Esempio n. 1
bool PropertyBag::get(const string &key, ivec2 &vec, size_t instance) const {
	string _s;
	if (!get(key, _s, instance)) {
		return false;
	string s = toLowerCase(_s);
	boost::char_separator<char> delimeters("(,)\t\n");
	boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokens(s, delimeters);
	boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> >::const_iterator i = tokens.begin();
	if (i == tokens.end())
		return false;
	if (string(*i) != "&ivec2")
		return false;
	vec.x = stoi(*(++i));
	vec.y = stoi(*(++i));
	return true;
Esempio n. 2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int DxReader::readFile()
  std::stringstream ss;
  VoxelDataContainer* m = getVoxelDataContainer();
  if (NULL == m)
    ss << "DataContainer Pointer was NULL and Must be valid." << __FILE__ << "("<<__LINE__<<")";
    addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss.str(), -5);
    return -1;

  std::string delimeters(", ;\t"); /* delimeters to split the data */
  std::vector<std::string> tokens; /* vector to store the split data */

  int error, spin; /* dummy variables */

  bool finished_header, finished_data;
  finished_header = true;
  finished_data = false;
  size_t index = 0;

  size_t totalPoints = m->getTotalPoints();

  // Remove the array that we are about to create first as a 'datacheck()' was called from the super class's 'execute'
  // method which is performed before this function. This will cause an error -501 because the array with the name
  // m_GrainIdsArrayName already exists but of size 1, not the size we are going to read. So we get rid of the array
  // Rerun the data check in order to allocate the array to store the data from the .dx file.
//  dataCheck(false, totalPoints, m->getNumFieldTuples(), m->getNumEnsembleTuples());
  CREATE_NON_PREREQ_DATA(m, DREAM3D, CellData, GrainIds, ss, int32_t, Int32ArrayType, 0, totalPoints, 1)

  if (getErrorCondition() < 0)
    return -1;

  for (std::string line; std::getline(m_InStream, line);)

    // Get the remaining lines of the header and ignore
    error = 0;
    tokenize(line, tokens, delimeters);

    size_t total = m->getTotalPoints();
    if( index == total || ( finished_header && tokens.size() != 0 && tokens[0] == "attribute") )
      finished_data = true;

    // Allocate the DataArray at this point:
    if(finished_header && !finished_data)
      for (size_t in_spins = 0; in_spins < tokens.size(); in_spins++)
        error += sscanf(tokens[in_spins].c_str(), "%d", &spin);
        m_GrainIds[index] =  spin;

  if(index != static_cast<size_t>(m->getTotalPoints()))
    ss << "ERROR: data size does not match header dimensions" << std::endl;
    ss << "\t" << index << "\t" << m->getTotalPoints() << std::endl;
    addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss.str(), getErrorCondition());
    return getErrorCondition();


  // Find the unique set of grain ids
//  std::set<int32_t> grainIdSet;
//  for (int64_t i = 0; i < totalPoints; ++i)
//  {
//    grainIdSet.insert(m_GrainIds[i]);
//  }
//  for (std::set<int32_t>::iterator iter = grainIdSet.begin(); iter != grainIdSet.end(); ++iter )
//  {
//    std::cout << "Grain ID: " << (*iter) << std::endl;
//  }

  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int DxReader::readHeader()
  VoxelDataContainer* m = getVoxelDataContainer();
  std::stringstream ss;
  int error = 0;

  std::string line;
  std::string delimeters(", ;\t"); /* delimeters to split the data */
  std::vector<std::string> tokens; /* vector to store the split data */

  getline(m_InStream, line, '\n');
  tokenize(line, tokens, delimeters);

  // Process the header information and look for the std::string "counts"
  // Then read the data size after that
  size_t pos1 = 0;
  while (pos1 == 0)
  { // continue until we find the keyword
    for (size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++)
      if(tokens[i] == "counts")
        pos1 = i;
    // Read the next line of the header if we did not find the keyword
    // in the line
    if(pos1 == 0)
      getline(m_InStream, line, '\n');
      tokenize(line, tokens, delimeters);
      if(tokens.size() == 20)
        ss << "ERROR: Unable to read data dimensions from the header" << std::endl;
        addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss.str(), -7);
        return -499;

  int nx = 0;
  int ny = 0;
  int nz = 0;

  if(pos1 != 0)
    error = 0;
    error += sscanf(tokens[pos1 + 1].c_str(), "%d", &nz);
    error += sscanf(tokens[pos1 + 2].c_str(), "%d", &ny);
    error += sscanf(tokens[pos1 + 3].c_str(), "%d", &nx);
    // The dimensions listed in the DX file are always one greater
    // than the actual dimensions

//  std::cout << "INFO: DX data dimensions: " << std::endl;
//  std::cout << "nz= " << nz << std::endl;
//  std::cout << "ny= " << ny << std::endl;
//  std::cout << "nx= " << nx << std::endl;

  //The DX file has a unique format of 20 entries on each line. I have
  //no idea who initiated this insanity but I am about to perpetuate
  //The most simple thing to do is to read the entire dataset into one
  //long vector and then read that vector to assign values to the grid

  //  ADR:  6 Sep 08; time to make the input much more general!
  //  equivalent to list-direcvted input in Fortran, actually !!

  pos1 = 0;
  while (pos1 == 0)
  { // continue until we find the keyword
    for (size_t i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++)
      if(tokens[i] == "items")
        pos1 = i;
    // Read the next line of the header if we did not find the keyword
    // in the line
    if(pos1 == 0)
      getline(m_InStream, line, '\n');
      tokenize(line, tokens, delimeters);
      if(tokens.size() == 20)
        ss << "ERROR: Unable to locate the last header line" << std::endl;
        addErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss.str(), -8);
        return -496;
  } // when we get here, we are looking at data
  int points = 0;
  if(pos1 != 0)
    error = 0;
    error += sscanf(tokens[pos1 + 1].c_str(), "%d", &points);
  m->setDimensions(nx, ny, nz);
//  std::cout << "Compare no. points " << points << " with x*y*z: " << nx * ny * nz << std::endl;
  return error;
Esempio n. 4
 * @param FileName
 * @param data
 * @param nx X Dimension
 * @param ny Y Dimension
 * @param nz Z Dimension
int  ReadPHFile(std::string FileName, std::vector<int> &data, int &nx, int &ny, int &nz)
  std::string line;

  std::string delimeters(", ;\t"); /* delimeters to split the data */
  std::vector<std::string> tokens; /* vector to store the split data */
  //std::vector<int> data; /* vector to store the data */

  int error, spin; /* dummy variables */
  //int nx, ny, nz;

  std::ifstream InFile;, std::ios_base::binary);
  if (!InFile)
    std::cout << "Failed to open: " << FileName << std::endl;
    return -1;

  getline(InFile, line);

  tokenize(line, tokens, delimeters);

  // Process the header information from the PH file.
  error = 0;
  error += sscanf(tokens[0].c_str(), "%d", &nx);
  error += sscanf(tokens[1].c_str(), "%d", &ny);
  error += sscanf(tokens[2].c_str(), "%d", &nz);
  if (error < 0)
    std::cout << "Error parsing Dimensions from ph file. The line that is being parsed was \n'" <<
       line << "'" <<  std::endl;
    return -1;

  //  cout << "INFO: PH file grid size: " << nx << "\t" << ny << "\t" << nz << endl;;

  //MCgrid3D* grid = new grid(nx,ny,nz);

  // Get the remaining two lines of the header and ignore
  getline(InFile, line, '\n');
  getline(InFile, line, '\n');

  //The PH file has a unique format of 20 entries on each line. I have
  //now idea who initiated this insanity but I am about to propetuate
  //The most simple thing todo is to read the entire dataset into one
  //long vector and then read that vector to assign values to the grid

  while (getline(InFile, line, '\n') != NULL)
    error = 0;
    tokenize(line, tokens, delimeters);
    //        cout << line << endl;
    //        for(int i=0; i < tokens.size(); i++ )
    //              cout << setw(6) << tokens[i];
    //        cout << endl;

    for (size_t in_spins = 0; in_spins < tokens.size(); in_spins++)
      error += sscanf(tokens[in_spins].c_str(), "%d", &spin);
    //        if(error != 20)
    //              {
    //                cout << "ERROR: Invalid number of line entries in PH file" << endl;
    //              }


  return 0;