Esempio n. 1
void CoreMidiDriver::handleQueueNote(Note* pNote)
	if (cmH2Dst == NULL ) {
		ERRORLOG( "cmH2Dst = NULL " );

	int channel = pNote->get_instrument()->get_midi_out_channel();
	if (channel < 0) {

	int key = pNote->get_midi_key();
	int velocity = pNote->get_midi_velocity();
	MIDIPacketList packetList;
	packetList.numPackets = 1;
	packetList.packet->timeStamp = 0;
	packetList.packet->length = 3;
	packetList.packet->data[0] = 0x80 | channel;
	packetList.packet->data[1] = key;
	packetList.packet->data[2] = velocity;
	MIDISend(h2OutputRef, cmH2Dst, &packetList);
	packetList.packet->data[0] = 0x90 | channel;
	packetList.packet->data[1] = key;
	packetList.packet->data[2] = velocity;
	MIDISend(h2OutputRef, cmH2Dst, &packetList);
void CoreMidiOutputDevice::writeSysEx(QByteArray message)

    if (isOpen() == false)

    int bufferSize = message.count() + 100; // Todo this is not correct

    Byte buffer[bufferSize];    // osx max=65536
    MIDIPacketList* list = (MIDIPacketList*) buffer;
    MIDIPacket* packet = MIDIPacketListInit(list);

    /* Add the MIDI command to the packet list */
    packet = MIDIPacketListAdd(list, bufferSize, packet, 0, message.count(), (Byte *);
    if (packet == 0)
        qWarning() << "MIDIOut buffer overflow";

    /* Send the MIDI packet list */
    OSStatus s = MIDISend(m_outPort, m_destination, list);
    if (s != 0)
        qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Unable to send MIDI data to" << name();
void CoreMidiOutputDevice::writeFeedback(uchar cmd, uchar data1, uchar data2)
    if (isOpen() == false)

    Byte buffer[128]; // Should be enough for 1 message
    MIDIPacketList* list = (MIDIPacketList*) buffer;
    MIDIPacket* packet = MIDIPacketListInit(list);

    Byte message[3];
    message[0] = cmd;
    message[1] = data1;
    message[2] = data2;

    /* Add the MIDI command to the packet list */
    packet = MIDIPacketListAdd(list, sizeof(buffer), packet, 0, sizeof(message), message);
    if (packet == 0)
        qWarning() << "MIDIOut buffer overflow";

    /* Send the MIDI packet list */
    OSStatus s = MIDISend(m_outPort, m_destination, list);
    if (s != 0)
        qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Unable to send MIDI data to" << name();
Esempio n. 4
 void send (const MIDIPacketList* const packets) noexcept
     if (port != 0)
         MIDISend (port, endPoint, packets);
         MIDIReceived (endPoint, packets);
Esempio n. 5
void CoreMidiDriver::handleQueueAllNoteOff()
	if (cmH2Dst == NULL ) {
		ERRORLOG( "cmH2Dst = NULL " );
	InstrumentList *instList = Hydrogen::get_instance()->getSong()->get_instrument_list();
	unsigned int numInstruments = instList->size();
	for (int index = 0; index < numInstruments; ++index) {
		Instrument *curInst = instList->get(index);
		int channel = curInst->get_midi_out_channel();
		if (channel < 0) {
		int key = curInst->get_midi_out_note();
		MIDIPacketList packetList;
		packetList.numPackets = 1;
		packetList.packet->timeStamp = 0;
		packetList.packet->length = 3;
		packetList.packet->data[0] = 0x80 | channel;
		packetList.packet->data[1] = key;
		packetList.packet->data[2] = 0;
		MIDISend(h2OutputRef, cmH2Dst, &packetList);
Esempio n. 6
static void _macosx_drain(struct midi_port *p)
	struct macosx_midi *m;

	m = (struct macosx_midi *)p->userdata;
	if (m->x) {
		MIDISend(portOut, m->ep, m->pl);
		m->x = NULL;
Esempio n. 7
void MIDIOut_Send(MIDIPortRef port, MIDIEndpointRef dest, UInt8 *buffer, unsigned length)
    Byte packetBuff[512];
    MIDIPacketList *packetList = (MIDIPacketList *)packetBuff;

    MIDIPacket *packet = MIDIPacketListInit(packetList);

    packet = MIDIPacketListAdd(packetList, sizeof(packetBuff), packet, mach_absolute_time(), length, buffer);
    if (packet)
        MIDISend(port, dest, packetList);
Esempio n. 8
File: midi.c Progetto: huangjs/cl
int mus_midi_write(int line, unsigned char *buffer, int bytes)
  MIDIPacketList *list = (MIDIPacketList *)bb;
  MIDIPacket *pk;
  if ((line < 1) || (buffer == NULL) || (outp == NULL)) return(-1);
  /* create the packetlist and packet */
  pk = MIDIPacketListInit(list);
  MIDIPacketListAdd(list, sizeof(bb), pk, 0, bytes, (Byte *)buffer);  /* 0 is the time stamp = now? */
  MIDISend(outp, MIDIGetDestination(0), list);
void sendmidi(int port, MIDIEndpointRef dest, int length, int hiStatus, int loStatus, int aval, int bval, float late)
	MIDIPacketList mpktlist;
	MIDIPacketList * pktlist = &mpktlist;
	MIDIPacket * pk = MIDIPacketListInit(pktlist);
	ByteCount nData = (ByteCount) length;
	pk->data[0] = (Byte) (hiStatus & 0xF0) | (loStatus & 0x0F);
	pk->data[1] = (Byte) aval;
	pk->data[2] = (Byte) bval;
	pk = MIDIPacketListAdd(pktlist, sizeof(struct MIDIPacketList) , pk, midiTime(late), nData, pk->data);
	/*OSStatus error =*/ MIDISend(gMIDIOutPort[port],  dest, pktlist );
Esempio n. 10
void hal_plot_led(u8 type, u8 index, u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue)
	// send this up the MIDI.  Construct sysex:
	unsigned char data[] = {0xF0, 0x00, 0x20, 0x29, 0x02, 0x10, 0x0B, index, red, green, blue, 0xF7};
	static const int MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 256;
	MIDIPacketList packetLst;
	MIDIPacket *packet = MIDIPacketListInit(&packetLst);
	MIDIPacketListAdd(&packetLst, MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, packet, 0, sizeof(data), data);
	MIDISend(g_outDevPort, g_outDevEndpoint, &packetLst);
Esempio n. 11
int lp_send_midi_msg(lp_device_t device, uint8_t data[256], size_t len) {
    uint8_t buf[256];
    bzero(buf, 256);
    MIDIPacketList *list = (MIDIPacketList *)buf;
    list->numPackets = 1;
    list->packet[0].length = len;
    list->packet[0].timeStamp = 0;
    memcpy(list->packet[0].data, data, len);
    return MIDISend(_lp_ctx.outport, device->dest, (const MIDIPacketList *)list);
Esempio n. 12
static void SendSmallEv(SlotPtr slot, MidiEvPtr e, sendState* state)
	MIDIPacketList* pktlist = (MIDIPacketList*)state->packetBuffer;
	MIDIPacket* packet = MIDIPacketListInit(pktlist);
	unsigned char * ptr = state->evBuffer;
	OSErr err;
	int n = 0;
	e = MidiStreamPutEvent (&state->outsmall, e);
	if (e) MidiTask (KOffTask, Date(e), gRefNum, (long)e, (long)slot, 0); // typeNote
	while (MidiStreamGetByte (&state->outsmall, ptr++)) {n++;}
	err = MIDISend(slot->port,slot->dest,pktlist);
	if (err != noErr) fprintf(stderr, "MIDISend : error %ld\n", err);
Esempio n. 13
void MidiDriver_CoreMIDI::send(uint32 b) {
	assert(mOutPort != 0);
	assert(mDest != 0);

	// Extract the MIDI data
	byte status_byte = (b & 0x000000FF);
	byte first_byte = (b & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
	byte second_byte = (b & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;

	// Generate a single MIDI packet with that data
	MIDIPacketList packetList;
	MIDIPacket *packet = &packetList.packet[0];

	packetList.numPackets = 1;

	packet->timeStamp = 0;
	packet->data[0] = status_byte;
	packet->data[1] = first_byte;
	packet->data[2] = second_byte;

	// Compute the correct length of the MIDI command. This is important,
	// else things may screw up badly...
	switch (status_byte & 0xF0) {
	case 0x80:	// Note Off
	case 0x90:	// Note On
	case 0xA0:	// Polyphonic Aftertouch
	case 0xB0:	// Controller Change
	case 0xE0:	// Pitch Bending
		packet->length = 3;
	case 0xC0:	// Programm Change
	case 0xD0:	// Monophonic Aftertouch
		packet->length = 2;
		warning("CoreMIDI driver encountered unsupported status byte: 0x%02x", status_byte);
		packet->length = 3;

	// Finally send it out to the synthesizer.
	MIDISend(mOutPort, mDest, &packetList);
Esempio n. 14
static void	MyReadProc(const MIDIPacketList *pktlist, void *refCon, void *connRefCon)
	if (gOutPort != NULL && gDest != NULL) {
		MIDIPacket *packet = (MIDIPacket *)pktlist->packet;	// remove const (!)
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pktlist->numPackets; ++j) {
			for (int i = 0; i < packet->length; ++i) {
//				printf("%02X ", packet->data[i]);

				// rechannelize status bytes
				if (packet->data[i] >= 0x80 && packet->data[i] < 0xF0)
					packet->data[i] = (packet->data[i] & 0xF0) | gChannel;

//			printf("\n");
			packet = MIDIPacketNext(packet);

		MIDISend(gOutPort, gDest, pktlist);
Esempio n. 15
void MIDIChango::update(float *vals){

  for( int i = 0; i < NUM_WAVES ; i ++  ){

      packetList.numPackets = 1;
      packetList.packet[0].length = 3;
      packetList.packet[0].data[0] = 0x90; // note ON
      packetList.packet[0].data[1] = 0x7f & ((int)mtones[i]); // C
      packetList.packet[0].data[2] = ((int)(vals[i]*127)); // velocity
      packetList.packet[0].timeStamp = 0;

Esempio n. 16
void MidiDriver_CoreMIDI::sysEx(const byte *msg, uint16 length) {

	byte buf[384];
	MIDIPacketList *packetList = (MIDIPacketList *)buf;
	MIDIPacket *packet = packetList->packet;

	assert(sizeof(buf) >= sizeof(UInt32) + sizeof(MIDITimeStamp) + sizeof(UInt16) + length + 2);

	packetList->numPackets = 1;

	packet->timeStamp = 0;

	// Add SysEx frame
	packet->length = length + 2;
	packet->data[0] = 0xF0;
	memcpy(packet->data + 1, msg, length);
	packet->data[length + 1] = 0xF7;

	// Send it
	MIDISend(mOutPort, mDest, packetList);
Esempio n. 17
void MidiApple::sendMidiOut( MIDIEndpointRef &endPointRef, const MidiEvent& event )
	MIDIPacketList packetList=createMidiPacketList(event);
	MIDIPortRef port = m_sourcePortRef.value(endPointRef);
	MIDISend(port, endPointRef, &packetList);
Esempio n. 18
void MIDIDevice::outputDMX(const QByteArray& universe)
    /* If there's no output port or a destination, the endpoint probably
       doesn't have a MIDI OUT port. */
    if (m_outPort == 0 || m_destination == 0)

    Byte buffer[512]; // Should be enough for 128 channels
    MIDIPacketList* list = (MIDIPacketList*) buffer;
    MIDIPacket* packet = MIDIPacketListInit(list);

    /* Since MIDI devices can have only 128 real channels, we don't
       attempt to write more than that */
    for (Byte channel = 0; channel < MAX_MIDI_DMX_CHANNELS; channel++)
        Byte cmd[3];

        cmd[1] = channel;
        cmd[2] = DMX2MIDI(universe[channel]);

        /* Since MIDI is so slow, we only send values that are
           actually changed. */
        if (m_values[channel] == cmd[2])

        /* Store the changed MIDI value. */
        m_values[channel] = cmd[2];

        if (m_mode == Note)
            if (cmd[2] == 0)
                /* Zero is sent as a note off command */
                cmd[0] = MIDI_NOTE_OFF;
                /* 1-127 is sent as note on command */
                cmd[0] = MIDI_NOTE_ON;
            /* Control change */
            cmd[0] = MIDI_CONTROL_CHANGE;

        /* Encode MIDI channel to the command */
        cmd[0] |= (Byte) midiChannel();

        /* Add the MIDI command to the packet list */
        packet = MIDIPacketListAdd(list, sizeof(buffer), packet, 0,
                                   sizeof(cmd), cmd);
        if (packet == 0)
            qWarning() << "MIDIOut buffer overflow";

    /* Send the MIDI packet list */
    OSStatus s = MIDISend(m_outPort, m_destination, list);
    if (s != 0)
        qWarning() << "Unable to send MIDI data to" << name();
Esempio n. 19
void CoreMidiOutputDevice::writeUniverse(const QByteArray& universe)
    if (isOpen() == false)

    Byte buffer[512]; // Should be enough for 128 channels
    MIDIPacketList* list = (MIDIPacketList*) buffer;
    MIDIPacket* packet = MIDIPacketListInit(list);

    /* Since MIDI devices can have only 128 real channels, we don't
       attempt to write more than that */
    for (Byte channel = 0; channel < MAX_MIDI_DMX_CHANNELS &&
                           channel < universe.size(); channel++)
        Byte cmd[3];
        cmd[1] = channel;
        cmd[2] = DMX2MIDI(uchar(universe[channel]));

        /* Since MIDI is so slow, we only send values that are
           actually changed. */
        if (uchar(m_universe[channel]) == cmd[2])

        /* Store the changed MIDI value. */
        m_universe[channel] = cmd[2];

        if (mode() == Note)
            if (cmd[2] == 0)
                /* Zero is sent as a note off command */
                cmd[0] = MIDI_NOTE_OFF;
                /* 1-127 is sent as note on command */
                cmd[0] = MIDI_NOTE_ON;
        else if (mode() == ProgramChange)
            /* Program change */
            cmd[0] = MIDI_PROGRAM_CHANGE;
            /* Control change */
            cmd[0] = MIDI_CONTROL_CHANGE;

        /* Encode MIDI channel to the command */
        cmd[0] |= (Byte) midiChannel();

        /* Add the MIDI command to the packet list */
        packet = MIDIPacketListAdd(list, sizeof(buffer), packet, 0, sizeof(cmd), cmd);
        if (packet == 0)
            qWarning() << "MIDIOut buffer overflow";

    /* Send the MIDI packet list */
    OSStatus s = MIDISend(m_outPort, m_destination, list);
    if (s != 0)
        qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Unable to send MIDI data to" << name();