void NWNEngine::playIntroVideos() { playVideo("atarilogo"); playVideo("biowarelogo"); playVideo("wotclogo"); playVideo("fge_logo_black"); playVideo("nwnintro"); }
void WitcherEngine::playIntroVideos() { playVideo("publisher"); playVideo("developer"); playVideo("engine"); playVideo("intro"); playVideo("title"); }
void MoviesCampMenu::callbackActive(Widget &widget) { if (widget.getTag() == "CancelButton") { _returnCode = 1; return; } if (widget.getTag() == "NWNButton") { sub(*_base); return; } if (widget.getTag() == "NWNXP1Button") { // No GUI file? Harcoded? // Just play them one after another for now... playVideo("xp1_intro"); playVideo("xp1_chap1_chap2"); playVideo("xp1_chap2_chap3"); playVideo("xp1_closing"); } else if (widget.getTag() == "NWNXP2Button") { // No GUI file? Harcoded? // Just play the intro for now... // (Which is the only actual video anyway, the rest is in-game cinematics) playVideo("xp2_intro"); } updateMouse(); }
void JadeEngine::playIntroVideos() { playVideo("black"); playVideo("publisher"); playVideo("bwlogo"); playVideo("graymatr"); playVideo("attract"); }
void AGOSEngine_FeebleDemo::exitMenu() { for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) disableBox(i); enableBox(21); playVideo("fhypno.smk"); playVideo("fbye1.smk", true); HitArea *ha; do { _lastHitArea = NULL; _lastHitArea3 = NULL; while (!shouldQuit() && _lastHitArea3 == 0) { delay(1); } ha = _lastHitArea; } while (!shouldQuit() && !(ha != NULL && ha->id == 21)); playVideo("fbye2.smk"); quitGame(); delay(0); }
void WenliBackWidget::initConnect() { connect(m_groupButton, SIGNAL(playVideo()), this, SIGNAL(playVideo())); connect(m_groupButton, SIGNAL(showSkin()), this, SIGNAL(showSkin())); connect(m_groupButton, SIGNAL(showMenu()), this, SIGNAL(showMenu())); connect(m_groupButton, SIGNAL(showMin()), this, SIGNAL(showMin())); connect(m_groupButton, SIGNAL(closeWidget()), this, SIGNAL(closeWidget())); connect(m_button, SIGNAL(buttonClicked()), this, SIGNAL(buttonClicked())); }
void Functions::endGame(Aurora::NWScript::FunctionContext &ctx) { _game->getModule().exit(); const Common::UString video = ctx.getParams()[0].getString(); if (!video.empty()) playVideo(video); playVideo("credits"); }
void SonicEngine::playIntroVideos() { // Play the two logo videos playVideo("bioware"); playVideo("sega"); // TODO: We need to support playing two videos at once. The two logo videos // are both on the bottom screen, but (most) other videos have a top screen // and bottom screen video. }
void MoviesBaseMenu::callbackActive(Widget &widget) { if (widget.getTag() == "CloseButton") { _returnCode = 1; return; } if (widget.getTag() == "PreludeButton") playVideo("prelude"); else if (widget.getTag() == "IntroButton") playVideo("prelude"); else if (widget.getTag() == "Chpt1Button") playVideo("prelude_chap1"); else if (widget.getTag() == "Chpt2Button") playVideo("chap1_chap2"); else if (widget.getTag() == "Chpt3Button") playVideo("chap2_chap3"); else if (widget.getTag() == "Chpt4Button") playVideo("chap3_chap4"); else if (widget.getTag() == "EndButton") playVideo("ending"); else if (widget.getTag() == "CreditsButton") playVideo("credits"); updateMouse(); }
void KotOREngine::playIntroVideos() { if (_platform == Aurora::kPlatformXbox) { playVideo("logo"); // TODO: What the hell is (sizzle|sizzle2).xmv? } else { playVideo("leclogo"); playVideo("biologo"); // On Mac OS X, play the Aspyr logo if (_platform == Aurora::kPlatformMacOSX) playVideo("Aspyr_BlueDust_intro"); playVideo("legal"); } }
YouTubePlaybackDialog::YouTubePlaybackDialog(const QString &resourceId, const QString &title, QWidget *parent) : Dialog(parent), m_id(resourceId), m_title(title), m_model(new YouTubeStreamModel(this)), m_streamSelector(new ValueSelector(tr("Video format"), this)), m_buttonBox(new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Vertical, this)), m_layout(new QHBoxLayout(this)) { setWindowTitle(tr("Play video")); m_streamSelector->setModel(m_model); m_buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(false); m_layout->addWidget(m_streamSelector, Qt::AlignBottom); m_layout->addWidget(m_buttonBox, Qt::AlignBottom); m_layout->setStretch(0, 1); connect(m_model, SIGNAL(statusChanged(QYouTube::StreamsRequest::Status)), this, SLOT(onModelStatusChanged(QYouTube::StreamsRequest::Status))); connect(m_streamSelector, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QVariant)), this, SLOT(onStreamChanged())); connect(m_buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(playVideo())); connect(m_buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject())); }
void Module::enter() { if (!_hasModule) throw Common::Exception("Module::enter(): Lacking a module?!?"); _console->printf("Entering module \"%s\"", _ifo.getName().getString().c_str()); try { loadAreas(); } catch (Common::Exception &e) { e.add("Can't initialize module \"%s\"", _ifo.getName().getString().c_str()); throw e; } float entryX, entryY, entryZ, entryDirX, entryDirY; _ifo.getEntryPosition(entryX, entryY, entryZ); _ifo.getEntryDirection(entryDirX, entryDirY); Common::UString startMovie = _ifo.getStartMovie(); if (!startMovie.empty()) playVideo(startMovie); _exit = false; _newArea = _ifo.getEntryArea(); CameraMan.reset(); // Roughly head position CameraMan.setPosition(entryX, entryZ + 2.0, entryY); CameraMan.setOrientation(entryDirX, entryDirY); CameraMan.update(); }
void GraphicsManager::renderScene() { Common::enforceMainThread(); cleanupAbandoned(); if (_frameLock.load(boost::memory_order_acquire) > 0) { _frameEndSignal.store(true, boost::memory_order_release); return; } beginScene(); if (playVideo()) { endScene(); return; } renderGUIBack(); renderWorld(); renderGUIFront(); renderCursor(); endScene(); _frameEndSignal.store(true, boost::memory_order_release); }
void Module::enter() { if (!_hasModule) throw Common::Exception("Module::enter(): Lacking a module?!?"); if (!_pc) throw Common::Exception("Module::enter(): Lacking a PC?!?"); _pc->clearVariables(); loadTexturePack(); _console->printf("Entering module \"%s\" with character \"%s\"", _ifo.getName().getString().c_str(), _pc->getName().c_str()); _ingameGUI->updatePartyMember(0, *_pc); try { loadTLK(); loadHAKs(); loadAreas(); } catch (Common::Exception &e) { e.add("Can't initialize module \"%s\"", _ifo.getName().getString().c_str()); throw e; } float entryX, entryY, entryZ, entryDirX, entryDirY; _ifo.getEntryPosition(entryX, entryY, entryZ); _ifo.getEntryDirection(entryDirX, entryDirY); const float entryAngle = -Common::rad2deg(atan2(entryDirX, entryDirY)); _pc->setPosition(entryX, entryY, entryZ); _pc->setOrientation(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, entryAngle); _pc->loadModel(); runScript(kScriptModuleLoad , this, _pc); runScript(kScriptModuleStart, this, _pc); runScript(kScriptEnter , this, _pc); Common::UString startMovie = _ifo.getStartMovie(); if (!startMovie.empty()) playVideo(startMovie); _newArea = _ifo.getEntryArea(); CameraMan.reset(); // Roughly head position CameraMan.setPosition(entryX, entryY, entryZ + 1.8f); CameraMan.setOrientation(90.0f, 0.0f, entryAngle); CameraMan.update(); _running = true; _exit = false; _ingameGUI->show(); }
SysButtonGroup::SysButtonGroup(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout; StaticButton *playButton = new StaticButton(":/main/playvideo"); connect(playButton, SIGNAL(buttonClicked()), this, SIGNAL(playVideo())); StaticButton *skinButton = new StaticButton(":/main/skin"); connect(skinButton, SIGNAL(buttonClicked()), this, SIGNAL(showSkin())); StaticButton *menuButton = new StaticButton(":/main/menu"); connect(menuButton, SIGNAL(buttonClicked()), this, SIGNAL(showMenu())); StaticButton *minButton = new StaticButton(":/main/sys_min"); connect(minButton, SIGNAL(buttonClicked()), this, SIGNAL(showMin())); StaticButton *closeButton = new StaticButton(":/main/sys_close"); connect(closeButton, SIGNAL(buttonClicked()), this, SIGNAL(closeWidget())); hLayout->addWidget(playButton); hLayout->addWidget(skinButton); hLayout->addWidget(menuButton); hLayout->addWidget(minButton); hLayout->addWidget(closeButton); hLayout->setContentsMargins(5, 0, 5, 0); hLayout->setSpacing(0); this->setLayout(hLayout); }
void new_video_window(char *filename) { #ifndef IPOD pz_error("No video support on the desktop."); #else /* IPOD */ if (full_hw_version==0) { full_hw_version = ipod_get_hw_version(); } outl(1, VAR_VIDEO_ON); outl(0, VAR_VIDEO_MODE); cop_wakeup(); init_variables(); video_status = VIDEO_CONTROL_MODE_STARTING; video_curPosition = 0; video_gc = pz_get_gc(1); GrSetGCUseBackground(video_gc, GR_FALSE); GrSetGCForeground(video_gc, GR_RGB(0,0,0)); //nes_window("Create win"); video_wid = pz_new_window(0, 0, screen_info.cols, screen_info.rows, video_do_draw, video_do_keystroke); GrSelectEvents(video_wid, GR_EVENT_MASK_KEY_DOWN| GR_EVENT_MASK_KEY_UP); GrMapWindow(video_wid); GrClearWindow(video_wid, GR_FALSE); //nes_window("Load"); video_status_message("Loading video..."); //nes_window("Play"); playVideo(filename); outl(0, VAR_VIDEO_ON); #endif }
void Module::enter() { assert(_area); _console->printf("Entering module \"%s\"", _ifo.getName().getString().c_str()); Common::UString startMovie = _ifo.getStartMovie(); if (!startMovie.empty()) playVideo(startMovie); _exit = false; CameraMan.reset(); float entryX, entryY, entryZ; _ifo.getEntryPosition(entryX, entryY, entryZ); // Roughly head position CameraMan.setPosition(entryX, entryZ + 1.8, entryY); float entryDirX, entryDirY; _ifo.getEntryDirection(entryDirX, entryDirY); CameraMan.setOrientation(entryDirX, entryDirY); _area->show(); }
void Module::enter() { if (!_hasModule) throw Common::Exception("Module::enter(): Lacking a module?!?"); if (!_pc) throw Common::Exception("Module::enter(): Lacking a PC?!?"); _console->printf("Entering module \"%s\"", _name.c_str()); Common::UString startMovie = _ifo.getStartMovie(); if (!startMovie.empty()) playVideo(startMovie); float entryX, entryY, entryZ, entryAngle; if (!getEntryObjectLocation(entryX, entryY, entryZ, entryAngle)) getEntryIFOLocation(entryX, entryY, entryZ, entryAngle); // Roughly head position CameraMan.setPosition(entryX, entryY, entryZ + 1.8f); CameraMan.setOrientation(90.0f, 0.0f, entryAngle); CameraMan.update(); enterArea(); _running = true; _exit = false; }
void MoviePlayer::play(MovieText *movieTexts, uint32 numMovieTexts, uint32 leadIn, uint32 leadOut) { // This happens when quitting during the "eye" cutscene. if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; _leadOutFrame = _decoder->getFrameCount(); if (_leadOutFrame > 60) _leadOutFrame -= 60; _movieTexts = movieTexts; _numMovieTexts = numMovieTexts; _currentMovieText = 0; _leadOut = leadOut; if (leadIn) _vm->_sound->playMovieSound(leadIn, kLeadInSound); if (_bgSoundStream) _snd->playStream(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType, _bgSoundHandle, _bgSoundStream); bool terminated = false; terminated = !playVideo(); closeTextObject(_currentMovieText, NULL); if (terminated) { _snd->stopHandle(*_bgSoundHandle); _vm->_sound->stopMovieSounds(); _vm->_sound->stopSpeech(); } while (_snd->isSoundHandleActive(*_bgSoundHandle)) _system->delayMillis(100); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void kinectGuiApp::keyPressed(int key){ if (key == 'H') { showGui = !showGui; } if (key == 'F') { ofToggleFullscreen(); } if (key == 'S') { saveSettings(); } if (key == 'L') { loadSettings(); } if (key == 'G') { grabMask(); } if (key == 'p') { playVideo(); } if (key == 'P') { pauseVideo(); } //if (key == ' ') { togglePlayVideo(); } if (key == ' ') { showBlobs = false; showMain = false; } if (key == 'C') { cueNextVideo(); } if (key == 'N') { playNextVideo(); } if (key == '1') { cueVideo(0); } if (key == '2') { cueVideo(1); } if (key == '3') { cueVideo(2); } if (key == '4') { cueVideo(3); } if (key == '5') { cueVideo(4); } if (key == '6') { cueVideo(5); } if (key == '7') { cueVideo(6); } if (key == '8') { cueVideo(7); } if (key == '9') { cueVideo(8); } if (key == '0') { cueVideo(9); } else if (key == 'g') { kinect.lineColor.set(ofColor(0,230,0,32)); } else if (key == 'b') { kinect.lineColor.set(ofColor(0,0,200,32)); } else if (key == 'y') { kinect.lineColor.set(ofColor(200,200,0,32)); } else if (key == 'm') { showBlobs = false; showMain = true; } }
void World::update() { if (_playerBase == nullptr) { gameOver(); } else if (_playerTank == nullptr) { if (_playerLife > 0) { _playerLife--; Tank *tank = new Tank; tank->setPos(_spawnPos[0]); _playerTank = tank; _tankList.append(tank); } else { gameOver(); } } else if (_tankList.size() < 3) { if (_enemyLife > 0) { _enemyLife--; Tank *tank = new Tank; tank->setTeam(1); tank->setPos(_spawnPos[_tankList.size()]); tank->setAngle(2); _tankList.append(tank); } } if (_isVideo) { playVideo(); } else { moveBots(); } updateTanks(); moveBullets(); }
void MoviePlayer::play() { if (_vm->getBitFlag(40)) { _vm->setBitFlag(42, false); startSound(); return; } _leftButtonDown = false; _rightButtonDown = false; _skipMovie = false; _vm->_mixer->stopAll(); _ticks = _vm->_system->getMillis(); startSound(); playVideo(); stopVideo(); _vm->o_killAnimate(); if (_vm->getBitFlag(41)) { _vm->fillBackFromFront(); } else { uint8 palette[768]; memset(palette, 0, sizeof(palette)); _vm->clearSurfaces(); _vm->_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(palette, 0, 256); } _vm->fillBackGroundFromBack(); _vm->_fastFadeOutFlag = true; }
void MoviePlayer::play(MovieText *movieTexts, uint32 numMovieTexts, uint32 leadIn, uint32 leadOut) { _leadOutFrame = _decoder->getFrameCount(); if (_leadOutFrame > 60) _leadOutFrame -= 60; _movieTexts = movieTexts; _numMovieTexts = numMovieTexts; _currentMovieText = 0; _leadOut = leadOut; if (leadIn) _vm->_sound->playMovieSound(leadIn, kLeadInSound); bool terminated = !playVideo(); closeTextObject(_currentMovieText, NULL, 0); if (terminated) { _vm->_sound->stopMovieSounds(); _vm->_sound->stopSpeech(); } // Need to jump back to paletted color if (_decoderType == kVideoDecoderPSX || _decoderType == kVideoDecoderMP2) initGraphics(640, 480, true); }
void MoviePlayer::play() { if (_bgSoundStream) _snd->playStream(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType, _bgSoundHandle, _bgSoundStream); bool terminated = false; _textX = 0; _textY = 0; terminated = !playVideo(); if (terminated) _snd->stopHandle(*_bgSoundHandle); _textMan->releaseText(2, false); _movieTexts.clear(); while (_snd->isSoundHandleActive(*_bgSoundHandle)) _system->delayMillis(100); // It's tempting to call _screen->fullRefresh() here to restore the old // palette. However, that causes glitches with DXA movies, where the // previous location would be momentarily drawn, before switching to // the new one. Work around this by setting the palette to black. byte pal[3 * 256]; memset(pal, 0, sizeof(pal)); _system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(pal, 0, 256); }
void Console::cmdPlayVideo(const CommandLine &cl) { if (cl.args.empty()) { printCommandHelp(cl.cmd); return; } playVideo(cl.args); }
void Playlist::playIndex(const QModelIndex &videoIndex) { playRow = videoIndex.row(); emit playVideo(videoPathAt(playRow)); emit nextVideoStatusChange(hasNext()); emit previousVideoStatusChange(hasNext()); emit dataChanged(firstIndex, lastIndex); }
void AGOSEngine_Feeble::runSubroutine101() { if ((getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformAmiga || getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformMacintosh) && getGameType() == GType_FF) { playVideo("epic.dxa"); } AGOSEngine::runSubroutine101(); }
void DragonAgeEngine::run(const Common::UString &target) { _baseDirectory = target; init(); initCursors(); if (EventMan.quitRequested()) return; status("Successfully initialized the engine"); CursorMan.hideCursor(); CursorMan.set(); playVideo("dragon_age_ea_logo"); playVideo("dragon_age_main"); if (EventMan.quitRequested()) return; CursorMan.showCursor(); bool showFPS = ConfigMan.getBool("showfps", false); Graphics::Aurora::FPS *fps = 0; if (showFPS) { fps = new Graphics::Aurora::FPS(FontMan.get(Graphics::Aurora::kSystemFontMono, 13)); fps->show(); } Graphics::Aurora::Cube *cube = 0; try { cube = new Graphics::Aurora::Cube("ach_abi_accomplish_rog"); } catch (Common::Exception &e) { Common::printException(e); } while (!EventMan.quitRequested()) { EventMan.delay(10); } delete cube; delete fps; }
bool VideoScene::init(){ if (!Layer::init() ){ return false; } playVideo(); return true; }
bool Module::enter() { if (!_hasModule) { warning("Module::enter(): Lacking a module?!?"); return false; } if (!_pc) { warning("Module::enter(): Lacking a PC?!?"); return false; } _pc->clearVariables(); loadTexturePack(); _console->printf("Entering module \"%s\" with character \"%s\"", _ifo.getName().getString().c_str(), _pc->getName().c_str()); _ingameGUI->updatePartyMember(0, *_pc); try { loadHAKs(); loadAreas(); } catch (Common::Exception &e) { e.add("Can't initialize module \"%s\"", _ifo.getName().getString().c_str()); printException(e, "WARNING: "); return false; } runScript(kScriptModuleLoad , this, _pc); runScript(kScriptModuleStart, this, _pc); runScript(kScriptEnter , this, _pc); Common::UString startMovie = _ifo.getStartMovie(); if (!startMovie.empty()) playVideo(startMovie); _exit = false; _newArea = _ifo.getEntryArea(); CameraMan.reset(); float entryX, entryY, entryZ; _ifo.getEntryPosition(entryX, entryY, entryZ); // Roughly head position CameraMan.setPosition(entryX, entryZ + 2.0, entryY); float entryDirX, entryDirY; _ifo.getEntryDirection(entryDirX, entryDirY); CameraMan.setOrientation(entryDirX, entryDirY); return true; }