Esempio n. 1
int CClientSettingsDlg::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
    _id = QDialog::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
    if (_id < 0)
        return _id;
    if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
        switch (_id) {
        case 0: GUIDesignChanged(); break;
        case 1: AudioChannelsChanged(); break;
        case 2: OnTimerStatus(); break;
        case 3: OnNetBufValueChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 4: OnNetBufServerValueChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 5: OnSliderSndCrdBufferDelay((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 6: OnAutoJitBufStateChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 7: OnGUIDesignFancyStateChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 8: OnDefaultCentralServerStateChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 9: OnCentralServerAddressEditingFinished(); break;
        case 10: OnSndCrdBufferDelayButtonGroupClicked((*reinterpret_cast< QAbstractButton*(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 11: OnSoundcardActivated((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 12: OnLInChanActivated((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 13: OnRInChanActivated((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 14: OnLOutChanActivated((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 15: OnROutChanActivated((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 16: OnAudioChannelsActivated((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 17: OnAudioQualityActivated((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
        case 18: OnDriverSetupClicked(); break;
        default: ;
        _id -= 19;
    return _id;
Esempio n. 2
/* Implementation *************************************************************/
CClientDlg::CClientDlg ( CClient*        pNCliP,
                         CSettings*      pNSetP,
                         const bool      bNewConnectOnStartup,
                         const bool      bNewShowComplRegConnList,
                         const bool      bShowAnalyzerConsole,
                         QWidget*        parent,
                         Qt::WindowFlags f ) :
    QDialog            ( parent, f ),
    pClient            ( pNCliP ),
    pSettings          ( pNSetP ),
    ClientSettingsDlg  ( pNCliP, parent, Qt::Window ),
    ChatDlg            ( parent, Qt::Window ),
    ConnectDlg         ( bNewShowComplRegConnList, parent, Qt::Dialog ),
    AnalyzerConsole    ( pNCliP, parent, Qt::Window )
    setupUi ( this );

    // Add help text to controls -----------------------------------------------
    // input level meter
    QString strInpLevH = tr ( "<b>Input Level Meter:</b> The input level "
        "indicators show the input level of the two stereo channels "
        "of the current selected audio input.<br>"
        "Make sure not to clip the input signal to avoid distortions of the "
        "audio signal." );

    QString strInpLevHTT = tr ( "If the " ) + APP_NAME +
        tr ( " software is connected and "
        "you play your instrument/sing in the microphone, the LED level "
        "meter should flicker. If this is not the case, you have "
        "probably selected the wrong input channel (e.g. line in instead "
        "of the microphone input) or set the input gain too low in the "
        "(Windows) audio mixer.<br>For a proper usage of the " ) + APP_NAME +
        tr ( " software, "
        "you should not hear your singing/instrument in the loudspeaker or "
        "your headphone when the " ) + APP_NAME +
        tr ( " software is not connected. This can "
        "be achieved by muting your input audio channel in the Playback "
        "mixer (<b>not</b> the Recording mixer!)." ) + TOOLTIP_COM_END_TEXT;

    QString strInpLevHAccText  = tr ( "Input level meter" );
    QString strInpLevHAccDescr = tr ( "Simulates an analog LED level meter." );

    lblInputLEDMeter->setWhatsThis           ( strInpLevH );
    lblLevelMeterLeft->setWhatsThis          ( strInpLevH );
    lblLevelMeterRight->setWhatsThis         ( strInpLevH );
    lbrInputLevelL->setWhatsThis             ( strInpLevH );
    lbrInputLevelL->setAccessibleName        ( strInpLevHAccText );
    lbrInputLevelL->setAccessibleDescription ( strInpLevHAccDescr );
    lbrInputLevelL->setToolTip               ( strInpLevHTT );
    lbrInputLevelR->setWhatsThis             ( strInpLevH );
    lbrInputLevelR->setAccessibleName        ( strInpLevHAccText );
    lbrInputLevelR->setAccessibleDescription ( strInpLevHAccDescr );
    lbrInputLevelR->setToolTip               ( strInpLevHTT );

    // connect/disconnect button
    butConnect->setWhatsThis ( tr ( "<b>Connect / Disconnect Button:"
        "</b> Push this button to connect a server. A dialog where you can "
        "select a server will open. If you are connected, pressing this "
        "button will end the session." ) );

    butConnect->setAccessibleName (
        tr ( "Connect and disconnect toggle button" ) );

    butConnect->setAccessibleDescription ( tr ( "Clicking on this "
        "button changes the caption of the button from Connect to "
        "Disconnect, i.e., it implements a toggle functionality for connecting "
        "and disconnecting the " ) + APP_NAME + tr ( " software." ) );

    // fader tag
    QString strFaderTag = tr ( "<b>Your Alias/Instrument:</b> Set your name "
        "or an alias here so that the other musicians you want to play with "
        "know who you are. Additionally you may set an instrument picture of "
        "the instrument you play. "
        "What you set here will appear at your fader on the mixer board when "
        "you are connected to a " ) + APP_NAME + tr ( " server. This tag will "
        "also show up at each client which is connected to the same server as "
        "you. If the fader tag is empty, the IP address is shown instead." );

    QString strFaderTagTT = tr ( "Set your name and/or instrument and/or "
        "pseoudonym here so that the other musicians can identify you." ) +

    lblServerTag->setWhatsThis ( strFaderTag );
    lblServerTag->setToolTip   ( strFaderTagTT );
    edtFaderTag->setWhatsThis  ( strFaderTag );
    edtFaderTag->setToolTip    ( strFaderTagTT );
    edtFaderTag->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Fader tag edit box" ) );
    butInstPicture->setWhatsThis  ( strFaderTag );
    butInstPicture->setToolTip    ( strFaderTagTT );
    butInstPicture->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Instrument picture button" ) );

    // local audio input fader
    QString strAudFader = tr ( "<b>Local Audio Input Fader:</b> With the "
        "audio fader, the relative levels of the left and right local audio "
        "channels can be changed. For a mono signal it acts like a panning "
        "between the two channels. If, e.g., a microphone is connected to "
        "the right input channel and an instrument is connected to the left "
        "input channel which is much louder than the microphone, move the "
        "audio fader in a direction where the label above the fader shows "
        "<i>L -x</i>, where <i>x</i> is the current attenuation indicator." );

    lblAudioPan->setWhatsThis      ( strAudFader );
    lblAudioPanValue->setWhatsThis ( strAudFader );
    sldAudioPan->setWhatsThis      ( strAudFader );

    sldAudioPan->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Local audio input fader (left/right)" ) );

    // reverberation level
    QString strAudReverb = tr ( "<b>Reverberation Level:</b> A reverberation "
        "effect can be applied to one local mono audio channel or to both "
        "channels in stereo mode. The mone channel selection and the "
        "reverberation level can be modified. If, e.g., "
        "the microphone signal is fed into the right audio channel of the "
        "sound card and a reverberation effect shall be applied, set the "
        "channel selector to right and move the fader upwards until the "
        "desired reverberation level is reached.<br>"
        "The reverberation effect requires significant CPU so that it should "
        "only be used on fast PCs. If the reverberation level fader is set to "
        "minimum (which is the default setting), the reverberation effect is "
        "switched off and does not cause any additional CPU usage." );

    lblAudioReverb->setWhatsThis ( strAudReverb );
    sldAudioReverb->setWhatsThis ( strAudReverb );

    sldAudioReverb->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Reverberation effect level setting" ) );

    // reverberation channel selection
    QString strRevChanSel = tr ( "<b>Reverberation Channel Selection:</b> "
        "With these radio buttons the audio input channel on which the "
        "reverberation effect is applied can be chosen. Either the left "
        "or right input channel can be selected." );

    rbtReverbSelL->setWhatsThis ( strRevChanSel );
    rbtReverbSelL->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Left channel selection for reverberation" ) );
    rbtReverbSelR->setWhatsThis ( strRevChanSel );
    rbtReverbSelR->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Right channel selection for reverberation" ) );

    // delay LED
    QString strLEDDelay = tr ( "<b>Delay Status LED:</b> "
        "The delay status LED indicator shows the current audio delay "
        "status. If the light is green, the delay is perfect for a jam "
        "session. If the ligth is yellow, a session is still possible but "
        "it may be harder to play. If the light is red, the delay is too "
        "large for jamming." );

    lblDelay->setWhatsThis ( strLEDDelay );
    ledDelay->setWhatsThis ( strLEDDelay );
    ledDelay->setToolTip ( tr ( "If this LED indicator turns red, "
        "you will not have much fun using the " ) + APP_NAME +
        tr ( " software." ) + TOOLTIP_COM_END_TEXT );

    ledDelay->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Delay status LED indicator" ) );

    // buffers LED
    QString strLEDBuffers =  tr ( "<b>Buffers Status LED:</b> "
        "The buffers status LED indicator shows the current audio/streaming "
        "status. If the light is green, there are no buffer overruns/underruns "
        "and the audio stream is not interrupted. If the light is red, the "
        "audio stream is interrupted caused by one of the following problems:"
        "<li>The network jitter buffer is not large enough for the current "
        "network/audio interface jitter.</li>"
        "<li>The sound card buffer delay (buffer size) is set to a too small "
        "<li>The upload or download stream rate is too high for the current "
        "available internet bandwidth.</li>"
        "<li>The CPU of the client or server is at 100%.</li>"
        "</ul>" );

    lblBuffers->setWhatsThis ( strLEDBuffers );
    ledBuffers->setWhatsThis ( strLEDBuffers );

    ledBuffers->setAccessibleName ( tr ( "Buffers status LED indicator" ) );

    // init GUI design
    SetGUIDesign ( pClient->GetGUIDesign() );

    // reset mixer board

    // restore fader settings
    MainMixerBoard->vecStoredFaderTags   = pClient->vecStoredFaderTags;
    MainMixerBoard->vecStoredFaderLevels = pClient->vecStoredFaderLevels;
    MainMixerBoard->vecStoredFaderIsSolo = pClient->vecStoredFaderIsSolo;

    // init fader tag line edit and instrument picture
    edtFaderTag->setText ( pClient->ChannelInfo.strName );
    butInstPicture->setIcon ( QIcon (
        CInstPictures::GetResourceReference ( pClient->ChannelInfo.iInstrument ) ) );

    // init status label

    // init connection button text
    butConnect->setText ( CON_BUT_CONNECTTEXT );

    // init input level meter bars
    lbrInputLevelL->setValue ( 0 );
    lbrInputLevelR->setValue ( 0 );

    // init status LEDs

    // init slider controls ---
    // audio in fader
    sldAudioPan->setRange ( AUD_FADER_IN_MIN, AUD_FADER_IN_MAX );
    sldAudioPan->setTickInterval ( AUD_FADER_IN_MAX / 5 );

    // audio reverberation
    sldAudioReverb->setRange ( 0, AUD_REVERB_MAX );
    const int iCurAudReverb = pClient->GetReverbLevel();
    sldAudioReverb->setValue ( iCurAudReverb );
    sldAudioReverb->setTickInterval ( AUD_REVERB_MAX / 5 );

    // init reverb channel

    // set window title (with no clients connected -> "0")
    SetMyWindowTitle ( 0 );

    // Connect on startup ------------------------------------------------------
    if ( bNewConnectOnStartup )
        // per definition use the last connection (first entry in the
        // stored address list)
        const QString strSelectedAddress = pClient->vstrIPAddress[0];

        // only if address is not empty, start the client
        if ( !strSelectedAddress.isEmpty() )
            // initiate connection (always show the address in the mixer board
            // (no alias))
            Connect ( strSelectedAddress, strSelectedAddress );

    // Mac Workaround:
    // If the connect button is the default button, on Mac it is highlighted
    // by fading in and out a blue backgroud color. This operation consumes so
    // much CPU that we get audio interruptions.
    // Better solution: increase thread priority of worker thread (since the
    // user can always highlight the button manually, too) -> TODO
#if defined ( __APPLE__ ) || defined ( __MACOSX )
    butConnect->setDefault ( false );

    // View menu  --------------------------------------------------------------
    pViewMenu = new QMenu ( "&View", this );

    pViewMenu->addAction ( tr ( "&Connection Setup..." ), this,
        SLOT ( OnOpenConnectionSetupDialog() ) );

    pViewMenu->addAction ( tr ( "C&hat..." ), this,
        SLOT ( OnOpenChatDialog() ) );

    pViewMenu->addAction ( tr ( "&Settings..." ), this,
        SLOT ( OnOpenGeneralSettings() ) );

    // optionally show analyzer console entry
    if ( bShowAnalyzerConsole )
        pViewMenu->addAction ( tr ( "&Analyzer Console..." ), this,
            SLOT ( OnOpenAnalyzerConsole() ) );


    pViewMenu->addAction ( tr ( "E&xit" ), this,
        SLOT ( close() ), QKeySequence ( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q ) );

    // Main menu bar -----------------------------------------------------------
    pMenu = new QMenuBar ( this );

    pMenu->addMenu ( pViewMenu );
    pMenu->addMenu ( new CHelpMenu ( this ) );

    // Now tell the layout about the menu
    layout()->setMenuBar ( pMenu );

    // Instrument pictures popup menu ------------------------------------------
    pInstrPictPopupMenu = new QMenu ( this );

    // add an entry for all known instruments
    for ( int iCurInst = 0; iCurInst < CInstPictures::GetNumAvailableInst(); iCurInst++ )
        // create a menu action with text and image
        QAction* pCurAction = new QAction (
            QIcon ( CInstPictures::GetResourceReference ( iCurInst ) ),
            CInstPictures::GetName ( iCurInst ),
            this );

        // add data to identify the action data when it is triggered
        pCurAction->setData ( iCurInst );

        pInstrPictPopupMenu->addAction ( pCurAction );

    // Window positions --------------------------------------------------------
    // main window
    if ( !pClient->vecWindowPosMain.isEmpty() && !pClient->vecWindowPosMain.isNull() )
        restoreGeometry ( pClient->vecWindowPosMain );

    // settings window
    if ( !pClient->vecWindowPosSettings.isEmpty() && !pClient->vecWindowPosSettings.isNull() )
        ClientSettingsDlg.restoreGeometry ( pClient->vecWindowPosSettings );

    if ( pClient->bWindowWasShownSettings )

    // chat window
    if ( !pClient->vecWindowPosChat.isEmpty() && !pClient->vecWindowPosChat.isNull() )
        ChatDlg.restoreGeometry ( pClient->vecWindowPosChat );

    if ( pClient->bWindowWasShownChat )

    // connection setup window
    if ( !pClient->vecWindowPosConnect.isEmpty() && !pClient->vecWindowPosConnect.isNull() )
        ConnectDlg.restoreGeometry ( pClient->vecWindowPosConnect );

    if ( pClient->bWindowWasShownConnect )

    // Connections -------------------------------------------------------------
    // push buttons
    QObject::connect ( butConnect, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnConnectDisconBut() ) );

    QObject::connect ( butInstPicture, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnInstPictureBut() ) );

    // check boxes
    QObject::connect ( chbSettings, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnSettingsStateChanged ( int ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( chbChat, SIGNAL ( stateChanged ( int ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnChatStateChanged ( int ) ) );

    // timers
    QObject::connect ( &TimerSigMet, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnTimerSigMet() ) );

    QObject::connect ( &TimerBuffersLED, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnTimerBuffersLED() ) );

    QObject::connect ( &TimerStatus, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnTimerStatus() ) );

    QObject::connect ( &TimerPing, SIGNAL ( timeout() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnTimerPing() ) );

    // sliders
    QObject::connect ( sldAudioPan, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnAudioPanValueChanged ( int ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( sldAudioReverb, SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnAudioReverbValueChanged ( int ) ) );

    // radio buttons
    QObject::connect ( rbtReverbSelL, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnReverbSelLClicked() ) );

    QObject::connect ( rbtReverbSelR, SIGNAL ( clicked() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnReverbSelRClicked() ) );

    // line edits
    QObject::connect ( edtFaderTag, SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString& ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnFaderTagTextChanged ( const QString& ) ) );

    // menus
    QObject::connect ( pInstrPictPopupMenu, SIGNAL ( triggered ( QAction* ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnInstPicturesMenuTriggered ( QAction* ) ) );

    // other
    QObject::connect ( pClient,
        SIGNAL ( ConClientListNameMesReceived ( CVector<CChannelInfo> ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnConClientListMesReceived ( CVector<CChannelInfo> ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( pClient,
        SIGNAL ( ConClientListMesReceived ( CVector<CChannelInfo> ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnConClientListMesReceived ( CVector<CChannelInfo> ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( pClient,
        SIGNAL ( Disconnected() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnDisconnected() ) );

    QObject::connect ( pClient,
        SIGNAL ( ChatTextReceived ( QString ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnChatTextReceived ( QString ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( pClient, SIGNAL ( PingTimeReceived ( int ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnPingTimeResult ( int ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( pClient,
        SIGNAL ( CLServerListReceived ( CHostAddress, CVector<CServerInfo> ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnCLServerListReceived ( CHostAddress, CVector<CServerInfo> ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( pClient,
        SIGNAL ( CLPingTimeWithNumClientsReceived ( CHostAddress, int, int ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnCLPingTimeWithNumClientsReceived ( CHostAddress, int, int ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( pClient,
        SIGNAL ( CLVersionAndOSReceived ( CHostAddress, COSUtil::EOpSystemType, QString ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnCLVersionAndOSReceived ( CHostAddress, COSUtil::EOpSystemType, QString ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( pClient,
        SIGNAL ( UpstreamRateChanged() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnUpstreamRateChanged() ) );

    QObject::connect ( QCoreApplication::instance(), SIGNAL ( aboutToQuit() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnAboutToQuit() ) );

    QObject::connect ( &ClientSettingsDlg, SIGNAL ( GUIDesignChanged() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnGUIDesignChanged() ) );

    QObject::connect ( &ClientSettingsDlg, SIGNAL ( AudioChannelsChanged() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnAudioChannelsChanged() ) );

    QObject::connect ( MainMixerBoard, SIGNAL ( ChangeChanGain ( int, double ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnChangeChanGain ( int, double ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( MainMixerBoard, SIGNAL ( NumClientsChanged ( int ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnNumClientsChanged ( int ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( &ChatDlg, SIGNAL ( NewLocalInputText ( QString ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnNewLocalInputText ( QString ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( &ConnectDlg, SIGNAL ( ReqServerListQuery ( CHostAddress ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnReqServerListQuery ( CHostAddress ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( &ConnectDlg, SIGNAL ( CreateCLServerListPingMes ( CHostAddress ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnCreateCLServerListPingMes ( CHostAddress ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( &ConnectDlg, SIGNAL ( CreateCLServerListReqVerAndOSMes ( CHostAddress ) ),
        this, SLOT ( OnCreateCLServerListReqVerAndOSMes ( CHostAddress ) ) );

    QObject::connect ( &ConnectDlg, SIGNAL ( accepted() ),
        this, SLOT ( OnConnectDlgAccepted() ) );

    // Timers ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // start timer for status bar
    TimerStatus.start ( LED_BAR_UPDATE_TIME_MS );