Esempio n. 1
ArrayList* MatchKeys_FilterJoins (ArrayList* matches)
	HashTable* ht = HashTable_new0 (NULL, NULL);
	// Count the references to each keypoint
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<ArrayList_Count(matches); i++) {
		Match* m = (Match*) ArrayList_GetItem(matches, i);
		int lI = (HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp1) == NULL) ? 0 : (int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp1);
		HashTable_SetItem(ht, m->kp1, (void*)(lI + 1));
		int rI = (HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp2) == NULL) ? 0 : (int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp2);
		HashTable_SetItem(ht, m->kp2, (void*)(rI + 1));

	ArrayList* survivors = ArrayList_new0(NULL);
	int removed = 0;
	int j;
	for(j=0; j<ArrayList_Count(matches); j++) {
		Match* m = (Match*) ArrayList_GetItem(matches, j);
		//WriteLine ("match: %d, %d", (int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp1), (int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp2));
		if (((int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp1)) <= 1 && ((int) HashTable_GetItem(ht, m->kp2)) <= 1)
			ArrayList_AddItem(survivors, m);
			removed += 1;

	return (survivors);
Esempio n. 2
void WritePTOFile (FILE* pto, MultiMatch* mm,
		   ArrayList* msList, BondBall* bb, int generateHorizon, bool integerCoordinates,
		   bool useAbsolutePathnames)
	fprintf(pto, "# Hugin project file\n");
	fprintf(pto, "# automatically generated by autopano-sift, available at\n");
	fprintf(pto, "#\n\n");
	fprintf(pto, "p f2 w3000 h1500 v360  n\"JPEG q90\"\n");
	fprintf(pto, "m g1 i0\n\n");
	int imageIndex = 0;
	HashTable* imageNameTab = HashTable_new0 (NULL, NULL);
	ArrayList* resolutions = ArrayList_new0 (Resolution_delete);
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<ArrayList_Count(mm->keySets); i++) {
		KeypointXMLList* kx = (KeypointXMLList*) ArrayList_GetItem(mm->keySets, i);
		HashTable_AddItem(imageNameTab, kx->imageFile, (void*)imageIndex);
		ArrayList_AddItem(resolutions, Resolution_new (kx->xDim, kx->yDim));
		char*  imageFile = kx->imageFile;
		// If the resolution was already there, use the first image with
		// the exact same resolution as reference for camera-related
		// values.
		int refIdx;
		for (refIdx = 0 ; refIdx < (ArrayList_Count(resolutions) - 1) ; ++refIdx) {
			if (Resolution_CompareTo((Resolution*) ArrayList_GetItem(resolutions, refIdx), kx->xDim, kx->yDim) == 0)
		if (refIdx == (ArrayList_Count(resolutions) - 1))
			refIdx = -1;
		Position* pos = bb == NULL ? NULL :
			(Position*) HashTable_GetItem(bb->positions, imageFile);
		  if (pos != NULL) {
		  WriteLine ("yaw %g, pitch %g, rotation %g",
		  pos->yaw, pos->pitch, pos->rotation);

		double yaw = 0.0, pitch = 0.0, rotation = 0.0;
		if (pos != NULL) {
			yaw = pos->yaw;
			pitch = pos->pitch;
			rotation = pos->rotation;
		if (imageIndex == 0 || refIdx == -1) {
			fprintf(pto, "i w%d h%d f0 a0 b-0.01 c0 d0 e0 p%g r%g v180 y%g  u10 n\"%s\"\n",
				kx->xDim, kx->yDim, pitch, rotation, yaw, imageFile);
		} else {
			fprintf(pto, "i w%d h%d f0 a=%d b=%d c=%d d0 e0 p%g r%g v=%d y%g  u10 n\"%s\"\n",
				kx->xDim, kx->yDim, refIdx, refIdx, refIdx, pitch, rotation, refIdx, yaw, imageFile);
		imageIndex += 1;
	fprintf(pto, "\nv p1 r1 y1\n\n");
	fprintf(pto, "# match list automatically generated\n");
	int j;
	for(j=0; j<ArrayList_Count(msList); j++) {
		MatchSet* ms = (MatchSet*) ArrayList_GetItem(msList, j);
		int k;
		for(k=0; k<ArrayList_Count(ms->matches); k++) {
			Match* m = (Match*) ArrayList_GetItem(ms->matches, k);
			if (integerCoordinates == false) {
				fprintf(pto, "c n%d N%d x%.6f y%.6f X%.6f Y%.6f t0\n",
					(int)HashTable_GetItem(imageNameTab, ms->file1), (int)HashTable_GetItem(imageNameTab, ms->file2),
					m->kp1->x, m->kp1->y, m->kp2->x, m->kp2->y);
			} else {
				fprintf(pto, "c n%d N%d x%d y%d X%d Y%d t0\n",
					(int)HashTable_GetItem(imageNameTab, ms->file1), (int)HashTable_GetItem(imageNameTab, ms->file2),
					(int) (m->kp1->x + 0.5), (int) (m->kp1->y + 0.5),
					(int) (m->kp2->x + 0.5), (int) (m->kp2->y + 0.5));
	// Generate horizon if we should
	if (bb != NULL && generateHorizon > 0) {
		WriteLine ("Creating horizon...");
		int kMain = 2;
		int hPoints = generateHorizon;
		int horizonPointsMade = 0;

		bool hasGood = true;
		while (hPoints > 0 && hasGood) {
			hasGood = false;
			int kStep = 2 * kMain;

			int p;
			for (p = 0 ; hPoints > 0 && p < kMain ; ++p) {
				double stepSize = ((double) ArrayList_Count(bb->firstRow)) / ((double) kStep);
				double beginIndex = p * stepSize;
				double endIndex = (((double) ArrayList_Count(bb->firstRow)) / (double) kMain) +
					p * stepSize;

// Round to next integer and check if their image distance
// is larger than 1. If its not, we skip over this useless
// horizon point.
				int bi = (int) (beginIndex + 0.5);
				int ei = (int) (endIndex + 0.5);
				if ((ei - bi) <= 1)

				hasGood = true;

				bi %= ArrayList_Count(bb->firstRow);
				ei %= ArrayList_Count(bb->firstRow);
				fprintf(pto, "c n%s N%s x%d y%d X%d Y%d t2\n",
					(char*)HashTable_GetItem(imageNameTab, ArrayList_GetItem(bb->firstRow, bi)),
					(char*)HashTable_GetItem(imageNameTab, ArrayList_GetItem(bb->firstRow, ei)),
					((Resolution*) ArrayList_GetItem(resolutions,bi))->x / 2,
					((Resolution*) ArrayList_GetItem(resolutions,bi))->y / 2,
					((Resolution*) ArrayList_GetItem(resolutions,ei))->x / 2,
					((Resolution*) ArrayList_GetItem(resolutions,ei))->y / 2);

				horizonPointsMade += 1;
				hPoints -= 1;

// Increase density for next generation lines
			kMain *= 2;
		WriteLine ("  made %d horizon lines.\n", horizonPointsMade);

	fprintf(pto, "\n# :-)\n\n");
	WriteLine ("\nYou can now load the output file into hugin.");
	WriteLine ("Notice: You absolutely must adjust the field-of-view value for the images");

Esempio n. 3
void testHashTable() {
    typedef struct {
        uint64 key;
        uint64 data;
    } TestData;

    int initialCapacity = 1000;
    int numEntries = 5000;

    // make hash table
    HashTable htb = HashTable_make(sizeof(uint64), sizeof(uint64), initialCapacity);

    // insert data, and some duplicates
    TestData entries[numEntries];
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
        entries[i].key = rand();
        entries[i].data = rand();
        HashTable_insert(&htb, &(entries[i].key), &(entries[i].data));
        // insert a previous duplicate
        if (i > 10) {
            HashTable_insert(&htb, &(entries[i-10].key), &(entries[i-10].data));

        assert(HashTable_size(&htb) == i+1);
        assert(HashTable_capacity(&htb) > i);

    // check data
    for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
        uint64 *data = (uint64*)HashTable_get(&htb, &(entries[i].key));
        assert(data != NULL);
        assert(*data == entries[i].data);
    assert(HashTable_size(&htb) == numEntries);
    assert(HashTable_capacity(&htb) >= numEntries);

    // remove and re-insert some elements
    int numRemoved = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i = i + 2) {
        HashTable_delete(&htb, &(entries[i].key));
        assert(HashTable_size(&htb) == numEntries - numRemoved);
        assert(HashTable_get(&htb, &(entries[i].key)) == NULL);
    for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i = i + 2) {
        HashTable_insert(&htb, &(entries[i].key), &(entries[i].data));
        assert(HashTable_size(&htb) == numEntries - numRemoved);
        assert(HashTable_get(&htb, &(entries[i].key)) != NULL);

    // save to file, destroy, and recreate from file
    char *filename = "/tmp/roomyTestHashTable";
    HashTable_fileSave(&htb, filename);
    htb = HashTable_makeFromFiles(filename);
    for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
        uint64 *data = (uint64*)HashTable_get(&htb, &(entries[i].key));
        assert(data != NULL);
        assert(*data == entries[i].data);
    assert(HashTable_size(&htb) == numEntries);
    assert(HashTable_capacity(&htb) >= numEntries);

    // make using mmap
    htb = HashTable_makeMapped(filename);
    for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
        uint64 *data = (uint64*)HashTable_get(&htb, &(entries[i].key));
        assert(data != NULL);
        assert(*data == entries[i].data);
    assert(HashTable_size(&htb) == numEntries);
    assert(HashTable_capacity(&htb) >= numEntries);
    assert(HashTable_removeFiles(filename) == 0);

    printf("HASH TABLE PASSED TESTS\n");