void TerrainBlock::_renderBlock( SceneRenderState *state ) { PROFILE_SCOPE( TerrainBlock_RenderBlock ); // Prevent rendering shadows if feature is disabled if ( !mCastShadows && state->isShadowPass() ) return; MatrixF worldViewXfm = state->getWorldViewMatrix(); worldViewXfm.mul( getRenderTransform() ); MatrixF worldViewProjXfm = state->getProjectionMatrix(); worldViewProjXfm.mul( worldViewXfm ); const MatrixF &objectXfm = getRenderWorldTransform(); Point3F objCamPos = state->getDiffuseCameraPosition(); objectXfm.mulP( objCamPos ); // Get the shadow material. if ( !mDefaultMatInst ) mDefaultMatInst = TerrainCellMaterial::getShadowMat(); // Make sure we have a base material. if ( !mBaseMaterial ) { mBaseMaterial = new TerrainCellMaterial(); mBaseMaterial->init( this, 0, false, false, true ); } // Did the detail layers change? if ( mDetailsDirty ) { _updateMaterials(); mDetailsDirty = false; } // If the layer texture has been cleared or is // dirty then update it. if ( mLayerTex.isNull() || mLayerTexDirty ) _updateLayerTexture(); // If the layer texture is dirty or we lost the base // texture then regenerate it. if ( mLayerTexDirty || mBaseTex.isNull() ) { _updateBaseTexture( false ); mLayerTexDirty = false; } static Vector<TerrCell*> renderCells; renderCells.clear(); mCell->cullCells( state, objCamPos, &renderCells ); RenderPassManager *renderPass = state->getRenderPass(); MatrixF *riObjectToWorldXfm = renderPass->allocUniqueXform( getRenderTransform() ); const bool isColorDrawPass = state->isDiffusePass() || state->isReflectPass(); // This is here for shadows mostly... it allows the // proper shadow material to be generated. BaseMatInstance *defaultMatInst = state->getOverrideMaterial( mDefaultMatInst ); // Only pass and use the light manager if this is not a shadow pass. LightManager *lm = NULL; if ( isColorDrawPass ) lm = LIGHTMGR; for ( U32 i=0; i < renderCells.size(); i++ ) { TerrCell *cell = renderCells[i]; // Ok this cell is fit to render. TerrainRenderInst *inst = renderPass->allocInst<TerrainRenderInst>(); // Setup lights for this cell. if ( lm ) { SphereF bounds = cell->getSphereBounds(); getRenderTransform().mulP( bounds.center ); LightQuery query; query.init( bounds ); query.getLights( inst->lights, 8 ); } GFXVertexBufferHandleBase vertBuff; GFXPrimitiveBufferHandle primBuff; cell->getRenderPrimitive( &inst->prim, &vertBuff, &primBuff ); inst->mat = defaultMatInst; inst->vertBuff = vertBuff.getPointer(); if ( primBuff.isValid() ) { // Use the cell's custom primitive buffer inst->primBuff = primBuff.getPointer(); } else { // Use the standard primitive buffer for this cell inst->primBuff = mPrimBuffer.getPointer(); } inst->objectToWorldXfm = riObjectToWorldXfm; // If we're not drawing to the shadow map then we need // to include the normal rendering materials. if ( isColorDrawPass ) { const SphereF &bounds = cell->getSphereBounds(); F32 sqDist = ( bounds.center - objCamPos ).lenSquared(); F32 radiusSq = mSquared( ( mMaxDetailDistance + bounds.radius ) * smDetailScale ); // If this cell is near enough to get detail textures then // use the full detail mapping material. Else we use the // simple base only material. if ( !state->isReflectPass() && sqDist < radiusSq ) inst->cellMat = cell->getMaterial(); else if ( state->isReflectPass() ) inst->cellMat = mBaseMaterial->getReflectMat(); else inst->cellMat = mBaseMaterial; } inst->defaultKey = (U32)cell->getMaterials(); // Submit it for rendering. renderPass->addInst( inst ); } // Trigger the debug rendering. if ( state->isDiffusePass() && !renderCells.empty() && smDebugRender ) { // Store the render cells for later. mDebugCells = renderCells; ObjectRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>(); ri->renderDelegate.bind( this, &TerrainBlock::_renderDebug ); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor; state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); } }
void OcclusionVolume::buildSilhouette( const SceneCameraState& cameraState, Vector< Point3F >& outPoints ) { // Extract the silhouette of the polyhedron. This works differently // depending on whether we project orthogonally or in perspective. TempAlloc< U32 > indices( mPolyhedron.getNumPoints() ); U32 numPoints; if( cameraState.getFrustum().isOrtho() ) { // Transform the view direction into object space. Point3F osViewDir; getWorldTransform().mulV( cameraState.getViewDirection(), &osViewDir ); // And extract the silhouette. SilhouetteExtractorOrtho< PolyhedronType > extractor( mPolyhedron ); numPoints = extractor.extractSilhouette( osViewDir, indices, indices.size ); } else { // Create a transform to go from view space to object space. MatrixF camView( true ); camView.scale( Point3F( 1.0f / getScale().x, 1.0f / getScale().y, 1.0f / getScale().z ) ); camView.mul( getRenderWorldTransform() ); camView.mul( cameraState.getViewWorldMatrix() ); // Do a perspective-correct silhouette extraction. numPoints = mSilhouetteExtractor.extractSilhouette( camView, indices, indices.size ); } // If we haven't yet, transform the polyhedron's points // to world space. if( mTransformDirty ) { const U32 numPoints = mPolyhedron.getNumPoints(); const PolyhedronType::PointType* points = getPolyhedron().getPoints(); mWSPoints.setSize( numPoints ); for( U32 i = 0; i < numPoints; ++ i ) { Point3F p = points[ i ]; p.convolve( getScale() ); getTransform().mulP( p, &mWSPoints[ i ] ); } mTransformDirty = false; } // Now store the points. outPoints.setSize( numPoints ); for( U32 i = 0; i < numPoints; ++ i ) outPoints[ i ] = mWSPoints[ indices[ i ] ]; }
void TSStatic::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState* state ) { if( !mShapeInstance ) return; Point3F cameraOffset; getRenderTransform().getColumn(3,&cameraOffset); cameraOffset -= state->getDiffuseCameraPosition(); F32 dist = cameraOffset.len(); if (dist < 0.01f) dist = 0.01f; F32 invScale = (1.0f/getMax(getMax(mObjScale.x,mObjScale.y),mObjScale.z)); if ( mForceDetail == -1 ) mShapeInstance->setDetailFromDistance( state, dist * invScale ); else mShapeInstance->setCurrentDetail( mForceDetail ); if ( mShapeInstance->getCurrentDetail() < 0 ) return; GFXTransformSaver saver; // Set up our TS render state. TSRenderState rdata; rdata.setSceneState( state ); rdata.setFadeOverride( 1.0f ); rdata.setOriginSort( mUseOriginSort ); // If we have submesh culling enabled then prepare // the object space frustum to pass to the shape. Frustum culler; if ( mMeshCulling ) { culler = state->getFrustum(); MatrixF xfm( true ); xfm.scale( Point3F::One / getScale() ); xfm.mul( getRenderWorldTransform() ); xfm.mul( culler.getTransform() ); culler.setTransform( xfm ); rdata.setCuller( &culler ); } // We might have some forward lit materials // so pass down a query to gather lights. LightQuery query; query.init( getWorldSphere() ); rdata.setLightQuery( &query ); MatrixF mat = getRenderTransform(); mat.scale( mObjScale ); GFX->setWorldMatrix( mat ); mShapeInstance->animate(); mShapeInstance->render( rdata ); if ( mRenderNormalScalar > 0 ) { ObjectRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>(); ri->renderDelegate.bind( this, &TSStatic::_renderNormals ); ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor; state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri ); } }