Esempio n. 1
File: console.c Progetto: pegue/naev
 * @brief Handles the CLI input.
 *    @param wid Window recieving the input.
 *    @param unused Unused.
static void cli_input( unsigned int wid, char *unused )
   (void) unused;
   int status;
   char *str;
   lua_State *L;
   char buf[LINE_LENGTH];

   /* Get the input. */
   str = window_getInput( wid, "inpInput" );

   /* Ignore useless stuff. */
   if ((str == NULL) || (str[0] == '\0'))

   /* Put the message in the console. */
   snprintf( buf, LINE_LENGTH, "%s %s",
         cli_firstline ? "> " : ">>", str );
   cli_addMessage( buf );

   /* Set up state. */
   L = cli_state;
   /* Load the string. */
   lua_pushstring( L, str );
   /* Concat string if needed. */
   if (!cli_firstline) {
      lua_pushliteral(L, "\n");  /* add a new line... */
      lua_insert(L, -2);  /* ...between the two lines */
      lua_concat(L, 3);  /* join them */
   status = luaL_loadbuffer( L, lua_tostring(L,-1), lua_strlen(L,-1), "=cli" );
   /* String isn't proper Lua yet. */
   if (status == LUA_ERRSYNTAX) {
      size_t lmsg;
      const char *msg = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &lmsg);
      const char *tp = msg + lmsg - (sizeof(LUA_QL("<eof>")) - 1);
      if (strstr(msg, LUA_QL("<eof>")) == tp) {
         /* Pop the loaded buffer. */
         lua_pop(L, 1);
         cli_firstline = 0;
      else {
         /* Real error, spew message and break. */
         cli_addMessage( lua_tostring(L, -1) );
         lua_settop(L, 0);
         cli_firstline = 1;
   /* Print results - all went well. */
   else if (status == 0) {
      if (lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0))
         cli_addMessage( lua_tostring(L, -1) );
      /* Clear stack. */
      lua_settop(L, 0);
      cli_firstline = 1;

   /* Clear the box now. */
   window_setInput( wid, "inpInput", NULL );
Esempio n. 2
 * @brief Creates a dialogue that allows the player to write a message.
 * You must free the result if it's not null.
 *    @param title Title of the dialogue window.
 *    @param min Minimum length of the message (must be non-zero).
 *    @param max Maximum length of the message (must be non-zero).
 *    @param msg Message to be displayed.
 *    @return The message the player typed or NULL if it was cancelled.
char* dialogue_inputRaw( const char* title, int min, int max, const char *msg )
   char *input;
   int h, done;

   /* get text height */
   h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 200, msg );

   /* create window */
   input_dialogue.input_wid = window_create( title, -1, -1, 240, h+140 );
   window_setData( input_dialogue.input_wid, &done );
   window_setAccept( input_dialogue.input_wid, dialogue_inputClose );
   window_setCancel( input_dialogue.input_wid, dialogue_cancel );
   /* text */
   window_addText( input_dialogue.input_wid, 30, -30, 200, h,  0, "txtInput",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, msg );
   /* input */
   window_addInput( input_dialogue.input_wid, 20, -50-h, 200, 20, "inpInput", max, 1, NULL );
   window_setInputFilter( input_dialogue.input_wid, "inpInput", "/" ); /* Remove illegal stuff. */
   /* button */
   window_addButton( input_dialogue.input_wid, -20, 20, 80, 30,
         "btnClose", "Done", dialogue_inputClose );

   /* tricky secondary loop */
   done  = 0;
   input = NULL;
   while ((done >= 0) && (!input ||
         ((int)strlen(input) < min))) { /* must be longer than min */

      if (input) {
         dialogue_alert( "Input must be at least %d character%s long!",
               min, (min==1) ? "s" : "" );
         input = NULL;

      if (toolkit_loop( &done ) != 0) /* error in loop -> quit */
         return NULL;

      /* save the input */
      if (done < 0)
         input = NULL;
         input = strdup( window_getInput( input_dialogue.input_wid,
	                                  "inpInput" ) );

   /* cleanup */
   if (input != NULL) {
      window_destroy( input_dialogue.input_wid );
   input_dialogue.input_wid = 0;

   /* return the result */
   return input;
Esempio n. 3
File: options.c Progetto: s0be/naev
 * @brief Saves the gameplay options.
static void opt_gameplaySave( unsigned int wid, char *str )
   (void) str;
   int f;
   char *vmsg, *tmax;

   /* Checkboxes. */
   f = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkAfterburn" );
   if (!!conf.afterburn_sens != f) {
      conf.afterburn_sens = (!!f)*250;
   conf.zoom_manual = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkZoomManual" );
   conf.mouse_thrust = window_checkboxState(wid, "chkMouseThrust" );
   conf.save_compress = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkCompress" );

   /* Input boxes. */
   vmsg = window_getInput( wid, "inpMSG" );
   tmax = window_getInput( wid, "inpTMax" );
   conf.mesg_visible = atoi(vmsg);
   conf.compression_mult = atoi(tmax);
   if (conf.mesg_visible == 0)
      conf.mesg_visible = 5;
Esempio n. 4
File: options.c Progetto: isfos/naev
 * @brief Saves the gameplay options.
static void opt_gameplaySave( unsigned int wid, char *str )
    (void) str;
    int f;
    char *inp;

    /* Checkboxes. */
    f = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkAfterburn" );
    if (!!conf.afterburn_sens != f) {
        conf.afterburn_sens = (!!f)*250;
    conf.save_compress = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkCompress" );

    /* Input boxes. */
    inp = window_getInput( wid, "inpMSG" );
    conf.mesg_visible = atoi(inp);
    if (conf.mesg_visible == 0)
        conf.mesg_visible = 5;
Esempio n. 5
File: options.c Progetto: s0be/naev
 * @brief Saves the video settings.
static void opt_videoSave( unsigned int wid, char *str )
   (void) str;
   int i, j, s;
   char *inp, buf[16], width[16], height[16];
   int w, h, f;

   /* Handle resolution. */
   inp = window_getInput( wid, "inpRes" );
   memset( width, '\0', sizeof(width) );
   memset( height, '\0', sizeof(height) );
   j = 0;
   s = 0;
   for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
      if (isdigit(inp[i])) {
         if (j==0)
            width[s++] = inp[i];
            height[s++] = inp[i];
      else {
         s = 0;
   w = atoi(width);
   h = atoi(height);
   if ((w==0) || (h==0)) {
      dialogue_alert( "Height/Width invalid. Should be formatted like 1024x768." );
   if ((w != conf.width) || (h != conf.height)) {
      conf.explicit_dim = 1;
      conf.width  = w;
      conf.height = h;
      snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%dx%d", conf.width, conf.height );
      window_setInput( wid, "inpRes", buf );

   /* Fullscreen. */
   f = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkFullscreen" );
   if (conf.fullscreen != f) {
      conf.fullscreen = f;

   /* FPS. */
   conf.fps_show = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkFPS" );
   inp = window_getInput( wid, "inpFPS" );
   conf.fps_max = atoi(inp);

   /* OpenGL. */
   f = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkVSync" );
   if (conf.vsync != f) {
      conf.vsync = f;
   f = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkVBO" );
   if (conf.vbo != f) {
      conf.vbo = f;
   f = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkMipmaps" );
   if (conf.mipmaps != f) {
      conf.mipmaps = f;
   f = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkInterpolate" );
   if (conf.interpolate != f) {
      conf.interpolate = f;
   f = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkNPOT" );
   if (conf.npot != f) {
      conf.npot = f;

   /* Features. */
   f = window_checkboxState( wid, "chkEngineGlow" );
   if (conf.engineglow != f) {
      conf.engineglow = f;