int open_iob(void) { static bool isInitialized = false; if ( isInitialized ) return TRUE; isInitialized = true; std::cerr << "[iob] Open IOB / start " << std::endl; std::string node_name; { char *ret = getenv("HRPSYS_GAZEBO_IOB_NAME"); if (ret != NULL) { node_name.assign(ret); } else { node_name = "hrpsys_gazebo_iob"; } std::cerr << "[iob] set node name : " << node_name << std::endl; } std::map<std::string, std::string> arg; ros::init(arg, "hrpsys_gazebo_iob", ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler); rosnode = new ros::NodeHandle(); ros::WallDuration(0.5).sleep(); // wait for initializing ros std::string controller_name; { // setting configuration name char *ret = getenv("HRPSYS_GAZEBO_CONFIGURATION"); if (ret != NULL) { controller_name.assign(ret); } else { controller_name = "hrpsys_gazebo_configuration"; } ROS_INFO_STREAM( "[iob] set controller_name : " << controller_name); } std::string robotname; { // setting configuration name char *ret = getenv("HRPSYS_GAZEBO_ROBOTNAME"); if (ret != NULL) { robotname.assign(ret); // controller_name -> robotname/controller_name controller_name = robotname + "/" + controller_name; } else { std::string rname_str = std::string(controller_name) + "/robotname"; rosnode->getParam(rname_str, robotname); } if (robotname.empty()) { ROS_ERROR("[iob] did not find robot_name"); robotname = "default"; } ROS_INFO_STREAM( "[iob] set robot_name : " << robotname); } { // setting synchronized char *ret = getenv("HRPSYS_GAZEBO_IOB_SYNCHRONIZED"); if (ret != NULL) { std::string ret_str(ret); if (ret_str.size() > 0) { iob_synchronized = true; } } else { iob_synchronized = false; } if(rosnode->hasParam(controller_name + "/use_synchronized_command")) { rosnode->getParam(controller_name + "/use_synchronized_command", iob_synchronized); } if(iob_synchronized) ROS_INFO("[iob] use synchronized command"); } { // setting substeps char *ret = getenv("HRPSYS_GAZEBO_IOB_SUBSTEPS"); if (ret != NULL) { int num = atoi(ret); if (num > 0) { num_of_substeps = num; ROS_INFO("[iob] use substeps %d", num); } } if(rosnode->hasParam(controller_name + "/iob_substeps")) { rosnode->getParam(controller_name + "/iob_substeps", num_of_substeps); ROS_INFO("[iob] use substeps %d", num_of_substeps); } } { // settting rate if(rosnode->hasParam(controller_name + "/iob_rate")) { double rate = 0; rosnode->getParam(controller_name + "/iob_rate", rate); overwrite_g_period_ns = (long) ((1000 * 1000 * 1000) / rate); fprintf(stderr, "iob::period %d\n", overwrite_g_period_ns); ROS_INFO("[iob] period_ns %d", overwrite_g_period_ns); } } joint_real2model_vec.resize(0); if (rosnode->hasParam(controller_name + "/joint_id_list")) { XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue param_val; rosnode->getParam(controller_name + "/joint_id_list", param_val); if (param_val.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) { for(int i = 0; i < param_val.size(); i++) { int num = param_val[i]; joint_real2model_vec.push_back(num); } } else { ROS_WARN("[iob] %s/joint_id_list is not list of integer", controller_name.c_str()); } } else { ROS_DEBUG("[iob] %s/joint_id_list is nothing", controller_name.c_str()); } if (rosnode->hasParam(controller_name + "/use_velocity_feedback")) { bool ret; rosnode->getParam(controller_name + "/use_velocity_feedback", ret); use_velocity_feedback = ret; if(ret) { ROS_INFO("[iob] use_velocity_feedback"); } } XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue param_val; std::vector<std::string> joint_lst; rosnode->getParam(controller_name + "/joints", param_val); if (param_val.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) { for(unsigned int s = 0; s < param_val.size(); s++) { std::string nstr = param_val[s]; ROS_DEBUG("add joint: %s", nstr.c_str()); joint_lst.push_back(nstr); } } else { ROS_ERROR("[iob] %s/joints is not list of joint name", controller_name.c_str()); } if (joint_real2model_vec.size() == 0) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < joint_lst.size(); i++) { joint_real2model_vec.push_back(i); } } else if (joint_real2model_vec.size() != joint_lst.size()) { ROS_ERROR("[iob] size differece on joint_id_list and joints (%ld, %ld)", joint_real2model_vec.size(), joint_lst.size()); } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < joint_real2model_vec.size(); i++) { joint_model2real_map[joint_real2model_vec[i]] = i; } unsigned int n = NUM_OF_REAL_JOINT; initial_jointcommand.position.resize(n); initial_jointcommand.velocity.resize(n); //initial_jointcommand.effort.resize(n); initial_jointcommand.effort.resize(0); if(!use_velocity_feedback) { initial_jointcommand.kp_position.resize(n); initial_jointcommand.ki_position.resize(n); initial_jointcommand.kd_position.resize(n); initial_jointcommand.kp_velocity.resize(n); initial_jointcommand.i_effort_min.resize(n); initial_jointcommand.i_effort_max.resize(n); } else { initial_jointcommand.kpv_position.resize(n); initial_jointcommand.kpv_velocity.resize(n); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < joint_lst.size(); ++i) { std::string joint_ns(controller_name); joint_ns += ("/gains/" + joint_lst[i] + "/"); if (!use_velocity_feedback) { double p_val = 0, i_val = 0, d_val = 0, i_clamp_val = 0, vp_val = 0; std::string p_str = std::string(joint_ns)+"p"; std::string i_str = std::string(joint_ns)+"i"; std::string d_str = std::string(joint_ns)+"d"; std::string i_clamp_str = std::string(joint_ns)+"i_clamp"; std::string vp_str = std::string(joint_ns)+"vp"; if (!rosnode->getParam(p_str, p_val)) { ROS_WARN("[iob] couldn't find a P param for %s", joint_ns.c_str()); } if (!rosnode->getParam(i_str, i_val)) { ROS_WARN("[iob] couldn't find a I param for %s", joint_ns.c_str()); } if (!rosnode->getParam(d_str, d_val)) { ROS_WARN("[iob] couldn't find a D param for %s", joint_ns.c_str()); } if (!rosnode->getParam(i_clamp_str, i_clamp_val)) { ROS_WARN("[iob] couldn't find a I_CLAMP param for %s", joint_ns.c_str()); } if (!rosnode->getParam(vp_str, vp_val)) { ROS_WARN("[iob] couldn't find a VP param for %s", joint_ns.c_str()); } // store these directly on altasState, more efficient for pub later initial_jointcommand.kp_position[i] = p_val; initial_jointcommand.ki_position[i] = i_val; initial_jointcommand.kd_position[i] = d_val; initial_jointcommand.i_effort_min[i] = -i_clamp_val; initial_jointcommand.i_effort_max[i] = i_clamp_val; initial_jointcommand.velocity[i] = 0; //initial_jointcommand.effort[i] = 0; initial_jointcommand.kp_velocity[i] = vp_val; } else { // velocity feedback double p_v_val = 0, vp_v_val = 0; std::string p_v_str = std::string(joint_ns) + "p_v"; std::string vp_v_str = std::string(joint_ns) + "vp_v"; if (!rosnode->getParam(p_v_str, p_v_val)) { ROS_WARN("[iob] couldn't find a P_V param for %s", joint_ns.c_str()); } if (!rosnode->getParam(vp_v_str, vp_v_val)) { ROS_WARN("[iob] couldn't find a VP_V param for %s", joint_ns.c_str()); } initial_jointcommand.kpv_position[i] = p_v_val; initial_jointcommand.kpv_velocity[i] = vp_v_val; } } initial_jointcommand.desired_controller_period_ms = static_cast<unsigned int>(overwrite_g_period_ns * 1e-6); if (iob_synchronized) { serv_command = ros::service::createClient<hrpsys_gazebo_msgs::SyncCommand> (robotname + "/iob_command", true); // persistent = true, ROS_INFO_STREAM("[iob] waiting service " << robotname << "/iob_command"); serv_command.waitForExistence(); ROS_INFO_STREAM("[iob] found service " << robotname << "/iob_command"); } else { pub_joint_command = rosnode->advertise <JointCommand> (robotname + "/joint_command", 1, true); // ros topic subscribtions ros::SubscribeOptions jointStatesSo = ros::SubscribeOptions::create<RobotState>(robotname + "/robot_state", 1, setJointStates, ros::VoidPtr(), rosnode->getCallbackQueue()); // Because TCP causes bursty communication with high jitter, // declare a preference on UDP connections for receiving // joint states, which we want to get at a high rate. // Note that we'll still accept TCP connections for this topic // (e.g., from rospy nodes, which don't support UDP); // we just prefer UDP. // temporary use TCP / Using UDP occured some problem when message size more than 1500. //jointStatesSo.transport_hints = //ros::TransportHints().maxDatagramSize(3000).unreliable().reliable().tcpNoDelay(true); jointStatesSo.transport_hints = ros::TransportHints().reliable().tcpNoDelay(true); sub_robot_state = rosnode->subscribe(jointStatesSo); } for (int i=0; i < number_of_joints(); i++){ command[i] = 0.0; power[i] = OFF; servo[i] = OFF; } clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &g_ts); rg_ts = ros::Time::now(); jointcommand = initial_jointcommand; std::cerr << "[iob] " << number_of_joints() << " / " << initial_jointcommand.position.size() << " / " << NUM_OF_REAL_JOINT << std::endl; if (iob_synchronized) { hrpsys_gazebo_msgs::SyncCommandRequest req; req.joint_command = jointcommand; hrpsys_gazebo_msgs::SyncCommandResponse res; std::cerr << "[iob] first service call" << std::endl;, res); std::cerr << "[iob] first service returned" << std::endl; js = res.robot_state; init_sub_flag = true; } else { std::cerr << "[iob] block until subscribing first robot_state"; ros::Time start_tm = ros::Time::now(); ros::Rate rr(100); ros::spinOnce(); while (!init_sub_flag) { if ((ros::Time::now() - start_tm).toSec() > 5.0) { std::cerr << "[iob] timeout for waiting robot_state"; break; } std::cerr << "."; rr.sleep(); ros::spinOnce(); } } std::cerr << std::endl << "[iob] Open IOB / finish " << std::endl; return TRUE; }
bool testDummyAction(std_srvs::Empty::Request &req, std_srvs::Empty::Response &res) { ROS_INFO("Beginning dummy action test"); dummy_action(5); return true; }
int pcd_from_ply_main(int argc, char **argv) { if (pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-h")) { show_help (argv[0]); exit (0); } // parse the command line std::vector<int> ply_idx = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument (argc, argv, ".ply"); std::string ply_file_path( argv[ply_idx[0]] ); std::vector<int> pcd_idx = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument (argc, argv, ".pcd"); std::string pcd_file_path( argv[pcd_idx[0]] ); // default options double vpx = 1.0, vpy = 0.0, vpz = 0.0; double tpx = 0.0, tpy = 0.0, tpz = 0.0; int coord = 1; bool org = false, add_noise = false, ascii = false; double sub_leaf_size = -1.0; // command line options pcl::console::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-vp", vpx, vpy, vpz); pcl::console::parse_3x_arguments (argc, argv, "-tp", tpx, tpy, tpz); pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-coord", coord); pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-add_noise", add_noise); pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-org", org); pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-ascii", ascii); pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-subsamp", sub_leaf_size); // Construct and initialize the virtual kinect vkin_offline vko( Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0), Eigen::Vector4d(0,0,0,1), coord, org, add_noise ); vko.init_vkin( ply_file_path ); // get a noiseless cloud pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cld_ptr( vko.sense( Eigen::Vector3d(vpx, vpy, vpz), Eigen::Vector3d(tpx, tpy, tpz) ) ); if( sub_leaf_size > 0 ) cld_ptr = pcd_utils::voxel_grid_subsample( cld_ptr, static_cast<float>(sub_leaf_size) ); // save the scan to file pcl::PCDWriter writer; if(ascii) writer.writeASCII( pcd_file_path.c_str(), *cld_ptr ); else writer.writeBinaryCompressed( pcd_file_path.c_str(), *cld_ptr ); // Extract the tree scores if requested std::string score_save_path; if (pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-save_scores", score_save_path) != -1) { // Create and initialize an nbv tree std::string vision_module_path(ros::package::getPath("vision_module")); vtree_user vt("/load", vision_module_path + "/data", vision_module_path + "/../data/cloud_data"); vt.start(); /* ros::init(argc, argv, "ply2pcd_node"); ros::NodeHandle node_handle("~"); NBVTree nbv_tree(node_handle); nbv_tree.start(); */ // Get the score list ROS_INFO("Getting matches..."); std::vector<std::pair<float,std::string> > match_names; vt.match_list( cld_ptr->getMatrixXfMap(), match_names, 100 ); // write to file std::ofstream outstr; io_utils::open_out_file( outstr, score_save_path ); if( !outstr ) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open scores save file...\n"); for( size_t i = 0; i < match_names.size(); ++i) { outstr << match_names[i].first << " " << match_names[i].second << std::endl; //outstr << cluster_match_names[i].first << " " << cluster_match_names[i].second << std::endl; } outstr.close(); } return 0; }
void help() { ROS_INFO("#####################################################"); ROS_INFO("RVIZ SETUP"); ROS_INFO("----------"); ROS_INFO(" Global options:"); ROS_INFO(" FixedFrame = /base_footprint"); ROS_INFO(" Add a RobotState display:"); ROS_INFO(" RobotDescription = robot_description"); ROS_INFO(" RobotStateTopic = interactive_robot_state"); ROS_INFO(" Add a Marker display:"); ROS_INFO(" MarkerTopic = interactive_robot_markers"); ROS_INFO(" Add an InteractiveMarker display:"); ROS_INFO(" UpdateTopic = interactive_robot_imarkers/update"); ROS_INFO(" Add a MarkerArray display:"); ROS_INFO(" MarkerTopic = interactive_robot_marray"); ROS_INFO("#####################################################"); }
//test get the current time bool testGetTime(std_srvs::Empty::Request &req, std_srvs::Empty::Response &res) { ROS_INFO("Getting the current local time"); std::string t = getCurrentStringTime(); ROS_INFO("current time: %s, seconds since midnight: %ld",t.c_str(),secondsFromStringTime(t)); return true; }
void Square::sensorCallback(const create_fundamentals::SensorPacket::ConstPtr& msg){ ROS_INFO("left encoder: %f, right encoder: %f", msg->encoderLeft, msg->encoderRight); }
DvsRosDriver::DvsRosDriver(ros::NodeHandle & nh, ros::NodeHandle nh_private) : nh_(nh), parameter_update_required_(false) { // load parameters nh_private.param<std::string>("serial_number", device_id_, ""); nh_private.param<bool>("master", master_, true); double reset_timestamps_delay; nh_private.param<double>("reset_timestamps_delay", reset_timestamps_delay, -1.0); // start driver bool device_is_running = false; while (!device_is_running) { const char* serial_number_restrict = (device_id_ == "") ? NULL : device_id_.c_str(); dvs128_handle = caerDeviceOpen(1, CAER_DEVICE_DVS128, 0, 0, serial_number_restrict); //dvs_running = driver_->isDeviceRunning(); device_is_running = !(dvs128_handle == NULL); if (!device_is_running) { ROS_WARN("Could not find DVS. Will retry every second."); ros::Duration(1.0).sleep(); ros::spinOnce(); } else { // configure as master or slave caerDeviceConfigSet(dvs128_handle, DVS128_CONFIG_DVS, DVS128_CONFIG_DVS_TS_MASTER, master_); } if (!ros::ok()) { return; } } dvs128_info_ = caerDVS128InfoGet(dvs128_handle); device_id_ = "DVS128-V1-" + std::string(dvs128_info_.deviceString).substr(15, 4); ROS_INFO("%s --- ID: %d, Master: %d, DVS X: %d, DVS Y: %d, Logic: %d.\n", dvs128_info_.deviceString, dvs128_info_.deviceID, dvs128_info_.deviceIsMaster, dvs128_info_.dvsSizeX, dvs128_info_.dvsSizeY, dvs128_info_.logicVersion); current_config_.streaming_rate = 30; delta_ = boost::posix_time::microseconds(1e6/current_config_.streaming_rate); // set namespace std::string ns = ros::this_node::getNamespace(); if (ns == "/") ns = "/dvs"; event_array_pub_ = nh_.advertise<dvs_msgs::EventArray>(ns + "/events", 1); camera_info_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>(ns + "/camera_info", 1); // camera info handling ros::NodeHandle nh_ns(ns); camera_info_manager_ = new camera_info_manager::CameraInfoManager(nh_ns, device_id_); // reset timestamps is publisher as master, subscriber as slave if (master_) { reset_pub_ = nh_.advertise<std_msgs::Time>((ns + "/reset_timestamps").c_str(), 1); } else { reset_sub_ = nh_.subscribe((ns + "/reset_timestamps").c_str(), 1, &DvsRosDriver::resetTimestampsCallback, this); } // initialize timestamps resetTimestamps(); // spawn threads running_ = true; parameter_thread_ = boost::shared_ptr< boost::thread >(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&DvsRosDriver::changeDvsParameters, this))); readout_thread_ = boost::shared_ptr< boost::thread >(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&DvsRosDriver::readout, this))); // Dynamic reconfigure dynamic_reconfigure_callback_ = boost::bind(&DvsRosDriver::callback, this, _1, _2); server_.reset(new dynamic_reconfigure::Server<dvs_ros_driver::DVS_ROS_DriverConfig>(nh_private)); server_->setCallback(dynamic_reconfigure_callback_); // start timer to reset timestamps for synchronization if (reset_timestamps_delay > 0.0 && master_) { timestamp_reset_timer_ = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(reset_timestamps_delay), &DvsRosDriver::resetTimerCallback, this); ROS_INFO("Started timer to reset timestamps on master DVS for synchronization (delay=%3.2fs).", reset_timestamps_delay); } }
BumperToMTSA(ros::NodeHandle node_handle,ros::NodeHandle private_node_handle ) : nh(node_handle), private_nh(private_node_handle) { ROS_INFO("BumperToMTSA"); pickput_detect = 0; }
// Main code: int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { // (when V-REP launches this executable, V-REP will also provide the argument list) //numero de argumentos que mande (se excluye el fantasma que el manda solo) int Narg=0, handleArana=0, k=0; int PataTipHandle[Npatas],FuerzaSensorHandle[Npatas],Pata_Motor1Handle[Npatas]; float periodo, f; camina::UbicacionRobot ubicacionRobot; geometry_msgs::PoseStamped CuerpoPose; geometry_msgs::PoseStamped PataTipPose[Npatas]; tf::Quaternion CuerpoOrientacion_Q; tfScalar roll, pitch, yaw; Narg=13; if (argc>=Narg) { handleArana=atoi(argv[1]); for (k=0;k<Npatas;k++) PataTipHandle[k] = atoi(argv[2+k]); for (k=0;k<Npatas;k++) FuerzaSensorHandle[k] = atoi(argv[2+Npatas+k]); for (k=0;k<Npatas;k++) Pata_Motor1Handle[k] = atoi(argv[2+2*Npatas+k]); } else { ROS_ERROR("Nodo6:Indique argumentos completos!\n"); return (0); } // Inicializacion de variables del mensaje for (k=0;k<Npatas;k++) { ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPata_y.push_back(0); ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPata_x.push_back(0); ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPata_z.push_back(0); ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPataSistemaPata_y.push_back(0); ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPataSistemaPata_x.push_back(0); ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPataSistemaPata_z.push_back(0); ubicacionRobot.pataTipFuerza_z.push_back(0); ubicacionRobot.pataApoyo.push_back(0); } // Create a ROS node: int _argc = 0; char** _argv = NULL; ros::init(_argc,_argv,"Nodo6_UbicacionArana"); if(!ros::master::check()) return(0); ros::NodeHandle node; ROS_INFO("Nodo6_UbicacionArana just started\n"); periodo=0.1; f=1/periodo; ros::Rate loop_rate(f); //Frecuencia [Hz] //Topicos susbcritos y publicados ros::Subscriber subInfo=node.subscribe("/vrep/info",1,infoCallback); ros::Publisher chatter_pub = node.advertise<camina::UbicacionRobot>("UbicacionRobot", 100); //Clientes y Servicios client_simRosGetObjectPose=node.serviceClient<vrep_common::simRosGetObjectPose>("/vrep/simRosGetObjectPose"); client_simRosReadForceSensor=node.serviceClient<vrep_common::simRosReadForceSensor>("/vrep/simRosReadForceSensor"); srv_simRosGetObjectPose.request.relativeToObjectHandle=-1; // Creamos archivo para guardar posiciones de patas // fp = fopen("../fuerte_workspace/sandbox/TesisMaureen/ROS/camina/datos/XYPatas.txt","w+"); // int cuentaPataApoyo=0, pataApoyo[Npatas]; while (ros::ok() && simulationRunning) { ros::spinOnce(); loop_rate.sleep(); // Primero buscamos posicion del cuerpo de Arana srv_simRosGetObjectPose.request.handle=handleArana; srv_simRosGetObjectPose.request.relativeToObjectHandle=-1; if (!=-1)) { CuerpoPose = srv_simRosGetObjectPose.response.pose; // ROS_INFO("posicion: x=%.3f; y=%.3f; z=%.3f\n", CuerpoPose.pose.position.x,CuerpoPose.pose.position.y,CuerpoPose.pose.position.z); ubicacionRobot.coordenadaCuerpo_x = CuerpoPose.pose.position.x; ubicacionRobot.coordenadaCuerpo_y = CuerpoPose.pose.position.y; tf::quaternionMsgToTF(CuerpoPose.pose.orientation,CuerpoOrientacion_Q); tf::Matrix3x3(CuerpoOrientacion_Q).getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw); ubicacionRobot.orientacionCuerpo_roll = roll; ubicacionRobot.orientacionCuerpo_pitch = pitch; ubicacionRobot.orientacionCuerpo_yaw = yaw; // ROS_INFO("orientacion: z=%.3f\n", ubicacionRobot.orientacionCuerpo_yaw); } else { ROS_ERROR("Nodo 6: servicio de posicion cuerpo no funciona\n"); } for (k=0;k<Npatas;k++){ ros::spinOnce(); // loop_rate.sleep(); srv_simRosGetObjectPose.request.handle=PataTipHandle[k]; //-------------------------------------------------------------- //---- Obtengo posicion de tip de pata en el mundo srv_simRosGetObjectPose.request.relativeToObjectHandle=-1; if (!=-1)) { PataTipPose[k] = srv_simRosGetObjectPose.response.pose; ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPata_y[k] = PataTipPose[k].pose.position.y; ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPata_x[k] = PataTipPose[k].pose.position.x; ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPata_z[k] = PataTipPose[k].pose.position.z; // printf("Nodo6: [%d]: y= %.3f, x= %.3f, z= %.3f\n",k+1,ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPata_y[k],ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPata_x[k],ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPata_z[k]); srv_simRosReadForceSensor.request.handle=FuerzaSensorHandle[k]; if (!=-1)) { //PataTipFuerza=srv_simRosReadForceSensor.response.force; ubicacionRobot.pataTipFuerza_z[k]=srv_simRosReadForceSensor.response.force.z; if (ubicacionRobot.pataTipFuerza_z[k]>=umbralFuerzaApoyo) { //La pata esta en apoyo ubicacionRobot.pataApoyo[k]=1; } else { //La pata esta en transferencia ubicacionRobot.pataApoyo[k]=0; } } else { ROS_ERROR("Nodo 6: servicio de sensor de fuerza no funciona\n"); ROS_ERROR("Nodo 6: respuesta = %d\n",srv_simRosReadForceSensor.response.result); } // printf("Nodo6: Pata apoyo[%d]=%d\n",k,ubicacionRobot.pataApoyo[k]); } else { ROS_ERROR("Nodo 6: servicio 1 de posicion pata no funciona\n"); ROS_ERROR("Nodo 6: respuesta = %d\n",srv_simRosGetObjectPose.response.result); } } for (k=0;k<Npatas;k++){ ros::spinOnce(); // loop_rate.sleep(); srv_simRosGetObjectPose.request.handle=PataTipHandle[k]; //-------------------------------------------------------------- //---- Obtengo posicion de tip de pata para cada sistema de pata srv_simRosGetObjectPose.request.relativeToObjectHandle=Pata_Motor1Handle[k]; if (!=-1)){ PataTipPose[k] = srv_simRosGetObjectPose.response.pose; // printf("Pata apoyo[%d]=%d\n",k,ubicacionRobot.pataApoyo[k]); ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPataSistemaPata_y[k] = PataTipPose[k].pose.position.y; ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPataSistemaPata_x[k] = PataTipPose[k].pose.position.x; ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPataSistemaPata_z[k] = PataTipPose[k].pose.position.z; // printf("Pata: %d: x= %.3f, y= %.3f, z= %.3f\n",k+1,ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPataSistemaPata_x[k],ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPataSistemaPata_y[k],ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPataSistemaPata_z[k]); } else { ROS_ERROR("Nodo 6: servicio 2 de posicion pata no funciona\n"); ROS_ERROR("Nodo 6: respuesta = %d\n",srv_simRosGetObjectPose.response.result); } } // --------------------------------- // fprintf(fp,"\n"); // fprintf(fp,"%.3f\t%.3f\t",ubicacionRobot.coordenadaCuerpo_x,ubicacionRobot.coordenadaCuerpo_y); // fprintf(fp,"%d\t",cuentaPataApoyo); // for(k=0;k<Npatas;k++){ // if(pataApoyo[k]==1){ // fprintf(fp,"%.3f\t%.3f\t",ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPata_x[k],ubicacionRobot.coordenadaPata_y[k]); // } // } // fprintf(fp,"\n"); chatter_pub.publish(ubicacionRobot); } // fclose(fp); ROS_INFO("Adios6!"); ros::shutdown(); return(0); }
void BumperToMTSA::subscriber_init(){ ROS_INFO("subscriber_init"); std::string bumper_topic_name = "/mobile_base/events/bumper"; bumper_sub = nh.subscribe<kobuki_msgs::BumperEvent::ConstPtr>(bumper_topic_name,10, &BumperToMTSA::bumper_callback, this); pickput_sub = nh.subscribe("chatter",1000,&BumperToMTSA::pickput_callback,this); }
void BumperToMTSA::run(){ ROS_INFO("run"); subscriber_init(); publisher_init(); }
// Main loop int main(int argc, char** argv) { // ROS Initialization ros::init(argc, argv, "Roomba_Driver"); // creates ROS node ros::NodeHandle node; // creates the node handle ros::Rate loop_rate(100); // testing rate (Hz) // ROS subscribers ros::Subscriber joy_sub; // create subscriber to listen to joystick joy_sub = node.subscribe("joy",1,joy_callback); // this tells our node what to subscribe to, 1 is buffer size of 1 ros::Subscriber track_sub = node.subscribe("UAV_Trackee_RelPos", 1, tracking_callback); // ROS publishers /* ros::Publisher pos_pub = node.advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3>("position",1); ros::Publisher yaw_pub = node.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>("yaw",1); ros::Publisher u_pub = node.advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3>("control_input",1); */ // ROS Service client ros::ServiceClient client = node.serviceClient<irobot_create_2_1::Tank>("tank"); // Initialize service irobot_create_2_1::Tank srv; // loop until time or ros not ok while(ros::ok()) { ros::spinOnce(); // Receive callbacks merge_new_msgs(); // Merge joysticks if(joy_a) // check error in x { merge_new_msgs(); output = mixer(tag_y,0.0); srv.request.left = output.x;; srv.request.right= output.y; srv.request.clear= 1;; ROS_INFO("Auto Roomba Track x: %f" ,output.x); ros::spinOnce(); loop_rate.sleep(); } /* if(joy_b) // Stop when B is pressed start_flag = false; if(start_flag) // If A has been pressed, run main loop { */ else{ output = mixer(joy_x, joy_y); // set srv values srv.request.left = output.x; srv.request.right= output.y; srv.request.clear= 1; // send out value to robot if( { //ROS_INFO("Sending stuff"); ROS_INFO("Roomba Joy %f %f",output.x,output.y); //ROS_INFO("service %d %d",srv.request.left,srv.request.right); if (srv.response.success) {//ROS_INFO("Response"); } else {ROS_INFO("No Response");} } else ROS_INFO("NOT Sending stuff"); } }//rosok }//main
//引用传参比较好,不改变值的情况下生明为const安全。 void add_object(const moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroup &group) { ros::NodeHandle node_handle; //添加物体 // Advertise the required topic // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // Note that this topic may need to be remapped in the launch file ros::Publisher planning_scene_diff_publisher = node_handle.advertise<moveit_msgs::PlanningScene>("planning_scene", 1); while(planning_scene_diff_publisher.getNumSubscribers() < 1) { ros::WallDuration sleep_t(0.5); sleep_t.sleep(); } // Define the attached object message // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // We will use this message to add or // subtract the object from the world // and to attach the object to the robot moveit_msgs::AttachedCollisionObject attached_object; attached_object.link_name = "lLink7"; /* The header must contain a valid TF frame*/ attached_object.object.header.frame_id = group.getPlanningFrame(); /* The id of the object */ = "box1"; /* A default left pose */ geometry_msgs::Pose pose1; pose1.orientation.w = 1.0; pose1.position.x=0.4; pose1.position.y=0.64; pose1.position.z=0.6; /* Define a left box to be attached */ shape_msgs::SolidPrimitive primitive1; primitive1.type = primitive1.BOX; primitive1.dimensions.resize(3); primitive1.dimensions[0] = 0.03; primitive1.dimensions[1] = 0.03; primitive1.dimensions[2] = 0.2; /* A default right pose */ geometry_msgs::Pose pose2; pose2.orientation.w = 1.0; pose2.position.x=-0.4; pose2.position.y=0.7; pose2.position.z=0.4; /* Define a right box to be attached */ shape_msgs::SolidPrimitive primitive2; primitive2.type = primitive2.BOX; primitive2.dimensions.resize(3); primitive2.dimensions[0] = 0.3; primitive2.dimensions[1] = 0.3; primitive2.dimensions[2] = 0.4; //容器使用push_back进行添加元素 attached_object.object.primitives.push_back(primitive1); attached_object.object.primitive_poses.push_back(pose1); attached_object.object.primitives.push_back(primitive2); attached_object.object.primitive_poses.push_back(pose2); // Note that attaching an object to the robot requires // the corresponding operation to be specified as an ADD operation attached_object.object.operation = attached_object.object.ADD; // Add an object into the environment // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // Add the object into the environment by adding it to // the set of collision objects in the "world" part of the // planning scene. Note that we are using only the "object" // field of the attached_object message here. ROS_INFO("Adding the object into the world "); moveit_msgs::PlanningScene planning_scene;; planning_scene.is_diff = true; planning_scene_diff_publisher.publish(planning_scene); sleep(2); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "dual_interactive_self"); ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1); spinner.start(); //sleep(20.0);//等rviz起来,如果没在一个lanuch中,可以省去这个 moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroup group("dual_arms"); // Getting Basic Information ROS_INFO("Reference frame: %s", group.getPlanningFrame().c_str());//打印坐标系 ROS_INFO("Reference frame: %s", group.getEndEffectorLink().c_str());//打印末端链节 add_object(group);//添加左右两个物体 geometry_msgs::PoseStamped current_pose = group.getCurrentPose("lLink7"); ROS_INFO("current left pose:x=%f,y=%f,z=%f",current_pose.pose.position.x,current_pose.pose.position.y,current_pose.pose.position.z); ROS_INFO("current let qurternion:x=%f,y=%f,z=%f,w=%f",current_pose.pose.orientation.x,current_pose.pose.orientation.y,current_pose.pose.orientation.z,current_pose.pose.orientation.w); std::cout<<"左臂初始RPY="; float r,p,y; xyzw_to_rpy(-1,0,0,0,r,p,y); current_pose = group.getCurrentPose("rLink7"); ROS_INFO("current right pose:x=%f,y=%f,z=%f",current_pose.pose.position.x,current_pose.pose.position.y,current_pose.pose.position.z); ROS_INFO("current right quaternion:x=%f,y=%f,z=%f,w=%f",current_pose.pose.orientation.x,current_pose.pose.orientation.y,current_pose.pose.orientation.z,current_pose.pose.orientation.w); std::cout<<"右臂初始RPY="; xyzw_to_rpy(-1,0,0,0,r,p,y); //给左臂末端赋值 geometry_msgs::Pose testPose1 = current_pose.pose; geometry_msgs::Pose pose1;//和上面添加物体函数中给水杯添加的位置一样 pose1.orientation.w = 1.0; pose1.position.x=0.4; pose1.position.y=0.64; pose1.position.z=0.6; testPose1.position = pose1.position; testPose1.position.y = pose1.position.y - 0.14;//不能碰杯子否则规划失败,所以留出一些空间 std::cout<<"左臂goal的欧拉角:"; xyzw_to_rpy(0.699477,0.714655,0.000155,0.000255,r,p,y);//显示下左臂goal的欧拉角 std::cout<<"水杯的欧拉角"; xyzw_to_rpy(pose1.orientation.x,pose1.orientation.y,pose1.orientation.z,pose1.orientation.w,r,p,y);//得到水杯的欧拉角 rpy_to_xyzw(3.14+r,0+p,1.6+y,testPose1); std::cout<<"左臂goal的四元数:"; std::cout<<testPose1.orientation.x<<testPose1.orientation.y<<testPose1.orientation.z<<testPose1.orientation.w<<std::endl; //给右臂末端赋值 geometry_msgs::Pose testPose2 = current_pose.pose; testPose2.position.x = -0.385743; testPose2.position.y = 0.467167; testPose2.position.z = 0.674107; // testPose2.orientation.x = 0.702235; // testPose2.orientation.y =-0.710211; // testPose2.orientation.z = -0.033619; // testPose2.orientation.w = 0.036564; xyzw_to_rpy(0.70223,-0.710211,-0.03361,0.036564,r,p,y); rpy_to_xyzw(3.14,0,-1.5,testPose2); std::cout<<testPose2.orientation.x<<testPose2.orientation.y<<testPose2.orientation.z<<testPose2.orientation.w<<std::endl; //设定home位置 std::vector<double> group_variable_values; group_variable_values = group.getCurrentJointValues(); //c++98不支持,c++11新特性 //for(double d : group_variable_values){ //std::cout << d << std::endl; // } std::cout<<"打印初始位姿的各个关节角度值:"<<std::endl; std::vector<double>::iterator d = group_variable_values.begin(); while(d != group_variable_values.end()) { std::cout << *(d++) << std::endl; } for(int i=0; i<14; i++){ group_variable_values[i] = 0.0; } //group.setMaxVelocityScalingFactor(0.1); //规划运动到目标位置 group.setPoseTarget(testPose1,"lLink7"); group.setPoseTarget(testPose2,"rLink7"); //group.asyncMove(); moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroup::Plan plan_goal; group.plan(plan_goal); group.asyncExecute(plan_goal); //通过命令去控制规划到home还是goal位置 std::string s1 = "go home"; std::string command; std::string s2 = "go to the goal"; moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroup::Plan plan_home; while(1){ std::cout << "Please input command(Eg:go home,go to the goal):"; std::getline(std::cin, command); if(command == s1){ group.setJointValueTarget(group_variable_values); group.plan(plan_home); group.asyncExecute(plan_home); }else if(command == s2){ group.setPoseTarget(testPose1,"lLink7"); group.setPoseTarget(testPose2,"rLink7"); group.asyncMove(); }else{ ROS_INFO("command is invalid, please again"); } } ros::shutdown(); return 0; }
int ConfigManager::readConfigFile(int fd, std::istream* stream) { YAML::Parser p; YAML::Node doc; int ret = 0; std::vector<v4l2_ext_control> controls; try { p.Load(*stream); } catch(YAML::Exception& e) { ROS_FATAL("Could not parse config file: %s", e.what()); return -1; } if(!p.GetNextDocument(doc)) { ROS_FATAL("Could not get YAML document"); return -1; } for(YAML::Iterator it = doc.begin(); it != doc.end(); ++it) { std::string key, value; try { (*it).begin().first() >> key; (*it).begin().second() >> value; } catch(YAML::Exception& e) { ROS_FATAL("Invalid parameter specification: %s", e.what()); return -1; } int ivalue = -1; calibration::CameraParam* info = getParamInfo(key); if(!info) { ROS_FATAL("Unknown parameter '%s' in config file, ignoring...", key.c_str()); continue; } ivalue = atoi(value.c_str()); info->value = ivalue; v4l2_ext_control control; memset(&control, 0, sizeof(control)); = info->id; control.value = ivalue; controls.push_back(control); } v4l2_ext_controls request; memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); request.controls = &controls[0]; request.count = controls.size(); request.ctrl_class = V4L2_CTRL_CLASS_USER; if(ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_EXT_CTRLS, &request) != 0) { ROS_FATAL("Control setting failed. This may have happened at control 0x%X with value %d", controls[request.error_idx].id, controls[request.error_idx].value ); return -1; } ROS_INFO("Controls set successfully from config file"); return ret; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Can get setPiont from launch file, command line, or another publisher--this yet to be implemented. // setPoint looks like: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #Number of Controllers // int32 num_ctrls // // # Name of the type(s) of Controller(s): force or moment // string[] type // // # Desired force/moment (3D) for dominant controller // geometry_msgs/Vector3[] domDes // // # Gains force/moment (3D) for dominant controller // geometry_msgs/Vector3[] domGains // // # Desired force/moment (3D) for subordinate controller // geometry_msgs/Vector3[] subDes // // # Gains force/moment (3D) for subordinate controller // geometry_msgs/Vector3[] subGains //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Command line arguments can be expected in any of the following forms: // numCtrls mode1 desx1 desy1 desz1 # argc= 6 => 1 controller with setpoint // numCtrls mode1 desx1 desy1 desz1 gx1 gy1 gz1 # argc= 9 => 1 controller with setpoint and mode //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // numCtrls mode1 desx1 desy1 desz1 mode2 desx2 desy2 desz2 # argc=10 => 2 controller with setpoints // numCtrls mode1 desx1 desy1 desz1 gx1 gx2 gx3 mode2 desx2 desy2 desz2 # argc=13 => 2 controller 1st one with setpoints and gains, 2nd one only with setpoint // numCtrls mode1 desx1 desy1 desz1 gx1 gx2 gx3 mode2 desx2 desy2 desz2 gx2 gy2 gz2 # argc=16 => 2 controller with setpoints and gains //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Start the node ros::init(argc, argv, "setPoint_publisher"); ros::NodeHandle n; // A. Handle command line arguments int numCtrls=1; int mode1=0, mode2=0; double x1=0, x2=0; double y1=0, y2=0; double z1=0, z2=0; double gx1=0, gx2=0; double gy1=0, gy2=0; double gz1=0, gz2=0; /*** Variable Initialization according to user input ***/ // User only entered desired setpoint. numCtrls=atof(argv[1]); // Dom Controller with SetPoint if(argc==6 && numCtrls==1) { mode1=atof(argv[2]); x1 =atof(argv[3]); y1 =atof(argv[4]); z1 =atof(argv[5]); } // Dom Controller with SetPoint and Gains else if(argc==9 && numCtrls==1) { mode1=atof(argv[2]); x1 =atof(argv[3]); y1 =atof(argv[4]); z1 =atof(argv[5]); gx1 =atof(argv[6]); gy1 =atof(argv[7]); gz1 =atof(argv[8]); } // Dom and Sub Controller with SetPoint else if(argc==10 && numCtrls==2) { mode1=atof(argv[2]); x1 =atof(argv[3]); y1 =atof(argv[4]); z1 =atof(argv[5]); mode2=atof(argv[6]); x2 =atof(argv[7]); y2 =atof(argv[8]); z2 =atof(argv[9]); } // Dom Controller with SetPoint and Gains and SubController with SetPoint else if(argc==13 && numCtrls==2) { mode1=atof(argv[2]); x1 =atof(argv[3]); y1 =atof(argv[4]); z1 =atof(argv[5]); gx1 =atof(argv[6]); gy1 =atof(argv[7]); gz1 =atof(argv[8]); mode2=atof(argv[9]); x2 =atof(argv[10]); y2 =atof(argv[11]); z2 =atof(argv[12]); } // Both Controllers with SetPoint and Gains else if(argc==16 && numCtrls==2) { mode1=atof(argv[2]); x1 =atof(argv[3]); y1 =atof(argv[4]); z1 =atof(argv[5]); gx1 =atof(argv[6]); gy1 =atof(argv[7]); gz1 =atof(argv[8]); mode2=atof(argv[9]); x2 =atof(argv[10]); y2 =atof(argv[11]); z2 =atof(argv[12]); gx2 =atof(argv[13]); gy2 =atof(argv[14]); gz2 =atof(argv[15]); } else { ROS_INFO("Wrong number of arguments in the commmand line."); } // B. Initialize ROS data // Get side Parameter std::string side_=""; n.param<std::string>("side", side_, "right"); // Create the publisher ros::Publisher setPoint_pub = n.advertise<force_controller::setPoint>("/" + side_ + "/force_control/setPoint",1); // Populate the setPoint msg force_controller::setPoint sP; // Set Control Type, Desired set-point and gains for 1 or 2 controllers. if(numCtrls < 1 || numCtrls > 2) { ROS_ERROR("Wrong number of controllers given"); return -1; } else { // Number of Controllers sP.num_ctrls=numCtrls; /********** Dominant Controller ************/ /*** CONTROL TYPE ***/ // Dominant Controller Type if(mode1==0) sP.domType="force"; else if(mode1==1) sP.domType="moment"; /*** SETPOINT ***/ geometry_msgs::Vector3 d; d.x=x1; d.y=y1; d.z=z1; sP.domDes.push_back(d); /*** GAINS ***/ if(argc==9 || argc==13 || argc==16) { d.x=gx1; d.y=gy1; d.z=gz1; sP.domGains.push_back(d); } /************ Subordinate Controller **********/ if(numCtrls==2) // If condition not true it's okay if all are empty { /*** CONTROL TYPE ***/ // Subordinate Controller Type if(mode2==0) sP.subType="force"; else if(mode2==1) sP.subType="moment"; /*** SETPOINT ***/ d.x=x2; d.y=y2; d.z=z2; sP.subDes.push_back(d); /*** Gains ***/ if(argc==16) { d.x=gx2; d.y=gy2; d.z=gz2; sP.subGains.push_back(d); } } } // Set ROS Rate for while loop ros::Rate rate(RATE); while(ros::ok()) { setPoint_pub.publish(sP); ros::spinOnce(); rate.sleep(); } return 0; }
int ConfigManager::init(int fd, const std::vector<std::string>& controls) { v4l2_queryctrl q; memset (&q, 0, sizeof (q)); m_controls.params.clear(); m_controls.params.resize(controls.size()); = V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_NEXT_CTRL; while(1) { if(ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL, &q) != 0) { if(errno == EINVAL) break; ROS_FATAL("Could not query control: %d: %s", errno, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (q.flags & V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_DISABLED) { ROS_INFO("skipping disabled control '%s'", (const char*); continue; } v4l2_control control; memset(&control, 0, sizeof(control)); =; if(ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_G_CTRL, &control) != 0) { ROS_FATAL("Could not get control value"); return -1; } // ROS_INFO("(id=0x%X) Control '%s' (type %s): %d",,, v4l2_type_to_str(q.type), control.value); calibration::CameraParam param; =; param.label = (const char*); param.maximum = q.maximum; param.minimum = q.minimum; param.value = control.value; if(q.type == V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_MENU) { if(enumerateMenu(fd, ¶m, q) != 0) { ROS_FATAL("Could not query menu"); return -1; } } std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = std::find( controls.begin(), controls.end(), param.label ); if(it != controls.end()) { int idx = it - controls.begin(); m_controls.params[idx] = param; } else ROS_INFO("Ignoring unknown parameter '%s'",; |= V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_NEXT_CTRL; } bool error = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < m_controls.params.size(); ++i) { if(m_controls.params[i].label == "") { ROS_ERROR("Could not find whitelisted camera parameter '%s'", controls[i].c_str()); error = true; } } if(error) return -1; return 0; }
//printing the asynchronous data; void asyncDataListener(Vn100* vn100,Vn100CompositeData* data) { ros::Time timestamp=ros::Time::now(); static int seq =0; ROS_INFO("\nASYNC DATA:\n" "YPR.Yaw: %+#7.2f\n" "YPR.pitch: %+#7.2f\n" "YPR.roll: %+#7.2f\n", data->ypr.yaw, data->ypr.pitch, data->ypr.roll); ROS_INFO( "\n quaternion.X: %+#7.2f\n" " quaternion.Y: %+#7.2f\n" " quaternion.Z: %+#7.2f\n" " quaternion.W: %+#7.2f\n", data->quaternion.x, data->quaternion.y, data->quaternion.z, data->quaternion.w); ROS_INFO( "\n {Value,Voltage}\n" " magnetic X: %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f\n" " magnetic Y: %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f\n" " magnetic Z: %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f\n", data->magnetic.c0,data->magneticVoltage.c0, data->magnetic.c1,data->magneticVoltage.c1, data->magnetic.c2,data->magneticVoltage.c2); ROS_INFO( "\n acceleration X: %+#7.2f,%+#7.2f\n" " acceleration Y: %+#7.2f,%+#7.2f\n" " acceleration Z: %+#7.2f,%+#7.2f\n", data->acceleration.c0, data->accelerationVoltage.c0, data->acceleration.c1, data->accelerationVoltage.c1, data->acceleration.c2, data->accelerationVoltage.c2); ROS_INFO( "\n {Value ,Voltage,Bias,BiasVariance}" " angularRate X: %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f\n" " angularRate Y: %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f\n" " angularRate Z: %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f\n", data->angularRate.c0, data->angularRateVoltage.c0, data->angularRateBias.c0, data->angularRateBiasVariance.c0, data->angularRate.c1, data->angularRateVoltage.c1, data->angularRateBias.c1, data->angularRateBiasVariance.c1, data->angularRate.c2, data->angularRateVoltage.c2, data->angularRateBias.c2, data->angularRateBiasVariance.c2); ROS_INFO( "\n Attitude Variance X: %+#7.2f\n" " Attitude Variance Y: %+#7.2f\n" " Attitude Variance Z: %+#7.2f\n", data->attitudeVariance.c0, data->attitudeVariance.c1, data->attitudeVariance.c2); ROS_INFO( "\n Direction Cosine Matrix:\n" " %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f\n" " %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f\n" " %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f, %+#7.2f\n", data->dcm.c00, data->dcm.c01, data->dcm.c02, data->dcm.c10, data->dcm.c11, data->dcm.c12, data->dcm.c20, data->dcm.c21, data->dcm.c22); ROS_INFO( "\n Temperature: %+#7.2f\n" " Temperature Voltage: %+#7.2f\n", data->temperature, data->temperatureVoltage); }
bool I2cImu::ImuSettings::loadSettings() { ROS_INFO("%s: reading IMU parameters from param server", __FUNCTION__); int temp_int; // General settings_nh_->getParam("imu_type", m_imuType); settings_nh_->getParam("fusion_type", m_fusionType); if(settings_nh_->getParam("i2c_bus", temp_int)) m_I2CBus = (unsigned char) temp_int; if(settings_nh_->getParam("i2c_slave_address", temp_int)) m_I2CSlaveAddress = (unsigned char) temp_int; //double declination_radians; //settings_nh_->param("magnetic_declination", declination_radians, 0.0); //m_compassAdjDeclination = angles::to_degrees(declination_radians); //MPU9150 settings_nh_->getParam("mpu9150/gyro_accel_sample_rate", m_MPU9150GyroAccelSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("mpu9150/compass_sample_rate", m_MPU9150CompassSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("mpu9150/accel_full_scale_range", m_MPU9150AccelFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("mpu9150/gyro_accel_low_pass_filter", m_MPU9150GyroAccelLpf); settings_nh_->getParam("mpu9150/gyro_full_scale_range", m_MPU9150GyroFsr); //MPU9250 settings_nh_->getParam("mpu9250/gyro_accel_sample_rate", m_MPU9250GyroAccelSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("mpu9250/compass_sample_rate", m_MPU9250CompassSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("mpu9250/accel_full_scale_range", m_MPU9250AccelFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("mpu9250/accel_low_pass_filter", m_MPU9250AccelLpf); settings_nh_->getParam("mpu9250/gyro_full_scale_range", m_MPU9250GyroFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("mpu9250/gyro_low_pass_filter", m_MPU9250GyroLpf); //GD20HM303D settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303D/gyro_sample_rate", m_GD20HM303DGyroSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303D/accel_sample_rate", m_GD20HM303DAccelSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303D/compass_sample_rate", m_GD20HM303DCompassSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303D/accel_full_scale_range", m_GD20HM303DAccelFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303D/gyro_full_scale_range", m_GD20HM303DGyroFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303D/compass_full_scale_range", m_GD20HM303DCompassFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303D/accel_low_pass_filter", m_GD20HM303DAccelLpf); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303D/gyro_high_pass_filter", m_GD20HM303DGyroHpf); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303D/gyro_bandwidth", m_GD20HM303DGyroBW); //GD20M303DLHC settings_nh_->getParam("GD20M303DLHC/gyro_sample_rate",m_GD20M303DLHCGyroSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20M303DLHC/accel_sample_rate",m_GD20M303DLHCAccelSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20M303DLHC/compass_sample_rate",m_GD20M303DLHCCompassSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20M303DLHC/accel_full_scale_range",m_GD20M303DLHCAccelFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20M303DLHC/gyro_full_scale_range",m_GD20M303DLHCGyroFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20M303DLHC/compass_full_scale_range",m_GD20M303DLHCCompassFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20M303DLHC/gyro_high_pass_filter",m_GD20M303DLHCGyroHpf); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20M303DLHC/gyro_bandwidth",m_GD20M303DLHCGyroBW); //GD20HM303DLHC settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303DLHC/gyro_sample_rate", m_GD20HM303DLHCGyroSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303DLHC/accel_sample_rate",m_GD20HM303DLHCAccelSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303DLHC/compass_sample_rate",m_GD20HM303DLHCCompassSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303DLHC/accel_full_scale_range",m_GD20HM303DLHCAccelFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303DLHC/gyro_full_scale_range",m_GD20HM303DLHCGyroFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303DLHC/compass_full_scale_range",m_GD20HM303DLHCCompassFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303DLHC/gyro_high_pass_filter",m_GD20HM303DLHCGyroHpf); settings_nh_->getParam("GD20HM303DLHC/gyro_bandwidth",m_GD20HM303DLHCGyroBW); //LSM9DS0 settings_nh_->getParam("LSM9DS0/gyro_sample_rate",m_LSM9DS0GyroSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("LSM9DS0/accel_sample_rate",m_LSM9DS0AccelSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("LSM9DS0/compass_sample_rate",m_LSM9DS0CompassSampleRate); settings_nh_->getParam("LSM9DS0/accel_full_scale_range",m_LSM9DS0AccelFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("LSM9DS0/gyro_full_scale_range",m_LSM9DS0GyroFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("LSM9DS0/compass_full_scale_range",m_LSM9DS0CompassFsr); settings_nh_->getParam("LSM9DS0/accel_low_pass_filter",m_LSM9DS0AccelLpf); settings_nh_->getParam("LSM9DS0/gyro_high_pass_filter",m_LSM9DS0GyroHpf); settings_nh_->getParam("LSM9DS0/gyro_bandwidth",m_LSM9DS0GyroBW); std::vector<double> compass_max, compass_min; if (settings_nh_->getParam("calib/compass_min", compass_min) && settings_nh_->getParam("calib/compass_max", compass_max) && compass_min.size() == 3 && compass_max.size() == 3) { m_compassCalMin = RTVector3(compass_min[0], compass_min[1], compass_min[2]); m_compassCalMax = RTVector3(compass_max[0],compass_max[1], compass_max[2]); m_compassCalValid = true; ROS_INFO("Got Calibration for Compass"); } else { ROS_INFO("No Calibration for Compass"); } std::vector<double> accel_max, accel_min; if (settings_nh_->getParam("calib/accel_min", accel_min) && settings_nh_->getParam("calib/accel_max", accel_max) && accel_min.size() == 3 && accel_max.size() == 3) { m_accelCalMin = RTVector3(accel_min[0], accel_min[1], accel_min[2]); m_accelCalMax = RTVector3(accel_max[0],accel_max[1], accel_max[2]); m_accelCalValid = true; ROS_INFO("Got Calibration for Accelerometer"); } else { ROS_INFO("No Calibration for Accelerometer"); } return true; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { ros::init(argc,argv,"vn_100"); ////initializing ros node ros::NodeHandle n; ros::NodeHandle np("~"); //creating public and private nodehandlers to ha ndle ros publish services and private parameters std::string port; int baudrate,publish_rate,async_output_rate,async_output_type; np.param<std::string>("serial_port",port,"/dev/ttyUSB0"); np.param<int>("serial_baud",baudrate,115200); np.param<int>("publish_rate",publish_rate,10); np.param<int>("async_output_type",async_output_type,0); np.param<int>("async_output_rate",async_output_rate,6);//assigning params to variables pubsens_data =np.advertise<vn_100::sensor_data> ("sensor_data",1); pubins_data =np.advertise<vn_100::ins_data> ("ins_data",1);//Initializing Publishers ros::ServiceServer service=n.advertiseService("query_ins_data",send_data); ROS_INFO("Ready to answer your queries regarding ins data"); VN_ERROR_CODE vn_err; //dealing with vectornav errors std::string vn_error_msg; ROS_INFO("connecting to vn100. port: %s at a baudrate:%d\n", port.c_str(), baudrate); vn_err=vn100_connect(&vn100,port.c_str(),baudrate);//connecting to vectornav if(vn_err!=VNERR_NO_ERROR) //in case of any error { vnerror_msg(vn_err,vn_error_msg); ROS_FATAL("Could not connect to the sensor on this %s port error:%s\n did you ad d the user to the dialout group???", port.c_str(), vn_error_msg.c_str() ); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } vn_err=vn100_setAsynchronousDataOutputType(&vn100,async_output_type,true); if(vn_err!=VNERR_NO_ERROR) { vnerror_msg(vn_err,vn_error_msg); ROS_FATAL("Could not set the output mode error:%s", vn_error_msg.c_str()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //enabling ros timer to publish the data at the particular intervals ros::Timer pub_timer; if(async_output_type ==0) { //publishing loop ROS_INFO("publishing at %d Hz\n",publish_rate); pub_timer=np.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0/(double)publish_rate),publish_timer); } else { if (async_output_rate==1|async_output_rate==2|async_output_rate==4|async_output_rate==5|async_output_rate==10|async_output_rate==20|async_output_rate==25|async_output_rate==40|async_output_rate==50|async_output_rate==100|async_output_rate==200) { ROS_INFO("asynchronous output is subscribed at %d Hz\n",async_output_rate); } else { ROS_ERROR("Invalid Async rate %d Hz\n Valid rates:{1,2,4,5,10,25,40,50,100,200}",async_output_rate); } } vn100_setAsynchronousDataOutputFrequency(&vn100,async_output_rate,true); vn100_registerAsyncDataReceivedListener(&vn100,&asyncDataListener); ros::spin(); vn100_disconnect(&vn100); return 0; }
void point_cb(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& cloud_msg){ pcl::PCLPointCloud2* cloud = new pcl::PCLPointCloud2; pcl::PCLPointCloud2ConstPtr cloudPtr(cloud); pcl::PCLPointCloud2 cloud_filtered; pcl_conversions::toPCL(*cloud_msg, *cloud); pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> sor; sor.setInputCloud(cloudPtr); float leaf = 0.005; sor.setLeafSize(leaf, leaf, leaf); sor.filter(cloud_filtered); sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 sensor_pcl; pcl_conversions::moveFromPCL(cloud_filtered, sensor_pcl); //publish pcl data pub_voxel.publish(sensor_pcl); global_counter++; if((theta == 0.0 && y_offset == 0.0) || global_counter < 800 ){ // part for planar segmentation starts here .. pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud1(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>), cloud_p(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>), cloud_seg(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_p_rotated(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_p_transformed(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_transformed(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 plane_sensor, plane_transf_sensor; //convert sen pcl::fromROSMsg(*cloud_msg, *cloud1); pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coefficients(new pcl::ModelCoefficients); pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers(new pcl::PointIndices); pcl::SACSegmentation<pcl::PointXYZ> seg; seg.setOptimizeCoefficients(true); seg.setModelType (pcl::SACMODEL_PLANE); seg.setMethodType (pcl::SAC_RANSAC); seg.setMaxIterations (100); seg.setDistanceThreshold (0.01); seg.setInputCloud(cloud1); seg.segment (*inliers, *coefficients); Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 3> surface_normal; Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 3> floor_normal; surface_normal[0] = coefficients->values[0]; surface_normal[1] = coefficients->values[1]; surface_normal[2] = coefficients->values[2]; std::cout << surface_normal[0] << "\n" << surface_normal[1] << "\n" << surface_normal[2]; floor_normal[0] = 0.0; floor_normal[1] = 1.0; floor_normal[2] = 0.0; theta = acos(; //extract the inliers - copied from tutorials... pcl::ExtractIndices<pcl::PointXYZ> extract; extract.setInputCloud(cloud1); extract.setIndices (inliers); extract.setNegative(true); extract.filter(*cloud_p); ROS_INFO("print cloud info %d", cloud_p->height); pcl::toROSMsg(*cloud_p, plane_sensor); pub_plane_simple.publish(plane_sensor); // anti rotate the point cloud by first finding the angle of rotation Eigen::Affine3f transform_1 = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity(); transform_1.translation() << 0.0, 0.0, 0.0; transform_1.rotate (Eigen::AngleAxisf (theta, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX())); pcl::transformPointCloud(*cloud_p, *cloud_p_rotated, transform_1); double y_sum = 0; // int num_points = for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++){ y_sum = cloud_p_rotated->points[i].y; } y_offset = y_sum / 20; Eigen::Affine3f transform_2 = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity(); transform_2.translation() << 0.0, -y_offset, 0.0; transform_2.rotate (Eigen::AngleAxisf (theta, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX())); pcl::transformPointCloud(*cloud_p, *cloud_p_transformed, transform_2); pcl::transformPointCloud(*cloud1, *cloud_transformed, transform_2); //now remove the y offset because of the camera rotation pcl::toROSMsg(*cloud_p_transformed, plane_transf_sensor); // pcl::toROSMsg(*cloud_transformed, plane_transf_sensor); // pcl::toROSMsg(*cloud1, plane_transf_sensor); pub_plane_transf.publish(plane_transf_sensor); } ras_msgs::Cam_transform cft; cft.theta = theta; cft.y_offset = y_offset; pub_ctf.publish(cft); // pub_tf.publish(); }
void publish_device() { static int seq=0; seq++; VN_ERROR_CODE vn_error; std::string vn_err_msg; ros::Time timestamp=ros::Time::now(); if(pubsens_data.getNumSubscribers()>0) { ROS_INFO("subscribed"); VnVector3 Gyro,Mag,Accel; float Pressure,Temp; vn_error=vn100_getCalibratedSensorMeasurements(&vn100,&Mag,&Accel,&Gyro,&Temp,&Pressure); if(vn_error!=VNERR_NO_ERROR) { vnerror_msg(vn_error,vn_err_msg); ROS_INFO("error in reading the sensor data:%s",vn_err_msg.c_str()); } else { vn_100::sensor_data msg_sensor_data; msg_sensor_data.header.seq=seq; msg_sensor_data.header.stamp=timestamp; msg_sensor_data.header.frame_id=imu_frame_id; msg_sensor_data.Mag.x=Mag.c0; msg_sensor_data.Mag.y=Mag.c1; msg_sensor_data.Mag.z=Mag.c2; msg_sensor_data.Accel.x=Accel.c0; msg_sensor_data.Accel.y=Accel.c1; msg_sensor_data.Accel.z=Accel.c2; msg_sensor_data.Gyro.x=Gyro.c0; msg_sensor_data.Gyro.y=Gyro.c1; msg_sensor_data.Gyro.z=Gyro.c2; msg_sensor_data.Temp=Temp; msg_sensor_data.Pressure=Pressure; pubsens_data.publish(msg_sensor_data); } } if(pubins_data.getNumSubscribers()>0) { VnYpr YPR; VnQuaternion quat_data; vn_100::ins_data msg_ins_data; vn_error=vn100_getYawPitchRoll(&vn100,&YPR); if(vn_error!=VNERR_NO_ERROR) { vnerror_msg(vn_error,vn_err_msg); ROS_INFO("error in reading the ins data:%s",vn_err_msg.c_str()); } else { vn_error=vn100_getQuaternion(&vn100,&quat_data); if(vn_error!=VNERR_NO_ERROR) { vnerror_msg(vn_error,vn_err_msg); ROS_INFO("error in reading the ins data:%s",vn_err_msg.c_str()); } else { msg_ins_data.header.seq=seq; msg_ins_data.header.stamp=timestamp; msg_ins_data.header.frame_id=imu_frame_id; msg_ins_data.YPR.x=YPR.yaw; msg_ins_data.YPR.y=YPR.pitch; msg_ins_data.YPR.z=YPR.roll; msg_ins_data.quat_data[0]=quat_data.x; msg_ins_data.quat_data[1]=quat_data.y; msg_ins_data.quat_data[2]=quat_data.z; msg_ins_data.quat_data[3]=quat_data.w; pubins_data.publish(msg_ins_data); } } } }
int ErrorHandler(CPhidgetHandle phid, void *userptr, int ErrorCode, const char *Description) { ROS_INFO("Error handled. %d - %s", ErrorCode, Description); return 0; }
/** * Independent thread that grabs images and publishes them. */ void StereoCamera::feedImages() { unsigned int pair_id = 0; ROS_INFO("feedImages"); cv::Mat left, right; // ok is a global that goes false in destructor while (ok) { //unsigned char *frame_left = NULL, *frame_right = NULL; //uint32_t bytes_used_left, bytes_used_right; ros::Time capture_time = ros::Time::now(); //int left_idx = cam_left->grab(&frame_left, bytes_used_left); //int right_idx = cam_right->grab(&frame_right, bytes_used_right); left = cam_left->getImage(); right = cam_left->getImage(); // Read in every frame the camera generates, but only send each // (skip_frames + 1)th frame. This reduces effective frame // rate, processing time and network usage while keeping the // images synchronized within the true framerate. // if (skip_frames == 0 || frames_to_skip == 0) { //if (frame_left && frame_right) { if( &&{ ImagePtr image_left(new Image); ImagePtr image_right(new Image); image_left->height = height; image_left->width = width; image_left->step = 3 * width; image_left->encoding = image_encodings::RGB8; image_left->header.stamp = capture_time; image_left->header.seq = pair_id; image_right->height = height; image_right->width = width; image_right->step = 3 * width; image_right->encoding = image_encodings::RGB8; image_right->header.stamp = capture_time; image_right->header.seq = pair_id; image_left->header.frame_id = frame; image_right->header.frame_id = frame; image_left->data.resize(image_left->step * image_left->height); image_right->data.resize(image_right->step * image_right->height); /* if (rotate_left) rotate(&image_left->data[0], frame_left, width * height); else memcpy(&image_left->data[0], frame_left, width * height * 3); if (rotate_right) rotate(&image_right->data[0], frame_right, width * height); else memcpy(&image_right->data[0], frame_right, width * height * 3); */ left_pub.publish(image_left); right_pub.publish(image_right); sendInfo(capture_time); ++pair_id; } frames_to_skip = skip_frames; } else { frames_to_skip--; } //if (frame_left) cam_left->release(left_idx); //if (frame_right) cam_right->release(right_idx); } }
bool teleopFinishedServiceCallback(std_srvs::Empty::Request &req, std_srvs::Empty::Response &res) { ROS_INFO("Will restart medicine task"); should_restart_medicine=true; return true; }
/*! * \brief Initializes node to get parameters, subscribe and publish to topics. */ bool init() { // initialize member variables isInitialized_ = false; isDSAInitialized_ = false; hasNewGoal_ = false; // implementation of topics to publish topicPub_JointState_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("/joint_states", 1); topicPub_ControllerState_ = nh_.advertise<pr2_controllers_msgs::JointTrajectoryControllerState>("state", 1); topicPub_TactileSensor_ = nh_.advertise<schunk_sdh::TactileSensor>("tactile_data", 1); // pointer to sdh sdh_ = new SDH::cSDH(false, false, 0); //(_use_radians=false, bool _use_fahrenheit=false, int _debug_level=0) // implementation of service servers srvServer_Init_ = nh_.advertiseService("init", &SdhNode::srvCallback_Init, this); srvServer_Stop_ = nh_.advertiseService("stop", &SdhNode::srvCallback_Stop, this); srvServer_Recover_ = nh_.advertiseService("recover", &SdhNode::srvCallback_Recover, this); srvServer_SetOperationMode_ = nh_.advertiseService("set_operation_mode", &SdhNode::srvCallback_SetOperationMode, this); // getting hardware parameters from parameter server nh_.param("sdhdevicetype", sdhdevicetype_, std::string("PCAN")); nh_.param("sdhdevicestring", sdhdevicestring_, std::string("/dev/pcan0")); nh_.param("sdhdevicenum", sdhdevicenum_, 0); nh_.param("dsadevicestring", dsadevicestring_, std::string("/dev/ttyS0")); nh_.param("dsadevicenum", dsadevicenum_, 0); nh_.param("baudrate", baudrate_, 1000000); nh_.param("timeout", timeout_, (double)0.04); nh_.param("id_read", id_read_, 43); nh_.param("id_write", id_write_, 42); // get joint_names from parameter server ROS_INFO("getting joint_names from parameter server"); XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue joint_names_param; if (nh_.hasParam("joint_names")) { nh_.getParam("joint_names", joint_names_param); } else { ROS_ERROR("Parameter joint_names not set, shutting down node..."); nh_.shutdown(); return false; } DOF_ = joint_names_param.size(); joint_names_.resize(DOF_); for (int i = 0; i<DOF_; i++ ) { joint_names_[i] = (std::string)joint_names_param[i]; } std::cout << "joint_names = " << joint_names_param << std::endl; // define axes to send to sdh axes_.resize(DOF_); for(int i=0; i<DOF_; i++) { axes_[i] = i; } ROS_INFO("DOF = %d",DOF_); state_.resize(axes_.size()); return true; }
bool CollisionCheckingRos::collisionCheck(const std::vector <FrameWithId>& path, const FrameWithId& actualPose, double interpolationStep, unsigned int numberOfSteps) { bool collision = false; if (path.empty()) return collision; costmap_2d::Costmap2D costmapCopy; std::vector <geometry_msgs::Point> orientedFootprint; costmap->getOrientedFootprint(orientedFootprint); costmap->clearRobotFootprint(); costmap->getCostmapCopy(costmapCopy); base_local_planner::CostmapModel collisionChecker(costmapCopy); std::vector <FrameWithId> prunedPath; utilities::prunePath(path, actualPose, prunedPath); LinearInterpolation interpolator; std::vector <FrameWithId> interpolatedPath; size_t counter = interpolator.interpolate(prunedPath, interpolatedPath, interpolationStep, numberOfSteps); #ifdef DEBUG Stopwatch stopwatch; stopwatch.start(); #endif size_t i; for (i = 0; i < counter; ++i) { const KDL::Frame& frame = interpolatedPath[i].getFrame(); double r, p, y; frame.M.GetRPY(r, p, y); geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose; conversions::frameToPoseStampedRos(frame, pose); std::vector <geometry_msgs::Point> orientedFootprint; costmap->getOrientedFootprint(frame.p.x(), frame.p.y(), 0, orientedFootprint); double circumscribedRadius = costmap->getCircumscribedRadius(); double inscribedRadius = costmap->getInscribedRadius(); double c = collisionChecker.footprintCost(pose.pose.position, orientedFootprint, inscribedRadius, circumscribedRadius); if (c < 0) { ROS_INFO("Collision at pose: %f, %f", pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y); collision = true; break; } } #ifdef DEBUG_0 stopwatch.stop(); LOG("Collision checking using costmap2d_ros:"); LOG(" - collision: %d", collision); LOG(" - step size: %f", interpolationStep); LOG(" - iterations : %u", i); LOG(" - duration : %f ms", stopwatch.getElapsedTime()); #endif return collision; }
/*! * \brief Executes the service callback for init. * * Connects to the hardware and initialized it. * \param req Service request * \param res Service response */ bool srvCallback_Init(cob_srvs::Trigger::Request &req, cob_srvs::Trigger::Response &res ) { if (isInitialized_ == false) { //Init Hand connection try { if("RS232")==0) { sdh_->OpenRS232( sdhdevicenum_, 115200, 1, sdhdevicestring_.c_str()); ROS_INFO("Initialized RS232 for SDH"); isInitialized_ = true; } if("PCAN")==0) { ROS_INFO("Starting initializing PEAKCAN"); sdh_->OpenCAN_PEAK(baudrate_, timeout_, id_read_, id_write_, sdhdevicestring_.c_str()); ROS_INFO("Initialized PEAK CAN for SDH"); isInitialized_ = true; } if("ESD")==0) { ROS_INFO("Starting initializing ESD"); if(strcmp(sdhdevicestring_.c_str(), "/dev/can0") == 0) { ROS_INFO("Initializing ESD on device %s",sdhdevicestring_.c_str()); sdh_->OpenCAN_ESD(0, baudrate_, timeout_, id_read_, id_write_ ); } else if(strcmp(sdhdevicestring_.c_str(), "/dev/can1") == 0) { ROS_INFO("Initializin ESD on device %s",sdhdevicestring_.c_str()); sdh_->OpenCAN_ESD(1, baudrate_, timeout_, id_read_, id_write_ ); } else { ROS_ERROR("Currently only support for /dev/can0 and /dev/can1"); = false; = "Currently only support for /dev/can0 and /dev/can1"; return true; } ROS_INFO("Initialized ESDCAN for SDH"); isInitialized_ = true; } } catch (SDH::cSDHLibraryException* e) { ROS_ERROR("An exception was caught: %s", e->what()); = false; = e->what(); delete e; return true; } //Init tactile data try { dsa_ = new SDH::cDSA(0, dsadevicenum_, dsadevicestring_.c_str()); //dsa_->SetFramerate( 0, true, false ); dsa_->SetFramerate( 1, true ); ROS_INFO("Initialized RS232 for DSA Tactile Sensors on device %s",dsadevicestring_.c_str()); // ROS_INFO("Set sensitivity to 1.0"); // for(int i=0; i<6; i++) // dsa_->SetMatrixSensitivity(i, 1.0); isDSAInitialized_ = true; } catch (SDH::cSDHLibraryException* e) { isDSAInitialized_ = false; ROS_ERROR("An exception was caught: %s", e->what()); = false; = e->what(); delete e; return true; } } else { ROS_WARN("...sdh already initialized..."); = true; = "sdh already initialized"; } = true; return true; }
///\brief Opens joystick port, reads from port and publishes while node is active int main(int argc, char **argv) { diagnostic_.add("Joystick Driver Status", this, &Joystick::diagnostics); diagnostic_.setHardwareID("none"); // Parameters ros::NodeHandle nh_param("~"); pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::Joy>("joy", 1); nh_param.param<std::string>("dev", joy_dev_, "/dev/input/js0"); nh_param.param<double>("deadzone", deadzone_, 0.05); nh_param.param<double>("autorepeat_rate", autorepeat_rate_, 0); nh_param.param<double>("coalesce_interval", coalesce_interval_, 0.001); nh_param.param<double>("max_period_with_no_events", max_period_with_no_events_, 0.5); // Checks on parameters if (autorepeat_rate_ > 1 / coalesce_interval_) ROS_WARN("joy_node: autorepeat_rate (%f Hz) > 1/coalesce_interval (%f Hz) does not make sense. Timing behavior is not well defined.", autorepeat_rate_, 1/coalesce_interval_); if (deadzone_ >= 1) { ROS_WARN("joy_node: deadzone greater than 1 was requested. The semantics of deadzone have changed. It is now related to the range [-1:1] instead of [-32767:32767]. For now I am dividing your deadzone by 32767, but this behavior is deprecated so you need to update your launch file."); deadzone_ /= 32767; } if (deadzone_ > 0.9) { ROS_WARN("joy_node: deadzone (%f) greater than 0.9, setting it to 0.9", deadzone_); deadzone_ = 0.9; } if (deadzone_ < 0) { ROS_WARN("joy_node: deadzone_ (%f) less than 0, setting to 0.", deadzone_); deadzone_ = 0; } if (autorepeat_rate_ < 0) { ROS_WARN("joy_node: autorepeat_rate (%f) less than 0, setting to 0.", autorepeat_rate_); autorepeat_rate_ = 0; } if (coalesce_interval_ < 0) { ROS_WARN("joy_node: coalesce_interval (%f) less than 0, setting to 0.", coalesce_interval_); coalesce_interval_ = 0; } if ((max_period_with_no_events_ < 0) || (max_period_with_no_events_ > 1.0)) { ROS_WARN("joy_node: max_period_with_no_events (%f) shoul be with [0.0, 1.0], setting to 0.", max_period_with_no_events_); max_period_with_no_events_ = 0.0; } // Parameter conversions double autorepeat_interval = 1 / autorepeat_rate_; double scale = -1. / (1. - deadzone_) / 32767.; double unscaled_deadzone = 32767. * deadzone_; js_event event; struct timeval tv; fd_set set; int joy_fd; event_count_ = 0; pub_count_ = 0; lastDiagTime_ = ros::Time::now().toSec(); const ros::Duration max_duration_with_no_events(max_period_with_no_events_); ros::Time last_event_time(0.0); // Big while loop opens, publishes while (nh_.ok()) { open_ = false; diagnostic_.force_update(); bool first_fault = true; while (true) { ros::spinOnce(); if (!nh_.ok()) goto cleanup; joy_fd = open(joy_dev_.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (joy_fd != -1) { // There seems to be a bug in the driver or something where the // initial events that are to define the initial state of the // joystick are not the values of the joystick when it was opened // but rather the values of the joystick when it was last closed. // Opening then closing and opening again is a hack to get more // accurate initial state data. close(joy_fd); joy_fd = open(joy_dev_.c_str(), O_RDONLY); } if (joy_fd != -1) break; if (first_fault) { ROS_ERROR("Couldn't open joystick %s. Will retry every second.", joy_dev_.c_str()); first_fault = false; } sleep(1.0); diagnostic_.update(); } ROS_INFO("Opened joystick: %s. deadzone_: %f.", joy_dev_.c_str(), deadzone_); open_ = true; diagnostic_.force_update(); bool tv_set = false; bool publication_pending = false; tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; sensor_msgs::Joy joy_msg; // Here because we want to reset it on device close. while (nh_.ok()) { ros::spinOnce(); bool publish_now = false; bool publish_soon = false; FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(joy_fd, &set); //ROS_INFO("Select..."); int select_out = select(joy_fd+1, &set, NULL, NULL, &tv); //ROS_INFO("Tick..."); if (select_out == -1) { tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; //ROS_INFO("Select returned negative. %i", ros::isShuttingDown()); continue; // break; // Joystick is probably closed. Not sure if this case is useful. } if (FD_ISSET(joy_fd, &set)) { if (read(joy_fd, &event, sizeof(js_event)) == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) break; // Joystick is probably closed. Definitely occurs. //ROS_INFO("Read data..."); joy_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time().now(); event_count_++; switch(event.type) { case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: case JS_EVENT_BUTTON | JS_EVENT_INIT: if(event.number >= joy_msg.buttons.size()) { int old_size = joy_msg.buttons.size(); joy_msg.buttons.resize(event.number+1); for(unsigned int i=old_size;i<joy_msg.buttons.size();i++) joy_msg.buttons[i] = 0.0; } joy_msg.buttons[event.number] = (event.value ? 1 : 0); // For initial events, wait a bit before sending to try to catch // all the initial events. if (!(event.type & JS_EVENT_INIT)) { publish_now = true; last_event_time = ros::Time::now(); } else publish_soon = true; break; case JS_EVENT_AXIS: case JS_EVENT_AXIS | JS_EVENT_INIT: if(event.number >= joy_msg.axes.size()) { int old_size = joy_msg.axes.size(); joy_msg.axes.resize(event.number+1); for(unsigned int i=old_size;i<joy_msg.axes.size();i++) joy_msg.axes[i] = 0.0; } if (!(event.type & JS_EVENT_INIT)) // Init event.value is wrong. { double val = event.value; // Allows deadzone to be "smooth" if (val > unscaled_deadzone) val -= unscaled_deadzone; else if (val < -unscaled_deadzone) val += unscaled_deadzone; else val = 0; joy_msg.axes[event.number] = val * scale; } // Will wait a bit before sending to try to combine events. publish_soon = true; last_event_time = ros::Time::now(); break; default: ROS_WARN("joy_node: Unknown event type. Please file a ticket. time=%u, value=%d, type=%Xh, number=%d", event.time, event.value, event.type, event.number); break; } } else if (tv_set) // Assume that the timer has expired. publish_now = true; if (publish_now) { // Assume that all the JS_EVENT_INIT messages have arrived already. // This should be the case as the kernel sends them along as soon as // the device opens. //ROS_INFO("Publish..."); //pub_.publish(joy_msg); publish_now = false; tv_set = false; publication_pending = false; publish_soon = false; //pub_count_++; if ((ros::Time::now() - last_event_time) < max_duration_with_no_events) { pub_.publish(joy_msg); pub_count_++; } } // If an axis event occurred, start a timer to combine with other // events. if (!publication_pending && publish_soon) { tv.tv_sec = trunc(coalesce_interval_); tv.tv_usec = (coalesce_interval_ - tv.tv_sec) * 1e6; publication_pending = true; tv_set = true; //ROS_INFO("Pub pending..."); } // If nothing is going on, start a timer to do autorepeat. if (!tv_set && autorepeat_rate_ > 0) { tv.tv_sec = trunc(autorepeat_interval); tv.tv_usec = (autorepeat_interval - tv.tv_sec) * 1e6; tv_set = true; //ROS_INFO("Autorepeat pending... %i %i", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec); } if (!tv_set) { tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; } diagnostic_.update(); } // End of joystick open loop. close(joy_fd); ros::spinOnce(); if (nh_.ok()) ROS_ERROR("Connection to joystick device lost unexpectedly. Will reopen."); } cleanup: ROS_INFO("joy_node shut down."); return 0; }
LaserScanMatcher::LaserScanMatcher(ros::NodeHandle nh, ros::NodeHandle nh_private): nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private), initialized_(false), received_imu_(false), received_odom_(false), received_vel_(false) { ROS_INFO("Starting LaserScanMatcher"); // **** init parameters initParams(); // **** state variables f2b_.setIdentity(); f2b_kf_.setIdentity(); input_.laser[0] = 0.0; input_.laser[1] = 0.0; input_.laser[2] = 0.0; // **** publishers if (publish_pose_) { pose_publisher_ = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::Pose2D>( "pose2D", 5); } if (publish_pose_stamped_) { pose_stamped_publisher_ = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>( "pose_stamped", 5); } // *** subscribers if (use_cloud_input_) { cloud_subscriber_ = nh_.subscribe( "cloud", 1, &LaserScanMatcher::cloudCallback, this); } else { scan_subscriber_ = nh_.subscribe( "scan", 1, &LaserScanMatcher::scanCallback, this); } if (use_imu_) { imu_subscriber_ = nh_.subscribe( "imu/data", 1, &LaserScanMatcher::imuCallback, this); } if (use_odom_) { odom_subscriber_ = nh_.subscribe( "odom", 1, &LaserScanMatcher::odomCallback, this); } if (use_vel_) { if (stamped_vel_) vel_subscriber_ = nh_.subscribe( "vel", 1, &LaserScanMatcher::velStmpCallback, this); else vel_subscriber_ = nh_.subscribe( "vel", 1, &LaserScanMatcher::velCallback, this); } }