds.get_x1() + 2*ITEMS_MARGIE); height = MAX(MIN_HEIGHT, bounds.get_y2()-bounds.get_y1() + 2*ITEMS_MARGIE + text_h); Goocanvas::Points points(6); points.set_coordinate(0, 0, 0); points.set_coordinate(1, text_w+TEXT_MARGINE*2, 0); points.set_coordinate(2, text_w+TEXT_MARGINE*2, text_h+TEXT_MARGINE); points.set_coordinate(3, width, text_h+TEXT_MARGINE); points.set_coordinate(4, width, height); points.set_coordinate(5, 0, height); poly->property_points().set_value(points); Goocanvas::Points points3(3); points3.set_coordinate(0, width, text_h+TEXT_MARGINE); points3.set_coordinate(1, width, height); points3.set_coordinate(2, 0, height); shadow->property_points().set_value(points3); }
void getUrl(){ //get the actual Url Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator start, end; Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextBuffer> buffer = textview_url->get_buffer(); buffer->get_bounds (start, end); url = buffer->get_text(start, end, FALSE); }
bool ExternalPortModel::onItemMotionNotifyEvent(const Glib::RefPtr<Goocanvas::Item>& item, GdkEventMotion* event) { if(bNested) return true; if(item && _dragging && item == _dragging) { parentWindow->setModified(); double new_x = event->x ; double new_y = event->y ; item->get_parent()->translate(new_x - _drag_x, new_y - _drag_y); Goocanvas::Bounds bi = item->get_bounds(); bi = item->get_parent()->get_bounds(); if(bi.get_x1() < 0) item->get_parent()->translate(-bi.get_x1(), 0); if(bi.get_y1() < 0) item->get_parent()->translate(0, -bi.get_y1()); snapToGrid(); // updating arrows coordination updateArrowCoordination(); bool needUpdate = false; if(parentWindow->m_Canvas) { Goocanvas::Bounds bc; parentWindow->m_Canvas->get_bounds(bc); needUpdate = (bi.get_x2() > bc.get_x2()) || (bi.get_y2() > bc.get_y2()); if(needUpdate) { new_x = (bi.get_x2() > bc.get_x2()) ? bi.get_x2() : bc.get_x2(); new_y = (bi.get_y2() > bc.get_y2()) ? bi.get_y2() : bc.get_y2(); parentWindow->m_Canvas->set_bounds(0,0, new_x, new_y); if(parentWindow->m_Grid) { g_object_set(parentWindow->m_Grid, "width", new_x, NULL); g_object_set(parentWindow->m_Grid, "height", new_y, NULL); } } } } return true; }