void DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES::InitGlobalRules() { AddUnitSymbol( *m_ViaMinTitle ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_ViaMinDrillTitle ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_MicroViaMinSizeTitle ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_MicroViaMinDrillTitle ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_TrackMinWidthTitle ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetViasMinSizeCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinSize ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetViasMinDrillCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinDrill ); if( m_BrdSettings->m_BlindBuriedViaAllowed ) m_OptViaType->SetSelection( 1 ); m_AllowMicroViaCtrl->SetSelection( m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasAllowed ? 1 : 0 ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetMicroViasMinSizeCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinSize ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetMicroViasMinDrillCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinDrill ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_TrackMinWidth ); // Initialize Vias and Tracks sizes lists. // note we display only extra values, never the current netclass value. // (the first value in history list) m_TracksWidthList = m_BrdSettings->m_TrackWidthList; m_TracksWidthList.erase( m_TracksWidthList.begin() ); // remove the netclass value m_ViasDimensionsList = m_BrdSettings->m_ViasDimensionsList; m_ViasDimensionsList.erase( m_ViasDimensionsList.begin() ); // remove the netclass value InitDimensionsLists(); }
void DIALOG_MOVE_EXACT::OnPolarChanged( wxCommandEvent& event ) { bool newPolar = m_polarCoords->IsChecked(); updateDlgTexts( newPolar ); wxPoint val; // get the value as previously stored GetTranslationInIU( val, !newPolar ); if( newPolar ) { // convert to polar coordinates double r, q; ToPolarDeg( val.x, val.y, r, q); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_xEntry, round( r / 10.0) * 10 ); m_yEntry->SetValue( wxString::FromDouble( q ) ); } else { // vector is already in Cartesian, so just render out // note - round off the last decimal place (10nm) to prevent // (some) rounding causing errors when round-tripping // you can never eliminate entirely, however PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_xEntry, KiROUND( val.x / 10.0) * 10 ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_yEntry, KiROUND( val.y / 10.0) * 10 ); } Layout(); }
DIALOG_DIMENSION_EDITOR::DIALOG_DIMENSION_EDITOR( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aParent, DIMENSION* aDimension, wxDC* aDC ) : DIALOG_DIMENSION_EDITOR_BASE( aParent ) { SetFocus(); m_Parent = aParent; m_DC = aDC; CurrentDimension = aDimension; if( aDimension->Text().IsMirrored() ) m_rbMirror->SetSelection( 1 ); else m_rbMirror->SetSelection( 0 ); m_Name->SetValue( aDimension->Text().GetText() ); // Enter size value in dialog PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtSizeXCtrl, aDimension->Text().GetSize().x ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_staticTextSizeX ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtSizeYCtrl, aDimension->Text().GetSize().y ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_staticTextSizeY ); // Enter lines thickness value in dialog PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtWidthCtrl, aDimension->GetWidth() ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_staticTextWidth ); // Enter position value in dialog PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_textCtrlPosX, aDimension->Text().GetTextPosition().x ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_staticTextPosX ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_textCtrlPosY, aDimension->Text().GetTextPosition().y ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_staticTextPosY ); // Configure the layers list selector if( !m_Parent->GetBoard()->IsLayerEnabled( aDimension->GetLayer() ) ) // Should not happens, because one cannot select a board item on a // not activated layer, but ... m_SelLayerBox->ShowNonActivatedLayers( true ); m_SelLayerBox->SetLayersHotkeys( false ); m_SelLayerBox->SetLayerSet( LSET::AllCuMask().set( Edge_Cuts ) ); m_SelLayerBox->SetBoardFrame( m_Parent ); m_SelLayerBox->Resync(); if( m_SelLayerBox->SetLayerSelection( aDimension->GetLayer() ) < 0 ) { wxMessageBox( _( "This item has an illegal layer id.\n" "Now, forced on the drawings layer. Please, fix it" ) ); m_SelLayerBox->SetLayerSelection( Dwgs_User ); } SetDefaultItem( m_sdbSizerBtsOK ); GetSizer()->Fit( this ); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this ); Centre(); }
void DIALOG_DRC_CONTROL::DisplayDRCValues() { m_TrackMinWidthUnit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_ViaMinUnit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_MicroViaMinUnit->SetLabel(GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl, m_BrdSettings.m_TrackMinWidth ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetViaMinSizeCtrl, m_BrdSettings.m_ViasMinSize ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetMicroViakMinSizeCtrl, m_BrdSettings.m_MicroViasMinSize ); }
DIALOG_DIMENSION_EDITOR::DIALOG_DIMENSION_EDITOR( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aParent, DIMENSION* aDimension, wxDC* aDC ) : DIALOG_DIMENSION_EDITOR_BASE( aParent ) { SetFocus(); m_Parent = aParent; m_DC = aDC; CurrentDimension = aDimension; if( aDimension->Text().IsMirrored() ) m_rbMirror->SetSelection( 1 ); else m_rbMirror->SetSelection( 0 ); m_Name->SetValue( aDimension->Text().GetText() ); // Enter size value in dialog PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtSizeXCtrl, aDimension->Text().GetSize().x ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_staticTextSizeX ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtSizeYCtrl, aDimension->Text().GetSize().y ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_staticTextSizeY ); // Enter lines thickness value in dialog PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtWidthCtrl, aDimension->GetWidth() ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_staticTextWidth ); // Enter position value in dialog PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_textCtrlPosX, aDimension->Text().GetTextPosition().x ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_staticTextPosX ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_textCtrlPosY, aDimension->Text().GetTextPosition().y ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_staticTextPosY ); // Configure the layers list selector m_SelLayerBox->SetLayersHotkeys( false ); m_SelLayerBox->SetLayerMask( ALL_CU_LAYERS | EDGE_LAYER ); m_SelLayerBox->SetBoardFrame( m_Parent ); m_SelLayerBox->Resync(); if( m_SelLayerBox->SetLayerSelection( aDimension->GetLayer() ) < 0 ) { wxMessageBox( _("This item has an illegal layer id.\n" "Now, forced on the drawings layer. Please, fix it") ); m_SelLayerBox->SetLayerSelection( DRAW_N ); } GetSizer()->Fit( this ); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this ); Centre(); }
void WinEDA_TextModPropertiesFrame::SetDisplayValue(void) /********************************************************/ { wxString msg; if ( m_Module ) { wxString format = m_ModuleInfoText->GetLabel(); msg.Printf( format, m_Module->m_Reference->m_Text.GetData(), m_Module->m_Value->m_Text.GetData(), (float)(m_Module->m_Orient/10) ); m_ModuleInfoText->SetLabel(msg); } if(m_CurrentTextMod->m_Type == TEXT_is_VALUE) m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel(_("Value:")); else if(m_CurrentTextMod->m_Type == TEXT_is_DIVERS) m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel(_("Text:")); else if(m_CurrentTextMod->m_Type != TEXT_is_REFERENCE) m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel(wxT("???")); m_Name->SetValue(m_CurrentTextMod->m_Text); AddUnitSymbol(*m_SizeXTitle); PutValueInLocalUnits(*m_TxtSizeCtrlX, m_CurrentTextMod->m_Size.x, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits); AddUnitSymbol(*m_SizeYTitle); PutValueInLocalUnits(*m_TxtSizeCtrlY, m_CurrentTextMod->m_Size.y, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits); AddUnitSymbol(*m_PosXTitle); PutValueInLocalUnits(*m_TxtPosCtrlX, m_CurrentTextMod->m_Pos0.x, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits); AddUnitSymbol(*m_PosYTitle); PutValueInLocalUnits(*m_TxtPosCtrlY, m_CurrentTextMod->m_Pos0.y, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits); AddUnitSymbol(*m_WidthTitle); PutValueInLocalUnits(*m_TxtWidthCtlr, m_CurrentTextMod->m_Width, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits); if ( (m_CurrentTextMod->m_Orient != 0) && (m_CurrentTextMod->m_Orient != 1800) && (m_CurrentTextMod->m_Orient != -1800) ) m_Orient->SetSelection(1);; if ( m_CurrentTextMod->m_NoShow ) m_Show->SetSelection(1);; }
WinEDA_SheetPropertiesFrame::WinEDA_SheetPropertiesFrame( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* parent, DrawSheetStruct * currentsheet, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) { m_Parent = parent; m_CurrentSheet = currentsheet; Create(parent, id, caption, pos, size, style); AddUnitSymbol(*m_SheetNameTextSize); PutValueInLocalUnits(*m_SheetNameSize,m_CurrentSheet->m_Field[VALUE].m_Size.x, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits); AddUnitSymbol(*m_FileNameTextSize); PutValueInLocalUnits(*m_FileNameSize, m_CurrentSheet->m_Field[SHEET_FILENAME].m_Size.x, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits); }
void DIALOG_GRAPHIC_ITEM_PROPERTIES::OnLayerChoice( wxCommandEvent& event ) { int thickness; if( m_LayerSelectionCtrl->GetLayerSelection() == Edge_Cuts ) thickness = m_brdSettings.m_EdgeSegmentWidth; else thickness = m_brdSettings.m_DrawSegmentWidth; PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_DefaultThicknessCtrl, thickness ); }
WinEDA_DrcFrame::WinEDA_DrcFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent, wxDC * panelDC, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style ) { m_Parent = parent; m_DC = panelDC; AbortDrc = FALSE; Create(parent, id, caption, pos, size, style); PutValueInLocalUnits(*m_SetClearance, g_DesignSettings.m_TrackClearence, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits); }
void DIALOG_GRAPHIC_ITEM_PROPERTIES::OnLayerChoice( wxCommandEvent& event ) /*******************************************************************/ { int thickness; if( (m_LayerSelectionCtrl->GetCurrentSelection() + FIRST_NO_COPPER_LAYER) == EDGE_N ) thickness = m_brdSettings.m_EdgeSegmentWidth; else thickness = m_brdSettings.m_DrawSegmentWidth; PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_DefaultThicknessCtrl, thickness, m_parent->GetInternalUnits() ); }
void DRC::ShowDialog() { if( !m_ui ) { m_ui = new DIALOG_DRC_CONTROL( this, m_mainWindow ); updatePointers(); // copy data retained in this DRC object into the m_ui DrcPanel: PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ui->m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl, m_pcb->GetDesignSettings().m_TrackMinWidth ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ui->m_SetViaMinSizeCtrl, m_pcb->GetDesignSettings().m_ViasMinSize ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ui->m_SetMicroViakMinSizeCtrl, m_pcb->GetDesignSettings().m_MicroViasMinSize ); m_ui->m_CreateRptCtrl->SetValue( m_doCreateRptFile ); m_ui->m_RptFilenameCtrl->SetValue( m_rptFilename ); } else updatePointers(); m_ui->Show( true ); }
bool DIALOG_MODEDIT_FP_BODY_ITEM_PROPERTIES::TransferDataToWindow() { // Set unit symbol wxStaticText* texts_unit[] = { m_StartPointXUnit, m_StartPointYUnit, m_EndPointXUnit, m_EndPointYUnit, m_ThicknessTextUnit, m_DefaulThicknessTextUnit, }; for( size_t ii = 0; ii < DIM( texts_unit ); ii++ ) { texts_unit[ii]->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel() ); } wxString msg; // Change texts according to the segment shape: switch( m_item->GetShape() ) { case S_CIRCLE: SetTitle( _( "Circle Properties" ) ); m_StartPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center X" ) ); m_StartPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center Y" ) ); m_EndPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Point X" ) ); m_EndPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Point Y" ) ); m_AngleText->Show( false ); m_AngleCtrl->Show( false ); m_AngleUnit->Show( false ); break; case S_ARC: SetTitle( _( "Arc Properties" ) ); m_StartPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center X" ) ); m_StartPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center Y" ) ); m_EndPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Start Point X" ) ); m_EndPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Start Point Y" ) ); m_AngleValue = m_item->GetAngle() / 10.0; break; case S_SEGMENT: SetTitle( _( "Line Segment Properties" ) ); // Fall through. default: m_AngleText->Show( false ); m_AngleCtrl->Show( false ); m_AngleUnit->Show( false ); break; } PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_Center_StartXCtrl, m_item->GetStart().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_Center_StartYCtrl, m_item->GetStart().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_EndX_Radius_Ctrl, m_item->GetEnd().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_EndY_Ctrl, m_item->GetEnd().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThicknessCtrl, m_item->GetWidth() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_DefaultThicknessCtrl, m_brdSettings.m_ModuleSegmentWidth ); // Configure the layers list selector m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayersHotkeys( false ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSet( LSET::InternalCuMask().set( Edge_Cuts ) ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetBoardFrame( m_parent ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->Resync(); if( m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( m_item->GetLayer() ) < 0 ) { wxMessageBox( _( "This item was on an unknown layer.\n" "It has been moved to the front silk screen layer. Please fix it." ) ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( F_SilkS ); } return DIALOG_GRAPHIC_ITEM_PROPERTIES_BASE::TransferDataToWindow(); }
// Initialize the dialog options: void DIALOG_PLOT_SCHEMATIC::initDlg() { SetFocus(); // make the ESC work // Set paper size option m_PaperSizeOption->SetSelection( m_pageSizeSelect ); // Set color or B&W plot option bool tmp; m_config->Read( PLOT_MODECOLOR_KEY, &tmp, true ); setModeColor( tmp ); // Set plot or not frame reference option m_config->Read( PLOT_FRAME_REFERENCE_KEY, &tmp, true ); setPlotFrameRef( tmp ); // Set HPGL plot origin to center of paper of left bottom corner m_config->Read( PLOT_HPGL_ORIGIN_KEY, &tmp, false ); SetPlotOriginCenter( tmp ); m_config->Read( PLOT_HPGL_PAPERSIZE_KEY, &m_HPGLPaperSizeSelect, 0 ); m_HPGLPaperSizeOption->SetSelection( m_HPGLPaperSizeSelect ); // HPGL Pen Size is stored in mm in config m_config->Read( PLOT_HPGL_PEN_SIZE_KEY, &m_HPGLPenSize, 0.5 ); m_HPGLPenSize *= IU_PER_MM; // Switch to the last save plot format long plotfmt; m_config->Read( PLOT_FORMAT_KEY, &plotfmt, 0 ); switch( plotfmt ) { default: case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_PDF: m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_SVG: m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 2 ); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_DXF: m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 3 ); break; case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 4 ); break; } // Set the default line width (pen width which should be used for // items that do not have a pen size defined (like frame ref) AddUnitSymbol( *m_defaultLineWidthTitle, g_UserUnit ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_DefaultLineSizeCtrl, GetDefaultLineThickness() ); // Initialize HPGL specific widgets AddUnitSymbol( *m_penHPLGWidthTitle, g_UserUnit ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_penHPGLWidthCtrl, m_HPGLPenSize ); m_HPGLPaperSizeOption->SetSelection( m_HPGLPaperSizeSelect ); // Hide/show widgets that are not always displayed: wxCommandEvent cmd_event; OnPlotFormatSelection( cmd_event ); }
void DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::initValues() { wxString msg; double angle; // Disable pad net name wxTextCtrl if the caller is the footprint editor // because nets are living only in the board managed by the board editor m_canEditNetName = m_parent->IsType( FRAME_PCB ); // Setup layers names from board // Should be made first, before calling m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetSelection() m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetString( 0, m_board->GetLayerName( F_Cu ) ); m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetString( 1, m_board->GetLayerName( B_Cu ) ); m_PadLayerAdhCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_Adhes ) ); m_PadLayerAdhCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_Adhes ) ); m_PadLayerPateCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_Paste ) ); m_PadLayerPateCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_Paste ) ); m_PadLayerSilkCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_SilkS ) ); m_PadLayerSilkCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_SilkS ) ); m_PadLayerMaskCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( F_Mask ) ); m_PadLayerMaskCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( B_Mask ) ); m_PadLayerECO1->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( Eco1_User ) ); m_PadLayerECO2->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( Eco2_User ) ); m_PadLayerDraft->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( Dwgs_User ) ); m_isFlipped = false; if( m_currentPad ) { MODULE* footprint = m_currentPad->GetParent(); m_isFlipped = m_currentPad->IsFlipped(); if( m_isFlipped ) m_staticModuleSideValue->SetLabel( _( "Back side (footprint is mirrored)" ) ); // Diplay footprint rotation ( angles are in 0.1 degree ) msg.Printf( wxT( "%.1f" ), footprint->GetOrientation() / 10.0 ); m_staticModuleRotValue->SetLabel( msg ); } if( m_isFlipped ) { wxPoint pt = m_dummyPad->GetOffset(); pt.y = -pt.y; m_dummyPad->SetOffset( pt ); wxSize sz = m_dummyPad->GetDelta(); sz.y = -sz.y; m_dummyPad->SetDelta( sz ); // flip pad's layers m_dummyPad->SetLayerSet( FlipLayerMask( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet() ) ); } m_staticTextWarningPadFlipped->Show(m_isFlipped); m_PadNumCtrl->SetValue( m_dummyPad->GetPadName() ); m_PadNetNameCtrl->SetValue( m_dummyPad->GetNetname() ); // Set the unit name in dialog: wxStaticText* unitTexts[] = { m_PadPosX_Unit, m_PadPosY_Unit, m_PadDrill_X_Unit, m_PadDrill_Y_Unit, m_PadShapeSizeX_Unit, m_PadShapeSizeY_Unit, m_PadShapeOffsetX_Unit,m_PadShapeOffsetY_Unit, m_PadShapeDelta_Unit, m_PadLengthDie_Unit, m_NetClearanceUnits, m_SolderMaskMarginUnits, m_SolderPasteMarginUnits, m_ThermalWidthUnits, m_ThermalGapUnits, m_staticTextCornerSizeUnit }; for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( unitTexts ); ++ii ) unitTexts[ii]->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); // Display current pad parameters units: PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadPosition_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetPosition().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadPosition_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetPosition().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadDrill_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadDrill_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeSize_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetSize().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeSize_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetSize().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeOffset_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetOffset().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeOffset_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetOffset().y ); if( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x ) { PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeDelta_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x ); m_trapDeltaDirChoice->SetSelection( 0 ); } else { PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeDelta_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDelta().y ); m_trapDeltaDirChoice->SetSelection( 1 ); } PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_LengthPadToDieCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetPadToDieLength() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_NetClearanceValueCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderMaskMarginCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThermalWidthCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetThermalWidth() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThermalGapCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetThermalGap() ); // These 2 parameters are usually < 0, so prepare entering a negative value, if current is 0 PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() ); if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() == 0 ) m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->SetValue( wxT( "-" ) + m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->GetValue() ); msg.Printf( wxT( "%f" ), m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() * 100.0 ); if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() == 0.0 && msg[0] == '0' ) // Sometimes Printf adds a sign if the value is small m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( wxT( "-" ) + msg ); else m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( msg ); switch( m_dummyPad->GetZoneConnection() ) { default: case PAD_ZONE_CONN_INHERITED: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case PAD_ZONE_CONN_FULL: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case PAD_ZONE_CONN_THERMAL: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 2 ); break; case PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 3 ); break; } if( m_currentPad ) { MODULE* footprint = m_currentPad->GetParent(); angle = m_currentPad->GetOrientation() - footprint->GetOrientation(); if( m_isFlipped ) angle = -angle; m_dummyPad->SetOrientation( angle ); } angle = m_dummyPad->GetOrientation(); NORMALIZE_ANGLE_180( angle ); // ? normalizing is in D_PAD::SetOrientation() // Set layers used by this pad: : setPadLayersList( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet() ); // Pad Orient switch( int( angle ) ) { case 0: m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case 900: m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case -900: m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 2 ); break; case 1800: case -1800: m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 3 ); break; default: m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 4 ); break; } switch( m_dummyPad->GetShape() ) { default: case PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE: m_PadShape->SetSelection( CHOICE_SHAPE_CIRCLE ); break; case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL: m_PadShape->SetSelection( CHOICE_SHAPE_OVAL ); break; case PAD_SHAPE_RECT: m_PadShape->SetSelection( CHOICE_SHAPE_RECT ); break; case PAD_SHAPE_TRAPEZOID: m_PadShape->SetSelection( CHOICE_SHAPE_TRAPEZOID ); break; case PAD_SHAPE_ROUNDRECT: m_PadShape->SetSelection( CHOICE_SHAPE_ROUNDRECT ); break; } m_OrientValue = angle / 10.0; // Type of pad selection m_PadType->SetSelection( 0 ); for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( code_type ); ii++ ) { if( code_type[ii] == m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() ) { m_PadType->SetSelection( ii ); break; } } // Enable/disable Pad name,and pad length die // (disable for NPTH pads (mechanical pads) bool enable = m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_HOLE_NOT_PLATED; m_PadNumCtrl->Enable( enable ); m_PadNetNameCtrl->Enable( m_canEditNetName && enable && m_currentPad != NULL ); m_LengthPadToDieCtrl->Enable( enable ); if( m_dummyPad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG ) m_DrillShapeCtrl->SetSelection( 0 ); else m_DrillShapeCtrl->SetSelection( 1 ); // Update some dialog widgets state (Enable/disable options): wxCommandEvent cmd_event; setPadLayersList( m_dummyPad->GetLayerSet() ); OnDrillShapeSelected( cmd_event ); OnPadShapeSelection( cmd_event ); updateRoundRectCornerValues(); }
void DIALOG_GRAPHIC_ITEM_PROPERTIES::initDlg() { m_StandardButtonsSizerOK->SetDefault(); // Set unit symbol wxStaticText* texts_unit[] = { m_StartPointXUnit, m_StartPointYUnit, m_EndPointXUnit, m_EndPointYUnit, m_ThicknessTextUnit, m_DefaulThicknessTextUnit, NULL }; for( int ii = 0; ; ii++ ) { if( texts_unit[ii] == NULL ) break; texts_unit[ii]->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel() ); } wxString msg; // Change texts according to the segment shape: switch( m_item->GetShape() ) { case S_CIRCLE: SetTitle( _( "Circle Properties" ) ); m_StartPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center X" ) ); m_StartPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center Y" ) ); m_EndPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Point X" ) ); m_EndPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Point Y" ) ); m_Angle_Text->Show( false ); m_Angle_Ctrl->Show( false ); m_AngleUnit->Show( false ); break; case S_ARC: SetTitle( _( "Arc Properties" ) ); m_StartPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center X" ) ); m_StartPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Center Y" ) ); m_EndPointXLabel->SetLabel( _( "Start Point X" ) ); m_EndPointYLabel->SetLabel( _( "Start Point Y" ) ); // Here the angle is a double, but the UI is still working with integers. msg << int( m_item->GetAngle() ); m_Angle_Ctrl->SetValue( msg ); break; case S_SEGMENT: SetTitle( _( "Line Segment Properties" ) ); // Fall through. default: m_Angle_Text->Show( false ); m_Angle_Ctrl->Show( false ); m_AngleUnit->Show( false ); break; } PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_Center_StartXCtrl, m_item->GetStart().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_Center_StartYCtrl, m_item->GetStart().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_EndX_Radius_Ctrl, m_item->GetEnd().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_EndY_Ctrl, m_item->GetEnd().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThicknessCtrl, m_item->GetWidth() ); int thickness; if( m_item->GetLayer() == Edge_Cuts ) thickness = m_brdSettings.m_EdgeSegmentWidth; else thickness = m_brdSettings.m_DrawSegmentWidth; PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_DefaultThicknessCtrl, thickness ); // Configure the layers list selector m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayersHotkeys( false ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSet( LSET::AllCuMask() ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetBoardFrame( m_parent ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->Resync(); if( m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( m_item->GetLayer() ) < 0 ) { wxMessageBox( _( "This item was on an unknown layer.\n" "It has been moved to the drawings layer. Please fix it." ) ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( Dwgs_User ); } }
void DIALOG_GRAPHIC_ITEM_PROPERTIES::initDlg( ) /**************************************************************************/ /* Initialize messages and values in text control, * according to the item parameters values */ { SetFocus(); m_StandardButtonsSizerOK->SetDefault(); // Set unit symbol wxStaticText * texts_unit[] = { m_StartPointXUnit, m_StartPointYUnit, m_EndPointXUnit, m_EndPointYUnit, m_ThicknessTextUnit, m_DefaulThicknessTextUnit, NULL }; for( int ii = 0; ; ii++ ) { if( texts_unit[ii] == NULL ) break; texts_unit[ii]->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel() ); } wxString msg; // Change texts according to the segment shape: switch ( m_Item->GetShape() ) { case S_CIRCLE: m_StartPointXLabel->SetLabel(_("Center X")); m_StartPointYLabel->SetLabel(_("Center Y")); m_EndPointXLabel->SetLabel(_("Point X")); m_EndPointYLabel->SetLabel(_("Point Y")); m_Angle_Text->Show(false); m_Angle_Ctrl->Show(false); m_AngleUnit->Show(false); break; case S_ARC: m_StartPointXLabel->SetLabel(_("Center X")); m_StartPointYLabel->SetLabel(_("Center Y")); m_EndPointXLabel->SetLabel(_("Start Point X")); m_EndPointYLabel->SetLabel(_("Start Point Y")); msg << m_Item->GetAngle(); m_Angle_Ctrl->SetValue(msg); break; default: m_Angle_Text->Show(false); m_Angle_Ctrl->Show(false); m_AngleUnit->Show(false); break; } PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_Center_StartXCtrl, m_Item->GetStart().x, m_parent->GetInternalUnits() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_Center_StartYCtrl, m_Item->GetStart().y, m_parent->GetInternalUnits() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_EndX_Radius_Ctrl, m_Item->GetEnd().x, m_parent->GetInternalUnits() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_EndY_Ctrl, m_Item->GetEnd().y, m_parent->GetInternalUnits() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThicknessCtrl, m_Item->GetWidth(), m_parent->GetInternalUnits() ); int thickness; if( m_Item->GetLayer() == EDGE_N ) thickness = m_brdSettings.m_EdgeSegmentWidth; else thickness = m_brdSettings.m_DrawSegmentWidth; PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_DefaultThicknessCtrl, thickness, m_parent->GetInternalUnits() ); for( int layer=FIRST_NO_COPPER_LAYER; layer <= LAST_NO_COPPER_LAYER; ++layer ) { m_LayerSelectionCtrl->Append( m_parent->GetBoard()->GetLayerName( layer ) ); } int layer = m_Item->GetLayer(); // Control: if ( layer < FIRST_NO_COPPER_LAYER ) layer = FIRST_NO_COPPER_LAYER; if ( layer > LAST_NO_COPPER_LAYER ) layer = LAST_NO_COPPER_LAYER; m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetSelection( layer - FIRST_NO_COPPER_LAYER ); }
void DIALOG_PAD_PROPERTIES::initValues() { wxString msg; double angle; // Setup layers names from board // Should be made first, before calling m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetSelection() m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetString( 0, m_board->GetLayerName( LAYER_N_FRONT ) ); m_rbCopperLayersSel->SetString( 1, m_board->GetLayerName( LAYER_N_BACK ) ); m_PadLayerAdhCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( ADHESIVE_N_FRONT ) ); m_PadLayerAdhCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( ADHESIVE_N_BACK ) ); m_PadLayerPateCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( SOLDERPASTE_N_FRONT ) ); m_PadLayerPateCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( SOLDERPASTE_N_BACK ) ); m_PadLayerSilkCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( SILKSCREEN_N_FRONT ) ); m_PadLayerSilkCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( SILKSCREEN_N_BACK ) ); m_PadLayerMaskCmp->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( SOLDERMASK_N_FRONT ) ); m_PadLayerMaskCu->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( SOLDERMASK_N_BACK ) ); m_PadLayerECO1->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( ECO1_N ) ); m_PadLayerECO2->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( ECO2_N ) ); m_PadLayerDraft->SetLabel( m_board->GetLayerName( DRAW_N ) ); m_isFlipped = false; if( m_currentPad ) { MODULE* module = m_currentPad->GetParent(); if( module->GetLayer() == LAYER_N_BACK ) { m_isFlipped = true; m_staticModuleSideValue->SetLabel( _( "Back side (footprint is mirrored)" ) ); } msg.Printf( wxT( "%.1f" ), module->GetOrientation() / 10.0 ); m_staticModuleRotValue->SetLabel( msg ); } if( m_isFlipped ) { wxPoint pt = m_dummyPad->GetOffset(); NEGATE( pt.y ); m_dummyPad->SetOffset( pt ); wxSize sz = m_dummyPad->GetDelta(); NEGATE( sz.y ); m_dummyPad->SetDelta( sz ); // flip pad's layers m_dummyPad->SetLayerMask( FlipLayerMask( m_dummyPad->GetLayerMask() ) ); } m_staticTextWarningPadFlipped->Show(m_isFlipped); m_PadNumCtrl->SetValue( m_dummyPad->GetPadName() ); m_PadNetNameCtrl->SetValue( m_dummyPad->GetNetname() ); // Display current unit name in dialog: m_PadPosX_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_PadPosY_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_PadDrill_X_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_PadDrill_Y_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_PadShapeSizeX_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_PadShapeSizeY_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_PadShapeOffsetX_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_PadShapeOffsetY_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_PadShapeDelta_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_PadLengthDie_Unit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); // Display current pad masks clearances units m_NetClearanceUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_SolderMaskMarginUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_SolderPasteMarginUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_ThermalWidthUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_ThermalGapUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); // Display current pad parameters units: PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadPosition_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetPosition().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadPosition_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetPosition().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadDrill_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_PadDrill_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDrillSize().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeSize_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetSize().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeSize_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetSize().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeOffset_X_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetOffset().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeOffset_Y_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetOffset().y ); if( m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x ) { PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeDelta_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDelta().x ); m_trapDeltaDirChoice->SetSelection( 0 ); } else { PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ShapeDelta_Ctrl, m_dummyPad->GetDelta().y ); m_trapDeltaDirChoice->SetSelection( 1 ); } PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_LengthPadToDieCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetPadToDieLength() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_NetClearanceValueCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalClearance() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderMaskMarginCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThermalWidthCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetThermalWidth() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThermalGapCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetThermalGap() ); // These 2 parameters are usually < 0, so prepare entering a negative value, if current is 0 PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl, m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() ); if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() == 0 ) m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->SetValue( wxT( "-" ) + m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->GetValue() ); msg.Printf( wxT( "%f" ), m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() * 100.0 ); if( m_dummyPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() == 0.0 && msg[0] == '0' ) // Sometimes Printf adds a sign if the value is small m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( wxT( "-" ) + msg ); else m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( msg ); switch( m_dummyPad->GetZoneConnection() ) { default: case UNDEFINED_CONNECTION: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case PAD_IN_ZONE: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case THERMAL_PAD: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 2 ); break; case PAD_NOT_IN_ZONE: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 3 ); break; } if( m_currentPad ) { MODULE* module = m_currentPad->GetParent(); angle = m_currentPad->GetOrientation() - module->GetOrientation(); if( m_isFlipped ) NEGATE( angle ); m_dummyPad->SetOrientation( angle ); } angle = m_dummyPad->GetOrientation(); NORMALIZE_ANGLE_180( angle ); // ? normalizing is in D_PAD::SetOrientation() // Set layers used by this pad: : setPadLayersList( m_dummyPad->GetLayerMask() ); // Pad Orient switch( int( angle ) ) { case 0: m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case 900: m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case -900: m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 2 ); break; case 1800: case -1800: m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 3 ); break; default: m_PadOrient->SetSelection( 4 ); break; } switch( m_dummyPad->GetShape() ) { default: case PAD_CIRCLE: m_PadShape->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case PAD_OVAL: m_PadShape->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case PAD_RECT: m_PadShape->SetSelection( 2 ); break; case PAD_TRAPEZOID: m_PadShape->SetSelection( 3 ); break; } msg.Printf( wxT( "%g" ), angle ); m_PadOrientCtrl->SetValue( msg ); // Type of pad selection m_PadType->SetSelection( 0 ); for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < NBTYPES; ii++ ) { if( CodeType[ii] == m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() ) { m_PadType->SetSelection( ii ); break; } } // Enable/disable Pad name,and pad length die // (disable for NPTH pads (mechanical pads) bool enable = m_dummyPad->GetAttribute() != PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED; m_PadNumCtrl->Enable( enable ); m_PadNetNameCtrl->Enable( enable ); m_LengthPadToDieCtrl->Enable( enable ); if( m_dummyPad->GetDrillShape() != PAD_OVAL ) m_DrillShapeCtrl->SetSelection( 0 ); else m_DrillShapeCtrl->SetSelection( 1 ); // Update some dialog widgets state (Enable/disable options): wxCommandEvent cmd_event; setPadLayersList( m_dummyPad->GetLayerMask() ); OnDrillShapeSelected( cmd_event ); OnPadShapeSelection( cmd_event ); }
// Creation of the panel properties of the module editor. void DIALOG_MODULE_BOARD_EDITOR::InitBoardProperties() { PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ModPositionX, m_CurrentModule->GetPosition().x ); m_XPosUnit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ModPositionY, m_CurrentModule->GetPosition().y ); m_YPosUnit->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_LayerCtrl->SetSelection( (m_CurrentModule->GetLayer() == LAYER_N_BACK) ? 1 : 0 ); bool select = false; switch( int( m_CurrentModule->GetOrientation() ) ) { case 0: m_OrientCtrl->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case 900: case -2700: m_OrientCtrl->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case -900: case 2700: m_OrientCtrl->SetSelection( 2 ); break; case -1800: case 1800: m_OrientCtrl->SetSelection( 3 ); break; default: m_OrientCtrl->SetSelection( 4 ); select = true; break; } wxString msg; msg << m_CurrentModule->GetOrientation(); m_OrientValue->SetValue( msg ); m_OrientValue->Enable( select ); // Initialize dialog relative to masks clearances m_NetClearanceUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_SolderMaskMarginUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_SolderPasteMarginUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_NetClearanceValueCtrl, m_CurrentModule->GetLocalClearance() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderMaskMarginCtrl, m_CurrentModule->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() ); // These 2 parameters are usually < 0, so prepare entering a negative // value, if current is 0 PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl, m_CurrentModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() ); if( m_CurrentModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() == 0 ) m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->SetValue( wxT( "-" ) + m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->GetValue() ); // Add solder paste margin ration in per cent // for the usual default value 0.0, display -0.0 (or -0,0 in some countries) msg.Printf( wxT( "%f" ), m_CurrentModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() * 100.0 ); if( m_CurrentModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() == 0.0 && msg[0] == '0') // Sometimes Printf adds a sign if the value is very small (0.0) m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( wxT("-") + msg ); else m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( msg ); switch( m_CurrentModule->GetZoneConnection() ) { default: case UNDEFINED_CONNECTION: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case PAD_IN_ZONE: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case THERMAL_PAD: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 2 ); break; case PAD_NOT_IN_ZONE: m_ZoneConnectionChoice->SetSelection( 3 ); break; } }
void DIALOG_MODULE_MODULE_EDITOR::initModeditProperties() { SetFocus(); // Display the default path, given by environment variable KISYS3DMOD wxString default_path; wxGetEnv( wxT( KISYS3DMOD ), &default_path ); #ifdef __WINDOWS__ default_path.Replace( wxT( "/" ), wxT( "\\" ) ); #endif m_textCtrl3DDefaultPath->SetValue( default_path ); m_lastSelected3DShapeIndex = -1; // Init 3D shape list S3D_MASTER* draw3D = m_currentModule->Models(); while( draw3D ) { if( !draw3D->GetShape3DName().IsEmpty() ) { S3D_MASTER* draw3DCopy = new S3D_MASTER(NULL); draw3DCopy->Copy( draw3D ); m_shapes3D_list.push_back( draw3DCopy ); m_3D_ShapeNameListBox->Append( draw3DCopy->GetShape3DName() ); } draw3D = (S3D_MASTER*) draw3D->Next(); } m_DocCtrl->SetValue( m_currentModule->GetDescription() ); m_KeywordCtrl->SetValue( m_currentModule->GetKeywords() ); m_referenceCopy = new TEXTE_MODULE( NULL ); m_valueCopy = new TEXTE_MODULE( NULL ); m_referenceCopy->Copy( &m_currentModule->Reference() ); m_valueCopy->Copy( &m_currentModule->Value() ); m_ReferenceCtrl->SetValue( m_referenceCopy->GetText() ); m_ValueCtrl->SetValue( m_valueCopy->GetText() ); m_ValueCtrl->SetValue( m_valueCopy->GetText() ); m_FootprintNameCtrl->SetValue( m_currentModule->GetFPID().Format() ); m_AttributsCtrl->SetItemToolTip( 0, _( "Use this attribute for most non SMD components" ) ); m_AttributsCtrl->SetItemToolTip( 1, _( "Use this attribute for SMD components.\nOnly components with this option are put in the footprint position list file" ) ); m_AttributsCtrl->SetItemToolTip( 2, _( "Use this attribute for \"virtual\" components drawn on board (like a old ISA PC bus connector)" ) ); // Controls on right side of the dialog switch( m_currentModule->GetAttributes() & 255 ) { case 0: m_AttributsCtrl->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case MOD_CMS: m_AttributsCtrl->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case MOD_VIRTUAL: m_AttributsCtrl->SetSelection( 2 ); break; default: m_AttributsCtrl->SetSelection( 0 ); break; } m_AutoPlaceCtrl->SetSelection( (m_currentModule->IsLocked()) ? 1 : 0 ); m_AutoPlaceCtrl->SetItemToolTip( 0, _( "Enable hotkey move commands and Auto Placement" ) ); m_AutoPlaceCtrl->SetItemToolTip( 1, _( "Disable hotkey move commands and Auto Placement" ) ); m_CostRot90Ctrl->SetValue( m_currentModule->GetPlacementCost90() ); m_CostRot180Ctrl->SetValue( m_currentModule->GetPlacementCost180() ); // Initialize 3D parameters m_3D_Scale = new VERTEX_VALUE_CTRL( m_Panel3D, m_bSizerShapeScale ); m_3D_Offset = new VERTEX_VALUE_CTRL( m_Panel3D, m_bSizerShapeOffset ); m_3D_Rotation = new VERTEX_VALUE_CTRL( m_Panel3D, m_bSizerShapeRotation ); // Initialize dialog relative to masks clearances m_NetClearanceUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_SolderMaskMarginUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); m_SolderPasteMarginUnits->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( g_UserUnit ) ); wxString msg; PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_NetClearanceValueCtrl, m_currentModule->GetLocalClearance() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderMaskMarginCtrl, m_currentModule->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() ); // These 2 parameters are usually < 0, so prepare entering a negative value, if current is 0 PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl, m_currentModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() ); if( m_currentModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() == 0 ) m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->SetValue( wxT( "-" ) + m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl->GetValue() ); if( m_currentModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() == 0.0 ) msg.Printf( wxT( "-%f" ), m_currentModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() * 100.0 ); else msg.Printf( wxT( "%f" ), m_currentModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() * 100.0 ); m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( msg ); // Add solder paste margin ration in per cent // for the usual default value 0.0, display -0.0 (or -0,0 in some countries) msg.Printf( wxT( "%f" ), m_currentModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() * 100.0 ); if( m_currentModule->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() == 0.0 && msg[0] == '0') // Sometimes Printf adds a sign if the value is very small (0.0) m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( wxT( "-" ) + msg ); else m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->SetValue( msg ); // if m_3D_ShapeNameListBox is not empty, preselect first 3D shape if( m_3D_ShapeNameListBox->GetCount() > 0 ) { m_lastSelected3DShapeIndex = 0; m_3D_ShapeNameListBox->SetSelection( m_lastSelected3DShapeIndex ); Transfert3DValuesToDisplay( m_shapes3D_list[m_lastSelected3DShapeIndex] ); } // We have modified the UI, so call Fit() for m_Panel3D // to be sure the m_Panel3D sizers are initialized before opening the dialog m_Panel3D->GetSizer()->Fit( m_Panel3D ); }
bool DialogEditModuleText::TransferDataToWindow() { if( !wxDialog::TransferDataToWindow() ) return false; wxString msg; if( m_module ) { wxString format = m_ModuleInfoText->GetLabel(); msg.Printf( format, GetChars( m_module->GetReference() ), GetChars( m_module->GetValue() ), m_module->GetOrientation() / 10.0 ); } else { msg.Empty(); } m_ModuleInfoText->SetLabel( msg ); // Create a list of not allowed layers. // could be slightly dependent of the type of footprint text. LSET forbiddenLayers( LSET::AllCuMask() ); forbiddenLayers.set( Edge_Cuts ).set( Margin ).set( F_Paste ).set( B_Paste ).set( F_Mask ).set( B_Mask ); switch( m_currentText->GetType() ) { case TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_VALUE: m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel( _( "Value:" ) ); break; case TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_DIVERS: m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel( _( "Text:" ) ); break; case TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_REFERENCE: m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel( _( "Reference:" ) ); break; } m_Name->SetValue( m_currentText->GetText() ); m_Style->SetSelection( m_currentText->IsItalic() ? 1 : 0 ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_SizeXTitle ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtSizeCtrlX, m_currentText->GetSize().x ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_SizeYTitle ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtSizeCtrlY, m_currentText->GetSize().y ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_PosXTitle ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtPosCtrlX, m_currentText->GetPos0().x ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_PosYTitle ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtPosCtrlY, m_currentText->GetPos0().y ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_WidthTitle ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtWidthCtlr, m_currentText->GetThickness() ); double text_orient = m_currentText->GetOrientation(); NORMALIZE_ANGLE_90( text_orient ); if( (text_orient != 0) ) m_Orient->SetSelection( 1 ); if( !m_currentText->IsVisible() ) m_Show->SetSelection( 1 ); bool custom_orientation = false; switch( int( text_orient ) ) { case 0: m_Orient->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case 900: m_Orient->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case -900: m_Orient->SetSelection( 2 ); break; default: m_Orient->SetSelection( 3 ); custom_orientation = true; break; } m_OrientValueCtrl->Enable( custom_orientation ); m_OrientValue = text_orient / 10.0; m_OrientValidator.TransferToWindow(); // Configure the layers list selector if( !m_parent->GetBoard()->IsLayerEnabled( m_currentText->GetLayer() ) ) // Footprints are built outside the current board, so items cann be // on a not activated layer, therefore show it if happens. m_LayerSelectionCtrl->ShowNonActivatedLayers( true ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayersHotkeys( false ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSet( forbiddenLayers ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetBoardFrame( m_parent ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->Resync(); if( m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( m_currentText->GetLayer() ) < 0 ) { wxMessageBox( _( "This item has an illegal layer id.\n" "Now, forced on the front silk screen layer. Please, fix it" ) ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( F_SilkS ); } return true; }
void DIALOG_MODEDIT_FP_BODY_ITEM_PROPERTIES::initDlg() /* Initialize messages and values in text control, * according to the item parameters values */ { SetFocus(); m_StandardButtonsSizerOK->SetDefault(); // Set unit symbol wxStaticText * texts_unit[] = { m_StartPointXUnit, m_StartPointYUnit, m_EndPointXUnit, m_EndPointYUnit, m_ThicknessTextUnit, m_DefaulThicknessTextUnit, NULL }; for( int ii = 0; ; ii++ ) { if( texts_unit[ii] == NULL ) break; texts_unit[ii]->SetLabel( GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel() ); } wxString msg; // Change texts according to the segment shape: switch ( m_item->GetShape() ) { case S_CIRCLE: m_StartPointXLabel->SetLabel(_("Center X")); m_StartPointYLabel->SetLabel(_("Center Y")); m_EndPointXLabel->SetLabel(_("Point X")); m_EndPointYLabel->SetLabel(_("Point Y")); m_Angle_Text->Show(false); m_Angle_Ctrl->Show(false); m_AngleUnit->Show(false); break; case S_ARC: m_StartPointXLabel->SetLabel(_("Center X")); m_StartPointYLabel->SetLabel(_("Center Y")); m_EndPointXLabel->SetLabel(_("Start Point X")); m_EndPointYLabel->SetLabel(_("Start Point Y")); // Here the angle is a double, but the UI is still working // with integers msg << int( m_item->GetAngle() ); m_Angle_Ctrl->SetValue(msg); break; default: m_Angle_Text->Show(false); m_Angle_Ctrl->Show(false); m_AngleUnit->Show(false); break; } PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_Center_StartXCtrl, m_item->GetStart().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_Center_StartYCtrl, m_item->GetStart().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_EndX_Radius_Ctrl, m_item->GetEnd().x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_EndY_Ctrl, m_item->GetEnd().y ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ThicknessCtrl, m_item->GetWidth() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_DefaultThicknessCtrl, m_brdSettings.m_ModuleSegmentWidth ); // Configure the layers list selector m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayersHotkeys( false ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerMask( INTERNAL_CU_LAYERS|EDGE_LAYER ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetBoardFrame( m_parent ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->Resync(); if( m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( m_item->GetLayer() ) < 0 ) { wxMessageBox( _("This item has an illegal layer id.\n" "Now, forced on the front silk screen layer. Please, fix it") ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetLayerSelection( SILKSCREEN_N_FRONT ); } }
void DIALOG_SET_GRID::setGridOrigin( const wxPoint& grid ) { PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_GridOriginXCtrl, grid.x ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_GridOriginYCtrl, grid.y ); }
void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::initDialog() { BOARD* board = m_Parent->GetBoard(); wxString msg; if( m_settings.m_Zone_45_Only ) m_OrientEdgesOpt->SetSelection( 1 ); m_FillModeCtrl->SetSelection( m_settings.m_FillMode ? 1 : 0 ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_ClearanceValueTitle, g_UserUnit ); msg = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit, m_settings.m_ZoneClearance ); m_ZoneClearanceCtrl->SetValue( msg ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_MinThicknessValueTitle, g_UserUnit ); msg = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit, m_settings.m_ZoneMinThickness ); m_ZoneMinThicknessCtrl->SetValue( msg ); switch( m_settings.GetPadConnection() ) { case THT_THERMAL: // Thermals only for THT pads m_PadInZoneOpt->SetSelection( 2 ); break; case PAD_NOT_IN_ZONE: // Pads are not covered m_PadInZoneOpt->SetSelection( 3 ); break; default: case THERMAL_PAD: // Use thermal relief for pads m_PadInZoneOpt->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case PAD_IN_ZONE: // pads are covered by copper m_PadInZoneOpt->SetSelection( 0 ); break; } // Antipad and spokes are significant only for thermals if( m_settings.GetPadConnection() != THERMAL_PAD && m_settings.GetPadConnection() != THT_THERMAL ) { m_AntipadSizeValue->Enable( false ); m_CopperWidthValue->Enable( false ); } else { m_AntipadSizeValue->Enable( true ); m_CopperWidthValue->Enable( true ); } m_PriorityLevelCtrl->SetValue( m_settings.m_ZonePriority ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_AntipadSizeText, g_UserUnit ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_CopperBridgeWidthText, g_UserUnit ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_AntipadSizeValue, m_settings.m_ThermalReliefGap ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_CopperWidthValue, m_settings.m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge ); m_cornerSmoothingChoice->SetSelection( m_settings.GetCornerSmoothingType() ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_cornerSmoothingCtrl, m_settings.GetCornerRadius() ); switch( m_settings.m_Zone_HatchingStyle ) { case CPolyLine::NO_HATCH: m_OutlineAppearanceCtrl->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_EDGE: m_OutlineAppearanceCtrl->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case CPolyLine::DIAGONAL_FULL: m_OutlineAppearanceCtrl->SetSelection( 2 ); break; } m_ArcApproximationOpt->SetSelection( m_settings.m_ArcToSegmentsCount == ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF ? 1 : 0 ); // Create one column in m_LayerSelectionCtrl wxListItem column0; column0.SetId( 0 ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->InsertColumn( 0, column0 ); // Build copper layer list and append to layer widget int layerCount = board->GetCopperLayerCount(); wxImageList* imageList = new wxImageList( LAYER_BITMAP_SIZE_X, LAYER_BITMAP_SIZE_Y ); m_LayerSelectionCtrl->AssignImageList( imageList, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL ); int ctrlWidth = 0; // Min width for m_LayerSelectionCtrl to show the layers names for( LAYER_NUM ii = FIRST_LAYER; ii < layerCount; ++ii ) { LAYER_NUM layerNumber = LAYER_N_BACK; if( layerCount <= 1 || ii < layerCount - 1 ) layerNumber = ii; else if( ii == layerCount - 1 ) layerNumber = LAYER_N_FRONT; m_LayerId.insert( m_LayerId.begin(), layerNumber ); msg = board->GetLayerName( layerNumber ).Trim(); EDA_COLOR_T layerColor = board->GetLayerColor( layerNumber ); imageList->Add( makeLayerBitmap( layerColor ) ); int itemIndex = m_LayerSelectionCtrl->InsertItem( 0, msg, ii ); if( m_settings.m_CurrentZone_Layer == layerNumber ) m_LayerSelectionCtrl->Select( itemIndex ); wxSize tsize( GetTextSize( msg, m_LayerSelectionCtrl ) ); ctrlWidth = std::max( ctrlWidth, tsize.x ); } // The most easy way to ensure the right size is to use wxLIST_AUTOSIZE // unfortunately this option does not work well both on // wxWidgets 2.8 ( column witdth too small), and // wxWidgets 2.9 ( column witdth too large) ctrlWidth += LAYER_BITMAP_SIZE_X + 16; // Add bitmap width + margin between bitmap and text m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetColumnWidth( 0, ctrlWidth ); ctrlWidth += 4; // add small margin between text and window borders m_LayerSelectionCtrl->SetMinSize( wxSize(ctrlWidth, -1)); wxString netNameDoNotShowFilter = wxT( "Net-*" ); if( m_Config ) { int opt = m_Config->Read( ZONE_NET_SORT_OPTION_KEY, 1l ); m_NetDisplayOption->SetSelection( opt ); m_Config->Read( ZONE_NET_FILTER_STRING_KEY, netNameDoNotShowFilter ); } else m_NetDisplayOption->SetSelection( 1 ); m_ShowNetNameFilter->SetValue( m_netNameShowFilter ); initListNetsParams(); // Build list of nets: m_DoNotShowNetNameFilter->SetValue( netNameDoNotShowFilter ); buildAvailableListOfNets(); wxCommandEvent event; OnCornerSmoothingModeChoice( event ); }
void DialogEditModuleText::initDlg( ) { SetFocus(); wxString msg; if( m_module ) { wxString format = m_ModuleInfoText->GetLabel(); msg.Printf( format, GetChars( m_module->GetReference() ), GetChars( m_module->GetValue() ), m_module->GetOrientation() / 10.0 ); } else { msg.Empty(); } m_ModuleInfoText->SetLabel( msg ); switch( m_currentText->GetType() ) { case TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_VALUE: m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel( _( "Value:" ) ); break; case TEXTE_MODULE::TEXT_is_DIVERS: m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel( _( "Text:" ) ); break; default: m_TextDataTitle->SetLabel( _( "Reference:" ) ); break; } m_Name->SetValue( m_currentText->GetText() ); m_Style->SetSelection( m_currentText->IsItalic() ? 1 : 0 ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_SizeXTitle ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtSizeCtrlX, m_currentText->GetSize().x ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_SizeYTitle ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtSizeCtrlY, m_currentText->GetSize().y ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_PosXTitle ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtPosCtrlX, m_currentText->GetPos0().x ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_PosYTitle ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtPosCtrlY, m_currentText->GetPos0().y ); AddUnitSymbol( *m_WidthTitle ); PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_TxtWidthCtlr, m_currentText->GetThickness() ); double text_orient = m_currentText->GetOrientation(); NORMALIZE_ANGLE_90( text_orient ); if( (text_orient != 0) ) m_Orient->SetSelection( 1 ); if( !m_currentText->IsVisible() ) m_Show->SetSelection( 1 );; }