/** * We are executing these heavy (logarithm) methods from outside the trigger callbacks for performance reasons. * See also periodicFastCallback */ void Engine::updateSlowSensors(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F) { int rpm = rpmCalculator.rpmValue; isEngineChartEnabled = CONFIG(isEngineChartEnabled) && rpm < CONFIG(engineSnifferRpmThreshold); sensorChartMode = rpm < CONFIG(sensorSnifferRpmThreshold) ? boardConfiguration->sensorChartMode : SC_OFF; engineState.updateSlowSensors(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F); if (engineConfiguration->fuelLevelSensor != EFI_ADC_NONE) { float fuelLevelVoltage = getVoltageDivided("fuel", engineConfiguration->fuelLevelSensor); engineState.fuelTankGauge = interpolate(boardConfiguration->fuelLevelEmptyTankVoltage, 0, boardConfiguration->fuelLevelFullTankVoltage, 100, fuelLevelVoltage); } float vBatt = hasVBatt(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F) ? getVBatt(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F) : 12; engineState.injectorLag = getInjectorLag(vBatt PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER); }
/** * We are executing these heavy (logarithm) methods from outside the trigger callbacks for performance reasons. * See also periodicFastCallback */ void Engine::updateSlowSensors(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) { int rpm = rpmCalculator.getRpm(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); isEngineChartEnabled = CONFIG(isEngineChartEnabled) && rpm < CONFIG(engineSnifferRpmThreshold); sensorChartMode = rpm < CONFIG(sensorSnifferRpmThreshold) ? boardConfiguration->sensorChartMode : SC_OFF; engineState.updateSlowSensors(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); // todo: move this logic somewhere to sensors folder? if (engineConfiguration->fuelLevelSensor != EFI_ADC_NONE) { float fuelLevelVoltage = getVoltageDivided("fuel", engineConfiguration->fuelLevelSensor); sensors.fuelTankGauge = interpolate(boardConfiguration->fuelLevelEmptyTankVoltage, 0, boardConfiguration->fuelLevelFullTankVoltage, 100, fuelLevelVoltage); } sensors.vBatt = hasVBatt(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) ? getVBatt(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) : 12; engineState.injectorLag = getInjectorLag(sensors.vBatt PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); }
static void printSensors(Logging *log, bool fileFormat) { // current time, in milliseconds int nowMs = currentTimeMillis(); float sec = ((float) nowMs) / 1000; reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "time", "", sec, 3); int rpm = 0; #if EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT || defined(__DOXYGEN__) rpm = getRpmE(engine); reportSensorI(log, fileFormat, "rpm", "RPM", rpm); // reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "TRG_0_DUTY", "%", getTriggerDutyCycle(0), 2); // reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "TRG_1_DUTY", "%", getTriggerDutyCycle(1), 2); #endif if (hasMafSensor()) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "maf", "V", getMaf(), 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "mafr", "kg/hr", getRealMaf(), 2); } reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "ENGINE_LOAD", "x", getEngineLoadT(), 2); #if EFI_ANALOG_SENSORS || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (engineConfiguration->hasMapSensor) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "MAP", "kPa", getMap(), 2); // reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "map_r", "V", getRawMap(), 2); } if (hasBaroSensor()) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "baro", "kPa", getBaroPressure(), 2); } if (engineConfiguration->hasAfrSensor) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "afr", "AFR", getAfr(), 2); } #endif #if EFI_VEHICLE_SPEED || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (engineConfiguration->hasVehicleSpeedSensor) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "vss", "kph", getVehicleSpeed(), 2); } #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "ks", "count", engine->knockCount, 0); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "kv", "v", engine->knockVolts, 2); // reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "vref", "V", getVRef(engineConfiguration), 2); if (hasVBatt(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F)) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "vbatt", "V", getVBatt(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); } reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "TP", "%", getTPS(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); if (fileFormat) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "tpsacc", "ms", engine->tpsAccelEnrichment.getTpsEnrichment(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "advance", "deg", engine->tpsAccelEnrichment.getTpsEnrichment(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); } if (engineConfiguration->hasCltSensor) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "CLT", "C", getCoolantTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); } reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "MAT", "C", getIntakeAirTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); // debugFloat(&logger, "tch", getTCharge1(tps), 2); }
static void printSensors(Logging *log, bool fileFormat) { // current time, in milliseconds int nowMs = currentTimeMillis(); float sec = ((float) nowMs) / 1000; reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "time", "", sec, 3); // log column 1 int rpm = 0; #if EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT || defined(__DOXYGEN__) rpm = getRpmE(engine); reportSensorI(log, fileFormat, "rpm", "RPM", rpm); // log column 2 // reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "TRG_0_DUTY", "%", getTriggerDutyCycle(0), 2); // reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "TRG_1_DUTY", "%", getTriggerDutyCycle(1), 2); #endif #if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__) reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "int_temp", "C", getMCUInternalTemperature(), 2); // log column #3 #endif reportSensorI(log, fileFormat, "mode", "v", packEngineMode(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F)); // log column #3 if (hasCltSensor()) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "CLT", "C", getCoolantTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); // log column #4 } if (hasTpsSensor()) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "TPS", "%", getTPS(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); // log column #5 } if (hasVBatt(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F)) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "vbatt", "V", getVBatt(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); // log column #6 } if (hasIatSensor()) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "IAT", "C", getIntakeAirTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); // log column #7 } if (hasMafSensor()) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "maf", "V", getMaf(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "mafr", "kg/hr", getRealMaf(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); } #if EFI_ANALOG_SENSORS || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (engineConfiguration->map.sensor.hwChannel != EFI_ADC_NONE) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "MAP", "kPa", getMap(), 2); // reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "map_r", "V", getRawMap(), 2); } #endif /* EFI_ANALOG_SENSORS */ #if EFI_ANALOG_SENSORS || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (hasBaroSensor()) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "baro", "kPa", getBaroPressure(), 2); } #endif /* EFI_ANALOG_SENSORS */ if (hasAfrSensor(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F)) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "afr", "AFR", getAfr(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); } #if EFI_IDLE_CONTROL || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (fileFormat) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "idle", "%", getIdlePosition(), 2); } #endif /* EFI_IDLE_CONTROL */ #if EFI_ANALOG_SENSORS || defined(__DOXYGEN__) reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "target", "AFR", engine->engineState.targetAFR, 2); #endif /* EFI_ANALOG_SENSORS */ if (fileFormat) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "tCharge", "K", engine->engineState.tChargeK, 2); // log column #8 reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "curVE", "%", veMap.getValue(rpm, getMap()), 2); } float engineLoad = getEngineLoadT(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "ENGINE_LOAD", "x", engineLoad, 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "dwell", "ms", ENGINE(engineState.sparkDwell), 2); if (fileFormat) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "timing", "deg", engine->engineState.timingAdvance, 2); } if (fileFormat) { floatms_t fuelBase = getBaseFuel(rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: base", "ms", fuelBase, 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: actual", "ms", ENGINE(actualLastInjection), 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: lag", "ms", engine->engineState.injectorLag, 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: running", "ms", ENGINE(engineState.runningFuel), 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: wall amt", "v", ENGINE(wallFuel).getWallFuel(0), 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: wall crr", "v", ENGINE(wallFuelCorrection), 2); reportSensorI(log, fileFormat, "version", "#", getRusEfiVersion()); } if (engineConfiguration->hasVehicleSpeedSensor) { #if EFI_VEHICLE_SPEED || defined(__DOXYGEN__) float vehicleSpeed = getVehicleSpeed(); #else float vehicleSpeed = 0; #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "vss", "kph", vehicleSpeed, 2); float sp2rpm = rpm == 0 ? 0 : vehicleSpeed / rpm; reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "sp2rpm", "x", sp2rpm, 2); } reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "knck_c", "count", engine->knockCount, 0); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "knck_v", "v", engine->knockVolts, 2); // reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "vref", "V", getVRef(engineConfiguration), 2); if (fileFormat) { reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: tps delta", "v", engine->tpsAccelEnrichment.getMaxDelta(), 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: tps fuel", "ms", engine->engineState.tpsAccelEnrich, 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: el delta", "v", engine->engineLoadAccelEnrichment.getMaxDelta(), 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: el fuel", "v", engine->engineLoadAccelEnrichment.getEngineLoadEnrichment(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F) * 100 / getMap(), 2); reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: duty", "%", getInjectorDutyCycle(rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER), 2); } // debugFloat(&logger, "tch", getTCharge1(tps), 2); for (int i = 0;i<FSIO_ADC_COUNT;i++) { if (engineConfiguration->fsioAdc[i] != EFI_ADC_NONE) { strcpy(buf, "adcX"); buf[3] = '0' + i; reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, buf, "", getVoltage("fsio", engineConfiguration->fsioAdc[i]), 2); } } reportSensorI(log, fileFormat, "warn", "count", engine->engineState.warningCounter); reportSensorI(log, fileFormat, "error", "code", engine->engineState.lastErrorCode); }