static long long 
sse4a_test_extrqi (long long in)
  __m128i v1;
  long long pad =0x0;
  LI v_out;
  v1 = _mm_set_epi64x (pad, in);
  v_out.vec = _mm_extracti_si64 (v1, (unsigned int) 0x10,(unsigned int) 0x08);
  return (v_out.i[0]);
static void
TEST (void)
  union128i_q u;
  long long e;

  u.x = _mm_set_epi64x (4294967295133LL, 3844294967295133LL);
  e = test (u.x);
  if (e != u.a[0])
    abort ();
Esempio n. 3
__m128i mul_check(void)
  __m128i x;

  //x = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0f0e0d0c0b0a0908, 0x0706050403020100);
  x = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0000000000000000, 0x00000000000000f0);
  //x = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0f0e0d030b0a0908, 0x0706050403020100);
  x = M128(x);

  return x;
Esempio n. 4
File: main.cpp Progetto: CCJY/coliru
uint seqRank ( uint * vector , byte searchedByte , uint position ){
    register uint i , cont = 0;
    __m128i patt , window , returnValue ;
    byte * c1 , patt_code [16];
    uint d = position > >4 , r = position & 0 xf ;
    for ( i =0; i <16; i ++)
        patt_code [i ]= searchedByte ;
    long long * pat_array = ( long long *) patt_code ;
    patt = _mm_set_epi64x ( pat_array [1] , pat_array [0]) ;
    long long * text_array = ( long long *) vector ;
    for ( i =0; i <d; i ++) {
        window = _mm_set_epi64x ( text_array [1] , text_array [0]) ;
        returnValue = _mm_cmpestrm ( patt , 16 , window , 16 , mode ) ;
        cont += _mm_popcnt_u32 ( _mm_extract_epi32 ( returnValue ,0) );
        text_array += 2;
    window = _mm_set_epi64x ( text_array [1] , text_array [0]) ;
    returnValue = _mm_cmpestrm ( patt , r , window , r , mode );
    cont += _mm_popcnt_u32 ( _mm_extract_epi32 ( returnValue ,0) ) +r -16;
    return cont ;
Esempio n. 5
static inline void
vtx1(volatile struct i40e_tx_desc *txdp,
		struct rte_mbuf *pkt, uint64_t flags)
	uint64_t high_qw = (I40E_TX_DESC_DTYPE_DATA |
			((uint64_t)flags  << I40E_TXD_QW1_CMD_SHIFT) |
			((uint64_t)pkt->data_len << I40E_TXD_QW1_TX_BUF_SZ_SHIFT));

	__m128i descriptor = _mm_set_epi64x(high_qw,
				pkt->buf_physaddr + pkt->data_off);
	_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)txdp, descriptor);
static inline void
inner_product_gint16_linear_1_sse2 (gint16 * o, const gint16 * a,
    const gint16 * b, gint len, const gint16 * icoeff, gint bstride)
  gint i = 0;
  __m128i sum[2], t;
  __m128i f = _mm_set_epi64x (0, *((gint64 *) icoeff));
  const gint16 *c[2] = { (gint16 *) ((gint8 *) b + 0 * bstride),
    (gint16 *) ((gint8 *) b + 1 * bstride)

  sum[0] = sum[1] = _mm_setzero_si128 ();
  f = _mm_unpacklo_epi16 (f, sum[0]);

  for (; i < len; i += 16) {
    t = _mm_loadu_si128 ((__m128i *) (a + i + 0));
    sum[0] =
        _mm_add_epi32 (sum[0], _mm_madd_epi16 (t,
            _mm_load_si128 ((__m128i *) (c[0] + i + 0))));
    sum[1] =
        _mm_add_epi32 (sum[1], _mm_madd_epi16 (t,
            _mm_load_si128 ((__m128i *) (c[1] + i + 0))));

    t = _mm_loadu_si128 ((__m128i *) (a + i + 8));
    sum[0] =
        _mm_add_epi32 (sum[0], _mm_madd_epi16 (t,
            _mm_load_si128 ((__m128i *) (c[0] + i + 8))));
    sum[1] =
        _mm_add_epi32 (sum[1], _mm_madd_epi16 (t,
            _mm_load_si128 ((__m128i *) (c[1] + i + 8))));
  sum[0] = _mm_srai_epi32 (sum[0], PRECISION_S16);
  sum[1] = _mm_srai_epi32 (sum[1], PRECISION_S16);

  sum[0] =
      _mm_madd_epi16 (sum[0], _mm_shuffle_epi32 (f, _MM_SHUFFLE (0, 0, 0, 0)));
  sum[1] =
      _mm_madd_epi16 (sum[1], _mm_shuffle_epi32 (f, _MM_SHUFFLE (1, 1, 1, 1)));
  sum[0] = _mm_add_epi32 (sum[0], sum[1]);

  sum[0] =
      _mm_add_epi32 (sum[0], _mm_shuffle_epi32 (sum[0], _MM_SHUFFLE (2, 3, 2,
  sum[0] =
      _mm_add_epi32 (sum[0], _mm_shuffle_epi32 (sum[0], _MM_SHUFFLE (1, 1, 1,

  sum[0] = _mm_add_epi32 (sum[0], _mm_set1_epi32 (1 << (PRECISION_S16 - 1)));
  sum[0] = _mm_srai_epi32 (sum[0], PRECISION_S16);
  sum[0] = _mm_packs_epi32 (sum[0], sum[0]);
  *o = _mm_extract_epi16 (sum[0], 0);
Esempio n. 7
/* constant-time doubling in GF(2^128) */
static __m128i gf128_mul2(const __m128i x)
    const __m128i REDPOLY = _mm_set_epi64x(0, 0x87);
    const __m128i ZERO = _mm_setzero_si128();
	__m128i x2;

    __m128i mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi32(ZERO, x);
    mask = _mm_shuffle_epi32(mask, 0xff);

    x2 = _mm_slli_epi64(x, 1) | _mm_srli_epi64(_mm_slli_si128(x, 8), 63);

    return x2 ^ (REDPOLY & mask);
Esempio n. 8
uct_rc_mlx5_ep_set_rdma_seg(struct mlx5_wqe_raddr_seg *raddr, uint64_t rdma_raddr,
                            uct_rkey_t rdma_rkey)
#ifdef __SSE4_2__
    *(__m128i*)raddr = _mm_shuffle_epi8(
                _mm_set_epi64x(rdma_rkey, rdma_raddr),
                _mm_set_epi8(0, 0, 0, 0,            /* reserved */
                             8, 9, 10, 11,          /* rkey */
                             0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 /* rdma_raddr */
    raddr->raddr = htonll(rdma_raddr);
    raddr->rkey  = htonl(rdma_rkey);
Esempio n. 9
static void
TEST (void)
  union128i_w u, s;
  union128i_q c;
  short e[8] = {0};
  int i;
  s.x = _mm_set_epi16 (1, -2, 3, 4, 5, 6, -0x7000, 0x9000);
  c.x = _mm_set_epi64x (12, 13);

  u.x = test (s.x, c.x);

  if (c.a[0] < 16)
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      e[i] = s.a[i] >> c.a[0]; 

  if (check_union128i_w (u, e))
    abort (); 
Esempio n. 10
static void
TEST (void)
  union128i_d u, s;
  union128i_q c;
  int e[4] = {0};
  int i;
  s.x = _mm_set_epi32 (2, -3, 0x7000, 0x9000);
  c.x = _mm_set_epi64x (12, 23);

  u.x = test (s.x, c.x);

  if (c.a[0] < 32)
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      e[i] = s.a[i] << c.a[0]; 

  if (check_union128i_d (u, e))
    abort (); 
Esempio n. 11
test (unsigned long long *v)
      __m128i x;
      unsigned long long i[2];
    } u;
  unsigned int i;
  u.x = _mm_set_epi64x (v[1], v[0]);

  for (i = 0; i < sizeof (v) / sizeof (v[0]); i++)
    if (v[i] != u.i[i])
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf ("%i: 0x%llx != 0x%llx\n", i, v[i], u.i[i]);
	abort ();
Esempio n. 12
static void
TEST (void)
  union128i_d u, s;
  union128i_q c;
  int e[4] = {0};
  int i;
  s.x = _mm_set_epi32 (1, -2, 3, 4);
  c.x = _mm_set_epi64x (16, 29);

  u.x = test (s.x, c.x);

  if (c.a[0] < 32)
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      e[i] = s.a[i] >> c.a[0]; 

  if (check_union128i_d (u, e))
    abort (); 
Esempio n. 13
static void
TEST (void)
  union128i_q u, s;
  long long e[2] = {0};
  unsigned long long tmp;
  int i;
  s.x = _mm_set_epi64x (-1, 0xf);

  u.x = test (s.x);

  if (N < 64)
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      tmp = s.a[i]; 
      e[i] = tmp >> N;

  if (check_union128i_q (u, e))
    abort (); 
Esempio n. 14
/* The GCM counter. Counts on the last 32 bits, ignoring carry. */
static inline void _nc_count_16_be_4 (uint64_t *init, uint64_t *dst, size_t blocks) {

#if defined (__nc_SSE__)
  __m128i ctr, c1   = _mm_set_epi32 (1, 0, 0, 0),
               mask = _mm_set_epi64x (0x0c0d0e0f0b0a0908, 0x0706050403020100);
  ctr = _mm_shuffle_epi8 (_mm_loadu_si128 ((__m128i *) init), mask);
  for (; blocks --; dst += 2) {
    _mm_storeu_si128 ((__m128i *) dst, _mm_shuffle_epi8 (ctr, mask));
    ctr = _mm_add_epi32 (ctr, c1);
  uint64_t qw1 = init[0];
  uint32_t dw3 = ((uint32_t*) init)[2],
           dw4 = be32toh (((uint32_t*) init)[3]);
  for (; blocks --; dst += 2) {
    dst[0] = qw1;
    ((uint32_t*) dst)[2] = dw3;
    ((uint32_t*) dst)[3] = htobe32 (dw4 ++);

Esempio n. 15
/*inline*/ void AES_reduced_batch_intr(__m128i* batch, uint32_t batch_size) //Encrypts batch_size in parallel
	//Round Key initialization
	__m128i roundkey[AES_ROUNDS + 1];

	for (unsigned i = 0; i<AES_ROUNDS + 1; ++i)
		roundkey[i] = _mm_set_epi64x(subkeys64[i][1], subkeys64[i][0]);
	for (unsigned i = 0; i<batch_size; ++i)
		batch[i] = _mm_xor_si128(batch[i], roundkey[0]);

	for (unsigned j = 0; j<AES_ROUNDS; ++j)
		for (unsigned i = 0; i<batch_size; ++i)
			batch[i] = _mm_aesenc_si128(batch[i], roundkey[j + 1]);

int main() {
  __m128i var = _mm_set_epi64x(-1588454185101182573, 437384867522774919);
Esempio n. 17
void intel_sha1_step(uint32_t *digest, const char *data, uint32_t num_blks) {
   __m128i abcd, e0, e1;
   __m128i abcd_save, e_save;
   __m128i msg0, msg1, msg2, msg3;
   __m128i shuf_mask, e_mask;

#if 0
   e_mask    = _mm_set_epi64x(0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull, 0x0000000000000000ull);
   e0        = _mm_set_epi64x(0, 0);
   shuf_mask = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0001020304050607ull, 0x08090a0b0c0d0e0full);

   // Load initial hash values
   abcd      = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*) digest);
   e0        = _mm_insert_epi32(e0, *(digest+4), 3);
   abcd      = _mm_shuffle_epi32(abcd, 0x1B);
#if 0
   e0        = _mm_and_si128(e0, e_mask);

   while (num_blks > 0) {
      // Save hash values for addition after rounds
      abcd_save = abcd;
      e_save    = e0;

      // Rounds 0-3
      msg0 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*) data);
      msg0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(msg0, shuf_mask);
         e0   = _mm_add_epi32(e0, msg0);
         e1   = abcd;
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e0, 0);

      // Rounds 4-7
      msg1 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*) (data+16));
      msg1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(msg1, shuf_mask);
         e1   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e1, msg1);
         e0   = abcd;
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e1, 0);
      msg0 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg0, msg1);

      // Rounds 8-11
      msg2 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*) (data+32));
      msg2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(msg2, shuf_mask);
         e0   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e0, msg2);
         e1   = abcd;
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e0, 0);
      msg1 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg1, msg2);
      msg0 = _mm_xor_si128(msg0, msg2);

      // Rounds 12-15
      msg3 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*) (data+48));
      msg3 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(msg3, shuf_mask);
         e1   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e1, msg3);
         e0   = abcd;
      msg0 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg0, msg3);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e1, 0);
      msg2 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg2, msg3);
      msg1 = _mm_xor_si128(msg1, msg3);

      // Rounds 16-19
         e0   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e0, msg0);
         e1   = abcd;
      msg1 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg1, msg0);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e0, 0);
      msg3 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg3, msg0);
      msg2 = _mm_xor_si128(msg2, msg0);

      // Rounds 20-23
         e1   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e1, msg1);
         e0   = abcd;
      msg2 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg2, msg1);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e1, 1);
      msg0 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg0, msg1);
      msg3 = _mm_xor_si128(msg3, msg1);
      // Rounds 24-27
         e0   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e0, msg2);
         e1   = abcd;
      msg3 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg3, msg2);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e0, 1);
      msg1 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg1, msg2);
      msg0 = _mm_xor_si128(msg0, msg2);

      // Rounds 28-31
         e1   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e1, msg3);
         e0   = abcd;
      msg0 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg0, msg3);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e1, 1);
      msg2 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg2, msg3);
      msg1 = _mm_xor_si128(msg1, msg3);

      // Rounds 32-35
         e0   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e0, msg0);
         e1   = abcd;
      msg1 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg1, msg0);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e0, 1);
      msg3 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg3, msg0);
      msg2 = _mm_xor_si128(msg2, msg0);

      // Rounds 36-39
         e1   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e1, msg1);
         e0   = abcd;
      msg2 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg2, msg1);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e1, 1);
      msg0 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg0, msg1);
      msg3 = _mm_xor_si128(msg3, msg1);
      // Rounds 40-43
         e0   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e0, msg2);
         e1   = abcd;
      msg3 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg3, msg2);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e0, 2);
      msg1 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg1, msg2);
      msg0 = _mm_xor_si128(msg0, msg2);

      // Rounds 44-47
         e1   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e1, msg3);
         e0   = abcd;
      msg0 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg0, msg3);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e1, 2);
      msg2 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg2, msg3);
      msg1 = _mm_xor_si128(msg1, msg3);

      // Rounds 48-51
         e0   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e0, msg0);
         e1   = abcd;
      msg1 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg1, msg0);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e0, 2);
      msg3 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg3, msg0);
      msg2 = _mm_xor_si128(msg2, msg0);

      // Rounds 52-55
         e1   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e1, msg1);
         e0   = abcd;
      msg2 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg2, msg1);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e1, 2);
      msg0 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg0, msg1);
      msg3 = _mm_xor_si128(msg3, msg1);
      // Rounds 56-59
         e0   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e0, msg2);
         e1   = abcd;
      msg3 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg3, msg2);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e0, 2);
      msg1 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg1, msg2);
      msg0 = _mm_xor_si128(msg0, msg2);

      // Rounds 60-63
         e1   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e1, msg3);
         e0   = abcd;
      msg0 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg0, msg3);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e1, 3);
      msg2 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg2, msg3);
      msg1 = _mm_xor_si128(msg1, msg3);

      // Rounds 64-67
         e0   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e0, msg0);
         e1   = abcd;
      msg1 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg1, msg0);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e0, 3);
      msg3 = _mm_sha1msg1_epu32(msg3, msg0);
      msg2 = _mm_xor_si128(msg2, msg0);

      // Rounds 68-71
         e1   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e1, msg1);
         e0   = abcd;
      msg2 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg2, msg1);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e1, 3);
      msg3 = _mm_xor_si128(msg3, msg1);
      // Rounds 72-75
         e0   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e0, msg2);
         e1   = abcd;
      msg3 = _mm_sha1msg2_epu32(msg3, msg2);
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e0, 3);

      // Rounds 76-79
         e1   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e1, msg3);
         e0   = abcd;
         abcd = _mm_sha1rnds4_epu32(abcd, e1, 3);

      // Add current hash values with previously saved
      e0   = _mm_sha1nexte_epu32(e0, e_save);
      abcd = _mm_add_epi32(abcd, abcd_save);

      data += 64;

   abcd = _mm_shuffle_epi32(abcd, 0x1B);
   _mm_store_si128((__m128i*) digest, abcd);
   *(digest+4) = _mm_extract_epi32(e0, 3);
Esempio n. 18
static inline void
desc_to_olflags_v(struct i40e_rx_queue *rxq, __m128i descs[4],
	struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts)
	const __m128i mbuf_init = _mm_set_epi64x(0, rxq->mbuf_initializer);
	__m128i rearm0, rearm1, rearm2, rearm3;

	__m128i vlan0, vlan1, rss, l3_l4e;

	/* mask everything except RSS, flow director and VLAN flags
	 * bit2 is for VLAN tag, bit11 for flow director indication
	 * bit13:12 for RSS indication.
	const __m128i rss_vlan_msk = _mm_set_epi32(
			0x1c03804, 0x1c03804, 0x1c03804, 0x1c03804);

	const __m128i cksum_mask = _mm_set_epi32(

	/* map rss and vlan type to rss hash and vlan flag */
	const __m128i vlan_flags = _mm_set_epi8(0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0);

	const __m128i rss_flags = _mm_set_epi8(0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 0, PKT_RX_FDIR, 0);

	const __m128i l3_l4e_flags = _mm_set_epi8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
			/* shift right 1 bit to make sure it not exceed 255 */
			 PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD) >> 1,
			 PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD) >> 1,

	vlan0 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs[0], descs[1]);
	vlan1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs[2], descs[3]);
	vlan0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(vlan0, vlan1);

	vlan1 = _mm_and_si128(vlan0, rss_vlan_msk);
	vlan0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(vlan_flags, vlan1);

	rss = _mm_srli_epi32(vlan1, 11);
	rss = _mm_shuffle_epi8(rss_flags, rss);

	l3_l4e = _mm_srli_epi32(vlan1, 22);
	l3_l4e = _mm_shuffle_epi8(l3_l4e_flags, l3_l4e);
	/* then we shift left 1 bit */
	l3_l4e = _mm_slli_epi32(l3_l4e, 1);
	/* we need to mask out the reduntant bits */
	l3_l4e = _mm_and_si128(l3_l4e, cksum_mask);

	vlan0 = _mm_or_si128(vlan0, rss);
	vlan0 = _mm_or_si128(vlan0, l3_l4e);

	 * At this point, we have the 4 sets of flags in the low 16-bits
	 * of each 32-bit value in vlan0.
	 * We want to extract these, and merge them with the mbuf init data
	 * so we can do a single 16-byte write to the mbuf to set the flags
	 * and all the other initialization fields. Extracting the
	 * appropriate flags means that we have to do a shift and blend for
	 * each mbuf before we do the write.
	rearm0 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, _mm_slli_si128(vlan0, 8), 0x10);
	rearm1 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, _mm_slli_si128(vlan0, 4), 0x10);
	rearm2 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, vlan0, 0x10);
	rearm3 = _mm_blend_epi16(mbuf_init, _mm_srli_si128(vlan0, 4), 0x10);

	/* write the rearm data and the olflags in one write */
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, ol_flags) !=
			offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rearm_data) + 8);
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rearm_data) !=
			RTE_ALIGN(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rearm_data), 16));
	_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rx_pkts[0]->rearm_data, rearm0);
	_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rx_pkts[1]->rearm_data, rearm1);
	_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rx_pkts[2]->rearm_data, rearm2);
	_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rx_pkts[3]->rearm_data, rearm3);
Esempio n. 19
static inline int blake512_compress( state * state, const u8 * datablock ) 

  __m128i row1l;
  __m128i row2l;
  __m128i row3l;
  __m128i row4l;
  u64 row1hl, row1hh;
  u64 row2hl, row2hh;
  u64 row3hl, row3hh;
  u64 row4hl, row4hh;

  const __m128i r16 = _mm_setr_epi8(2,3,4,5,6,7,0,1,10,11,12,13,14,15,8,9);
  const __m128i u8to64 = _mm_set_epi8(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

    __m128i u128[8];
    u64     u64[16];
  } m;

  __m128i t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
  u64     u0, u1, u2, u3;
  __m128i b0;
  u64 b1l, b1h;

  m.u128[0] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(datablock +   0));
  m.u128[1] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(datablock +  16));
  m.u128[2] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(datablock +  32));
  m.u128[3] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(datablock +  48));
  m.u128[4] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(datablock +  64));
  m.u128[5] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(datablock +  80));
  m.u128[6] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(datablock +  96));
  m.u128[7] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(datablock + 112));

  m.u128[0] = BSWAP64(m.u128[0]);
  m.u128[1] = BSWAP64(m.u128[1]);
  m.u128[2] = BSWAP64(m.u128[2]);
  m.u128[3] = BSWAP64(m.u128[3]);
  m.u128[4] = BSWAP64(m.u128[4]);
  m.u128[5] = BSWAP64(m.u128[5]);
  m.u128[6] = BSWAP64(m.u128[6]);
  m.u128[7] = BSWAP64(m.u128[7]);

  row1l = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&state->h[0]);
  row1hl = state->h[2];
  row1hh = state->h[3];

  row2l = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&state->h[4]);
  row2hl = state->h[6];
  row2hh = state->h[7];

  row3l = _mm_set_epi64x(0x13198A2E03707344ULL, 0x243F6A8885A308D3ULL);
  row3hl = 0xA4093822299F31D0ULL;
  row3hh = 0x082EFA98EC4E6C89ULL;

  row4l = _mm_set_epi64x(0xBE5466CF34E90C6CULL, 0x452821E638D01377ULL);
  row4hl = 0xC0AC29B7C97C50DDULL;
  row4hh = 0x3F84D5B5B5470917ULL;

  	row4l = _mm_xor_si128(row4l, _mm_set1_epi64x(state->t[0]));
    row4hl ^= state->t[1];
    row4hh ^= state->t[1];

  ROUND( 0);
  ROUND( 1);
  ROUND( 2);
  ROUND( 3);
  ROUND( 4);
  ROUND( 5);
  ROUND( 6);
  ROUND( 7);
  ROUND( 8);
  ROUND( 9);

  row1l = _mm_xor_si128(row3l,row1l);
  row1hl ^= row3hl;
  row1hh ^= row3hh;

  _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&state->h[0], _mm_xor_si128(row1l, _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&state->h[0])));
  state->h[2] ^= row1hl;
  state->h[3] ^= row1hh;

  row2l = _mm_xor_si128(row4l,row2l);
  row2hl ^= row4hl;
  row2hh ^= row4hh;

  _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&state->h[4], _mm_xor_si128(row2l, _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&state->h[4])));
  state->h[6] ^= row2hl;
  state->h[7] ^= row2hh;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 20
fm10k_rxq_vec_setup(struct fm10k_rx_queue *rxq)
	uintptr_t p;
	struct rte_mbuf mb_def = { .buf_addr = 0 }; /* zeroed mbuf */

	mb_def.nb_segs = 1;
	/* data_off will be ajusted after new mbuf allocated for 512-byte
	 * alignment.
	mb_def.data_off = RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM;
	mb_def.port = rxq->port_id;
	rte_mbuf_refcnt_set(&mb_def, 1);

	/* prevent compiler reordering: rearm_data covers previous fields */
	p = (uintptr_t)&mb_def.rearm_data;
	rxq->mbuf_initializer = *(uint64_t *)p;
	return 0;

static inline void
fm10k_rxq_rearm(struct fm10k_rx_queue *rxq)
	int i;
	uint16_t rx_id;
	volatile union fm10k_rx_desc *rxdp;
	struct rte_mbuf **mb_alloc = &rxq->sw_ring[rxq->rxrearm_start];
	struct rte_mbuf *mb0, *mb1;
	__m128i head_off = _mm_set_epi64x(
	__m128i dma_addr0, dma_addr1;
	/* Rx buffer need to be aligned with 512 byte */
	const __m128i hba_msk = _mm_set_epi64x(0,

	rxdp = rxq->hw_ring + rxq->rxrearm_start;

	/* Pull 'n' more MBUFs into the software ring */
	if (rte_mempool_get_bulk(rxq->mp,
				 (void *)mb_alloc,
		dma_addr0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
		/* Clean up all the HW/SW ring content */
		for (i = 0; i < RTE_FM10K_RXQ_REARM_THRESH; i++) {
			mb_alloc[i] = &rxq->fake_mbuf;
			_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rxdp[i].q,

		rte_eth_devices[rxq->port_id].data->rx_mbuf_alloc_failed +=

	/* Initialize the mbufs in vector, process 2 mbufs in one loop */
	for (i = 0; i < RTE_FM10K_RXQ_REARM_THRESH; i += 2, mb_alloc += 2) {
		__m128i vaddr0, vaddr1;
		uintptr_t p0, p1;

		mb0 = mb_alloc[0];
		mb1 = mb_alloc[1];

		/* Flush mbuf with pkt template.
		 * Data to be rearmed is 6 bytes long.
		 * Though, RX will overwrite ol_flags that are coming next
		 * anyway. So overwrite whole 8 bytes with one load:
		 * 6 bytes of rearm_data plus first 2 bytes of ol_flags.
		p0 = (uintptr_t)&mb0->rearm_data;
		*(uint64_t *)p0 = rxq->mbuf_initializer;
		p1 = (uintptr_t)&mb1->rearm_data;
		*(uint64_t *)p1 = rxq->mbuf_initializer;

		/* load buf_addr(lo 64bit) and buf_physaddr(hi 64bit) */
		vaddr0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&mb0->buf_addr);
		vaddr1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&mb1->buf_addr);

		/* convert pa to dma_addr hdr/data */
		dma_addr0 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(vaddr0, vaddr0);
		dma_addr1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(vaddr1, vaddr1);

		/* add headroom to pa values */
		dma_addr0 = _mm_add_epi64(dma_addr0, head_off);
		dma_addr1 = _mm_add_epi64(dma_addr1, head_off);

		/* Do 512 byte alignment to satisfy HW requirement, in the
		 * meanwhile, set Header Buffer Address to zero.
		dma_addr0 = _mm_and_si128(dma_addr0, hba_msk);
		dma_addr1 = _mm_and_si128(dma_addr1, hba_msk);

		/* flush desc with pa dma_addr */
		_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rxdp++->q, dma_addr0);
		_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rxdp++->q, dma_addr1);

		/* enforce 512B alignment on default Rx virtual addresses */
		mb0->data_off = (uint16_t)(RTE_PTR_ALIGN((char *)mb0->buf_addr
				- (char *)mb0->buf_addr);
		mb1->data_off = (uint16_t)(RTE_PTR_ALIGN((char *)mb1->buf_addr
				- (char *)mb1->buf_addr);

	rxq->rxrearm_start += RTE_FM10K_RXQ_REARM_THRESH;
	if (rxq->rxrearm_start >= rxq->nb_desc)
		rxq->rxrearm_start = 0;

	rxq->rxrearm_nb -= RTE_FM10K_RXQ_REARM_THRESH;

	rx_id = (uint16_t)((rxq->rxrearm_start == 0) ?
			(rxq->nb_desc - 1) : (rxq->rxrearm_start - 1));

	/* Update the tail pointer on the NIC */
	FM10K_PCI_REG_WRITE(rxq->tail_ptr, rx_id);
Esempio n. 21
__m128i long2vector(long long __i)
  return _mm_set_epi64x (0, __i);
    int32_t end_query = 0;
    int32_t end_ref = 0;
    int64_t score = NEG_INF;
    int64_t matches = NEG_INF;
    int64_t similar = NEG_INF;
    int64_t length = NEG_INF;
    __m128i vNegInf = _mm_set1_epi64x(NEG_INF);
    __m128i vOpen = _mm_set1_epi64x(open);
    __m128i vGap  = _mm_set1_epi64x(gap);
    __m128i vZero = _mm_set1_epi64x(0);
    __m128i vOne = _mm_set1_epi64x(1);
    __m128i vN = _mm_set1_epi64x(N);
    __m128i vGapN = _mm_set1_epi64x(gap*N);
    __m128i vNegOne = _mm_set1_epi64x(-1);
    __m128i vI = _mm_set_epi64x(0,1);
    __m128i vJreset = _mm_set_epi64x(0,-1);
    __m128i vMaxScore = vNegInf;
    __m128i vMaxMatch = vNegInf;
    __m128i vMaxSimilar = vNegInf;
    __m128i vMaxLength = vNegInf;
    __m128i vILimit = _mm_set1_epi64x(s1Len);
    __m128i vILimit1 = _mm_sub_epi64(vILimit, vOne);
    __m128i vJLimit = _mm_set1_epi64x(s2Len);
    __m128i vJLimit1 = _mm_sub_epi64(vJLimit, vOne);
    __m128i vIBoundary = _mm_set_epi64x(

    /* convert _s1 from char to int in range 0-23 */
    for (i=0; i<s1Len; ++i) {
Esempio n. 23
 * Notice:
 * - nb_pkts < RTE_I40E_DESCS_PER_LOOP, just return no packet
 * - nb_pkts > RTE_I40E_VPMD_RX_BURST, only scan RTE_I40E_VPMD_RX_BURST
 *   numbers of DD bits
static inline uint16_t
_recv_raw_pkts_vec(struct i40e_rx_queue *rxq, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
		   uint16_t nb_pkts, uint8_t *split_packet)
	volatile union i40e_rx_desc *rxdp;
	struct i40e_rx_entry *sw_ring;
	uint16_t nb_pkts_recd;
	int pos;
	uint64_t var;
	__m128i shuf_msk;
	uint32_t *ptype_tbl = rxq->vsi->adapter->ptype_tbl;

	__m128i crc_adjust = _mm_set_epi16(
				0, 0, 0,    /* ignore non-length fields */
				-rxq->crc_len, /* sub crc on data_len */
				0,          /* ignore high-16bits of pkt_len */
				-rxq->crc_len, /* sub crc on pkt_len */
				0, 0            /* ignore pkt_type field */
	 * compile-time check the above crc_adjust layout is correct.
	 * NOTE: the first field (lowest address) is given last in set_epi16
	 * call above.
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, pkt_len) !=
			offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 4);
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, data_len) !=
			offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 8);
	__m128i dd_check, eop_check;

	/* nb_pkts shall be less equal than RTE_I40E_MAX_RX_BURST */
	nb_pkts = RTE_MIN(nb_pkts, RTE_I40E_MAX_RX_BURST);

	/* nb_pkts has to be floor-aligned to RTE_I40E_DESCS_PER_LOOP */
	nb_pkts = RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_pkts, RTE_I40E_DESCS_PER_LOOP);

	/* Just the act of getting into the function from the application is
	 * going to cost about 7 cycles
	rxdp = rxq->rx_ring + rxq->rx_tail;


	/* See if we need to rearm the RX queue - gives the prefetch a bit
	 * of time to act
	if (rxq->rxrearm_nb > RTE_I40E_RXQ_REARM_THRESH)

	/* Before we start moving massive data around, check to see if
	 * there is actually a packet available
	if (!(rxdp->wb.qword1.status_error_len &
			rte_cpu_to_le_32(1 << I40E_RX_DESC_STATUS_DD_SHIFT)))
		return 0;

	/* 4 packets DD mask */
	dd_check = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0000000100000001LL, 0x0000000100000001LL);

	/* 4 packets EOP mask */
	eop_check = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0000000200000002LL, 0x0000000200000002LL);

	/* mask to shuffle from desc. to mbuf */
	shuf_msk = _mm_set_epi8(
		7, 6, 5, 4,  /* octet 4~7, 32bits rss */
		3, 2,        /* octet 2~3, low 16 bits vlan_macip */
		15, 14,      /* octet 15~14, 16 bits data_len */
		0xFF, 0xFF,  /* skip high 16 bits pkt_len, zero out */
		15, 14,      /* octet 15~14, low 16 bits pkt_len */
		0xFF, 0xFF,  /* pkt_type set as unknown */
		0xFF, 0xFF  /*pkt_type set as unknown */
	 * Compile-time verify the shuffle mask
	 * NOTE: some field positions already verified above, but duplicated
	 * here for completeness in case of future modifications.
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, pkt_len) !=
			offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 4);
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, data_len) !=
			offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 8);
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, vlan_tci) !=
			offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 10);
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, hash) !=
			offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 12);

	/* Cache is empty -> need to scan the buffer rings, but first move
	 * the next 'n' mbufs into the cache
	sw_ring = &rxq->sw_ring[rxq->rx_tail];

	/* A. load 4 packet in one loop
	 * [A*. mask out 4 unused dirty field in desc]
	 * B. copy 4 mbuf point from swring to rx_pkts
	 * C. calc the number of DD bits among the 4 packets
	 * [C*. extract the end-of-packet bit, if requested]
	 * D. fill info. from desc to mbuf

	for (pos = 0, nb_pkts_recd = 0; pos < nb_pkts;
			pos += RTE_I40E_DESCS_PER_LOOP,
			rxdp += RTE_I40E_DESCS_PER_LOOP) {
		__m128i descs[RTE_I40E_DESCS_PER_LOOP];
		__m128i pkt_mb1, pkt_mb2, pkt_mb3, pkt_mb4;
		__m128i zero, staterr, sterr_tmp1, sterr_tmp2;
		/* 2 64 bit or 4 32 bit mbuf pointers in one XMM reg. */
		__m128i mbp1;
#if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86_64)
		__m128i mbp2;

		/* B.1 load 2 (64 bit) or 4 (32 bit) mbuf points */
		mbp1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&sw_ring[pos]);
		/* Read desc statuses backwards to avoid race condition */
		/* A.1 load 4 pkts desc */
		descs[3] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp + 3));

		/* B.2 copy 2 64 bit or 4 32 bit mbuf point into rx_pkts */
		_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&rx_pkts[pos], mbp1);

#if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86_64)
		/* B.1 load 2 64 bit mbuf points */
		mbp2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&sw_ring[pos+2]);

		descs[2] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp + 2));
		/* B.1 load 2 mbuf point */
		descs[1] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp + 1));
		descs[0] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp));

#if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86_64)
		/* B.2 copy 2 mbuf point into rx_pkts  */
		_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&rx_pkts[pos+2], mbp2);

		if (split_packet) {
			rte_mbuf_prefetch_part2(rx_pkts[pos + 1]);
			rte_mbuf_prefetch_part2(rx_pkts[pos + 2]);
			rte_mbuf_prefetch_part2(rx_pkts[pos + 3]);

		/* avoid compiler reorder optimization */

		/* pkt 3,4 shift the pktlen field to be 16-bit aligned*/
		const __m128i len3 = _mm_slli_epi32(descs[3], PKTLEN_SHIFT);
		const __m128i len2 = _mm_slli_epi32(descs[2], PKTLEN_SHIFT);

		/* merge the now-aligned packet length fields back in */
		descs[3] = _mm_blend_epi16(descs[3], len3, 0x80);
		descs[2] = _mm_blend_epi16(descs[2], len2, 0x80);

		/* D.1 pkt 3,4 convert format from desc to pktmbuf */
		pkt_mb4 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[3], shuf_msk);
		pkt_mb3 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[2], shuf_msk);

		/* C.1 4=>2 filter staterr info only */
		sterr_tmp2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs[3], descs[2]);
		/* C.1 4=>2 filter staterr info only */
		sterr_tmp1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs[1], descs[0]);

		desc_to_olflags_v(rxq, descs, &rx_pkts[pos]);

		/* D.2 pkt 3,4 set in_port/nb_seg and remove crc */
		pkt_mb4 = _mm_add_epi16(pkt_mb4, crc_adjust);
		pkt_mb3 = _mm_add_epi16(pkt_mb3, crc_adjust);

		/* pkt 1,2 shift the pktlen field to be 16-bit aligned*/
		const __m128i len1 = _mm_slli_epi32(descs[1], PKTLEN_SHIFT);
		const __m128i len0 = _mm_slli_epi32(descs[0], PKTLEN_SHIFT);

		/* merge the now-aligned packet length fields back in */
		descs[1] = _mm_blend_epi16(descs[1], len1, 0x80);
		descs[0] = _mm_blend_epi16(descs[0], len0, 0x80);

		/* D.1 pkt 1,2 convert format from desc to pktmbuf */
		pkt_mb2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[1], shuf_msk);
		pkt_mb1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[0], shuf_msk);

		/* C.2 get 4 pkts staterr value  */
		zero = _mm_xor_si128(dd_check, dd_check);
		staterr = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(sterr_tmp1, sterr_tmp2);

		/* D.3 copy final 3,4 data to rx_pkts */
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos+3]->rx_descriptor_fields1,
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos+2]->rx_descriptor_fields1,

		/* D.2 pkt 1,2 set in_port/nb_seg and remove crc */
		pkt_mb2 = _mm_add_epi16(pkt_mb2, crc_adjust);
		pkt_mb1 = _mm_add_epi16(pkt_mb1, crc_adjust);

		/* C* extract and record EOP bit */
		if (split_packet) {
			__m128i eop_shuf_mask = _mm_set_epi8(
					0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
					0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
					0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
					0x04, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x08

			/* and with mask to extract bits, flipping 1-0 */
			__m128i eop_bits = _mm_andnot_si128(staterr, eop_check);
			/* the staterr values are not in order, as the count
			 * count of dd bits doesn't care. However, for end of
			 * packet tracking, we do care, so shuffle. This also
			 * compresses the 32-bit values to 8-bit
			eop_bits = _mm_shuffle_epi8(eop_bits, eop_shuf_mask);
			/* store the resulting 32-bit value */
			*(int *)split_packet = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(eop_bits);
			split_packet += RTE_I40E_DESCS_PER_LOOP;

		/* C.3 calc available number of desc */
		staterr = _mm_and_si128(staterr, dd_check);
		staterr = _mm_packs_epi32(staterr, zero);

		/* D.3 copy final 1,2 data to rx_pkts */
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos+1]->rx_descriptor_fields1,
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos]->rx_descriptor_fields1,
		desc_to_ptype_v(descs, &rx_pkts[pos], ptype_tbl);
		/* C.4 calc avaialbe number of desc */
		var = __builtin_popcountll(_mm_cvtsi128_si64(staterr));
		nb_pkts_recd += var;
		if (likely(var != RTE_I40E_DESCS_PER_LOOP))

	/* Update our internal tail pointer */
	rxq->rx_tail = (uint16_t)(rxq->rx_tail + nb_pkts_recd);
	rxq->rx_tail = (uint16_t)(rxq->rx_tail & (rxq->nb_rx_desc - 1));
	rxq->rxrearm_nb = (uint16_t)(rxq->rxrearm_nb + nb_pkts_recd);

	return nb_pkts_recd;
Esempio n. 24
static inline uint16_t
fm10k_recv_raw_pkts_vec(void *rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
		uint16_t nb_pkts, uint8_t *split_packet)
	volatile union fm10k_rx_desc *rxdp;
	struct rte_mbuf **mbufp;
	uint16_t nb_pkts_recd;
	int pos;
	struct fm10k_rx_queue *rxq = rx_queue;
	uint64_t var;
	__m128i shuf_msk;
	__m128i dd_check, eop_check;
	uint16_t next_dd;

	next_dd = rxq->next_dd;

	/* Just the act of getting into the function from the application is
	 * going to cost about 7 cycles
	rxdp = rxq->hw_ring + next_dd;


	/* See if we need to rearm the RX queue - gives the prefetch a bit
	 * of time to act
	if (rxq->rxrearm_nb > RTE_FM10K_RXQ_REARM_THRESH)

	/* Before we start moving massive data around, check to see if
	 * there is actually a packet available
	if (!(rxdp->d.staterr & FM10K_RXD_STATUS_DD))
		return 0;

	/* Vecotr RX will process 4 packets at a time, strip the unaligned
	 * tails in case it's not multiple of 4.
	nb_pkts = RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_pkts, RTE_FM10K_DESCS_PER_LOOP);

	/* 4 packets DD mask */
	dd_check = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0000000100000001LL, 0x0000000100000001LL);

	/* 4 packets EOP mask */
	eop_check = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0000000200000002LL, 0x0000000200000002LL);

	/* mask to shuffle from desc. to mbuf */
	shuf_msk = _mm_set_epi8(
		7, 6, 5, 4,  /* octet 4~7, 32bits rss */
		15, 14,      /* octet 14~15, low 16 bits vlan_macip */
		13, 12,      /* octet 12~13, 16 bits data_len */
		0xFF, 0xFF,  /* skip high 16 bits pkt_len, zero out */
		13, 12,      /* octet 12~13, low 16 bits pkt_len */
		0xFF, 0xFF,  /* skip high 16 bits pkt_type */
		0xFF, 0xFF   /* Skip pkt_type field in shuffle operation */
	 * Compile-time verify the shuffle mask
	 * NOTE: some field positions already verified above, but duplicated
	 * here for completeness in case of future modifications.
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, pkt_len) !=
			offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 4);
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, data_len) !=
			offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 8);
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, vlan_tci) !=
			offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 10);
	RTE_BUILD_BUG_ON(offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, hash) !=
			offsetof(struct rte_mbuf, rx_descriptor_fields1) + 12);

	/* Cache is empty -> need to scan the buffer rings, but first move
	 * the next 'n' mbufs into the cache
	mbufp = &rxq->sw_ring[next_dd];

	/* A. load 4 packet in one loop
	 * [A*. mask out 4 unused dirty field in desc]
	 * B. copy 4 mbuf point from swring to rx_pkts
	 * C. calc the number of DD bits among the 4 packets
	 * [C*. extract the end-of-packet bit, if requested]
	 * D. fill info. from desc to mbuf
	for (pos = 0, nb_pkts_recd = 0; pos < nb_pkts;
			rxdp += RTE_FM10K_DESCS_PER_LOOP) {
		__m128i descs0[RTE_FM10K_DESCS_PER_LOOP];
		__m128i pkt_mb1, pkt_mb2, pkt_mb3, pkt_mb4;
		__m128i zero, staterr, sterr_tmp1, sterr_tmp2;
		__m128i mbp1;
		/* 2 64 bit or 4 32 bit mbuf pointers in one XMM reg. */
#if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86_64)
		__m128i mbp2;

		/* B.1 load 2 (64 bit) or 4 (32 bit) mbuf points */
		mbp1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&mbufp[pos]);

		/* Read desc statuses backwards to avoid race condition */
		/* A.1 load 4 pkts desc */
		descs0[3] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp + 3));

		/* B.2 copy 2 64 bit or 4 32 bit mbuf point into rx_pkts */
		_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&rx_pkts[pos], mbp1);

#if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86_64)
		/* B.1 load 2 64 bit mbuf poitns */
		mbp2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&mbufp[pos+2]);

		descs0[2] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp + 2));
		/* B.1 load 2 mbuf point */
		descs0[1] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp + 1));
		descs0[0] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp));

#if defined(RTE_ARCH_X86_64)
		/* B.2 copy 2 mbuf point into rx_pkts  */
		_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&rx_pkts[pos+2], mbp2);

		/* avoid compiler reorder optimization */

		if (split_packet) {
			rte_mbuf_prefetch_part2(rx_pkts[pos + 1]);
			rte_mbuf_prefetch_part2(rx_pkts[pos + 2]);
			rte_mbuf_prefetch_part2(rx_pkts[pos + 3]);

		/* D.1 pkt 3,4 convert format from desc to pktmbuf */
		pkt_mb4 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs0[3], shuf_msk);
		pkt_mb3 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs0[2], shuf_msk);

		/* C.1 4=>2 filter staterr info only */
		sterr_tmp2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs0[3], descs0[2]);
		/* C.1 4=>2 filter staterr info only */
		sterr_tmp1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs0[1], descs0[0]);

		/* set ol_flags with vlan packet type */
		fm10k_desc_to_olflags_v(descs0, &rx_pkts[pos]);

		/* D.1 pkt 1,2 convert format from desc to pktmbuf */
		pkt_mb2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs0[1], shuf_msk);
		pkt_mb1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs0[0], shuf_msk);

		/* C.2 get 4 pkts staterr value  */
		zero = _mm_xor_si128(dd_check, dd_check);
		staterr = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(sterr_tmp1, sterr_tmp2);

		/* D.3 copy final 3,4 data to rx_pkts */
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos+3]->rx_descriptor_fields1,
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos+2]->rx_descriptor_fields1,

		/* C* extract and record EOP bit */
		if (split_packet) {
			__m128i eop_shuf_mask = _mm_set_epi8(
					0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
					0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
					0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
					0x04, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x08

			/* and with mask to extract bits, flipping 1-0 */
			__m128i eop_bits = _mm_andnot_si128(staterr, eop_check);
			/* the staterr values are not in order, as the count
			 * count of dd bits doesn't care. However, for end of
			 * packet tracking, we do care, so shuffle. This also
			 * compresses the 32-bit values to 8-bit
			eop_bits = _mm_shuffle_epi8(eop_bits, eop_shuf_mask);
			/* store the resulting 32-bit value */
			*(int *)split_packet = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(eop_bits);
			split_packet += RTE_FM10K_DESCS_PER_LOOP;

			/* zero-out next pointers */
			rx_pkts[pos]->next = NULL;
			rx_pkts[pos + 1]->next = NULL;
			rx_pkts[pos + 2]->next = NULL;
			rx_pkts[pos + 3]->next = NULL;

		/* C.3 calc available number of desc */
		staterr = _mm_and_si128(staterr, dd_check);
		staterr = _mm_packs_epi32(staterr, zero);

		/* D.3 copy final 1,2 data to rx_pkts */
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos+1]->rx_descriptor_fields1,
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos]->rx_descriptor_fields1,

		fm10k_desc_to_pktype_v(descs0, &rx_pkts[pos]);

		/* C.4 calc avaialbe number of desc */
		var = __builtin_popcountll(_mm_cvtsi128_si64(staterr));
		nb_pkts_recd += var;
		if (likely(var != RTE_FM10K_DESCS_PER_LOOP))

	/* Update our internal tail pointer */
	rxq->next_dd = (uint16_t)(rxq->next_dd + nb_pkts_recd);
	rxq->next_dd = (uint16_t)(rxq->next_dd & (rxq->nb_desc - 1));
	rxq->rxrearm_nb = (uint16_t)(rxq->rxrearm_nb + nb_pkts_recd);

	return nb_pkts_recd;
Esempio n. 25
static inline void
ixgbe_rxq_rearm(struct igb_rx_queue *rxq)
	int i;
	uint16_t rx_id;
	volatile union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rxdp;
	struct igb_rx_entry *rxep = &rxq->sw_ring[rxq->rxrearm_start];
	struct rte_mbuf *mb0, *mb1;
	__m128i hdr_room = _mm_set_epi64x(RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM,
	__m128i dma_addr0, dma_addr1;

	rxdp = rxq->rx_ring + rxq->rxrearm_start;

	/* Pull 'n' more MBUFs into the software ring */
	if (rte_mempool_get_bulk(rxq->mb_pool,
				 (void *)rxep,
		if (rxq->rxrearm_nb + RTE_IXGBE_RXQ_REARM_THRESH >=
		    rxq->nb_rx_desc) {
			dma_addr0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
			for (i = 0; i < RTE_IXGBE_DESCS_PER_LOOP; i++) {
				rxep[i].mbuf = &rxq->fake_mbuf;
				_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rxdp[i].read,

	/* Initialize the mbufs in vector, process 2 mbufs in one loop */
	for (i = 0; i < RTE_IXGBE_RXQ_REARM_THRESH; i += 2, rxep += 2) {
		__m128i vaddr0, vaddr1;

		mb0 = rxep[0].mbuf;
		mb1 = rxep[1].mbuf;

		/* flush mbuf with pkt template */
		mb0->rearm_data[0] = rxq->mbuf_initializer;
		mb1->rearm_data[0] = rxq->mbuf_initializer;

		/* load buf_addr(lo 64bit) and buf_physaddr(hi 64bit) */
		vaddr0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&(mb0->buf_addr));
		vaddr1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&(mb1->buf_addr));

		/* convert pa to dma_addr hdr/data */
		dma_addr0 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(vaddr0, vaddr0);
		dma_addr1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(vaddr1, vaddr1);

		/* add headroom to pa values */
		dma_addr0 = _mm_add_epi64(dma_addr0, hdr_room);
		dma_addr1 = _mm_add_epi64(dma_addr1, hdr_room);

		/* flush desc with pa dma_addr */
		_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rxdp++->read, dma_addr0);
		_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rxdp++->read, dma_addr1);

	rxq->rxrearm_start += RTE_IXGBE_RXQ_REARM_THRESH;
	if (rxq->rxrearm_start >= rxq->nb_rx_desc)
		rxq->rxrearm_start = 0;

	rxq->rxrearm_nb -= RTE_IXGBE_RXQ_REARM_THRESH;

	rx_id = (uint16_t) ((rxq->rxrearm_start == 0) ?
			     (rxq->nb_rx_desc - 1) : (rxq->rxrearm_start - 1));

	/* Update the tail pointer on the NIC */
	IXGBE_PCI_REG_WRITE(rxq->rdt_reg_addr, rx_id);
Esempio n. 26
		rxq->rxrearm_start = 0;

	rxq->rxrearm_nb -= RTE_I40E_RXQ_REARM_THRESH;

	rx_id = (uint16_t)((rxq->rxrearm_start == 0) ?
			     (rxq->nb_rx_desc - 1) : (rxq->rxrearm_start - 1));

	/* Update the tail pointer on the NIC */
	I40E_PCI_REG_WRITE(rxq->qrx_tail, rx_id);

static inline void
desc_to_olflags_v(struct i40e_rx_queue *rxq, __m128i descs[4] __rte_unused,
	struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts)
	const __m128i mbuf_init = _mm_set_epi64x(0, rxq->mbuf_initializer);
	__m128i rearm0, rearm1, rearm2, rearm3;

	__m128i vlan0, vlan1, rss, l3_l4e;

	/* mask everything except RSS, flow director and VLAN flags
	 * bit2 is for VLAN tag, bit11 for flow director indication
	 * bit13:12 for RSS indication.
	const __m128i rss_vlan_msk = _mm_set_epi32(
			0x1c03804, 0x1c03804, 0x1c03804, 0x1c03804);

	const __m128i cksum_mask = _mm_set_epi32(
Esempio n. 27
 * vPMD raw receive routine, only accept(nb_pkts >= RTE_IXGBE_DESCS_PER_LOOP)
 * Notice:
 * - nb_pkts < RTE_IXGBE_DESCS_PER_LOOP, just return no packet
 *   numbers of DD bit
 * - floor align nb_pkts to a RTE_IXGBE_DESC_PER_LOOP power-of-two
 * - don't support ol_flags for rss and csum err
static inline uint16_t
_recv_raw_pkts_vec(struct ixgbe_rx_queue *rxq, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
		uint16_t nb_pkts, uint8_t *split_packet)
	volatile union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rxdp;
	struct ixgbe_rx_entry *sw_ring;
	uint16_t nb_pkts_recd;
	int pos;
	uint64_t var;
	__m128i shuf_msk;
	__m128i crc_adjust = _mm_set_epi16(
				0, 0, 0,    /* ignore non-length fields */
				-rxq->crc_len, /* sub crc on data_len */
				0,          /* ignore high-16bits of pkt_len */
				-rxq->crc_len, /* sub crc on pkt_len */
				0, 0            /* ignore pkt_type field */
	__m128i dd_check, eop_check;

	/* nb_pkts shall be less equal than RTE_IXGBE_MAX_RX_BURST */
	nb_pkts = RTE_MIN(nb_pkts, RTE_IXGBE_MAX_RX_BURST);

	/* nb_pkts has to be floor-aligned to RTE_IXGBE_DESCS_PER_LOOP */

	/* Just the act of getting into the function from the application is
	 * going to cost about 7 cycles
	rxdp = rxq->rx_ring + rxq->rx_tail;

	_mm_prefetch((const void *)rxdp, _MM_HINT_T0);

	/* See if we need to rearm the RX queue - gives the prefetch a bit
	 * of time to act
	if (rxq->rxrearm_nb > RTE_IXGBE_RXQ_REARM_THRESH)

	/* Before we start moving massive data around, check to see if
	 * there is actually a packet available
	if (!(rxdp->wb.upper.status_error &
		return 0;

	/* 4 packets DD mask */
	dd_check = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0000000100000001LL, 0x0000000100000001LL);

	/* 4 packets EOP mask */
	eop_check = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0000000200000002LL, 0x0000000200000002LL);

	/* mask to shuffle from desc. to mbuf */
	shuf_msk = _mm_set_epi8(
		7, 6, 5, 4,  /* octet 4~7, 32bits rss */
		15, 14,      /* octet 14~15, low 16 bits vlan_macip */
		13, 12,      /* octet 12~13, 16 bits data_len */
		0xFF, 0xFF,  /* skip high 16 bits pkt_len, zero out */
		13, 12,      /* octet 12~13, low 16 bits pkt_len */
		0xFF, 0xFF,  /* skip 32 bit pkt_type */
		0xFF, 0xFF

	/* Cache is empty -> need to scan the buffer rings, but first move
	 * the next 'n' mbufs into the cache
	sw_ring = &rxq->sw_ring[rxq->rx_tail];

	/* A. load 4 packet in one loop
	 * [A*. mask out 4 unused dirty field in desc]
	 * B. copy 4 mbuf point from swring to rx_pkts
	 * C. calc the number of DD bits among the 4 packets
	 * [C*. extract the end-of-packet bit, if requested]
	 * D. fill info. from desc to mbuf
	for (pos = 0, nb_pkts_recd = 0; pos < nb_pkts;
		__m128i descs[RTE_IXGBE_DESCS_PER_LOOP];
		__m128i pkt_mb1, pkt_mb2, pkt_mb3, pkt_mb4;
		__m128i zero, staterr, sterr_tmp1, sterr_tmp2;
		__m128i mbp1, mbp2; /* two mbuf pointer in one XMM reg. */

		/* B.1 load 1 mbuf point */
		mbp1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&sw_ring[pos]);

		/* Read desc statuses backwards to avoid race condition */
		/* A.1 load 4 pkts desc */
		descs[3] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp + 3));

		/* B.2 copy 2 mbuf point into rx_pkts  */
		_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&rx_pkts[pos], mbp1);

		/* B.1 load 1 mbuf point */
		mbp2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&sw_ring[pos+2]);

		descs[2] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp + 2));
		/* B.1 load 2 mbuf point */
		descs[1] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp + 1));
		descs[0] = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(rxdp));

		/* B.2 copy 2 mbuf point into rx_pkts  */
		_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&rx_pkts[pos+2], mbp2);

		if (split_packet) {
			rte_mbuf_prefetch_part2(rx_pkts[pos + 1]);
			rte_mbuf_prefetch_part2(rx_pkts[pos + 2]);
			rte_mbuf_prefetch_part2(rx_pkts[pos + 3]);

		/* avoid compiler reorder optimization */

		/* D.1 pkt 3,4 convert format from desc to pktmbuf */
		pkt_mb4 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[3], shuf_msk);
		pkt_mb3 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[2], shuf_msk);

		/* D.1 pkt 1,2 convert format from desc to pktmbuf */
		pkt_mb2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[1], shuf_msk);
		pkt_mb1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(descs[0], shuf_msk);

		/* C.1 4=>2 filter staterr info only */
		sterr_tmp2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs[3], descs[2]);
		/* C.1 4=>2 filter staterr info only */
		sterr_tmp1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(descs[1], descs[0]);

		/* set ol_flags with vlan packet type */
		desc_to_olflags_v(descs, &rx_pkts[pos]);

		/* D.2 pkt 3,4 set in_port/nb_seg and remove crc */
		pkt_mb4 = _mm_add_epi16(pkt_mb4, crc_adjust);
		pkt_mb3 = _mm_add_epi16(pkt_mb3, crc_adjust);

		/* C.2 get 4 pkts staterr value  */
		zero = _mm_xor_si128(dd_check, dd_check);
		staterr = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(sterr_tmp1, sterr_tmp2);

		/* D.3 copy final 3,4 data to rx_pkts */
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos+3]->rx_descriptor_fields1,
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos+2]->rx_descriptor_fields1,

		/* D.2 pkt 1,2 set in_port/nb_seg and remove crc */
		pkt_mb2 = _mm_add_epi16(pkt_mb2, crc_adjust);
		pkt_mb1 = _mm_add_epi16(pkt_mb1, crc_adjust);

		/* C* extract and record EOP bit */
		if (split_packet) {
			__m128i eop_shuf_mask = _mm_set_epi8(
					0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
					0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
					0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
					0x04, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x08

			/* and with mask to extract bits, flipping 1-0 */
			__m128i eop_bits = _mm_andnot_si128(staterr, eop_check);
			/* the staterr values are not in order, as the count
			 * count of dd bits doesn't care. However, for end of
			 * packet tracking, we do care, so shuffle. This also
			 * compresses the 32-bit values to 8-bit
			eop_bits = _mm_shuffle_epi8(eop_bits, eop_shuf_mask);
			/* store the resulting 32-bit value */
			*(int *)split_packet = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(eop_bits);
			split_packet += RTE_IXGBE_DESCS_PER_LOOP;

			/* zero-out next pointers */
			rx_pkts[pos]->next = NULL;
			rx_pkts[pos + 1]->next = NULL;
			rx_pkts[pos + 2]->next = NULL;
			rx_pkts[pos + 3]->next = NULL;

		/* C.3 calc available number of desc */
		staterr = _mm_and_si128(staterr, dd_check);
		staterr = _mm_packs_epi32(staterr, zero);

		/* D.3 copy final 1,2 data to rx_pkts */
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos+1]->rx_descriptor_fields1,
		_mm_storeu_si128((void *)&rx_pkts[pos]->rx_descriptor_fields1,

		/* C.4 calc avaialbe number of desc */
		var = __builtin_popcountll(_mm_cvtsi128_si64(staterr));
		nb_pkts_recd += var;
		if (likely(var != RTE_IXGBE_DESCS_PER_LOOP))

	/* Update our internal tail pointer */
	rxq->rx_tail = (uint16_t)(rxq->rx_tail + nb_pkts_recd);
	rxq->rx_tail = (uint16_t)(rxq->rx_tail & (rxq->nb_rx_desc - 1));
	rxq->rxrearm_nb = (uint16_t)(rxq->rxrearm_nb + nb_pkts_recd);

	return nb_pkts_recd;
static void read_data(FILE * data_input)
	char line_buffer[4096], *tmp;
	int line;

	tmp = fgets(line_buffer, 4096, data_input);
	assert(tmp == line_buffer);

	if (sscanf
	     "%d %d %d %d " "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d "
	     "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &num_data,
	     &num_to_output, &num_words, &max_dist, score_factors + 0,
	     score_factors + 1, score_factors + 2, score_factors + 3,
	     score_factors + 4, score_factors + 5, score_factors + 6,
	     score_factors + 7, score_factors + 8, score_factors + 9,
	     score_factors + 10, score_factors + 11, score_factors + 12,
	     score_factors + 13, score_factors + 14, score_factors + 15,
	     score_factors + 16, score_factors + 17, score_factors + 18,
	     score_factors + 19, score_factors + 20, score_factors + 21,
	     score_factors + 22, score_factors + 23, score_factors + 24,
	     score_factors + 25, score_factors + 26, score_factors + 27,
	     score_factors + 28, score_factors + 29, score_factors + 30,
	     score_factors + 31) != 4 + 32) {
		usage("wrong number of parameters in first line");
	assert(max_dist > 0);
	assert(num_words == 1 || num_words == 3);
	data = malloc(sizeof(__m128i) * num_data * num_words);
	available = malloc(sizeof(char) * num_data);

	to_output = malloc(sizeof(char) * num_data);
	memset(to_output, 0, sizeof(char) * num_data);

	counters = malloc(sizeof(counter_t) * num_data * NUM_SCORES);
	memset(counters, 0, sizeof(counter_t) * num_data * NUM_SCORES);

	assert(num_to_output <= num_data);
	assert(max_dist <= NUM_SCORES);
	for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SCORES; i++) {
		assert(score_factors[i] > 0);
		if (i > max_dist) {
			score_factors[i] = 0;
		} else {
			assert(score_factors[i] > 0);
	if (num_words == 1) {
		diff_percent = diff_percent_gray;
	} else {
		diff_percent = diff_percent_rgb;

	for (line = 0; line < num_data; line++) {
		tmp = fgets(line_buffer, 4096, data_input);
		assert(tmp == line_buffer);
		if (strncmp(line_buffer, "na", 2) == 0) {
			available[line] = 0;
			if (num_words == 1)
				data[line] = _mm_set_epi64x(line, line);
			else {
				data[3 * line] = _mm_set_epi64x(line, line);
				data[3 * line + 1] = _mm_set_epi64x(line, line);
				data[3 * line + 2] = _mm_set_epi64x(line, line);
		} else {
			available[line] = 1;
//                      printf("len=%ld s='%s'\n", strlen(line_buffer), line_buffer);
			if (num_words == 1) {
				assert(strlen(line_buffer) == 32 + 1);
				// remove newline
				line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer) - 1] = '\0';
				__m128i val = simple_strtoul(line_buffer);
				data[line] = val;
			} else {
				assert(strlen(line_buffer) ==
				       num_words * (32 + 1) - 1 + 1);
				// remove newline
				line_buffer[strlen(line_buffer) - 1] = '\0';
				assert(line_buffer[32] == ' ');
				assert(line_buffer[64 + 1] == ' ');
				__m128i val1 = simple_strtoul(line_buffer);
				__m128i val2 =
				    simple_strtoul(line_buffer + 32 + 1);
				__m128i val3 =
				    simple_strtoul(line_buffer + 64 + 2);
				data[3 * line] = val1;
				data[3 * line + 1] = val2;
				data[3 * line + 2] = val3;
//      printf("line=%d = '%s' = %lx avail=%d\n", line, line_buffer, (*data)[line], (*available)[line]);
Esempio n. 29
static inline void
ixgbe_rxq_rearm(struct ixgbe_rx_queue *rxq)
	int i;
	uint16_t rx_id;
	volatile union ixgbe_adv_rx_desc *rxdp;
	struct ixgbe_rx_entry *rxep = &rxq->sw_ring[rxq->rxrearm_start];
	struct rte_mbuf *mb0, *mb1;
	__m128i hdr_room = _mm_set_epi64x(RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM,
	__m128i dma_addr0, dma_addr1;

	const __m128i hba_msk = _mm_set_epi64x(0, UINT64_MAX);

	rxdp = rxq->rx_ring + rxq->rxrearm_start;

	/* Pull 'n' more MBUFs into the software ring */
	if (rte_mempool_get_bulk(rxq->mb_pool,
				 (void *)rxep,
		if (rxq->rxrearm_nb + RTE_IXGBE_RXQ_REARM_THRESH >=
		    rxq->nb_rx_desc) {
			dma_addr0 = _mm_setzero_si128();
			for (i = 0; i < RTE_IXGBE_DESCS_PER_LOOP; i++) {
				rxep[i].mbuf = &rxq->fake_mbuf;
				_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rxdp[i].read,
		rte_eth_devices[rxq->port_id].data->rx_mbuf_alloc_failed +=

	/* Initialize the mbufs in vector, process 2 mbufs in one loop */
	for (i = 0; i < RTE_IXGBE_RXQ_REARM_THRESH; i += 2, rxep += 2) {
		__m128i vaddr0, vaddr1;
		uintptr_t p0, p1;

		mb0 = rxep[0].mbuf;
		mb1 = rxep[1].mbuf;

		 * Flush mbuf with pkt template.
		 * Data to be rearmed is 6 bytes long.
		 * Though, RX will overwrite ol_flags that are coming next
		 * anyway. So overwrite whole 8 bytes with one load:
		 * 6 bytes of rearm_data plus first 2 bytes of ol_flags.
		p0 = (uintptr_t)&mb0->rearm_data;
		*(uint64_t *)p0 = rxq->mbuf_initializer;
		p1 = (uintptr_t)&mb1->rearm_data;
		*(uint64_t *)p1 = rxq->mbuf_initializer;

		/* load buf_addr(lo 64bit) and buf_physaddr(hi 64bit) */
		vaddr0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&(mb0->buf_addr));
		vaddr1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)&(mb1->buf_addr));

		/* convert pa to dma_addr hdr/data */
		dma_addr0 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(vaddr0, vaddr0);
		dma_addr1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(vaddr1, vaddr1);

		/* add headroom to pa values */
		dma_addr0 = _mm_add_epi64(dma_addr0, hdr_room);
		dma_addr1 = _mm_add_epi64(dma_addr1, hdr_room);

		/* set Header Buffer Address to zero */
		dma_addr0 =  _mm_and_si128(dma_addr0, hba_msk);
		dma_addr1 =  _mm_and_si128(dma_addr1, hba_msk);

		/* flush desc with pa dma_addr */
		_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rxdp++->read, dma_addr0);
		_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&rxdp++->read, dma_addr1);

	rxq->rxrearm_start += RTE_IXGBE_RXQ_REARM_THRESH;
	if (rxq->rxrearm_start >= rxq->nb_rx_desc)
		rxq->rxrearm_start = 0;

	rxq->rxrearm_nb -= RTE_IXGBE_RXQ_REARM_THRESH;

	rx_id = (uint16_t) ((rxq->rxrearm_start == 0) ?
			     (rxq->nb_rx_desc - 1) : (rxq->rxrearm_start - 1));

	/* Update the tail pointer on the NIC */
	IXGBE_PCI_REG_WRITE(rxq->rdt_reg_addr, rx_id);
Esempio n. 30
 * Simulates an implementation of a
 * Littlun-like cipher many times, for speed
 * evaluation
__m128i dummy_cipher_eval()
  __m128i x, k;
  unsigned long long tick1, tick2, dum;

  x = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0001020304050607, 0x08090a0b0c0d0e0f);
  k = _mm_set_epi64x(0x0a030d0c0f050607, 0x08090a000c0d0e0f);

  dum = 0;

  for (tick1 = 0; tick1 < 1ull << 31; tick1++)
    dum += 2*tick1 & (~tick1 | (tick1 >> 2));
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);
  x = SB(x);
  x = M128(x);

  tick1 = rdtsc();

//  // r1
//  x = _mm_xor_si128(x,k);
//  x = SB(x);
//  x = M128(x);
//  // r2
//  x = _mm_xor_si128(x,k);
//  x = SB(x);
//  x = M128(x);
//  // r3
//  x = _mm_xor_si128(x,k);
//  x = SB(x);
//  x = M128(x);
//  // r4
//  x = _mm_xor_si128(x,k);
//  x = SB(x);
//  x = M128(x);
//  // r5
//  x = _mm_xor_si128(x,k);
//  x = SB(x);
//  x = M128(x);
//  // r6
//  x = _mm_xor_si128(x,k);
//  x = SB(x);
//  x = M128(x);
//  // r7
//  x = _mm_xor_si128(x,k);
//  x = SB(x);
//  x = M128(x);
//  // r8
//  x = _mm_xor_si128(x,k);
//  x = SB(x);
//  x = M128(x);
//  // final
//  x = _mm_xor_si128(x,k);

  tick2 = rdtsc();

  printf("%llu ~ %llu cycles\n\n", dum, tick2 - tick1); 

  return x;