Esempio n. 1
static int CM_TraceThroughBounds(traceWork_t *tw, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs)
	if (mins[0] > tw->bounds[1][0] ||
	    maxs[0] < tw->bounds[0][0] ||
	    mins[1] > tw->bounds[1][1] ||
	    maxs[1] < tw->bounds[0][1] ||
	    mins[2] > tw->bounds[1][2] ||
	    maxs[2] < tw->bounds[0][2])
		return qfalse;

		vec3_t center, extents;

		VectorAdd(mins, maxs, center);
		VectorScale(center, 0.5f, center);
		VectorSubtract(maxs, center, extents);

		if (Q_fabs(CM_BoxDistanceFromPlane(center, extents, &tw->tracePlane1)) > tw->traceDist1)
			return qfalse;
		if (Q_fabs(CM_BoxDistanceFromPlane(center, extents, &tw->tracePlane2)) > tw->traceDist2)
			return qfalse;
	// trace might go through the bounds
	return qtrue;
Esempio n. 2
float CM_DistanceFromLineSquared(vec3_t p, vec3_t lp1, vec3_t lp2, vec3_t dir)
	vec3_t proj, t;
	int    j;

	CM_ProjectPointOntoVector(p, lp1, dir, proj);
	for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
		if ((proj[j] > lp1[j] && proj[j] > lp2[j]) ||
		    (proj[j] < lp1[j] && proj[j] < lp2[j]))
	if (j < 3)
		if (Q_fabs(proj[j] - lp1[j]) < Q_fabs(proj[j] - lp2[j]))
			VectorSubtract(p, lp1, t);
			VectorSubtract(p, lp2, t);
		return VectorLengthSquared(t);
	VectorSubtract(p, proj, t);
	return VectorLengthSquared(t);
Esempio n. 3
 * UI_MovedirAdjustment
static float
UI_MovedirAdjustment(Playerinfo *pi)
	Vec3	relativeAngles;
	Vec3	moveVector;

	subv3(pi->viewAngles, pi->moveAngles, relativeAngles);
	anglev3s(relativeAngles, moveVector, NULL, NULL);
	if(Q_fabs(moveVector[0]) < 0.01)
		moveVector[0] = 0.0;
	if(Q_fabs(moveVector[1]) < 0.01)
		moveVector[1] = 0.0;

	if(moveVector[1] == 0 && moveVector[0] > 0)
		return 0;
	if(moveVector[1] < 0 && moveVector[0] > 0)
		return 22;
	if(moveVector[1] < 0 && moveVector[0] == 0)
		return 45;
	if(moveVector[1] < 0 && moveVector[0] < 0)
		return -22;
	if(moveVector[1] == 0 && moveVector[0] < 0)
		return 0;
	if(moveVector[1] > 0 && moveVector[0] < 0)
		return 22;
	if(moveVector[1] > 0 && moveVector[0] == 0)
		return -45;

	return -22;
Esempio n. 4
 * @brief GLimp_CompareModes
 * @param[in] a
 * @param[in] b
 * @return
static int GLimp_CompareModes(const void *a, const void *b)
	const float    ASPECT_EPSILON  = 0.001f;
	const SDL_Rect *modeA          = (const SDL_Rect *)a;
	const SDL_Rect *modeB          = (const SDL_Rect *)b;
	float          aspectA         = modeA->w / (float)modeA->h;
	float          aspectB         = modeB->w / (float)modeB->h;
	int            areaA           = modeA->w * modeA->h;
	int            areaB           = modeB->w * modeB->h;
	float          aspectDiffA     = Q_fabs(aspectA - displayAspect);
	float          aspectDiffB     = Q_fabs(aspectB - displayAspect);
	float          aspectDiffsDiff = aspectDiffA - aspectDiffB;

	if (aspectDiffsDiff > ASPECT_EPSILON)
		return 1;
	else if (aspectDiffsDiff < -ASPECT_EPSILON)
		return -1;
		return areaA - areaB;
Esempio n. 5
void CFuncTank::__MAKE_VHOOK(Think)()
	pev->avelocity = g_vecZero;

	if (Q_fabs(float_precision(pev->avelocity.x)) > 1 || Q_fabs(float_precision(pev->avelocity.y)) > 1)
Esempio n. 6
static float UI_MovedirAdjustment( playerInfo_t *pi )
	vec3_t relativeAngles;
	vec3_t moveVector;

	VectorSubtract( pi->viewAngles, pi->moveAngles, relativeAngles );
	AngleVectors( relativeAngles, moveVector, NULL, NULL );

	if ( Q_fabs( moveVector[ 0 ] ) < 0.01 )
		moveVector[ 0 ] = 0.0;

	if ( Q_fabs( moveVector[ 1 ] ) < 0.01 )
		moveVector[ 1 ] = 0.0;

	if ( moveVector[ 1 ] == 0 && moveVector[ 0 ] > 0 )
		return 0;

	if ( moveVector[ 1 ] < 0 && moveVector[ 0 ] > 0 )
		return 22;

	if ( moveVector[ 1 ] < 0 && moveVector[ 0 ] == 0 )
		return 45;

	if ( moveVector[ 1 ] < 0 && moveVector[ 0 ] < 0 )
		return -22;

	if ( moveVector[ 1 ] == 0 && moveVector[ 0 ] < 0 )
		return 0;

	if ( moveVector[ 1 ] > 0 && moveVector[ 0 ] < 0 )
		return 22;

	if ( moveVector[ 1 ] > 0 && moveVector[ 0 ] == 0 )
		return -45;

	return -22;
Esempio n. 7
float RadiusFromBounds( const vector3 *mins, const vector3 *maxs ) {
	int		i;
	vector3	corner;
	float	a, b;

	for ( i = 0; i<3; i++ ) {
		a = Q_fabs( mins->raw[i] );
		b = Q_fabs( maxs->raw[i] );
		corner.raw[i] = a > b ? a : b;

	return VectorLength( &corner );
Esempio n. 8
int CM_PlaneEqual( patchPlane_t *p, float plane[4], int *flipped ) {
	float invplane[4];

	if (
		Q_fabs( p->plane[0] - plane[0] ) < NORMAL_EPSILON
		&& Q_fabs( p->plane[1] - plane[1] ) < NORMAL_EPSILON
		&& Q_fabs( p->plane[2] - plane[2] ) < NORMAL_EPSILON
		&& Q_fabs( p->plane[3] - plane[3] ) < DIST_EPSILON ) {
		*flipped = qfalse;
		return qtrue;

	VectorNegate( plane, invplane );
	invplane[3] = -plane[3];

	if (
		Q_fabs( p->plane[0] - invplane[0] ) < NORMAL_EPSILON
		&& Q_fabs( p->plane[1] - invplane[1] ) < NORMAL_EPSILON
		&& Q_fabs( p->plane[2] - invplane[2] ) < NORMAL_EPSILON
		&& Q_fabs( p->plane[3] - invplane[3] ) < DIST_EPSILON ) {
		*flipped = qtrue;
		return qtrue;

	return qfalse;
Esempio n. 9
vec_t RadiusFromBounds (const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs) {
    int     i;
    vec3_t  corner;
    vec_t   a, b;

    for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
        a = Q_fabs(mins[i]);
        b = Q_fabs(maxs[i]);
        corner[i] = a > b ? a : b;

    return VectorLength (corner);
Esempio n. 10
void CL_MouseClamp(int *x, int *y)
	float ax = Q_fabs(*x);
	float ay = Q_fabs(*y);

	ax = (ax-10)*(3.0f/45.0f) * (ax-10) * (Q_fabs(*x) > 10);
	ay = (ay-10)*(3.0f/45.0f) * (ay-10) * (Q_fabs(*y) > 10);
	if (*x < 0)
		*x = -ax;
		*x = ax;
	if (*y < 0)
		*y = -ay;
		*y = ay;
Esempio n. 11
bool CHostageImprov::FaceTowards(const Vector &target, float deltaT)
	bool bError = false;
	Vector2D to = (target - GetFeet()).Make2D();

	// TODO: fix test demo
	float_precision float_x = target.x - GetFeet().x;
	float_precision float_y = target.y - GetFeet().y;
	float_precision flLen = to.Length();

	if (flLen <= 0)
		to.x = 1;
		to.y = 0;
		to.x = float_x / flLen;
		to.y = float_y / flLen;

	float moveAngle = GetMoveAngle();

	Vector2D lat(BotCOS(moveAngle), BotSIN(moveAngle));
	Vector2D dir(-lat.y, lat.x);

	float_precision dot = DotProduct(to, dir);

	if (DotProduct(to, lat) < 0.0f)
		if (dot >= 0.0f)
			dot = 1.0f;
			dot = -1.0f;

		bError = true;

	const float maxTurnRate = 0.05f;

	if (bError || Q_fabs(dot) >= maxTurnRate)
		const float tolerance = 300.0f;
		float moveRatio = dot * deltaT * tolerance + moveAngle;


		m_moveAngle = moveRatio;
		m_hostage->pev->angles.y = moveRatio;

		return false;

	return true;
Esempio n. 12
void CGib::BounceGibTouch(CBaseEntity *pOther)
	if (pev->flags & FL_ONGROUND)
		pev->velocity = pev->velocity * 0.9;
		pev->angles.x = 0;
		pev->angles.z = 0;
		pev->avelocity.x = 0;
		pev->avelocity.z = 0;
		if (g_Language != LANGUAGE_GERMAN && m_cBloodDecals > 0 && m_bloodColor != DONT_BLEED)
			TraceResult tr;
			Vector vecSpot = pev->origin + Vector(0, 0, 8);
			UTIL_TraceLine(vecSpot, vecSpot + Vector(0, 0, -24), ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr);
			UTIL_BloodDecalTrace(&tr, m_bloodColor);

		if (m_material != matNone && !RANDOM_LONG(0, 2))
			float zvel = Q_fabs(pev->velocity.z);
			float volume = 0.8 * Q_min(1.0f, zvel / 450);

			CBreakable::MaterialSoundRandom(edict(), (Materials)m_material, volume);
Esempio n. 13
 * \brief Calculates the muzzle point.
 * Calculates the muzzle point.
 * @param ent the player
 * @param fwd the forward vector
 * @param rt the right vector
 * @param vup the up vector
 * @param muzzlePoint the muzzle point
 * @param projsize projsize
void G_Weapon_CalcMuzzlePoint ( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t fwd, vec3_t rt, vec3_t vup, vec3_t muzzlePoint, float projsize) 
	int weapontype;

	weapontype = ent->s.weapon;
	VectorCopy( ent->s.pos.trBase, muzzlePoint );

#if 1
	if (weapontype > WP_0 && weapontype < WP_NUM_WEAPONS)
	{	/* Use the table to generate the muzzlepoint; */
		{	/* Crouching.  Use the add-to-Z method to adjust vertically. */
			VectorMA(muzzlePoint, WP_MuzzlePoint[weapontype][0], fwd, muzzlePoint);
			VectorMA(muzzlePoint, WP_MuzzlePoint[weapontype][1], rt, muzzlePoint);
			if ( ent->client->ps.eFlags & EF_FULL_ROTATE && Q_fabs( ent->client->ps.viewangles[PITCH] > 89.0f ) ) {
				muzzlePoint[2] -= 20 + WP_MuzzlePoint[weapontype][2];
				muzzlePoint[2] += ent->client->ps.viewheight + WP_MuzzlePoint[weapontype][2];
			/* VectorMA(muzzlePoint, ent->client->ps.viewheight + WP_MuzzlePoint[weapontype][2], vup, muzzlePoint);*/
#else	/* Test code */
	muzzlePoint[2] += ent->client->ps.viewheight;/* By eyes */
	muzzlePoint[2] += g_debugUp.value;
	VectorMA( muzzlePoint, g_debugForward.value, fwd, muzzlePoint);
	VectorMA( muzzlePoint, g_debugRight.value, rt, muzzlePoint);

	CorrectForwardVector(ent, fwd, muzzlePoint, projsize);
	SnapVector( muzzlePoint );
Esempio n. 14
int CG_LimboPanel_RenderCounter_RollTimeForButton(panel_button_t *button) {
	float diff;

	switch (button->data[0]) {
	case 0:     // class counts
	case 1:     // team counts
		return 100.f;

	case 4:     // skills
		return 1000.f;

	case 6:     // stats
		diff = Q_fabs(button->data[3] - CG_LimboPanel_RenderCounter_ValueForButton(button));
		if (diff < 5) {
			return 200.f / diff;
		return 50.f;

	case 5:     // clock
	case 3:     // respawn time
	case 2:     // xp
		return 50.f;

	return 1000.f;
Esempio n. 15
static void CM_CalcTraceBounds(traceWork_t *tw, qboolean expand)
	int i;

	if (tw->sphere.use)
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			if (tw->start[i] < tw->end[i])
				tw->bounds[0][i] = tw->start[i] - Q_fabs(tw->sphere.offset[i]) - tw->sphere.radius;
				tw->bounds[1][i] = tw->start[i] + tw->trace.fraction * tw->dir[i] + Q_fabs(tw->sphere.offset[i]) + tw->sphere.radius;
				tw->bounds[0][i] = tw->start[i] + tw->trace.fraction * tw->dir[i] - Q_fabs(tw->sphere.offset[i]) - tw->sphere.radius;
				tw->bounds[1][i] = tw->start[i] + Q_fabs(tw->sphere.offset[i]) + tw->sphere.radius;
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			if (tw->start[i] < tw->end[i])
				tw->bounds[0][i] = tw->start[i] + tw->size[0][i];
				tw->bounds[1][i] = tw->start[i] + tw->trace.fraction * tw->dir[i] + tw->size[1][i];
				tw->bounds[0][i] = tw->start[i] + tw->trace.fraction * tw->dir[i] + tw->size[0][i];
				tw->bounds[1][i] = tw->start[i] + tw->size[1][i];

	if (expand)
		// expand for epsilon
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			tw->bounds[0][i] -= 1.0f;
			tw->bounds[1][i] += 1.0f;
Esempio n. 16
void CM_SnapVector( vec3_t normal ) {
	int i;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
		if ( Q_fabs( normal[i] - 1 ) < NORMAL_EPSILON ) {
			VectorClear( normal );
			normal[i] = 1;
		if ( Q_fabs( normal[i] - -1 ) < NORMAL_EPSILON ) {
			VectorClear( normal );
			normal[i] = -1;
Esempio n. 17
winding_t *BaseWindingForPlane(vec3_t normal, vec_t dist) {
	int i, x = -1;
	vec_t max = -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS, v;
	vec3_t org, vright, vup;
	winding_t *w;

	// find the major axis
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		v = Q_fabs(normal[i]);

		if (v > max) {
			x = i;
			max = v;

	if (x == -1) {
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "BaseWindingForPlane: no axis found");

	VectorCopy(vec3_origin, vup);

	switch (x) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
			vup[2] = 1;
		case 2:
			vup[0] = 1;

	v = DotProduct(vup, normal);

	VectorMA(vup, -v, normal, vup);
	vec3_norm2(vup, vup);
	VectorScale(normal, dist, org);
	vec3_cross(vup, normal, vright);
	VectorScale(vup, MAX_MAP_BOUNDS, vup);
	VectorScale(vright, MAX_MAP_BOUNDS, vright);
	// project a really big axis aligned box onto the plane
	w = AllocWinding(4);

	VectorSubtract(org, vright, w->p[0]);
	VectorAdd(w->p[0], vup, w->p[0]);
	VectorAdd(org, vright, w->p[1]);
	VectorAdd(w->p[1], vup, w->p[1]);
	VectorAdd(org, vright, w->p[2]);
	VectorSubtract(w->p[2], vup, w->p[2]);
	VectorSubtract(org, vright, w->p[3]);
	VectorSubtract(w->p[3], vup, w->p[3]);

	w->numpoints = 4;

	return w;
Esempio n. 18
static float UI_MovedirAdjustment( playerInfo_t *pi ) {
	vector3		relativeAngles;
	vector3		moveVector;

	VectorSubtract( &pi->viewAngles, &pi->moveAngles, &relativeAngles );
	AngleVectors( &relativeAngles, &moveVector, NULL, NULL );
	if ( Q_fabs( moveVector.x ) < 0.01f )	moveVector.x = 0.0f;
	if ( Q_fabs( moveVector.y ) < 0.01f )	moveVector.y = 0.0f;

	if ( moveVector.y == 0 && moveVector.x >  0 )	return   0;
	if ( moveVector.y <  0 && moveVector.x >  0 )	return  22;
	if ( moveVector.y <  0 && moveVector.x == 0 )	return  45;
	if ( moveVector.y <  0 && moveVector.x <  0 )	return -22;
	if ( moveVector.y == 0 && moveVector.x <  0 )	return   0;
	if ( moveVector.y >  0 && moveVector.x <  0 )	return  22;
	if ( moveVector.y >  0 && moveVector.x == 0 )	return -45;

	return -22;
Esempio n. 19
static float CM_BoxDistanceFromPlane(vec3_t center, vec3_t extents, cplane_t *plane)
	float d1, d2;

	d1 = DotProduct(center, plane->normal) - plane->dist;
	d2 = Q_fabs(extents[0] * plane->normal[0]) +
	     Q_fabs(extents[1] * plane->normal[1]) +
	     Q_fabs(extents[2] * plane->normal[2]);

	if (d1 - d2 > 0.0f)
		return d1 - d2;
	if (d1 + d2 < 0.0f)
		return d1 + d2;
	return 0.0f;
Esempio n. 20
void BotDirectionToUsercmd( gentity_t *self, vec3_t dir, usercmd_t *cmd )
	vec3_t forward;
	vec3_t right;

	float forwardmove;
	float rightmove;
	signed char speed = BotGetMaxMoveSpeed( self );

	AngleVectors( self->client->ps.viewangles, forward, right, nullptr );
	forward[2] = 0;
	VectorNormalize( forward );
	right[2] = 0;
	VectorNormalize( right );

	// get direction and non-optimal magnitude
	forwardmove = speed * DotProduct( forward, dir );
	rightmove = speed * DotProduct( right, dir );

	// find optimal magnitude to make speed as high as possible
	if ( Q_fabs( forwardmove ) > Q_fabs( rightmove ) )
		float highestforward = forwardmove < 0 ? -speed : speed;

		float highestright = highestforward * rightmove / forwardmove;

		cmd->forwardmove = ClampChar( highestforward );
		cmd->rightmove = ClampChar( highestright );
		float highestright = rightmove < 0 ? -speed : speed;

		float highestforward = highestright * forwardmove / rightmove;

		cmd->forwardmove = ClampChar( highestforward );
		cmd->rightmove = ClampChar( highestright );
Esempio n. 21
//TiM - Beam FX for the Neutrino Probe weapon
void FX_ProbeBeam( vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir, int clientNum, qboolean alt_fire )
	trace_t			tr;
	refEntity_t		beam;
	vec3_t			end;
	float			scale;

	memset( &beam, 0, sizeof( beam ) );

	if ( alt_fire )
		scale = flrandom(7.0f, 12.0f);
		scale = Q_fabs( 12.0f * sin( cg.time * 0.1f ) );

	VectorMA( origin, PROBE_BEAM_LENGTH, dir, end );

	CG_Trace( &tr, origin, NULL, NULL, end, clientNum, CONTENTS_SOLID );

	trap_R_AddLightToScene( origin, 20, 114.0f / 255, 164.0f / 255, 1.0f );

	VectorCopy( origin, beam.origin);
	VectorCopy( tr.endpos, beam.oldorigin );
	beam.reType = RT_LINE;	
	beam.customShader =;
	beam.shaderRGBA[0] = 0xff;
	beam.shaderRGBA[1] = 0xff;
	beam.shaderRGBA[2] = 0xff;
	beam.shaderRGBA[3] = 0xff;
	AxisClear( beam.axis ); = scale*0.1; = scale; = 1.0;
	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &beam );

	if ( tr.fraction != 1.0f )
		float radius;

		if ( alt_fire )
			radius = flrandom(1.5f, 3.0f) * (1.0 - (tr.fraction*0.3));
			radius = flrandom(0.5f, 1.5f) * (1.0 - (tr.fraction*0.3));

		if ( !radius )

		CG_ImpactMark(, tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0.2*(1.0-tr.fraction), qfalse, radius, qtrue );
		trap_R_AddLightToScene( origin, radius*5, 114.0f / 255, 164.0f / 255, 1.0f );
Esempio n. 22
//Returns qtrue if the fade is complete, don't draw shadows etc
//			qfalse if it has either partially faded, or not at all.
qboolean CG_FadeColor2( vector4 *color, int startMsec, int totalMsec ) {
	float dt = cg.time - startMsec;

	if ( dt > totalMsec ) {
		color->a = 0.0f;
		return qtrue;
	//RAZTODO: else if ( dt < 0 )
	else {
		dt = Q_fabs( dt );
		color->a = 1.0f - dt / totalMsec;
		return qfalse;
Esempio n. 23
static float RB_ProjectRadius(float r, vec3_t location)
	float  pr;
	float  dist;
	float  c;
	vec3_t p;
	float  projected[4];

	c    = DotProduct(backEnd.viewParms.orientation.axis[0], backEnd.viewParms.orientation.origin);
	dist = DotProduct(backEnd.viewParms.orientation.axis[0], location) - c;

	if (dist <= 0)
		return 0;

	p[0] = 0;
	p[1] = Q_fabs(r);
	p[2] = -dist;

	projected[0] = p[0] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[0] +
	               p[1] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[4] +
	               p[2] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[8] +

	projected[1] = p[0] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[1] +
	               p[1] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[5] +
	               p[2] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[9] +

	projected[2] = p[0] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[2] +
	               p[1] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[6] +
	               p[2] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[10] +

	projected[3] = p[0] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[3] +
	               p[1] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[7] +
	               p[2] * backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix[11] +

	pr = projected[1] / projected[3];

	if (pr > 1.0f)
		pr = 1.0f;

	return pr;
Esempio n. 24
void ProjectPointOnPlane( vector3 *dst, const vector3 *p, const vector3 *normal ) {
	float d;
	vector3 n;
	float inv_denom;

	inv_denom = DotProduct( normal, normal );
	assert( Q_fabs( inv_denom ) != 0.0f );
	inv_denom = 1.0f / inv_denom;

	d = DotProduct( normal, p ) * inv_denom;

	n.x = normal->x * inv_denom;
	n.y = normal->y * inv_denom;
	n.z = normal->z * inv_denom;

	dst->x = p->x - d * n.x;
	dst->y = p->y - d * n.y;
	dst->z = p->z - d * n.z;
Esempio n. 25
float ProjectRadius( float r, vec3_t location )
	float pr;
	float dist;
	float c;
	vec3_t	p;
	float width;
	float depth;

	c = DotProduct( tr.viewParms.or.axis[0], tr.viewParms.or.origin );
	dist = DotProduct( tr.viewParms.or.axis[0], location ) - c;

	if ( dist <= 0 )
		return 0;

	p[0] = 0;
	p[1] = Q_fabs( r );
	p[2] = -dist;

	width = p[0] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[1] + 
		           p[1] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[5] +
				   p[2] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[9] +

	depth = p[0] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[3] + 
		           p[1] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[7] +
				   p[2] * tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix[11] +

	pr = width / depth;
#if defined (_XBOX)
	pr = -pr;

	if ( pr > 1.0f )
		pr = 1.0f;

	return pr;
Esempio n. 26
static void ProjectDlightTexture_scalar( void ) {
	int		i, l;
	vec3_t	origin;
	float	*texCoords;
	byte	*colors;
	byte	clipBits[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES];
	float	texCoordsArray[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES][2];
	byte	colorArray[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES][4];
	glIndex_t	hitIndexes[SHADER_MAX_INDEXES];
	int		numIndexes;
	float	scale;
	float	radius;
	vec3_t	floatColor;
	float	modulate = 0.0f;

	if ( !backEnd.refdef.num_dlights ) {

	for ( l = 0 ; l < backEnd.refdef.num_dlights ; l++ ) {
		dlight_t	*dl;

		if ( !( tess.dlightBits & ( 1 << l ) ) ) {
			continue;	// this surface definately doesn't have any of this light
		texCoords = texCoordsArray[0];
		colors = colorArray[0];

		dl = &backEnd.refdef.dlights[l];
		VectorCopy( dl->transformed, origin );
		radius = dl->radius;
		scale = 1.0f / radius;

			float luminance;

			luminance = LUMA(dl->color[0], dl->color[1], dl->color[2]) * 255.0f;
			floatColor[0] = floatColor[1] = floatColor[2] = luminance;
		else if(r_greyscale->value)
			float luminance;
			luminance = LUMA(dl->color[0], dl->color[1], dl->color[2]) * 255.0f;
			floatColor[0] = LERP(dl->color[0] * 255.0f, luminance, r_greyscale->value);
			floatColor[1] = LERP(dl->color[1] * 255.0f, luminance, r_greyscale->value);
			floatColor[2] = LERP(dl->color[2] * 255.0f, luminance, r_greyscale->value);
			floatColor[0] = dl->color[0] * 255.0f;
			floatColor[1] = dl->color[1] * 255.0f;
			floatColor[2] = dl->color[2] * 255.0f;

		for ( i = 0 ; i < tess.numVertexes ; i++, texCoords += 2, colors += 4 ) {
			int		clip = 0;
			vec3_t	dist;
			VectorSubtract( origin,[i], dist );


			texCoords[0] = 0.5f + dist[0] * scale;
			texCoords[1] = 0.5f + dist[1] * scale;

			if( !r_dlightBacks->integer &&
					// dist . tess.normal[i]
					( dist[0] * tess.normal[i][0] +
					dist[1] * tess.normal[i][1] +
					dist[2] * tess.normal[i][2] ) < 0.0f ) {
				clip = 63;
			} else {
				if ( texCoords[0] < 0.0f ) {
					clip |= 1;
				} else if ( texCoords[0] > 1.0f ) {
					clip |= 2;
				if ( texCoords[1] < 0.0f ) {
					clip |= 4;
				} else if ( texCoords[1] > 1.0f ) {
					clip |= 8;
				texCoords[0] = texCoords[0];
				texCoords[1] = texCoords[1];

				// modulate the strength based on the height and color
				if ( dist[2] > radius ) {
					clip |= 16;
					modulate = 0.0f;
				} else if ( dist[2] < -radius ) {
					clip |= 32;
					modulate = 0.0f;
				} else {
					dist[2] = Q_fabs(dist[2]);
					if ( dist[2] < radius * 0.5f ) {
						modulate = 1.0f;
					} else {
						modulate = 2.0f * (radius - dist[2]) * scale;
			clipBits[i] = clip;
			colors[0] = ri.ftol(floatColor[0] * modulate);
			colors[1] = ri.ftol(floatColor[1] * modulate);
			colors[2] = ri.ftol(floatColor[2] * modulate);
			colors[3] = 255;

		// build a list of triangles that need light
		numIndexes = 0;
		for ( i = 0 ; i < tess.numIndexes ; i += 3 ) {
			int		a, b, c;

			a = tess.indexes[i];
			b = tess.indexes[i+1];
			c = tess.indexes[i+2];
			if ( clipBits[a] & clipBits[b] & clipBits[c] ) {
				continue;	// not lighted
			hitIndexes[numIndexes] = a;
			hitIndexes[numIndexes+1] = b;
			hitIndexes[numIndexes+2] = c;
			numIndexes += 3;

		if ( !numIndexes ) {

		qglEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
		qglTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoordsArray[0] );

		qglEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY );
		qglColorPointer( 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, colorArray );

		GL_Bind( tr.dlightImage );
		// include GLS_DEPTHFUNC_EQUAL so alpha tested surfaces don't add light
		// where they aren't rendered
		if ( dl->additive ) {
		else {
		R_DrawElements( numIndexes, hitIndexes );
		backEnd.pc.c_totalIndexes += numIndexes;
		backEnd.pc.c_dlightIndexes += numIndexes;
Esempio n. 27
static void ProjectDlightTexture_altivec( void ) {
	int		i, l;
	vec_t	origin0, origin1, origin2;
	float   texCoords0, texCoords1;
	vector float floatColorVec0, floatColorVec1;
	vector float modulateVec, colorVec, zero;
	vector short colorShort;
	vector signed int colorInt;
	vector unsigned char floatColorVecPerm, modulatePerm, colorChar;
	vector unsigned char vSel = VECCONST_UINT8(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
                                               0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
                                               0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
                                               0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff);
	float	*texCoords;
	byte	*colors;
	byte	clipBits[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES];
	float	texCoordsArray[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES][2];
	byte	colorArray[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES][4];
	unsigned	hitIndexes[SHADER_MAX_INDEXES];
	int		numIndexes;
	float	scale;
	float	radius;
	vec3_t	floatColor;
	float	modulate = 0.0f;

	if ( !backEnd.refdef.num_dlights ) {

	// There has to be a better way to do this so that floatColor
	// and/or modulate are already 16-byte aligned.
	floatColorVecPerm = vec_lvsl(0,(float *)floatColor);
	modulatePerm = vec_lvsl(0,(float *)&modulate);
	modulatePerm = (vector unsigned char)vec_splat((vector unsigned int)modulatePerm,0);
	zero = (vector float)vec_splat_s8(0);

	for ( l = 0 ; l < backEnd.refdef.num_dlights ; l++ ) {
		dlight_t	*dl;

		if ( !( tess.dlightBits & ( 1 << l ) ) ) {
			continue;	// this surface definately doesn't have any of this light
		texCoords = texCoordsArray[0];
		colors = colorArray[0];

		dl = &backEnd.refdef.dlights[l];
		origin0 = dl->transformed[0];
		origin1 = dl->transformed[1];
		origin2 = dl->transformed[2];
		radius = dl->radius;
		scale = 1.0f / radius;

			float luminance;
			luminance = LUMA(dl->color[0], dl->color[1], dl->color[2]) * 255.0f;
			floatColor[0] = floatColor[1] = floatColor[2] = luminance;
		else if(r_greyscale->value)
			float luminance;
			luminance = LUMA(dl->color[0], dl->color[1], dl->color[2]) * 255.0f;
			floatColor[0] = LERP(dl->color[0] * 255.0f, luminance, r_greyscale->value);
			floatColor[1] = LERP(dl->color[1] * 255.0f, luminance, r_greyscale->value);
			floatColor[2] = LERP(dl->color[2] * 255.0f, luminance, r_greyscale->value);
			floatColor[0] = dl->color[0] * 255.0f;
			floatColor[1] = dl->color[1] * 255.0f;
			floatColor[2] = dl->color[2] * 255.0f;
		floatColorVec0 = vec_ld(0, floatColor);
		floatColorVec1 = vec_ld(11, floatColor);
		floatColorVec0 = vec_perm(floatColorVec0,floatColorVec0,floatColorVecPerm);
		for ( i = 0 ; i < tess.numVertexes ; i++, texCoords += 2, colors += 4 ) {
			int		clip = 0;
			vec_t dist0, dist1, dist2;
			dist0 = origin0 -[i][0];
			dist1 = origin1 -[i][1];
			dist2 = origin2 -[i][2];


			texCoords0 = 0.5f + dist0 * scale;
			texCoords1 = 0.5f + dist1 * scale;

			if( !r_dlightBacks->integer &&
					// dist . tess.normal[i]
					( dist0 * tess.normal[i][0] +
					dist1 * tess.normal[i][1] +
					dist2 * tess.normal[i][2] ) < 0.0f ) {
				clip = 63;
			} else {
				if ( texCoords0 < 0.0f ) {
					clip |= 1;
				} else if ( texCoords0 > 1.0f ) {
					clip |= 2;
				if ( texCoords1 < 0.0f ) {
					clip |= 4;
				} else if ( texCoords1 > 1.0f ) {
					clip |= 8;
				texCoords[0] = texCoords0;
				texCoords[1] = texCoords1;

				// modulate the strength based on the height and color
				if ( dist2 > radius ) {
					clip |= 16;
					modulate = 0.0f;
				} else if ( dist2 < -radius ) {
					clip |= 32;
					modulate = 0.0f;
				} else {
					dist2 = Q_fabs(dist2);
					if ( dist2 < radius * 0.5f ) {
						modulate = 1.0f;
					} else {
						modulate = 2.0f * (radius - dist2) * scale;
			clipBits[i] = clip;

			modulateVec = vec_ld(0,(float *)&modulate);
			modulateVec = vec_perm(modulateVec,modulateVec,modulatePerm);
			colorVec = vec_madd(floatColorVec0,modulateVec,zero);
			colorInt = vec_cts(colorVec,0);	// RGBx
			colorShort = vec_pack(colorInt,colorInt);		// RGBxRGBx
			colorChar = vec_packsu(colorShort,colorShort);	// RGBxRGBxRGBxRGBx
			colorChar = vec_sel(colorChar,vSel,vSel);		// RGBARGBARGBARGBA replace alpha with 255
			vec_ste((vector unsigned int)colorChar,0,(unsigned int *)colors);	// store color

		// build a list of triangles that need light
		numIndexes = 0;
		for ( i = 0 ; i < tess.numIndexes ; i += 3 ) {
			int		a, b, c;

			a = tess.indexes[i];
			b = tess.indexes[i+1];
			c = tess.indexes[i+2];
			if ( clipBits[a] & clipBits[b] & clipBits[c] ) {
				continue;	// not lighted
			hitIndexes[numIndexes] = a;
			hitIndexes[numIndexes+1] = b;
			hitIndexes[numIndexes+2] = c;
			numIndexes += 3;

		if ( !numIndexes ) {

		qglEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
		qglTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoordsArray[0] );

		qglEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY );
		qglColorPointer( 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, colorArray );

		GL_Bind( tr.dlightImage );
		// include GLS_DEPTHFUNC_EQUAL so alpha tested surfaces don't add light
		// where they aren't rendered
		if ( dl->additive ) {
		else {
		R_DrawElements( numIndexes, hitIndexes );
		backEnd.pc.c_totalIndexes += numIndexes;
		backEnd.pc.c_dlightIndexes += numIndexes;
Esempio n. 28
static void CM_Trace(trace_t *results, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
                     const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs,
                     clipHandle_t model, const vec3_t origin, int brushmask, int capsule, sphere_t *sphere)
	int         i;
	traceWork_t tw;
	vec3_t      offset;
	cmodel_t    *cmod;
	qboolean    positionTest;

	cmod = CM_ClipHandleToModel(model);

	cm.checkcount++;        // for multi-check avoidance

	c_traces++;             // for statistics, may be zeroed

	// fill in a default trace
	memset(&tw, 0, sizeof(tw));
	tw.trace.fraction = 1.0f;   // assume it goes the entire distance until shown otherwise
	VectorCopy(origin, tw.modelOrigin);

	if (!cm.numNodes)
		*results = tw.trace;

		return; // map not loaded, shouldn't happen

	// allow NULL to be passed in for 0,0,0
	if (!mins)
		mins = vec3_origin;
	if (!maxs)
		maxs = vec3_origin;

	// set basic parms
	tw.contents = brushmask;

	// adjust so that mins and maxs are always symetric, which
	// avoids some complications with plane expanding of rotated
	// bmodels
	for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
		offset[i]     = (mins[i] + maxs[i]) * 0.5;
		tw.size[0][i] = mins[i] - offset[i];
		tw.size[1][i] = maxs[i] - offset[i];
		tw.start[i]   = start[i] + offset[i];
		tw.end[i]     = end[i] + offset[i];

	// if a sphere is already specified
	if (sphere)
		tw.sphere = *sphere;
		tw.sphere.use        = capsule;
		tw.sphere.radius     = (tw.size[1][0] > tw.size[1][2]) ? tw.size[1][2] : tw.size[1][0];
		tw.sphere.halfheight = tw.size[1][2];
		VectorSet(tw.sphere.offset, 0, 0, tw.size[1][2] - tw.sphere.radius);

	positionTest = (start[0] == end[0] && start[1] == end[1] && start[2] == end[2]);

	tw.maxOffset = tw.size[1][0] + tw.size[1][1] + tw.size[1][2];

	// tw.offsets[signbits] = vector to apropriate corner from origin
	tw.offsets[0][0] = tw.size[0][0];
	tw.offsets[0][1] = tw.size[0][1];
	tw.offsets[0][2] = tw.size[0][2];

	tw.offsets[1][0] = tw.size[1][0];
	tw.offsets[1][1] = tw.size[0][1];
	tw.offsets[1][2] = tw.size[0][2];

	tw.offsets[2][0] = tw.size[0][0];
	tw.offsets[2][1] = tw.size[1][1];
	tw.offsets[2][2] = tw.size[0][2];

	tw.offsets[3][0] = tw.size[1][0];
	tw.offsets[3][1] = tw.size[1][1];
	tw.offsets[3][2] = tw.size[0][2];

	tw.offsets[4][0] = tw.size[0][0];
	tw.offsets[4][1] = tw.size[0][1];
	tw.offsets[4][2] = tw.size[1][2];

	tw.offsets[5][0] = tw.size[1][0];
	tw.offsets[5][1] = tw.size[0][1];
	tw.offsets[5][2] = tw.size[1][2];

	tw.offsets[6][0] = tw.size[0][0];
	tw.offsets[6][1] = tw.size[1][1];
	tw.offsets[6][2] = tw.size[1][2];

	tw.offsets[7][0] = tw.size[1][0];
	tw.offsets[7][1] = tw.size[1][1];
	tw.offsets[7][2] = tw.size[1][2];

	// check for point special case
	if (tw.size[0][0] == 0.0f && tw.size[0][1] == 0.0f && tw.size[0][2] == 0.0f)
		tw.isPoint = qtrue;
		tw.isPoint    = qfalse;
		tw.extents[0] = tw.size[1][0];
		tw.extents[1] = tw.size[1][1];
		tw.extents[2] = tw.size[1][2];

	if (positionTest)
		CM_CalcTraceBounds(&tw, qfalse);
		vec3_t dir;

		VectorSubtract(tw.end, tw.start, dir);
		VectorCopy(dir, tw.dir);
		MakeNormalVectors(dir, tw.tracePlane1.normal, tw.tracePlane2.normal);
		tw.tracePlane1.dist = DotProduct(tw.tracePlane1.normal, tw.start);
		tw.tracePlane2.dist = DotProduct(tw.tracePlane2.normal, tw.start);
		if (tw.isPoint)
			tw.traceDist1 = tw.traceDist2 = 1.0f;
			float dist;

			tw.traceDist1 = tw.traceDist2 = 0.0f;
			for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
				dist = Q_fabs(DotProduct(tw.tracePlane1.normal, tw.offsets[i]) - tw.tracePlane1.dist);
				if (dist > tw.traceDist1)
					tw.traceDist1 = dist;
				dist = Q_fabs(DotProduct(tw.tracePlane2.normal, tw.offsets[i]) - tw.tracePlane2.dist);
				if (dist > tw.traceDist2)
					tw.traceDist2 = dist;
			// expand for epsilon
			tw.traceDist1 += 1.0f;
			tw.traceDist2 += 1.0f;

		CM_CalcTraceBounds(&tw, qtrue);

	// check for position test special case
	if (positionTest)
		if (model)
			if (model == BOX_MODEL_HANDLE || model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE)
				tw.sphere.use = qfalse;
				CM_TestInLeaf(&tw, &cmod->leaf);
			if (model == BOX_MODEL_HANDLE || model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE)
				CM_TestCapsuleInCapsule(&tw, model);
#else // this is dead code when ALWAYS_BBOX_VS_BBOX or ALWAYS_CAPSULE_VS_CAPSULE are active
			if (model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE)
				if (tw.sphere.use)
					CM_TestCapsuleInCapsule(&tw, model);
					CM_TestBoundingBoxInCapsule(&tw, model);
				CM_TestInLeaf(&tw, &cmod->leaf);
		// general sweeping through world
		if (model)
			if (model == BOX_MODEL_HANDLE || model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE)
				tw.sphere.use = qfalse;
				CM_TraceThroughLeaf(&tw, &cmod->leaf);
			if (model == BOX_MODEL_HANDLE || model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE)
				CM_TraceCapsuleThroughCapsule(&tw, model);
#else // this is dead code when ALWAYS_BBOX_VS_BBOX or ALWAYS_CAPSULE_VS_CAPSULE are active
			if (model == CAPSULE_MODEL_HANDLE)
				if (tw.sphere.use)
					CM_TraceCapsuleThroughCapsule(&tw, model);
					CM_TraceBoundingBoxThroughCapsule(&tw, model);
				CM_TraceThroughLeaf(&tw, &cmod->leaf);
			CM_TraceThroughTree(&tw, 0, 0, 1, tw.start, tw.end);

	// generate endpos from the original, unmodified start/end
	if (tw.trace.fraction == 1)
		VectorCopy(end, tw.trace.endpos);
		for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
			tw.trace.endpos[i] = start[i] + tw.trace.fraction * (end[i] - start[i]);

	*results = tw.trace;
Esempio n. 29

void RB_CalcDeformVertexes( deformStage_t *ds )
	int    i;
	vec3_t offset;
	float  scale;
	float  *xyz = ( float * );
	float  *normal = ( float * ) tess.normal;
	float  *table;

	// Ridah
	if ( ds->deformationWave.frequency < 0 )
		qboolean inverse = qfalse;
		vec3_t   worldUp;

		//static vec3_t up = {0,0,1};

		if ( VectorCompare( backEnd.currentEntity->e.fireRiseDir, vec3_origin ) )
			VectorSet( backEnd.currentEntity->e.fireRiseDir, 0, 0, 1 );

		// get the world up vector in local coordinates
		if ( backEnd.currentEntity->e.hModel )
			// world surfaces don't have an axis
			VectorRotate( backEnd.currentEntity->e.fireRiseDir, backEnd.currentEntity->e.axis, worldUp );
			VectorCopy( backEnd.currentEntity->e.fireRiseDir, worldUp );

		// don't go so far if sideways, since they must be moving
		VectorScale( worldUp, 0.4 + 0.6 * Q_fabs( backEnd.currentEntity->e.fireRiseDir[ 2 ] ), worldUp );

		ds->deformationWave.frequency *= -1;

		if ( ds->deformationWave.frequency > 999 )
			// hack for negative Z deformation (ack)
			inverse = qtrue;
			ds->deformationWave.frequency -= 999;

		table = TableForFunc( ds->deformationWave.func );

		for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, xyz += 4, normal += 4 )
			float off = ( xyz[ 0 ] + xyz[ 1 ] + xyz[ 2 ] ) * ds->deformationSpread;
			float dot;

			scale = WAVEVALUE( table, ds->deformationWave.base,
			                   ds->deformationWave.amplitude, ds->deformationWave.phase + off, ds->deformationWave.frequency );

			dot = DotProduct( worldUp, normal );

			if ( dot * scale > 0 )
				if ( inverse )
					scale *= -1;

				VectorMA( xyz, dot * scale, worldUp, xyz );

		if ( inverse )
			ds->deformationWave.frequency += 999;

		ds->deformationWave.frequency *= -1;
	// done.
	else if ( ds->deformationWave.frequency == 0 )
		scale = EvalWaveForm( &ds->deformationWave );

		for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, xyz += 4, normal += 4 )
			VectorScale( normal, scale, offset );

			xyz[ 0 ] += offset[ 0 ];
			xyz[ 1 ] += offset[ 1 ];
			xyz[ 2 ] += offset[ 2 ];
		table = TableForFunc( ds->deformationWave.func );

		for ( i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++, xyz += 4, normal += 4 )
			float off = ( xyz[ 0 ] + xyz[ 1 ] + xyz[ 2 ] ) * ds->deformationSpread;

			scale = WAVEVALUE( table, ds->deformationWave.base,
			                   ds->deformationWave.amplitude, ds->deformationWave.phase + off, ds->deformationWave.frequency );

			VectorScale( normal, scale, offset );

			xyz[ 0 ] += offset[ 0 ];
			xyz[ 1 ] += offset[ 1 ];
			xyz[ 2 ] += offset[ 2 ];
Esempio n. 30
void CM_DrawDebugSurface( void ( *drawPoly )( int color, int numPoints, float *points ) ) {
	static cvar_t   *cv;
#ifndef BSPC
	static cvar_t   *cv2;
	const patchCollide_t    *pc;
	facet_t         *facet;
	winding_t       *w;
	int i, j, k, n;
	int curplanenum, planenum, curinward, inward;
	float plane[4];
	vec3_t mins = {-15, -15, -28}, maxs = {15, 15, 28};
	//vec3_t mins = {0, 0, 0}, maxs = {0, 0, 0};
	vec3_t v1, v2;

#ifndef BSPC
	if ( !cv2 ) {
		cv2 = Cvar_Get( "r_debugSurface", "0", 0 );

	if ( cv2->integer != 1 ) {
		BotDrawDebugPolygons( drawPoly, cv2->integer );

	if ( !debugPatchCollide ) {

#ifndef BSPC
	if ( !cv ) {
		cv = Cvar_Get( "cm_debugSize", "2", 0 );
	pc = debugPatchCollide;

	for ( i = 0, facet = pc->facets ; i < pc->numFacets ; i++, facet++ ) {

		for ( k = 0 ; k < facet->numBorders + 1; k++ ) {
			if ( k < facet->numBorders ) {
				planenum = facet->borderPlanes[k];
				inward = facet->borderInward[k];
			} else {
				planenum = facet->surfacePlane;
				inward = qfalse;

			Vector4Copy( pc->planes[ planenum ].plane, plane );

			//planenum = facet->surfacePlane;
			if ( inward ) {
				VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, plane, plane );
				plane[3] = -plane[3];

			plane[3] += cv->value;
			for ( n = 0; n < 3; n++ )
				if ( plane[n] > 0 ) {
					v1[n] = maxs[n];
				} else { v1[n] = mins[n];}
			} //end for
			VectorNegate( plane, v2 );
			plane[3] += Q_fabs( DotProduct( v1, v2 ) );

			w = BaseWindingForPlane( plane,  plane[3] );
			for ( j = 0 ; j < facet->numBorders + 1 && w; j++ ) {
				if ( j < facet->numBorders ) {
					curplanenum = facet->borderPlanes[j];
					curinward = facet->borderInward[j];
				} else {
					curplanenum = facet->surfacePlane;
					curinward = qfalse;
				if ( curplanenum == planenum ) {

				Vector4Copy( pc->planes[ curplanenum ].plane, plane );
				if ( !curinward ) {
					VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, plane, plane );
					plane[3] = -plane[3];
				//			if ( !facet->borderNoAdjust[j] ) {
				plane[3] -= cv->value;
				//			}
				for ( n = 0; n < 3; n++ )
					if ( plane[n] > 0 ) {
						v1[n] = maxs[n];
					} else { v1[n] = mins[n];}
				} //end for
				VectorNegate( plane, v2 );
				plane[3] -= Q_fabs( DotProduct( v1, v2 ) );

				ChopWindingInPlace( &w, plane, plane[3], 0.1f );
			if ( w ) {
				if ( facet == debugFacet ) {
					drawPoly( 4, w->numpoints, w->p[0] );
					//Com_Printf("blue facet has %d border planes\n", facet->numBorders);
				} else {
					drawPoly( 1, w->numpoints, w->p[0] );
				FreeWinding( w );
			} else {
				Com_Printf( "winding chopped away by border planes\n" );

	// draw the debug block
		vec3_t v[3];

		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[0], v[0] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[1], v[1] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[2], v[2] );
		drawPoly( 2, 3, v[0] );

		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[2], v[0] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[3], v[1] );
		VectorCopy( debugBlockPoints[0], v[2] );
		drawPoly( 2, 3, v[0] );

#if 0
	vec3_t v[4];

	v[0][0] = pc->bounds[1][0];
	v[0][1] = pc->bounds[1][1];
	v[0][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	v[1][0] = pc->bounds[1][0];
	v[1][1] = pc->bounds[0][1];
	v[1][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	v[2][0] = pc->bounds[0][0];
	v[2][1] = pc->bounds[0][1];
	v[2][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	v[3][0] = pc->bounds[0][0];
	v[3][1] = pc->bounds[1][1];
	v[3][2] = pc->bounds[1][2];

	drawPoly( 4, v[0] );