Esempio n. 1
//create an index 
//@param indexName: name of index
//@param tableName: name of table 
//@param attributeName : name of attribute in a table 
void API::indexCreate(string indexName, string tableName, string attributeName)
	if (cm->findIndex(indexName) == INDEX_FILE)
		cout << "There is an index" << indexName << "already" << endl;

	if (!tableExist(tableName)) return;

	vector<Attribute> attributeVector;
	cm->attributeGet(tableName, &attributeVector);
	int i;
	int type = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < attributeVector.size(); i++)
		if (attributeName == attributeVector[i].name)
			if (!attributeVector[i].ifUnique)
				cout << "the attribute is not unique" << endl;
			type = attributeVector[i].type;

	if (i == attributeVector.size())
		cout << "there is no this attribute in the table " << endl;

	//recordManager to create an index file
	if (rm->indexCreate(indexName))
		//CatalogManager to add an index informantion
		cm->addIndex(indexName, tableName, attributeName, type);

		//get type of index
		int indexType = cm->getIndexType(indexName);
		if (indexType == -2)
			cout << "error";

		//indexManager to create an index tree
		im->createIndex(rm->indexFileNameGet(indexName), indexType);

		//RecordManager insert already record to index
		rm->indexRecordAllAlreadyInsert(tableName, indexName);
		printf("Create index %s successfully\n", indexName.c_str());
		cout << "Create index" << indexName << "fail" << endl;
Esempio n. 2
//get the size of a  record in table 
//@param tableName: name of table 
int API::recordSizeGet(string tableName)
	if (!tableExist(tableName))
		return 0;

	return cm->calcuteLenth(tableName);
Esempio n. 3
//get the vector of an attribute's type in a table 
//@param tableName: name of table 
//@param attributeNameVector : a point to vector of attributeType(which would change)
int API::attributeGet(string tableName, vector<Attribute>* attributeVector)
	if (!tableExist(tableName))
		return 0;
	return cm->attributeGet(tableName,attributeVector);
Esempio n. 4
//get the vector of all name of index in the table 
//@param tableName : name of table
//@param indexNameVector: a point to vector of indexName(which would change)
int API::indexNameListGet(string tableName, vector<string>* indexNameVecotor)
	if (!tableExist(tableName))
		return 0;
	return cm->indexNameListGet(tableName, indexNameVecotor);
Esempio n. 5
bool DBUtil::deleteTable(string name) {
    if (tableExist(name)) {
        string sql = "drop table "+name;
        result = sqlite3_exec(pDB,sql.c_str(),NULL,NULL,&errMsg);
        return result == SQLITE_OK;
    return true;
Esempio n. 6
bool DBUtil::createTable(string sql, string name) {
    if (!tableExist(name)) {
        result = sqlite3_exec(pDB,sql.c_str(),NULL,NULL,&errMsg);
        return result == SQLITE_OK;
    errMsg = "table already exist";
    return false;
Esempio n. 7
bool TeSQLite::getAttributeList(const string& tableName,TeAttributeList& attList)
		return false;

	TeDatabasePortal* portal = this->getPortal();
	if (!portal)
		return false;

	string sql = "PRAGMA table_info(" + tableName + ")";
	if (!portal->query(sql))
		delete portal;
		return false;

		TeAttribute attr;
		attr.rep_.name_ = portal->getData("name");
		attr.rep_.isPrimaryKey_ = portal->getBool("pk");
		attr.rep_.null_ = !portal->getBool("notnull");
		attr.rep_.defaultValue_ = portal->getData("dflt_value");

		std::string type = portal->getData("type");
		if(type == "TEXT")
			attr.rep_.type_ = TeSTRING;
		else if(type == "INTEGER")
			attr.rep_.type_ = TeINT;
		else if(type == "REAL")
			attr.rep_.type_ = TeREAL;
		else if(type == "BLOB")
			attr.rep_.type_ = TeBLOB;
			attr.rep_.type_ = TeSTRING;


	delete portal;

	return true;
Esempio n. 8
bool SQLiteManager::tableFieldExist(const std::string& tableName, const std::string& fieldName)
	bool success = tableExist(tableName);
		std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> objects;
		success = executeStatementGetArray("SELECT " + fieldName + " FROM " + tableName, objects);
	return success;

Esempio n. 9
//delete the record matching the conditions in the table 
//@param tableName: name of table
//@param conditionVector: vector of condition
void API::recordDelete(string tableName, vector<Condition>* conditionVector)
	if (!tableExist(tableName)) return;

	int num = 0;
	vector<Attribute> attributeVector;
	attributeGet(tableName, &attributeVector);

	int blockoffset = -1;
	if (conditionVector != NULL)
		for (Condition condition : *conditionVector)
			if (condition.operate == Condition::OPERATOR_EQUAL)
				for (Attribute attribute : attributeVector)
					if (attribute.index != ""&& == condition.attributeName)
						blockoffset = im->searchIndex(rm->indexFileNameGet(attribute.index), condition.value, attribute.type);

	if (blockoffset == -1)
		//if we cannot find the block by index ,we need to find all block
		num = rm->recordAllDelete(tableName, conditionVector);
		//find the block by index, search in the block
		num = rm->recordBlockDelete(tableName, conditionVector, blockoffset);

	//delete the number of record in the table 
	cm->deleteValue(tableName, num);
	printf("delete %d record in table %s\n", num, tableName.c_str());
Esempio n. 10

    // 1. should open the db, but the db is opened
    // 2. name the divec talbe 

    // 3. create the table 
    char sql[1024] ="";
        char* errMsg;
        // creat the table
        sprintf(sql, "CREATE TABLE %s ( key integer PRIMARY KEY, pkgID int);", getTableName().c_str());
        int rc =    sqlite3_exec(s_db, sql, NULL, NULL, &errMsg);
        if( rc ){   
            fprintf(stderr, "Can't create table %s: %s\n", getTableName().c_str(), errMsg);   
Esempio n. 11
//drop a table 
//@param tableName : name of table
void API::tableDrop(string tableName)
	if (!tableExist(tableName)) return;

	vector<string> indexNameVector;

	//get all index in the table, and drop them all
	cm->indexNameListGet(tableName, &indexNameVector);
	for (int i = 0; i < indexNameVector.size(); i++)
		printf("%s ", indexNameVector[i].c_str());


	//delete a table file in RecrordManager
	if (rm->tableDrop(tableName))
		//delete table information in CatalogManager
		printf("Drop table %s successfully\n", tableName.c_str());
Esempio n. 12
//insert a record to a table
//@param tableName:name of table 
//@param recordContent : Vector of these content of a record
void API::recordInsert(string tableName, vector<string>* recordContent)
	if (!tableExist(tableName))

	string indexName;

	//deal if index is exist
	vector<Attribute> attributeVector;

	vector<Condition> conditionVector;

	attributeGet(tableName, &attributeVector);
	for (int i = 0; i < attributeVector.size(); i++)
		indexName = attributeVector[i].indexNameGet();//get the index value
		if (indexName != "")
			//if the attribute has a index
			int blockoffset = im->searchIndex(rm->indexFileNameGet(indexName), (*recordContent)[i], attributeVector[i].type);

			if (blockoffset != -1)
				//if the value has exist the index tree then fail to insert the record
				cout << "insert fail because index value exist" << endl;
		else if (attributeVector[i].ifUnique)
			//if the attribute if unique but not index
			Condition condition(attributeVector[i].name, (*recordContent)[i], Condition::OPERATOR_EQUAL);
			conditionVector.insert(conditionVector.end(), condition);

	if (conditionVector.size() > 0)
		for (int i = 0; i < conditionVector.size(); i++)
			vector<Condition> conditionTmp;
			conditionTmp.insert(conditionTmp.begin(), conditionVector[i]);

			int recordConflictNum = rm->recordAllFind(tableName, &conditionTmp);
			if (recordConflictNum > 0)
				cout << "insert fail because unique value exist" << endl;

	char recordString[2000];
	memset(recordString, 0, sizeof(recordString));

	//CatalogManager to get the record string 
	cm->recordStringGet(tableName, recordContent
		, recordString);

	//RecordManager to insert the record into file; and get the position of block being insert
	int recordSize = cm->calcuteLenth(tableName);
	int blockOffset = rm->recordInsert(tableName, recordString, recordSize);

	if (blockOffset >= 0)
		recordIndexInsert(recordString, recordSize, &attributeVector, blockOffset);
		cm->insertRecord(tableName, 1);
		printf("insert record into table %s successfully\n", tableName.c_str());
		cout << "insert record into table " << tableName << "fail" << endl;
Esempio n. 13
TeSQLite::generateLabelPositions(TeTheme *theme, const std::string& objectId)
	string	geomTable, upd;
	string	collTable = theme->collectionTable();
	if((collTable.empty()) || (!tableExist(collTable)))
		return false;

	if( theme->layer()->hasGeometry(TeCELLS)  )
		geomTable = theme->layer()->tableName(TeCELLS);
		upd= "UPDATE " + collTable + " SET ";
		upd += " label_x = (SELECT MAX(lower_x + (upper_x - lower_x)/2) ";
		upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id), ";
		upd += " label_y = (SELECT MAX(lower_y + (upper_y - lower_y)/2) ";
		upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id) ";
		upd += " WHERE label_x IS NULL OR label_y IS NULL";

	if( theme->layer()->hasGeometry(TePOLYGONS) )
		geomTable = theme->layer()->tableName(TePOLYGONS);
		upd= "UPDATE " + collTable + " SET ";
		upd += " label_x = (SELECT MAX(lower_x + (upper_x - lower_x)/2) ";
		upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id), ";
		upd += " label_y = (SELECT MAX(lower_y + (upper_y - lower_y)/2) ";
		upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id) ";
		upd += " WHERE label_x IS NULL OR label_y IS NULL";
	if( theme->layer()->hasGeometry(TeLINES) )
		geomTable = theme->layer()->tableName(TeLINES);

		upd= "UPDATE " + collTable + " SET ";
		upd += " label_x = (SELECT MAX(lower_x + (upper_x - lower_x)/2) ";
		upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id), ";
		upd += " label_y = (SELECT MAX(lower_y + (upper_y - lower_y)/2) ";
		upd += "FROM " + geomTable + " WHERE object_id = c_object_id) ";
		upd += " WHERE label_x IS NULL OR label_y IS NULL";
		geomTable = theme->layer()->tableName(TePOINTS);
		upd= " UPDATE " + collTable + " SET ";
		upd += " label_x = (SELECT MAX(x) ";
		upd += " FROM " + geomTable + " p WHERE object_id = c_object_id), ";
		upd += " label_y = (SELECT MAX(y) ";
		upd += " FROM " + geomTable + " p WHERE object_id = c_object_id) ";
		upd += " WHERE label_x IS NULL OR label_y IS NULL";

	if (!upd.empty())
		if (!objectId.empty())
			upd += " AND c_object_id='"+objectId+"'";
			return false;
	return true;