// renders the buffer inline static void vo_draw_text_from_buffer(mp_osd_obj_t* obj,void (*draw_alpha)(int x0,int y0, int w,int h, unsigned char* src, unsigned char *srca, int stride)){ if (obj->allocated > 0) { draw_alpha(obj->bbox.x1,obj->bbox.y1, obj->bbox.x2-obj->bbox.x1, obj->bbox.y2-obj->bbox.y1, obj->bitmap_buffer, obj->alpha_buffer, obj->stride); } }
void EffectStats::draw_effect_sprites(GameState* gs, const Pos& p) { GameView& view = gs->view(); for (int i = 0; i < EFFECTS_MAX; i++) { if (effects[i].t_remaining > 0) { EffectEntry& eentry = game_effect_data.at(effects[i].effectid); if (eentry.effected_sprite > -1) { Colour drawcolour(255, 255, 255, 255 * draw_alpha(effects[i])); gl_draw_sprite(view, eentry.effected_sprite, p.x, p.y, drawcolour); } } } }
Colour EffectStats::effected_colour() { int r = 255 * 256, g = 255 * 256, b = 255 * 256, a = 255 * 256; for (int i = 0; i < EFFECTS_MAX; i++) { if (effects[i].t_remaining > 0) { EffectEntry& eentry = game_effect_data.at(effects[i].effectid); Colour c = eentry.effected_colour.mute_colour( draw_alpha(effects[i])); r *= c.r + 1, g *= c.g + 1, b *= c.b + 1, a *= c.a + 1; r /= 256, g /= 256, b /= 256, a /= 256; } } return Colour(r / 256, g / 256, b / 256, a / 256); }
int vidix_init(unsigned src_width,unsigned src_height, unsigned x_org,unsigned y_org,unsigned dst_width, unsigned dst_height,unsigned format,unsigned dest_bpp, unsigned vid_w,unsigned vid_h) { void *tmp, *tmpa; size_t i; int err; uint32_t sstride,apitch; if( mp_msg_test(MSGT_VO,MSGL_DBG2) ) mp_msg(MSGT_VO,MSGL_DBG2, "vosub_vidix: vidix_init() was called\n" "src_w=%u src_h=%u dest_x_y_w_h = %u %u %u %u\n" "format=%s dest_bpp=%u vid_w=%u vid_h=%u\n" ,src_width,src_height,x_org,y_org,dst_width,dst_height ,vo_format_name(format),dest_bpp,vid_w,vid_h); if(vidix_query_fourcc(format) == 0) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO,MSGL_ERR, MSGTR_LIBVO_SUB_VIDIX_UnsupportedFourccForThisVidixDriver, format,vo_format_name(format)); return -1; } if(((vidix_cap.maxwidth != -1) && (vid_w > vidix_cap.maxwidth)) || ((vidix_cap.minwidth != -1) && (vid_w < vidix_cap.minwidth)) || ((vidix_cap.maxheight != -1) && (vid_h > vidix_cap.maxheight)) || ((vidix_cap.minwidth != -1 ) && (vid_h < vidix_cap.minheight))) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO,MSGL_ERR, MSGTR_LIBVO_SUB_VIDIX_VideoServerHasUnsupportedResolution, vid_w, vid_h, vidix_cap.minwidth, vidix_cap.minheight, vidix_cap.maxwidth, vidix_cap.maxheight); return -1; } err = 0; switch(dest_bpp) { case 1: err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_1BPP) != VID_DEPTH_1BPP); break; case 2: err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_2BPP) != VID_DEPTH_2BPP); break; case 4: err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_4BPP) != VID_DEPTH_4BPP); break; case 8: err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_8BPP) != VID_DEPTH_8BPP); break; case 12:err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_12BPP) != VID_DEPTH_12BPP); break; case 15:err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_15BPP) != VID_DEPTH_15BPP); break; case 16:err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_16BPP) != VID_DEPTH_16BPP); break; case 24:err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_24BPP) != VID_DEPTH_24BPP); break; case 32:err = ((vidix_fourcc.depth & VID_DEPTH_32BPP) != VID_DEPTH_32BPP); break; default: err=1; break; } if(err) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO,MSGL_ERR, MSGTR_LIBVO_SUB_VIDIX_VideoServerHasUnsupportedColorDepth ,vidix_fourcc.depth); return -1; } if((dst_width > src_width || dst_height > src_height) && (vidix_cap.flags & FLAG_UPSCALER) != FLAG_UPSCALER) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO,MSGL_ERR, MSGTR_LIBVO_SUB_VIDIX_DriverCantUpscaleImage, src_width, src_height, dst_width, dst_height); return -1; } if((dst_width > src_width || dst_height > src_height) && (vidix_cap.flags & FLAG_DOWNSCALER) != FLAG_DOWNSCALER) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO,MSGL_ERR, MSGTR_LIBVO_SUB_VIDIX_DriverCantDownscaleImage, src_width, src_height, dst_width, dst_height); return -1; } image_width = src_width; image_height = src_height; src_format = format; if(forced_fourcc) format = forced_fourcc; memset(&vidix_play,0,sizeof(vidix_playback_t)); vidix_play.fourcc = format; vidix_play.capability = vidix_cap.flags; /* every ;) */ vidix_play.blend_factor = 0; /* for now */ /* display the full picture. Nick: we could implement here zooming to a specified area -- alex */ vidix_play.src.x = vidix_play.src.y = 0; vidix_play.src.w = src_width; vidix_play.src.h = src_height; vidix_play.dest.x = x_org; vidix_play.dest.y = y_org; vidix_play.dest.w = dst_width; vidix_play.dest.h = dst_height; // vidix_play.num_frames=vo_doublebuffering?NUM_FRAMES-1:1; /* we aren't mad...3 buffers are more than enough */ vidix_play.num_frames=vo_doublebuffering?3:1; vidix_play.src.pitch.y = vidix_play.src.pitch.u = vidix_play.src.pitch.v = 0; if((err=vdlConfigPlayback(vidix_handler,&vidix_play))!=0) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO,MSGL_ERR, MSGTR_LIBVO_SUB_VIDIX_CantConfigurePlayback,strerror(err)); return -1; } if ( mp_msg_test(MSGT_VO,MSGL_V) ) { mp_msg(MSGT_VO,MSGL_V, "vosub_vidix: using %d buffer(s)\n", vidix_play.num_frames); } vidix_mem = vidix_play.dga_addr; tmp = calloc(image_width, image_height); tmpa = malloc(image_width * image_height); memset(tmpa, 1, image_width * image_height); /* clear every frame with correct address and frame_size */ /* HACK: use draw_alpha to clear Y component */ for (i = 0; i < vidix_play.num_frames; i++) { next_frame = i; memset(vidix_mem + vidix_play.offsets[i], 0x80, vidix_play.frame_size); draw_alpha(0, 0, image_width, image_height, tmp, tmpa, image_width); } free(tmp); free(tmpa); /* show one of the "clear" frames */ vidix_flip_page(); switch(format) { case IMGFMT_YV12: case IMGFMT_I420: case IMGFMT_IYUV: case IMGFMT_YVU9: case IMGFMT_IF09: case IMGFMT_Y800: case IMGFMT_Y8: apitch = vidix_play.dest.pitch.y-1; dstrides.y = (image_width + apitch) & ~apitch; apitch = vidix_play.dest.pitch.v-1; dstrides.v = (image_width + apitch) & ~apitch; apitch = vidix_play.dest.pitch.u-1; dstrides.u = (image_width + apitch) & ~apitch; image_Bpp=1; break; case IMGFMT_RGB32: case IMGFMT_BGR32: apitch = vidix_play.dest.pitch.y-1; dstrides.y = (image_width*4 + apitch) & ~apitch; dstrides.u = dstrides.v = 0; image_Bpp=4; break; case IMGFMT_RGB24: case IMGFMT_BGR24: apitch = vidix_play.dest.pitch.y-1; dstrides.y = (image_width*3 + apitch) & ~apitch; dstrides.u = dstrides.v = 0; image_Bpp=3; break; default: apitch = vidix_play.dest.pitch.y-1; dstrides.y = (image_width*2 + apitch) & ~apitch; dstrides.u = dstrides.v = 0; image_Bpp=2; break; } /* tune some info here */ sstride = src_width*image_Bpp; if(!forced_fourcc) { is_422_planes_eq = sstride == dstrides.y; if(src_format == IMGFMT_YV12 || src_format == IMGFMT_I420 || src_format == IMGFMT_IYUV) vo_server->draw_slice = vidix_draw_slice_420; else if (src_format == IMGFMT_YVU9 || src_format == IMGFMT_IF09) vo_server->draw_slice = vidix_draw_slice_410; else vo_server->draw_slice = vidix_draw_slice_packed; } return 0; }