Esempio n. 1
	// method = 0 for normal auth response from game server
	// method = 1 for reauth response originating from keymaster
void gcd_compute_response(char *cdkey, char *challenge, char response[RESPONSE_SIZE], CDResponseMethod method)
	char rawout[RAWSIZE];
	unsigned int anyrandom;
	char randstr[9];

	/* check to make sure we weren't passed a huge cd key/challenge */
	if (strlen(cdkey) * 2 + strlen(challenge) + 8 >= RAWSIZE)
		strcpy(response,"CD Key or challenge too long");

	/* make sure we are randomized */
	srand(time(NULL) ^ 0x33333333);
	/* Since RAND_MAX is 16 bit on many systems, make sure we get a 32 bit number */
	anyrandom = (rand() << 16 | rand()); 

	/* auth response   = MD5(cdkey + random mod 0xffff + challenge) */
	/* reauth response = MD5(challenge + random mode 0xffff + cdkey) */ 
	if (method == 0)
		sprintf(rawout, "%s%d%s",cdkey, anyrandom % 0xFFFF , challenge );
		sprintf(rawout, "%s%d%s",challenge, anyrandom % 0xFFFF, cdkey);

	/* do the cd key md5 */
	MD5Digest((unsigned char *)cdkey, strlen(cdkey), response);
	/* add the random value */
	strcpy(&response[32], randstr);
	/* do the response md5 */
	MD5Digest((unsigned char *)rawout, strlen(rawout), &response[40]);	
Esempio n. 2
 void Crypt::ComputeMD5(unsigned char digest[16], void const* bytesIn, unsigned int inputLen)
	MD5 md5;
	MD5Digest(&md5, bytesIn, inputLen);
	MD5Close(&md5, digest);
Esempio n. 3
	// PKCS#1 v2.1, B.2.1 MGF1, mask generation function
	//       modification: generates mask and applies in place
	gsi_bool gsiCryptRSAMaskData(unsigned char *data, gsi_u32 dataLen, const unsigned char* seed, gsi_u32 seedLen)
		int i=0;
		int k=0;
		// The datablock may be used as the seed
		unsigned char hashValue[GS_CRYPT_HASHSIZE]; // in integer form, NOT HEXSTRING

		// seed should never be larger than the data block size (but it may be less)
			return gsi_false;

		for (i=0; (gsi_u32)i<dataLen;i+=GS_CRYPT_HASHSIZE)
			// Perform the hash
				gsi_u32 temp=0;

				// concatenate byte value of i onto seed
				char seedPlusIter[GS_CRYPT_RSA_DATABLOCKSIZE+4]; // seed||i 
				char hashHexStr[GS_CRYPT_RSA_DATABLOCKSIZE*2+1]; // hexstr of hash "A1" rather than 0xA1
				memcpy(&seedPlusIter[0], seed, seedLen);
				seedPlusIter[GS_CRYPT_RSA_DATABLOCKSIZE+0] = 0x00;
				seedPlusIter[GS_CRYPT_RSA_DATABLOCKSIZE+1] = 0x00;
				seedPlusIter[GS_CRYPT_RSA_DATABLOCKSIZE+2] = 0x00;
				MD5Digest(seedPlusIter, seedLen+sizeof(gsi_u32), hashHexStr);

				// convert from hexstr to integer form
				for(k=0; k<seedLen+sizeof(gsi_u32))
					gsi_u32 temp;
					temp = sscanf(&hashHexStr[k*2], "%02X", &temp);
					hashValue[k] = (gsi_u8)temp;
				gsi_u8 counter[4] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
				GSSHA1Context sha;
				counter[3] = (gsi_u8)(i/GS_CRYPT_HASHSIZE); // ensure little endian int
				GSSHA1Input(&sha, (const unsigned char*)seed, seedLen);
				GSSHA1Input(&sha, counter, 4);
				GSSHA1Result(&sha, hashValue);

			// apply the mask to data
			for (k=0; k<GS_CRYPT_HASHSIZE; k++)
				if ((gsi_u32)(i+k) >= dataLen)
					return gsi_true;

				data[i+k] ^= (gsi_u8)hashValue[k];
		return gsi_true;
Esempio n. 4
/* return true if digest calculated */
int get_file_digest(const char * filename, Uint8 digest[16])
	MD5 md5;
	el_file_ptr file = NULL;

	file = el_open(filename);

	memset (digest, 0, 16);

	if (file == NULL)
		LOG_ERROR("MD5Digest: Unable to open %s (%d)", filename, errno);
		return 0;
	if (el_get_pointer(file) == NULL)
		return 0;

	MD5Digest(&md5, el_get_pointer(file), el_get_size(file));
	MD5Close(&md5, digest);

	return 1;
Esempio n. 5
float get_bag_tilt(float pos_x, float pos_y, int bag_id, int map_x, int map_y)
	char str[64];
	MD5 md5;
	Uint8 digest[16];
	memset(digest, 0, 16);
	safe_snprintf(str, 40, "%f%f%f%f%f", pos_x, pos_y, (float) bag_id,
		(float) map_x, (float) map_y);
	MD5Digest(&md5, str, strlen(str));
	MD5Close(&md5, digest);
	// the sum of 5 cos operations can be between -5 and +5
	// normalize them to -1.0 ... +1.0
	// multiply with 15 (-15.0 ... +15.0 degrees)
	return ((cosf(digest[3]) + cosf(digest[4]) + cosf(digest[5]) + cosf(
		digest[6]) + cosf(digest[7])) / 5.0f) * 30;
Esempio n. 6
float get_bag_rotation(float pos_x, float pos_y, int bag_id, int map_x, int map_y)
	char str[64];
	MD5 md5;
	Uint8 digest[16];
	memset(digest, 0, 16);
	safe_snprintf(str, 40, "%f%f%f%f%f", pos_x, pos_y, (float) bag_id,
		(float) map_x, (float) map_y);
	MD5Digest(&md5, str, strlen(str));
	MD5Close(&md5, digest);
	// the sum of 5 sin operations can be between -5 and +5
	// normalize them to -0.5 ... +0.5
	// multiply with 360 (-180.0 ... +180.0 degrees)
	return ((sinf(digest[2]) + sinf(digest[3]) + sinf(digest[4]) + sinf(
		digest[5]) + sinf(digest[6])) / 10.0f) * 360;
Esempio n. 7
File: fs.cpp Progetto: kyusof/SilkJS
static JSVAL fs_md5(JSARGS args) {
    HandleScope scope;
    String::Utf8Value path(args[0]->ToString());
    unsigned char buf[1024];
    int bytes;

    MD5_CTX mdContext;

    FILE *fp = fopen(*path, "rb");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        return scope.Close(False());
    while ((bytes = fread(buf, 1, 1024, fp)) != 0) {
        MD5Update(&mdContext, buf, bytes);
    MD5Digest(&mdContext, (char *)buf);
    return scope.Close(String::New((char *)buf));
Esempio n. 8
POP3Protocol::Login(const char *uid, const char *password, int method)
	status_t err;

	BString error_msg;
	error_msg << MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE("Error while authenticating user ",
		"ユーザー認証中にエラーが発生しました ") << uid;

	if (method == 1) {	//APOP
		int32 index = fLog.FindFirst("<");
		if(index != B_ERROR) {
			runner->ReportProgress(0, 0, MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE(
				"Sending APOP authentication...", "APOP認証情報を送信中..."));
			int32 end = fLog.FindFirst(">",index);
			BString timestamp("");
			fLog.CopyInto(timestamp, index, end - index + 1);
			timestamp += password;
			char md5sum[33];
			MD5Digest((unsigned char*)timestamp.String(), md5sum);
			BString cmd = "APOP ";
			cmd += uid;
			cmd += " ";
			cmd += md5sum;
			cmd += CRLF;

			err = SendCommand(cmd.String());
			if (err != B_OK) {
				error_msg << MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE(". The server said:\n",
					"サーバのメッセージです\n") << fLog;
				return err;

			return B_OK;
		} else {
			error_msg << MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE(": The server does not support APOP.",
			return B_NOT_ALLOWED;
	runner->ReportProgress(0, 0, MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE("Sending username...",

	BString cmd = "USER ";
	cmd += uid;
	cmd += CRLF;

	err = SendCommand(cmd.String());
	if (err != B_OK) {
		error_msg << MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE(". The server said:\n",
			"サーバのメッセージです\n") << fLog;
		return err;

	runner->ReportProgress(0, 0, MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE("Sending password...",
	cmd = "PASS ";
	cmd += password;
	cmd += CRLF;

	err = SendCommand(cmd.String());
	if (err != B_OK) {
		error_msg << MDR_DIALECT_CHOICE(". The server said:\n",
			"サーバのメッセージです\n") << fLog;
		return err;

	return B_OK;
Esempio n. 9
  GPConnection * connection,
  GPIOperation * operation,
  const char * input
	char buffer[512];
	char check[33];
	char uniquenick[GP_UNIQUENICK_LEN];
	GPIConnectData * data;
	GPIConnection * iconnection = (GPIConnection*)*connection;
	GPICallback callback;
	GPIProfile * profile;
	char userBuffer[GP_NICK_LEN + GP_EMAIL_LEN];
	char partnerBuffer[11];
	char * user;

	// Check for an error.
	if(gpiCheckForError(connection, input, GPIFalse))
		// Is this a deleted profile?
		if((iconnection->errorCode == GP_LOGIN_PROFILE_DELETED) && iconnection->profileid)
			// Remove this profile object.
			gpiRemoveProfileByID(connection, iconnection->profileid);

			// If we have the profileid/userid cached, lose them.
			iconnection->userid = 0;
			iconnection->profileid = 0;
		// Check for creating an existing profile.
		else if(iconnection->errorCode == GP_NEWUSER_BAD_NICK)
			// Store the pid.
			if(gpiValueForKey(input, "\\pid\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
				iconnection->profileid = atoi(buffer);

		// Call the callbacks.
		CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_SERVER_ERROR, iconnection->errorCode, iconnection->errorString);

	// Get a pointer to the data.
	data = (GPIConnectData*)operation->data;

		// This should be \lc\1.
		if(strncmp(input, "\\lc\\1", 5) != 0)
			CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server.");

		// Get the server challenge.
		if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\challenge\\", data->serverChallenge, sizeof(data->serverChallenge)))
			CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server.");

		// Check if this is a new user.
			// Send a new user message.
			CHECK_RESULT(gpiSendNewuser(connection, data));

			// Update the operation's state.
			operation->state = GPI_REQUESTING;
			// Send a login message.
			CHECK_RESULT(gpiSendLogin(connection, data));

			// Update the operation's state.
			operation->state = GPI_LOGIN;


		// This should be \nur\.
		if(strncmp(input, "\\nur\\", 5) != 0)
			CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server.");

		// Get the userid.
		if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\userid\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
			CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server.");
		iconnection->userid = atoi(buffer);

		// Get the profileid.
		if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\profileid\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
			CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server.");
		iconnection->profileid = atoi(buffer);

		// Send a login request.
		CHECK_RESULT(gpiSendLogin(connection, data));

		// Update the operation's state.
		operation->state = GPI_LOGIN;

	case GPI_LOGIN:
		// This should be \lc\2.
		if(strncmp(input, "\\lc\\2", 5) != 0)
			CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexpected data was received from the server.");

		// Get the sesskey.
		if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\sesskey\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
			CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server.");
		iconnection->sessKey = atoi(buffer);

		// Get the userid.
		if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\userid\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
			CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server.");
		iconnection->userid = atoi(buffer);

		// Get the profileid.
		if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\profileid\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
			CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server.");
		iconnection->profileid = atoi(buffer);

		// Get the uniquenick.
		if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\uniquenick\\", uniquenick, sizeof(uniquenick)))
			uniquenick[0] = '\0';

		// Get the loginticket.
		if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\lt\\", iconnection->loginTicket, sizeof(iconnection->loginTicket)))
			iconnection->loginTicket[0] = '\0';

		// Construct the user.
		if(iconnection->partnerID != GP_PARTNERID_GAMESPY)
			sprintf(partnerBuffer, "%d@", iconnection->partnerID);
			// GS ID's do not stash the partner ID in the auth challenge to support legacy clients.
			strcpy(partnerBuffer, "");

			user = data->authtoken;
		else if(iconnection->uniquenick[0])  
			sprintf(userBuffer, "%s%s", partnerBuffer, iconnection->uniquenick);
			user = userBuffer;
			sprintf(userBuffer, "%s%s@%s", partnerBuffer, iconnection->nick, iconnection->email);
			user = userBuffer;

		// Construct the check.
		sprintf(buffer, "%s%s%s%s%s%s",
			"                                                ",
		MD5Digest((unsigned char *)buffer, strlen(buffer), check);

		// Get the proof.
		if(!gpiValueForKey(input, "\\proof\\", buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
			CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_PARSE, "Unexepected data was received from the server.");

		// Check the server authentication.
		if(memcmp(check, buffer, 32) != 0)
			CallbackFatalError(connection, GP_NETWORK_ERROR, GP_LOGIN_SERVER_AUTH_FAILED, "Could not authenticate server.");

		// Add the local profile to the list.
			profile = gpiProfileListAdd(connection, iconnection->profileid);
			profile->profileId = iconnection->profileid;
			profile->userId = iconnection->userid;

		// Set the connect state.
		iconnection->connectState = GPI_CONNECTED;

		// Call the connect-response callback.
		callback = operation->callback;
		if(callback.callback != NULL)
			GPConnectResponseArg * arg;
			arg = (GPConnectResponseArg *)gsimalloc(sizeof(GPConnectResponseArg));
			if(arg == NULL)
				Error(connection, GP_MEMORY_ERROR, "Out of memory.");
			memset(arg, 0, sizeof(GPConnectResponseArg));

			arg->profile = (GPProfile)iconnection->profileid;
			arg->result = GP_NO_ERROR;
			strzcpy(arg->uniquenick, uniquenick, GP_UNIQUENICK_LEN);
			UTF8ToUCS2StringLen(uniquenick, arg->uniquenick, GP_UNIQUENICK_LEN);
			CHECK_RESULT(gpiAddCallback(connection, callback, arg, operation, 0));

		// This operation is complete.
		gpiRemoveOperation(connection, operation);

		// Get the local profile's info.
#if 0
		gpiAddOperation(connection, GPI_GET_INFO, NULL, &operation, GP_NON_BLOCKING, NULL, NULL);
		gpiSendGetInfo(connection, iconnection->profileid, operation->id);

#ifdef _PS3
		// We just connected, so setup buddy sync && start NP init
        // For future, we can limit syncs by setting flags to turn on/off here
		iconnection->npPerformBuddySync = gsi_true;
        iconnection->npPerformBlockSync = gsi_true;
		iconnection->loginTime = current_time();

		if (!iconnection->npInitialized)

	return GP_NO_ERROR;
Esempio n. 10
static GPResult
  GPConnection * connection,
  GPIConnectData * data
	char buffer[512];
	char response[33];
	GPIConnection * iconnection = (GPIConnection*)*connection;
	GPIProfile * profile;
	char * passphrase;
	char userBuffer[GP_NICK_LEN + GP_EMAIL_LEN];
	char partnerBuffer[11];
	char * user;

	// Construct the user challenge.
	randomString(data->userChallenge, sizeof(data->userChallenge) - 1);

	// Hash the password.
		passphrase = data->partnerchallenge;
		passphrase = iconnection->password;
	MD5Digest((unsigned char*)passphrase, strlen(passphrase), data->passwordHash);

	// Construct the user.
	if(iconnection->partnerID != GP_PARTNERID_GAMESPY)
		sprintf(partnerBuffer, "%d@", iconnection->partnerID);
		// GS ID's do not stash the partner ID in the auth challenge to support legacy clients.
		strcpy(partnerBuffer, "");

		user = data->authtoken;
	else if(iconnection->uniquenick[0])
		sprintf(userBuffer, "%s%s", partnerBuffer, iconnection->uniquenick);
		user = userBuffer;
		sprintf(userBuffer, "%s%s@%s", partnerBuffer, iconnection->nick, iconnection->email);
		user = userBuffer;

	// Construct the response.
	sprintf(buffer, "%s%s%s%s%s%s",
		"                                                ",
	MD5Digest((unsigned char *)buffer, strlen(buffer), response);

	// Check for an existing profile.
		gpiFindProfileByUser(connection, iconnection->nick, iconnection->email, &profile);
		if(profile != NULL)
			// Get the userid and profileid.
			iconnection->userid = profile->userId;
			iconnection->profileid = profile->profileId;

	// Construct the outgoing message.
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\login\\");
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\challenge\\");
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, data->userChallenge);
		gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\authtoken\\");
		gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, data->authtoken);
	else if(iconnection->uniquenick[0])
		gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\uniquenick\\");
		gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, iconnection->uniquenick);
		gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\user\\");
		gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, iconnection->nick);
		gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "@");
		gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, iconnection->email);
	if(iconnection->userid != 0)
		gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\userid\\");
		gpiAppendIntToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, iconnection->userid);
	if(iconnection->profileid != 0)
		gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\profileid\\");
		gpiAppendIntToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, iconnection->profileid);
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\partnerid\\");
	gpiAppendIntToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, iconnection->partnerID);
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\response\\");
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, response);
	if(iconnection->firewall == GP_FIREWALL)
		gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\firewall\\1");
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\port\\");
	gpiAppendIntToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, iconnection->peerPort);
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\productid\\");
	gpiAppendIntToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, iconnection->productID);
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\gamename\\");
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, __GSIACGamename);
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\namespaceid\\");
	gpiAppendIntToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, iconnection->namespaceID);
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\sdkrevision\\");
	gpiAppendIntToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, GPI_SDKREV);
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\quiet\\");
	gpiAppendIntToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, iconnection->quietModeFlags);
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\id\\1");
	gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &iconnection->outputBuffer, "\\final\\");

	return GP_NO_ERROR;
Esempio n. 11
POP3Protocol::Login(const char* uid, const char* password, int method)
	status_t err;

	BString errorMessage(B_TRANSLATE("Error while authenticating user %user"));
	errorMessage.ReplaceFirst("%user", uid);

	if (method == 1) {	//APOP
		int32 index = fLog.FindFirst("<");
		if(index != B_ERROR) {
			ReportProgress(0, 0, B_TRANSLATE("Sending APOP authentication"
			int32 end = fLog.FindFirst(">", index);
			BString timestamp("");
			fLog.CopyInto(timestamp, index, end - index + 1);
			timestamp += password;
			char md5sum[33];
			MD5Digest((unsigned char*)timestamp.String(), md5sum);
			BString cmd = "APOP ";
			cmd += uid;
			cmd += " ";
			cmd += md5sum;
			cmd += CRLF;

			err = SendCommand(cmd.String());
			if (err != B_OK) {
				errorMessage << B_TRANSLATE(". The server said:\n") << fLog;
				return err;

			return B_OK;
		} else {
			errorMessage << B_TRANSLATE(": The server does not support APOP.");
			return B_NOT_ALLOWED;
	ReportProgress(0, 0, B_TRANSLATE("Sending username" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS));

	BString cmd = "USER ";
	cmd += uid;
	cmd += CRLF;

	err = SendCommand(cmd.String());
	if (err != B_OK) {
		errorMessage << B_TRANSLATE(". The server said:\n") << fLog;
		return err;

	ReportProgress(0, 0, B_TRANSLATE("Sending password" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS));
	cmd = "PASS ";
	cmd += password;
	cmd += CRLF;

	err = SendCommand(cmd.String());
	if (err != B_OK) {
		errorMessage << B_TRANSLATE(". The server said:\n") << fLog;
		return err;

	return B_OK;
Esempio n. 12
static int pop3_getauth(int sock, struct query *ctl, char *greeting)
/* apply for connection authorization */
    int ok;
    char *start,*end;
    char *msg;
    char *challenge;
#endif /* OPIE_ENABLE */
    flag connection_may_have_tls_errors = FALSE;
    flag got_tls = FALSE;
#endif /* SSL_ENABLE */

    done_capa = FALSE;
#if defined(GSSAPI)
    has_gssapi = FALSE;
#endif /* defined(GSSAPI) */
#if defined(KERBEROS_V4) || defined(KERBEROS_V5)
    has_kerberos = FALSE;
#endif /* defined(KERBEROS_V4) || defined(KERBEROS_V5) */
    has_cram = FALSE;
    has_otp = FALSE;
#endif /* OPIE_ENABLE */
    has_stls = FALSE;
#endif /* SSL_ENABLE */

    /* Set this up before authentication quits early. */

    /* Hack: allow user to force RETR. */
    if (peek_capable && getenv("FETCHMAIL_POP3_FORCE_RETR")) {
	peek_capable = 0;

     * The "Maillennium POP3/PROXY server" deliberately truncates
     * TOP replies after c. 64 or 80 kByte (we have varying reports), so
     * disable TOP. Comcast once spewed marketing babble to the extent
     * of protecting Outlook -- pretty overzealous to break a protocol
     * for that that Microsoft could have read, too. Comcast aren't
     * alone in using this software though.
     * <>
     * (Thanks to Ed Wilts for reminding me of that.)
     * The warning is printed once per server, until fetchmail exits.
     * It will be suppressed when --fetchall or other circumstances make
     * us use RETR anyhow.
     * Matthias Andree
    if (peek_capable && strstr(greeting, "Maillennium POP3/PROXY server")) {
	if ((ctl->server.workarounds & WKA_TOP) == 0) {
	    report(stdout, GT_("Warning: \"Maillennium POP3/PROXY server\" found, using RETR command instead of TOP.\n"));
	    ctl->server.workarounds |= WKA_TOP;
	peek_capable = 0;
    if (ctl->server.authenticate == A_SSH) {
        return PS_SUCCESS;

     * This needs to catch both and
     * If we see either, and we're in multidrop mode, try to use
     * the SDPS *ENV extension.
    if (!(ctl->server.sdps) && MULTIDROP(ctl) && strstr(greeting, "demon."))
        ctl->server.sdps = TRUE;
#endif /* SDPS_ENABLE */

   switch (ctl->server.protocol) {
    case P_POP3:
	/* XXX FIXME: AUTH probing (RFC1734) should become global */
	/* CompuServe POP3 Servers as of 990730 want AUTH first for RPA */
	if (strstr(ctl->remotename, ""))
	    /* AUTH command should return a list of available mechanisms */
	    if (gen_transact(sock, "AUTH") == 0)
		char buffer[10];
		flag has_rpa = FALSE;

		while ((ok = gen_recv(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) == 0)
		    if (DOTLINE(buffer))
		    if (strncasecmp(buffer, "rpa", 3) == 0)
			has_rpa = TRUE;
		if (has_rpa && !POP3_auth_rpa(ctl->remotename, 
					      ctl->password, sock))

#endif /* RPA_ENABLE */

	 * CAPA command may return a list including available
	 * authentication mechanisms and STLS capability.
	 * If it doesn't, no harm done, we just fall back to a plain
	 * login -- if the user allows it.
	 * Note that this code latches the server's authentication type,
	 * so that in daemon mode the CAPA check only needs to be done
	 * once at start of run.
	 * If CAPA fails, then force the authentication method to
	 * PASSWORD, switch off opportunistic and repoll immediately.
	 * If TLS is mandatory, fail up front.
	if ((ctl->server.authenticate == A_ANY) ||
		(ctl->server.authenticate == A_GSSAPI) ||
		(ctl->server.authenticate == A_KERBEROS_V4) ||
		(ctl->server.authenticate == A_KERBEROS_V5) ||
		(ctl->server.authenticate == A_OTP) ||
		(ctl->server.authenticate == A_CRAM_MD5) ||
	    if ((ok = capa_probe(sock)) != PS_SUCCESS)
		/* we are in STAGE_GETAUTH => failure is PS_AUTHFAIL! */
		if (ok == PS_AUTHFAIL ||
		    /* Some servers directly close the socket. However, if we
		     * have already authenticated before, then a previous CAPA
		     * must have succeeded. In that case, treat this as a
		     * genuine socket error and do not change the auth method.
		    (ok == PS_SOCKET && !ctl->wehaveauthed))
		    if (must_tls(ctl)) {
			/* fail with mandatory STLS without repoll */
			report(stderr, GT_("TLS is mandatory for this session, but server refused CAPA command.\n"));
			report(stderr, GT_("The CAPA command is however necessary for TLS.\n"));
			return ok;
		    } else if (maybe_tls(ctl)) {
			/* defeat opportunistic STLS */
			ctl->sslproto = xstrdup("");
		    /* If strong authentication was opportunistic, retry without, else fail. */
		    switch (ctl->server.authenticate) {
			case A_ANY:
			    ctl->server.authenticate = A_PASSWORD;
			    /* FALLTHROUGH */
			case A_PASSWORD: /* this should only happen with TLS enabled */
			    return PS_REPOLL;
			    return PS_AUTHFAIL;

	if (maybe_tls(ctl)) {
	    char *commonname;

	    commonname = ctl->server.pollname;
	    if (ctl->server.via)
		commonname = ctl->server.via;
	    if (ctl->sslcommonname)
		commonname = ctl->sslcommonname;

	   if (has_stls)
	       /* Use "tls1" rather than ctl->sslproto because tls1 is the only
		* protocol that will work with STARTTLS.  Don't need to worry
		* whether TLS is mandatory or opportunistic unless SSLOpen() fails
		* (see below). */
	       if (gen_transact(sock, "STLS") == PS_SUCCESS
		       && SSLOpen(sock, ctl->sslcert, ctl->sslkey, "tls1", ctl->sslcertck,
			   ctl->sslcertfile, ctl->sslcertpath, ctl->sslfingerprint, commonname,
			   ctl->server.pollname, &ctl->remotename) != -1)
		    * RFC 2595 says this:
		    * "Once TLS has been started, the client MUST discard cached
		    * information about server capabilities and SHOULD re-issue the
		    * CAPABILITY command.  This is necessary to protect against
		    * man-in-the-middle attacks which alter the capabilities list prior
		    * to STARTTLS.  The server MAY advertise different capabilities
		    * after STARTTLS."
		    * Now that we're confident in our TLS connection we can
		    * guarantee a secure capability re-probe.
		   got_tls = TRUE;
		   done_capa = FALSE;
		   ok = capa_probe(sock);
		   if (ok != PS_SUCCESS) {
		       return ok;
		   if (outlevel >= O_VERBOSE)
		       report(stdout, GT_("%s: upgrade to TLS succeeded.\n"), commonname);

	   if (!got_tls) {
	       if (must_tls(ctl)) {
		   /* Config required TLS but we couldn't guarantee it, so we must
		    * stop. */
		   report(stderr, GT_("%s: upgrade to TLS failed.\n"), commonname);
		   return PS_SOCKET;
	       } else {
		   /* We don't know whether the connection is usable, and there's
		    * no command we can reasonably issue to test it (NOOP isn't
		    * allowed til post-authentication), so leave it in an unknown
		    * state, mark it as such, and check more carefully if things
		    * go wrong when we try to authenticate. */
		   connection_may_have_tls_errors = TRUE;
		   if (outlevel >= O_VERBOSE)
		       report(stdout, GT_("%s: opportunistic upgrade to TLS failed, trying to continue.\n"), commonname);
	} /* maybe_tls() */
#endif /* SSL_ENABLE */

	 * OK, we have an authentication type now.
#if defined(KERBEROS_V4)
	 * Servers doing KPOP have to go through a dummy login sequence
	 * rather than doing SASL.
	if (has_kerberos &&
	    ctl->server.service && (strcmp(ctl->server.service, KPOP_PORT)!=0)
	    && (ctl->server.authenticate == A_KERBEROS_V4
	     || ctl->server.authenticate == A_KERBEROS_V5
	     || ctl->server.authenticate == A_ANY))
	    ok = do_rfc1731(sock, "AUTH", ctl->server.truename);
	    if (ok == PS_SUCCESS || ctl->server.authenticate != A_ANY)
#endif /* defined(KERBEROS_V4) || defined(KERBEROS_V5) */

#if defined(GSSAPI)
	if (has_gssapi &&
	    (ctl->server.authenticate == A_GSSAPI ||
	    (ctl->server.authenticate == A_ANY
	     && check_gss_creds("pop", ctl->server.truename) == PS_SUCCESS)))
	    ok = do_gssauth(sock,"AUTH","pop",ctl->server.truename,ctl->remotename);
	    if (ok == PS_SUCCESS || ctl->server.authenticate != A_ANY)
#endif /* defined(GSSAPI) */

	if (has_otp &&
	    (ctl->server.authenticate == A_OTP ||
	     ctl->server.authenticate == A_ANY))
	    ok = do_otp(sock, "AUTH", ctl);
	    if (ok == PS_SUCCESS || ctl->server.authenticate != A_ANY)
#endif /* OPIE_ENABLE */

    /* MSN servers require the use of NTLM (MSN) authentication */
    if (!strcasecmp(ctl->server.pollname, "") ||
	    ctl->server.authenticate == A_MSN)
	return (do_pop3_ntlm(sock, ctl, 1) == 0) ? PS_SUCCESS : PS_AUTHFAIL;
    if (ctl->server.authenticate == A_NTLM || (has_ntlm && ctl->server.authenticate == A_ANY)) {
	ok = do_pop3_ntlm(sock, ctl, 0);
        if (ok == 0 || ctl->server.authenticate != A_ANY)
    if (ctl->server.authenticate == A_NTLM || ctl->server.authenticate == A_MSN)
	   GT_("Required NTLM capability not compiled into fetchmail\n"));

 	if (ctl->server.authenticate == A_CRAM_MD5 || 
	    (has_cram && ctl->server.authenticate == A_ANY))
	    ok = do_cram_md5(sock, "AUTH", ctl, NULL);
	    if (ok == PS_SUCCESS || ctl->server.authenticate != A_ANY)

	/* ordinary validation, no one-time password or RPA */ 
	if ((ok = gen_transact(sock, "USER %s", ctl->remotename)))

	/* see RFC1938: A One-Time Password System */
	if ((challenge = strstr(lastok, "otp-"))) {
	  char response[OPIE_RESPONSE_MAX+1];
	  int i;
	  char *n = xstrdup("");

	  i = opiegenerator(challenge, !strcmp(ctl->password, "opie") ? n : ctl->password, response);
	  if ((i == -2) && !run.poll_interval) {
	    char secret[OPIE_SECRET_MAX+1];
	    fprintf(stderr, GT_("Secret pass phrase: "));
	    if (opiereadpass(secret, sizeof(secret), 0))
	      i = opiegenerator(challenge,  secret, response);
	    memset(secret, 0, sizeof(secret));

	  if (i) {
	    ok = PS_ERROR;

	  ok = gen_transact(sock, "PASS %s", response);
#endif /* OPIE_ENABLE */

	/* KPOP uses out-of-band authentication and does not check what
	 * we send here, so send some random fixed string, to avoid
	 * users switching *to* KPOP accidentally revealing their
	 * password */
	if ((ctl->server.authenticate == A_ANY
		    || ctl->server.authenticate == A_KERBEROS_V4
		    || ctl->server.authenticate == A_KERBEROS_V5)
		&& (ctl->server.service != NULL
		    && strcmp(ctl->server.service, KPOP_PORT) == 0))
	    ok = gen_transact(sock, "PASS krb_ticket");

	/* check if we are actually allowed to send the password */
	if (ctl->server.authenticate == A_ANY
		|| ctl->server.authenticate == A_PASSWORD) {
	    strlcpy(shroud, ctl->password, sizeof(shroud));
	    ok = gen_transact(sock, "PASS %s", ctl->password);
	} else {
	    report(stderr, GT_("We've run out of allowed authenticators and cannot continue.\n"));
	    ok = PS_AUTHFAIL;
	memset(shroud, 0x55, sizeof(shroud));
	shroud[0] = '\0';

    case P_APOP:
	/* build MD5 digest from greeting timestamp + password */
	/* find start of timestamp */
	for (start = greeting;  *start != 0 && *start != '<';  start++)
	if (*start == 0) {
		   GT_("Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n"));

	/* find end of timestamp */
	for (end = start;  *end != 0  && *end != '>';  end++)
	if (*end == 0 || end == start + 1) {
		   GT_("Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n"));
	    *++end = '\0';

	/* SECURITY: 2007-03-17
	 * Strictly validating the presented challenge for RFC-822
	 * conformity (it must be a msg-id in terms of that standard) is
	 * supposed to make attacks against the MD5 implementation
	 * harder[1]
	 * [1] "Security vulnerability in APOP authentication",
	 *     Gaëtan Leurent, fetchmail-devel, 2007-03-17 */
	if (!rfc822_valid_msgid((unsigned char *)start)) {
		    GT_("Invalid APOP timestamp.\n"));
	    return PS_AUTHFAIL;

	/* copy timestamp and password into digestion buffer */
	msg = (char *)xmalloc((end-start+1) + strlen(ctl->password) + 1);
	strcpy((char *)ctl->digest, MD5Digest((unsigned char *)msg));

	ok = gen_transact(sock, "APOP %s %s", ctl->remotename, (char *)ctl->digest);

    case P_RPOP:
	if ((ok = gen_transact(sock,"USER %s", ctl->remotename)) == 0) {
	    strlcpy(shroud, ctl->password, sizeof(shroud));
	    ok = gen_transact(sock, "RPOP %s", ctl->password);
	    memset(shroud, 0x55, sizeof(shroud));
	    shroud[0] = '\0';

	report(stderr, GT_("Undefined protocol request in POP3_auth\n"));
	ok = PS_ERROR;

    /* this is for servers which claim to support TLS, but actually
     * don't! */
    if (connection_may_have_tls_errors
		    && (ok == PS_SOCKET || ok == PS_PROTOCOL))
	ctl->sslproto = xstrdup("");
	/* repoll immediately without TLS */
	ok = PS_REPOLL;

    if (ok != 0)
	/* maybe we detected a lock-busy condition? */
        if (ok == PS_LOCKBUSY)
	    report(stderr, GT_("lock busy!  Is another session active?\n")); 


/* Disable the sleep. Based on patch by Brian Candler 2004-04-19/2004-11-08,
 * accepted by Matthias Andree.
 * Rationale: the server must have locked the spool before returning +OK;
 * this sleep just wastes time and hence, for modem and GSM CSD users, money. */
     * Empirical experience shows some server/OS combinations
     * may need a brief pause even after any lockfiles on the
     * server are released, to give the server time to finish
     * copying back very large mailfolders from the temp-file...
     * this is only ever an issue with extremely large mailboxes.
    sleep(3); /* to be _really_ safe, probably need sleep(5)! */

    /* we're approved */
Esempio n. 13
void MD5Sum::update(const char* buffer, const int bufferLength)
    // Process data buffer
    const unsigned char* bTmp = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(buffer);
    MD5Digest(&md5_, bTmp, bufferLength);   
Esempio n. 14
static GPResult
  GPConnection * connection,
  GPIPeer * peer
	GPIConnection * iconnection = (GPIConnection*)*connection;
	GSUdpPeerState aPeerState;
	char * str;
	//int len;
	GPIBool connClosed;
	char intValue[16];
	int pid;
	char nick[GP_NICK_LEN];
	char sig[33];
	char sigCheck[33];
	char buffer[256];

	// Check the state.
	GS_ASSERT(peer->state == GPI_PEER_WAITING);
	if (peer->state != GPI_PEER_WAITING)

	// Read any pending info.
	//CHECK_RESULT(gpiRecvToBuffer(connection, peer->sock, &peer->inputBuffer, &len, &connClosed, "PR"));
	gsUdpEngineGetPeerState(peer->ip, peer->port, &aPeerState);

	// Check for a closed connection.
	if(aPeerState == GS_UDP_PEER_CLOSED)
		peer->state = GPI_PEER_DISCONNECTED;
		return GP_NO_ERROR;

	// Check for a final.
	str = strstr(peer->inputBuffer.buffer, "\\final\\");
	if(str != NULL)
		str[0] = '\0';
		str += 7;

		// Is it an auth?
		if(strncmp(peer->inputBuffer.buffer, "\\auth\\", 6) == 0)
			// Get the pid.
			if(!gpiValueForKey(peer->inputBuffer.buffer, "\\pid\\", intValue, sizeof(intValue)))
				peer->state = GPI_PEER_DISCONNECTED;
				return GP_NO_ERROR;
			pid = atoi(intValue);

			// Get the nick.
			if(!gpiValueForKey(peer->inputBuffer.buffer, "\\nick\\", nick, sizeof(nick)))
				peer->state = GPI_PEER_DISCONNECTED;
				return GP_NO_ERROR;

			// Get the sig.
			if(!gpiValueForKey(peer->inputBuffer.buffer, "\\sig\\", sig, sizeof(sig)))
				peer->state = GPI_PEER_DISCONNECTED;
				return GP_NO_ERROR;

			// Compute what the sig should be.
			sprintf(buffer, "%s%d%d",
			MD5Digest((unsigned char *)buffer, strlen(buffer), sigCheck);

			// Check the sig.
			if(strcmp(sig, sigCheck) != 0)
				// Bad sig.
				gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &peer->outputBuffer, "\\anack\\");
				gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &peer->outputBuffer, "\\final\\");

				gpiSendBufferToPeer(connection, peer->ip, peer->port, &peer->outputBuffer, &connClosed, GPITrue);
				peer->state = GPI_PEER_DISCONNECTED;
				return GP_NO_ERROR;

			// Send an ack.
			gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &peer->outputBuffer, "\\aack\\");
			gpiAppendStringToBuffer(connection, &peer->outputBuffer, "\\final\\");
			peer->state = GPI_PEER_CONNECTED;
			peer->profile = (GPProfile)pid;
			// Unrecognized command.
			peer->state = GPI_PEER_DISCONNECTED;
			return GP_NO_ERROR;
		// Update the buffer length.
		peer->inputBuffer.len = 0;

	return GP_NO_ERROR;