Esempio n. 1
PrimaryField :: restoreContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode)
    contextIOResultType iores(CIO_IOERR);

    if ( ! ) {

    if ( ! ) {

    for ( int i = 0; i <= nHistVectors; i++ ) {
        if ( ( iores = solutionVectors[i].restoreYourself(stream) ) != CIO_OK ) {

    for ( int i = 0; i <= nHistVectors; i++ ) {
        solStepList[i] = TimeStep(emodel);
        if ( ( iores = solStepList[i].restoreContext(stream, mode) ) != CIO_OK ) {

    return CIO_OK;
Esempio n. 2
BuildingListPriv::Add (Ptr<Building> building)
  uint32_t index = m_buildings.size ();
  m_buildings.push_back (building);
  Simulator::ScheduleWithContext (index, TimeStep (0), &Building::Initialize, building);
  return index;

Esempio n. 3
     _type = Type::LIMITED;
     _frameLimit = 60;
     _lastTime = 0;
     _counter = 0;
     _secondTick = 0;
     _frameCounter = 0;
     _totalElapsedTime = 0;
     FPS = 0;
     _previousStep = TimeStep(0,0);
Esempio n. 4
template<class Dim> int runSimulator (char* infile)
  typedef SIMPhaseField<Dim> PhaseFieldDriver;

  utl::profiler->start("Model input");
  IFEM::cout <<"\n\n0. Parsing input file(s)."
             <<"\n========================="<< std::endl;

  PhaseFieldDriver phaseSim;
  if (!
    return 1;

  phaseSim.opt.print(IFEM::cout) << std::endl;

  SIMSolver<PhaseFieldDriver> solver(phaseSim);
  if (!
    return 1;

  utl::profiler->stop("Model input");
  IFEM::cout <<"\n\n10. Preprocessing the finite element model:"
             <<"\n==========================================="<< std::endl;

  // Preprocess the model and establish data structures for the algebraic system
  if (!phaseSim.preprocess())
    return 2;

  // Initialize the linear solvers
  if (!phaseSim.initSystem(phaseSim.opt.solver,1,1,false))
    return 2;

  // Time-step loop

  DataExporter* exporter = nullptr;
  if (phaseSim.opt.dumpHDF5(infile))
    exporter = SIM::handleDataOutput(phaseSim,solver,phaseSim.opt.hdf5,

  int res = solver.solveProblem(infile,exporter,"100. Starting the simulation");

  delete exporter;
  return res;
bool PhysicsNeuralModule::SetData(const std::string &strDataType, const std::string &strValue, bool bThrowError)
    std::string strType = Std_CheckString(strDataType);

    if(NeuralModule::SetData(strDataType, strValue, false))
        return true;

    if(strType == "TIMESTEP")
        TimeStep((float) atof(strValue.c_str()));
        return true;

    //If it was not one of those above then we have a problem.
        THROW_PARAM_ERROR(Al_Err_lInvalidDataType, Al_Err_strInvalidDataType, "Data Type", strDataType);

    return false;
Esempio n. 6
void QVX_TensileTest::RunTensileTest(QString* pDispMessage)
	QFile File(OutFilePath);
	if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
		ProgressMessage = "Could not open file. Aborting.";
	QTextStream out(&File); 

//	double CurMaxDisp = 9e9;
	std::string IntMsg;

	vfloat StepPercAmt = 1.0/NumStep;
	int VoxCount = NumVox();

	int count = 0;
	int MinimumPerStep = 5;

	int NumBCs = pEnv->GetNumBCs();
	for (int j=0; j<NumBCs; j++){
		if (pEnv->GetBC(j)->Displace.Length2() == 0 ) continue; //if zero displacement, continue
		out << "Disp (m)" << "\t" << "Force (N)" << "\t";
		if (IsBasicTensile){out << "Strain (%)" << "\t" << "Stress (MPa)" << "\t" << "Modulus (MPa)" << "\t";}
	out << "\n";

	double LastStress; //so we can calculate modulus at each point...
	double LastStrain;

	for (int i=0; i<NumStep; i++){
		ProgressMessage = "Performing tensile test...";
		for (int j=0; j<VoxCount; j++) VoxArray[j].ScaleExternalInputs((i+1)*StepPercAmt);
		//wiat to settle between timesteps...
		int LastBroken = -1;
		ClearHistories(); //needed so it doesn't immediately "converge" on the next time step

		while (NumBroken() != LastBroken){ //if one breaks, repeat the settling undtil we're done breaking...
			LastBroken = NumBroken();
//			SetSlowDampZ(CurDamp);

			count = 0;
//			bool LastUnder = false; //were we under the threshhold last time?
//			while (!LastUnder || CurMaxDisp > ConvThresh){
			while (!StopConditionMet()){
	//			if (CurMaxDisp < ConvThresh) LastUnder = true;

				for (int i=0; i<MinimumPerStep; i++){
					if (CancelFlag) break;

					if (!TimeStep(&IntMsg)){ //always do at least 5 steps...
						ProgressMessage = "Tensile test failed. \n \n" + IntMsg;
						CancelFlag = true; //get outta here!
//					CurMaxDisp = SS.NormObjDisp;
				if (CancelFlag) break;
				if (count > 20000){
					QString Num = QString::number(MaxMoveHistory[0]*1000);
					ProgressMessage = "Simulation not converging at " + Num.toStdString() + ". \n Retry with larger threshold.";
			if (CancelFlag) break;

			EnableFailure(true); //do one step to apply breaking and re-settle as needed...
			if (!TimeStep(&IntMsg)){
				ProgressMessage = "Tensile test failed. \n \n" + IntMsg;
				CancelFlag = true; //get outta here!

		for (int j=0; j<NumBCs; j++){
			CVX_FRegion* pThisBC = pEnv->GetBC(j);
			if (pThisBC->Displace.Length2() != 0 ){ //if non-zero displacement
				double CurDisp = pThisBC->Displace.Length()*(i+1.0)/((double)NumStep);
				double tmp2 = -GetSumForceDir(pThisBC);
				out << CurDisp << "\t" << tmp2 << "\t";
				if (IsBasicTensile){ //only two materials, only one with displacement, so we should only ever enter here once!!
					double ThisStress = tmp2/CSArea;
					double ThisStrain = CurDisp/IniLength;
					out << ThisStrain*100 << "\t" << ThisStress/1e6 << "\t";
					if (i!=0) out << (ThisStress-LastStress)/(ThisStrain-LastStrain)/1e6 << "\t";
					else out << "" << "\t";
					LastStress = ThisStress;
					LastStrain = ThisStrain;
		out << "\n";

//		for (int k=0; k<VoxArray.size(); k++){
//			VoxArray[k].ExternalDisp *= (i+2.0)/(i+1.0);
//		}

		CurTick = i+1;
	int stop = 1;

	ProgressMessage = ""; //flag to not display message boc on return...
	TestRunning = false;
	emit StopExternalGLUpdate();

Esempio n. 7
Synchronizer::TimeStepToNanosecond (uint64_t ts)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << ts);
  return TimeStep (ts).GetNanoSeconds ();
DelayJitterEstimationTimestampTag::GetTxTime (void) const
  return TimeStep (m_creationTime);
Esempio n. 9
void QVX_Sim::SimLoop(QString* pSimMessage)
	std::string tmp; //need to link this up to get info back...
	if (!Import(NULL, NULL, &tmp)) return;

	int Count = 0; //Possibly redundant with internal sim count.
	int LastCount = 0;
	bool IsStillDrawing;
	Vec3D<> CurSelPos;
	QString PosLabel;
	bool InternalEnding = false;
	QString Message, DispMessage;
	std::string RetMsg;
	QTime tLastPlot; //plot point add every...
	QTime tLastStatus; //status text box updated...
//	QTime tLastStatCalc; //simulation max/mins calculated every...
//	tLastStatCalc.start();

	emit ReqUiUpdate(); //for slider ranges that depend on dt or other sim params
	emit StartExternalGLUpdate(DEFAULT_DISPLAY_UPDATE_MS);
	StopSim = false;
	Running = true;
	Paused = false;

	//initialize the COM at the start of the simulation	
	Vec3D<> LastCM = IniCM;

	int StatusNumber = 1, PlotPointNumber = 1;
	double UpStatEv = 500; //Updates status pane every X ms
	int UpPlotEv = 30; //updates plot every X ms when not plotting every point.
	char PlotDataTypes;
	bool PlotVis, StatusVis;

	while (true){ //do this step...
		if (StopConditionMet()){InternalEnding = true; StatToCalc=CALCSTAT_ALL; UpdateStats(); RetMsg+="Simulation stop condition reached.\n";break;}//if stop condition met...
		//figure out what stats we need to calculate

		emit IsPlotVisible(&PlotVis);
		bool PlottingPoint = (LogEvery?true:tLastPlot.elapsed() > PlotPointNumber*UpPlotEv) && PlotVis;
		if (PlottingPoint){ //ensure we calculate the info we want to plot
			emit GetPlotRqdStats(&PlotDataTypes);
			StatToCalc |= PlotDataTypes;
		emit IsStatusTextVisible(&StatusVis);
		bool UpdatingStatus = (tLastStatus.elapsed() > StatusNumber*UpStatEv) && StatusVis;
		if (UpdatingStatus){StatToCalc |= CALCSTAT_COM;} //calc any data we need in the text status box

		bool DrawingGLLocal = (GLUpdateEveryNFrame != -1 && Count%GLUpdateEveryNFrame==0);
		if (DrawingGLLocal || NeedStatsUpdate){ //calc any data we need to draw the opengl view...
			StatToCalc |= StatRqdToDraw();
			NeedStatsUpdate = false;
			if (LockCoMToCenter) StatToCalc |= CALCSTAT_COM;

//		if (tLastStatCalc.elapsed() > StatCalcNumber*30){CalcStat=true; StatCalcNumber++; /*tLastStatCalc.restart();*/}

		if (!TimeStep(&RetMsg)){InternalEnding = true; break;}//if something happened in this timestep

		if (DrawingGLLocal){
			IsStillDrawing = true;
			while (IsStillDrawing){ //wait to finish drawing the previous timestep before continuing
				ReqGLDrawingStatus(&IsStillDrawing); //are 
			emit ReqGLUpdate(); 

		if (StopSim) break;
			ActuallyPaused = true;
			if (StopSim) break; //kick out of the loop if we've stopped...

//			emit IsStatusTextVisible...
			if (CurXSel != -1){PosLabel = "Vox "+QString::number(XtoSIndexMap[CurXSel]) + "(sim)"; CurSelPos = VoxArray[XtoSIndexMap[CurXSel]].GetCurPos()*1000; }//position in mm
			else {PosLabel = "CoM "; CurSelPos = SS.CurCM*1000;} //center of mass in mm if nothing else selected
			Message = "Time " + QString::number(CurTime, 'g', 3) + " Sec" + 
					"\nStep Num " + QString::number(CurStepCount) + 
					"\nTime Step = " + QString::number(dt, 'g', 3)+ " Sec" + 
					"\nDisplay Rate  = "+ QString::number((Count-LastCount)/(UpStatEv/1000.0), 'g', 3)+" Steps/sec" +
					"\n" + PosLabel + " X:"+ QString::number(CurSelPos.x, 'g', 3)+"  Y:"+ QString::number(CurSelPos.y, 'g', 3)+"  Z:"+ QString::number(CurSelPos.z, 'g', 3)+ " mm" +
					"\nCoM Displacement = "+ QString::number((SS.CurCM-IniCM).Length()*1000, 'g', 3)+" mm" +
					"\nCoM Velocity = "+ QString::number((SS.CurCM-LastCM).Length()*1000/(dt*(Count-LastCount)), 'g', 3)+" mm/s\n";
			if (pEnv->IsFloorEnabled()) Message += "Voxel touching ground: " + QString::number(GetNumTouchingFloor()) + "\n";

					Message += "\n";
					LastCM = SS.CurCM;
			if (LogEvery) ApproxMSperLog = (double)tLastStatus.elapsed()/(Count-LastCount); //only update ms per step if its not fixed by the timer
			LastCount = Count;

			emit UpdateText(Message);

		if (PlottingPoint){
			if (LogEvery) emit ReqAddPlotPoint(GetCurTime());
			else {
				ApproxMSperLog = UpPlotEv;
				emit ReqAddPlotPoint(GetCurTime());

//		if (StatCalcNumber == INT_MAX){StatCalcNumber=1; tLastStatCalc.restart();} //avoid int rollover for our counters
		if (StatusNumber == INT_MAX){StatusNumber=1; tLastStatus.restart();}
		if (PlotPointNumber == INT_MAX){PlotPointNumber=1; tLastPlot.restart();}


	emit StopExternalGLUpdate();

//	emit SetExternalGLUpdate(false);
	Running = false;
	Paused = false;

	Message = "Time " + QString::number(CurTime, 'g', 3) + " Sec" + 
		"\nStep Num " + QString::number(CurStepCount) + 
		"\nTime Step = " + QString::number(dt, 'g', 3)+ " Sec" + 
		"\n" + PosLabel + " X:"+ QString::number(CurSelPos.x, 'g', 3)+"  Y:"+ QString::number(CurSelPos.y, 'g', 3)+"  Z:"+ QString::number(CurSelPos.z, 'g', 3)+ " mm" +
		"\nCOM_Dist = "+ QString::number((SS.CurCM-IniCM).Length()*1000, 'g', 3)+" mm\n\n";

	RetMsg += "Simulation stopped.\n";
	Message += RetMsg.c_str();
	DispMessage = Message + "\nFinal Conditions:\nStep = " + QString::number(CurStepCount) + "\nTime Step = " + QString::number(dt)+"\nKinetic Energy = " + QString::number(SS.TotalObjKineticE)+"\n" ;
	emit UpdateText(DispMessage);

	if (InternalEnding)	emit SimEndedInternally(RetMsg.c_str());

//	Running = false;

void QVX_TensileTest::RunTensileTest(QString* pDispMessage)
	QFile File(OutFilePath);
	if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
		ProgressMessage = "Could not open file. Aborting.";
	QTextStream out(&File); 

//	double CurMaxDisp = 9e9;
	std::string IntMsg;

	vfloat StepPercAmt = 1.0/NumStep;
	int VoxCount = NumVox();

	int count = 0;
	int MinimumPerStep = 5;

	int NumBCs = pEnv->GetNumBCs();
	for (int j=0; j<NumBCs; j++){
		if (pEnv->GetBC(j)->Displace.Length2() == 0 ) continue; //if zero displacement, continue
		out << "Disp (m)" << "\t" << "Force (N)" << "\t";
		if (IsBasicTensile){out << "Strain (%)" << "\t" << "Stress (MPa)" << "\t" << "Modulus (MPa)" << "\t";}
	out << "\n";

	double LastStress; //so we can calculate modulus at each point for simple tensile...
	double LastStrain;
	double MaxMotion = -FLT_MAX; //the stop condition will be a threshold of this in auto mode
	double LastMotion = 0;
	bool FoundMaxMotion = false;
	if (AutoConverge){ ConvThresh = 0; SetStopConditionValue(ConvThresh);}//don't stop until we get a max

	for (int i=0; i<NumStep; i++){
		ProgressMessage = "Performing tensile test...";
		for (int j=0; j<VoxCount; j++) VoxArray[j].ScaleExternalInputs((i+1)*StepPercAmt);
		//wiat to settle between timesteps...
		int LastBroken = -1;
		ClearHistories(); //needed so it doesn't immediately "converge" on the next time step

		while (NumBroken() != LastBroken){ //if one breaks, repeat the settling until we're done breaking...
			LastBroken = NumBroken();
			EnableFeature(VXSFEAT_FAILURE, false);

		//	EnableFailure(false);
//			SetSlowDampZ(CurDamp);

			count = 0;
//			bool LastUnder = false; //were we under the threshhold last time?
//			while (!LastUnder || CurMaxDisp > ConvThresh){
			while (!StopConditionMet()){
	//			if (CurMaxDisp < ConvThresh) LastUnder = true;

				for (int i=0; i<MinimumPerStep; i++){
					if (CancelFlag) break;

					if (!TimeStep(&IntMsg)){ //always do at least 5 steps...
						ProgressMessage = "Tensile test failed. \n \n" + IntMsg;
						CancelFlag = true; //get outta here!
//					CurMaxDisp = SS.NormObjDisp;
				if (CancelFlag) break;
				if (!FoundMaxMotion && AutoConverge){
					if (MotionZeroed){ //find first max motion (actually max KE, but close enough)
						FoundMaxMotion = true;
						ConvThresh = LastMotion / AutoConvergeExp;
						//ProgressMessage = "Auto convergence threshhold calculated: " + QString::number(ConvThresh).toStdString();
					else LastMotion = SS.MaxVoxVel*dt;

				if (count%100==0){
					ProgressMessage = "Performing tensile test...";
					if (AutoConverge && !FoundMaxMotion) ProgressMessage += "\nDetermining convergence threshhold.";
					//else ProgressMessage += "\nMotion at " + QString::number(MaxMoveHistory[0]*1000000, 'g', 3).toStdString() + "/" + QString::number(ConvThresh, 'g', 3).toStdString();
					else ProgressMessage += "\nStep " + QString::number(count, 'g', 3).toStdString() +/*", Max Displacement " + QString::number(SS.MaxVoxDisp, 'g', 3).toStdString() + */", Convergence threshhold " + QString::number(ConvThresh, 'g', 3).toStdString();

					if (count > 20000){
						ProgressMessage += "\nSimulation not converging.\nConsider retrying with a larger threshold. (Currently " + QString::number(MaxMoveHistory[0]*1000, 'g', 3).toStdString() +")";


			if (CancelFlag) break;

			EnableFeature(VXSFEAT_FAILURE, true);
//			EnableFailure(true); //do one step to apply breaking and re-settle as needed...
			if (!TimeStep(&IntMsg)){
				ProgressMessage = "Tensile test failed. \n \n" + IntMsg;
				CancelFlag = true; //get outta here!

		for (int j=0; j<NumBCs; j++){
			CVX_FRegion* pThisBC = pEnv->GetBC(j);
			if (pThisBC->Displace.Length2() != 0 ){ //if non-zero displacement
				double CurDisp = pThisBC->Displace.Length()*(i+1.0)/((double)NumStep);
				double tmp2 = -GetSumForceDir(pThisBC);
				out << CurDisp << "\t" << tmp2 << "\t";
				if (IsBasicTensile){ //only two materials, only one with displacement, so we should only ever enter here once!!
					double ThisStress = tmp2/CSArea;
					double ThisStrain = CurDisp/IniLength;
					out << ThisStrain*100 << "\t" << ThisStress/1e6 << "\t";
					if (i!=0) out << (ThisStress-LastStress)/(ThisStrain-LastStrain)/1e6 << "\t";
					else out << "" << "\t";
					LastStress = ThisStress;
					LastStrain = ThisStrain;
		out << "\n";

//		for (int k=0; k<VoxArray.size(); k++){
//			VoxArray[k].ExternalDisp *= (i+2.0)/(i+1.0);
//		}

		CurTick = i+1;
	int stop = 1;

	ProgressMessage = ""; //flag to not display message boc on return...
	TestRunning = false;
	emit StopExternalGLUpdate();
