void make_chunk(Chunk *chunk, int p, int q) { chunk->p = p; chunk->q = q; chunk->faces = 0; Map *map = &chunk->map; map_alloc(map); make_world(map, p, q); update_chunk(chunk); }
/* Main Loop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char** argv) { AGENT_TYPE *agent ; GEOMETRIC_SHAPE_TYPE *agentshape ; ACOUSTIC_SHAPE_TYPE *sound ; int nsoundreceptors, nsoundbands ; int t ; float angle_locations0[31] = {-15.,-14.,-13.,-12.,-11.,-10.,-9.,-8.,-7.,-6.,-5.,-4.,-3.,-2.,-1.,0.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,11.,12.,13.,14.,15} ; float directions0[31] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ; time_t now ; struct tm *date ; char timestamp[30] ; /* create and initialize the world */ printf("main- making and loading world.\n") ; Flatworld = make_world( 0, 1, 600, 100.0, -100.0, 100.0, -100.0, 0 ) ; read_object_spec_file( Flatworld, "WorldObjects.dat" ) ; /* Creat and initialize the Agent */ printf("main- making and atrributing agent.\n") ; agent = make_agent( 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 ) ; agentshape = read_geometric_shape_file( "geoshapeAgent.dat", 0 ) ; sound = read_acoustic_shape_file( "soundshapeAgent.dat" ) ; nsoundreceptors = sound->nfrequencies ; nsoundbands = sound->nbands ; add_physical_shape_to_agent( agent, agentshape ) ; add_sound_shape_to_agent( agent, sound ) ; add_visual_sensor_to_agent( agent, 31, 3, 0.0, angle_locations0, directions0 ) ; add_acoustic_sensor_to_agent( agent, nsoundreceptors, nsoundbands, 0.0, 90.0 ) ; add_acoustic_sensor_to_agent( agent, nsoundreceptors, nsoundbands, 0.0, -90.0 ) ; add_cargo_manifest_type_to_agent( agent, 0 ) ; add_soma_sensor_to_agent( agent, 1, 0.0, agentshape ) ; add_actuators_to_agent( agent ) ; set_max_translation_delta_agent( agent, 0.1 ) ; set_agent_head_angle( agent, 0.0 ) ; set_metabolic_burn_rate_agent(agent, 2.0e-4 ) ; set_movement_burn_rate_agent( agent, 5.0e-4 ) ; add_agent_to_world( Flatworld, agent ) ; current_agent = agent ; /* Initialize the world and wall clock times. */ now = time(NULL) ; date = localtime( &now ) ; strftime(timestamp, 30, "%y/%m/%d H: %H M: %M S: %S",date) ; printf("main- Start time: %s\n",timestamp) ; for( t=0 ; t<100000 ; t++ ) { agents_controller( Flatworld ) ; } printf("main- terminating normally.\n") ; }
int test3() { #define TEST3 "Beeper and door both to north" p1u_setup(); enable_robot_debug_message(); make_world(); setup_floor(5, 5); setup_beeper(1, 5); create_robot_with_direction(4, 0, get_north()); turn_on_debug_output(); move_beeper(); P1U_ASSERT_EQUAL("There should be 1 beeper at (7, 5)", 1, get_count_of_beepers_at(7, 5)); P1U_ASSERT_EQUAL("Robot should be at X = 7", 7, get_current_robot_x()); P1U_ASSERT_EQUAL("Robot should be at Y = 5", 5, get_current_robot_y()); P1U_ASSERT_EQUAL("Robot should be facing east", get_current_robot_orientation(), get_east()); P1U_ASSERT_FALSE("Robot should survive", is_robot_dead()); p1u_shutdown(); return (p1world_shutdown()); }
void draw_scene(void) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); background(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective(45.0f, (GLfloat)window_width / (GLfloat)window_height, 1.0f, 15500.0f); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); /*glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, whiteSpecularLight); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, blackAmbientLight); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, whiteDiffuseLight);*/ glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(0,0,-5); print_collected_coins(3.0,1.9,GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18,"Score:"); glPopMatrix(); glPushMatrix(); glRotatef(rot_x,1,0,0); glRotatef(rot_y,0,1,0); glRotatef(rot_z,0,0,1); glTranslatef(0,0,-85); select_camera(); glPushMatrix(); make_world(); //display_powers(); //display_obstacles(); glPushMatrix(); if(!falling && !change_lane) { r_z += robot_velocity; robot_motion = robot_slide?0:1; } glPushMatrix(); make_humanoid(); glPopMatrix(); /*glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(humanoid.loc_x/2.0,20,humanoid.loc_z/2.0 + 20); test(1,1,10); glPopMatrix();*/ //spot(humanoid.loc_x/2.0,30,humanoid.loc_z/2.0,0,-1,0); //make_spotlight(); glPopMatrix(); glPopMatrix(); glPopMatrix(); glFlush(); glutSwapBuffers(); }
/* creates your founder */ void makecharacter() { Creature *newcr=new Creature; newcr->align=1; #ifdef BLIND newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_RIGHTEYE]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_LEFTEYE]=1; #endif #ifdef SPINE newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_UPPERSPINE]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_LOWERSPINE]=1; #endif #ifdef NOFACE newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_TONGUE]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_RIGHTEYE]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_LEFTEYE]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_NOSE]=1; #endif #ifdef NOWALK newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_UPPERSPINE]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_LOWERSPINE]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_NECK]=1; newcr->wound[BODYPART_LEG_RIGHT]=1; newcr->wound[BODYPART_LEG_LEFT]=1; #endif #ifdef INTERNAL newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_RIGHTLUNG]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_LEFTLUNG]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_HEART]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_LIVER]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_STOMACH]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_LEFTKIDNEY]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_RIGHTKIDNEY]=1; newcr->special[SPECIALWOUND_SPLEEN]=1; #endif newcr->set_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,8); newcr->set_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_WISDOM,1); newcr->set_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,3); newcr->set_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,5); newcr->set_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH,4); newcr->set_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH,6); newcr->set_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA,4); for(int sk=0;sk<SKILLNUM;sk++)newcr->set_skill(sk,0); char first[3][80]; char last[80]; bool male = LCSrandom(2); // whether or not starting gender is male char gender = newcr->gender_liberal = newcr->gender_conservative = (male ? GENDER_MALE : GENDER_FEMALE); do { firstname(first[0], GENDER_NEUTRAL); firstname(first[1], GENDER_MALE); firstname(first[2], GENDER_FEMALE); lastname(last); } while(strcmp(first[0],last) == 0 && strcmp(first[1],last) == 0 && strcmp(first[2],last) == 0); { Armor a(*armortype[getarmortype("ARMOR_CLOTHES")]); newcr->give_armor(a,NULL); } bool choices=true; while(true) { erase(); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); move(4,6); addstr("The Founder of the Liberal Crime Squad"); move(7,2); addstr("FIRST NAME: "); addstr(first[(int)gender]); move(7,30); set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr(" (Press A to have your parents reconsider)"); move(9,2); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("LAST NAME: "); addstr(last); move(9,30); set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr(" (Press B to be born to a different family)"); move(11,2); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("SEX: "); if(newcr->gender_conservative == GENDER_MALE) { set_color(COLOR_CYAN,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("Male"); } else if(newcr->gender_conservative == GENDER_FEMALE) { set_color(COLOR_MAGENTA,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("Female"); } else { set_color(COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("It's Complicated"); } move(11,30); set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr(" (Press C to change your sex at birth)"); move(13,2); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("HISTORY: "); if(choices) { set_color(COLOR_GREEN,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("Let Me Choose"); } else { set_color(COLOR_RED,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("Let Fate Decide"); } move(13,30); set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr(" (Press D to toggle childhood)"); if(!multipleCityMode) { move(15,2); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("CITY: "); addstr(lcityname); move(15,30); set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr(" (Press E to relocate)"); } move(19-multipleCityMode*2,4); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); addstr("Press any other key when ready to begin..."); int c=getkey(); if(c=='a') { do { firstname(first[(int)gender],newcr->gender_conservative); } while(strcmp(first[(int)gender],last) == 0); continue; } if(c=='b') { do { lastname(last); } while(strcmp(first[0],last) == 0 && strcmp(first[1],last) == 0 && strcmp(first[2],last) == 0); continue; } if(c=='c') { if((newcr->gender_conservative == GENDER_FEMALE && !male) || (newcr->gender_conservative == GENDER_NEUTRAL && male)) newcr->gender_conservative = GENDER_MALE; else if((newcr->gender_conservative == GENDER_MALE && !male) || (newcr->gender_conservative == GENDER_FEMALE && male)) newcr->gender_conservative = GENDER_NEUTRAL; else newcr->gender_conservative = GENDER_FEMALE; gender = newcr->gender_liberal = newcr->gender_conservative; continue; } if(c=='d') { choices = !choices; continue; } if(c=='e' && !multipleCityMode) { strcpy(lcityname,cityname()); continue; } break; } strcpy(newcr->propername,first[(int)gender]); strcat(newcr->propername," "); strcat(newcr->propername,last); int c; bool hasmaps=false; bool makelawyer=false; bool gaylawyer=false; Vehicle * startcar = NULL; char recruits = RECRUITS_NONE; char base = SITE_RESIDENTIAL_SHELTER; for(int q=0;q<10;q++) { erase(); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); move(0,0); addstr("Insight into a Revolution: My Traumatic Childhood"); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); //A - Thief //B - Fighter //C - Student //D - Generalist/Sleepers //E - Recruiter char selection = LCSrandom(5); switch(q) { /* - The anniversary of Hitler's suicide. - SKILL_PISTOL 1 (lol) - Indira Gandhi Killed */ case 0: move(2,0);addstr("The day I was born in 1984..."); move(5,0); if(choices || selection == 0) addstr("A - the Polish priest Popieluszko was kidnapped by government agents."); //ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY 2 // Oct. 19, 1984 move(7,0); if(choices || selection == 1) addstr("B - was the 3rd anniversary of the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan."); //ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH 2 // Mar. 3, 1984 move(9,0); if(choices || selection == 2) addstr("C - the Macintosh was introduced."); //ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE 2 // Jan. 24, 1984 move(11,0); if(choices || selection == 3) addstr("D - the Nobel Peace Prize went to Desmond Tutu for opposition to apartheid."); //ATTRIBUTE_HEART 2 // Oct. 16, 1984 move(13,0); if(choices || selection == 4) addstr("E - the Sandanista Front won the elections in Nicaragua."); //ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA 2 // Sept. 4, 1984 //move(14,0); //if(choices || selection == 5) //addstr("F - the United Nations condemned Iraq's use of chemical weapons."); //ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH 2 //March 30, 1984 move(17,0); addstr("The doctor said I was "); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); if(newcr->gender_conservative == GENDER_MALE) addstr("a boy"); else if(newcr->gender_conservative == GENDER_FEMALE) addstr("a girl"); else addstr("an intersex baby"); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); addstr("."); move(19,0); addstr("My parents "); if(newcr->gender_conservative == GENDER_NEUTRAL) { addstr("insisted otherwise."); move(20,0); addstr("They "); } addstr("named me "); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr(newcr->propername); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); addstr("."); break; // My first memory was... // my father burning my back with a cigarette // When he was really into the sauce... // // XXX: Needs an option to have the founder have been in the Army -- LK // XXX: Something I forgot. case 1: move(2,0);addstr("When I was bad..."); move(5,0); if(choices || selection == 0) addstr("A - my parents grounded me and hid my toys, but I knew where they put them."); // Toy box //SKILL_SECURITY 1 //ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY 1 move(7,0); if(choices || selection == 1) addstr("B - my father beat me. I learned to take a punch earlier than most."); //SKILL_HANDTOHAND 1 //ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH 1 move(9,0); if(choices || selection == 2) addstr("C - I was sent to my room, where I studied quietly by myself, alone."); //SKILL_WRITING 1 //ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE 1 move(11,0); if(choices || selection == 3) addstr("D - my parents argued with each other about me, but I was never punished."); //SKILL_PERSUASION 1 //ATTRIBUTE_HEART 1 move(13,0); if(choices || selection == 4) addstr("E - my father lectured me endlessly, trying to make me think like him."); //SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY 1 //ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA 1 /*switch(c) { case 'e': move(17,4); addstr("\"The worst has happened. Someone wanted to kill and killed"); move(18,4); addstr("not only the a man, not only a Pole, not only a priest."); move(19,4); addstr("Someone wanted to kill the hope that it is possible to avoid"); move(20,4); addstr("violence in Polish political life.\""); move(21,8); addstr("- Solidarity Leader Lech Walesa"); break; default: break; }*/ break; case 2: move(2,0);addstr("In elementary school..."); move(5,0); if(choices || selection == 0) addstr("A - I was mischievous, and always up to something."); //SKILL_DISGUISE 1 //ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY 1 move(7,0); if(choices || selection == 1) addstr("B - I had a lot of repressed anger. I hurt animals."); //SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY 1 //ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH 1 //ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY 1 //ATTRIBUTE_HEART -1 <--- ! move(9,0); if(choices || selection == 2) addstr("C - I was at the head of the class, and I worked very hard."); //ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE 1 //SKILL_WRITING 1 move(11,0); if(choices || selection == 3) addstr("D - I was unruly and often fought with the other children."); //SKILL_HANDTOHAND 1 //ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH 1 move(13,0); if(choices || selection == 4) addstr("E - I was the class clown. I even had some friends."); //SKILL_PERSUASION 1 //ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA 1 break; case 3: move(2,0);addstr("When I turned 10..."); move(5,0); if(choices || selection == 0) addstr("A - my parents divorced. Whenever I talked, they argued, so I stayed quiet."); //SKILL_STEALTH 1 move(7,0); if(choices || selection == 1) addstr("B - my parents divorced. Violently."); //SKILL_HANDTOHAND 1 move(9,0); if(choices || selection == 2) addstr("C - my parents divorced. Acrimoniously. I once tripped over the paperwork!"); //SKILL_LAW 1 move(11,0); if(choices || selection == 3) addstr("D - my parents divorced. Mom slept with the divorce lawyer."); //SKILL_SEDUCTION 1 move(13,0); if(choices || selection == 4) addstr("E - my parents divorced. It still hurts to read my old diary."); //SKILL_WRITING 1 break; case 4: move(2,0);addstr("In junior high school..."); move(5,0); if(choices || selection == 0) addstr("A - I was into chemistry. I wanted to know what made the world tick."); //SKILL_SCIENCE 2 //ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE 2 move(7,0); if(choices || selection == 1) addstr("B - I played guitar in a grunge band. We sucked, but so did life."); //SKILL_MUSIC 2 //ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA 2 move(9,0); if(choices || selection == 2) addstr("C - I drew things, a lot. I was drawing a world better than this."); //SKILL_ART 2 //ATTRIBUTE_HEART 2 move(11,0); if(choices || selection == 3) addstr("D - I played violent video games at home. I was a total outcast."); //SKILL_COMPUTERS 2 //ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY 2 move(13,0); if(choices || selection == 4) addstr("E - I was obsessed with swords, and started lifting weights."); //SKILL_SWORD 2 //ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH 2 break; case 5: move(2,0);addstr("Things were getting really bad..."); move(5,0); if(choices || selection == 0) addstr("A - when I stole my first car. I got a few blocks before I totaled it."); //SKILL_DRIVING 1 //SKILL_SECURITY 1 move(7,0); if(choices || selection == 1) addstr("B - and I went to live with my dad. He had been in Nam and he still drank."); //SKILL_SHOTGUN 1 //SKILL_RIFLE 1 //SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY 1 move(9,0); if(choices || selection == 2) addstr("C - and I went completely goth. I had no friends and made costumes by myself."); //SKILL_TAILORING 2 move(11,0); if(choices || selection == 3) addstr("D - when I was sent to religious counseling, just stressing me out more."); //SKILL_RELIGION 1 //SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY 1 move(13,0); if(choices || selection == 4) addstr("E - and I tried being a teacher's assistant. It just made me a target."); //SKILL_TEACHING 2 break; case 6: move(2,0);addstr("Well, I knew it had reached a crescendo when..."); move(5,0); if(choices || selection == 0) addstr("A - I stole a cop car when I was only 14. I went to juvie for 6 months."); //SKILL_DRIVING 1 //SKILL_SECURITY 1 //ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE 1 move(7,0); if(choices || selection == 1) addstr("B - my step mom shot her ex-husband, my dad, with a shotgun. She got off.");//XXX: Sounds... Sexual... //SKILL_SHOTGUN 2 //ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY 1 move(9,0); if(choices || selection == 2) addstr("C - I tried wrestling for a quarter, desperate to fit in."); //ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH 1 //SKILL_HANDTOHAND 2 move(11,0); if(choices || selection == 3) addstr("D - I got caught making out, and now I needed to be 'cured' of homosexuality."); //SKILL_SEDUCTION 1 //SKILL_RELIGION 1 //ATTRIBUTE_HEART 1 move(13,0); if(choices || selection == 4) addstr("E - I resorted to controlling people. Had my own clique of outcasts."); //SKILL_PERSUASION 2 //ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA 1 break; case 7: move(2,0);addstr("I was only 15 when I ran away, and..."); move(5,0); if(choices || selection == 0) addstr("A - I started robbing houses: rich people only. I was fed up with their crap."); //SKILL_SECURITY 1 //SKILL_STEALTH 1 //ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY 1 move(7,0); if(choices || selection == 1) addstr("B - I hung out with thugs and beat the shit out of people."); //ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH 1 //SKILL_HANDTOHAND 2 move(9,0); if(choices || selection == 2) addstr("C - I got a horrible job working fast food, smiling as people fed the man."); //ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA 1 //SKILL_BUSINESS 2 move(11,0); if(choices || selection == 3) addstr("D - I let people pay me for sex. I needed the money to survive."); //ATTRIBUTE_HEART -1 //ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA 2 //SKILL_SEDUCTION 2 move(13,0); if(choices || selection == 4) addstr("E - I volunteered for a left-wing candidate. It wasn't *real*, though, you know?"); //ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE 1 //SKILL_LAW 1 //SKILL_PERSUASION 1 break; case 8: move(2,0);addstr("Life went on. On my 18th birthday..."); move(5,0); if(choices || selection == 0) addstr("A - I got my hands on a sports car. The owner must have been pissed."); move(7,0); if(choices || selection == 1) addstr("B - I bought myself an assault rifle."); move(9,0); if(choices || selection == 2) addstr("C - I celebrated. I'd saved a thousand bucks!"); move(11,0); if(choices || selection == 3) addstr("D - I went to a party and met a cool law student. We've been dating since.");//XXX: No Seduction? move(13,0); if(choices || selection == 4) addstr("E - I managed to acquire secret maps of several major buildings downtown."); break; case 9: move(2,0);addstr("For the past few years, I've been..."); move(5,0); if(choices || selection == 0) addstr("A - stealing from Corporations. I know they're still keeping more secrets."); //ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE 2 //ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY 2 //SKILL_SECURITY 2 //SKILL_STEALTH 2 // +Downtown apartment // +$500 (one month rent) move(7,0); if(choices || selection == 1) addstr("B - a violent criminal. Nothing can change me, or stand in my way."); //SKILL_RIFLE 2 //SKILL_PISTOL 2 //SKILL_STREETSENSE 2 //ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY 2 //ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH 2 //ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH 2 // +Crack house (with stockpiled rations) // +A crew (four gang members with knives and pistols) move(9,0); if(choices || selection == 2) addstr("C - taking college courses. I can see how much the country needs help."); //SKILL_SCIENCE 2 //SKILL_COMPUTERS 2 //SKILL_WRITING 2 //SKILL_TEACHING 2 //SKILL_BUSINESS 1 //SKILL_LAW 1 //ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE 4 // +University apartment // +$200 (one month rent) move(11,0); if(choices || selection == 3) addstr("D - surviving alone, just like anyone. But we can't go on like this."); //SKILL_FIRSTAID 2 //SKILL_STREETSENSE 2 //ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE 1 //ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY 1 //ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH 2 // +Homeless shelter // +1 all stats (except Wisdom) move(13,0); if(choices || selection == 4) addstr("E - writing my manifesto and refining my image. I'm ready to lead."); //ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA 2 //ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE 2 //SKILL_LAW 1 //SKILL_PERSUASION 2 //SKILL_WRITING 1 // +Industrial apartment // +$100 (one month rent) // +50 juice move(17,0); addstr("I live in "); if(!multipleCityMode) addstr(lcityname); else addstr("Seattle, WA"); addstr(", and it's about to experience real change."); break; } do { c=getkey(); if(!choices) c='a'+selection; } while(c<'a'||c>'e'); switch(q) { case 0: // Oct. 19, 1984 if(c=='a') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,+2); newcr->birthday_month = 10; newcr->birthday_day = 19; } // Mar. 3, 1984 if(c=='b') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH,+2); newcr->birthday_month = 3; newcr->birthday_day = 3; } // Jan. 24, 1984 if(c=='c') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,+2); newcr->birthday_month = 1; newcr->birthday_day = 24; } // Oct. 16, 1984 if(c=='d') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,+2); newcr->birthday_month = 10; newcr->birthday_day = 16; } // Sep. 4, 1984 if(c=='e') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA,+2); newcr->birthday_month = 9; newcr->birthday_day = 4; } newcr->age = year - 1984; // Don't count this year in founder's age if starting before birthday if(month < newcr->birthday_month || (month==newcr->birthday_month && day<newcr->birthday_day)) { newcr->age--; } break; case 1: if(c=='a') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SECURITY,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SECURITY)+(1)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,+1); } if(c=='b') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_HANDTOHAND,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_HANDTOHAND)+(1)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH,+1); } if(c=='c') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,+1); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_WRITING,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_WRITING)+(1)); } if(c=='d') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_PERSUASION,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_PERSUASION)+(1)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,+1); } if(c=='e') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY)+(1)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA,+1); } break; case 2: if(c=='a') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_DISGUISE,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_DISGUISE)+(1)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,+1); } if(c=='b') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY)+(1)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,+1); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,-1); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH,+1); } if(c=='c') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,+1); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_WRITING,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_WRITING)+(1)); } if(c=='d') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH,+1); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_HANDTOHAND,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_HANDTOHAND)+(1)); } if(c=='e') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_PERSUASION,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_PERSUASION)+(1)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA,+1); } break; case 3: if(c=='a') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_STEALTH,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_STEALTH)+(1)); } if(c=='b') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_HANDTOHAND,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_HANDTOHAND)+(1)); } if(c=='c') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_LAW,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_LAW)+(1)); } if(c=='d') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SEDUCTION,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SEDUCTION)+(1)); } if(c=='e') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_WRITING,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_WRITING)+1); } break; case 4: if(c=='a') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SCIENCE,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SCIENCE)+(2)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,+2); } if(c=='b') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_MUSIC,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_MUSIC)+(2)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA,+2); } if(c=='c') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_ART,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_ART)+(2)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,+2); } if(c=='d') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_COMPUTERS,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_COMPUTERS)+(2)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,+2); } if(c=='e') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH,+2); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SWORD,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SWORD)+(2)); } break; case 5: if(c=='a') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_DRIVING,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_DRIVING)+(1)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SECURITY,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SECURITY)+(1)); } if(c=='b') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SHOTGUN,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SHOTGUN)+(1)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_RIFLE,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_RIFLE)+(1)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY)+(1)); } if(c=='c') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_TAILORING,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_TAILORING)+(2)); } if(c=='d') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_RELIGION,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_RELIGION)+(1)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_PSYCHOLOGY)+(1)); } if(c=='e') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_TEACHING,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_TEACHING)+(2)); } break; case 6: if(c=='a') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_DRIVING,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_DRIVING)+(1)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SECURITY,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SECURITY)+(1)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,+1); } if(c=='b') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SHOTGUN,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SHOTGUN)+(2)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,+1); } if(c=='c') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH,+1); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_HANDTOHAND,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_HANDTOHAND)+(2)); } if(c=='d') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SEDUCTION,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SEDUCTION)+(1)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_RELIGION,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_RELIGION)+(1)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,+1); gaylawyer=true; } if(c=='e') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_PERSUASION,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_PERSUASION)+(2)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA,+1); } break; case 7: if(c=='a') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SECURITY,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SECURITY)+(1)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_STEALTH,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_STEALTH)+(1)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,+1); } if(c=='b') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH,+1); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_HANDTOHAND,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_HANDTOHAND)+(2)); } if(c=='c') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA,+1); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_BUSINESS,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_BUSINESS)+(2)); } if(c=='d') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,-1); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA,+2); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SEDUCTION,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SEDUCTION)+(2)); } if(c=='e') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,+1); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_LAW,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_LAW)+(1)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_PERSUASION,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_PERSUASION)+(1)); } break; case 8: if(c=='a') { startcar = new Vehicle(*vehicletype[getvehicletype("SPORTSCAR")]); // Add heat to the starting vehicle because it is stolen. // This is so that you can't immediately sell it at full price. startcar->add_heat(10); vehicle.push_back(startcar); newcr->pref_carid = startcar->id(); } if(c=='b') { Weapon neww(*weapontype[getweapontype("WEAPON_AUTORIFLE_AK47")]); Clip newc(*cliptype[getcliptype("CLIP_ASSAULT")],9); newcr->give_weapon(neww,NULL); newcr->take_clips(newc,9); } if(c=='c') { ledger.force_funds(1000); } if(c=='d') { makelawyer=true; } if(c=='e') { hasmaps=true; } break; case 9: if(c=='a') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,+2); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,+2); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SECURITY,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SECURITY)+(2)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_STEALTH,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_STEALTH)+(2)); newcr->type = CREATURE_THIEF; newcr->type_idname = "CREATURE_THIEF"; base = SITE_RESIDENTIAL_APARTMENT_UPSCALE; ledger.force_funds(ledger.get_funds()+500); Armor newa(*armortype[getarmortype("ARMOR_BLACKCLOTHES")]); newcr->give_armor(newa,NULL); } if(c=='b') { newcr->set_skill(SKILL_RIFLE,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_RIFLE)+(2)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_PISTOL,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_PISTOL)+(2)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_STREETSENSE,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_STREETSENSE)+(2)); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,+2); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH,+2); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH,+2); newcr->type = CREATURE_GANGMEMBER; newcr->type_idname = "CREATURE_GANGMEMBER"; base = SITE_BUSINESS_CRACKHOUSE; recruits = RECRUITS_GANG; } if(c=='c') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,+4); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_SCIENCE,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_SCIENCE)+(2)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_COMPUTERS,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_COMPUTERS)+(2)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_WRITING,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_WRITING)+(2)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_TEACHING,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_TEACHING)+(2)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_BUSINESS,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_BUSINESS)+(1)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_LAW,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_LAW)+(1)); newcr->type = CREATURE_COLLEGESTUDENT; newcr->type_idname = "CREATURE_COLLEGESTUDENT"; base = SITE_RESIDENTIAL_APARTMENT; ledger.force_funds(ledger.get_funds()+200); } if(c=='d') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,+1); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,+1); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH,+2); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_FIRSTAID,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_FIRSTAID)+(2)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_STREETSENSE,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_STREETSENSE)+(2)); newcr->type = CREATURE_HSDROPOUT; newcr->type_idname = "CREATURE_HSDROPOUT"; base = SITE_RESIDENTIAL_SHELTER; newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,+1); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,+1); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY,+1); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH,+1); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH,+1); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA,+1); } if(c=='e') { newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_CHARISMA,+2); newcr->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE,+2); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_LAW,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_LAW)+(1)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_WRITING,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_WRITING)+(1)); newcr->set_skill(SKILL_PERSUASION,newcr->get_skill(SKILL_PERSUASION)+(2)); newcr->type = CREATURE_POLITICALACTIVIST; newcr->type_idname = "CREATURE_POLITICALACTIVIST"; base = SITE_RESIDENTIAL_TENEMENT; ledger.force_funds(ledger.get_funds()+50); newcr->juice+=50; } break; } } erase(); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); move(2,2); addstr("A NEW CONSERVATIVE ERA", gamelog); gamelog.newline(); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); move(4,2); addstr("The Year is ", gamelog); addstr(year, gamelog); addstr(".", gamelog); move(6,2); gamelog.newline(); addstr("Conservative President ", gamelog); char president[80]; generate_name(president,GENDER_WHITEMALEPATRIARCH); addstr(president, gamelog); addstr(" ends his second term with approval", gamelog); move(7,2); gamelog.newline(); addstr("ratings in the high 70s, and is succeeded by hardcore Arch-Conservative", gamelog); move(8,2); gamelog.newline(); addstr(execname[EXEC_PRESIDENT], gamelog); addstr(".", gamelog); gamelog.nextMessage(); move(10,2); addstr("With Conservatives sweeping into power in the House of Representatives", gamelog); move(11,2); gamelog.newline(); addstr("and Senate, and a Conservative majority in the Supreme Court of the", gamelog); move(12,2); gamelog.newline(); addstr("United States, commentators are hailing it as the beginning of a new", gamelog); move(13,2); gamelog.newline(); addstr("Conservative era.", gamelog); gamelog.nextMessage(); move(15,2); set_color(COLOR_RED,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("President ", gamelog); addstr(execname[EXEC_PRESIDENT], gamelog); addstr(" has asked the new Congress to move quickly", gamelog); move(16,2); gamelog.newline(); addstr("to rubber stamp his radical Arch-Conservative agenda. ", gamelog); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); addstr("The left seems", gamelog); gamelog.newline(); move(17,2); addstr("powerless to stop this imminent trampling of Liberal Sanity and Justice.", gamelog); gamelog.nextMessage(); move(19,2); addstr("In this dark time, the Liberal Crime Squad is born...", gamelog); gamelog.nextMessage(); getkey(); erase(); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); move(0,0); addstr("What is your name to the People?"); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); move(1,0); addstr("Press enter to be known by your real name instead."); enter_name(2,0,newcr->name,CREATURE_NAMELEN,newcr->propername); pool.push_back(newcr); make_world(hasmaps); squadst *newsq=new squadst; newsq->id=0;cursquadid++; newsq->squad[0]=newcr; newcr->squadid=0; strcpy(newsq->name,"The Liberal Crime Squad"); for(int l=0;l<len(location);l++) { if(location[l]->type==base) { newcr->base=l; newcr->location=l; if(startcar) startcar->set_location(l); switch(base) { case SITE_RESIDENTIAL_APARTMENT_UPSCALE:location[l]->renting=500;break; case SITE_RESIDENTIAL_APARTMENT:location[l]->renting=200;break; case SITE_RESIDENTIAL_TENEMENT:location[l]->renting=100;break; case SITE_BUSINESS_CRACKHOUSE: location[l]->renting=RENTING_PERMANENT; location[l]->compound_stores+=100; break; } location[l]->newrental=1; switch(recruits) { case RECRUITS_GANG: for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { Creature* recruit = new Creature; makecreature(*recruit,CREATURE_GANGMEMBER); if(recruit->get_weapon().get_itemtypename() == "WEAPON_AUTORIFLE_AK47" || recruit->get_weapon().get_itemtypename() == "WEAPON_SMG_MP5" || !recruit->is_armed()) { Weapon w(*weapontype[getweapontype("WEAPON_SEMIPISTOL_9MM")]); recruit->give_weapon(w,NULL); Clip c(*cliptype[getcliptype("CLIP_9")],4); recruit->take_clips(c,4); recruit->reload(false); } recruit->align=ALIGN_LIBERAL; recruit->set_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART, recruit->get_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,false)+ recruit->get_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_WISDOM,false)/2); recruit->set_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_WISDOM, recruit->get_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_WISDOM,false)/2); recruit->namecreature(); strcpy(recruit->name,recruit->propername); recruit->location=l; recruit->base=l; recruit->hireid=newcr->id; newsq->squad[i+1]=recruit; recruit->squadid=newsq->id; pool.push_back(recruit); } break; } #ifdef GIVEBLOODYARMOR Armor *newa= new Armor(*armortype[getarmortype("ARMOR_CLOTHES")]); newa->set_bloody(true); location[l]->loot.push_back(newi); #endif #ifdef HIGHFUNDS ledger.force_funds(100000); #endif break; } } //newcr->juice=0; squad.push_back(newsq); activesquad=newsq; if(makelawyer) { Creature* lawyer=new Creature; makecreature(*lawyer,CREATURE_LAWYER); // Make sure lawyer is of the appropriate gender for dating the main character; // opposite sex by default, same sex if the option was chosen that mentions // homosexuality if(gaylawyer) { lawyer->gender_conservative=lawyer->gender_liberal=newcr->gender_conservative; // neutral founder gets neutral partner } else { if(newcr->gender_conservative==GENDER_MALE) lawyer->gender_liberal=lawyer->gender_conservative=GENDER_FEMALE; if(newcr->gender_conservative==GENDER_FEMALE) lawyer->gender_liberal=lawyer->gender_conservative=GENDER_MALE; // neutral founder gets random partner } // Ensure the lawyer has good heart/wisdom stats if(lawyer->get_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,false)<newcr->get_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,false)-2) lawyer->adjust_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEART,-2); lawyer->set_attribute(ATTRIBUTE_WISDOM,1); lawyer->namecreature(); lawyer->flag|=CREATUREFLAG_SLEEPER; lawyer->flag|=CREATUREFLAG_LOVESLAVE; lawyer->align=ALIGN_LIBERAL; lawyer->infiltration=0.3f; lawyer->age=28; location[lawyer->worklocation]->mapped=1; lawyer->hireid=newcr->id; pool.push_back(lawyer); lawyer->location=lawyer->base=lawyer->worklocation; } uniqueCreatures.initialize(); }