void deadVariableElimination(FnSymbol* fn) {
  Vec<Symbol*> symSet;
  Vec<SymExpr*> symExprs;
  collectSymbolSetSymExprVec(fn, symSet, symExprs);

  Map<Symbol*,Vec<SymExpr*>*> defMap;
  Map<Symbol*,Vec<SymExpr*>*> useMap;
  buildDefUseMaps(symSet, symExprs, defMap, useMap);

  forv_Vec(Symbol, sym, symSet)
    // We're interested only in VarSymbols.
    if (!isVarSymbol(sym))

    // A method must have a _this symbol, even if it is not used.
    if (sym == fn->_this)

    if (isDeadVariable(sym, defMap, useMap)) {
      for_defs(se, defMap, sym) {
        CallExpr* call = toCallExpr(se->parentExpr);
        INT_ASSERT(call &&
                   (call->isPrimitive(PRIM_MOVE) ||
        Expr* rhs = call->get(2)->remove();
        if (!isSymExpr(rhs))
Esempio n. 2
// Mark the variables listed in 'with' clauses, if any, with tiMark markers.
// Same as markOuterVarsWithIntents() in implementForallIntents.cpp,
// except uses byrefVars instead of forallIntents.
static void markOuterVarsWithIntents(CallExpr* byrefVars, SymbolMap& uses) {
  if (!byrefVars) return;
  Symbol* marker = NULL;

  // Keep in sync with setupForallIntents() - the actuals alternate:
  //  (tiMark arg | reduce opExpr), task-intent variable [, repeat]
  for_actuals(actual, byrefVars) {
    SymExpr* se = toSymExpr(actual);
    INT_ASSERT(se); // comes as an UnresolvedSymExpr from the parser,
                    // should have been resolved in ScopeResolve
                    // or it is a SymExpr over a tiMark ArgSymbol
                    //                 or over chpl__reduceGlob
    Symbol* var = se->symbol();
    if (marker) {
      SymbolMapElem* elem = uses.get_record(var);
      if (elem) {
        elem->value = marker;
      } else {
        if (isVarSymbol(marker)) {
          // this is a globalOp created in setupOneReduceIntent()
          INT_ASSERT(!strcmp(marker->name, "chpl__reduceGlob"));
          USR_WARN(byrefVars, "the variable '%s' is given a reduce intent and not mentioned in the loop body - it will have the unit value after the loop", var->name);
      marker = NULL;
    } else {
      marker = var;
      INT_ASSERT(marker);  // otherwise the alternation logic will not work
Esempio n. 3
GenRet BlockStmt::codegen() {
  GenInfo* info = gGenInfo;
  FILE* outfile = info->cfile;
  GenRet ret;


  if( outfile ) {
    if (blockInfo) {
      if (blockInfo->isPrimitive(PRIM_BLOCK_WHILEDO_LOOP)) {
        std::string hdr = "while (" + codegenValue(blockInfo->get(1)).c + ") ";
      } else if (blockInfo->isPrimitive(PRIM_BLOCK_DOWHILE_LOOP)) {
        info->cStatements.push_back("do ");
      } else if (blockInfo->isPrimitive(PRIM_BLOCK_FOR_LOOP)) {
        std::string hdr = "for (;" + codegenValue(blockInfo->get(1)).c + ";) ";
      } else if (blockInfo->isPrimitive(PRIM_BLOCK_XMT_PRAGMA_FORALL_I_IN_N)) {
        std::string hdr = "_Pragma(\"mta for all streams ";
        hdr += codegenValue(blockInfo->get(1)).c;
        hdr += " of ";
        hdr += codegenValue(blockInfo->get(2)).c;
        hdr += "\")\n";

    if (this != getFunction()->body)

    if (!(fNoRepositionDefExpr)) {
      Vec<BaseAST*> asts;
      collect_top_asts(this, asts);
      forv_Vec(BaseAST, ast, asts) {
        if (DefExpr* def = toDefExpr(ast)) {
          if (def->parentExpr == this) {
            if (!toTypeSymbol(def->sym)) {
              if (fGenIDS && isVarSymbol(def->sym))
                info->cStatements.push_back("/* " + numToString(def->sym->id) + " */ ");


    if (blockInfo && blockInfo->isPrimitive(PRIM_BLOCK_DOWHILE_LOOP)) {
      std::string ftr = "} while (" + codegenValue(blockInfo->get(1)).c + ");\n";
    } else if (this != getFunction()->body) {
      std::string end = "}";
      CondStmt* cond = toCondStmt(parentExpr);
      if (!cond || !(cond->thenStmt == this && cond->elseStmt))
        end += "\n";
  } else {
Esempio n. 4
 for_fields(field, at) {
   if (!field->hasFlag(FLAG_IMPLICIT_ALIAS_FIELD)) {
     if (isVarSymbol(field)) {
       if (strcmp(field->name, "_promotionType")) {
         build_accessors(at, field);
     } else if (isEnumType(field->type)) {
       build_accessors(at, field);
Esempio n. 5
  // Build a map from Symbols to ConstInfo. This is somewhat like
  // buildDefUseMaps, except we don't want to put defs and uses in different
  // lists (for simplicity).
  // TODO: Can we use for_SymbolSymExprs here instead?
  forv_Vec(SymExpr, se, gSymExprs) {
    if (!(isVarSymbol(se->symbol()) || isArgSymbol(se->symbol()))) continue;
    // TODO: BHARSH: Skip classes for now. Not sure how to deal with aliasing
    if (!se->isRef() && isClass(se->typeInfo())) continue;

    ConstInfo* info = NULL;
    ConstInfoIter it = infoMap.find(se->symbol());
    if (it == infoMap.end()) {
      info = new ConstInfo(se->symbol());
      infoMap[se->symbol()] = info;
    } else {
      info = it->second;

Esempio n. 6
void ForallIntents::verifyFI(BlockStmt* parentB) {
  Expr* parentE = (Expr*)parentB;
  int nv = numVars();
  INT_ASSERT((int)(fiVars.size())   == nv);
  INT_ASSERT((int)(fIntents.size()) == nv);
  INT_ASSERT((int)(riSpecs.size())  == nv);

  for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++) {
    Expr* fiVar = fiVars[i];
    if (SymExpr* fiVarSE = toSymExpr(fiVar)) {
      INT_ASSERT(isVarSymbol(fiVarSE->symbol()) ||
                 isArgSymbol(fiVarSE->symbol()));  // no modules, fns, etc.
    } else {
      // fiVars[i] is either resolved or unresolved sym expr; never NULL.
      // These should be resolved during scopeResolve.
    INT_ASSERT(fiVar->parentExpr == parentE);

    Expr* ri = riSpecs[i];
    INT_ASSERT(isReduce(i) == !!ri);
    if (ri) {
      // ri can be UnresolvedSymExpr, SymExpr, CallExpr, ... (?)
      INT_ASSERT(ri->parentExpr == parentE);

  INT_ASSERT(!iterRec || iterRec->parentExpr == parentE);
  INT_ASSERT(!leadIdx || leadIdx->parentExpr == parentE);
  INT_ASSERT(!leadIdxCopy || leadIdxCopy->parentExpr == parentE);

  // ForallIntents are gone during resolve().
Esempio n. 7
// Note: This function is currently not recursive
static bool inferConst(Symbol* sym) {
  const bool wasConstVal = sym->qualType().getQual() == QUAL_CONST_VAL;

  ConstInfo* info = infoMap[sym];

  // 'info' may be null if the argument is never used. In that case we can
  // consider 'sym' to be a const-ref. By letting the rest of the function
  // proceed, we'll fix up the qualifier for such symbols at the end.
  if (info == NULL) {
    return true;
  } else if (info->finalizedConstness || wasConstVal) {
    return wasConstVal;

  bool isConstVal = true;
  int numDefs = 0;

  while (info->hasMore() && isConstVal) {
    SymExpr* use = info->next();

    CallExpr* call = toCallExpr(use->parentExpr);
    if (call == NULL) {
      // Could be a DefExpr, or the condition for a while loop.
      // BHARSH: I'm not sure of all the possibilities

    CallExpr* parent = toCallExpr(call->parentExpr);

    if (call->isResolved()) {
      ArgSymbol* form = actual_to_formal(use);

      // If 'sym' is constructed through a _retArg, we can consider that to
      // be a single 'def'.
      if (form->hasFlag(FLAG_RETARG)) {
        numDefs += 1;
      else if (form->isRef()) {
        if (!inferConstRef(form)) {
          isConstVal = false;
    else if (parent && isMoveOrAssign(parent)) {
      if (call->isPrimitive(PRIM_ADDR_OF) ||
          call->isPrimitive(PRIM_SET_REFERENCE)) {
        Symbol* LHS = toSymExpr(parent->get(1))->symbol();

        if (onlyUsedForRetarg(LHS, parent)) {
          numDefs += 1;
        else if (!inferConstRef(LHS)) {
          isConstVal = false;
    else if (isMoveOrAssign(call)) {
      if (use == call->get(1)) {
        numDefs += 1;
    } else {
      // To be safe, exit the loop with 'false' if we're unsure of how to
      // handle a primitive.
      isConstVal = false;

    if (numDefs > 1) {
      isConstVal = false;

  if (isConstVal && !info->finalizedConstness) {
    if (ArgSymbol* arg = toArgSymbol(sym)) {
      INT_ASSERT(arg->intent & INTENT_FLAG_IN);
      arg->intent = INTENT_CONST_IN;
    } else {
      sym->qual = QUAL_CONST_VAL;

  info->finalizedConstness = true;

  return isConstVal;
Esempio n. 8
// Returns 'true' if 'sym' is (or should be) a const-ref.
// If 'sym' can be a const-ref, but is not, this function will change either
// the intent or qual of the Symbol to const-ref.
static bool inferConstRef(Symbol* sym) {
  bool wasConstRef = sym->qualType().getQual() == QUAL_CONST_REF;

  if (sym->defPoint->parentSymbol->hasFlag(FLAG_EXTERN)) {
    return wasConstRef;

  ConstInfo* info = infoMap[sym];

  // 'info' may be null if the argument is never used. In that case we can
  // consider 'sym' to be a const-ref. By letting the rest of the function
  // proceed, we'll fix up the qualifier for such symbols at the end.
  if (info == NULL) {
    return true;
  } else if (info->finalizedConstness || wasConstRef) {
    return wasConstRef;

  bool isFirstCall = false;
  if (info->alreadyCalled == false) {
    isFirstCall = true;
    info->alreadyCalled = true;

  bool isConstRef = true;

  while (info->hasMore() && isConstRef) {
    SymExpr* use = info->next();

    CallExpr* call = toCallExpr(use->parentExpr);

    CallExpr* parent = toCallExpr(call->parentExpr);

    if (call->isResolved()) {
      ArgSymbol* form = actual_to_formal(use);
      if (form->isRef() && !inferConstRef(form)) {
        isConstRef = false;
    else if (parent && isMoveOrAssign(parent)) {
      if (!canRHSBeConstRef(parent, use)) {
        isConstRef = false;
    else if (call->isPrimitive(PRIM_MOVE)) {
      // Handles three cases:
      // 1) MOVE use value - writing to a reference, so 'use' cannot be const
      // 2) MOVE ref use - if the LHS is not const, use cannot be const either
      // 3) MOVE value use - a dereference of 'use'
      if (use == call->get(1)) {
        // CASE 1
        if (!call->get(2)->isRef()) {
          isConstRef = false;
      } else {
        // 'use' is the RHS of a MOVE
        if (call->get(1)->isRef()) {
          // CASE 2
          SymExpr* se = toSymExpr(call->get(1));
          if (!inferConstRef(se->symbol())) {
            isConstRef = false;
        // else CASE 3: do nothing because isConstRef is already true
    else if (call->isPrimitive(PRIM_ASSIGN)) {
      if (use == call->get(1)) {
        isConstRef = false;
    else if (call->isPrimitive(PRIM_SET_MEMBER) ||
             call->isPrimitive(PRIM_SET_SVEC_MEMBER)) {
      // BHARSH 2016-11-02
      // In the expr (set_member base member rhs),
      // If use == base, I take the conservative approach and decide that 'use'
      // is not a const-ref. I'm not sure that we've decided what const means
      // for fields yet, so this seems safest.
      // If use == rhs, then we would need to do analysis for the member field.
      // That's beyond the scope of what I'm attempting at the moment, so to
      // be safe we'll return false for that case.
      if (use == call->get(1) || use == call->get(3)) {
        isConstRef = false;
      } else {
        // use == member
        // If 'rhs' is not a ref, then we're writing into 'use'. Otherwise it's
        // a pointer copy and we don't care if 'rhs' is writable.
        if (!call->get(3)->isRef()) {
          isConstRef = false;
    } else {
      // To be safe, exit the loop with 'false' if we're unsure of how to
      // handle a primitive.
      isConstRef = false;

  if (isFirstCall) {
    if (isConstRef) {
      INT_ASSERT(info->finalizedConstness == false);
      if (ArgSymbol* arg = toArgSymbol(sym)) {
        arg->intent = INTENT_CONST_REF;
      } else {
        sym->qual = QUAL_CONST_REF;

    info->finalizedConstness = true;
  } else if (!isConstRef) {
    info->finalizedConstness = true;

  return isConstRef;