dblist::dblist(QSqlDatabase db, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { setMinimumWidth(600); layout_ = new QGridLayout(this); tableView_ = new QTableView(this); nameTarea_ = new QLabel("Tarea: "); dateTarea_ = new QLabel("Fecha: "); categoryTarea_ = new QLabel("Categoria: "); categoryTarea_->setWordWrap(true); categoryTarea_->setMinimumWidth(200); categoryTarea_->setMaximumWidth(200); categoryDescrTarea_ = new QLabel("Descripcion: "); categoryDescrTarea_->setWordWrap(true); categoryDescrTarea_->setMinimumWidth(200); categoryDescrTarea_->setMaximumWidth(200); tagTitle_ = new QLabel("Lista de etiquetas"); tagsView_ = new QListView(this); tagsView_->setMinimumWidth(200); checkTarea_ = new QCheckBox("Realizada",this); layout_->addWidget(tableView_,0,0,1,3); layout_->addWidget(nameTarea_,1,0,1,1); layout_->addWidget(dateTarea_,1,1,1,1); layout_->addWidget(checkTarea_,1,2,1,1); layout_->addWidget(categoryTarea_,3,2,1,1); layout_->addWidget(categoryDescrTarea_,4,2,1,1); layout_->addWidget(tagTitle_,2,0,1,1); layout_->addWidget(tagsView_,3,0,2,1); db_ = db; onLoad(); }
Bool testhash::Parent::load(yamm::HSDBFile * file) { if (!deserializeStaticData(file)) return false; if (!_instances.deserialize(file)) return false; if (!ChildTable.deserialize(file)) return false; onLoad(); return true; }
bool LoadMapWindow::handleKeyPress(SDL_KeyboardEvent& key) { if(pChildWindow != NULL) { bool ret = pChildWindow->handleKeyPress(key); return ret; } if(isEnabled() && (pWindowWidget != NULL)) { if(key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN) { onLoad(); return true; } else if(key.keysym.sym == SDLK_DELETE) { int index = mapList.getSelectedIndex(); if(index >= 0) { QstBox* pQstBox = QstBox::create( strprintf(_("Do you really want to delete '%s' ?"), mapList.getEntry(index).c_str()), _("No"), _("Yes"), QSTBOX_BUTTON2); pQstBox->setTextColor(color); openWindow(pQstBox); } return true; } else { return pWindowWidget->handleKeyPress(key); } } else { return false; } }
void Content::load(bool activate) { if (_disposed) NIT_THROW(EX_INVALID_STATE); ASSERT_THROW(_linked, EX_INVALID_STATE); if (_loaded) return; if (_loading) return; // TODO: Should we wait till loaded this case? _error = false; // TODO: detect if it is async (Thread::Current() == NULL?) { struct LoadingScope { Weak<Content> res; LoadingScope(Content* res) : res(res) { res->_loading = true; } ~LoadingScope() { if (res) res->_loading = false; } }; LoadingScope lscope(this); onLoad(false); } if (_error) return; _loaded = true; }
void VoiceMessagesLoader::onStart(AudioData *audio) { Loaders::iterator i = _loaders.find(audio); if (i != _loaders.end()) { delete (*i); _loaders.erase(i); } onLoad(audio); }
void WebBrowser::setupConnections() { connect(address_,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(onLoad())); connect(refresh_,SIGNAL(pressed()),web_,SLOT(reload())); connect(forward_,SIGNAL(pressed()),web_,SLOT(forward())); connect(back_,SIGNAL(pressed()),web_,SLOT(back())); connect(home_,SIGNAL(pressed()),this,SLOT(onHome())); connect(web_,SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)),this,SLOT(onUrlChange(QUrl))); connect(web_,SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)),this,SLOT(onLoadFinished(bool))); }
// 加载模块 void CModule::doLoad(unsigned short moduleId, const char* srvName, const unsigned int srvId, CConnectMgr* connectMgr, CCfg* srvMsgCommCfg) { m_moduleId = moduleId; m_connectMgr = connectMgr; m_srvMsgCommCfg = srvMsgCommCfg; m_context.dstSrvId = getSrvId(); m_context.dstModuleId = m_moduleId; onLoad(srvName, srvId, m_moduleId); onRegister(srvName, srvId, m_moduleId); // 在此注册本模块处理的协议函数,绑定协议ID到实现函数 }
DataSchema* DataSchemaLookup::load(DataKey* key) { if (key == NULL) return NULL; DataSchema* schema = get(key); if (schema == NULL) schema = onLoad(key); return schema; }
void SDPLoader::onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg) { switch (msg->what()) { case kWhatLoad: onLoad(msg); break; default: TRESPASS(); break; } }
void GeoRectangleValueType::setValue(const QVariant &value) { if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QGeoRectangle>()) v = value.value<QGeoRectangle>(); else if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QGeoShape>()) v = value.value<QGeoShape>(); else v = QGeoRectangle(); onLoad(); }
bool Resource::LoadFromFileXML(const std::string& filename) { sourceFile = filename; TiXmlDocument doc(filename.c_str()); bool loadOkay = doc.LoadFile(); if (!loadOkay) { Logger::log(LOG_ERROR,"LoadFromFileXML[error loading]: \"%s\"\n",filename.c_str()); return false; } TiXmlNode *xml_root_node = doc.FirstChild("root"); if (!xml_root_node) { Logger::log(LOG_ERROR,"LoadFromFileXML[error no root]: \"%s\"\n",filename.c_str()); return false; } TiXmlNode *xml_header_node = xml_root_node->FirstChild( "header" ); TiXmlNode *xml_properties_node = xml_root_node->FirstChild( "properties" ); if (!xml_header_node) { Logger::log(LOG_ERROR,"LoadFromFileXML[error no header]: \"%s\"\n",filename.c_str()); return false; } if (!xml_properties_node) { Logger::log(LOG_ERROR,"LoadFromFileXML[error no properties]: \"%s\"\n",filename.c_str()); return false; } header = new DataTree(); header->setFromXML(&header->rootNode(),xml_header_node); // header->setSerialized(hdr_serialized); if (header->rootNode().hasAnother("type")) header->rootNode().child("type").element().get(typeName); if (header->rootNode().hasAnother("id")) header->rootNode().child("id").element().get(idName); if (header->rootNode().hasAnother("bundle")) header->rootNode().child("bundle").element().get(bundleName); // header->rootNode().child("version").element().get(1.0); properties = new DataTree(); properties->setFromXML(&properties->rootNode(),xml_properties_node); loaded = onLoad(); return true; }
bool coreMenu::onInitialize() { //Load menu screens if((mainMenu = onLoad("./img/mainMenu.png")) == NULL) //Initializes main menu and checks if loaded correctly { return false; } if((optionsMenu = onLoad("./img/instructionMenu.png")) == NULL) //Initializes instruction menu and checks if loaded correctly { return false; } //Load Buttons for menu screens if((optionsButtonSheet = onLoad("./img/newOptionsButton1.png")) == NULL) { return false; } if((backButtonSheet = onLoad("./img/newBackButton1.png")) == NULL) { return false; } if((exitButtonSheet = onLoad("./img/newExitButton1.png")) == NULL) { return false; } if((loadButtonSheet = onLoad("./img/newLoadButton2.png")) == NULL) { return false; } if((scoreButtonSheet = onLoad("./img/newScoreButton1.png")) == NULL) { return false; } if((startButtonSheet = onLoad("./img/newStartButton1.png")) == NULL) { return false; } //Load Music if((music = Mix_LoadMUS( "./sfx/menuThemeBeat.wav" )) == NULL) // Panda.wav or menuThemeBeat.wav { return false; } //Set the window caption SDL_WM_SetCaption( "BadAss Panda: Endanger THIS!", NULL ); //If everything loaded fine return true; }
void AudioPlayerLoaders::onVideoSoundAdded() { bool waitingAndAdded = false; { QMutexLocker lock(&_fromVideoMutex); if (_videoLoader && _videoLoader->playId() == _fromVideoPlayId && !_fromVideoQueue.isEmpty()) { _videoLoader->enqueuePackets(_fromVideoQueue); waitingAndAdded = _videoLoader->holdsSavedDecodedSamples(); } } if (waitingAndAdded) { onLoad(_video); } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The main function static OfxStatus pluginMain(const char *action, const void *handle, OfxPropertySetHandle inArgs, OfxPropertySetHandle outArgs) { // cast to appropriate type OfxImageEffectHandle effect = (OfxImageEffectHandle) handle; if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionDescribe) == 0) { return describe(effect); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionDescribeInContext) == 0) { return describeInContext(effect, inArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionLoad) == 0) { return onLoad(); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionUnload) == 0) { return onUnLoad(); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionCreateInstance) == 0) { return createInstance(effect); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionDestroyInstance) == 0) { return destroyInstance(effect); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionIsIdentity) == 0) { return isIdentity(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionRender) == 0) { return render(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionGetRegionOfDefinition) == 0) { return getSpatialRoD(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionGetRegionsOfInterest) == 0) { return getSpatialRoI(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionGetClipPreferences) == 0) { return getClipPreferences(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionInstanceChanged) == 0) { return instanceChanged(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionGetTimeDomain) == 0) { return getTemporalDomain(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } // other actions to take the default value return kOfxStatReplyDefault; }
void BasicLoadable::load(){ lock(); if ( this -> mIsloaded ) { unlock(); return; } this -> bIsLoading = true; onLoad(); this -> bIsLoading = false; this -> mIsloaded = true; unlock(); }
void IConfig::loadFromStream(std::istream& is) { loadDefault(); std::string entry_name; bool read = true; while (read) { while (char c = is.get()) { if (!is.good()) { read = false; break; } // trim spaces at the beginning if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') { continue; } // skip comment line if (c == '#') { is.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); continue; } // next config header, finish parsing if (c == '[') { read = false; } is.unget(); break; } if (!read) { break; } is >> entry_name; if (m_strEntryMap.count(entry_name)) { m_strEntryMap[entry_name]->readValueFromStream(is); } else { throw ConfigError("Unrecognized config entry: " + entry_name); } } onLoad(); }
void SNIFFER::close() { //str=QString::number(pcnt,10)+" packets captured."; if (interface) { pcap_freecode(&fp); pcap_close(handle); interface=false; sprintf(txtstr,"%d packets captured. Capture complete.",pcnt); //printf("\nCapture complete.\n"); pcnt=0; status->append(txtstr); result=txtstr; emit onLoad(); } }
ClusterColorDialog::ClusterColorDialog(const QString &title,QWidget *parent):DockWidget(title,parent),currentClusterIndex(0) { setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("Cluster Color Dialog")); dockWidgetContents = new QWidget(this); dockWidgetContents->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("dockWidgetContents")); verticalLayout = new QVBoxLayout(dockWidgetContents); verticalLayout->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("verticalLayout")); clusterListWidget = new QListWidget(dockWidgetContents); clusterListWidget->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("clusterListWidget")); verticalLayout->addWidget(clusterListWidget); setColorPushButton = new QPushButton(dockWidgetContents); setColorPushButton->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("setColorPushButton")); verticalLayout->addWidget(setColorPushButton); savePushButton = new QPushButton(dockWidgetContents); savePushButton->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("savePushButton")); verticalLayout->addWidget(savePushButton); loadPushButton = new QPushButton(dockWidgetContents); loadPushButton->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("loadPushButton")); verticalLayout->addWidget(loadPushButton); setColorPushButton->setText(QApplication::translate("clusterListWidget", "Set Color", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8)); savePushButton->setText(QApplication::translate("clusterListWidget", "Save ", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8)); loadPushButton->setText(QApplication::translate("clusterListWidget", "Load", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8)); setWidget(dockWidgetContents); QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(this); connect(&ClusterColorScheme::getSingleton(),SIGNAL(clusterColorChanged()),this,SLOT(onClusterColorChanged())); connect(clusterListWidget,SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)),this,SLOT(onRowChanged(int))); connect(setColorPushButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(onSetColorClicked())); connect(savePushButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(onSave())); connect(loadPushButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(onLoad())); }
void StageSelectScreen::Update(long gameTime) { if(drawnOnce) { if(queueLoad==1) { onLoad(); queueLoad++; } else if(queueLoad == 2) { onGoToGame(); queueLoad = 0; drawnOnce = false; } } stageGrid->Update(gameTime); Menus::button_back->Update(gameTime); }
bool JsAgent::invoke(NPIdentifier name, const NPVariant* args, unsigned argCount, NPVariant* result) { // NPUTF8* strName = NPN_UTF8FromIdentifier(name); Debug::println("JsAgent::invoke: %s", debugName(name)); if(name == methods.onLoad) { return onLoad(args, argCount); } else if(name == methods.onUnload) { return onUnload(); } else if(name == methods.toString) { std::string str("[DotWeb Plugin]"); Variant var; var.set(str); *result = var.take(); return true; } return false; }
void VirtualSlot::load(const ParameterFile &pf, const PluginManagerInterface *man) { // disconnect from other slots Slot::disconnect(); if (!pf.isSet(Slot::_parent->getName() + "." + Slot::_name)) // nothing to do return; // get all targets from parameter file std::vector<std::string> targetList = pf.getList<std::string> ( Slot::_parent->getName() + "." + Slot::_name); // only multislots can be connected to more than one source! if (!(Slot::_multiSlot || (targetList.size() < 2))) { Slot::raise("multiple targets but not a multi-slot"); } if (!targetList.size()) // nothing to do return; std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator tStrIter; // and add corresponding slots to _targets for (tStrIter = targetList.begin(); tStrIter != targetList.end(); tStrIter++) { ParameteredObject* targObj = man->getInstance(tStrIter->substr(0, tStrIter->find("."))); Slot * targetSlot = targObj->getSlot( tStrIter->substr(tStrIter->find(".") + 1)); Slot::connect(*targetSlot); } //if(pf.isSet(_parent->getName() + "." + _name+".displayName")) //_displayName=pf.get<std::string>(_parent->getName() + "." + _name+".displayName"); //if(pf.isSet(_parent->getName() + "." + _name+".typeSlot")) //_type=pf.get<std::string>(_parent->getName() + "." + _name+".typeSlot"); onLoad(pf,man); }
bool Resource::LoadFromFile(const std::string& filename) { char *serialized,*hdr_serialized; long dataSize,headerSize; sourceFile = filename; ifstream fin(filename.c_str(), ios::binary); fin.read((char *)&headerSize, sizeof(long)); fin.read((char *)&dataSize, sizeof(long)); hdr_serialized = new char[headerSize]; fin.read(hdr_serialized,headerSize); serialized = new char[dataSize]; fin.read(serialized,dataSize); fin.close(); if (properties) delete properties; if (header) delete header; header = new DataTree(); header->setSerialized(hdr_serialized); header->rootNode().child("type").element().get(typeName); header->rootNode().child("id").element().get(idName); header->rootNode().child("bundle").element().get(bundleName); // header->rootNode().child("version").element().get(1.0); properties = new DataTree(); properties->setSerialized(serialized); delete serialized; delete hdr_serialized; loaded = onLoad(); return true; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The main entry point function static OfxStatus pluginMain(const char *action, const void *handle, OfxPropertySetHandle inArgs, OfxPropertySetHandle outArgs) { try { // cast to appropriate type OfxImageEffectHandle effect = (OfxImageEffectHandle) handle; if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionLoad) == 0) { return onLoad(); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionDescribe) == 0) { return describe(effect); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionDescribeInContext) == 0) { return describeInContext(effect, inArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionRender) == 0) { return render(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } } catch (std::bad_alloc) { // catch memory //std::cout << "OFX Plugin Memory error." << std::endl; return kOfxStatErrMemory; } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { // standard exceptions //std::cout << "OFX Plugin error: " << e.what() << std::endl; return kOfxStatErrUnknown; } catch (int err) { // ho hum, gone wrong somehow return err; } catch ( ... ) { // everything else //std::cout << "OFX Plugin error" << std::endl; return kOfxStatErrUnknown; } // other actions to take the default value return kOfxStatReplyDefault; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The main entry point function static OfxStatus pluginMain(const char *action, const void *handle, OfxPropertySetHandle inArgs, OfxPropertySetHandle outArgs) { // cast to appropriate type OfxImageEffectHandle effect = (OfxImageEffectHandle) handle; if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionLoad) == 0) { return onLoad(); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionDescribe) == 0) { return describe(effect); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionDescribeInContext) == 0) { return describeInContext(effect, inArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionRender) == 0) { return render(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } // other actions to take the default value return kOfxStatReplyDefault; }
void ChessWidget::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent * e) { if ( !e ) return; switch ( e->key() ) { case Qt::Key_F2: onSave(); break; case Qt::Key_F3: onLoad(); break; case Qt::Key_PageUp: onNext(); break; case Qt::Key_PageDown: onPrev(); break; case Qt::Key_C: if ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ) { onPutFEN(); } break; case Qt::Key_V: if ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ) { onGetFEN(); } break; } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memory Access Event Handling //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EventHandlers::onMemEv(const SglMemEv &ev) { switch (ev.type) { case MemTypeEnum::SGLPRIM_MEM_LOAD: ++(std::get<PerThreadStats::Type::Read>(stats.curr_counts)); onLoad(ev); break; case MemTypeEnum::SGLPRIM_MEM_STORE: ++(std::get<PerThreadStats::Type::Write>(stats.curr_counts)); onStore(ev); break; default: break; } if (st_comp_ev.thread_local_store_cnt > (primitives_per_st_comp_ev - 1) || st_comp_ev.thread_local_load_cnt > (primitives_per_st_comp_ev - 1)) { st_comp_ev.flush(); } }
// internal call, for use in avoiding lookup bool LLNotificationChannelBase::updateItem(const LLSD& payload, LLNotificationPtr pNotification) { std::string cmd = payload["sigtype"]; LLNotificationSet::iterator foundItem = mItems.find(pNotification); bool wasFound = (foundItem != mItems.end()); bool passesFilter = mFilter(pNotification); // first, we offer the result of the filter test to the simple // signals for pass/fail. One of these is guaranteed to be called. // If either signal returns true, the change processing is NOT performed // (so don't return true unless you know what you're doing!) bool abortProcessing = false; if (passesFilter) { abortProcessing = mPassedFilter(payload); } else { abortProcessing = mFailedFilter(payload); } if (abortProcessing) { return true; } if (cmd == "load") { // should be no reason we'd ever get a load if we already have it // if passes filter send a load message, else do nothing assert(!wasFound); if (passesFilter) { // not in our list, add it and say so mItems.insert(pNotification); abortProcessing = mChanged(payload); onLoad(pNotification); } } else if (cmd == "change") { // if it passes filter now and was found, we just send a change message // if it passes filter now and wasn't found, we have to add it // if it doesn't pass filter and wasn't found, we do nothing // if it doesn't pass filter and was found, we need to delete it if (passesFilter) { if (wasFound) { // it already existed, so this is a change // since it changed in place, all we have to do is resend the signal abortProcessing = mChanged(payload); onChange(pNotification); } else { // not in our list, add it and say so mItems.insert(pNotification); // our payload is const, so make a copy before changing it LLSD newpayload = payload; newpayload["sigtype"] = "add"; abortProcessing = mChanged(newpayload); onChange(pNotification); } } else { if (wasFound) { // it already existed, so this is a delete mItems.erase(pNotification); // our payload is const, so make a copy before changing it LLSD newpayload = payload; newpayload["sigtype"] = "delete"; abortProcessing = mChanged(newpayload); onChange(pNotification); } // didn't pass, not on our list, do nothing } } else if (cmd == "add") { // should be no reason we'd ever get an add if we already have it // if passes filter send an add message, else do nothing assert(!wasFound); if (passesFilter) { // not in our list, add it and say so mItems.insert(pNotification); abortProcessing = mChanged(payload); onAdd(pNotification); } } else if (cmd == "delete") { // if we have it in our list, pass on the delete, then delete it, else do nothing if (wasFound) { abortProcessing = mChanged(payload); mItems.erase(pNotification); onDelete(pNotification); } } return abortProcessing; }
void EditorBase::load(CL_GraphicContext &p_gc) { onLoad(p_gc); }
JsonParseResult load(JsonReader* reader) { return onLoad(reader); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The main function static OfxStatus pluginMain(const char *action, const void *handle, OfxPropertySetHandle inArgs, OfxPropertySetHandle outArgs) { try { // cast to appropriate type OfxImageEffectHandle effect = (OfxImageEffectHandle) handle; if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionDescribe) == 0) { return describe(effect); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionDescribeInContext) == 0) { return describeInContext(effect, inArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionLoad) == 0) { return onLoad(); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionUnload) == 0) { return onUnLoad(); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionCreateInstance) == 0) { return createInstance(effect); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionDestroyInstance) == 0) { return destroyInstance(effect); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionIsIdentity) == 0) { return isIdentity(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionRender) == 0) { return render(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionGetRegionOfDefinition) == 0) { return getSpatialRoD(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionGetRegionsOfInterest) == 0) { return getSpatialRoI(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionGetClipPreferences) == 0) { return getClipPreferences(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxActionInstanceChanged) == 0) { return instanceChanged(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } else if(strcmp(action, kOfxImageEffectActionGetTimeDomain) == 0) { return getTemporalDomain(effect, inArgs, outArgs); } } catch (std::bad_alloc) { // catch memory //std::cout << "OFX Plugin Memory error." << std::endl; return kOfxStatErrMemory; } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { // standard exceptions //std::cout << "OFX Plugin error: " << e.what() << std::endl; return kOfxStatErrUnknown; } catch (int err) { // ho hum, gone wrong somehow return err; } catch ( ... ) { // everything else //std::cout << "OFX Plugin error" << std::endl; return kOfxStatErrUnknown; } // other actions to take the default value return kOfxStatReplyDefault; }