int bmx_wxgetsinglechoiceindex(BBString * message, BBString * caption, BBArray * choices, wxWindow * parent, int x, int y, int centre, int width, int height) { if (parent) { return wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(wxStringFromBBString(message), wxStringFromBBString(caption), bbStringArrayTowxArrayStr(choices), parent, x, y, static_cast<bool>(centre), width, height); } else { return wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(wxStringFromBBString(message), wxStringFromBBString(caption), bbStringArrayTowxArrayStr(choices), NULL, x, y, static_cast<bool>(centre), width, height); } }
void SettingsAudioOutput::OnOutputChange(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxTreeItemId selection = m_AudioOutput->GetSelection(); AudioItemData* data = GetObject(selection); if (data && data->type == AudioItemData::AUDIO_NODE) { int index; wxArrayString devs; std::vector<wxString> devices = GetRemainingAudioDevices(); for(unsigned i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) devs.Add(devices[i]); devs.Insert(data->name, 0); index = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Change audio device"), _("Change audio device"), devs, this); if (index == -1 || index == 0) return; unsigned channels = m_AudioOutput->GetChildrenCount(selection, false); bool error = false; for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_DeviceList.size(); i++) if (m_DeviceList[i].name == devs[index]) if (channels > m_DeviceList[i].channels) error = true; if (error) { wxMessageBox(_("Too many audio channels configured for the new audio interface") , _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this); return; } data->name = devs[index]; UpdateDevice(selection); } else if (data && data->type == AudioItemData::GROUP_NODE) { int index; std::vector<std::pair<wxString, bool> > groups; wxArrayString names; groups = GetRemainingAudioGroups(m_AudioOutput->GetItemParent(selection)); groups.insert(groups.begin(), std::pair<wxString, bool>(data->name, data->left)); for(unsigned i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) names.Add(wxString::Format(groups[i].second ? _("%s - left") : _("%s - right"), groups[i].first.c_str())); index = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Change audio group"), _("Change audio group"), names, this); if (index == -1 || index == 0) return; data->name = groups[index].first; data->left = groups[index].second; UpdateVolume(selection, data->volume); } UpdateButtons(); }
wxString GetEncoding(wxString const& filename) { agi::charset::CharsetListDetected list; try { list = agi::charset::DetectAll(from_wx(filename)); } catch (const agi::charset::UnknownCharset&) { /// @todo If the charset is unknown we need to display a complete list of character sets. } if (list.size() == 1) { auto charset = list.begin(); LOG_I("charset/file") << filename << " (" << charset->second << ")"; return to_wx(charset->second); } wxArrayString choices; std::string log_choice; for (auto const& charset : list) { choices.push_back(to_wx(charset.second)); log_choice.append(" " + charset.second); } LOG_I("charset/file") << filename << " (" << log_choice << ")"; int choice = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Aegisub could not narrow down the character set to a single one.\nPlease pick one below:"),_("Choose character set"),choices); if (choice == -1) throw "Canceled"; return choices[choice]; }
void LayerDlg::OnLayerCreate( wxCommandEvent &event ) { if (!m_pTerrain) return; wxArrayString choices; choices.Add(_("Abstract (Points with labels)")); choices.Add(_("Structure")); choices.Add(_("Vegetation")); int index = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Layer type:"), _("Create new layer"), choices, this); if (index == 0) { if (CreateNewAbstractPointLayer(m_pTerrain)) RefreshTreeContents(); } else if (index == 1) { // make a new structure layer vtStructureLayer *slay = m_pTerrain->NewStructureLayer(); slay->SetFilename("Untitled.vtst"); m_pTerrain->SetActiveLayer(slay); RefreshTreeContents(); } else if (index == 2) { // make a new veg layer vtVegLayer *vlay = m_pTerrain->NewVegLayer(); vlay->SetFilename("Untitled.vf"); m_pTerrain->SetActiveLayer(vlay); RefreshTreeContents(); } }
wxFontEncoding MyFrame::GetEncodingFromUser() { wxArrayString names; wxArrayInt encodings; const size_t count = wxFontMapper::GetSupportedEncodingsCount(); names.reserve(count); encodings.reserve(count); for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { wxFontEncoding enc = wxFontMapper::GetEncoding(n); encodings.push_back(enc); names.push_back(wxFontMapper::GetEncodingName(enc)); } int i = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex ( wxT("Choose the encoding"), SAMPLE_TITLE, names, this ); return i == -1 ? wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM : (wxFontEncoding)encodings[i]; }
wxFontFamily MyFrame::GetFamilyFromUser() { wxArrayString names; wxArrayInt families; families.push_back(wxFONTFAMILY_DECORATIVE); families.push_back(wxFONTFAMILY_ROMAN); families.push_back(wxFONTFAMILY_SCRIPT); families.push_back(wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS); families.push_back(wxFONTFAMILY_MODERN); families.push_back(wxFONTFAMILY_TELETYPE); names.push_back("DECORATIVE"); names.push_back("ROMAN"); names.push_back("SCRIPT"); names.push_back("SWISS"); names.push_back("MODERN"); names.push_back("TELETYPE"); int i = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex ( wxT("Choose the family"), SAMPLE_TITLE, names, this ); return i == -1 ? wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT : (wxFontFamily)families[i]; }
static bool ChooseLanguage(wxString *value) { wxArrayString langs; wxArrayString arr; { wxBusyCursor bcur; langs = wxTranslations::Get()->GetAvailableTranslations("poedit"); arr.push_back(_("(Use default language)")); for (auto i : langs) { auto lang = Language::TryParse(i.ToStdWstring()); arr.push_back(lang.DisplayNameInItself() + L" — " + lang.DisplayName()); } } int choice = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex( _("Select your preferred language"), _("Language selection"), arr); if ( choice == -1 ) return false; if ( choice == 0 ) *value = ""; else *value = langs[choice-1]; return true; }
/// @brief Pick a language /// @return /// int AegisubLocale::PickLanguage() { // Get list wxArrayInt langs = GetAvailableLanguages(); // Check if english is in it, else add it if (langs.Index(wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH) == wxNOT_FOUND) { langs.Insert(wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH,0); } // Check if user local language is available, if so, make it first int user = wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage(); if (langs.Index(user) != wxNOT_FOUND) { langs.Remove(user); langs.Insert(user,0); } // Generate names wxArrayString langNames; for (size_t i=0;i<langs.Count();i++) { langNames.Add(wxLocale::GetLanguageName(langs[i])); } // Nothing to pick if (langs.Count() == 0) return -1; // Popup int picked = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_T("Please choose a language:"),_T("Language"),langNames,NULL,-1,-1,true,300,400); if (picked == -1) return -1; return langs[picked]; }
void BattleRoomTab::OnSetModDefaultPreset( wxCommandEvent& /*unused*/ ) { if ( !m_battle ) return; wxArrayString choices = m_battle->GetPresetList(); int result = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex( _( "Pick an existing option set from the list" ), _( "Set game default preset" ), choices ); if ( result < 0 ) return; sett().SetModDefaultPresetName( m_battle->GetHostModName(), choices[result] ); }
void BattleRoomTab::OnDeletePreset( wxCommandEvent& /*unused*/ ) { if ( !m_battle ) return; wxArrayString choices = m_battle->GetPresetList(); int result = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex( _( "Pick an existing option set from the list" ), _( "Delete preset" ), choices ); if ( result < 0 ) return; m_battle->DeletePreset( choices[result] ); }
void WorkspaceBrowserF::OnSearch(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxString search = m_Search->GetValue(); if (search.IsEmpty()) return; TokenF* token = 0; TokensArrayF result; size_t count = FindMatchTokens(search, result); size_t i=0; while (i < count) { if (result.Item(i)->m_TokenKind == tkVariable) { result.RemoveAt(i); count--; } else { i++; } } if (count == 0) { cbMessageBox(_("No matches were found: ") + search, _("Search failed")); return; } else if (count == 1) { token = *result.begin(); } else if (count > 1) { wxArrayString selections; for (size_t i=0; i<count; ++i) { wxString inf = result.Item(i)->m_DisplayName;; wxFileName fn = wxFileName(result.Item(i)->m_Filename); inf << _T("::") << result.Item(i)->GetTokenKindString() << _T(", ") << fn.GetFullName() << _T(" : "); inf << wxString::Format(_T("%d"), result.Item(i)->m_LineStart); selections.Add(inf); } int sel = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Please make a selection:"), _("Multiple matches"), selections); if (sel == -1) return; token = result.Item(sel); } // store the search in the combobox if (m_Search->FindString(token->m_DisplayName) == wxNOT_FOUND) m_Search->Append(token->m_DisplayName); JumpToToken(token); m_pBrowserBuilder->SelectItem(token); }
void SettingsAudioOutput::OnOutputAdd(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxTreeItemId selection = m_AudioOutput->GetSelection(); AudioItemData* data = GetObject(selection); if (data && data->type == AudioItemData::AUDIO_NODE) { unsigned channels = m_AudioOutput->GetChildrenCount(selection, false); for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_DeviceList.size(); i++) if (m_DeviceList[i].name == data->name) if (channels < m_DeviceList[i].channels) AddChannelNode(selection, channels); } else if (data && data->type == AudioItemData::CHANNEL_NODE) { std::vector<std::pair<wxString, bool> > groups; wxArrayString names; int index; groups = GetRemainingAudioGroups(selection); for(unsigned i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) names.Add(wxString::Format(groups[i].second ? _("%s - left") : _("%s - right"), groups[i].first.c_str())); index = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Add new audio group"), _("New audio group"), names, this); if (index == -1) return; wxTreeItemId id = AddGroupNode(selection, groups[index].first, groups[index].second); UpdateVolume(id, 0); } else if (data && data->type == AudioItemData::ROOT_NODE) { int index; wxArrayString devs; std::vector<wxString> devices = GetRemainingAudioDevices(); for(unsigned i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) devs.Add(devices[i]); index = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Add new audio device"), _("New audio device"), devs, this); if (index == -1) return; wxMessageBox(_("Using more than one audio interface is currently not supported.") , _("Warning"), wxOK | wxICON_WARNING, this); wxTreeItemId audio = AddDeviceNode(devices[index]); AddChannelNode(audio, 0); } UpdateButtons(); }
int wxGetSingleChoiceIndex( const wxString& message, const wxString& caption, int n, const wxString *choices, int initialSelection, wxWindow *parent) { return wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(message, caption, n, choices, parent, wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord, true, wxCHOICE_WIDTH, wxCHOICE_HEIGHT, initialSelection); }
void CCDebugInfo::OnFindClick(wxCommandEvent& /*event*/) { TokensTree* tokens = m_Parser->GetTokensTree(); wxString search = txtFilter->GetValue(); m_Token = 0; // first determine if the user entered an ID or a search mask long unsigned id; if (search.ToULong(&id, 10)) { // easy; ID m_Token = tokens->at(id); } else { // find all matching tokens TokenIdxSet result; for (size_t i = 0; i < tokens->size(); ++i) { Token* token = tokens->at(i); if (token && token->m_Name.Matches(search)) result.insert(i); } // a single result? if (result.size() == 1) { m_Token = tokens->at(*(result.begin())); } else { // fill a list and ask the user which token to display wxArrayString arr; wxArrayInt intarr; for (TokenIdxSet::iterator it = result.begin(); it != result.end(); ++it) { Token* token = tokens->at(*it); arr.Add(token->DisplayName()); intarr.Add(*it); } int sel = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Please make a selection:"), _("Multiple matches"), arr, this); if (sel == -1) return; m_Token = tokens->at(intarr[sel]); } } DisplayTokenInfo(); }
bool CMenuEditor::OnEvent(wxPropertyGrid* propGrid, wxPGProperty* property, wxWindow* /*ctrl*/, wxEvent& event) const { CPropertyDescriptionBase* pPropertyDescription = (CPropertyDescriptionBase*)(property->GetClientData()); if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED) { if (pPropertyDescription->GetType() == eRPT_RandomColor) { CRandomColorPropertyDescription* pRandomColorProperty = down_cast<CRandomColorPropertyDescription*>(pPropertyDescription); wxArrayString displayString; int nInitSelection = (int)pRandomColorProperty->GetColorType(); if (!pRandomColorProperty->IsOnlyGradient()) { displayString.Add("color"); displayString.Add("random color"); } if (!pRandomColorProperty->IsOnlyColor()) { displayString.Add("spline"); displayString.Add("random spline"); } if (nInitSelection > (int)displayString.size()) { nInitSelection = 0; } int nSelection = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex("选取类型", "选取类型", displayString, nInitSelection); if (nSelection != 0xFFFFFFFF) { wxPGProperty* pMinProperty = nullptr; pRandomColorProperty->SetColorType(ERandomColorType(nSelection)); ERandomColorType realColorType = pRandomColorProperty->GetColorType();// may not be the same to nSelection. wxPGProperty* pMaxProperty = pRandomColorProperty->CreateRandomColorProperty(realColorType, pMinProperty); property->DeleteChildren(); if (pMinProperty) { property->InsertChild(-1, pMinProperty); } property->InsertChild(-1, pMaxProperty); propGrid->RefreshProperty(property); wxVariant tmp((int)realColorType); pRandomColorProperty->SetValue(tmp); } } } return true; }
int wxGetSingleChoiceIndex( const wxString& message, const wxString& caption, const wxArrayString& aChoices, wxWindow *parent, int x, int y, bool centre, int width, int height) { wxString *choices; int n = ConvertWXArrayToC(aChoices, &choices); int res = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(message, caption, n, choices, parent, x, y, centre, width, height); delete [] choices; return res; }
void PreferencesDialog::OnTMAddLang(wxCommandEvent&) { wxArrayString lngs; int index; for (const LanguageStruct *i = isoLanguages; i->lang != NULL; i++) lngs.Add(wxString(i->iso) + _T(" (") + i->lang + _T(")")); index = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Select language"), _("Please select language ISO code:"), lngs, this); if (index != -1) { wxArrayString a; XRCCTRL(*this, "tm_langs", wxEditableListBox)->GetStrings(a); a.Add(isoLanguages[index].iso); XRCCTRL(*this, "tm_langs", wxEditableListBox)->SetStrings(a); } }
bool Camera_SBIGRotatorClass::Connect(const wxString& camId) { bool bError = false; try { wxString raAngle = wxGetTextFromUser(_("Enter RA Angle (in degrees)"),_("RA angle"), _T("0.0")); double temp; if (raAngle.length() == 0 || !raAngle.ToDouble(&temp)) { throw ERROR_INFO("invalid raAngle"); } m_raAngle = temp/180.0*M_PI; wxArrayString choices; choices.Add(wxString::Format("Unmirrored (%.2f)", temp - 90)); choices.Add(wxString::Format("Mirrored (%.2f)", temp + 90)); int idx = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Choose Dec Angle"), _("Dec Angle"), choices); m_mirror = (idx == 1); m_pSubcamera = new Camera_SBIGClass(); bError = m_pSubcamera->Connect(camId); Connected = m_pSubcamera->Connected; FullSize = m_pSubcamera->FullSize; m_hasGuideOutput = m_pSubcamera->ST4HasGuideOutput(); } catch (wxString Msg) { POSSIBLY_UNUSED(Msg); bError = true; } return bError; }
/// @brief Ask user for which track he wants to load /// @param TrackList A std::map with the track numbers as keys and codec names as values /// @param Type The track type to ask about /// @return Returns the track number chosen (an integer >= 0) on success, or a negative integer if the user cancelled. int FFmpegSourceProvider::AskForTrackSelection(const std::map<int, std::string> &TrackList, FFMS_TrackType Type) { std::vector<int> TrackNumbers; wxArrayString Choices; for (auto const& track : TrackList) { Choices.Add(wxString::Format(_("Track %02d: %s"), track.first, to_wx(track.second))); TrackNumbers.push_back(track.first); } int Choice = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex( Type == FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO ? _("Multiple video tracks detected, please choose the one you wish to load:") : _("Multiple audio tracks detected, please choose the one you wish to load:"), Type == FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO ? _("Choose video track") : _("Choose audio track"), Choices); if (Choice < 0) return Choice; else return TrackNumbers[Choice]; }
bool wxExtHelpController::KeywordSearch(const wxString& k, wxHelpSearchMode WXUNUSED(mode)) { if (! m_NumOfEntries) return false; wxString *choices = new wxString[m_NumOfEntries]; wxString *urls = new wxString[m_NumOfEntries]; int idx = 0; bool rc = false; bool showAll = k.empty(); wxList::compatibility_iterator node = m_MapList->GetFirst(); { // display a busy cursor wxBusyCursor b; wxString compA, compB; wxExtHelpMapEntry *entry; // we compare case insensitive if (! showAll) { compA = k; compA.LowerCase(); } while (node) { entry = (wxExtHelpMapEntry *)node->GetData(); compB = entry->doc; bool testTarget = ! compB.empty(); if (testTarget && ! showAll) { compB.LowerCase(); testTarget = compB.Contains(compA); } if (testTarget) { urls[idx] = entry->url; // doesn't work: // choices[idx] = (**i).doc.Contains((**i).doc.Before(WXEXTHELP_COMMENTCHAR)); //if (choices[idx].empty()) // didn't contain the ';' // choices[idx] = (**i).doc; choices[idx] = wxEmptyString; for (int j=0; ; j++) { wxChar targetChar = entry->doc.c_str()[j]; if ((targetChar == 0) || (targetChar == WXEXTHELP_COMMENTCHAR)) break; choices[idx] << targetChar; } idx++; } node = node->GetNext(); } } switch (idx) { case 0: wxMessageBox(_("No entries found.")); break; case 1: rc = DisplayHelp(urls[0]); break; default: idx = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex( showAll ? _("Help Index") : _("Relevant entries:"), showAll ? _("Help Index") : _("Entries found"), idx, choices); if (idx >= 0) rc = DisplayHelp(urls[idx]); break; } delete [] urls; delete [] choices; return rc; }
/* GfxEntryPanel::handleAction * Handles the action [id]. Returns true if the action was handled, * false otherwise *******************************************************************/ bool GfxEntryPanel::handleAction(string id) { // Don't handle actions if hidden if (!isActivePanel()) return false; // We're only interested in "pgfx_" actions if (!id.StartsWith("pgfx_")) return false; // Mirror if (id == "pgfx_mirror") { // Mirror X getImage()->mirror(false); // Update UI gfx_canvas->updateImageTexture(); gfx_canvas->Refresh(); // Update variables image_data_modified = true; setModified(); } // Flip else if (id == "pgfx_flip") { // Mirror Y getImage()->mirror(true); // Update UI gfx_canvas->updateImageTexture(); gfx_canvas->Refresh(); // Update variables image_data_modified = true; setModified(); } // Rotate else if (id == "pgfx_rotate") { // Prompt for rotation angle string angles[] = { "90", "180", "270" }; int choice = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex("Select rotation angle", "Rotate", 3, angles, 0); // Rotate image switch (choice) { case 0: getImage()->rotate(90); break; case 1: getImage()->rotate(180); break; case 2: getImage()->rotate(270); break; default: break; } // Update UI gfx_canvas->updateImageTexture(); gfx_canvas->Refresh(); // Update variables image_data_modified = true; setModified(); } // Translate else if (id == "pgfx_translate") { // Create translation editor dialog Palette8bit* pal = theMainWindow->getPaletteChooser()->getSelectedPalette(); TranslationEditorDialog ted(theMainWindow, pal, " Colour Remap", gfx_canvas->getImage()); // Create translation to edit ted.openTranslation(prev_translation); // Show the dialog if (ted.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { // Apply translation to image getImage()->applyTranslation(&ted.getTranslation(), pal); // Update UI gfx_canvas->updateImageTexture(); gfx_canvas->Refresh(); // Update variables image_data_modified = true; gfx_canvas->updateImageTexture(); setModified(); prev_translation.copy(ted.getTranslation()); } } // Colourise else if (id == "pgfx_colourise") { Palette8bit* pal = theMainWindow->getPaletteChooser()->getSelectedPalette(); GfxColouriseDialog gcd(theMainWindow, entry, pal); gcd.setColour(last_colour); // Show colourise dialog if (gcd.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { // Colourise image getImage()->colourise(gcd.getColour(), pal); // Update UI gfx_canvas->updateImageTexture(); gfx_canvas->Refresh(); // Update variables image_data_modified = true; Refresh(); setModified(); } rgba_t gcdcol = gcd.getColour(); last_colour = S_FMT("RGB(%d, %d, %d)", gcdcol.r, gcdcol.g, gcdcol.b); } // Tint else if (id == "pgfx_tint") { Palette8bit* pal = theMainWindow->getPaletteChooser()->getSelectedPalette(); GfxTintDialog gtd(theMainWindow, entry, pal); gtd.setValues(last_tint_colour, last_tint_amount); // Show tint dialog if (gtd.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { // Tint image getImage()->tint(gtd.getColour(), gtd.getAmount(), pal); // Update UI gfx_canvas->updateImageTexture(); gfx_canvas->Refresh(); // Update variables image_data_modified = true; Refresh(); setModified(); } rgba_t gtdcol = gtd.getColour(); last_tint_colour = S_FMT("RGB(%d, %d, %d)", gtdcol.r, gtdcol.g, gtdcol.b); last_tint_amount = (int)(gtd.getAmount() * 100.0); } // Crop else if (id == "pgfx_crop") { Palette8bit* pal = theMainWindow->getPaletteChooser()->getSelectedPalette(); GfxCropDialog gcd(theMainWindow, entry, pal); // Show crop dialog if (gcd.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { // stuff } } // alPh/tRNS else if (id == "pgfx_alph" || id == "pgfx_trns") { setModified(); Refresh(); } // Optimize PNG else if (id == "pgfx_pngopt") { // This is a special case. If we set the entry as modified, SLADE will prompt // to save it, rewriting the entry and cancelling the optimization done... if (EntryOperations::optimizePNG(entry)) setModified(false); else wxMessageBox("Warning: Couldn't optimize this image, check console log for info", "Warning", wxOK|wxCENTRE|wxICON_WARNING); Refresh(); } // Extract all else if (id == "pgfx_extract") { extractAll(); } // Convert else if (id == "pgfx_convert") { GfxConvDialog gcd(theMainWindow); gcd.CenterOnParent(); gcd.openEntry(entry); gcd.ShowModal(); if (gcd.itemModified(0)) { // Get image and conversion info SImage* image = gcd.getItemImage(0); SIFormat* format = gcd.getItemFormat(0); // Write converted image back to entry format->saveImage(*image, entry_data, gcd.getItemPalette(0)); // This makes the "save" button (and the setModified stuff) redundant and confusing! // The alternative is to save to entry effectively (uncomment the importMemChunk line) // but remove the setModified and image_data_modified lines, and add a call to refresh // to get the PNG tRNS status back in sync. //entry->importMemChunk(entry_data); image_data_modified = true; setModified(); // Fix tRNS status if we converted to paletted PNG int MENU_GFXEP_PNGOPT = theApp->getAction("pgfx_pngopt")->getWxId(); int MENU_GFXEP_ALPH = theApp->getAction("pgfx_alph")->getWxId(); int MENU_GFXEP_TRNS = theApp->getAction("pgfx_trns")->getWxId(); int MENU_ARCHGFX_EXPORTPNG = theApp->getAction("arch_gfx_exportpng")->getWxId(); if (format->getName() == "PNG") { ArchiveEntry temp; temp.importMemChunk(entry_data); temp.setType(EntryType::getType("png")); menu_custom->Enable(MENU_GFXEP_ALPH, true); menu_custom->Enable(MENU_GFXEP_TRNS, true); menu_custom->Check(MENU_GFXEP_TRNS, EntryOperations::gettRNSChunk(&temp)); menu_custom->Enable(MENU_ARCHGFX_EXPORTPNG, false); menu_custom->Enable(MENU_GFXEP_PNGOPT, true); toolbar->enableGroup("PNG", true); } else { menu_custom->Enable(MENU_GFXEP_ALPH, false); menu_custom->Enable(MENU_GFXEP_TRNS, false); menu_custom->Enable(MENU_ARCHGFX_EXPORTPNG, true); menu_custom->Enable(MENU_GFXEP_PNGOPT, false); toolbar->enableGroup("PNG", false); } // Refresh getImage()->open(entry_data, 0, format->getId()); gfx_canvas->Refresh(); } } // Unknown action else return false; // Action handled return true; }
static void DumpFASTA(bool isA2M, const BlockMultipleAlignment *alignment, const vector < int >& rowOrder, BlockMultipleAlignment::eUnalignedJustification justification, CNcbiOstream& os) { // do whole alignment for now unsigned int firstCol = 0, lastCol = alignment->AlignmentWidth() - 1, nColumns = 70; if (lastCol >= alignment->AlignmentWidth() || firstCol > lastCol || nColumns < 1) { ERRORMSG("DumpFASTA() - nonsensical display region parameters"); return; } // first fill out ids typedef map < const MoleculeIdentifier * , list < string > > IDMap; IDMap idMap; unsigned int row; bool anyRepeat = false; for (row=0; row<alignment->NRows(); ++row) { const Sequence *seq = alignment->GetSequenceOfRow(row); list < string >& titleList = idMap[seq->identifier]; CNcbiOstrstream oss; oss << '>'; if (titleList.size() == 0) { // create full title line for first instance of this sequence CBioseq::TId::const_iterator i, ie = seq->bioseqASN->GetId().end(); for (i=seq->bioseqASN->GetId().begin(); i!=ie; ++i) { if (i != seq->bioseqASN->GetId().begin()) oss << '|'; oss << (*i)->AsFastaString(); } string descr = seq->GetDescription(); if (descr.size() > 0) oss << ' ' << descr; } else { // add repeat id oss << "lcl|instance #" << (titleList.size() + 1) << " of " << seq->identifier->ToString(); anyRepeat = true; } oss << '\n'; titleList.resize(titleList.size() + 1); titleList.back() = (string) CNcbiOstrstreamToString(oss); } static const int eAllRepeats=0, eFakeRepeatIDs=1, eNoRepeats=2; int choice = eAllRepeats; if (anyRepeat) { wxArrayString choices; choices.Add("Include all repeats with normal IDs"); choices.Add("Include all repeats, but use unique IDs"); choices.Add("Include no repeated sequences"); choice = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex("How do you want to handle repeated sequences?", "Choose repeat type", choices); if (choice < 0) return; // cancelled } // output each alignment row (in order of the display) unsigned int paragraphStart, nParags = 0, i; char ch; Vector color, bgColor; bool highlighted, drawBG; for (row=0; row<alignment->NRows(); ++row) { const Sequence *seq = alignment->GetSequenceOfRow(rowOrder[row]); // output title list < string >& titleList = idMap[seq->identifier]; if (choice == eAllRepeats) { os << titleList.front(); // use full id } else if (choice == eFakeRepeatIDs) { os << titleList.front(); titleList.pop_front(); // move to next (fake) id } else if (choice == eNoRepeats) { if (titleList.size() > 0) { os << titleList.front(); titleList.clear(); // remove all ids after first instance } else { continue; } } // split alignment up into "paragraphs", each with nColumns for (paragraphStart=0; (firstCol+paragraphStart)<=lastCol; paragraphStart+=nColumns, ++nParags) { for (i=0; i<nColumns && (firstCol+paragraphStart+i)<=lastCol; ++i) { if (alignment->GetCharacterTraitsAt(firstCol+paragraphStart+i, rowOrder[row], justification, &ch, &color, &highlighted, &drawBG, &bgColor)) { if (ch == '~') os << (isA2M ? '.' : '-'); else os << (isA2M ? ch : (char) toupper((unsigned char) ch)); } else ERRORMSG("GetCharacterTraitsAt failed!"); } os << '\n'; } } }
bool Camera_QHY::Connect(const wxString& camId) { if (QHYSDKInit()) { wxMessageBox(_("Failed to initialize QHY SDK")); return true; } int num_cams = ScanQHYCCD(); std::vector<std::string> camids; for (int i = 0; i < num_cams; i++) { char camid[32] = ""; GetQHYCCDId(i, camid); bool st4 = false; qhyccd_handle *h = OpenQHYCCD(camid); if (h) { uint32_t ret = IsQHYCCDControlAvailable(h, CONTROL_ST4PORT); if (ret == QHYCCD_SUCCESS) st4 = true; //CloseQHYCCD(h); // CloseQHYCCD() would proform a reset, so the other software that use QHY camera would be impacted. // Do not call this,would not cause memory leak.The SDk has already process this. } Debug.Write(wxString::Format("QHY cam [%d] %s avail %s st4 %s\n", i, camid, h ? "Yes" : "No", st4 ? "Yes" : "No")); if (st4) camids.push_back(camid); } if (camids.size() == 0) { wxMessageBox(_("No compatible QHY cameras found")); return true; } std::string camid; if (camids.size() > 1) { wxArrayString names; int n = 1; for (auto it = camids.begin(); it != camids.end(); ++it, ++n) names.Add(wxString::Format("%d: %s", n, *it)); int i = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Select QHY camera"), _("Camera choice"), names); if (i == -1) return true; camid = camids[i]; } else camid = camids[0]; char *s = new char[camid.length() + 1]; memcpy(s, camid.c_str(), camid.length() + 1); m_camhandle = OpenQHYCCD(s); delete[] s; Name = camid; if (!m_camhandle) { wxMessageBox(_("Failed to connect to camera")); return true; } // before calling InitQHYCCD() we must call SetQHYCCDStreamMode(camhandle, 0 or 1) // 0: single frame mode // 1: live frame mode uint32_t ret = SetQHYCCDStreamMode(m_camhandle, 0); if (ret != QHYCCD_SUCCESS) { CloseQHYCCD(m_camhandle); m_camhandle = 0; wxMessageBox(_("SetQHYCCDStreamMode failed")); return true; } ret = InitQHYCCD(m_camhandle); if (ret != QHYCCD_SUCCESS) { CloseQHYCCD(m_camhandle); m_camhandle = 0; wxMessageBox(_("Init camera failed")); return true; } ret = GetQHYCCDParamMinMaxStep(m_camhandle, CONTROL_GAIN, &m_gainMin, &m_gainMax, &m_gainStep); if (ret != QHYCCD_SUCCESS) { CloseQHYCCD(m_camhandle); m_camhandle = 0; wxMessageBox(_("Failed to get gain range")); return true; } double chipw, chiph, pixelw, pixelh; uint32_t imagew, imageh, bpp; ret = GetQHYCCDChipInfo(m_camhandle, &chipw, &chiph, &imagew, &imageh, &pixelw, &pixelh, &bpp); if (ret != QHYCCD_SUCCESS) { CloseQHYCCD(m_camhandle); m_camhandle = 0; wxMessageBox(_("Failed to get camera chip info")); return true; } int bayer = IsQHYCCDControlAvailable(m_camhandle, CAM_COLOR); Debug.Write(wxString::Format("QHY: cam reports bayer type %d\n", bayer)); Color = false; switch ((BAYER_ID)bayer) { case BAYER_GB: case BAYER_GR: case BAYER_BG: case BAYER_RG: Color = true; } // check bin modes CONTROL_ID modes[] = { CAM_BIN2X2MODE, CAM_BIN3X3MODE, CAM_BIN4X4MODE, }; int bin[] = { 2, 3, 4, }; int maxBin = 1; for (int i = 0; i < WXSIZEOF(modes); i++) { ret = IsQHYCCDControlAvailable(m_camhandle, modes[i]); #if 0 // FIXME- IsQHYCCDControlAvailable is supposed to return QHYCCD_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT for a // bin mode that is not supported, but in fact it returns QHYCCD_ERROR, so we cannot // distinguish "not supported" from "error". if (ret != QHYCCD_SUCCESS && ret != QHYCCD_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT) { CloseQHYCCD(m_camhandle); m_camhandle = 0; wxMessageBox(_("Failed to get camera bin info")); return true; } #endif if (ret == QHYCCD_SUCCESS) maxBin = bin[i]; else break; } Debug.Write(wxString::Format("QHY: max binning = %d\n", maxBin)); MaxBinning = maxBin; if (Binning > MaxBinning) Binning = MaxBinning; Debug.Write(wxString::Format("QHY: call SetQHYCCDBinMode bin = %d\n", Binning)); ret = SetQHYCCDBinMode(m_camhandle, Binning, Binning); if (ret != QHYCCD_SUCCESS) { CloseQHYCCD(m_camhandle); m_camhandle = 0; wxMessageBox(_("Failed to set camera binning")); return true; } m_curBin = Binning; m_maxSize = wxSize(imagew, imageh); FullSize = wxSize(imagew / Binning, imageh / Binning); delete[] RawBuffer; size_t size = GetQHYCCDMemLength(m_camhandle); RawBuffer = new unsigned char[size]; m_devicePixelSize = sqrt(pixelw * pixelh); m_curGain = -1; m_curExposure = -1; m_roi = wxRect(0, 0, FullSize.GetWidth(), FullSize.GetHeight()); // binned coordinates Debug.Write(wxString::Format("QHY: call SetQHYCCDResolution roi = %d,%d\n", m_roi.width, m_roi.height)); ret = SetQHYCCDResolution(m_camhandle, 0, 0, m_roi.GetWidth(), m_roi.GetHeight()); if (ret != QHYCCD_SUCCESS) { CloseQHYCCD(m_camhandle); m_camhandle = 0; wxMessageBox(_("Init camera failed")); return true; } Debug.Write(wxString::Format("QHY: connect done\n")); Connected = true; return false; }
bool ObjectsPropgridHelper::OnPropertySelected(gd::Object * object, gd::Layout * layout, wxPropertyGridEvent& event) { if ( !grid || !object ) return false; //Check if the object is global bool globalObject = false; for (std::size_t i = 0;i<project.GetObjectsCount();++i) { if ( &project.GetObject(i) == object ) { globalObject = true; break; } } if ( event.GetColumn() == 1) //Manage button-like properties { if ( event.GetPropertyName() == _("Edit") ) { object->EditObject(grid, project, mainFrameWrapper); for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < project.GetUsedPlatforms().size();++j) project.GetUsedPlatforms()[j]->GetChangesNotifier().OnObjectEdited(project, globalObject ? NULL : layout, *object); //Reload resources : Do not forget to switch the working directory. wxString oldWorkingDir = wxGetCwd(); if ( wxDirExists(wxFileName::FileName(project.GetProjectFile()).GetPath())) wxSetWorkingDirectory(wxFileName::FileName(project.GetProjectFile()).GetPath()); if (layout) object->LoadResources(project, *layout); wxSetWorkingDirectory(oldWorkingDir); } else if ( event.GetPropertyName() == _("Help")) { auto metadata = gd::MetadataProvider::GetObjectMetadata(project.GetCurrentPlatform(), object->GetType()); gd::HelpFileAccess::Get()->OpenPage(metadata.GetHelpUrl()); } else if ( event.GetPropertyName() == _("Variables") ) { gd::ChooseVariableDialog dialog(grid, object->GetVariables(), true); dialog.SetAssociatedObject(&project, layout, object); if ( dialog.ShowModal() == 1 ) { for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < project.GetUsedPlatforms().size();++j) project.GetUsedPlatforms()[j]->GetChangesNotifier().OnObjectVariablesChanged(project, globalObject ? NULL : layout, *object); //Update the grid: if ( grid->GetProperty("OBJECT_VARIABLES_CATEGORY") != NULL) grid->SetPropertyLabel("OBJECT_VARIABLES_CATEGORY", _("Object variables") + " (" + gd::String::From(object->GetVariables().Count()) + ")"); } } else if ( event.GetPropertyName() == "AUTO_ADD" ) { return gd::ChooseBehaviorTypeDialog::ChooseAndAddBehaviorToObject(grid, project, object, layout, globalObject); } else if ( event.GetPropertyName() == "AUTO_REMOVE" ) { //Create behavior array wxArrayString behaviorsStr; //Fill array std::vector <gd::String> behaviors = object->GetAllBehaviorNames(); for (std::size_t i = 0;i<behaviors.size();++i) behaviorsStr.Add(object->GetBehavior(behaviors[i]).GetName()); int selection = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Choose the behavior to delete"), _("Choose the behavior to delete"), behaviorsStr); if ( selection == -1 ) return false; object->RemoveBehavior(behaviors[selection]); UpdateBehaviorsSharedData(project, globalObject ? NULL : layout); for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < project.GetUsedPlatforms().size();++j) project.GetUsedPlatforms()[j]->GetChangesNotifier().OnBehaviorDeleted(project, globalObject ? NULL : layout, *object, behaviors[selection]); return true; } else if ( event.GetPropertyName().substr(0,12) == "AUTO_RENAME:" ) { event.Veto(); gd::String oldName = event.GetPropertyName().substr(12); if ( !object->HasBehaviorNamed(oldName)) return true; gd::Behavior & behavior = object->GetBehavior(oldName); gd::String newName = wxGetTextFromUser(_("Enter a new name for the behavior"), _("Rename a behavior"), behavior.GetName()); if ( newName == behavior.GetName() || object->HasBehaviorNamed(newName) || newName.empty() ) return false; object->RenameBehavior(oldName, newName); UpdateBehaviorsSharedData(project, globalObject ? NULL : layout); for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < project.GetUsedPlatforms().size();++j) project.GetUsedPlatforms()[j]->GetChangesNotifier().OnBehaviorRenamed(project, globalObject ? NULL : layout, *object, behavior, oldName); return true; } else if ( event.GetPropertyName().substr(0,5) == "AUTO:" ) { event.Veto(); gd::String autoName = event.GetPropertyName().substr(5); if ( !object->HasBehaviorNamed(autoName)) return true; gd::Behavior & behavior = object->GetBehavior(autoName); behavior.EditBehavior(grid, project, layout, mainFrameWrapper); //EditBehavior always need a valid layout! for ( std::size_t j = 0; j < project.GetUsedPlatforms().size();++j) project.GetUsedPlatforms()[j]->GetChangesNotifier().OnBehaviorEdited(project, globalObject ? NULL : layout, *object, behavior); } } return false; }
bool MyFrame::DoEnumerateFamilies(bool fixedWidthOnly, wxFontEncoding encoding, bool silent) { MyFontEnumerator fontEnumerator; fontEnumerator.EnumerateFacenames(encoding, fixedWidthOnly); if ( fontEnumerator.GotAny() ) { int nFacenames = fontEnumerator.GetFacenames().GetCount(); if ( !silent ) { wxLogStatus(this, wxT("Found %d %sfonts"), nFacenames, fixedWidthOnly ? wxT("fixed width ") : wxT("")); } wxString facename; if ( silent ) { // choose the first facename = fontEnumerator.GetFacenames().Item(0); } else { // let the user choose wxString *facenames = new wxString[nFacenames]; int n; for ( n = 0; n < nFacenames; n++ ) facenames[n] = fontEnumerator.GetFacenames().Item(n); n = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex ( wxT("Choose a facename"), SAMPLE_TITLE, nFacenames, facenames, this ); if ( n != -1 ) facename = facenames[n]; delete [] facenames; } if ( !facename.empty() ) { wxFont font(wxFontInfo().FaceName(facename).Encoding(encoding)); DoChangeFont(font); } return true; } else if ( !silent ) { wxLogWarning(wxT("No such fonts found.")); } return false; }
int internationalization::get_wx_locale_number_from_choice_dialog() { // I will initialize it to zero for wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT int selected_locale_wx_number = 0; // These need to be inside the class in order to get translated at runtime // [if was outside class, then lookup is before we set the locale] const wxString plkr_languages[] = { _( "[System default]" ), _( "Catalan" ), _( "Czech" ), _( "Danish" ), _( "German" ), _( "Spanish" ), _( "English" ), _( "English (US)" ), _( "Faeroese" ), _( "French" ), _( "Italian" ), _( "Japanese" ), _( "Dutch" ), _( "Polish" ), _( "Russian" ) }; /*! \test I don't think this is needed anymore, as wx233 is supposed to not stop when close top frame while still inside OnInit() */ // Usual wxWindows behaviour is to kill the application when the top window // is closed. This prevents that behavior, until we are done showing this popup. wxGetApp().SetExitOnFrameDelete( FALSE ); // Show the multiple choice box, returning the index of the number they selected int selected_language_index = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex( _( "Please choose language:" ), _( "Language" ), WXSIZEOF( plkr_languages ), plkr_languages ); // Put application's behaviour back to ending on closing the top frame. wxGetApp().SetExitOnFrameDelete( TRUE ); // Set the wxLocale language to the one they selected switch ( selected_language_index ) { case 0 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT; break; case 1 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_CATALAN; break; case 2 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_CZECH; break; case 3 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_DANISH; break; case 4 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_GERMAN; break; case 5 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_SPANISH; break; case 6 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH; break; case 7 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US; break; case 8 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_FAEROESE; break; case 9 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_FRENCH; break; case 10 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_ITALIAN; break; case 11 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_JAPANESE; break; case 12 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_DUTCH; break; case 13 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_POLISH; break; case 14 : selected_locale_wx_number = wxLANGUAGE_RUSSIAN; break; } return selected_locale_wx_number; }
void mmStockDialog::OnHistoryDownloadButton(wxCommandEvent& /*event*/) { /* Example stock history download: */ if (m_stock->SYMBOL.IsEmpty()) return; const wxDateTime& StartDate = Model_Stock::PURCHASEDATE(m_stock); wxDateTime EndDate = wxDate::Today(); const wxTimeSpan time = EndDate - StartDate; long intervalMonths = EndDate.GetMonth() - StartDate.GetMonth() + 12 * (EndDate.GetYear() - StartDate.GetYear()) - (EndDate.GetDay() < StartDate.GetDay()); //Define frequency enum { DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY }; wxArrayString FreqStrs; FreqStrs.Add(_("Days")); FreqStrs.Add(_("Weeks")); if (intervalMonths > 0) FreqStrs.Add(_("Months")); int freq = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Specify type frequency of stock history") , _("Stock History Update"), FreqStrs); long interval = 0; switch (freq) { case DAILY: interval = time.GetDays(); break; case WEEKLY: interval = time.GetWeeks(); break; case MONTHLY: interval = intervalMonths; break; default: return; } int nrPrices = (int) wxGetNumberFromUser(_("Specify how many stock history prices download from purchase date") , wxString::Format(_("Number of %s:"), FreqStrs.Item(freq).Lower()), _("Stock History Update") , interval, 1L, 9999L, this, wxDefaultPosition); if (nrPrices <= 0) { mmErrorDialogs::MessageInvalid(this, FreqStrs[freq]); return; } else { switch (freq) { case DAILY: EndDate = wxDate(StartDate).Add(wxDateSpan::Days(nrPrices)); break; case WEEKLY: EndDate = wxDate(StartDate).Add(wxDateSpan::Weeks(nrPrices)); break; case MONTHLY: EndDate = wxDate(StartDate).Add(wxDateSpan::Months(nrPrices)); break; default: break; } } if (EndDate > wxDate::Today()) { mmErrorDialogs::MessageWarning(this, _("End date is in the future\nQuotes will be updated until today") , _("Stock History Error")); EndDate = wxDate::Today(); } wxString CSVQuotes; wxString URL = mmex::weblink::YahooQuotesHistory; URL += m_stock->SYMBOL; URL += wxString::Format("&a=%i", StartDate.GetMonth()); URL += wxString::Format("&b=%i", StartDate.GetDay()); URL += wxString::Format("&c=%i", StartDate.GetYear()); URL += wxString::Format("&d=%i", EndDate.GetMonth()); URL += wxString::Format("&e=%i", EndDate.GetDay()); URL += wxString::Format("&f=%i", EndDate.GetYear()); switch (freq) { case DAILY: URL += "&g=d"; break; case WEEKLY: URL += "&g=w"; break; case MONTHLY: URL += "&g=m"; break; default: break; } URL += "&ignore=.csv"; wxLogDebug("Start Date:%s End Date:%s URL:%s", StartDate.FormatISODate(), EndDate.FormatISODate(), URL); int err_code = site_content(URL, CSVQuotes); if (err_code != wxURL_NOERR) { if (err_code == -1) CSVQuotes = _("Stock history not found!"); mmErrorDialogs::MessageError(this, CSVQuotes, _("Stock History Error")); return; } double dPrice; wxString dateStr; Model_StockHistory::Data *data; wxStringTokenizer tkz(CSVQuotes, "\r\n"); Model_StockHistory::instance().Savepoint(); while (tkz.HasMoreTokens()) { wxStringTokenizer tkzSingleLine(tkz.GetNextToken(), ","); std::vector<wxString> tokens; while (tkzSingleLine.HasMoreTokens()) { const wxString& token = tkzSingleLine.GetNextToken(); tokens.push_back(token); } if (tokens[0].Contains("-")) { dateStr = tokens[0]; tokens[6].ToDouble(&dPrice); if (Model_StockHistory::instance().find( Model_StockHistory::SYMBOL(m_stock->SYMBOL), Model_StockHistory::DB_Table_STOCKHISTORY_V1::DATE(dateStr) ).size() == 0 && dPrice > 0) { data = Model_StockHistory::instance().create(); data->SYMBOL = m_stock->SYMBOL; data->DATE = dateStr; data->VALUE = dPrice; data->UPDTYPE = Model_StockHistory::ONLINE; Model_StockHistory::instance().save(data); } } } Model_StockHistory::instance().ReleaseSavepoint(); showStockHistory(); }
void MatroskaWrapper::GetSubtitles(agi::fs::path const& filename, AssFile *target) { MkvStdIO input(filename); char err[2048]; agi::scoped_holder<MatroskaFile*, decltype(&mkv_Close)> file(mkv_Open(&input, err, sizeof(err)), mkv_Close); if (!file) throw MatroskaException(err); // Get info unsigned tracks = mkv_GetNumTracks(file); std::vector<unsigned> tracksFound; std::vector<std::string> tracksNames; // Find tracks for (auto track : boost::irange(0u, tracks)) { auto trackInfo = mkv_GetTrackInfo(file, track); if (trackInfo->Type != 0x11 || trackInfo->CompEnabled) continue; // Known subtitle format std::string CodecID(trackInfo->CodecID); if (CodecID == "S_TEXT/SSA" || CodecID == "S_TEXT/ASS" || CodecID == "S_TEXT/UTF8") { tracksFound.push_back(track); tracksNames.emplace_back(agi::format("%d (%s %s)", track, CodecID, trackInfo->Language)); if (trackInfo->Name) { tracksNames.back() += ": "; tracksNames.back() += trackInfo->Name; } } } // No tracks found if (tracksFound.empty()) throw MatroskaException("File has no recognised subtitle tracks."); unsigned trackToRead; // Only one track found if (tracksFound.size() == 1) trackToRead = tracksFound[0]; // Pick a track else { int choice = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_("Choose which track to read:"), _("Multiple subtitle tracks found"), to_wx(tracksNames)); if (choice == -1) throw agi::UserCancelException("canceled"); trackToRead = tracksFound[choice]; } // Picked track mkv_SetTrackMask(file, ~(1 << trackToRead)); auto trackInfo = mkv_GetTrackInfo(file, trackToRead); std::string CodecID(trackInfo->CodecID); bool srt = CodecID == "S_TEXT/UTF8"; bool ssa = CodecID == "S_TEXT/SSA"; AssParser parser(target, !ssa); // Read private data if it's ASS/SSA if (!srt) { // Read raw data std::string priv((const char *)trackInfo->CodecPrivate, trackInfo->CodecPrivateSize); // Load into file boost::char_separator<char> sep("\r\n"); for (auto const& cur : boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char>>(priv, sep)) parser.AddLine(cur); } // Load default if it's SRT else { target->LoadDefault(false, OPT_GET("Subtitle Format/SRT/Default Style Catalog")->GetString()); parser.AddLine("[Events]"); } // Read timecode scale auto segInfo = mkv_GetFileInfo(file); int64_t timecodeScale = mkv_TruncFloat(trackInfo->TimecodeScale) * segInfo->TimecodeScale; // Progress bar auto totalTime = double(segInfo->Duration) / timecodeScale; DialogProgress progress(nullptr, _("Parsing Matroska"), _("Reading subtitles from Matroska file.")); progress.Run([&](agi::ProgressSink *ps) { read_subtitles(ps, file, &input, srt, totalTime, &parser); }); }
//WARNING: event ID must match enum ddDataType!!! this event was created on view void ddTextTableItemFigure::OnGenericPopupClick(wxCommandEvent &event, hdDrawingView *view) { wxTextEntryDialog *nameDialog = NULL; ddPrecisionScaleDialog *numericDialog = NULL; wxString tmpString; int answer; int tmpprecision; long tmpvalue; hdRemoveDeleteDialog *delremDialog = NULL; switch(event.GetId()) { case MNU_DDADDCOLUMN: nameDialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(view, wxT("New column name"), wxT("Add a column")); answer = nameDialog->ShowModal(); if (answer == wxID_OK) { tmpString = nameDialog->GetValue(); getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->addColumn(view->getIdx(), new ddColumnFigure(tmpString, getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable())); view->notifyChanged(); } delete nameDialog; break; case MNU_DELCOLUMN: answer = wxMessageBox(wxT("Are you sure you wish to delete column ") + getText(true) + wxT("?"), wxT("Delete column?"), wxYES_NO | wxNO_DEFAULT, view); if (answer == wxYES) { getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->removeColumn(view->getIdx(), getOwnerColumn()); view->notifyChanged(); } break; case MNU_AUTONAMCOLUMN: getOwnerColumn()->activateGenFkName(); getOwnerColumn()->getFkSource()->syncAutoFkName(); view->notifyChanged(); break; case MNU_RENAMECOLUMN: nameDialog = new wxTextEntryDialog(view, wxT("New column name"), wxT("Rename Column"), getText()); nameDialog->ShowModal(); if(getOwnerColumn()->isGeneratedForeignKey()) //after a manual user column rename, deactivated automatic generation of fk name. getOwnerColumn()->deactivateGenFkName(); setText(nameDialog->GetValue()); delete nameDialog; view->notifyChanged(); break; case MNU_NOTNULL: if(getOwnerColumn()->isNotNull()) getOwnerColumn()->setColumnOption(null); else getOwnerColumn()->setColumnOption(notnull); view->notifyChanged(); break; case MNU_PKEY: if(getOwnerColumn()->isPrimaryKey()) { getOwnerColumn()->disablePrimaryKey(); } else { getOwnerColumn()->enablePrimaryKey(); getOwnerColumn()->setColumnOption(notnull); } view->notifyChanged(); break; case MNU_UKEY: getOwnerColumn()->toggleColumnKind(uk, view); view->notifyChanged(); break; case MNU_TYPESERIAL: setDataType(dt_serial); //Should use setDataType always to set this value to allow fk to work flawlessly recalculateDisplayBox(); getOwnerColumn()->displayBoxUpdate(); getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->updateTableSize(); view->notifyChanged(); break; case MNU_TYPEBOOLEAN: setDataType(dt_boolean); recalculateDisplayBox(); getOwnerColumn()->displayBoxUpdate(); getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->updateTableSize(); view->notifyChanged(); break; case MNU_TYPEINTEGER: setDataType(dt_integer); recalculateDisplayBox(); getOwnerColumn()->displayBoxUpdate(); getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->updateTableSize(); view->notifyChanged(); break; case MNU_TYPEMONEY: setDataType(dt_money); recalculateDisplayBox(); getOwnerColumn()->displayBoxUpdate(); getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->updateTableSize(); view->notifyChanged(); break; case MNU_TYPEVARCHAR: setDataType(dt_varchar); tmpprecision = wxGetNumberFromUser(_("Varchar size"), _("Size for varchar datatype"), _("Varchar size"), getPrecision(), 0, 255, view); if (tmpprecision >= 0) { setPrecision(tmpprecision); setScale(-1); } recalculateDisplayBox(); getOwnerColumn()->displayBoxUpdate(); getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->updateTableSize(); view->notifyChanged(); break; case MNU_TYPEOTHER: answer = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(wxT("New column datatype"), wxT("Column Datatypes"), dataTypes(), view); if(answer >= 0) { view->notifyChanged(); if(answer == dt_varchar || answer == dt_bit || answer == dt_char || answer == dt_interval || answer == dt_varbit) { tmpprecision = wxGetNumberFromUser(_("datatype size"), _("Size for datatype"), _("size"), getPrecision(), 0, 255, view); if (tmpprecision >= 0) { setPrecision(tmpprecision); setScale(-1); } recalculateDisplayBox(); getOwnerColumn()->displayBoxUpdate(); getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->updateTableSize(); } if(answer == dt_numeric) { numericDialog = new ddPrecisionScaleDialog( view, NumToStr((long)getPrecision()), NumToStr((long)getScale())); numericDialog->ShowModal(); numericDialog->GetValue1().ToLong(&tmpvalue); setPrecision(tmpvalue); numericDialog->GetValue2().ToLong(&tmpvalue); setScale(tmpvalue); delete numericDialog; recalculateDisplayBox(); getOwnerColumn()->displayBoxUpdate(); getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->updateTableSize(); } setDataType( (ddDataType) answer ); recalculateDisplayBox(); getOwnerColumn()->displayBoxUpdate(); getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->updateTableSize(); } break; case MNU_TYPEPKEY_CONSTRAINTNAME: tmpString = wxGetTextFromUser(wxT("New name of primary key:"), getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->getPkConstraintName(), getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->getPkConstraintName(), view); if(tmpString.length() > 0) { getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->setPkConstraintName(tmpString); view->notifyChanged(); } break; case MNU_TYPEUKEY_CONSTRAINTNAME: answer = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(wxT("Select Unique Key constraint to edit name"), wxT("Select Unique Constraint to edit name:"), getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->getUkConstraintsNames(), view); if(answer >= 0) { tmpString = wxGetTextFromUser(wxT("Change name of Unique Key constraint:"), getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->getUkConstraintsNames().Item(answer), getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->getUkConstraintsNames().Item(answer), view); if(tmpString.length() > 0) { getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->getUkConstraintsNames().Item(answer) = tmpString; view->notifyChanged(); } } break; case MNU_DELTABLE: delremDialog = new hdRemoveDeleteDialog(wxT("Are you sure you wish to delete table ") + getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable()->getTableName() + wxT("?"), wxT("Delete table?"), view); answer = delremDialog->ShowModal(); ddTableFigure *table = getOwnerColumn()->getOwnerTable(); if (answer == DD_DELETE) { ddDrawingEditor *editor = (ddDrawingEditor *) view->editor(); //Unselect table at all diagrams editor->removeFromAllSelections(table); //Drop foreign keys with this table as origin or destination table->processDeleteAlert(view->getDrawing()); //Drop table editor->deleteModelFigure(table); editor->getDesign()->refreshBrowser(); view->notifyChanged(); } else if(answer == DD_REMOVE) { ddDrawingEditor *editor = (ddDrawingEditor *) view->editor(); editor->getExistingDiagram(view->getIdx())->removeFromSelection(table); editor->getExistingDiagram(view->getIdx())->remove(table); view->notifyChanged(); } delete delremDialog; break; } }
wxFontEncoding wxFontMapper::CharsetToEncoding(const wxString& charset, bool interactive) { // try the ways not needing the users intervention first int encoding = wxFontMapperBase::NonInteractiveCharsetToEncoding(charset); // if we failed to find the encoding, ask the user -- unless disabled if ( encoding == wxFONTENCODING_UNKNOWN ) { // this is the special value which disables asking the user (he had // chosen to suppress this the last time) encoding = wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM; } #if wxUSE_CHOICEDLG else if ( (encoding == wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM) && interactive ) { // prepare the dialog data // the dialog title wxString title(m_titleDialog); if ( !title ) title << wxTheApp->GetAppDisplayName() << _(": unknown charset"); // the message wxString msg; msg.Printf(_("The charset '%s' is unknown. You may select\nanother charset to replace it with or choose\n[Cancel] if it cannot be replaced"), charset); // the list of choices const size_t count = GetSupportedEncodingsCount(); wxString *encodingNamesTranslated = new wxString[count]; for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { encodingNamesTranslated[i] = GetEncodingDescription(GetEncoding(i)); } // the parent window wxWindow *parent = m_windowParent; if ( !parent ) parent = wxTheApp->GetTopWindow(); // do ask the user and get back the index in encodings table int n = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(msg, title, count, encodingNamesTranslated, parent); delete [] encodingNamesTranslated; if ( n != -1 ) { encoding = GetEncoding(n); } #if wxUSE_CONFIG && wxUSE_FILECONFIG // save the result in the config now wxFontMapperPathChanger path(this, FONTMAPPER_CHARSET_PATH); if ( path.IsOk() ) { wxConfigBase *config = GetConfig(); // remember the alt encoding for this charset -- or remember that // we don't know it long value = n == -1 ? (long)wxFONTENCODING_UNKNOWN : (long)encoding; if ( !config->Write(charset, value) ) { wxLogError(_("Failed to remember the encoding for the charset '%s'."), charset); } } #endif // wxUSE_CONFIG } #else wxUnusedVar(interactive); #endif // wxUSE_CHOICEDLG return (wxFontEncoding)encoding; }