Exemple #1
TR::Node *
OMR::Simplifier::unaryCancelOutWithChild(TR::Node * node, TR::Node * firstChild, TR::TreeTop *anchorTree, TR::ILOpCodes opcode, bool anchorChildren)
   if (!isLegalToUnaryCancel(node, firstChild, opcode))
      return NULL;

   if (firstChild->getOpCodeValue() == opcode &&
       (node->getType().isAggregate() || firstChild->getType().isAggregate()) &&
       (node->getSize() > firstChild->getSize() || node->getSize() != firstChild->getFirstChild()->getSize()))
      // ensure a truncation side-effect of a conversion is not lost
      // o2a size=3
      //   a2o size=3 // conversion truncates in addition to type cast so cannot be removed
      //     loadaddr size=4
      // This restriction could be loosened to only disallow intermediate truncations (see BCD case above) but then would require a node
      // op that would just correct for size (e.g. addrSizeMod size=3 to replace the o2a/a2o pair)
      // Do allow cases when all three sizes are the same and when the middle node widens but the top and bottom node have the same size, e.g.
      // i2o size=3
      //   o2i size=4
      //     oload size=3
      // Also allow the special case where the grandchild is not really truncated as the 'truncated' bytes are known to be zero
      // (i.e. there really isn't an intermediate truncation of 4->3 even though it appears that way from looking at the sizes alone)
      // o2i
      //   i2o size=3
      //     iushr
      //       x
      //       iconst 8
      bool disallow = true;
      TR::Node *grandChild = firstChild->getFirstChild();
      size_t nodeSize = node->getSize();
      if (node->getType().isIntegral() &&
          nodeSize == grandChild->getSize() &&
          nodeSize > firstChild->getSize())
         size_t truncatedBits = (nodeSize - firstChild->getSize()) * 8;
         if (grandChild->getOpCode().isRightShift() && grandChild->getOpCode().isShiftLogical() &&
             grandChild->getSecondChild()->getOpCode().isLoadConst() &&
             (grandChild->getSecondChild()->get64bitIntegralValue() == truncatedBits))
            disallow = false;
            if (trace())
               traceMsg(comp(),"do allow unaryCancel of node %s (%p) and firstChild %s (%p) as grandChild %s (%p) zeros the %d truncated bytes\n",

      if (disallow)
         if (trace())
            traceMsg(comp(),"disallow unaryCancel of node %s (%p) and firstChild %s (%p) due to unequal sizes (nodeSize %d, firstChildSize %d, firstChild->childSize %d)\n",
         return NULL;

   if (firstChild->getOpCodeValue() == opcode &&
       performTransformation(comp(), "%sRemoving node [" POINTER_PRINTF_FORMAT "] %s and its child [" POINTER_PRINTF_FORMAT "] %s\n",
             optDetailString(), node, node->getOpCode().getName(), firstChild, firstChild->getOpCode().getName()))
      TR::Node *grandChild = firstChild->getFirstChild();
      bool anchorChildrenNeeded = anchorChildren &&
         (node->getNumChildren() > 1 ||
          firstChild->getNumChildren() > 1 ||
          node->getOpCode().hasSymbolReference() ||
      prepareToStopUsingNode(node, anchorTree, anchorChildrenNeeded);
      return grandChild;

   return NULL;