Esempio n. 1
void GridLayoutContainer::layout()
    std::vector<UDim> colSizes(d_gridWidth, UDim(0, 0));
    std::vector<UDim> rowSizes(d_gridHeight, UDim(0, 0));

    // used to compare UDims
    const float absWidth = getChildContentArea().get().getWidth();
    const float absHeight = getChildContentArea().get().getHeight();

    // first, we need to determine rowSizes and colSizes, this is needed before
    // any layouting work takes place
    for (size_t y = 0; y < d_gridHeight; ++y)
        for (size_t x = 0; x < d_gridWidth; ++x)
            // x and y is the position of window in the grid
            const size_t childIdx =
                mapFromGridToIdx(x, y, d_gridWidth, d_gridHeight);

            Window* window = getChildAtIdx(childIdx);
            const UVector2 size = getBoundingSizeForWindow(window);

            if (CoordConverter::asAbsolute(colSizes[x], absWidth) <
                CoordConverter::asAbsolute(size.d_x, absWidth))
                colSizes[x] = size.d_x;

            if (CoordConverter::asAbsolute(rowSizes[y], absHeight) <
                CoordConverter::asAbsolute(size.d_y, absHeight))
                rowSizes[y] = size.d_y;

    // OK, now in rowSizes[y] is the height of y-th row
    //         in colSizes[x] is the width of x-th column

    // second layouting phase starts now
    for (size_t y = 0; y < d_gridHeight; ++y)
        for (size_t x = 0; x < d_gridWidth; ++x)
            // x and y is the position of window in the grid
            const size_t childIdx = mapFromGridToIdx(x, y,
                                                     d_gridWidth, d_gridHeight);
            Window* window = getChildAtIdx(childIdx);
            const UVector2 offset = getOffsetForWindow(window);
            const UVector2 gridCellOffset = getGridCellOffset(colSizes,
                                                              x, y);

            window->setPosition(gridCellOffset + offset);

    // now we just need to determine the total width and height and set it
    setSize(getGridSize(colSizes, rowSizes));
Esempio n. 2
Rect ScrolledContainer::getChildExtentsArea(void) const
    Rect extents(0, 0, 0, 0);

    const size_t childCount = getChildCount();
    if (childCount == 0)
        return extents;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
        const Window* const wnd = getChildAtIdx(i);
        const Rect area(wnd->getArea().asAbsolute(d_pixelSize));

        if (area.d_left < extents.d_left)
            extents.d_left = area.d_left;

        if (area.d_top < extents.d_top)
            extents.d_top = area.d_top;

        if (area.d_right > extents.d_right)
            extents.d_right = area.d_right;

        if (area.d_bottom > extents.d_bottom)
            extents.d_bottom = area.d_bottom;

    return extents;
Rectf ScrolledContainer::getChildExtentsArea(void) const
    Rectf extents(0, 0, 0, 0);

    const size_t childCount = getChildCount();
    if (childCount == 0)
        return extents;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
        const Window* const wnd = getChildAtIdx(i);
        Rectf area(
            CoordConverter::asAbsolute(wnd->getPosition(), d_pixelSize),

        if (wnd->getHorizontalAlignment() == HA_CENTRE)
            area.setPosition(area.getPosition() - Vector2<float>(area.getWidth() * 0.5f - d_pixelSize.d_width * 0.5f, 0.0f));
        if (wnd->getVerticalAlignment() == VA_CENTRE)
            area.setPosition(area.getPosition() - Vector2<float>(0.0f, area.getHeight() * 0.5f - d_pixelSize.d_height * 0.5f));

        if (area.d_min.d_x < extents.d_min.d_x)
            extents.d_min.d_x = area.d_min.d_x;

        if (area.d_min.d_y < extents.d_min.d_y)
            extents.d_min.d_y = area.d_min.d_y;

        if (area.d_max.d_x > extents.d_max.d_x)
            extents.d_max.d_x = area.d_max.d_x;

        if (area.d_max.d_y > extents.d_max.d_y)
            extents.d_max.d_y = area.d_max.d_y;

    return extents;
Esempio n. 4
Rectf ScrolledContainer::getChildExtentsArea(void) const
    Rectf extents(0, 0, 0, 0);

    const size_t childCount = getChildCount();
    if (childCount == 0)
        return extents;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
        const Window* const wnd = getChildAtIdx(i);
        const Rectf area(
            CoordConverter::asAbsolute(wnd->getPosition(), d_pixelSize),

        if (area.d_min.d_x < extents.d_min.d_x)
            extents.d_min.d_x = area.d_min.d_x;

        if (area.d_min.d_y < extents.d_min.d_y)
            extents.d_min.d_y = area.d_min.d_y;

        if (area.d_max.d_x > extents.d_max.d_x)
            extents.d_max.d_x = area.d_max.d_x;

        if (area.d_max.d_y > extents.d_max.d_y)
            extents.d_max.d_y = area.d_max.d_y;

    return extents;
Esempio n. 5
Window* GridLayoutContainer::getChildAtPosition(size_t gridX,
                                                size_t gridY)
    assert(gridX < d_gridWidth && "out of bounds");
    assert(gridY < d_gridHeight && "out of bounds");

    return getChildAtIdx(mapFromGridToIdx(gridX, gridY,
                                          d_gridWidth, d_gridHeight));
size_t LayoutContainer::getIdxOfChild(Window* wnd) const
    for (size_t i = 0; i < getChildCount(); ++i)
        if (getChildAtIdx(i) == wnd)
            return i;

    return 0;