int lua_random_seed(lua_State *L) { RandomLib::Random *s = Glue<RandomLib::Random>::checkto(L, 1); if(lua::is<RandomLib::RandomSeed::seed_type>(L, 2)) { RandomLib::RandomSeed::seed_type seed = lua::to<RandomLib::RandomSeed::seed_type>(L, 2); s->Reseed(seed); } else { luaL_error(L, "Random.seed: invalid arguments"); } return 0; }
int main(int, char**) { RandomLib::Random r; r.Reseed(); #if HAVE_LAMBDA std::cout << "Illustrate calling STL routines with lambda expressions\n"; #else std::cout << "Illustrate calling STL routines without lambda expressions\n"; #endif std::cout << "Using " << r.Name() << "\n" << "with seed " << r.SeedString() << "\n\n"; std::vector<unsigned> c(10); // Fill with unsigned in [0, 2^32) #if HAVE_LAMBDA std::generate(c.begin(), c.end(), [&r]() throw() -> unsigned { return r(); }); #else std::generate<std::vector<unsigned>::iterator, RandomLib::Random&> (c.begin(), c.end(), r); #endif std::vector<double> b(10); // Fill with normal deviates #if HAVE_LAMBDA RandomLib::NormalDistribution<> nf; std::generate(b.begin(), b.end(), [&r, &nf]() throw() -> double { return nf(r,0.0,2.0); }); #else std::generate(b.begin(), b.end(), RandomNormal<>(r,0.0,2.0)); #endif std::vector<int> a(20); // How to shuffle large vectors #if HAVE_LAMBDA int i = 0; std::generate(a.begin(), a.end(), [&i]() throw() -> int { return i++; }); std::random_shuffle(a.begin(), a.end(), [&r](unsigned long long n) throw() -> unsigned long long { return r.Integer<unsigned long long>(n); }); #else for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) a[i] = int(i); RandomInt<unsigned long long> shuffler(r); std::random_shuffle(a.begin(), a.end(), shuffler); #endif return 0; }
/**** GLOBAL ****/ void Common::seedRNG() { QMutexLocker lock(&rngLock); static bool seeded = false; if (!seeded) { srand(0); // We seed with 0 instead of time(NULL) to have reproducible randomness seeded = true; g_rand.Reseed(0); } }
void NS_move(float* Matrix, float** ptrk, std::vector<Coordinates>& chain, std::vector<Coordinates>& chain_trial, std::vector<int*>& k_array, std::vector<int*>& p_array, std::vector<int>& ruffle, RandomLib::Random& r, Lattice lattice, int chain_length) { int rand, l; int intersection = 1; bool success = false; std::vector<Coordinates>::const_iterator itc; while (intersection == 1) { rand = r.Integer(2); if (rand == 0) { success = bondrebridging_2D(ptrk, Matrix, chain, chain_trial, p_array, k_array, r, lattice, chain_length); } else { success = pullmove(Matrix, chain_trial, k_array, ruffle, r, lattice, chain_length); } if(success == false) { l = 0; for(itc = chain_trial.begin(); itc != chain_trial.end(); ++itc) { chain_trial[l].reset_coordinates(Matrix, lattice, chain[l].get_x(), chain[l].get_y()); ++l; } } else { intersection = 0; l = 0; for(itc = chain.begin(); itc != chain.end(); ++itc) { chain[l].reset_coordinates(Matrix, lattice, chain_trial[l].get_x(), chain_trial[l].get_y()); ++l; } } l = 0; for(itc = chain.begin(); itc != chain.end(); ++itc) { k_array[l] = chain_trial[l].get_ptrk(); p_array[l] = chain_trial[l].get_ptrp(); l++; } } }
void potts_NestedSampling_Algorithm_2D(float** ptrMatrix, float* Matrix, std::vector<double>& coordinates, std::vector<double>& likelyhoods, std::vector<double>& postlikelyhoods, Lattice lattice, RandomLib::Random& r, double const J, double const h, double const label_coeff, int const K, int const max, int const mcycle) { int k, p, z, distance, iteration, K_iteration, oldSpin; double H_tot, H_in, H_fin, H_tot_constraint, H_tot_trial; initialise_likelyhoods(likelyhoods, K); initialise_likelyhoods(postlikelyhoods, K); initialise_coordinates(coordinates, lattice, K); for(int i = 0; i < K; i++) { potts_generate_random_matrix_2D(Matrix, lattice, r, max); H_tot = potts_total_hamiltonian_2D(ptrMatrix,lattice,J,h); H_tot = label_likelyhood(H_tot, label_coeff, r); likelyhoods.insert(likelyhoods.end(), H_tot); add_coordinates(Matrix, coordinates, lattice); } std::cout<<"END OF INITIALISATION"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"likelyhoods.size: "<<likelyhoods.size()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"coordinates.size: "<<coordinates.size()<<std::endl; bool LOOP = true; std::vector<double>::iterator max_likelyhood; while(LOOP == true) { max_likelyhood = std::max_element(likelyhoods.begin(),likelyhoods.end()); distance = std::distance(likelyhoods.begin(), max_likelyhood); H_tot_constraint =; postlikelyhoods.insert(postlikelyhoods.end(), H_tot_constraint); //std::cout<<"H_tot_constraint: "<<H_tot_constraint<<std::endl; distance = get_randomlikelyhood_coordinates(Matrix, coordinates, likelyhoods, r, lattice); H_tot =; K_iteration = 0; for(z = 0; z < mcycle; z++) { Matrix_samplepoint_2D(lattice, r, &k, &p); H_in = potts_nodal_hamiltonian_2D(ptrMatrix, p, lattice, J, h); //flip spin oldSpin = Matrix[k]; Matrix[k] = r.IntegerC(1, max); H_fin = potts_nodal_hamiltonian_2D(ptrMatrix, p, lattice, J, h); H_tot_trial = H_tot - H_in + H_fin; H_tot_trial = label_likelyhood(H_tot_trial, label_coeff, r); if (H_tot_trial < H_tot_constraint) { H_tot = H_tot_trial; } else { Matrix[k] = oldSpin; } if (z == mcycle - 1) { if (H_tot < H_tot_constraint) { replace_maxlikelyhood_coordinates(Matrix, coordinates, likelyhoods, lattice, H_tot); break; } else { //std::cout<<"change"<<std::endl; K_iteration = get_alternativelikelyhood_coordinates_random(Matrix, coordinates, likelyhoods,lattice, r, K, H_tot, K_iteration); z = 0; ++K_iteration; } } else if (K_iteration == K ) { LOOP = false; std::cout<<"Algorithm termination condition met"<<std::endl; break; } } } }
void WangLandau_Algorithm_bean_2D(float** ptrMatrix, float* Matrix, std::vector<double>& Histogram, std::vector<double>& Histogram2, std::vector<double>& DOS, Lattice lattice, Bean bean, RandomLib::Random& r, double* ptrf, double const InitialDOS, double const end_f, double const average_frac, double const J, double const h, int const mcycle) { int k, p, z, g, average; double H_tot_trial, H_in, H_fin, gE1, gE2; int M = lattice.get_M(); int N = lattice.get_N(); double H_tot = ising_total_hamiltonian_2D(ptrMatrix,lattice,J,h); initialiseHistogram_bean(Histogram, DOS); initialiseHistogram_bean(Histogram2, DOS); /* std::cout<<"DEBUG3: DOS size: "<<DOS.size()<< std::endl; std::cout<<"DEBUG3: Histogram size: "<<Histogram.size()<< std::endl; */ while(*ptrf >= end_f) { bool LOOP = true; //std::cout<<"DEBUG Outer while loop"<<std::endl; while(LOOP == true) { //std::cout<<"DEBUG inner while loop"<<std::endl; for(z = 0; z < mcycle; z++) { //the inner loop is necessary for the preconditioning //select random node on the lattice Matrix Matrix_samplepoint_2D(lattice, r, &k, &p); H_in = ising_nodal_hamiltonian_2D(ptrMatrix, p, lattice, J, h); //flip spin Matrix[k] = - Matrix[k]; H_fin = ising_nodal_hamiltonian_2D(ptrMatrix, p, lattice, J, h); H_tot_trial = H_tot - H_in + H_fin; gE1 = get_DOS_bean(DOS, bean, H_tot); gE2 = get_DOS_bean(DOS, bean, H_tot_trial); if(gE2 <= gE1) { H_tot = H_tot_trial; update_DOS_bean(DOS, Histogram, Histogram2, bean, ptrf, H_tot, InitialDOS); update_EnergyHistogram_bean(Histogram, bean, H_tot); } else if (r.Fixed() <= exp( gE1 - gE2 ) ) { H_tot = H_tot_trial; update_DOS_bean(DOS, Histogram, Histogram2, bean, ptrf, H_tot, InitialDOS); update_EnergyHistogram_bean(Histogram, bean, H_tot); } else { Matrix[k] = - Matrix[k]; update_DOS_bean(DOS, Histogram, Histogram2, bean, ptrf, H_tot, InitialDOS); update_EnergyHistogram_bean(Histogram, bean, H_tot); } } average = average_EnergyHistogram_bean(Histogram, DOS, InitialDOS, end_f); LOOP = termination_EnergyHistogram_bean(Histogram, DOS, InitialDOS, average, average_frac, end_f); } initialiseHistogram_bean(Histogram, DOS); evolve_update_function_sqrt(ptrf); } }
template<> RandomLib::Random * Glue<RandomLib::Random>::usr_new(lua_State * L) { RandomLib::Random *r = new RandomLib::Random(); r->Reseed(); return r; }
int lua_random_reset(lua_State *L) { RandomLib::Random *s = Glue<RandomLib::Random>::checkto(L, 1); s->Reset(); return 0; }
int lua_random_Float32(lua_State *L) { RandomLib::Random *s = Glue<RandomLib::Random>::checkto(L, 1); lua::push<double>(L, s->Fixed()); return 1; }
void sar(char *argv[], unsigned int seed) { RandomLib::Random rng; rng.Reseed(); // List of variables for run conditions: const int num_species = 50; const int num_patches = 300; const int num_step = 5000; const int search_radius = 5; // Species characteristics: const double d = 0.5; // Species mean dispersal distance (shapes dispersal kernel): 1/d const double m = 0.1; // Disturbance probability (disturbance kills individual) const double niche_min = 0.1; // Competitive strength of empty cells const double emi_from_out = 0.001; // Seed bank array2Ddouble E; array2Dint occupied; array2Dint disturbance_counter; SetArraySize2d(E, num_patches, num_patches); SetArraySize2d(occupied, num_patches, num_patches); SetArraySize2d(disturbance_counter, num_patches, num_patches); // List of global species characteristic parameters (read in from file or defined in main function): double *h = new double[num_species]; double *u = new double[num_species]; double *c = new double[num_species]; double *sigma = new double[num_species]; // read in species characteristics from file char buffer[100]; sprintf(buffer, "%s_st.txt", argv[1]); std::ifstream input_traits(buffer); for (int i = 0; i < num_species; ++i) { input_traits >> sigma[i]; // Niche width input_traits >> h[i]; // Performance at niche optimum (height, y at maximum) input_traits >> c[i]; // Seed production input_traits >> u[i]; // Resource at niche optimum (location, x at maximum) } input_traits.close(); sprintf(buffer, "%s_species.txt", argv[1]); std::ifstream input_species(buffer); { int i = 0, j = 0; while (!input_species.eof()) { input_species >> i; input_species >> j; input_species >> E[i][j]; input_species >> occupied[i][j]; input_species >> disturbance_counter[i][j]; } } input_species.close(); for (int block = 0; block < 1; ++block) { sprintf(buffer, "%s_dest%d.txt", argv[1], block); std::ifstream input_dest(buffer); for (int i = 0; i < num_patches; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < num_patches; ++j) { disturbance_counter[i][j] = 0; // occupied[i][j] = 0; } } // Removed the input_dest as a matrix and replaced by a list (see next loop). // for (int i = 0; i < num_patches; ++i) // { // for (int j = 0; j < num_patches; ++j) // { // input_dest >> E[i][j]; // } // } // The input file is now x,y,E with 90000 lines { int i = 0, j = 0; while (!input_dest.eof()) { input_dest >> i; input_dest >> j; input_dest >> E[i][j]; } } input_dest.close(); // for (int x = 0; x < num_patches; x++) // { // for (int y = 0; y < num_patches; y++) // { // const int s = (int)(rng.Fixed() * num_species); // Select a species at random // occupied[x][y] = NICHE_F(h[s], u[s], E[x][y], sigma[s]) < niche_min ? EMPTY : s; // } // } double all_possible_seeds = 0; for (int dx = -search_radius; dx <= search_radius; dx++) { for (int dy = -search_radius; dy <= search_radius; dy++) { if ((dx != 0) || (dy != 0)) { all_possible_seeds += exp(-d * sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)); } } } all_possible_seeds += emi_from_out * num_species; for (int t = 0; t < num_step; ++t) { for (int cell = 0; cell < num_patches * num_patches; cell++) { const int x = (int)(rng.Fixed() * num_patches); const int y = (int)(rng.Fixed() * num_patches); if(rng.Fixed() < m) { occupied[x][y] = EMPTY; ++disturbance_counter[x][y]; // BR } double Niche_res = niche_min; if (occupied[x][y] != EMPTY) { int i = occupied[x][y]; Niche_res = NICHE_F(h[i], u[i], E[x][y], sigma[i]); } std::vector<double> Seed(num_species, 0.0); const int dx_min = (x - search_radius < 0) ? -x : -search_radius; const int dx_max = (x + search_radius >= num_patches) ? num_patches - 1 - x : search_radius; const int dy_min = (y - search_radius < 0) ? -y : -search_radius; const int dy_max = (y + search_radius >= num_patches) ? num_patches - 1 - y : search_radius; assert(x + dx_min >= 0 && x + dx_max < num_patches); assert(y + dy_min >= 0 && y + dy_max < num_patches); for (int dx = dx_min; dx <= dx_max; ++dx) { for (int dy = dy_min; dy <= dy_max; ++dy) { if (((dx != 0) || (dy != 0)) && (occupied[x + dx][y + dy] != EMPTY)) { int i = occupied[x + dx][y + dy]; if (NICHE_F(h[i], u[i], E[x][y], sigma[i]) > Niche_res) { Seed[i] += c[i] * (exp(-d * sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy))); } } } } double all_seeds = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < num_species; ++i) { if (NICHE_F(h[i], u[i], E[x][y], sigma[i]) > Niche_res) { Seed[i] += emi_from_out; } all_seeds += Seed[i]; } bool total_colon = false; if (all_seeds / all_possible_seeds > rng.Fixed()) { total_colon = true; } std::vector<double> Prob_recruit(num_species, 0.0); if (total_colon == true) { //Prob_recruit[0] = Colon[0]/double(total_colon); Prob_recruit[0] = Seed[0] / all_seeds; for (int i = 1; i < num_species; ++i) { Prob_recruit[i] = Seed[i] / all_seeds + Prob_recruit[i-1]; } occupied[x][y] = EMPTY; double randnumb = rng.Fixed(); for (int i = 0; i < num_species; i++) { if (randnumb < Prob_recruit[i]) { assert(NICHE_F(h[i], u[i], E[x][y], sigma[i]) > niche_min); occupied[x][y] = i; break; } } } } // ends loop over cells } // ends loop t sprintf(buffer, "%s_out200_%d.txt", argv[1], block); std::ofstream out(buffer); for (int x = 0; x < num_patches; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < num_patches; ++y) { out << x << " " << y << " " << E[x][y] << " " << occupied[x][y] << " " << disturbance_counter[x][y] << "\n"; } } out.close(); } }
int main(int, char**) { // Create r with a random seed RandomLib::Random r; r.Reseed(); std::cout << "Using " << r.Name() << "\n" << "with seed " << r.SeedString() << "\n\n"; { std::cout << "Sampling exactly from the normal distribution. First number is\n" << "in binary with ... indicating an infinite sequence of random\n" << "bits. Second number gives the corresponding interval. Third\n" << "number is the result of filling in the missing bits and rounding\n" << "exactly to the nearest representable double.\n"; const int bits = 1; RandomLib::ExactNormal<bits> ndist; long long num = 20000000ll; long long bitcount = 0; int numprint = 16; for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) { long long k = r.Count(); RandomLib::RandomNumber<bits> x = ndist(r); // Sample bitcount += r.Count() - k; if (i < numprint) { std::pair<double, double> z = x.Range(); std::cout << x << " = " // Print in binary with ellipsis << "(" << z.first << "," << z.second << ")"; // Print range double v = x.Value<double>(r); // Round exactly to nearest double std::cout << " = " << v << "\n"; } else if (i == numprint) std::cout << std::flush; } std::cout << "Number of bits needed to obtain the binary representation averaged\n" << "over " << num << " samples = " << bitcount/double(num) << "\n\n"; } { std::cout << "Sampling exactly from exp(-x). First number is in binary with\n" << "... indicating an infinite sequence of random bits. Second\n" << "number gives the corresponding interval. Third number is the\n" << "result of filling in the missing bits and rounding exactly to\n" << "the nearest representable double.\n"; const int bits = 1; RandomLib::ExactExponential<bits> edist; long long num = 50000000ll; long long bitcount = 0; int numprint = 16; for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) { long long k = r.Count(); RandomLib::RandomNumber<bits> x = edist(r); // Sample bitcount += r.Count() - k; if (i < numprint) { std::pair<double, double> z = x.Range(); std::cout << x << " = " // Print in binary with ellipsis << "(" << z.first << "," << z.second << ")"; // Print range double v = x.Value<double>(r); // Round exactly to nearest double std::cout << " = " << v << "\n"; } else if (i == numprint) std::cout << std::flush; } std::cout << "Number of bits needed to obtain the binary representation averaged\n" << "over " << num << " samples = " << bitcount/double(num) << "\n\n"; } { std::cout << "Sampling exactly from the discrete normal distribution with\n" << "sigma = 7 and mu = 1/2.\n"; RandomLib::DiscreteNormal<int> gdist(7,1,1,2); long long num = 50000000ll; long long count = r.Count(); int numprint = 16; for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) { int k = gdist(r); // Sample if (i < numprint) std::cout << k << " "; else if (i == numprint) std::cout << std::endl; } count = r.Count() - count; std::cout << "Number of random variates needed averaged\n" << "over " << num << " samples = " << count/double(num) << "\n\n"; } { std::cout << "Sampling exactly from the discrete normal distribution with\n" << "sigma = 1024 and mu = 1/7. First result printed is a uniform\n" << "range (with covers a power of two). The second number is the\n" << "result of sampling additional bits within that range to obtain\n" << "a definite result.\n"; RandomLib::DiscreteNormalAlt<int,1> gdist(1024,1,1,7); long long num = 20000000ll; long long count = r.Count(); long long entropy = 0; int numprint = 16; for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) { RandomLib::UniformInteger<int,1> u = gdist(r); entropy += u.Entropy(); if (i < numprint) std::cout << u << " = "; int k = u(r); if (i < numprint) std::cout << k << "\n"; else if (i == numprint) std::cout << std::flush; } count = r.Count() - count; std::cout << "Number of random bits needed for full result (for range) averaged\n" << "over " << num << " samples = " << count/double(num) << " (" << (count - entropy)/double(num) << ")\n\n"; } { std::cout << "Random bits with 1 occurring with probability 1/pi exactly:\n"; long long num = 100000000ll; int numprint = 72; RandomLib::InversePiProb pp; long long nbits = 0; long long k = r.Count(); for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) { bool b = pp(r); nbits += int(b); if (i < numprint) std::cout << int(b); else if (i == numprint) std::cout << "..." << std::flush; } std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "Frequency of 1 averaged over " << num << " samples = 1/" << double(num)/nbits << "\n" << "bits/sample = " << (r.Count() - k)/double(num) << "\n\n"; } { std::cout << "Random bits with 1 occurring with probability 1/e exactly:\n"; long long num = 200000000ll; int numprint = 72; RandomLib::InverseEProb ep; long long nbits = 0; long long k = r.Count(); for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) { bool b = ep(r); nbits += int(b); if (i < numprint) std::cout << int(b); else if (i == numprint) std::cout << "..." << std::flush; } std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "Frequency of 1 averaged over " << num << " samples = 1/" << double(num)/nbits << "\n" << "bits/sample = " << (r.Count() - k)/double(num) << "\n"; } return 0; }
double Common::randN() { QMutexLocker lock(&rngLock); return g_rand.FloatN(); }