Esempio n. 1
Image& ImageManager::create(const String& type, const String& name)
    if (d_images.find(name) != d_images.end())
            "Image already exists: " + name));

    ImageFactoryRegistry::iterator i(d_factories.find(type));

    if (i == d_factories.end())
            "Unknown Image type: " + type));

    ImageFactory* factory = i->second;
    Image& image = factory->create(name);
    d_images[name] = std::make_pair(&image, factory);

    char addr_buff[32];
    sprintf(addr_buff, "%p", static_cast<void*>(&image));

        "[ImageManager] Created image: '" + name + "' (" + addr_buff + 
        ") of type: " + type);

    return image;
void NamedElement::setName(const String& name)
    if (d_name == name)

    if (getParentElement())
        NamedElement* parent = dynamic_cast<NamedElement*>(getParentElement());

        if (parent && parent->isChild(name))
            CEGUI_THROW(AlreadyExistsException("Failed to rename "
                "NamedElement at: " + getNamePath() + " as: " + name + ". A Window "
                "with that name is already attached as a sibling."));

    // log this under informative level
    Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("Renamed element at: " + getNamePath() +
                                    " as: " + name, Informative);

    d_name = name;

    NamedElementEventArgs args(this);
Esempio n. 3
	Create a new window of the specified type
Window* WindowManager::createWindow(const String& type, const String& name)
    String finalName(name.empty() ? generateUniqueWindowName() : name);

	if (isWindowPresent(finalName))
		throw AlreadyExistsException("WindowManager::createWindow - A Window object with the name '" + finalName +"' already exists within the system.");

    WindowFactoryManager& wfMgr = WindowFactoryManager::getSingleton();
    WindowFactory* factory = wfMgr.getFactory(type);

    Window* newWindow = factory->createWindow(finalName);
    Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("Window '" + finalName +"' of type '" + type + "' has been created.", Informative);

    // see if we need to assign a look to this window
    if (wfMgr.isFalagardMappedType(type))
        // this was a mapped type, so assign a look to the window so it can finalise
        // its initialisation
        newWindow->setLookNFeel(type, wfMgr.getMappedLookForType(type));

    // perform initialisation step

	d_windowRegistry[finalName] = newWindow;

	return newWindow;
Esempio n. 4
	Adds a WindowFactory object to the registry
void WindowFactoryManager::addFactory(WindowFactory* factory)
    // throw exception if passed factory is null.
    if (!factory)
        throw NullObjectException(
            "The provided WindowFactory pointer was invalid.");

    // throw exception if type name for factory is already in use
    if (d_factoryRegistry.find(factory->getTypeName()) != d_factoryRegistry.end())
        throw AlreadyExistsException(
            "A WindowFactory for type '" + factory->getTypeName() +
            "' is already registered.");

    // add the factory to the registry
    d_factoryRegistry[factory->getTypeName()] = factory;

    char addr_buff[32];
    sprintf(addr_buff, "(%p)", static_cast<void*>(factory));
    Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("WindowFactory for '" +
                                    factory->getTypeName() +"' windows added. " + addr_buff);
Esempio n. 5
// Add function to insert data into the summary text file
// parameter[in]: addVector is a vector of strings for the data to be entered
//            the first element is product_id
//            the second element is total_quantity
// throw: AlreadyExistsException if product_id already exists
// postcondition: Summary is sorted by product_id
void Summary::add(vector<string> addVector) throw(AlreadyExistsException) {
	ifstream infstream; // ifstream to be used to read summary.txt
	ofstream outfstream; // ofstream to be used to write to summary.txt

	int delimPos; // int used to store the position of the first delimiter

	string product_id = addVector[0]; // product_id to be added to file
	string total_quantity = addVector[1]; // total_quantity to be added to file
    string currentRow; // string that stores the current row on the summary table
	string productID; // string to store the product_id in the current row

	vector<string> fileVector; // vector of strings to be used for storing the text file and sorting
	// open the summary.txt file;

		// while loop continues as long as there is another line in the text file
		// finds the highest product_id in the file and stores it in product_id
			getline(infstream, currentRow); // store next line of textfile in currentRow

			// adds currentRow to the vector if it is not empty
			// which can occur if there are no more valid entries in the table

			// Searches for the position of the delimiter
			delimPos = currentRow.find('|');
			// stores the current product_id into productID
			productID = currentRow.substr(0, delimPos);

			// Throw AlreadyExistsException if product id already exists
			if(product_id == productID)
				throw AlreadyExistsException("product_id already exists");


	fileVector.push_back(product_id + "|" + total_quantity); // adds new row to vector

	sort(fileVector.begin(), fileVector.end()); // sorts the fileVector

	// opens and clears summary.txt for output, ios_base::trunc);

	// copy fileVector to summary.txt
	for(int i = 0; i < (int) fileVector.size(); i++)
		outfstream << fileVector[i] << "\n";

Esempio n. 6
	Add a new event to the EventSet
void EventSet::addEvent(const String& name)
	if (isEventPresent(name))
		throw AlreadyExistsException("An event named '" + name + "' already exists in the EventSet.");

	d_events[name] = new Event(name);
void AnimationManager::addInterpolator(Interpolator* interpolator)
    if (d_interpolators.find(interpolator->getType()) != d_interpolators.end())
        CEGUI_THROW(AlreadyExistsException("Interpolator of type '"
            + interpolator->getType() + "' already exists."));

        std::make_pair(interpolator->getType(), interpolator));
Esempio n. 8
Texture& OpenGL3Renderer::createTexture(const String& name)
    if (d_textures.find(name) != d_textures.end())
            "A texture named '" + name + "' already exists."));

    OpenGL3Texture* tex = new OpenGL3Texture(*this, name);
    d_textures[name] = tex;


    return *tex;
Esempio n. 9
Texture& DirectFBRenderer::createTexture(const CEGUI::String& name)
    if (d_textures.find(name) != d_textures.end())
            "A texture named '" + name + "' already exists."));

    DirectFBTexture* tex = new DirectFBTexture(d_directfb, name);
    d_textures[name] = tex;


    return *tex;
Esempio n. 10
Texture& OpenGLRendererBase::createTexture(const String& name, const Sizef& size)
    if (d_textures.find(name) != d_textures.end())
            "A texture named '" + name + "' already exists."));

    OpenGLTexture* tex = CEGUI_NEW_AO OpenGLTexture(*this, name, size);
    d_textures[name] = tex;


    return *tex;
Esempio n. 11
Scheme& SchemeManager::doExistingObjectAction(
    const String object_name,
    Scheme* object,
    const XMLResourceExistsAction action)
    String event_name;

    if (isDefined(object_name))
        switch (action)
        case XREA_RETURN:
            Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("---- Returning existing instance "
                "of " + d_resourceType + " named '" + object_name + "'.");
            // delete any new object we already had created
            delete object;
            // return existing instance of object.
            return *d_registeredSchemes[object_name];

        case XREA_REPLACE:
            Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("---- Replacing existing instance "
                "of " + d_resourceType + " named '" + object_name +
                "' (DANGER!).");
            event_name = EventResourceReplaced;

        case XREA_THROW:
            delete object;
            throw AlreadyExistsException(
                "an object of type '" + d_resourceType + "' named '" +
                object_name + "' already exists in the collection.");

            delete object;
            throw InvalidRequestException(
                "Invalid CEGUI::XMLResourceExistsAction was specified.");
        event_name = EventResourceCreated;

    d_registeredSchemes[object_name] = object;

    // fire event about this resource change
    ResourceEventArgs args(d_resourceType, object_name);
    fireEvent(event_name, args, EventNamespace);

    return *object;
Esempio n. 12
	Create an empty Imageset that has the given name and uses the
	given Texture
Imageset* ImagesetManager::createImageset(const String& name, Texture* texture)
	Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"Attempting to create Imageset '" + name +"' with texture only.");

	if (isImagesetPresent(name))
		throw	AlreadyExistsException("ImagesetManager::createImageset - An Imageset object named '" + name + "' already exists.");

	Imageset* temp = new Imageset(name, texture);
	d_imagesets[name] = temp;

	return temp;
Esempio n. 13
void EventSet::addEvent(Event& event)
    const String name(event.getName());

    if (isEventPresent(name))
        CEGUI_DELETE_AO &event;

            "An event named '" + name + "' already exists in the EventSet."));

    d_events.insert(std::make_pair(name, &event));
Esempio n. 14
	Add a new property to the set
void PropertySet::addProperty(Property* property)
	if (property == NULL)
		throw NullObjectException((utf8*)"The given Property object pointer is NULL.");

	if (d_properties.find(property->getName()) != d_properties.end())
		throw AlreadyExistsException((utf8*)"A Property named '" + property->getName() + (utf8*)"' already exists in the PropertySet.");

	d_properties[property->getName()] = property;
Esempio n. 15
    Create an Imageset object from the specified image file.
Imageset* ImagesetManager::createImagesetFromImageFile(const String& name, const String& filename, const String& resourceGroup)
    Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"Attempting to create Imageset '" + name + "' using image file '" + filename + "'.");

    if (isImagesetPresent(name))
        throw	AlreadyExistsException("ImagesetManager::createImageset - An Imageset object named '" + name + "' already exists.");

    Imageset* temp = new Imageset(name, filename, resourceGroup);
    d_imagesets[name] = temp;

    return temp;
Esempio n. 16
	Add a new property to the set
void PropertySet::addProperty(Property* property)
	if (!property)
		CEGUI_THROW(NullObjectException("The given Property object pointer is invalid."));

	if (!d_properties.insert(std::make_pair(property->getName(), property)).second)
		CEGUI_THROW(AlreadyExistsException("A Property named '" + property->getName() + "' already exists in the PropertySet."));

Esempio n. 17
Texture& OpenGLRenderer::createTexture(const String& name, GLuint tex,
                                       const Sizef& sz)
    if (d_textures.find(name) != d_textures.end())
            "A texture named '" + name + "' already exists."));

    OpenGLTexture* t = new OpenGLTexture(*this, name, tex, sz);
    d_textures[name] = t;


    return *t;
Esempio n. 18
void MapSector::insertBlock(MapBlock *block)
	s16 block_y = block->getPos().Y;

	MapBlock *block2 = getBlockBuffered(block_y);
	if(block2 != NULL){
		throw AlreadyExistsException("Block already exists");

	v2s16 p2d(block->getPos().X, block->getPos().Z);
	assert(p2d == m_pos);
	// Insert into container
	m_blocks.insert(block_y, block);
    Add a new WindowRenderer factory
void WindowRendererManager::addFactory(WindowRendererFactory* wr)
    if (wr == 0)
    if (d_wrReg.insert(std::make_pair(wr->getName(), wr)).second == false)
        throw AlreadyExistsException("A WindowRendererFactory named '"+wr->getName()+"' already exist");

    String addressStr = SharedStringstream::GetPointerAddressAsString(wr);
    Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("WindowRendererFactory '"+wr->getName()+
        "' added. " + addressStr);
Esempio n. 20
	Add a new property to the set
void PropertySet::addProperty(Property* property)
	if (!property)
		CEGUI_THROW(NullObjectException("The given Property object pointer is invalid."));

	if (d_properties.find(property->getName()) != d_properties.end())
		CEGUI_THROW(AlreadyExistsException("A Property named '" + property->getName() + "' already exists in the PropertySet."));

	d_properties[property->getName()] = property;
Esempio n. 21
Image& ImageManager::create(const XMLAttributes& attributes)
    static const String type_default("BasicImage");
    const String& type(attributes.getValueAsString(ImageTypeAttribute, type_default));
    const String& name(attributes.getValueAsString(ImageNameAttribute));

    if (name.empty())
            "Invalid (empty) image name passed to create."));

    if (d_images.find(name) != d_images.end())
            "Image already exists: " + name));

    ImageFactoryRegistry::iterator i(d_factories.find(type));

    if (i == d_factories.end())
            "Unknown Image type: " + type));

    ImageFactory* factory = i->second;
    Image& image = factory->create(attributes);

    // sanity check that the created image uses the name specified in the
    // attributes block
    if (image.getName() != name)
        const String message(
            "Factory for type: " + type + " created Image named: " +
            image.getName() + ".  Was expecting name: " + name);


    d_images[name] = std::make_pair(&image, factory);

    char addr_buff[32];
    sprintf(addr_buff, "%p", static_cast<void*>(&image));

        "[ImageManager] Created image: '" + name + "' (" + addr_buff + 
        ") of type: " + type);

    return image;
Esempio n. 22
	defines a new Image.
void Imageset::defineImage(const String& name, const Rect& image_rect, const Point& render_offset)
	if (isImageDefined(name))
		throw AlreadyExistsException("Imageset::defineImage - An image with the name '" + name + "' already exists in Imageset '" + d_name + "'.");

	// get scaling factors
	float hscale = d_autoScale ? d_horzScaling : 1.0f;
	float vscale = d_autoScale ? d_vertScaling : 1.0f;

	// add the Image definition
	d_images[name] = Image(this, name, image_rect, render_offset, hscale, vscale);

	CEGUI_LOGINSANE("Image '" + name + "' has been defined for Imageset '" + d_name + "'.")
Esempio n. 23
void SharedFile::createFile()
    // create the file first
    int fd = scidb::File::openFile(getName().c_str(), (O_RDONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL));
    if (fd < 0) {
        int err=errno;
        if (err==EEXIST) {
            throw AlreadyExistsException(err, REL_FILE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
        throw SystemErrorException(err, REL_FILE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    if (scidb::File::closeFd(fd) != 0) {
        int err=errno;
        throw SystemErrorException(err, REL_FILE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    Add a new WindowRenderer factory
void WindowRendererManager::addFactory(WindowRendererFactory* wr)
    if (wr == 0)
    if (d_wrReg.insert(std::make_pair(wr->getName(), wr)).second == false)
        CEGUI_THROW(AlreadyExistsException("A WindowRendererFactory named '"+wr->getName()+"' already exist"));

    char addr_buff[32];
    sprintf(addr_buff, "(%p)", static_cast<void*>(wr));
    Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("WindowRendererFactory '"+wr->getName()+
        "' added. " + addr_buff);
void NamedElement::addChild_impl(Element* element)
    NamedElement* named_element = dynamic_cast<NamedElement*>(element);

    if (named_element)
        const NamedElement* const existing = getChildByNamePath_impl(named_element->getName());

        if (existing && named_element != existing)
            CEGUI_THROW(AlreadyExistsException("Failed to add "
                "Element named: " + named_element->getName() + " to element at: " +
                getNamePath() + " since an Element with that name is already "

Esempio n. 26
	Adds a WindowFactory object to the registry
void WindowFactoryManager::addFactory(WindowFactory* factory)
    // throw exception if passed factory is null.
    if (factory == NULL)
        throw NullObjectException((utf8*)"WindowFactoryManager::addFactory - The provided WindowFactory pointer was NULL");

    // throw exception if type name for factory is already in use
    if (d_factoryRegistry.find(factory->getTypeName()) != d_factoryRegistry.end())
        throw AlreadyExistsException((utf8*)"WindowFactoryManager::addFactory - A WindowFactory for type '" + factory->getTypeName() + (utf8*)"' is already registered.");

    // add the factory to the registry
    d_factoryRegistry[factory->getTypeName()] = factory;

    Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"WindowFactory for '" + factory->getTypeName() +"' windows added.");
Esempio n. 27
void SharedMemory::create(AccessMode amode)
    if (_shm || _region) {
        throw InvalidStateException(REL_FILE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    try {
        _shm.reset(new shared_memory_object(create_only, getName().c_str(),
    } catch(boost::interprocess::interprocess_exception &ex) {
        std::cerr << "shm::create error:" << ex.what() << std::endl;
        if (ex.get_error_code() == boost::interprocess::already_exists_error) {
            throw AlreadyExistsException(ex.get_native_error(), REL_FILE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
        if (ex.get_error_code() !=  boost::interprocess::no_error) {
            throw SystemErrorException(ex.get_native_error(), REL_FILE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
Esempio n. 28
	Create an Imageset object from the specified file
Imageset* ImagesetManager::createImageset(const String& filename, const String& resourceGroup )
	Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file '" + filename + "'.");

	Imageset* temp = new Imageset(filename, resourceGroup );

	String	name = temp->getName();

	if (isImagesetPresent(name))
		delete temp;

		throw	AlreadyExistsException("ImagesetManager::createImageset - An Imageset object named '" + name + "' already exists.");

	d_imagesets[name] = temp;

	return temp;
Esempio n. 29
void MapBlockObjectList::add(MapBlockObject *object)
		throw(ContainerFullException, AlreadyExistsException)
	if(object == NULL)
		dstream<<"MapBlockObjectList::add(): NULL object"<<std::endl;

	JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);

	// Create unique id if id==-1
	if(object->m_id == -1)
		object->m_id = getFreeId();

	if(m_objects.find(object->m_id) != NULL)
		dstream<<"MapBlockObjectList::add(): "
				"object with same id already exists"<<std::endl;
		throw AlreadyExistsException
				("MapBlockObjectList already has given id");
	object->m_block = m_block;

	/*v3f p = object->m_pos;
	dstream<<"MapBlockObjectList::add(): "
			<<" inserting object with id="<<object->m_id
			<<" pos="
	m_objects.insert(object->m_id, object);
Esempio n. 30
CIMQualifierList& CIMQualifierList::add(const CIMQualifier& qualifier)
    if (qualifier.isUninitialized())
        throw UninitializedObjectException();

    if (find(qualifier.getName()) != PEG_NOT_FOUND)
        MessageLoaderParms parms("Common.CIMQualifierList.QUALIFIER",
            "qualifier \"$0\"",
        throw AlreadyExistsException(parms);


    // Update key index:
            qualifier._rep->_name == _KEY)
        _keyIndex = _qualifiers.size()-1;

    return *this;